1 |
no. 2
On the automorphisms of the classical groups / by Jean Dieudonné ; with a supplement by Loo-Keng Hua
New York : American Mathematical Society , 1951
2 |
no. 3
Remarks on the theory of prime ends / by H. D. Urselle and L. C. Young
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society, 1951
3 |
no. 5
Theory and applications of holomorphic functions on algebraic varieties over arbitrary ground fields / by Oscar Zariski
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1951
4 |
no. 9
Decompositions of operator algebras / I.E. Segal
1-2. - New York : American Mathematical Society , 1951
5 |
no. 10
Two papers on the predicate calculus / S.C. Kleene
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1952
6 |
no. 12
Geometry of moment spaces / S. Karlin and L.S. Shapley
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1953
7 |
no. 13
Contributions to the asymptotic theory of ordinary differential equations in the complex domain / Walter Strodt
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1954
8 |
no. 15
The decomposition of walsh and fourier series / by I.I. Hirschman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1955
9 |
no. 17
On generalized surfaces of finite topological types / by L.C. Young
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1955
10 |
No. 18
The lattice theoretic background of the dimension theory of operator algebras / by L.H. Loomis
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1955.
11 |
no. 19
On Lie algebras of prime characteristic / George B. Seligman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1956
12 |
no. 21
Theory of distributions for locally compact spaces / Leon Ehrenpreis
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1956
13 |
v. 21, no. 222
The classification and structure of C[*]-algebra bundles / Maurice J. Dupré
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
14 |
no. 22
A global formulation of the Lie theory of transportation groups / Richard S. Palais
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1957
15 |
no. 23
Expansions in series of solutions of linear difference-differential and infinite order differential equations with constant coefficients / by Dauglas G. Dickson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1957
16 |
no. 24
Partially ordered linear topological spaces / Isaac Namioka
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1957
17 |
no. 25
Asymptotic forms of Whittaker's confluent hypergeometric functions / by A. Erdélyi & C.A. Swanson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1957
18 |
no. 26
Principal solutions of ordinary differential equations in the complex domain / by Walter Strodt
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1957
19 |
no. 28
Cohomology groups and genera of higher-dimensional fields / by Ernst Snapper
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1957
20 |
no. 31
Periodic solutions of x"+cx'+g(x)=εf(t) / by W.S. Loud
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1959
21 |
No. 35
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of differential-difference equations / by Richard Bellman and Kenneth L. Cooke
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1959
22 |
no. 36
The classification of G-spaces / Palais, Richard Sheldon
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1960
23 |
no. 37
Invariants for effective homotopy classification and extension of mappings / by Paul Olum
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1961
24 |
no. 38
Torsion free groups of rank two / R.A. Beaumont & R.S. Pierce
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1961
25 |
no. 40
Regular mappings and the space of homeomorphisms on a 3-manifold / by Mary-Elizabeth Hamstrom
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1961
26 |
no. 41
Isoclinic n-planes in Euclidean 2n-space, clifford paralles in elliptic (2n-1)-space, and the Hurwitz matrix equations / Yung-Chow Wong
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1961
27 |
v. 41, no. 275
The stability of multi-dimensional shock fronts / Andrew Majda
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1983
28 |
v. 41, no. 272
Generic bifurcations for involutory area preserving maps / Russell J. Rimmer
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1983
29 |
v. 41, no. 273
The fundamental principle for systems of convolution equations / Daniele Carlo Struppa
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1983
30 |
v. 41, no. 274
β-homotopy equivalences have α-cross sections / Luis Montejano
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1983
31 |
no. 42
The factorization of cyclic reduced powers by secondary cohomology operations / by Arunas Leonardas Liulevicius
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1962
32 |
No. 43
Splitting in topological groups / by K.H. Hofmann and Paul Mostert
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1963
33 |
No. 44
An examination of a decision procedure / by Francis C. Oglesby
Providence : American Mathematical Society , c1962
34 |
No. 45
On the ideal structure of operator algebras / by Reese T. Prosser
Providence : American Mathematical Society , c1963
35 |
no. 47
Periodic solutions of perturbed second-order autonomous equations / by W.S. Loud
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1964
36 |
no. 48
Extension of compact operators / Joram Lindenstrauss
Providence, R. I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1964
37 |
No. 50
On Lie algebras and some special functions of mathematical physics / by Willard Miller
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1964
38 |
no. 51
Hierarchies of predicates of finite types / by D.A. Clarke
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1964
39 |
no. 52
Galois theory and cohomology of commutative rings / by S.U. Chase, D.K. Harrison, Alex Rosenberg
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1965
40 |
no. 53
Jordan algebras of self-adjoint operators / David M. Topping
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1965
41 |
no. 54
Generalizations of a theorem of carathéodory / by John R. Reay
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1965
42 |
No. 55
Foundations of relative homological algebra / Samuel Eilenberg & J. C. Moore
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1965
43 |
no. 56
The Hp Spaces of an annulus / by Donald Sarason
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 1965
44 |
no. 57
A Hierarchy of formulas in set theory / by Azriel Lévy
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1965
45 |
v. 60, no. 342
Explicit determination of area minimizing hypersurfaces, II / Harold R. Parks
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
46 |
v. 60, no. 343
Overgroups of Sylow subgroups in sporadic groups / Michael Aschbacher
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
47 |
no. 61
A new formulation of particle mechanics / by Reese T. Prosser
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathemaitcal Society , 1966
48 |
v. 61, no. 344
Homeomorphisms of 3-manifolds with compressible boundary / Darryl McCullough and Andy Miller
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
49 |
v. 61, no. 345
The B-conjecture : characterization of Chevalley groups / John H. Walter
: pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1986
50 |
v. 61, no. 346
Poles and residues of Eisenstein series for symplectic and unitary groups / Paul Feit
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
51 |
No. 62
Unitary representations of solvable Lie groups / Louis Auslander, Calvin C. Moore
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1966
52 |
v. 62, no. 347
Parabolic subgroups of algebraic groups and induction / David C. Vella
: pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
53 |
v. 62, no. 348
The Künneth theorem and the universal coefficient theorem for equivariant K-theory and KK-theory / Jonathan Rosenberg and Claude Schochet
: pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1986
54 |
v. 62, no. 349
Hδ-embeddings in Hilbert space and optimization on Gδ-sets / N. Ghoussoub and B. Maurey
: pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1986
55 |
v. 62, no. 350
Handlebody decompositions of complex surfaces / John Harer, Arnold Kas, and Robion Kirby
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
56 |
v. 62, no. 351
Generalized Dyson series, generalized Feynman diagrams, the Feynman integral, and Feynman's operational calculus / Gerald W. Johnson and Michel L. Lapidus
: pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1986
57 |
v. 62, no. 352
Combinatorial symmetries of the m-dimensional ball / Lowell Jones
: pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1986
58 |
no. 63
Projections onto translation-invariant subspaces of L[p](G) / by Haskell P. Rosenthal
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1966
59 |
No. 64
Deformation theory of pseudogroup structures / by Victor Guillemin and Shlomo Sternberg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1966
60 |
No. 65
On the enumeration of non-planar maps / by William G. Brown
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1966
61 |
No. 66
The undecidability of the domino problem / Robert Berger
Providence. R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1966
62 |
no. 67
The modified algorithm of Jacobi-Perron / by Leon Bernstein
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 1966
63 |
No. 69
Analytic continuation of the irreducible unitary representations of the universal covering group of SL(2, R) / by Paul J. Sally, Jr
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1967
64 |
no. 72
The metastable homotopy of S[n] / by Mark Mahowald
Providence, R. I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1967
65 |
no. 73
Two papers on similarity of certain volterra integral operators / by Stanley J. Osher
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1967
66 |
no. 74
The mod 2 cohomology structure of certain fibre spaces / W.S. Massey & F.P. Peterson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1967
67 |
no. 75
Locally compact transformation groups and C*-algebras / by Edward G. Effros and Frank Hahn
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1967
68 |
no. 76
A class of functional equations of neutral type / Jack K. Hale and Kenneth R. Meyer
Providence, R. I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1967
69 |
no. 77
Monotone processes of convex and concave type / by R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1967
70 |
no. 80
Endomorphisms of linear algebraic groups / by Robert Steinberg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1968
71 |
No. 82
Cohomology of coalgebras / David W. Jonah
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1968.
72 |
no. 83
Representation of rings by sections / by John Dauns, Karl Heinrich Hofmann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1968
73 |
No. 87
Studies in abstract families of languages / Seymour Ginsburg et al
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1969.
74 |
no. 90
An extension of Mackey's method to Banach *-algebraic bundles / by J.M.G. Fell
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1969
75 |
no. 93
Hitting probabilities of single points for processes with stationary independent increments /by Harry Kesten
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1969
76 |
no. 95
Equivariant maps of spheres into the classical groups / by Jon Folkman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1971
77 |
no. 97
Isometric embeddings of Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds / Robert E. Greene
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1970
78 |
no. 98
Similarity of automorphisms of the torus / by Roy L. Adler and Benjamin Weiss
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 1970
79 |
no. 99
Properties of planar graphs with uniform vertex and face structure / by Joseph Malkevich
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1970
80 |
no. 101
Decay of solutions of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws / by James Glimm and Peter D. Lax
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society. , 1970
81 |
No. 103
Unoriented bordism and actions of finite groups / R. E. Stong
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1970
82 |
no. 105
compactly covered reflections, extension of uniform dualities and generalized almost periodicity / by Michael H. Powell
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1970
83 |
no. 107
Cellular decompositions of 3-manifolds that yield 3-manifolds / Steve Armentrout
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1971
84 |
no. 109
Asymptotic behavior of solutions and adjunction fields for nonlinear first order differential equations / by Walter Strodt and Robert K. Wright
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1971
85 |
no. 110
Abelian subalgebras of von Neumann algebras / by Donald Bures
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1971
86 |
no. 112
On the mixed problem for a hyperbolic equation / by Tadeusz Bałaban
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1971
87 |
no. 113
Invariant differential operators and the cohomology of Lie algebra sheaves / by Franz W. Kamber and Philippe Tondeur
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1971
88 |
no. 114
Mixing sequences of random variables and probabilistic number theory / by Walter Philipp
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1971
89 |
no. 115
Structures in topology / by Douglas Hariis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1971
90 |
no. 116
Constructive measure theory / by Errett Bishop and Henry Cheng
[Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
91 |
no. 117
Extensions of positive-definite functions / [by] John McMullen
[Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
92 |
no. 118
The Cauchy-Goursat problem / by Paul Du Chateau
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972
93 |
no. 119
Ordered structures and partitions / by Richard P. Stanley
[Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
94 |
no. 120
Grothendieck spaces in approximation theory / by Jörg Blatter
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1972
95 |
no. 121
Trellis theory / by Helen Skala
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972
96 |
no. 122
A general character theory for partially ordered sets and lattices / [by] Karl Heinrich Hofmann and Klaus Keimel
[Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
97 |
no. 123
Exposed points of convex sets and weak sequential convergence : applications to invariant means, to existence of invariant measures for a semigroup of Markov operators etc ... / by Edmond E. Granirer
[Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
98 |
no. 124
Singular torsion and the splitting properties / by K. R. Goodearl
[Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
99 |
no. 125
Embeddability and structure properties of real curves / by Sam B. Nadler, Jr., and J. Quinn
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1972
100 |
no. 126
The existence of value in differential games / Robert J. Elliott and Nigel J. Kalton
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972
101 |
no. 127
Cohomology in Banach algebras / [by] B. E. Johnson
[Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
102 |
no. 128
On λ-nuclearity / by Ed Dubinsky and M. S. Ramanujan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1972
103 |
no. 129
Theta functions, kernel functions, and Abelian integrals / by Dennis A. Hejhal
[Providence R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1972]
104 |
no. 130
Compact zero-dimensional metric spaces of finite type / [by] R. S. Pierce
[Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society] , 1972
105 |
no. 131
On summability methods for conjugate Fourier-Stieltjes integrals in several variables and generalizations / by T. Walsh
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1973
106 |
no. 132
Web derivatives / [by] Hewitt Kenyon and A. P. Morse
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1973
107 |
No. 133
Krull Dimension / Robert Gordon & J. C. Robson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1973
108 |
no. 134
Extension theory of formally normal and symmetric subspaces / [by] Earl A. Coddington
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1973
109 |
no. 135
Canonical differential operators and lower-order symbols / Robert John Victor Jackson
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1973
110 |
no. 136
The arithmetics of quadratic Jordan algebras / Michel L. Racine
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1973
111 |
no. 137
Complex actions of Lie groups / [by] Connor Lazarov and Arthur Wasserman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1973
112 |
no. 138
The action of a real semisimple Lie group on a complex flag manifold, II : unitary representations on partially holomorphic cohomology spaces / [by] Joseph A. Wolf
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1974
113 |
no. 139
The Lebesgue-Nikodym theorem for vector valued Radon measures / Erik Thomas
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
114 |
no. 140
Product formulas, nonlinear semigroups, and addition of unbounded operators / [by] Paul R. Chernoff
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
115 |
no. 141
The category of H-modules over a spectrum / Jack Palmer Sanders
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
116 |
no. 142
On the theory and applications of differential torsion products / [by] V. K. A. M. Gugenheim and J. Peter May
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
117 |
no. 143
A Laplace transform calculus for partial differential operators / Thomas Donaldson
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
118 |
no. 144
Generic Hamiltonian dynamical systems are neither integrable nor ergodic / [by] L. Markus and K.R. Meyer
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
119 |
no. 145
Fourier analysis of unbounded measures on locally compact Abelian groups / [by] Loren Argabright and Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
120 |
no. 146
Derivations and automorphisms of Banach algebras of power series / S. Grabiner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1974
121 |
no. 147
Finite groups whose 2-subgroups are generated by at most 4 elements / [by] Daniel Gorenstein and Koichiro Harada
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
122 |
no. 148
Recent advances in the representation theory of rings and C[*]-algebras by continuous sections : a seminar held at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 28-April 5, 1973 / Karl Heinrich Hofmann and John R. Liukkonen, editors
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
123 |
no. 149
Uniform simplification in a full neighborhood of a transition point / Yasutaka Sibuya
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
124 |
Equilibrium states on thin energy shells / Richard Leslie Thompson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1974
125 |
no. 151
On closed 3-braids / Kunio Murasugi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1974
126 |
no. 152
On the general Rogers-Ramanujan theorem / [by] George E. Andrews
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
127 |
no. 153
Piecewise linear concordances and isotopies / [by] Kenneth C. Millett
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1974
128 |
no. 154
Facing up to arrangements : face-count formulas for partitions of space by hyperplanes / Thomas Zaslavsky
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1975
129 |
no. 155
Classifying spaces and fibrations / J. Peter May
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1975
130 |
No. 157
Two papers : Η-coextensions of monoids and the structure of a band of groups / Jonathan Leech
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1975
131 |
No. 158
The dimension of spaces of automorphic forms on a certain two-dimensional complex domain / by Leslie Cohn
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1975
132 |
no. 159
On the groups JO(G) / Chung-Nim Lee and Arthur G. Wasserman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1975
133 |
no. 160
Invariant subspaces of Hardy classes on infinitely connected open surfaces / Charles W. Neville
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1975
134 |
no. 161
Almost sure invariance principles for partial sums of weakly dependent random variables / Walter Philipp and William Stout
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1975
135 |
no. 162
Minimal degrees of unsolvability and the full approximation construction / Richard L. Epstein
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1975
136 |
no. 163
Simplicial methods and the interpretation of "triple" cohomology / J. Duskin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1975
137 |
no. 164
Extensions of positive operators between Banach lattices / Donald I. Cartwright
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1975
138 |
no. 165
Existence and regularity almost everywhere of solutions to elliptic variational problems with constraints / F. J. Almgren, Jr
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1976
139 |
no. 167
Théorie probabiliste du contrôle des diffusions / by Jean-Michel Bismut
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1976
140 |
no. 168
Singular perturbations and differential inequalities / Frederick A. Howes
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1976
141 |
no. 169
Multipliers of Pedersen's ideal / A. J. Lazar and D. C. Taylor
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1976
142 |
no. 170
Parametrized knot theory / Stanley Ocken
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1976
143 |
no. 171
Charting the operator terrain / [by] John Ernest
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1976
144 |
no. 172
Non-commutative spectral theory for affine function spaces on convex sets / Erik M. Alfsen and Frederic W. Shultz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1976
145 |
no. 173
Indecomposable representations of graphs and algebras / Vlastimil Dlab and Claus Michael Ringel
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1976
146 |
no. 174
Bifurcation theory for Fredholm operators / Jorge Ize
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1976
147 |
no. 181
The structure of modular lattices of width four with applications to varieties of lattices / Ralph S. Freese
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1977
148 |
no. 182
Coherence and non-commutative diagrams in closed categories / Rodiani Voreadou
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
149 |
no. 183
The theory of ultraspherical multipliers / by W. C. Connett and A. L. Schwartz
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
150 |
no. 184
A functional calculus for subnormal operators II / [by] John B. Conway and Robert F. Olin
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
151 |
no. 185
Groups with Steinberg relations and coordinatization of polygonal geometries / John R. Faulkner
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
152 |
no. 186
Homological localization towers for groups and Π-modules / A. K. Bousfield
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
153 |
no. 187
Modules with cores and amalgamations of indecomposable modules / Robert Gordon and Edward L. Green
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
154 |
no. 188
Punctual Hilbert schemes / Anthony A. Iarrobino
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
155 |
no. 189
On degenerations of algebraic surfaces / Ulf Persson
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
156 |
no. 190
Lifting properties in skew-product flows with applications to differential equations / Robert J. Sacker and George R. Sell
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
157 |
no. 191
Surgery on codimension 2 submanifolds / Michael H. Freedman
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
158 |
no. 192
Unraveling the integral knot concordance group / Neal W. Stoltzfus
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
159 |
no. 193(Vol. l2, issue 1)
Normal structures and bordism theory, with applications to MSp* / Nigel Ray, Robert Switzer, and Larry Taylor
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
160 |
no. 194
On the number of simply connected minimal surfaces spanning a curve / A. J. Tromba
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1977
161 |
no. 195
On the theory of vector measures / William H. Graves
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1977
162 |
no. 196
Local surgery and the exact sequence of a localization for Wall groups / William Pardon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1977
163 |
no. 197
Moufang loops of small order / Orin Chein
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
164 |
no. 198
Factorization and model theory for contraction operators with unitary part / Joseph A. Ball
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
165 |
no. 199
Geodesics and ends in certain surfaces without conjugate points / Patrick Eberlein
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
166 |
no. 200
Contractive projections in C[1] and C[∞] / Jonathan Arazy and Yaakov Friedman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1978
167 |
no. 201
A product formula for surgery obstructions / John W. Morgan
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
168 |
Kernels and integral operators for continuous sums of Banach spaces / Irwin E. Schochetman
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
169 |
no. 203
Boundary-interior layer interactions in nonlinear singular perturbation theory / F.A. Howes
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
170 |
no. 204
Bounds on transfer principles for algebraically closed and complete discretely valued fields / Scott Shorey Brown
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
171 |
no. 205
Differential-delay equations with two time lags / Roger D. Nussbaum
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1978
172 |
no. 206
Elements of non-linear functional analysis / Richard A. Graff
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1978
173 |
no. 207
Integral operators in the theory of induced Banach representations / Irwin E. Schochetman
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
174 |
no. 208
Exceptional Lie algebras and the structure of hermitian symmetric spaces / Daniel Drucker
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1978
175 |
no. 209
Mathematical foundations of quantum scattering theory for multiparticle systems / I. M. Sigal
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1978
176 |
no. 210
Global subdirect products / Peter H. Krauss and David M. Clark
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
177 |
no. 211
A new mathematical framework for the study of linkage and selection / S. Shahshahani
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
178 |
no. 212
A theory of differentiation in locally convex spaces / S. Yamamuro
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
179 |
no. 213
Orthogonal polynomials / Paul G. Nevai
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
