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Discussion paper series. E / Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan

Volumes(year) 96-E-1 (Jan. 1996)-96-E-31 (Dec. 1996)
Publisher Tokyo : Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan
Year 1996
Language English
Size v. ; 30 cm
Authors 日本銀行金融研究所 <ニホン ギンコウ キンユウ ケンキュウジョ>
Notes Title from cover
Title in note on [p. 2] of cover: IMES discussion paper series
Containing only English articles. Japanese articles are issued in: Discussion paper series. J <AN10555610>
Notes about History of the Documents Continued by:IMES discussion paper series. E / Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan

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書庫M4F 製本雑誌(人文・社会系) 96(1-9,11-31) 1996-1996

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書庫M4F 製本雑誌(人文・社会系) 1996(17-31) 1996-
書庫M4F 製本雑誌(人文・社会系) 1996(17-31) 1996-

書庫M4F 製本雑誌(人文・社会系) 1996(1-9,11-16)Lack_no.10 1996-
書庫M4F 製本雑誌(人文・社会系) 1996(1-9,11-16)Lack_no.10 1996-


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Material Type Journals
Other titles other title:IMES discussion paper
other title:Discussion paper
other title:IMES discussion paper series
other title:IMES discussion paper series. E
ID 1000008696
NCID AA11090849