The Greek anthology / with an English translation by W.R. Paton
(The Loeb classical library ; 67-68, 84-86)
出版者 | London : W. Heinemann |
出版者 | Cambridge : Harvard University Press |
出版年 | 1916-1918 |
本文言語 | 英語,ギリシャ語 |
大きさ | 5 v. : ill. ; 17 cm |
著者標目 | Paton, W. R. (William Roger), d. 1921 |
件 名 | FREE:Greek poetry -- Translations into English
FREE:English poetry -- Translations from Greek 全ての件名で検索 |
一般注記 | English text and Greek translation on opposite pages Publisher's name "Heinemann" and "In five volume" not appears in later printing Bibliography: v. 1, p. xiii-xvi Includes indexes Vol. 1, 1993 printing with minor emendations: Select bibliography, p. xiii-xiv Contents: 1. Christian epigrams. Christodorus of Thebes in Egypt. The Cyzicene epigrams. The proems of the different anthologies. The amatory epigrams. The dedicatory epigrams -- 2. Sepulchral epigrams. The epigrams of Saint Gregory the theologian -- 3. The declamatory epigrams -- 4. The hortatory and admonitory epigrams. The convivial and satirical -- 5. Epigrams in various metres. Arithmetical problems, riddles, oracles. Miscellanea. Epigrams of the Planudean anthology not in the Palatine manuscript |
配架場所 | 資料種別 | 巻 次 | 請求記号 | 状 態 | 予約 | コメント | ISBN | 刷 年 | 利用注記 | 指定図書 | 登録番号 |
書庫2F 図書 | 図書 | 1,no.67 | 080//L82//67 |
0674990749 | 1980 |
0085003898 | |
書庫2F 図書 | 図書 | 2,no.68 | 080//L82//68 |
0674990757 | 1970 |
0084031489 | |
書庫2F 図書 | 図書 | 3,no.84 | 080//L82//84 |
0674990935 | 1983 |
0084031571 | |
書庫2F 図書 | 図書 | 4,no.85 | 080//L82//85 |
0674990943 | 1971 |
0084031582 | |
書庫2F 図書 | 図書 | 5,no.86 | 080//L82//86 |
0674990951 | 1979 |
0084031593 |