180 |
no. 214
Ideals over uncountable sets : application of almost disjoint functions and generic ultrapowers / Thomas Jech and Karel Prikry
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
181 |
no. 215
Naturally reductive metrics and Einstein metrics on compact Lie groups / J. E. D'Atri and W. Ziller
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1979
182 |
no. 216
Non-spherical principal series representations of a semisimple Lie group / Alfred Magnus
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1979
183 |
no. 217
Symmetric structures in Banach spaces / W. B. Johnson ... [et. al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1979
184 |
no. 218
Surfaces of nonpositive curvature / Patrick Eberlein
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
185 |
no. 219
Topological entropy and equivalence of dynamical systems / Roy L. Adler and Brian Marcus
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
186 |
no. 220
Seifert fibered spaces in 3-manifolds / William H. Jaco and Peter B. Shalen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1979
187 |
no. 221
Algebraic cobordism and K-theory / Victor P. Snaith
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1979
188 |
no. 223
H-spaces with torsion / John R. Harper
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
189 |
no. 224
Structure of regular semigroups / K. S. S. Nambooripad
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1979-
190 |
no. 225
Classification and Fourier inversion for parabolic subgroups with square integrable nilradical / Joseph A. Wolf
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1979
191 |
no. 226
Algebraic potential theory / Maynard Arsove and Heinz Leutwiler
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
192 |
no. 227
Analytic and combinatorial generalizations of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities / David M. Bressoud
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
193 |
no. 228, no. 271
The symplectic cobordism ring / Stanley O. Kochman
v. 1 : pbk.,v. 2. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980-1982
194 |
no. 229
Pseudo-riemannian symmetric spaces / M. Cahen and M. Parker
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
195 |
v. 229, no. 1076
Semiclassical standing waves with clustering peaks for nonlinear Schrödinger equations / Jaeyoung Byeon, Kazunaga Tanaka
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
196 |
no. 230
Geometry of loop spaces and the cobar construction / by H.J. Baues
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
197 |
no. 231
Weil representation I : intertwining distributions and discrete spectrum / Stephen Rallis and Gerard Schiffmann
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1980
198 |
volume 231, number 1084
Automorphisms of manifolds and algebraic K-theory : part III / Michael S. Weiss, Bruce E. Williams
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
199 |
no. 232
Primary homotopy theory / Joseph Neisendorfer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
200 |
no. 233
All compact orientable three dimensional manifolds admit total foliations / Detlef Hardorp
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
201 |
no. 234
Affine representations of Grothendieck groups and applications to Rickart C[*]-algebras and [Hebrew aleph]-continuous regular rings / K. R. Goodearl, D. E. Handelman, and J. W. Lawrence
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1980
202 |
no. 235
Collinearity-preserving functions between Desarguesian planes / David S. Carter and Andrew Vogt
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
203 |
no. 236
The geometry of the generalized Gauss map / David A. Hoffman and Robert Osserman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
204 |
no. 237
Actions of finite groups on the hyperfinite type II[subscript 1] factor / Vaughan F. R. Jones
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1980
205 |
v. 237, no. 1122
Hyperbolic groupoids and duality / Volodymyr V. Nekrashevych
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
206 |
v. 237, no 1121
Level one algebraic cusp forms of classical groups of small rank / Gaëtan Chenevier, David Renard
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
207 |
v. 237, no. 1120
Hitting probabilities for nonlinear systems of stochastic waves / Robert C. Dalang, Marta Sanz-Solé
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
208 |
v. 237, no. 1119
Multiple-Hilbert transforms associated with polynomials / Joonil Kim
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
209 |
v. 237, no. 1118
Period functions for Maass wave forms and cohomology / R. Bruggeman, J. Lewis, D. Zagier
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
210 |
v. 237, no. 1117
Brandt matrices and theta series over global function fields / Chih-Yun Chuang ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
211 |
no. 238
Deformations of coherent analytic sheaves with compact supports / Yum-Tong Siu and Günther Trautmann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
212 |
v. 238, no. 1128
Faithfully quadratic rings / M. Dickmann, F. Miraglia
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
213 |
v. 238, no. 1127
Higher moments of Banach space valued random variables / Svante Janson, Sten Kaijser
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
214 |
v. 238, no. 1126
Symmetry breaking for representations of rank one orthogonal groups / Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Birgit Speh
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
215 |
v. 238, no. 1125
Stability of line solitons for the KP-II equation in R2 / Tetsu Mizumachi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
216 |
v. 238, no. 1124
On the theory of weak turbulence for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation / M. Escobedo, J.J.L. Velazquez
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
217 |
v. 238, no. 1123
Deformation theory and local-global compatibility of langlands correspondences / Martin Luu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2015
218 |
no. 239
Two-bridge knots have Property P / Moto-o Takahashi
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
219 |
no. 240
Admissible solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws / Tai-Ping Liu
: pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
220 |
no. 241
Initial segments of degrees below 0' / Richard L. Epstein
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
221 |
no. 242
Odd primary infinite families in stable homotopy theory / Ralph L. Cohen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
222 |
no. 243
Categorical framework for the study of singular spaces / William Fulton and Robert MacPherson
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
223 |
no. 244
Qualitative analysis of the periodically forced relaxation oscillations / Mark Levi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
224 |
no. 245
Ordinal invariants in topology / V. Kannan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
225 |
no. 246
Decidability and Boolean representations / Stanley Burris and Ralph McKenzie
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
226 |
no. 247
Gauge-natural bundles and generalized gauge theories / David J. Eck
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1981
227 |
no. 248
The degenerate principal series for Sp(2n) / Robert Gustafson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
228 |
no. 249
On Villamayor and Zelinsky's long exact sequence / Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1981
229 |
no. 250
Multiple points of immersed manifolds / Ralph J. Herbert
: pbk. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
230 |
no. 251
Approximation results in topological manifolds / T.A. Chapman
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
231 |
no. 252
Continuous geometries with a transition probability / John von Neumann ; prepared and edited by Israel Halperin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
232 |
Continuous cohomology of the Lie algebra of vector fields / Toru Tsujishita
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
233 |
no. 254
Operations in connective K-theory / Richard M. Kane
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1981
234 |
no. 255
The branched cyclic coverings of 2 bridge knots and links / Jerome Minkus
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
235 |
no. 256
The exponential map at an isolated singular point / David A. Stone
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1982
236 |
no. 257
Finite group actions on simply-connected manifolds and CW complexes / Amir H. Assadi
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1982
237 |
no. 258
The unstable Adams spectral sequence for free iterated loop spaces / Robert J. Wellington
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
238 |
no. 259
Products of reflections in U (p, q) / Dragomir Ž. Djoković and Jerry G. Malzan
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1982
239 |
no. 260
G surgery II / Karl Heinz Dovermann and Ted Petrie
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1982
240 |
no. 261
Global structural stability of flows on open surfaces / Janina Kotus, Michał Krych, Zbigniew Nitecki
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1982
241 |
no. 262
Equivalence of measure preserving transformations / Donald S. Ornstein, Daniel J. Rudolph, and Benjamin Weiss
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
242 |
no. 263
Embedding coverings into bundles with applications / P.F. Duvall and L.S. Husch
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
243 |
no. 264
L「上p上」 boundedness of Fourier integral operators / R. Michael Beals
: pbk. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
244 |
no. 265
The multiple stochastic integral / David Douglas Engel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
245 |
no. 266
A method of generalized characteristics / Marc A. Berger and Alan D. Sloan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
246 |
no. 267
Induction theorems for groups of homotopy manifold structures / Andrew J. Nicas
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1982
247 |
no. 268
The cohomology of Chevalley groups of exceptional Lie type / Samuel N. Kleinerman
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1982
248 |
no. 269
C* Bundles and compact transformation groups / Bruce D. Evans
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1982
249 |
no. 270
Irregular singularities in several variables / A.R.P. van den Essen and A.H.M. Levelt
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1982
250 |
no. 276
The local structure of finite groups of characteristic 2 type / Daniel Gorenstein and Richard Lyons
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1983
251 |
no. 277
Constructive continuity / Mark Mandelkern
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1983
252 |
no. 278
Limiting equations for problems involving long range memory / M. Marcus and Victor Mizel
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Socieity , 1983
253 |
no. 279
Hodge theory and the local Torelli problem / Loring W. Tu
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1983
254 |
no. 280
Algebraic K-theory and localised stable homotopy theory / Victor Snaith
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1983
255 |
no. 281
The existence of multi-dimensional shock fronts / Andrew Majda
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1983
256 |
no. 282
Intersection calculus on surfaces with applications to 3-manifolds / John Hempel
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1983
257 |
no. 283
The Selberg trace formula III : inner product formulae (initial considerations) / M. Scott Osborne and Garth Warner
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., U.S.A. : American Mathematical Society , c1983
258 |
no. 284
Hopf bifurcation in the two locus genetic model / Ethan Akin
pbk.. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1983
259 |
no. 285
Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves / Maury Bramson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1983
260 |
no. 286
Geometrical methods in congruence modular algebras / H. Peter Gumm
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1983
261 |
no. 287
R-linear endomorphisms of (R) 「下n下」 preserving invariants / Bernard R. McDonald
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , [1983]
262 |
no. 288
A simple definition of the Feynman integral, with applications / R.H. Cameron and D.A. Storvick
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1983
263 |
no. 289
A computer-assisted proof of universality for area-preserving maps / J.-P. Eckmann, H. Koch, and P. Wittwer
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
264 |
no. 290
Irreducible triangular algebras / Baruch Solel
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1984
265 |
no. 291
Iterated integrals and homotopy periods / Richard M. Hain
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1984
266 |
no. 292
Nonmodular lattice varieties / Henry Rose
:pbk. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
267 |
no. 293
Maximal functions measuring smoothness / Ronald A. DeVore and Robert C. Sharpley
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1984
268 |
no. 294
Index theory in von Neumann algebras / Catherine L. Olsen
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
269 |
no. 295
Forcing and classifying topoi / Andrej Ščedrov
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
270 |
no. 296
Théorèmes d'indices Gevrey pour les équations différentielles ordinaires / Jean-Pierre Ramis
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1984
271 |
no. 297
An infinitesimal approach to stochastic analysis / H. Jerome Keisler
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
272 |
no. 298
Essays in the history of mathematics / Arthur Schlissel, editor
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , [1984]
273 |
no. 299
Special values of Dirichlet series, monodromy, and the periods of automorphic forms / Peter Stiller
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
274 |
Recurrence relations, continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials / Richard Askey and Mourad Ismail
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
275 |
no. 301
Generalized Frobenius partitions / George E. Andrews
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
276 |
no. 302
The structure of shock waves in magnetohydrodynamics / Mahmud Hesaaraki
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
277 |
no. 303
Multipliers of radical Banach algebras of power series / W.G. Bade, H.G. Dales, and K.B. Laursen
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
278 |
no. 304
Dimensions of spaces of Siegel cusp forms of degree two and three / Minking Eie
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , [1984]
279 |
no. 305
The lattice of interpretability types of varieties / O.C. Garcia and W. Taylor
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
280 |
no. 306
The unfolding and determinacy theorems for subgroups of A and K / James Damon
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
281 |
no. 307 (Sept. 1984
Pettis integral and measure theory / Michel Talagrand
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
282 |
no. 308
The Hodge theory of stable curves / Jerome William Hoffman
pbk.. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1984
283 |
no. 309 (Sept. 1984)
An extension of the Galois theory of Grothendieck / André Joyal and Myles Tierney
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , [1984]
284 |
no. 310
Special and spurious solutions of x(t) =-αf (x(t-1)) / Roger D. Nussbaum and Heinz-Otto Peitgen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1984
285 |
no. 311
Measurable selectors of PCA multifunctions with applications / Marian Srebrny
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1984
286 |
no. 312
Qualitative analysis of the anisotropic Kepler problem / Josefina Casasayas and Jaume Llibre
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1984
287 |
no. 313
Noncommutative microlocal analysis / Michael E. Taylor
pt. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1984-
288 |
no. 314
Attractors representing turbulent flows / P. Constantin, C. Foiaş, and R. Temam
: pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
289 |
no. 315
Chapter 16 of Ramanujan's second notebook : theta functions and q-series / C. Adiga ... [et al.]
pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
290 |
no. 316
Galvin's "racing pawns" game and a well-ordering of trees / S. B. Grantham
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
291 |
no. 317
Spectral sequence constructors in algebra and topology / D.W. Barnes
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
292 |
no. 318
Embedding and multiplier theorems for H[superscript p](R[superscript n]) / A. Baernstein II and E.T. Sawyer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1985
293 |
no. 319
Some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials / Richard Askey and James Wilson
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1985
294 |
no. 320
Positive polynomials and product type actions of compact groups / David Handelman
: pbk. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1985
295 |
no. 321
Conditional stability and real analytic pseudo-Anosov maps / Marlies Gerber
pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1985
296 |
no. 322
Banach spaces with a unique unconditional basis, up to permutation / J. Bourgain ... [et al.]
pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1985
297 |
no. 323
Restricted orbit equivalence / Daniel J. Rudolph
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1985
298 |
no. 324
A Dirichlet problem for distributions and specifications for random fields / Michael Röckner
: pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1985
299 |
no. 326
Perfect C*-algebras / Charles A. Akemann and Frederic W. Shultz
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
300 |
no. 327
Exceptional Weierstrass points and the divisor on moduli space that they define / Steven Diaz
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
301 |
no. 328 (July 1985)
Nonlinear stability of shock waves for viscous conservation laws / Tai-Ping Liu
pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , [1985]
302 |
no. 329
On K*(Z/n) and K*(Fq[t]/(t[2]) / Janet E. Aisbett, Emilio Lluis-Puebla, and Victor Snaith ; with an appendix by Christophe Soulé
Providence, R.I., U.S.A. : American Mathematical Society , 1985
303 |
no. 330
The classification of minimal graphs with given abelian automorphism group / William C. Arlinghaus
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
304 |
no. 331
Fractional dimensions and bounded fractional forms / Ron C. Blei
pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1985
305 |
no. 332
The equational classes generated by single functionally precomplete algebras / Arthur Knoebel
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c1985
306 |
no. 333
Separable algebroids / Barry Mitchell
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
307 |
No. 334
Structure of partially ordered sets with transitive automorphism groups / [by] Manfred Droste
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1985
308 |
no. 335
The spectral theory of geometrically periodic hyperbolic 3-manifolds / Charles L. Epstein
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
309 |
no. 336
Varieties of representations of finitely generated groups / Alexander Lubotzky and Andy R. Magid
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
310 |
no. 337
Computing the homology of the lambda algebra / Martin C. Tangora
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1985
311 |
no. 338
Finitary measures for subshifts of finite type and sofic systems / Bruce Kitchens and Selim Tuncel
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1985
312 |
no. 339
Genera of the arborescent links / David Gabai . A norm for the homology of 3-manifolds / William P. Thurston
pbk. : alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
313 |
no. 340
Implications in Morava K-theory / Richard M. Kane
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
314 |
no. 341
Modules over the integral group ring of a non-abelian group of order pq / Lee Klingler
Providence, R.I., U.S.A. : American Mathematical Society , 1986
315 |
no. 353
Henstock integration in the plane / Krzysztof M. Ostaszewski
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
316 |
no. 354
Subnormal operators and representations of algebras of bounded analytic functions and other uniform algebras / Thomas L. Miller, Robert F. Olin, and James E. Thomson
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
317 |
no. 355
The bilateral Bergman shift / Gregory T. Adams
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
318 |
no. 356
Transplantation theorems and multiplier theorems for Jacobi series / Benjamin Muckenhoupt
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1986
319 |
no. 357
On finite rank operators and preannihilators / Edward A. Azoff
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1986
320 |
no. 358
Yang-Mills fields and extension theory / Robert Pool
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
321 |
no. 359
The Selberg trace formula for PSL[2](R)[n] / Isaac Y. Efrat
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
322 |
no. 360
Path functions and generalized basic hypergeometric functions / Kevin W.J. Kadell
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
323 |
no. 361
Pregroups and Bass-Serre theory / Frank Rimlinger
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
324 |
no. 362
Structure of the level one standard modules for the affine Lie algebras Bl[(1)], F[4p(1)] and G[2p(1)] / Marly Mandia
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
325 |
no. 363
Trace rings of generic 2 by 2 matrices / Lieven Le Bruyn
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
326 |
no. 364
The limiting absorption principle for partial differential operators / Matania Ben-Artzi and Allen Devinatz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1987
327 |
no. 365
The maximal subgroups of classical algebraic groups / Gary M. Seitz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1987
328 |
no. 366
A new approach to the local embedding theorem of CR-structures for n≧4 (the local solvability for the operator [overbarred partial] b in the abstract sense) / Takao Akahori
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
329 |
no. 367
Categories of highest weight modules : applications to classical Hermitian symmetric pairs / Thomas J. Enright and Brad Shelton
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1987
330 |
no. 368
ξ-radial processes and random Fourier series / Michael B. Marcus
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
331 |
no. 369
Steenrod connections and connectivity in H-spaces / James P. Lin
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
332 |
no. 370
Involutive hyperbolic differential systems / Deane Yang
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
333 |
no. 371
Calculus of principally twisted vertex operators / Leila Figueiredo
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
334 |
no. 372
Classification of ring and C[*]-algebra direct limits of finite-dimensional semisimple real algebras / K.R. Goodearl and D.E. Handelman
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
335 |
no. 374
On the compactification of moduli spaces for algebraic K3 surfaces / Francesco Scattone
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1987
336 |
no. 375
Hardy type inequalities for abstract differential operators / Werner Amrein, Anne Boutet de Monvel-Berthier and Vladimir Georgescu
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
337 |
no. 376
Constructing nonhomeomorphic stochastic flows / R.W.R. Darling
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1987
338 |
no. 377
Resolving maps and the dimension group for shifts of finite type / Mike Boyle, Brian Marcus, and Paul Trow
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
339 |
no. 378
Some topological and geometrical structures in Banach spaces / N. Ghoussoub ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1987
340 |
no. 379
Equivariant surgery and classifications of finite group actions on manifolds / Karl Heinz Dovermann and Melvin Rothenberg
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
341 |
no. 380
Characterizing k-dimensional universal Menger compacta / Mladen Bestvina
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
342 |
no. 381
The exact Hausdorff dimension in random recursive constructions / Siegfried Graf, R. Daniel Mauldin, and S.C. Williams
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1988
343 |
no. 382
Existence theorems for minimal surfaces of non-zero genus spanning a contour / Friedrich Tomi and Anthony J. Tromba
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
344 |
no. 383
Homotopy theories / Alex Heller
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
345 |
no. 384
Classification of Jacobian ideals invariant by sl(2, C) actions / Stephan S.-T. Yau
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
346 |
no. 385
Nonlinear commutators in interpolation theory / Nigel J. Kalton
: alk paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
347 |
no. 386
Zeros of Bernoulli, generalized Bernoulli and Euler polynomials / Karl Dilcher
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
348 |
no. 387 . Representations of rank one Lie groups ; 2
n-cohomology / David H. Collingwood
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1988
349 |
no. 388
Topological invariants of quasi-ordinary singularities / Joseph Lipman . Embedded topological classification of quasi-ordinary singularities / Yih-Nan Gau ; with an appendix by Joseph Lipman
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
350 |
no. 389
Topological triviality and versality for subgroups of A and K / James N. Damon
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
351 |
no. 390
Irreducible subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups / Donna M. Testerman
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
352 |
no. 391
Hilbert's projective metric and iterated nonlinear maps / Roger D. Nussbaum
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
353 |
no. 392
Logarithmic descriptions of Whitehead groups and class groups for p-groups / Robert Oliver and Laurence R. Taylor
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
354 |
no. 393
L[p] harmonic analysis on SL(2, R) / William H. Barker
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1988
355 |
no. 394
Quadratic forms over Q and Galois extensions of commutative rings / Frank DeMeyer, David Harrison, and Rick Miranda
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
356 |
no. 395
The analytic theory of multiplicative Galois structure / Ted Chinburg
: alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
357 |
no. 396
Algebraizable logics / W.J. Blok and Don Pigozzi
: alk. paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
358 |
The basic theory of real closed spaces / Niels Schwartz.
