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検索キーワード:(配架場所: 電動書庫 赤松文庫)
経済統計年鑑 / 東洋経済新報社編
-昭和37年版 (昭37) ; 1963年版 (1963)-2005年版 (2005). - 東京 : 東洋経済新報社 , -2005.5
國際經濟 / 国際経済学会編集
1号 (昭26.2)-. - 東京 : 国際経済学会 , 1951.2-
The triumph of gold / Translated from the French with an introd. by Philip Cortney.
New York : Philosophical Library , {c1961}. - (The Wisdom library)
The design of development / by Jan Tinbergen
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press , 1958
Towards a dynamic economics, some recent developments of economic theory and their application to policy
London : Macmillan , 1948
Gold and world monetary problems; {proceedings of the} National Industrial Conference Board convocation, Tarrytown, New York, October 6-10, 1965
New York : Palgrave , {1966}
The industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income / by J.A. Hobson
London : Longmans, Green , 1909
Prices / by George F. Warren ... and Frank A. Pearson ...
5th printing.. - New York : Wiley , 1933. - London : Chapman & Hall , 1933. - (The price series)
Economic backwardness and economic growth : studies in the theory of economic development / Harvey Leibenstein
New York : Wiley , c1957. - (University of California. Institute of Industrial Relations. Research program series)
A theory of the consumption function / Milton Friedman
Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1957. - (National Bureau of Economic Research general series ; no. 63)
Will gold depreciate?
London : Palgrave , 1937
The multiplier theory
New York : A. M. Kelley , 1966. - (Reprints of economic classics)
The principles of economic planning; a study prepared for the Fabian Society
London : D. Dobson , {n.d.}
The dollar in world affairs : an essay in international financial policy
{1st ed.}. - New York : Harper & Row , {1964}
Economic thought and policy
216. - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England : Oxford University Press , 1949. - (The Home university library of modern knowledge ; 216)
Groundwork to economic planning / foreword by the Rt. Hon. George Brown.
London : Secker & Warburg , 1966
Essays in the theory of economic fluctuations / by Michal Kalecki
London : Allen & Unwin , 1939.
The dollar in crisis / Contributors : Oscar L. Altman {and others}
{New York} : Harcourt Brace & World , {1961}
International currency plans and expansion of world trade / by K. Venkatagiri Gowda.
1. - New York : Asia Publishing House , {1964}. - (Kautilya monograph series ; 1)
Journeys toward progress; studies of economic policy-making in Latin America
New York : Twentieth Century Fund , 1963