1 |
Topology and analysis : the Atiyah-Singer index formula and gauge-theoretic physics / B. Booss, D.D. Bleecker ; translated by D.D. Bleecker and A. Mader
: pbk. - New York ; Tokyo : Springer-Verlag , c1985
2 |
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications / Bernt Øksendal
: gw,: us. - 3rd ed. - Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer , c1992
3 |
Differential forms and applications / Manfredo P. do Carmo
: gw,: us. - Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag , c1994
4 |
Riemannian geometry / Sylvestre Gallot, Dominique Hulin, Jacques Lafontaine
: Berlin,: New York. - 2nd ed. - Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer-Verlag , c1990
5 |
Lie groups / J.J. Duistermaat, J.A.C. Kolk
Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer , c2000
6 |
An invitation to algebraic geometry / Karen E. Smith ... [et al.]
New York : Springer , c2000
7 |
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis / Jürgen Jost
2nd ed. - Berlin ; New York : Springer , c1998
8 |
A first course in harmonic analysis / Anton Deitmar
New York : Springer , c2002
9 |
Dynamical systems : examples of complex behaviour / Jürgen Jost
: pbk. - Berlin : Springer , c2005
10 |
Bieberbach groups and flat manifolds / Leonard S. Charlap
: U.S.,: Germany. - New York ; Tokyo : Springer-Verlag , c1986
11 |
P-adic numbers : an introduction / Fernando Q. Gouvêa
2nd ed. - Berlin ; New York : Springer , c1997
12 |
Algebraic surfaces / Lucian Bǎdescu ; translated by Vladimir Maşek
New York : Springer , c2001
13 |
Classical theory of algebraic numbers / Paulo Ribenboim
New York : Springer , c2001
14 |
Higher-dimensional algebraic geometry / Olivier Debarre
New York : Springer , c2001
15 |
Algebraic topology from a homotopical viewpoint / Marcelo Aguilar, Samuel Gitler, Carlos Prieto
New York : Springer , c2002
16 |
Calabi-Yau manifolds and related geometries : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2001 / M. Gross, D. Huybrechts, D. Joyce
Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer , c2003
17 |
The theory of finite groups : an introduction / Hans Kurzweil, Bernd Stellmacher
New York : Springer , c2004
18 |
A taste of Jordan algebras / Kevin McCrimmon
New York : Springer , c2004
19 |
Riemannian geometry / Sylvestre Gallot, Dominique Hulin, Jacques Lafontaine
: pbk. - 3rd ed. - Berlin : Springer-Verlag , c2004
20 |
A first course in harmonic analysis / Anton Deitmar
2nd ed. - New York : Springer , c2005
21 |
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis / Jürgen Jost
4th ed. - Berlin : Springer , c2005
22 |
Idempotent matrices over complex group algebras / Ioannis Emmanouil
: pbk. - Berlin : Springer , c2006
23 |
Galois theory / Steven H. Weintraub
: pbk. - New York, NY : Springer , c2006
24 |
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications / Bernt Øksendal
6th ed., corr. 3rd printing. - Berlin : Springer , 2005
25 |
Introduction to stochastic integration / Hui-Hsiung Kuo
: pbk. - New York : Springer , c2006
26 |
Singularities and topology of hypersurfaces / Alexandru Dimca
: us,: gw. - New York ; Berlin : Springer-Verlag , c1992
27 |
Geometry / Marcel Berger ; translated from the French by M. Cole and S. Levy
1 : gw - 2 : us. - Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer-Verlag , c1987
28 |
Riemannian geometry / S. Gallot, D. Hulin, J. Lafontaine
: us,: gw. - Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer-Verlag , c1987
29 |
An introduction to the theory of large deviations / D.W. Stroock
: us,: gw. - New York ; Berlin : Spring-Verlag , c1984
30 |
. Algebra / Falko Lorenz ; v. 1
Fields and Galois theory / Falko Lorenz ; with the collaboration of the translator, Silvio Levy
: pbk. - New York : Springer , c2006
31 |
Tools for computational finance / Rüdiger U. Seydel
3rd ed. - Berlin : Springer , c2006
32 |
Compact Riemann surfaces : an introduction to contemporary mathematics / Jürgen Jost
3rd ed. - Berlin : Springer , c2006
33 |
. Partial differential equations ; 1
Foundations and integral representations / Friedrich Sauvigny ; with consideration of lectures by E. Heinz
Berlin : Springer , c2006
34 |
Techniques of constructive analysis / Douglas S. Bridges and Luminiţa Simona Vîţă
New York, N.Y. : Springer , c2006
35 |
Algebraic combinatorics : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2003 / Peter Orlik, Volkmar Welker ; [editor, Gunnar Fløystad]
Berlin : Springer , c2007
36 |
An invitation to Morse theory / Liviu I. Nicolaescu
New York : Springer , c2007
37 |
Ordinary and partial differential equations : with special functions, Fourier series, and boundary value problems / Ravi P. Agarwal, Donal O'Regan
: pbk. - New York ; London : Springer , c2009
38 |
Lie sphere geometry : with applications to submanifolds / Thomas E. Cecil
2nd ed. - New York : Springer , c2008
39 |
Algebraic surfaces and holomorphic vector bundles / Robert Friedman
New York : Springer , c1998
40 |
Complex abelian varieties and theta functions / George R. Kempf
: us,: gw. - Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag , c1991
41 |
Cohomology of sheaves / Birger Iversen
: gw,: us. - Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer-Verlag , c1986
42 |
Discourses on algebra / Igor R. Shafarevich ; translated from the Russian by William B. Everett
Berlin : Springer , c2003
43 |
Sheaves in topology / Alexandru Dimca
: pbk. - Berlin : Springer , c2004