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1989
359 |
no. 398
Large deviations, free energy functional and quasi-potential for a mean field model of interacting diffusions / D.A. Dawson and J. Gärtner
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
360 |
no. 399
Semiclassical theory of shape resonances in quantum mechanics / P.D. Hislop and I.M. Sigal
: alk paper. - Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
361 |
no. 400
Scattering operator, Eisenstein series, inner product formula, and "Maass-Selberg" relations for Kleinian groups / Nikolaos Mandouvalos
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
362 |
no. 401
Iterated nonlinear maps and Hilbert's projective metric II / Roger D. Nussbaum
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
363 |
no. 402
Hyberbolic [i.e. Hyperbolic] periodic solutions, heteroclinic connections and transversal homoclinic points in autonomous differential delay equations / Hans-Otto Walther
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
364 |
no. 403
The oscillator duality correspondence for the pair O(2,2), Sp(2,R) / Tomasz Przebinda
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
365 |
no. 404
Freyd's models for the independence of the axiom of choice / Andreas Blass and Andre Scedrov
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
366 |
no. 405
Blaschke's rolling theorem in R[n] / J.N. Brooks and J.B. Strantzen
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
367 |
no. 406
Fibrations and bundles with Hilbert cube manifold fibers / H. Toruńczyk and J. West
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
368 |
no. 407
Représentations de longueur finie des groupes de Lie résolubles / Fokko du Cloux
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 1989
369 |
no. 408
Two-dimensional tame and maximal orders of finite representation type / Idun Reiten and Michel Van den Bergh
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
370 |
no. 409
Continuous analogues of Fock space / William Arveson
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
371 |
no. 410
The metaplectic representation, Mp[c] structures and geometric quantization / P.L. Robinson and J.H. Rawnsley
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1989
372 |
no. 411
3-manifolds which are end 1-movable / Matthew G. Brin and T.L. Thickstun
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
373 |
no. 412
Rings of differential operators on classical rings of invariants / T. Levasseur and J.T. Stafford
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
374 |
no. 413
Unimodal, log-concave and Pólya frequency sequences in combinatorics / Francesco Brenti
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
375 |
Actions of linearly reductive groups on affine PI-algebras / Nikolaus Vonessen.
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1989
376 |
no. 415
Ueda theory : theorems and problems / Amnon Neeman
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
377 |
no. 416
Topologies on pseudo-trees and applications / Jacek Nikiel
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
378 |
no. 417
Completing the Riesz-Dunford functional calculus / John B. Conway, Domingo A. Herrero and Bernard B. Morrel
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
379 |
no. 418
The basis problem for modular forms on Γ[0](N) / Hiroaki Hijikata, Arnold K. Pizer and Thomas R. Shemanske
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1989
380 |
no. 419
A filtered category O[s] and applications / Ronald S. Irving
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
381 |
no. 420
Brownian motion on nested fractals / Tom Lindstrøm
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
382 |
no. 421
Unfoldings and bifurcations of quasi-periodic tori / H.W. Broer ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
383 |
The structure of certain quasisymmetric groups / A. Hinkkanen
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
384 |
no. 423
The meromorphic continuation and functional equations of cuspidal Eisenstein series for maximal cuspidal groups / Shek-Tung Wong
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
385 |
Index for C[*]-subalgebras / Yasuo Watatani
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
386 |
no. 425
Points de Nash des ensembles sous-analytiques / Wiesław Pawłucki
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
387 |
no. 426
A lattice of chapters of mathematics : interpretations between theorems / Jan Mycielski, Pavel Pudlák, and Alan S. Stern
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
388 |
no. 427
Derivatives of links : Milnor's concordance invariants and Massey's products / Tim D. Cochran
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
389 |
no. 428
Almost periodic measures / Jesús Gil de Lamadrid, Loren N. Argabright
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
390 |
no. 429
Positive definite unimodular lattices with trivial automorphism groups / Etsuko Bannai
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
391 |
no. 430
Stability in modules for classical lie algebras : a constructive approach / G.M. Benkart, D.J. Britten, and F.W. Lemire
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
392 |
no. 431
A multiple disjunction lemma for smooth concordance embeddings / Thomas G. Goodwillie
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
393 |
no. 432
The maximal factorizations of the finite simple groups and their automorphism groups / M.W. Liebeck, C.E. Praeger, and J. Saxl
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
394 |
no. 433
Newton polyhedra without coordinates ; Newton polyhedra of ideals / Boris Youssin
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
395 |
no. 434
Homotopy formulas in the tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex / François Treves
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
396 |
no. 435
Hecke algebras / Aloys Krieg
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
397 |
no. 436
Reduction, symmetry, and phases in mechanics / J.E. Marsden, R. Montgomery, and T. Ratiu
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1990
398 |
no. 437
Regular b-groups, degenerating Riemann surfaces, and spectral theory / Dennis A. Hejhal
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 1990
399 |
no. 438
Noether-Lefschetz theory and the Picard group of projective surfaces / Angelo Felice Lopez
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1991
400 |
no. 439
Quantum linear groups / Brian Parshall, Jian-pan Wang
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1991
401 |
no. 440
Extrapolation theory with applications / Björn Jawerth, Mario Milman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
402 |
no. 441
Maximal subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups / Gary M. Seitz
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1991
403 |
no. 442
Boundedness results for operators with singular kernels on distribution spaces / Rodolfo H. Torres
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1991
404 |
no. 443
Mapping class groups of low genus and their cohomology / D.J. Benson, F.R. Cohen
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1991
405 |
no. 444
String path integral realization of vertex operator algebras / Haruo Tsukada
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1991
406 |
no. 445
Atomic Boolean subspace lattices and applications to the theory of bases / S. Argyros, M. Lambrou, W.E. Longstaff
Providence, R.I., USA, : American Mathematical Society , 1991
407 |
no. 446
A sufficient criterion for a cone to be area-minimizing / Gary R. Lawlor
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 1991
408 |
No nine neighborly tetrahedra exist / Joseph Zaks
Providence, R.I., U.S.A. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
409 |
no. 448
The metric induced by the Robin function / Norman Levenberg, Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
410 |
no. 449
A classification theorem for homotopy commutative H-spaces with finitely generated mod 2 cohomology rings / Michael Slack
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
411 |
no. 450
Solution of a non-domestic tame classification problem from integral representation theory of finite groups (Λ=RC[3], v(3)=4) / Ernst Dieterich
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 1991
412 |
no. 451
Effective algebraic topology / Rolf Schön
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 1991
413 |
no. 452
Derivates of interval functions / Brian S. Thomson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
414 |
no. 453
Stationary subdivision / Alfred S. Cavaretta, Wolfgang Dahmen, Charles A. Micchelli
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
415 |
no. 454
Historical processes / Donald A. Dawson, Edwin A. Perkins
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
416 |
no. 455
Differential operators and highest weight representations / Mark G. Davidson, Thomas J. Enright, Ronald J. Stanke
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
417 |
no. 456
Combinatorial patterns for maps of the interval / Michał Misiurewicz, Zbigniew Nitecki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
418 |
no. 457
Multiplicative homology operations and transfer / Norihiko Minami
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
419 |
no. 458
Lyapunov theorems for operator algebras / Charles A. Akemann, Joel Anderson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1991
420 |
no. 459
Contractive projections in C[p] / Jonathan Arazy, Yaakov Friedman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
421 |
no. 460
Quotients of Coxeter complexes and P-partitions / Victor Reiner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
422 |
no. 461
A family of complexes associated to an almost alternating map, with applications to residual intersections / Andrew R. Kustin, Bernd Ulrich
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
423 |
no. 462
Singular unitary representations and discrete series for indefinite Stiefel manifolds U(p,q;F̳)/U(p-m,q;F̳) / Toshiyuki Kobayashi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
424 |
no. 463
Sums of even powers of real linear forms / Bruce Reznick
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
425 |
no. 464
Kernel functions, analytic torsion and moduli spaces / John D. Fay
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
426 |
no. 465
Selberg trace formulae, and equidistribution theorems for closed geodesics and Laplace eigenfunctions : finite area surfaces / Steven Zelditch
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
427 |
no. 466
Vertex algebras and integral bases for the enveloping algebras of affine Lie algebras / Shari A. Prevost
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
428 |
no. 467
Neumann systems for the algebraic AKNS problem / Randolph J. Schilling
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
429 |
no. 468
Intersections of thick Cantor sets / Roger Kraft
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
430 |
no. 469
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian for Hecke triangle groups / Dennis A. Hejhal
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
431 |
no. 470
Projective modules over Lie algebras of Cartan type / Daniel K. Nakano
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
432 |
no. 471
Semistability of amalgamated products and HNN-extensions / Michael L. Mihalik, Steven T. Tschantz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
433 |
no. 472
A generalization of Riemann mappings and geometric structures on a space of domains in C[n] / Stephen Semmes
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
434 |
no. 473
The inverse problem of the calculus of variations for ordinary differential equations / Ian Anderson, Gerard Thompson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
435 |
no. 474
Imbeddings of three-manifold groups / Francisco González-Acuña, Wilbur C. Whitten
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
436 |
no. 475
On the existence of Feller semigroups with boundary conditions / Kazuaki Taira
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
437 |
no. 476
The subregular germ of orbital intervals / Thomas C. Hales
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
438 |
no. 477
The Continued fractions found in the unorganized portions of Ramanujan's notebooks / G.E. Andrews ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
439 |
no. 478
Constant mean curvature immersions of Enneper type / Henry C. Wente
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
440 |
no. 479
Loop groups, discrete versions of some classical integrable systems, and rank 2 extensions / Percy A. Deift, Luen-Chau Li, Carlos Tomei
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
441 |
no. 480
On sets not belonging to algebras of subsets / L.Š. Grinblat
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
442 |
no. 481
Degree theory for equivariant maps, the general S[1]-action / Jorge Ize, Ivar Massabo, Alfonso Vignoli
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1992
443 |
no. 482
G-categories / Robert Gordon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
444 |
no. 483
Orientation and the Leray-Schauder theory for fully nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems / Patrick Fitzpatrick, Jacobo Pejsachowicz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
445 |
no. 484
Duality for actions and coactions of measured groupoids of von Neumann algebras / Takehiko Yamanouchi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
446 |
no. 485
Axiomization of passage from "local" structure to "global" object / Paul Feit
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
447 |
no. 486
Enright-Shelton theory and Vogan's problem for generalized principal series / Brian D. Boe, David H. Collingwood
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
448 |
no. 487
Weak type estimates for Cesaro sums of Jacobi polynomial series / Sagun Chanillo, Benjamin Muckenhoupt
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
449 |
no. 488
Degenerate principal series for symplectic groups / Chris Jantzen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
450 |
no. 489
Extension of positive-definite distributions and maximum entropy / Jean-Pierre Gabardo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
451 |
no. 490
Phantom homology / Melvin Hochster, Craig Huneke
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
452 |
no. 491
Markov cell structures near a hyperbolic set / Tom Farrell, Lowell Jones
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
453 |
no. 492
Categories of modules over endomorphism rings / Theodore G. Faticoni
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
454 |
no. 493
Lattice structures on Banach spaces / Nigel J. Kalton
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
455 |
no. 494
On axiomatic approaches to vertex operator algebras and modules / Igor B. Frenkel, Yi-Zhi Huang, James Lepowsky
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
456 |
no. 495
Minimal surfaces in Riemannian manifolds / Min Ji, Guang Yin Wang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
457 |
no. 496
Symplectic cobordism and the computation of stable stems / Stanley O. Kochman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
458 |
no. 497
Coarse cohomology and index theory on complete Riemannian manifolds / John Roe
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
459 |
no. 498
Continuous images of arcs and inverse limit methods / J. Nikiel, H.M. Tuncali, E.D. Tymchatyn
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
460 |
no. 499
Invariant subsemigroups of Lie groups / Karl-Hermann Neeb
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
461 |
no. 500
Rankin-Selberg convolutions for SO[2l+1] × GL[n] : local theory / David Soudry
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
462 |
no. 501
Weakly nonlinear Dirichlet problems on long or thin domains / E.N. Dancer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
463 |
no. 502
Abelian coverings of the complex projective plane branched along configurations of real lines / Eriko Hironaka
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
464 |
no. 503
Duality and definability in first order logic / Michael Makkai
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
465 |
no. 504
A topological Chern-Weil theory / Anthony V. Phillips, David A. Stone
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
466 |
no. 505
Gorenstein quotient singularities in dimension three / Stephen S.-T. Yau, Yung Yu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
467 |
no. 506
Deformation quantization for actions of R[d] / Marc A. Rieffel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
468 |
no. 507
Extensions of the Jacobi identity for vertex operators, and standard A[1][(1)]-modules / Cristiano Husu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
469 |
no. 508
An index of a graph with applications to knot theory / Kunio Murasugi, Jozef H. Przytycki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
470 |
no. 509
The kinematic formula in Riemannian homogeneous spaces / Ralph Howard
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
471 |
no. 510
On the coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials / Gennady Bachman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
472 |
no. 511
Ondes de gradients multidimensionnelles / Monique Sablé-Tougeron
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1993
473 |
no. 512
(16,6) configurations and geometry of Kummer surfaces in P[3] / Maria R. Gonzalez-Dorrego
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
474 |
no. 513
Separatrix surfaces and invariant manifolds of a class of integrable Hamiltonian systems and their perturbations / Jaume Llibre, Ana Nunes
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
475 |
no. 514
Associated graded algebra of a Gorenstein Artin algebra / Anthony A. Iarrobino
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
476 |
no. 515
I-density continuous functions / Krzysztof Ciesielski, Lee Larson, Krzysztof Ostaszewski
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
477 |
no. 516
A proof of the q-Macdonald-Morris conjecture for BC[n] / Kevin W.J. Kadell
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
478 |
no. 517
Behavior of distant maximal geodesics in finitely connected complete 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds / Takashi Shioya
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
479 |
no. 518
Parabolic Anderson problem and intermittency / René A. Carmona, S.A. Molchanov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
480 |
no. 519
Completely prime maximal ideals and quantization / William M. McGovern
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
481 |
no. 520
Elliptic regularization and partial regularity for motion by mean curvature / Tom Ilmanen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
482 |
no. 521
Prime ideals in skew and q-skew polynomial rings / K.R. Goodearl, E.S. Letzter
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
483 |
no. 522
Principal currents for a pair of unitary operators / Joel D. Pincus, Shaojie Zhou
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
484 |
no. 523
Random perturbations of Hamiltonian systems / Mark I. Freidlin, Alexander D. Wentzell
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
485 |
no. 524
Iterating the cobar construction / Justin R. Smith
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
486 |
no. 525
Forme de Jordan de la monodromie des singularités superisolées de surfaces / Enrique Artal-Bartolo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
487 |
no. 526
The Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein Rees algebras associated to filtrations / Shiro Goto, Koji Nishida
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
488 |
no. 527
Diagram cohomology and isovariant homotopy theory / Giora Dula, Reinhard Schultz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
489 |
no. 528
Higher spinor classes / J.F. Jardine
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
490 |
no. 529
Filtrations on the homology of algebraic varieties / Eric M. Friedlander, Barry Mazur
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
491 |
no. 530
Littlewood-Paley theory on spaces of homogeneous type and the classical function spaces / Y.S. Han, E.T. Sawyer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
492 |
no. 531
Harmonic analysis for anisotropic random walks on homogeneous trees / Alessandro Figà-Talamanca, Tim Steger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
493 |
no. 532
The full set of unitarizable highest weight modules of basic classical Lie superalgebras / Hans Plesner Jakobsen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
494 |
no. 533
Anticipative Girsanov transformations and Skorohod stochastic differential equations / Rainer Buckdahn
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
495 |
no. 534
Orthogonal decompositions and functional limit theorems for random graph statistics / Svante Janson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
496 |
no. 535
Christoffel functions and orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights on [-1, 1] / A.L. Levin, D.S. Lubinsky
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
497 |
no. 536
Molecular propagation through electron energy level crossings / George A. Hagedorn
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
498 |
no. 537
Markov fields over countable partially ordered sets : extrema and splitting / I.V. Evstigneev, P.E. Greenwood
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
499 |
no. 538
On the correlation of multiplicative and the sum of additive arithmetic functions / P.D.T.A. Elliott
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
500 |
no. 539
Subgroup lattices and symmetric functions / Lynne M. Butler
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
501 |
v. 540
Manifolds with group actions and elliptic operators / Vladimir Ya. Lin, Yehuda Pinchover
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1994
502 |
no. 541
Automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets / Peter Cholak
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
503 |
no. 542
Second-order Sturm-Liouville difference equations and orthogonal polynomials / Alouf Jirari
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
504 |
no. 543
Generalized Tate cohomology / J.P.C. Greenlees, J.P. May
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
505 |
no. 544
The 2-dimensional attractor of x'(t)=-μx(t)+f(x(t-1)) / Hans-Otto Walther
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
506 |
no. 545
The method of layer potentials for the heat equation in time-varying domains / John L. Lewis, Margaret A.M. Murray
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
507 |
no. 546
Textile systems for endomorphisms and automorphisms of the shift / Masakazu Nasu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
508 |
no. 547
On the classification of C[*]-algebras of real rank zero : inductive limits of matrix algebras over non-Hausdorff graphs / Hongbing Su
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
509 |
no. 548
Pseudofunctors on modules with zero dimensional support / I-Chiau Huang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
510 |
no. 549
On the martingale problem for interactive measure-valued branching diffusions / Edwin Perkins
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
511 |
no. 550
C[*]-algebra extensions of C(X) / Huaxin Lin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
512 |
no. 551
Density of prime divisors of linear recurrences / Christian Ballot
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
513 |
no. 552
The major counting of nonintersecting lattice paths and generating functions for tableaux / C. Krattenthaler
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
514 |
no. 553
Algebraic and analytic geometry of fans / Carlos Andradas, Jesús M. Ruiz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
515 |
no. 554
Some special properties of the adjunction theory for 3-folds in P[5] / Mauro C. Beltrametti, Michael Schneider, Andrew J. Sommese
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
516 |
no. 555
Stable networks and product graphs / Tomás Feder
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
517 |
no. 556
Finite rational matrix groups / G. Nebe, W. Plesken
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
518 |
no. 557
Weyl groups and birational transformations among minimal models / Kenji Matsuki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
519 |
no. 558
Coherence of tricategories / R. Gordon, A.J. Power, Ross Street
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
520 |
no. 559
Hilbert modules over operator algebras / Paul S. Muhly, Baruch Solel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
521 |
no. 560
The index theorem for minimal surfaces of higher genus / F. Tomi, A.J. Tromba
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
522 |
no. 561
Two-generator discrete subgroups of PSL(2, R) / Jane Gilman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
523 |
no. 562
Triangular algebras and ideals of nest algebras / John Lindsay Orr
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
524 |
Dimension formulae for the vector spaces of Siegel cusp forms of degree three (II) / Minking Eie
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1987
525 |
no. 563
(m)KdV solitons on the background of quasi-periodic finite-gap solutions / Fritz Gesztesy, Roman Svirsky
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
526 |
no. 564
Shortest paths for sub-Riemannian metrics on rank-two distributions / Wensheng Liu, Héctor J. Sussman[n]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
527 |
no. 565
Classification of direct limits of even Cuntz-circle algebras / Huaxin Lin, N. Christopher Phillips
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
528 |
no. 566
Excluding infinite clique minors / Neil Robertson, Paul Seymour, Robin Thomas
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
529 |
no. 567
On finite groups and homotopy theory / Ran Levi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1995
530 |
no. 568
Solution of the truncated complex moment problem for flat data / Raúl E. Curto, Lawrence A. Fialkow
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
531 |
no. 569, 595
Compact connected Lie transformation groups on spheres with low cohomogeneity / Eldar Straume
1,2. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996-1997
532 |
no. 570
Discretization of homoclinic orbits, rapid forcing, and "invisible" chaos / Bernold Fiedler, Jürgen Scheurle
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
533 |
no. 571
Intersection pairings on Conley indices / Henry L. Kurland
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
534 |
no. 572
