
The Hasse - Noether Correspondence 1925 -1935 : English Translation with Extensive Commentary / by Peter Roquette, Franz Lemmermeyer
(History of Mathematics Subseries. ISSN:26257157 ; 2317)

1st ed. 2022.
出版者 Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer
出版年 2022
本文言語 英語
大きさ VII, 321 p. 1 illus : online resource
冊子体 The Hasse-Noether correspondence 1925-1935 : English translation with extensive commentary / text by Peter Roquette, Franz Lemmermeyer ; translated by Robert Perlis ; : pbk
著者標目 *Roquette, Peter author
Lemmermeyer, Franz author
SpringerLink (Online service)
件 名 LCSH:Mathematics
FREE:History of Mathematical Sciences
一般注記 Providing the first comprehensive account of the widely unknown cooperation and friendship between Emmy Noether and Helmut Hasse, this book contains English translations of all available letters which were exchanged between them in the years 1925-1935. It features a special chapter on class field theory, a subject which was completely renewed in those years, Noether and Hasse being among its main proponents. These historical items give evidence that Emmy Noether's impact on the development of mathematics is not confined to abstract algebra but also extends to important ideas in modern class field theory as part of algebraic number theory. In her letters, details of proofs appear alongside conjectures and speculations, offering a rich source for those who are interested in the rise and development of mathematical notions and ideas. The letters are supplemented by extensive comments, helping the reader to understand their content within the mathematical environment of the 1920s and 1930s.


電子ブック オンライン 電子ブック

Springer eBooks 9783031128806


データ種別 電子ブック
分 類 LCC:QA21-27
書誌ID 4000986156
ISBN 9783031128806
