The theory of political economy / With pref. and notes and an extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons.
(Reprints of economic classics)
版 | 5th ed. |
出版者 | New York : A. M. Kelley |
出版年 | 1965 |
大きさ | lxiv, 343 p. 23 cm. |
著者標目 | Jevons, William Stanley, 1835-1882 Jevons, Herbert Stanley, 1875-1955 |
件 名 | Economics Economics, Mathematical |
一般注記 | ""List of works and papers upon economical subjects by the author of the present book"": p. {315}-321. ""List of mathematico-economic books, memoirs, and other published writings"": p. {322}-339. |
配架場所 | 資料種別 | 巻 次 | 請求記号 | 状 態 | 予約 | コメント | ISBN | 刷 年 | 利用注記 | 指定図書 | 登録番号 |
書庫2F 図書 | 図書 |
331.71//J44 |
2005020449 |