Inverse nodal problems : finding the potential from nodal lines / Ole H. Hald, Joyce R. McLaughlin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
535 |
no. 573
An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem for singular arithmetic surfaces / Wayne Aitken
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
536 |
no. 574
Symmetry breaking for compact Lie groups / Michael Field
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
537 |
no. 575
Tilting in Abelian categories and quasitilted algebras / Dieter Happel, Idun Reiten, Sverre O. Smalø
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
538 |
no. 576
Factorizing the classical inequalities / Grahame Bennett
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
539 |
no. 577
Canard cycles and center manifolds / Freddy Dumortier, Robert Roussarie
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
540 |
no. 578
Global aspects of homoclinic bifurcations of vector fields / Ale Jan Homburg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
541 |
no. 579
Lebesgue theory in the bidual of C(X) / Samuel Kaplan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
542 |
no. 580
Reductive subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups / Martin W. Liebeck, Gary M. Seitz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
543 |
no. 581
Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces of infinite genus / Martin U. Schmidt
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
544 |
no. 582
Symmetric automorphisms of free products / Darryl McCullough, Andy Miller
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
545 |
no. 583
Orders of a quartic field / Jin Nakagawa
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
546 |
no. 584
The real positive definite completion problem : cycle completability / Wayne W. Barrett, Charles R. Johnson, Raphael Loewy
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
547 |
no. 585
The operator Hilbert space OH, complex interpolation, and tensor norms / Gilles Pisier
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
548 |
no. 586
Crossed products with continuous trace / Siegfried Echterhoff
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
549 |
no. 587
Wavelet methods for pointwise regularity and local oscillations of functions / Stéphane Jaffard, Yves Meyer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
550 |
no. 588
Degree 16 standard L-function of GSp(2) x GSp(2) / Dihua Jiang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
551 |
no. 589
Higher multiplicities and almost free divisors and complete intersections / James Damon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
552 |
no. 590
Degenerate principal series for symplectic and odd-orthogonal groups / Chris Jantzen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
553 |
no. 591
Stratifying endomorphism algebras / Edward Cline, Brian Parshall, Leonard Scott
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
554 |
no. 592
Analytic deformations of the spectrum of a family of Dirac operators on an odd-dimensional manifold with boundary / P. Kirk, E. Klassen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
555 |
no. 593
Completely positive hypergroup actions / Ajit Iqbal Singh
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
556 |
no. 594
The fundamental lemma for the Shalika subgroup of GL(4) / Solomon Friedberg, Hervé Jacquet
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1996
557 |
no. 596
Cyclic phenomena for composition operators / Paul S. Bourdon, Joel H. Shapiro
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
558 |
no. 597
CR-geometry and deformations of isolated singularities / Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, John J. Millson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
559 |
no. 598
Maximality properties in numerical semigroups and applications to one-dimensional analytically irreducible local domains / Valentina Barucci, David E. Dobbs, Marco Fontana
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
560 |
no. 599
Large time behavior of solutions for general quasilinear hyperbolic-parabolic systems of conservation laws / Tai-Ping Liu, Yanni Zeng
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
561 |
no. 600
Gauge theory on compact surfaces / Ambar Sengupta
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
562 |
no. 601
Locally finite, planar, edge-transitive graphs / Jack E. Graver, Mark E. Watkins
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
563 |
no. 602
Crossed products of von Neumann algebras by equivalence relations and their subalgebras / Igor Fulman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
564 |
no. 603
Extended affine Lie algebras and their root systems / Bruce N. Allison ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
565 |
no. 604
Decision problems for equational theories of relation algebras / Hajnal Andréka, Steven Givant, István Németi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
566 |
no. 605
Classification of simple C[*]-algebras : inductive limits of matrix algebras over trees / Liangqing Li
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
567 |
no. 606
Asymptotic completeness, global existence and the infrared problem for the Maxwell-Dirac equations / Moshé Flato, Jacques C.H. Simon, Erik Taflin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
568 |
no. 607
Operators of class C[0] with spectra in multiply connected regions / Adele Zucchi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
569 |
no. 608
Generalized Minkowski content, spectrum of fractal drums, fractal strings and the Riemann zeta-function / Christina Q. He, Michel L. Lapidus
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
570 |
no. 609
Generalized symplectic geometries and the index of families of elliptic problems / Liviu I. Nicolaescu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
571 |
no. 610
Axiomatic stable homotopy theory / Mark Hovey, John H. Palmieri, Neil P. Strickland
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
572 |
no. 611
L functions for the orthogonal group / D. Ginzburg, I. Piatetski-Shapiro, S. Rallis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
573 |
no. 612
Torsion de Reidemeister pour les variétés hyperboliques / Joan Porti
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
574 |
no. 613
The finite irreducible linear 2-groups of degree 4 / D.L. Flannery
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
575 |
no. 614
The structure of k-CS-transitive cycle-free partial orders / Richard Warren
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
576 |
no. 615
Model theory and linear extreme points in the numerical radius unit ball / Michael A. Dritschel, Hugo J. Woerdeman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
577 |
no. 616
Some connections between isoperimetric and Sobolev-type inequalities / Serguei G. Bobkov, Christian Houdré
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
578 |
no. 617
Families of curves in P[3] and Zeuthen's problem / Robin Hartshorne
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
579 |
no. 618
Lie groups and subsemigroups with surjective exponential fuction / Karl H. Hofmann, Wolfgang A.F. Ruppert
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
580 |
no. 619
Two classes of Riemannian manifolds whose geodesic flows are integrable / Kazuyoshi Kiyohara
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
581 |
no. 620
Diagram groups / Victor Guba, Mark Sapir
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1997
582 |
no. 621
The classification of countable homogeneous directed graphs and countable homogeneous n-tournaments / Gregory L. Cherlin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
583 |
no. 622
Hodge theory in the Sobolev topology for the de Rham complex / Luigi Fontana, Steven G. Krantz, Marco M. Peloso
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
584 |
no. 623
Relations related to betweenness : their structure and automorphisms / S.A. Adeleke, Peter M. Neumann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
585 |
no. 624
A continuum limit of the Toda lattice / P. Deift, K. T-R McLaughlin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
586 |
no. 625
The study of minimax inequalities and applications to economies and variational inequalities / George Xian-Zhi Yuan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
587 |
no. 626
Abelian Galois cohomology of reductive groups / Mikhail Borovoi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
588 |
no. 627
Combinatorial theory of the free product with amalgamation and operator-valued free probability theory / Roland Speicher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
589 |
no. 628
The integral manifolds of the three body problem / Christopher K. McCord, Kenneth R. Meyer, Quidong Wang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
590 |
no. 629
Short-time geometry of random heat kernels / Richard B. Sowers
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
591 |
no. 630
The Γ-equivariant form of the Berezin quantization of the upper half plane / Florin Rădulescu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
592 |
no. 631
The Siegel modular variety of degree two and level four / Ronnie Lee, Steven H. Weintraub . Cohomology of the Siegel modular group of degree two and level four / J. William Hoffman, Steven H. Weintraub
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
593 |
no. 632
Time-dependent subdifferential evolution inclusions and optimal control / Shouchuan Hu, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
594 |
no. 633
Algebraic structure of pseudocompact groups / Dikran Dikranjan, Dmitri Shakhmatov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
595 |
no. 634
Conjugacy of Alt[5] and SL(2, 5) subgroups of E[8](C) / Darrin D. Frey
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
596 |
no. 635
On stability and endoscopic transfer of unipotent orbital integrals on p-adic symplectic groups / Magdy Assem
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
597 |
no. 636
Nonlinear eigenvalues and analytic-hypoellipticity / Ching-Chau Yu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
598 |
no. 637
Cyclic feedback systems / Tomáš Gedeon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
599 |
no. 638
Higher initial ideals of homogeneous ideals / Gunnar Fløystad
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
600 |
no. 639
Structurally stable quadratic vector fields / Joan C. Artés, Robert E. Kooij, Jaume Llibre
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
601 |
no. 640
Wandering vectors for unitary systems and orthogonal wavelets / Xingde Dai, David R. Larson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
602 |
no. 641
Algebro-geometric quasi-periodic finite-gap solutions of the Toda and Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchies / W. Bulla ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
603 |
no. 642
Basic almost-poised hypergeometric series / Chu Wenchang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
604 |
no. 643
Spectral asymptotics on degenerating hyperbolic 3-manifolds / Józef Dodziuk, Jay Jorgenson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
605 |
no. 644
Bosonic construction of vertex operator para-algebras from symplectic affine Kac-Moody algebras / Michael David Weiner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
606 |
no. 645
Existence and persistence of invariant manifolds for semiflows in Banach space / Peter W. Bates, Kening Lu, Chongchun Zeng
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
607 |
no. 646
Controllability, stabilization, and the regulator problem for random differential systems / Russell Johnson, Mahesh Nerurkar
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
608 |
no. 647
Almost automorphic and almost periodic dynamics in skew-product semiflows / Wenxian Shen, Yingfei Yi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
609 |
no. 648
Flat extensions of positive moment matrices : recursively generated relations / Raúl E. Curto, Lawrence A. Fialkow
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
610 |
no. 649
Rank 3 amalgams / Bernd Stellmacher, Franz Georg Timmesfeld
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
611 |
no. 650
Invariants under tori of rings of differential operators and related topics / Ian M. Musson, Michel Van den Bergh
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
612 |
no. 651
Hopf algebras, polynomial formal groups, and Raynaud orders / Lindsay N. Childs ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1998
613 |
no. 652
Annihilating fields of standard modules of Sl(2, C)〓 and combinatorial identities / Arne Meurman, Mirko Primc
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
614 |
no. 653
Differential equations methods for the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem / L.C. Evans, W. Gangbo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
615 |
no. 654
The Riemann problem for the transportation equations in gas dynamics / Wancheng Sheng, Tong Zhang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
616 |
no. 655
Matching of orbital integrals on GL(4) and GSp(2) / Yuval Z. Flicker
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
617 |
no. 656
Algebraic and strong splittings of extensions of Banach algebras / W.G. Bade, H.G. Dales, Z.A. Lykova
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
618 |
no. 657
Cutting Brownian paths / Richard F. Bass, Krzysztof Burdzy
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
619 |
no. 658
Study of the critical points at infinity arising from the failure of the Palais-Smale condition for n-body type problems / Hasna Riahi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
620 |
no. 659
Generalizations of the Perron-Frobenius theorem for nonlinear maps / R.D. Nussbaum, S.M. Verduyn Lunel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
621 |
no. 660
Tensor products and independent sums of L[p]-spaces, 1<p<∞ / Dale E. Alspach
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
622 |
no. 661
Rational S[1]-equivariant stable homotopy theory / J.P.C. Greenlees
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
623 |
no. 662
Treelike structures arising from continua and convergence groups / B.H. Bowditch
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
624 |
no. 663
Iterated function systems and permutation representations of the Cuntz algebra / Ola Bratteli, Palle E.T. Jorgensen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
625 |
no. 664
Limit theorems for functionals of ergodic Markov chains with general state space / Xia Chen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
626 |
no. 665
The defect relation of meromorphic maps on parabolic manifolds / George Lawrence Ashline
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
627 |
no. 666
Morava K-theories and localisation / Mark Hovey, Neil P. Strickland
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
628 |
no. 667
Simplicial dynamical systems / Ethan Akin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
629 |
no. 668
Realization of vector fields and dynamics of spatially homogeneous parabolic equations / E.N. Dancer, P. Poláčik
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 1999
630 |
no. 669
Rational curves on quasi-projective surfaces / Seán Keel, James McKernan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
631 |
no. 670
A computation of δ[1][5] / Steve Jackson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
632 |
no. 671 . Norms on possibilities ; 1
Forcing with trees and creatures / Andrzej Rosłanowski, Saharon Shelah
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
633 |
no. 672
Periodic Hamiltonian flows on four dimensional manifolds / Yael Karshon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
634 |
no. 673
Diffeomorphisms and noncommutative analytic torsion / John Lott
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
635 |
no. 674
A[1] subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups / R. Lawther, D.M. Testerman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
636 |
no. 675
Renormalized self-intersection local times and Wick power chaos processes / Michael B. Marcus, Jay Rosen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
637 |
no. 676
Asymptotics for solutions of linear differential equations having turning points with applications / S. Strelitz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
638 |
no. 677
Squared Hopf algebras / Volodymyr V. Lyubashenko
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
639 |
no. 678
The theory of generalized Dirichlet forms and its applications in analysis and stochastics / Wilhelm Stannat
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 1999
640 |
no. 679
Inverses of disjointness preserving operators / Y.A. Abramovich, A.K. Kitover
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
641 |
no. 680
Continuous tensor products and Arveson's spectral C[*]-algebras / Joachim Zacharias
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
642 |
no. 681
Categories of operator modules (Morita equivalence and projective modules) / David P. Blecher, Paul S. Muhly, Vern I. Paulsen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
643 |
no. 682
Rational homotopical models and uniqueness / Martin Majewski
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
644 |
no. 683
Non-additive exact functors and tensor induction for Mackey functors / Serge Bouc
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
645 |
no. 684
Homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three : a trilogy / Harvey I. Blau ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
646 |
no. 685
Caustics for dissipative semilinear oscillations / Jean-Luc Joly, Guy Metivier, Jeffrey Rauch
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
647 |
no. 686
Splitting theorems for certain equivariant spectra / L. Gaunce Lewis, Jr
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
648 |
no. 687
Uniform rectifiability and quasiminimizing sets of arbitrary codimension / Guy David, Stephen Semmes
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
649 |
no. 688
Sobolev met Poincaré / Piotr Hajłasz, Pekka Koskela
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2000
650 |
no. 689
Special groups : boolean-theoretic methods in the theory of quadratic forms / M.A. Dickmann, F. Miraglia
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
651 |
no. 690
Existence of the sectional capacity / Robert Rumely, Chi Fong Lau, Robert Varley
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
652 |
no. 691
Control and relaxation over the circle / Bruce Hughes, Stratos Prassidis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
653 |
no. 692
Inverse invariant theory and Steenrod operations / Mara D. Neusel
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 2000
654 |
no. 693
Invariant measures for unitary groups associated to Kac-Moody Lie algebras / Doug Pickrell
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , c2000
655 |
no. 694
Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for n x n systems of conservation laws / Alberto Bressan, Graziano Crasta, Benedetto Piccoli
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
656 |
no. 695
An ergodic IP polynomial Szemerédi theorem / Vitaly Bergelson, Randall McCutcheon
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 2000
657 |
no. 696
Estimating the error of numerical solutions of systems of reaction-diffusion equations / Donald J. Estep, Mats G. Larson, Roy D. Williams
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 2000
658 |
no. 697
Frames, bases and group representations / Deguang Han, David R. Larson
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 2000
659 |
no. 698
Complexes associated to two vectors and a rectangular matrix / Andrew R. Kustin
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 2000
660 |
no. 699
Dynamical zeta functions, Nielsen theory and Reidemeister torsion / Alexander Fel'shtyn
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 2000
661 |
no. 700
A new construction of homogeneous quaternionic manifolds and related geometric structures / Vicente Cortés
Providence, R.I., USA : American Mathematical Society , 2000
662 |
no. 701
On natural coalgebra decompositions of tensor algebras and loop suspensions / Paul Selick, Jie Wu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
663 |
no. 702
Analytic quotients : theory of liftings for quotients over analytic ideals on the integers / Ilijas Farah
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
664 |
no. 703
Equivariant E-theory for C[*]-algebras / Erik Guentner, Nigel Higson, Jody Trout
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
665 |
no. 704
The second Chinburg conjecture for quaternion fields / Jeff Hooper, Victor Snaith, Minh van Tran
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
666 |
no. 705
Proper maps of toposes / I. Moerdijk, J.J.C. Vermeulen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2000
667 |
no. 706
Quantum linear groups and representations of GLn (Fq) / Jonathan Brundan, Richard Dipper, Alexander Kleshchev
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
668 |
no. 707
The spectrum of a module category / Henning Krause
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
669 |
no. 708
Black box classical groups / William M. Kantor, Ákos Seress
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
670 |
no. 709
Cocycles of CCR flows / B.V. Rajarama Bhat
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
671 |
no. 710
Resolving Markov chains onto Bernoulli shifts via positive polynomials / Brian Marcus, Selim Tuncel
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
672 |
no. 711
Graded simple Jordan superalgebras of growth one / V.G. Kac, C. Martinez, E. Zelmanov
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
673 |
no. 712
Joint hyponormality of Toeplitz pairs / Raúl E. Curto, Woo Young Lee
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
674 |
no. 713
Layer potentials, the Hodge Laplacian, and global boundary problems in nonsmooth Riemannian manifolds / Dorina Mitrea, Marius Mitrea, Michael Taylor
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
675 |
no. 714
Canonical Sobolev projections of weak type (1,1) / Earl Berkson ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
676 |
no. 715
Multi-interval linear ordinary boundary value problems and complex symplectic algebra / W. N. Everitt, L. Markus
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
677 |
no. 716
Stable homotopy over the Steenrod algebra / John H. Palmieri
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
678 |
no. 717
Frobenius groups and classical maximal orders / Ron Brown
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
679 |
no. 718
Wandering solutions of delay equations with sine-like feedback / Bernhard Lani-Wayda
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
680 |
no. 719
The Dirichlet problem for parabolic operators with singular drift terms / Steve Hofmann, John L. Lewis
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2001
681 |
no. 720
Ruelle operators : functions which are harmonic with respect to a transfer operator / Palle E.T. Jorgensen
Pvovidence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
682 |
no. 721
Surfaces with K[2] = 7 and p[g] = 4 / Ingrid C. Bauer
Pvovidence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
683 |
no. 722
Lagrangian reduction by stages / Hernán Cendra, Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor S. Ratiu
Pvovidence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
684 |
no. 723
Maximum entropy of cycles of even period / Deborah M. King, John B. Strantzen
Pvovidence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
685 |
no. 724
Non-uniform lattices on uniform trees / Lisa Carbone
Pvovidence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
686 |
no. 725
Strong boundary values, analytic functionals, and nonlinear Paley-Wiener theory / Jean-Pierre Rosay, Edgar Lee Stout
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
687 |
no. 726
Singular quasilinearity and higher eigenvalues / Victor L. Shapiro
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
688 |
no. 727
A geometric setting for Hamiltonian perturbation theory / Anthony D. Blaom
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
689 |
no. 728
Equivariant analytic localization of group representations / Laura Smithies
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
690 |
no. 729
On the foundations of nonlinear generalized functions I and II / Michael Grosser ...[et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
691 |
no. 730
The decomposition and classification of radiant affine 3-manifolds / Suhyoung Choi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
692 |
no. 731
On the connection between weighted norm inequalities, commutators and real interpolation / Jesús Bastero, Mario Milman, Francisco J. Ruiz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
693 |
no. 732
Gorenstein liaison, complete intersection liaison invariants and unobstructedness / Jan O. Kleppe ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
694 |
no. 733
Tilings of the plane, hyperbolic groups and small cancellation conditions / Milé Krajčevski
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
695 |
no. 734
Blowing up of non-commutative smooth surfaces / Michel Van den Bergh
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2001
696 |
no. 735
The submanifold geometries associated to Grassmannian systems / Martina Brück ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
697 |
no. 736
Homotopy theory of diagrams / Wojciech Chachólski, Jérôme Scherer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
698 |
no. 737
A stability index analysis of 1-D patterns of the Gray-Scott model / Arjen Doelman, Robert A. Gardner, Tasso J. Kaper
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
699 |
no. 738
Generalized Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) with respect to the Siegel parabolic subgroup / Yasuro Gon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
700 |
no. 739
Sub-Laplacians with drift on Lie groups of polynomial volume growth / Georgios K. Alexopoulos
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
701 |
no. 740
Mutual invadability implies coexistence in spatial models / Rick Durrett
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
702 |
no. 741
Triangulations of oriented matroids / Francisco Santos
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
703 |
no. 742
Smooth molecular decompositions of functions and singular integral operators / J.E. Gilbert ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
704 |
no. 743
Spectral decomposition of a covering of GL(r) : the Borel case / Heng Sun
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
705 |
no. 744
Basic global relative invariants for homogeneous linear differential equations / Roger Chalkley
