
Optimal Periodic Control / by Fritz Colonius
(Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1313)

1st ed. 1988.
出版者 Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer
出版年 1988
大きさ VI, 177 p : online resource
著者標目 *Colonius, Fritz author
SpringerLink (Online service)
件 名 LCSH:System theory
LCSH:Control theory
LCSH:Mathematical optimization
LCSH:Calculus of variations
FREE:Systems Theory, Control
FREE:Calculus of Variations and Optimization
一般注記 Optimization theory -- Retarded functional differential equations -- Strong local minima -- Weak local minima -- Local relaxed minima -- Tests for local properness -- A scenario for local properness -- Optimal periodic control of ordinary differential equations
This research monograph deals with optimal periodic control problems for systems governed by ordinary and functional differential equations of retarded type. Particular attention is given to the problem of local properness, i.e. whether system performance can be improved by introducing periodic motions. Using either Ekeland's Variational Principle or optimization theory in Banach spaces, necessary optimality conditions are proved. In particular, complete proofs of second-order conditions are included and the result is used for various versions of the optimal periodic control problem. Furthermore a scenario for local properness (related to Hopf bifurcation) is drawn up, giving hints as to where to look for optimal periodic solutions. The book provides mathematically rigorous proofs for results which are potentially of importance in chemical engineering and aerospace engineering


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Springer eBooks 9783540391708


データ種別 電子ブック
分 類 LCC:Q295
書誌ID 4000108844
ISBN 9783540391708