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
706 |
no. 745
Approximation and entropy numbers of Volterra operators with application to Brownian motion / Mikhail A. Lifshits, Werner Linde
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
707 |
no. 746
Some generalized Kac-Moody algebras with known root multiplicities / Peter Niemann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
708 |
no. 747
Almost commuting elements in compact Lie groups / Armand Borel, Robert Friedman, John W. Morgan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
709 |
no. 748
The lifted root number conjecture and Iwasawa theory / Jürgen Ritter, Alfred Weiss
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
710 |
no. 749
The based ring of two-sided cells of affine Weyl groups of type Ãn-1 / Nanhua Xi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
711 |
no. 750
Kac algebras arising from composition of subfactors : general theory and classification / Masaki Izumi, Hideki Kosaki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
712 |
no. 751
Lie algebras graded by the root systems BCr, r ≧ 2 / Bruce Allison, Georgia Benkart, Yun Gao
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
713 |
no. 752
Homogeneous spaces, Tits buildings, and isoparametric hypersurfaces / Linus Kramer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
714 |
no. 753
Desingularization of nilpotent singularities in families of planar vector fields / Daniel Panazzolo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
715 |
no. 754
Dualities on generalized Koszul algebras / Edward L. Green, Idun Reiten, Øyvind Solberg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
716 |
no. 755
Equivariant orthogonal spectra and S-modules / M.A. Mandell, J.P. May
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
717 |
no. 756
Topological invariants of the complement to arrangements of rational plane curves / José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
718 |
no. 757
q-difference operators, orthogonal polynomials, and symmetric expansions / Douglas Bowman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
719 |
no. 758
Topological invariants for projection method patterns / Alan Forrest, John Hunton, Johannes Kellendonk
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
720 |
no. 759
From representation theory to homotopy groups / Donald M. Davis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
721 |
no. 760
Extending intersection homology type invariants to non-witt spaces / Markus Banagl
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
722 |
no. 761
The AB program in geometric analysis : sharp Sobolev inequalities and related problems / Olivier Druet, Emmanuel Hebey
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
723 |
no. 762
Abstract band method via factorization, positive and band extensions of multivariable almost periodic matrix functions, and spectral estimation / Leiba Rodman, Ilya M. Spitkovsky, Hugo J. Woerdeman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
724 |
no. 763
Segre's reflexivity and an inductive characterization of hyperquadrics / Yasuyuki Kachi, Eiichi Sato
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2002
725 |
no. 764
Noether-Lefschetz problems for degeneracy loci / J. Spandaw
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
726 |
no. 765
Connectivity properties of group actions on non-positively curved spaces / Robert Bieri, Ross Geoghegan
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
727 |
no. 766
On the classification of Polish metric spaces up to isometry / Su Gao, Alexander S. Kechris
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
728 |
no. 767
S-modules in the category of schemes / Po Hu
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
729 |
no. 768
Limit theorems for null recurrent Markov processes / R. Höpfner, E. Löcherbach
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
730 |
no. 769
Homotopy theory of the suspensions of the projective plane / Jie Wu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
731 |
no. 770
Elliptic partial differential operators and symplectic algebra / W.N. Everitt, L. Markus
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
732 |
no. 771
Affine flows on 3-manifolds / Shigenori Matsumoto
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
733 |
no. 772
The moduli space of N=1 superspheres with tubes and the sewing operation / Katrina Barron
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
734 |
no. 773
The rational function analogue of a question of Schur and exceptionality of permutation representations / Robert M. Guralnick, Peter Müller, Jan Saxl
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
735 |
no. 774
Derived l-adic categories for algebraic stacks / Kai A. Behrend
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
736 |
no. 775
On the splitting of invariant manifolds in multidimensional near-integrable Hamiltonian systems / P. Lochak, J.-P. Marco, D. Sauzin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
737 |
no. 776
Banach embedding properties of non-commutative Lp-spaces / U. Haagerup, H.P. Rosenthal, F.A. Sukochev
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
738 |
no. 777
Pseudodifferential analysis on conformally compact spaces / Robert Lauter
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
739 |
no. 778
Numerical control over complex analytic singularities / David B. Massey
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
740 |
no. 779
h-principles and flexibility in geometry / Hansjörg Geiges
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
741 |
no. 780
Quasianalytic monogenic solutions of a cohomological equation / S. Marmi, D. Sauzin
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
742 |
no. 781
Anisotropic Hardy spaces and wavelets / Marcin Bownik
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
743 |
no. 782
On central critical values of the degree four L-functions for GSp(4) : the fundamental lemma / Masaaki Furusawa, Joseph A. Shalika
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
744 |
no. 783
Dynamics of topologically generic homeomorphisms / Ethan Akin, Mike Hurley, Judy A. Kennedy
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2003
745 |
no. 784
Invariants of boundary link cobordism / Desmond Sheiham
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
746 |
no. 785
The connective K-theory of finite groups / R.R. Bruner, J.P.C. Greenlees
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
747 |
no. 786
Radially symmetric patterns of reaction-diffusion systems / Arnd Scheel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
748 |
no. 787
Interpolation of weighted Banach lattices ; A characterization of relatively decomposable Banach lattices / Michael Cwikel, Per G. Nilsson, Gideon Schechtman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
749 |
no. 788
R-boundedness, Fourier multipliers, and problems of elliptic and parabolic type / Robert Denk, Matthias Hieber, Jan Prüss
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
750 |
no. 789
Positive definite functions on infinite-dimensional convex cones / Helge Glöckner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
751 |
no. 790
Yang-Mills measure on compact surfaces / Thierry Lévy
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2003
752 |
no. 791
The role of the spectrum in the cyclic behavior of composition operators / Eva A. Gallardo-Gutiérrez, Alfonso Montes-Rodríguez
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
753 |
no. 792
Exponentially small splitting of invariant manifolds of parabolic points / Inmaculada Baldomá, Ernest Fontich
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
754 |
no. 793
Descriptive set theory and definable forcing / Jindřich Zapletal
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
755 |
no. 794
The RO(G)-graded equivariant ordinary homology of G-cell complexes with even-dimensional cells for G=Z/p / Kevin K. Ferland, L. Gaunce Lewis, Jr
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
756 |
no. 795
Points on quantum projectivizations / Adam Nyman
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
757 |
no. 796
Gromov-Hausdorff distance for quantum metric spaces ; matrix algebras converge to the sphere for quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance / Marc A. Rieffel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
758 |
no. 797
Representation theory and numerical AF-invariants : the representations and centralizers of certain states on Od / Ola Bratteli, Palle E.T. Jorgensen, Vasyl' Ostrovs'kyĭ
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
759 |
no. 798
Classification and probabilistic representation of the positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation / Benoît Mselati
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
760 |
no. 799
Kolyvagin systems / Barry Mazur, Karl Rubin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
761 |
no. 800
Equivariant, almost-arborescent representations of open simply-connected 3-manifolds : a finiteness result / V. Poénaru, C. Tanasi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
762 |
no. 801
Well-posedness for general 2 x 2 systems of conservation laws / Fabio Ancona, Andrea Marson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
763 |
no. 802
The maximal subgroups of positive dimension in exceptional algebraic groups / Martin W. Liebeck, Gary M. Seitz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
764 |
no. 803
Ergodic theory of equivariant diffeomorphisms : Markov partitions and stable ergodicity / Michael Field, Matthew Nicol
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
765 |
no. 804
The conjugacy problem and Higman embeddings / A.Yu. Ol'shanskii, M.V. Sapir
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
766 |
no. 805
Uniformizing dessins and Belyĭ maps via circle packing / Philip L. Bowers, Kenneth Stephenson
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
767 |
no. 806
Methods in the theory of hereditarily indecomposable Banach spaces / Spiros, A. Argyros, Andreas Tolias
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
768 |
no. 807
Self-similarity and multiwavelets in higher dimension / Carlos A. Cabrelli, Christopher Heil, Ursula M. Molter
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2004
769 |
no. 808
Exceptional vector bundles, tilting sheaves and tilting complexes for weighted projective lines / Hagen Meltzer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
770 |
no. 809
Mutually catalytic super branching random walks : large finite systems and renormalization analysis / J.T. Cox, D.A. Dawson, A. Greven
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
771 |
no. 810
Infinite dimensional complex symplectic spaces / W.N. Everitt, L. Markus
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
772 |
no. 811
Locally finite root systems / Ottmar Loos, Erhard Neher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
773 |
no. 812
Homotopy equivalences of 3-manifolds and deformation theory of Kleinian groups / Richard D. Canary, Darryl McCullough
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
774 |
no. 813
Shock-wave solutions of the Einstein equations with perfect fluid sources : existence and consistency by a locally inertial Glimm scheme / Jeff Groah, Blake Temple
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
775 |
no. 814
Kähler spaces, nilpotent orbits, and singular reduction / Johannes Huebschmann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
776 |
no. 815
v[1]-periodic homotopy groups of SO(n) / Martin Bendersky, Donald M. Davis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2004
777 |
no. 816
Necessary conditions in dynamic optimization / Francis Clarke
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2005
778 |
no. 817
Moduli spaces of polynomials in two variables / Javier Fernández de Bobadilla
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2005
779 |
no. 818
An algebraic structure for Moufang quadrangles / Tom de Medts
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2005
780 |
no. 819
Hilbert modular forms : mod p and p-adic aspects / F. Andreatta, E.Z. Goren
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
781 |
no. 820
Conformal and harmonic measures on laminations associated with rational maps / Vadim A. Kaimanovich, Mikhail Lyubich
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2005
782 |
no. 821
Local zeta functions attached to the minimal spherical series for a class of symmetric spaces / Nicole Bopp, Hubert Rubenthaler
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
783 |
no. 822
Maximum principles on Riemannian manifolds and applications / Stefano Pigola, Marco Rigoli, Alberto G. Setti
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
784 |
no. 823
An analogue of a reductive algebraic monoid whose unit group is a Kac-Moody group / Claus Mokler
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2005
785 |
no. 824
On dynamical Poisson groupoids I / Luen-Chau Li, Serge Parmentier
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
786 |
no. 825
Integral transformations and anticipative calculus for fractional Brownian motions / Yaozhong Hu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
787 |
no. 826
Large viscous boundary layers for noncharacteristic nonlinear hyperbolic problems / Guy Métivier, Kevin Zumbrun
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
788 |
no. 827
Fermionic expressions for minimal model Virasoro characters / Trevor A. Welsh
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
789 |
no. 828
Generative complexity in algebra / Joel Berman, Paweł M. Idziak
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
790 |
no. 829
Entropy bounds and isoperimetry / S.G. Bobkov, B. Zegarlinski
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2005
791 |
no. 830
A generating function approach to the enumeration of matrices in classical groups over finite fields / Jason Fulman, Peter M. Neumann, Cheryl E. Praeger
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2005
792 |
no. 831
The complete dimension theory of partially ordered systems with equivalence and orthogonality / K.R. Goodearl, F. Wehrung
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
793 |
no. 832
Representation type of commutative Noetherian rings III : global wildness and tameness / Lee Klingler, Lawrence S. Levy
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2005
794 |
no. 833
Rigidity theorems for actions of product groups and countable Borel equivalence relations / Greg Hjorth, Alexander S. Kechris
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
795 |
no. 834
Kleinian groups which are limits of geometrically finite groups / Ken'ichi Ohshika
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
796 |
no. 835
Higher complex torsion and the framing principle / Kiyoshi Igusa
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
797 |
no. 836
The second duals of Beurling algebras / H.G. Dales, A.T.-M. Lau
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
798 |
no. 837
Lax-Phillips scattering and conservative linear systems : a Cuntz-algebra multidimensional setting / Joseph A. Ball, Victor Vinnikov
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
799 |
no. 838
Integrable Hamiltonian systems on complex Lie groups / V. Jurdjevic
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2005
800 |
no. 839
A random tiling model for two dimensional electrostatics / Mihai Ciucu
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
801 |
no. 840
The complex Monge-Ampère equation and pluripotential theory / Sławomir Kołodziej
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2005
802 |
no. 841
Quasi-ordinary power series and their zeta functions / Enrique Artal Bartolo ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2005
803 |
no. 842
The calculus of one-sided M-ideals and multipliers in operator spaces / David P. Blecher, Vrej Zarikian
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2006
804 |
no. 843
Relatively hyperbolic groups : intrinsic geometry, algebraic properties, and algorithmic problems / Denis V. Osin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
805 |
no. 844
A geometric mechanism for diffusion in Hamiltonian systems overcoming the large gap problem : heuristics and rigorous verification on a model / Amadeu Delshams, Rafael de la Llave, Tere M. Seara
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
806 |
no. 845
A sharp threshold for random graphs with a monochromatic triangle in every edge coloring / Ehud Friedgut ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 2006
807 |
no. 846
Measure theoretic laws for lim-sup sets / Victor Beresnevich, Detta Dickinson, Sanju Velani
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
808 |
no. 847
Hölder continuity of weak solutions to subelliptic equations with rough coefficients / Eric T. Sawyer, Richard L. Wheeden
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2006
809 |
no. 848
Equivalences of classifying spaces completed at the prime two / Bob Oliver
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006
810 |
no. 849
Twisted tensor products related to the cohomology of the classifying spaces of loop groups / Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, Mamoru Mimura, Tetsu Nishimoto
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2006
811 |
no. 850
A categorical approach to imprimitivity theorems for C*-dynamical systems / Siegfried Echterhoff .. [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2006
812 |
no. 851
On maps from loop suspensions to loop spaces and the shuffle relations on the Cohen groups / Jie Wu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006
813 |
no. 852
Tangential boundary stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations / Viorel Barbu, Irena Lasiecka, Roberto Triggiani
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
814 |
no. 853
Stability of spherically symmetric wave maps / Joachim Krieger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
815 |
no. 854
The role of true finiteness in the admissible recursively enumerable degrees / Noam Greenberg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
816 |
no. 855
On higher Frobenius-Schur indicators / Yevgenia Kashina, Yorck Sommerhäuser, Yongchang Zhu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
817 |
no. 856
On boundary interpolation for matrix valued Schur functions / Vladimir Bolotnikov, Harry Dym
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
818 |
no. 857
Non-doubling Ahlfors measures, perimeter measures, and the characterization of the trace spaces of Sobolev functions in Carnot-carathéodory spaces / Donatella Danielli, Nicola Garofalo, Duy-Minh Nhieu
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2006
819 |
no. 858
Flat level set regularity of p-Laplace phase transitions / Enrico Valdinoci, Berardino Sciunzi, Vasile Ovidiu Savin
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2006
820 |
no. 859
Carleson measures and interpolating sequences for Besov spaces on complex balls / N. Arcozzi, R. Rochberg, E. Sawyer
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2006
821 |
no. 860
Pseudo limits, biadjoints, and pseudo algebras : categorical foundations of conformal field theory / Thomas M. Fiore
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2006
822 |
no. 861
Weil-Petersson metric on the universal teichmüller space / Leon A. Takhtajan, Lee-Peng Teo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006
823 |
no. 862
The Beilinson complex and canonical rings of irregular surfaces / Alberto Canonaco
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
824 |
no. 863
The universal Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence on Hermitian manifolds / M. Lübke, A. Teleman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
825 |
no. 864
Fredholm operators and Einstein metrics on conformally compact manifolds / John M. Lee
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2006
826 |
no. 865
Invariant means and finite representation theory of C*-algebras / Nathanial P. Brown
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006
827 |
no. 866
Semigroups underlying first-order logic / William Craig
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006
828 |
no. 867
Metric properties of harmonic measures / Vilmos Totik
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006
829 |
no. 868
Entropy and multivariable interpolation / Gelu Popescu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006
830 |
no. 869-870
Asymptotic behaviour of tame harmonic bundles and an application to pure twister D-modules / Takuro Mochizuki
Part 1,Part 2. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2007-
831 |
no. 871
On necessary and sufficient conditions for Lp-estimates of Riesz transforms associated to elliptic operators on Rn and related estimates / Pascal Auscher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
832 |
no. 872
The Hilbert function of a level algebra / Anthony V. Geramita ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
833 |
no. 873
Exponential genus problems in one-relator products of groups / A.J. Duncan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
834 |
no. 874
Semisolvability of semisimple Hopf algebras of low dimension / Sonia Natale
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
835 |
no. 875
Hypergéométrie et fonction zêta de Riemann / C. Krattenthaler, T. Rivoal
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
836 |
no. 876
Borel liftings of Borel sets : some decidable and undecidable statements / Gabriel Debs, Jean Saint Raymond
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
837 |
no. 877
Recent developments in the theory of Lorentz spaces and weighted inequalities / María J. Carro, José A. Raposo, Javier Soria
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
838 |
no. 878
KAM stability and celestial mechanics / Alessandra Celletti, Luigi Chierchia
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
839 |
no. 879
Betti numbers of the moduli space of rank 3 parabolic Higgs bundles / O. García-Prada, P.B. Gothen, V. Muñoz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
840 |
no. 880
Ramanujan's forty identities for the Rogers-Ramanujan functions / Bruce C. Berndt ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
841 |
no. 881
Operator valued Hardy spaces / Tao Mei
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
842 |
no. 882
An axiomatic approach to function spaces, spectral synthesis, and Luzin approximation / Lars Inge Hedberg, Yuri Netrusov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
843 |
no. 883
Homological and homotopical aspects of Torsion theories / Apostolos Beligiannis, Idun Reiten
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
844 |
no. 884
Projective group structures as absolute Galois structures with block approximation / Dan Haran, Moshe Jarden, Florian Pop
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
845 |
no. 885
The structure of the rational concordance group of knots / Jae Choon Cha
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
846 |
no. 886
Symmetric and alternating groups as monodromy groups of Riemann surfaces I : generic covers and covers with many branch points / Robert M. Guralnick, John Shareshian ; with an appendix by R. Guralnick and R. Stafford
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
847 |
no. 887
Noncommutative Maslov index and Eta-forms / Charlotte Wahl
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
848 |
no. 888
Basic global relative invariants for nonlinear differential equations / Roger Chalkley
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2007
849 |
no. 889
Distribution solutions of nonlinear systems of conservation laws / Michael Sever
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2007
850 |
no. 890
Toroidalization of dominant morphisms of 3-folds / Steven Dale Cutkosky
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2007
851 |
no. 891
Newton's method applied to two quadratic equations in C[2] viewed as a global dynamical system / John H. Hubbard, Peter Papadopol
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
852 |
no. 892
Classical function theory, operator dilation theory, and machine computation on multiply-connected domains / Jim Agler, John Harland, Benjamin J. Raphael
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
853 |
no. 893
The Beltrami equation / Tadeusz Iwaniec, Gaven Martin
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
854 |
no. 894
Hardy spaces and potential theory on C1 domains in Riemannian manifolds / Martin Dindoš
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
855 |
no. 895
Finite sections of band-dominated operators / Steffen Roch
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
856 |
no. 896
The generalized triangle inequalities in symmetric spaces and buildings with applications to algebra / Michael Kapovich, Bernhard Leeb, John J. Millson
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
857 |
no. 897
Limit theorems of polynomial approximation with exponential weights / Michael I. Ganzburg
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
858 |
no. 898
Galois extensions of structured ring spectra stably dualizable groups / John Rognes
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
859 |
no. 899
Weakly differentiable mappings between manifolds / Piotr Hajłasz ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
860 |
no. 900
Differential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spaces over general base fields and rings / Wolfgang Bertram
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2008
861 |
no. 901
Torus fibrations, gerbes, and duality / Ron Donagi, Tony Pantev ; with an appendix by Dmitry Arinkin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
862 |
no. 902
Homotopical algebraic geometry II : geometric stacks and applications / Bertrand Toën, Gabriele Vezzosi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
863 |
no. 903
Invariant differential operators for quantum symmetric spaces / Gail Letzter
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
864 |
no. 904
Rank one Higgs bundles and representations of fundamental groups of Riemann surfaces / William M. Goldman, Eugene Z. Xia
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
865 |
no. 905
Complicial sets characterising the simplical nerves of strict ω-categories / Dominic Verity
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
866 |
no. 906
Heisenberg calculus and spectral theory of hypoelliptic operators on Heisenberg manifolds / Raphaël S. Ponge
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
867 |
no. 907
Spinor genera in characteristic 2 / Yuanhua Wang, Fei Xu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
868 |
no. 908
L'endoscopie tordue n'est pas si tordue / J.-L. Waldspurger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
869 |
no. 909
Toroidal Dehn fillings on hyperbolic 3-manifolds / Cameron McA. Gordon, Ying-Qing Wu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
870 |
no. 910
A proof of Alon's second eigenvalue conjecture and related problems / Joel Friedman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
871 |
no. 911
Eigenvalues and completeness for regular and simply irregular two-point differential operators / John Locker
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
872 |
no. 912
Long-time behavior of second order evolution equations with nonlinear damping / Igor Chueshov, Irena Lasiecka
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
873 |
no. 913
The topological dynamics of Ellis actions / Ethan Akin, Joseph Auslander, Eli Glasner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
874 |
no. 914
Bernoulli free-boundary problems / E. Shargorodsky and J.F. Toland
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
875 |
no. 915
Degree theory for operators of monotone type and nonlinear elliptic equaions with inequality constraints / Sergiu Aizicovici, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, and Vasile Staicu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
876 |
no. 916
The mapping class group from the viewpoint of measure equivalence theory / Yoshikata Kida
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
877 |
no. 917
The stable manifold theorem for semilinear stochastic evolution equations and stochastic partial differential equations / Salah-Eldin Mohammed, Tusheng Zhang, Huaizhong Zhao
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
878 |
no. 918
Representations of shifted Yangians and finite W-algebras / Jonathan Brundan, Alexander Kleshchev
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2008
879 |
no. 919
Sum formula for SL2 over a totally real number field / Roelof W. Bruggeman and Roberto J. Miatello
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
880 |
no. 920
The recognition theorem for graded lie algebras in prime characteristic / Georgia Benkart, Thomas Gregory, Alexander Premet
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
881 |
no. 921
Compactification of the Drinfeld modular surfaces / Thomas Lehmkuhl
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
882 |
no. 922
Asymptotic expansions for infinite weighted convolutions of heavy tail distributions and applications / Ph. Barbe, W.P. McCormick
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
883 |
no. 923
Minimal resolutions via algebraic discrete morse : theory / Michael J'ollenbeck, Volkmar Welker
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2009
884 |
no. 924
"Abstract'' homomorphisms of split Kac-Moody groups / Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
885 |
no. 925
Multi-pulse evolution and space-time chaos in dissipative systems / Sergey Zelik, Alexander Mielke
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
886 |
no. 926
Canonical Wick rotations in 3-dimensional gravity / Riccardo Benedetti, Francesco Bonsante
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
887 |
no. 927
Brownian Brownian motion-I / N. Chernov, D. Dolgopyat
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
888 |
no. 928
Index theory, eta forms, and Deligne cohomology / Ulrich Bunke
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
889 |
no. 929
Moderate deviations for the range of planar random walks / Richard F. Bass, Xia Chen, Jay Rosen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
890 |
no. 930
Random sets and invariants for (type II) continuous tensor product systems of Hilbert spaces / Volkmar Liebscher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
891 |
no. 931
Hölder-Sobolev regularity of the solution to the stochastic wave equation in dimension three / Robert C. Dalang, Marta Sanz-Solé
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
892 |
no. 932
Volume doubling measures and heat kernel estimates on self-similar sets / Jun Kigami
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
893 |
no. 933
Scattering resonances for several small convex bodies and the Lax-Phillips conjecture / Luchezar Stoyanov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
894 |
no. 934
The dynamics of modulated wave trains / Arjen Doelman ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
895 |
no. 935
The scaling limit of the correlation of holes on the triangular lattice with periodic boundary conditions / Mihai Ciucu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
896 |
no. 936
Twisted pseudodifferential calculus and application to the quantum evolution of molecules / André Martinez, Vania Sordoni
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
897 |
no. 937
Cohomological invariants : exceptional groups and spin groups / Skip Garibaldi ; with an appendix by Detlev W. Hoffmann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
898 |
no. 938
Uniqueness and stability in determining a rigid inclusion in an elastic body / Antonino Morassi, Edi Rosset
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
899 |
no. 939
The minimal polynomials of unipotent elements in irreducible representations of the classical groups in odd characteristic / I.D. Suprunenko
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
900 |
no. 940
Small divisor problem in the theory of three-dimensional water gravity waves / Gérard Iooss, Pavel I. Plotnikov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
901 |
no. 941
Unitary invariants in multivariable operator theory / Gelu Popescu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2009
902 |
no. 942
Noncommutative curves of genus zero : related to finite dimensional algebras / Dirk Kussin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2009
903 |
no. 943
On the convergence of Σc[k]f(n[k]x) / István Berkes, Michel Weber
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2009
904 |
no. 944
Large deviations and adiabatic transitions for dynamical systems and Markov processes in fully coupled averaging / Yuri Kifer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2009
905 |
no. 945
The creation of strange non-chaotic attractors in non-smooth saddle-node bifurcations / Tobias H. Jäger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2009
906 |
no. 946
Heat Eisenstein series on SLn(C) / Jay Jorgenson, Serge Lang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2009
907 |
no. 947
Rock blocks / W. Turner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
908 |
no. 948
Yang-Mills connections on orientable and nonorientable surfaces / Nan-Kuo Ho, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
909 |
no. 949
Generalized noncrossing partitions and combinatorics of coxeter groups / Drew Armstrong
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
910 |
no. 950
Hypocoercivity / Cédric Villani
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
911 |
no. 951
Center manifolds for semilinear equations with non-dense domain and applications to Hopf bifurcation in age structured models / Pierre Magal, Shigui Ruan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009
912 |
no. 952
Regular subgroups of primitive permutation groups / Martin W. Liebeck, Cheryl E. Praeger, Jan Saxl
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
913 |
no. 953
Mixed-norm inequalities and operator space Lp embedding theory / Marius Junge, Javier Parcet
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
914 |
no. 954
Thermodynamical formalism and multifractal analysis for meromorphic functions of finite order / Volker Mayer, Mariusz Urbański
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
915 |
no. 955
The quadratic isoperimetric inequality for mapping tori of free group automorphisms / Martin R. Bridson, Daniel Groves
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
916 |
no. 956
Points and curves in the Monster tower / Richard Montgomery, Michail Zhitomirskii
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
917 |
no. 957
Invariant representations of GSp(2) under tensor product with a quadratic character / Ping-Shun Chan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
918 |
no. 958
Topological automorphic forms / Mark Behrens, Tyler Lawson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
919 |
no. 959
Symplectic actions of 2-tori on 4-manifolds / Alvaro Pelayo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
920 |
no. 960
Ergodicity, stabilization, and singular perturbations for Bellman-Isaacs equations / Olivier Alvarez, Martino Bardi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
921 |
no. 961
Non-divergence equations structured on Hörmander vector fields : heat kernels and Harnack inequalities / Marco Bramanti ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
922 |
no. 962
Unfolding CR singularities / Adam Coffman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
923 |
no. 963
Approximate homotopy of homomorphisms from C(X) into a simple C*-algebra / Huaxin Lin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
924 |
no. 964
Operator theory on noncommutative domains / Gelu Popescu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
925 |
no. 965
On a conjecture of E.M. Stein on the Hilbert transform on vector fields / Michael Lacey, Xiaochun Li
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
926 |
no. 966
Banach algebras on semigroups and on their compactifications / H.G. Dales, A.T.-M. Lau, D. Strauss
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
927 |
no. 967
Lyapunov exponents and invariant manifolds for random dynamical systems in a Banach space / Zeng Lian, Kening Lu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
928 |
no. 968
Structural Ramsey theory of metric spaces and topological dynamics of isometry groups / L. Nguyen Van Thé
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
929 |
no. 969
Small modifications of quadrature domains / Makoto Sakai
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
930 |
no. 970
C*-algebras of homoclinic and heteroclinic structure in expansive dynamics / Klaus Thomsen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
931 |
no. 971
Locally toric manifolds and singular Bohr-Sommerfeld leaves / Mark D. Hamilton
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
932 |
no. 972
The moment maps in diffeology / Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
933 |
no. 973
The generalised Jacobson-Morosov theorem / Peter O'Sullivan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
934 |
no. 974
Composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces / Pascal Lefèvre ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
935 |
no. 975
Topological classification of families of diffeomorphisms without small divisors / Javier Ribón
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
936 |
n. 976
Classification of radial solutions arising in the study of thermal structures with thermal equilibrium or no flux at the boundary / Alfonso Castro, Víctor Padrón
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
937 |
n. 977
Affine insertion and Pieri rules for the affine Grassmannian / Thomas Lam ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
938 |
n. 978
Complex interpolation between Hilbert, Banach, and operator spaces / Gilles Pisier
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
939 |
n. 979
ErdőH os space and homeomorphism groups of manifolds / Jan J. Dijkstra, Jan van Mill
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
940 |
n. 980
Tame flows / Liviu I. Nicolaescu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
941 |
n. 981
The internally 4-connected binary matroids with no M(K3,3)-minor / Dillon Mayhew, Gordon Royle, Geoff Whittle
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2010
942 |
no. 982
Operator algebras for multivariable dynamics / Kenneth R. Davidson, Elias G. Katsoulis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
943 |
no. 983
Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions / Mark Walsh
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
944 |
no. 984
Robin functions for complex manifolds and applications / Kang-Tae Kim, Norman Levenberg, Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
945 |
no. 985
The moduli space of cubic threefolds as a ball quotient / Daniel Allcock, James A. Carlson, Domingo Toledo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
946 |
no. 986
The generalized fitting subsystem of a fusion system / Michael Aschbacher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
947 |
no. 987
Definable additive categories : purity and model theory / Mike Prest
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
948 |
no. 988
Centres of centralizers of unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups / R. Lawther, D.M. Testerman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
949 |
no. 989
Limit operators, collective compactness, and the spectral theory of infinite matrices / Simon N. Chandler-Wilde, Marko Lindner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
950 |
no. 990
Towards non-Abelian p-adic Hodge theory in the good reduction case / Martin C. Olsson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
951 |
no. 991
Q-valued functions revisited / Camillo De Lellis, Emanuele Nunzio Spadaro
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
952 |
no. 992
Iwasawa theory, projective modules, and modular representations / Ralph Greenberg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
953 |
no. 993
Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems / Wilfrid Gangbo, Hwa Kil Kim, Tommaso Pacini
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
954 |
no. 994
Fonction Zêta des hauteurs des variétés toriques non déployées / David Bourqui
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
955 |
no. 995
Rearranging Dyson-Schwinger equations / Karen Yeats
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
956 |
no. 996
Two kinds of derived categories, Koszul duality, and comodule-contramodule correspondence / Leonid Positselski
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
957 |
no. 997
Positive definiteness of functions with applications to operator norm inequalities / Hideki Kosaki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
958 |
no. 998
Valuations and differential Galois groups / Guillaume Duval
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2010
959 |
no. 999
On systems of equations over free partially commutative groups / Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, Ilya Kazachkov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2010
960 |
no. 1000
The Schrödinger model for the minimal representation of the indefinite orthogonal group O(p, q) / Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Gen Mano
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
961 |
no. 1001
Multicurves and equivariant cohomology / N.P. Strickland
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
962 |
no. 1002
Supported blow-up and prescribed scalar curvature on Sn / Man Chun Leung
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
963 |
no. 1003
Iterated function systems, moments, and tranformations of infinite matrices / Palle E.T. Jorgensen, Keri A. Kornelson, Karen L. Shuman
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
964 |
no. 1004
Axes in outer space / Michael Handel, Lee Mosher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2011
965 |
no. 1005
Parabolic systems with polynomial growth and regularity / Frank Duzaar, Giuseppe Mingione, Klaus Steffen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
966 |
no. 1006
On the algebraic foundation of bounded cohomology / Theo Bühler
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
967 |
no. 1007
Hardy spaces associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators satisfying Davies-Gaffney estimates / Steve Hofmann ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
968 |
no. 1008
Quasi-actions on trees II : finite depth Bass-Serre trees / Lee Mosher, Michah Sageev, Kevin Whyte
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
969 |
no. 1009
Jumping numbers of a simple complete ideal in a two-dimensional regular local ring / Tarmo Järvilehto
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
970 |
no. 1010
A von Neumann algebra approach to quantum metrics / Greg Kuperberg, Nik Weaver. Quantum relations / Nik Weaver
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011-2012
971 |
no. 1011
Dimer models and Calabi-Yau algebras / Nathan Broomhead
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011-2012
972 |
no. 1012
Reifenberg parameterizations for sets with holes / Guy David, Tatiana Toro
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011-2012
973 |
no. 1013
On L-packets for inner forms of SLn / Kaoru Hiraga, Hiroshi Saito
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011-2012
974 |
no. 1014
Chevalley supergroups / R. Fioresi, F. Gavarini
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011-2012
975 |
no. 1015
Resistance forms, quasisymmetric maps and heat kernel estimates / Jun Kigami
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
976 |
no. 1016
Towards a modulo p Langlands correspondence for GL2 / Christophe Breuil, Vytautas Paškūnas
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
977 |
no. 1017
Weighted shifts on directed trees / Zenon Jan Jablónski, Il Bong Jung, Jan Stochel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
978 |
no. 1018
Second order analysis on (P2(M),W2) / Nicola Gigli
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
979 |
no. 1019
On first and second order planar elliptic equations with degeneracies / Abdelhamid Meziani
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
980 |
no. 1020
A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants / Dominic Joyce, Yinan Song
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
981 |
no. 1021
Networking Seifert surgeries on knots / Arnaud Deruelle, Katura Miyazaki, Kimihiko Motegi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
982 |
no. 1022
The Hermitian two matrix model with an even quartic potential / Maurice Duits, Arno B.J. Kuijlaars, Man Yue Mo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2011
983 |
no. 1023
n-Harmonic mappings between annuli : the art of integrating free Lagrangians / Tadeusz Iwaniec, Jani Onninen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
984 |
no. 1024
On the shape of a pure O-sequence / Mats Boij ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
985 |
no. 1025
General relativistic self-similar waves that induce an anomalous acceleration into the standard model of cosmology / Joel Smoller, Blake Temple
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
986 |
no. 1026
The Goodwillie tower and the EHP sequence / author, Mark Behrens
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
987 |
no. 1027
The Lin-Ni's problem for mean convex domains / Olivier Druet, Frédéric Robert, Juncheng Wei
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
988 |
no. 1028
Hopf algebras and congruence subgroups / Yorck Sommerhäuser, Yongchang Zhu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
989 |
no. 1029
Extended graphical calculus for categorified quantum sl(2) / Mikhail Khovanov ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
990 |
no. 1030
Finite order automorphisms and real forms of affine Kac-Moody algebras in the smooth and algebraic category / Ernst Heintze, Christian Groß
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
991 |
no. 1031
Elliptic integrable systems : a comprehensive geometric interpretation / Idrisse Khemar
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
992 |
no. 1032
Infinite-dimensional representations of 2-groups / John C. Baez ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
993 |
no. 1033
The reflective Lorentzian lattices of rank 3 / Daniel Allcock
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
994 |
no. 1034
Modular branching rules for projective representations of symmetric groups and lowering operators for the supergroup Q(n) / Alexander Kleshchev, Vladimir Shchigolev
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
995 |
no. 1035
Vector bundles on degenerations of elliptic curves and Yang-Baxter equations / Igor Burban, Bernd Kreussler
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
996 |
no. 1036
Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary and eta cochains / Matthias Lesch, Henri Moscovici, Markus J. Pflaum
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2012
997 |
no. 1037
Zeta functions for two-dimensional shifts of finite type / Jung-Chao Ban, Wen-Guei Hu, Song-Sun Lin, Yin-Heng Lin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
998 |
no. 1038
Potential wadge classes / Dominique Lecomte
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
999 |
no. 1039
Wave front set of solutions to sums of squares of vector fields / Paolo Albano, Antonio Bove
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1000 |
no. 1040
The Kohn-Sham equation for deformed crystals / Weinan E, Jianfeng Lu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1001 |
no. 1041
The regularity of general parabolic systems with degenerate diffusion / Verena Bögelein, Frank Duzaar, Giuseppe Mingione
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1002 |
no. 1042
Character identities in the twisted endoscopy of real reductive groups / Paul Mezo
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1003 |
no. 1043
Pseudo-differential operators with discontinuous symbols : Widom's conjecture / A.V. Sobolev
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1004 |
no 1044
A mutation-selection model with recombination for general genotypes / Steven N. Evans, David Steinsaltz, Kenneth W. Wachter
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1005 |
no. 1045
A study of singularities on rational curves via Syzygies / David Cox, Andrew R. Kustin, Claudia Polini, Bernd Ulrich
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1006 |
no. 1046
The shape of congruence lattices / Keith A. Kearnes, Emil W. Kiss
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1007 |
no. 1047
Global regularity for the Yang-Mills equations on high dimensional Minkowski space / Joachim Krieger, Jacob Sterbenz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1008 |
no. 1048
Characterization and topological rigidity of Nöbeling manifolds / Andrzej Nagórko
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1009 |
no. 1049
The reductive subgroups of F4 / David I. Stewart
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1010 |
no. 1050
The poset of K-shapes and branching rules for K-Schur functions / Thomas Lam, Luc Lapointe, Jennifer Morse, Mark Shimozono
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1011 |
no. 1051
Elliptic partial differential equations with almost-real coefficients / Ariel Barton
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1012 |
no. 1052
Non-cooperative equilibria of Fermi systems with long range interactions / J.-B. Bru, W. de Siqueira Pedra
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1013 |
no. 1053
Fixed point theorems for plane continua with applications / Alexander M. Blokh ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1014 |
no. 1054
Strange attractors for periodically forced parabolic equations / Kening Lu, Qiudong Wang, Lai-Sang Young
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1015 |
no. 1055
Kuznetsov's trace formula and the Hecke eigenvalues of Maass forms / A. Knightly, C. Li
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012
1016 |
no. 1056
On some aspects of oscillation theory and geometry / Bruno Bianchini, Luciano Mari, Marco Rigoli
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1017 |
no. 1057
On central critical values of the degree four L-functions for GSp (4) : the fundamental lemma. III / Masaaki Furusawa, Kimball Martin, Joseph A. Shalika
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1018 |
no. 1058
3-manifold groups are virtually residually p / Matthias Aschenbrenner, Stefan Friedl
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1019 |
no. 1059
The Sine-Gordon equation in the semiclassical limit : dynamics of fluxon condensates / Robert J. Buckingham, Peter D. Miller
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1020 |
no. 1060
On the steady motion of a coupled system solid-liquid / Josef Bemelmans, Giovanni P. Galdi, Mads Kyed
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1021 |
no. 1061
Isolated involutions in finite groups / Rebecca Waldecker
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1022 |
no. 1062
On the regularity of the composition of diffeomorphisms / H. Inci, T. Kappeler, P. Topalov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1023 |
no. 1063
Torsors, reductive group schemes and extended affine Lie algebras / Philippe Gille, Arturo Pianzola
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1024 |
no. 1064
Gromov, Cauchy and causal boundaries for Riemannian, Finslerian and Lorentzian manifolds / J.L. Flores, J. Herrera, M. Sánchez
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1025 |
no. 1065
Stochastic flows in the Brownian web and net / Emmanuel Schertzer, Rongfeng Sun, Jan M. Swart
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1026 |
no. 1066
Weighted Bergman spaces induced by rapidly increasing weights / José Ángel Peláez, Jouni Rättyä
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1027 |
no. 1067
Singularity theory for non-twist KAM tori / A. González-Enríquez, A. Haro, R. de la Llave
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1028 |
no. 1068
A complete classification of the isolated singularities for nonlinear elliptic equations with inverse square potentials / Florica C. Cîrstea
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1029 |
no. 1069
Near soliton evolution for equivariant Schrödinger maps in two spatial dimensions / Ioan Bejenaru, Daniel Tataru
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1030 |
no. 1070
Large deviations for additive functionals of Markov chains / Alejandro D. de Acosta, Peter Ney
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1031 |
no. 1071
Relative equilibria in the 3-dimensional curved n-body problem / Florin Diacu
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1032 |
no. 1072
Spectra of symmetrized shuffling operators / Victor Reiner, Franco Saliola, Volkmar Welker
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1033 |
no. 1073
Nonlinear stability of Ekman boundary layers in rotating stratified fluids / Hajime Koba
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1034 |
no. 1074
Global and local regularity of Fourier integral operators on weighted and unweighted spaces / David Dos Santos Ferreira, Wolfgang Staubach
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1035 |
no. 1075
Operator-valued measures, dilations, and the theory of frames / Deguang Han ... [et. al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1036 |
no. 1077
Cohomology for quantum groups via the geometry of the nullcone / Christopher P. Bendel ... [et.al.]
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1037 |
no. 1078
On the spectra of quantum groups / Milen Yakimov
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1038 |
no. 1079
Formality of the little N-disks operad / Pascal Lambrechts, Ismar Volić
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1039 |
no. 1080
Combinatorial Floer homology / Vin de Silva, Joel W. Robbin, Dietmar A. Salamon
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1040 |
no. 1081
Generalized descriptive set theory and classification theory / Sy-David Friedman, Tapani Hyttinen, Vadim Kulikov
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1041 |
no. 1082
A quantum Kirwan map : bubbling and Fredholm theory for symplectic vortices over the plane / Fabian Ziltener
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 2013
1042 |
Effective Hamiltonians for constrained quantum systems / Jakob Wachsmuth, Stefan Teufel
Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , c2013
1043 |
Index theory for locally compact noncommutative geometries / A.L. Carey... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1044 |
no. 1086
Quaternionic contact : Einstein structures and the quaternionic contact Yamabe problem / Stefan Ivanov, Ivan Minchev, Dimiter Vassilev
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1045 |
no. 1087
To an effective local Langlands correspondence / Colin J. Bushnell, Guy Henniart
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2014
1046 |
Special values of automorphic cohomology classes / Mark Green, Phillip Griffiths, Matt Kerr
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1047 |
no. 1089
The optimal version of Hua's fundamental theorem of geometry of rectangular matrices / Peter Šemrl
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1048 |
no. 1090
Transfer of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2 / Ameya Pitale, Abhishek Saha, Ralf Schmidt
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1049 |
no. 1091
Polynomial approximation on polytopes / Vilmos Totik
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1050 |
no. 1092
A power law of order 1/4 for critical mean field Swendsen-Wang dynamics / Yun Long ... [et. al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1051 |
no. 1093
The Grothendieck inequality revisited / Ron Blei
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1052 |
no. 1094
A homology theory for Smale spaces / Ian F. Putnam
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2014
1053 |
no. 1095
Analysis of the Hodge Laplacian on the Heisenberg group / Detlef Müller, Marco M. Peloso, Fulvio Ricci
: alk. paper. - Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2015]
1054 |
no. 1096
Critical population and error threshold on the sharp peak landscape for a Moran model / Raphaël Cerf
: alk. paper. - Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1055 |
no. 1097
Self-affine scaling sets in R2 / Xiaoye Fu, Jean-Pierre Gabardo
: alk. paper. - Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1056 |
no. 1098
A geometric theory for hypergraph matching / Peter Keevash, Richard Mycroft
: alk. paper. - Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2014]
1057 |
no. 1099
Local entropy theory of a random dynamical system / Anthony H. Dooley, Guohua Zhang
: alk. paper. - Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2014]
1058 |
no. 1100
Sheaves on graphs, their homological invariants, and a proof of the Hanna Neumann conjecture / Joel Friedman ; with an Appendix by Warren Dicks
: alk. paper. - Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1059 |
no. 1101
Higher-order time asymptotics of fast diffusion in Euclidean space : a dynamical systems approach / Jochen Denzler, Herbert Koch, Robert J. McCann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1060 |
no. 1102
Julia sets and complex singularities of free energies / Jianyong Qiao
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1061 |
no. 1103
Quasi-linear perturbations of Hamiltonian Klein-Gordon equations on spheres / J.-M. Delort
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1062 |
no. 1104
Imprimitive irreducible modules for finite quasisimple groups / Gerhard Hiss, William J. Husen, Kay Magaard
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1063 |
no. 1105
Shock waves in conservation laws with physical viscosity / Tai-Ping Liu, Yanni Zeng
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1064 |
no. 1106
Poincaŕe-Einstein holography for forms via conformal geometry in the bulk / A. Rod Gover, Emanuele Latini, Andrew Waldron
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1065 |
no. 1107
Locally AH-algebras / Huaxin Lin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1066 |
no. 1108
Endoscopic classification of representations of quasi-split unitary groups / Chung Pang Mok
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1067 |
no. 1109
Geometric complexity theory IV : nonstandard quantum group for the Kronecker problem / Jonah Blasiak, Ketan D. Mulmuley, Milind Sohoni
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1068 |
no. 1110
Spectral means of central values of automorphic L-functions for GL(2) / Masao Tsuzuki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015
1069 |
no. 1111
Hod mice and the mouse set conjecture / Grigor Sargsyan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015, c2014
1070 |
no. 1112
Numerical approximations of stochastic differential equations with non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients / Martin Hutzenthaler, Arnulf Jentzen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015, c2014
1071 |
no. 1113
On the differential structure of metric measure spaces and applications / Nicola Gigli
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015, c2014
1072 |
no. 1114
Irreducible almost simple subgroups of classical algebraic groups / Timothy C. Burness, ... [et. al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015, c2014
1073 |
no. 1115
Deformation quantization for actions of Kählerian Lie groups / Pierre Bieliavsky, Victor Gayral
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015, c2014
1074 |
no. 1116
Homological mirror symmetry for the quartic surface / Paul Seidel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2015, c2014
1075 |
no. 1129
On the singular set of harmonic maps into DM-complexes / Georgios Daskalopoulos, Chikako Mese
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016], c2015
1076 |
no. 1130
Irreducible geometric subgroups of classical algebraic groups / Timothy C. Burness, Soumaïa Ghandour, Donna M. Testerman
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016], c2015
1077 |
no. 1131
Reduced fusion systems over 2-groups of sectional rank at most 4 / Bob Oliver
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016], c2015
1078 |
no. 1132
On non-topological solutions of the A2 and B2 Chern-Simons system / Weiwei Ao, Chang-Shou Lin, Juncheng Wei
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016], c2015
1079 |
no. 1133
Global Carleman estimates for degenerate parabolic operators with applications / P. Cannarsa, P. Martinez, J. Vancostenoble
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016], c2015
1080 |
no. 1134
Stability of KAM tori for nonlinear Schrödinger equation / Hongzi Cong, Jianjun Liu, Xiaoping Yuan
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016], c2015
1081 |
no. 1135
Classes of Polish spaces under effective Borel isomorphism / Vassilios Gregoriades
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1082 |
no. 1136
Moduli of double EPW-sextics / Kieran G. O'Grady
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1083 |
no. 1137
Classification of E0-semigroups by product systems / Michael Skeide
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1084 |
no. 1138
Diagonalizing quadratic bosonic operators by non-autonomous flow equations / Volker Bach, Jean-Bernard Bru
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1085 |
no. 1139
The Fourier transform for certain hyperKähler fourfolds / Mingmin Shen, Charles Vial
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1086 |
no. 1140
Overgroups of root groups in classical groups / Michael Aschbacher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1087 |
no. 1141
Group colorings and Bernoulli subflows / Su Gao, Steve Jackson, Brandon Seward
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1088 |
no. 1142
A vector field method on the distorted fourier side and decay for wave equations with potentials / Roland Donninger, Joachim Krieger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1089 |
no. 1143
Nil Bohr-sets and almost automorphy of higher order / Wen Huang, Song Shao, Xiangdong Ye
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1090 |
no. 1144
Adelic divisors on arithmetic varieties / Atsushi Moriwaki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1091 |
no. 1145
Igusa's p-adic local zeta function and the monodromy conjecture for non-degenerate surface singularities / Bart Bories, Willem Veys
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1092 |
no. 1146
Carleman estimates, observability inequalities and null controllability for interior degenerate nonsmooth parabolic equations / Genni Fragnelli, Dimitri Mugnai
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1093 |
no. 1147
The local structure for finite groups with a large p-subgroup / U. Meierfrankenfeld, B. Stellmacher, G. Stroth
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1094 |
no. 1148
Descent construction for Gspin groups / Joseph Hundley, Eitan Sayag
Providence, R.i. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1095 |
no. 1149
Layer potentials and boundary-value problems for second order elliptic operators with data in Besov spaces / Ariel Barton, Svitlana Mayboroda
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1096 |
no. 1150
Real non-Abelian mixed Hodge structures for quasi-projective varieties : formality and splitting / J.P. Pridham
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1097 |
no. 1151
Monoidal categories and the Gerstenhaber bracket in Hochschild cohomology / Reiner Hermann
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1098 |
no. 1152
The abc-problem for Gabor systems / Xin-Rong Dai, Qiyu Sun
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1099 |
no. 1153
Rohlin flows on von Neumann algebras / Toshihiko Masuda, Reiji Tomatsu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1100 |
no. 1154
Proof of the 1-factorization and Hamilton decomposition conjectures / Béla Csaba ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1101 |
no. 1155
An inverse spectral problem related to the Geng-Xue two-component peakon equation / Hans Lundmark, Jacek Szmigielski
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2016
1102 |
no. 1156
Hyperbolically embedded subgroups and rotating families in groups acting on hyperbolic spaces / F. Dahmani, V. Guirardel, D. Osin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1103 |
no. 1157
Imaginary Schur-Weyl duality / Alexander Kleshchev, Robert Muth
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1104 |
no. 1158
Rectifiable measures, square functions involving densities, and the cauchy transform / Xavier Tolsa
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1105 |
Lp-square function estimates on spaces of homogeneous type and on uniformly rectifiable sets / Steve Hofmann ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1106 |
Classification of actions of discrete Kac algebras on injective factors / Toshihiko Masuda, Reiji Tomatsu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1107 |
The role of advection in a two-species competition model : a bifurcation approach / Isabel Averill, King-Yeung Lam, Yuan Lou
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1108 |
no. 1162
Abelian properties of Anick spaces / Brayton Gray
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1109 |
no. 1163
On Dwork's p-adic formal congruences theorem and hypergeometric mirror maps / E. Delaygue, T. Rivoal, J. Roques
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1110 |
no. 1164
Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theorem for laminations / Viêt-Anh Nguyên
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1111 |
no. 1165
Exotic cluster structures on SLn : the Cremmer-Gervais case / M. Gekhtman, M. Shapiro, A. Vainshtein
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1112 |
no. 1166
New foundations for geometry : two non-additive languages for arithmetical geometry / M.J. Shai Haran
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1113 |
no. 1167
Birationally rigid Fano threefold hypersurfaces / Ivan Cheltsov, Jihun Park
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1114 |
no. 1168
Semicrossed products of operator algebras by semigroups / Kenneth R. Davidson, Adam H. Fuller, Evgenios T.A. Kakariadis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1115 |
no. 1169
Quantum cluster algebra structures on quantum nilpotent algebras / K.R. Goodearl, M.T. Yakimov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1116 |
no. 1170
Direct and inverse scattering at fixed energy for massless charged dirac fields by kerr-newman-de sitter black holes / Thierry Daudé, François Nicoleau
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2016
1117 |
no. 1171
Intersection local times, loop soups and permanental wick powers / Yves Le Jan, Michael B. Marcus, Jay Rosen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1118 |
no. 1172
Homology of normal chains and cohomology of charges / Th. De Pauw, R.M. Hardt, W.F. Pfeffer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1119 |
no. 1173
Topologically protected states in one-dimensional systems / C.L. Fefferman, J.P. Lee-Thorp, M.I. Weinstein
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1120 |
no. 1174
The mathematics of superoscillations / Yakir Aharonov... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1121 |
no. 1175
Locally analytic vectors in representations of locally p-adic analytic groups / Matthew Emerton
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1122 |
no. 1176
Rationality problem for algebraic tori / Akinari Hoshi, Aiichi Yamasaki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1123 |
no. 1177
Special values of the hypergeometric series / Akihito Ebisu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1124 |
no. 1178
Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over non-isolated surface singularities and matrix problems / Igor Burban, Yuriy Drozd
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1125 |
no. 1179
Applications of polyfold theory I : the polyfolds of Gromov-Witten theory / H. Hofer, K. Wysocki, E. Zehnder
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1126 |
no. 1180
Needle decompositions in Riemannian geometry / Bo'az Klartag
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1127 |
no. 1181
Optimal regularity and the free boundary in the parabolic Signorini problem / Donatella Danielli ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1128 |
no. 1182
Fundamental solutions and local solvability for nonsmooth Hörmander's operators / Marco Bramanti ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1129 |
no. 1183
Hypercontractivity in group von Neumann algebras / Marius Junge ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1130 |
no. 1184
On operads, bimodules and analytic functors / Nicola Gambino, André Joyal
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1131 |
no. 1185
Absolute continuity under time shift of trajectories and related stochastic calculus / Jörg-Uwe Löbus
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1132 |
no. 1186
Property (T) for groups graded by root systems / Mikhail Ershov, Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain, Martin Kassabov
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1133 |
no. 1187
Induction, bounding, weak combinatorial principles, and the homogeneous model theorem / Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Karen Lange, Richard A. Shore
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2017
1134 |
no. 1188
Entire solutions for bistable lattice differential equations with obstacles / A. Hoffman, H.J. Hupkes, E.S. Van Vleck
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1135 |
no. 1189
The stability of cylindrical pendant drops / John McCuan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1136 |
no. 1190
The planar cubic cayley graphs / Agelos Georgakopoulos
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1137 |
no. 1191
Knot invariants and higher representation theory / Ben Webster
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1138 |
no. 1192
Maximal abelian sets of roots / R. Lawther
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1139 |
no. 1193
Medial/skeletal linking structures for multi-region configurations / James Damon, Ellen Gasparovic
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1140 |
no. 1194
Orthogonal and symplectic n-level densities / A.M. Mason, N.C. Snaith
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1141 |
no. 1195
Spatially independent Martingales, intersections, and applications / Pablo Shmerkin, Ville Suomala
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1142 |
no. 1196
Nonsmooth differential geometry-an approach tailored for spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below / Nicola Gigli
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1143 |
no. 1197
On Sudakov's type decomposition of transference plans with norm costs / Stefano Bianchini, Sara Daneri
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1144 |
no. 1198
La formule des traces locale tordue / Colette Mœglin, J.-L. Waldspurger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1145 |
no. 1199
Tensor products and regularity properties of Cuntz semigroups / Ramon Antoine, Francesc Perera, Hannes Thiel
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2017
1146 |
no. 1200
Boundary conditions and subelliptic estimates for geometric Kramers-Fokker-Planck operators on manifolds with boundaries / F. Nier
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1147 |
no. 1201
The Maslov index in symplectic Banach spaces / Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek, Chaofeng Zhu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1148 |
no. 1202
Systems of transversal sections near critical energy levels of Hamiltonian systems in R4 / Naiara V. de Paulo, Pedro A. S. Salomão
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1149 |
no. 1203
Sobolev, Besov, and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on quantum tori / Xiao Xiong, Quanhua Xu, Zhi Yin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1150 |
no. 1204
Crossed products by Hecke pairs / Rui Palma
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1151 |
no. 1205
Type II blow up manifolds for the energy supercritical semilinear wave equation / Charles Collot
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1152 |
no. 1206
Mathematical study of degenerate boundary layers : a large scale ocean circulation problem / Anne-Laure Dalibard, Laure Saint-Raymond
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1153 |
no. 1207
On non-generic finite subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups / Alastair J. Litterick
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1154 |
no. 1208
Degree spectra of relations on a cone / Matthew Harrison-Trainor
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1155 |
no. 1209
Globally generated vector bundles with small c1 on projective spaces / Cristian Anghel, Iustin Coanda, Nicolae Manolache
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1156 |
no. 1210
Neckpinch dynamics for asymmetric surfaces evolving by mean curvature flow / Zhou Gang, Dan Knopf, Israel Michael Sigal
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1157 |
no. 1211
Elliptic PDEs on compact Ricci limit spaces and applications / Shouhei Honda
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1158 |
no. 1212
Holomorphic automorphic forms and cohomology / Roelof Bruggeman, YoungJu Choie, Nikolaos Diamantis
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1159 |
no. 1213
From vertex operator algebras to conformal nets and back / Sebastiano Carpi ...[et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1160 |
no. 1214
Intersection cohomology, simplicial blow-up and rational homotopy / David Chataur, Martintxo Saralegi-Aranguren, Daniel Tanré
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1161 |
no. 1215
Diophantine approximation and the geometry of limit sets in Gromov hyperbolic metric spaces / Lior Fishman, David Simmons, Mariusz Urbański
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1162 |
no. 1216
Bordered Heegaard Floer homology / Robert Lipshitz, Peter S. Ozsvath, Dylan P. Thurston
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1163 |
no. 1217
Szegő kernel asymptotics for high power of CR line bundles and Kodaira embedding theorems on CR manifolds / Chin-Yu Hsiao
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1164 |
no. 1218
Perihelia reduction and global Kolmogorov tori in the planetary problem / Gabriella Pinzari
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2018
1165 |
no. 1219
Algebraic Q-groups as abstract groups / Olivier Frécon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2018
1166 |
no. 1220
Bellman function for extremal problems in BMO II : evolution / Paata Ivanisvili ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2018
1167 |
no. 1221
A Morse-Bott approach to monopole Floer homology and the triangulation conjecture / Francesco Lin
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2018
1168 |
no. 1222
On mesoscopic equilibrium for linear statistics in Dyson's Brownian motion / Maurice Duits, Kurt Johansson
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2018
1169 |
no. 1223 . Cluster algebras and triangulated surfaces / Sergey Fomin, Dylan Thurston ; pt. 2
Lambda lengths / Sergey Fomin, Dylan Thurston
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2018
1170 |
no. 1224
On the geometric side of the Arthur trace formula for the symplectic group of rank 2 / Werner Hoffmann, Satoshi Wakatsuki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2018
1171 |
no. 1225
Curvature : a variational approach / A. Agrachev, D. Barilari, L. Rizzi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1172 |
no. 1226
An SO(3)-monopole cobordism formula relating Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants / Paul M.N. Feehan, Thomas G. Leness
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1173 |
no. 1227
Global regularity for 2D water waves with surface tension / Alexandru D. Ionescu, Fabio Pusateri
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1174 |
no. 1228
Continuous-time random walks for the numerical solution of stochastic differential equations / Nawaf Bou-Rabee, Eric Vanden-Eijnden
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1175 |
no. 1229
Strichartz estimates and the Cauchy problem for the gravity water waves equations / Thomas Alazard, Nicolas Burq, Claude Zuily
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1176 |
no. 1230
Algebras of singular integral operators with kernels controlled by multiple norms / Alexander Nagel ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2018
1177 |
Multilinear singular integral forms of Christ-Journé type / Andreas Seeger, Charles K. Smart, Brian Street
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1178 |
no. 1232
Dilations, linear matrix inequalities, the matrix cube problem, and beta distributions / J. William Helton ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1179 |
no. 1233
Covering dimension of C[*]-algebras and 2-coloured classification / Joan Bosa ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1180 |
no. 1234
Interpolation for normal bundles of general curves / Atanas Atanasov, Eric Larson, David Yang
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1181 |
no. 1235
Measure and capacity of wandering domains in Gevrey near-integrable exact symplectic systems / Laurent Lazzarini, Jean-Pierre Marco, David Sauzin
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1182 |
no. 1236
On fusion systems of component type / Michael Aschbacher
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1183 |
Fusion of defects / Arthur Bartels, Christopher L. Douglas, André Henriques
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2019
1184 |
Variations on a theorem of Tate / Stefan Patrikis
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2019
1185 |
Extended states for the Schrödinger operator with quasi-periodic potential in dimension two / Yulia Karpeshina, Roman Shterenberg
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2019
1186 |
Crossed products of operator algebras / Elias G. Katsoulis, Christopher Ramsey
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2019
1187 |
CR embedded submanifolds of CR manifolds / Sean N. Curry, A. Rod Gover
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2019
1188 |
Geodesics, retracts, and the norm-preserving extension property in the symmetrized bidisc / Jim Agler, Zinaida Lykova, Nicholas Young
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2019
1189 |
Generalized Mercer kernels and reproducing kernel Banach spaces / Yuesheng Xu, Qi Ye
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2019
1190 |
no. 1244
On space-time quasiconcave solutions of the heat equation / Chuanqiang Chen, Xinan Ma, Paolo Salani
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1191 |
no. 1245
Moufang sets and structurable division algebras / Lien Boelaert, Tom De Medts, Anastasia Stavrova
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1192 |
no. 1246
Geometric pressure for multimodal maps of the interval / Feliks Przytycki, Juan Rivera-Letelier
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1193 |
no. 1247
Flat rank two vector bundles on genus two curves / Viktoria Heu, Frank Loray
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1194 |
no. 1248
Distribution of resonances in scattering by thin barriers / Jeffrey Galkowski
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1195 |
no. 1249
Automorphisms of two-generator free groups and spaces of isometric actions on the hyperbolic plane / William Goldman ...[et al.]
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1196 |
no. 1250
Time changes of the Brownian motion : Poincaré inequality, heat kernel estimate, and protodistance / Jun Kigami
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1197 |
no. 1251
Spinors on singular spaces and the topology of causal fermion systems / Felix Finster, Niky Kamran
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1198 |
no. 1252
Moufang loops and groups with triality are essentially the same thing / J. I. Hall
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1199 |
no. 1253
Matrix functions of bounded type: an interplay between function theory and operator theory / Raúl E. Curto, In Sung Hwang, Woo Young Lee
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1200 |
no. 1254
Spectral invariants with bulk, quasi-morphisms and Lagrangian Floef theory / Kenji Fukaya ...[et al.]
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1201 |
no. 1255
On the stability of type I blow up for the energy super critical heat equation / Charles Collot, Pierre Raphaël, Jeremie Szeftel
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1202 |
no. 1256
Algebraic geometry over C[∞]-rings / Dominic Joyce
Providence, RI. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1203 |
no. 1257
Witten non abelian localization for equivariant K-theory, and the [Q, R] = 0 theorem / Paul-Emile Paradan, Michéle Vergne
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1204 |
no. 1258 . Quiver Grassmannians of extended Dynkin type D / Oliver Lorscheid, Thorsten Weist ; pt. 1
Schubert systems and decompositions into affine spaces / Oliver Lorscheid, Thorsten Weist
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1205 |
no. 1259
One-dimensional empirical measures, order statistics, and Kantorovich transport distances / Sergey Bobkov, Michel Ledoux
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1206 |
no. 1260
Dimensions of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties : a new approach via labeled folded alcove walks and root operators / Elizabeth Milićević, Petra Schwer, Anne Thomas
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1207 |
no. 1261
Quadratic vector equations on complex upper half-plane / Oskari Heikki Ajanki, László Erdős, Torben Krüger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1208 |
no. 1262
Time-like graphical models / Tvrtko Tadić
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1209 |
no. 1263
A local relative trace formula for the Ginzburg-Rallis model : the geometric side / Chen Wan
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1210 |
no. 1264
Compact quotients of Cahen-Wallach spaces / Ines Kath, Martin Olbrich
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1211 |
no. 1265
WAP systems and labeled subshifts / Ethan Akin, Eli Glasner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1212 |
no. 1266
Cornered Heegaard Floer homology / Christopher L. Douglas, Robert Lipshitz, Ciprian Manolescu
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1213 |
no. 1267
Automorphisms of fusion systems of finite simple groups of lie type / Carles Broto, Jesper M. Moller, Bob Oliver . Automorphisms of fusion systems of sporadic simple groups / Bob Oliver
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1214 |
no. 1268
Hodge ideals / Mircea Mustaţă, Mihnea Popa
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1215 |
no. 1269
Stable stems / Daniel C. Isaksen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1216 |
no. 1270
Nonlinear diffusion equations and curvature conditions in metric measure spaces / Luigi Ambrosio, Andrea Mondino, Giuseppe Savare
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2019
1217 |
no. 1271
Geometric optics for surface waves in nonlinear elasticity / Jean-François Coulombel, Mark Williams
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1218 |
no. 1272
A unified approach to structural limits and limits of graphs with bounded tree-depth / Jaroslav Nesetril, Patrice Ossona De Mendez
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1219 |
no. 1273
Quasi-periodic standing wave solutions of gravity-capillary water waves / Massimiliano Berti, Riccardo Montalto
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1220 |
no. 1274
The triangle-free process and the ramsey number R(3,k) / Gonzalo Fiz Pontiveros, Simon Griffiths, Robert Morris
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1221 |
no. 1275
Rigid character groups, lubin-tate theory, and (φ,Γ)-modules / Laurent Berger, Peter Schneider, Bingyong Xie
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1222 |
no. 1276
Sums of reciprocals of fractional parts and multiplicative diophantine approximation / Victor Beresnevich, Alan Haynes, Sanju Velani
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1223 |
no. 1277
An elementary recursive bound for effective positivstellensatz and hilbert's 17th problem / Henri Lombardi, Daniel Perrucci, Marie-Francoise Roy
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1224 |
no. 1278
Propagating terraces and the dynamics of front-like solutions of reaction-diffusion equations on R / Peter Poláčik
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1225 |
no. 1279
Global well-posedness of high dimensional Maxwell-Dirac for small critical data / Cristian Gavrus, Sung-jin Oh
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1226 |
no. 1280
Subgroup decomposition in Out(Fn) / Michael Handel, Lee Mosher
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1227 |
no. 1281
The bounded and precise word problems for presentations of groups / S.V. Ivanov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1228 |
no. 1282
Higher orbifolds and Deligne-Mumford stacks as structured infinity-topoi / David Joseph Carchedi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1229 |
no. 1283
New complex analytic methods in the study of non-orientable minimal surfaces in Rn / Antonio Alarcón, Franc Forstnerič, Francisco J. López
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1230 |
no. 1284
Minimal weak truth table degrees and computably enumerable Turing degrees / Rodney G. Downey, Keng Meng Ng, Reed Solomon
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1231 |
no. 1285
Affine flag varieties and quantum symmetric pairs / Zhaobing Fan...[et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1232 |
no. 1286
Localization for THH(ku) and the topological Hochschild and cyclic homology of Waldhausen categories / Andrew J. Blumberg, Michael A. Mandell
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1233 |
no. 1288
Laminational models for some spaces of polynomials of any degree / Alexander Blokh...[et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1234 |
no. 1289
The mother body phase transition in the normal matrix model / Pavel M. Bleher, Guilherme L. F. Silva
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1235 |
no. 1290
Degree theory of immersed hypersurfaces / Harold Rosenberg, Graham Smith
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1236 |
no. 1291
Conformal graph directed Markov systems on Carnot groups / Vasilis Chousionis, Jeremy Tyson, Mariusz Urbański
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1237 |
no. 1292
Global smooth solutions for the inviscid SQG equation / Angel Castro, Diego Córdoba, Javier Gómez-Serrano
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1238 |
no. 1293
The Riesz transform of codimension smaller than one and the Wolff energy / Benjamin Jaye ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1239 |
no. 1294
Dynamics near the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow I : below threshold case / Jacob Bedrossian, Pierre Germain, Nader Masmoudi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1240 |
no. 1295
Explicit arithmetic of Jacobians of generalized Legendre curves over global function fields / Lisa Berger ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1241 |
no. 1296
Filtrations and buildings / Christophe Cornut
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1242 |
no. 1297
Operator theory on one-sided quaternion linear spaces : intrinsic S-functional calculus and spectral operators / Jonathan Gantner
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1243 |
no. 1298
Projective measure without projective baires / Sy David Friedman, David Schrittesser
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1244 |
no. 1299
C-projective geometry / David M. J. Calderbank ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1245 |
no. 1300
Traffic distributions and independence : permutation invariant random matrices and the three notions of independence / Camille Male
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1246 |
no. 1301
On stability of type II blow up for the critical nonlinear wave equation in R3+1 / Joachim Krienger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1247 |
no. 1302
Łojasiewicz-simon gradient inequalities for coupled Yang-Mills energy functionals / Paul M. N. Feehan, Manousos Maridakis
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1248 |
no. 1303
Theory of fundamental bessel functions of high rank / Zhi Qi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2020
1249 |
no. 1304
Conformal symmetry breaking differential operators on differential forms / Matthias Fischmann, Andreas Juhl, Petr Somberg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2020
1250 |
no. 1305
Double affine Hecke algebras and congruence groups / Bogdan Ion, Siddhartha Sahi
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2020
1251 |
no. 1306
Hecke operators and systems of eigenvalues on Siegel cusp forms / Kazuyuki Hatada
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2020
1252 |
no. 1307
The irreducible subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups / Adam R. Thomas
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2020
1253 |
no. 1308
Dualizable tensor categories / Christopher L. Douglas, Christopher Schommer-Pries, Noah Snyder
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2020
1254 |
no. 1309
Weakly modular graphs and nonpositive curvature / Jérémie Chalopin ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2020
1255 |
no. 1310
Gromov-Witten theory of quotients of Fermat Calabi-Yau varieties / Hiroshi Iritani ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2021
1256 |
no. 1311
Local boundedness, maximum principles, and continuity of solutions to infinitely degenerate elliptic equations with rough coefficients / Lyudmila Korobenko ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1257 |
no. 1312
Paley-Wiener theorems for a p-Adic spherical variety / Patrick Delorme, Pascale Harinck, Yiannis Sakellaridis
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1258 |
no. 1313
The 2D compressible Euler equations in bounded impermeable domains with corners / Paul Godin
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1259 |
no. 1314
Resolvent, heat kernel, and torsion under degeneration to fibered cusps / Pierre Albin, Frédéric Rochon, David Sher
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1260 |
no. 1315
Linear dynamical systems on Hilbert spaces : typical properties and explicit examples / S. Grivaux, É. Matheron, Q. Menet
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1261 |
no. 1316
Differential function spectra, the differential Becker-Gottlieb transfer, and applications to differential algebraic K-theory / Ulrich Bunke, David Gepner
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1262 |
no. 1317
Bounded Littlewood identities / Eric M. Rains, S. Ole Warnaar
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , 2021
1263 |
no. 1318
Local well-posedness and break-down criterion of the incompressible Euler equations with free boundary / Chao Wang ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1264 |
no. 1319
Hamiltonian perturbation theory for ultra-differentiable functions / Abed Bounemoura, Jacques Féjoz
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1265 |
no. 1320
Cohomological tensor functors on representations of the general linear supergroup / Thorsten Heidersdorf, Rainer Weissauer
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1266 |
no. 1321
Existence of unimodular triangulations-positive results / Christian Haase ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1267 |
no. 1322
Galois and Cleft monoidal cowreaths. applications / D. Bulacu, B.Torrecillas
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1268 |
no. 1323
Effective faithful tropicalizations associated to linear systems on curves / Shu Kawaguchi, Kazuhiko Yamaki
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1269 |
no. 1324
Model theory of C*-algebras / Ilijas Farah ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1270 |
no. 1325
Hardy-Littlewood and Ulyanov inequalities / Yurii Kolomoitsev, Sergey Tikhonov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1271 |
no. 1326
Noncommutative homological mirror functor / Cheol-Hyun Cho, Hansol Hong, Siu-Cheong Lau
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1272 |
no. 1327
Asymptotic counting in conformal dynamical systems / Mark Pollicott, Mariusz Urbański
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1273 |
no. 1328
Uniqueness of fat-tailed self-similar profiles to Smoluchowski's coagulation equation for a perturbation of the constant kernel / Sebastian Throm
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1274 |
no. 1329
On finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras over Abelian groups / Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Iván Angiono, István Heckenberger
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1275 |
no. 1330
Stability of heat kernel estimates for symmetric non-local Dirichlet forms / Zhen-Qing Chen, Takashi Kumagai, Jian Wang
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1276 |
no. 1331
Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the combined power-type nonlinear Schrödinger equations with energy-critical growth at low frequencies / Takafumi Akahori ... [et al.]
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1277 |
no. 1332
Corrigendum and improvements to "Carleman estimates, observability inequalities and null controllability for interior degenerate nonsmooth parabolic equations" and its consequences / Genni Fragnelli, Dimitri Mugnai
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1278 |
no. 1333
Goodwillie approximations to higher categories / Gijs Heuts
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1279 |
no. 1334
Singular integrals in quantum Euclidean spaces / Adrían Manuel González-Pérez, Marius Junge, Javier Parcet
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1280 |
no. 1335
Decoupling on the Wiener space, related Besov spaces, and applications to BSDEs / Stefan Geiss, Juha Ylinen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1281 |
no. 1336
Spectral expansions of non-self-adjoint generalized Laguerre semigroups / Pierre Patie, Mladen Savov
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1282 |
no. 1337
Local dynamics of non-invertible maps near normal surface singularities / William Gignac, Matteo Ruggiero
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1283 |
no. 1338
Naturality and mapping class groups in Heegard Floer homology / Andras Juhasz, Dylan P. Thurston, Ian Zemke
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1284 |
no. 1339
Strichartz estimates for wave equations with charge transfer Hamiltonians / Gong Chen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1285 |
no. 1340
Regularity and strict positivity of densities for the nonlinear stochastic heat equations / Le Chen, Yaozhong Hu, David Nualart
Providence : American Mathematical Society , 2021
1286 |
no. 1341
Intense automorphisms of finite groups / Mima Stanojkovski
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1287 |
no. 1342
Ergodicity of Markov processes via nonstandard analysis / Haosui Duanmu, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, William Weiss
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1288 |
no. 1343
Non-kissing complexes and tau-tilting for gentle algebras / Yann Palu, Vincent Pilaud, Pierre-Guy Plamondon
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1289 |
no. 1344
Dyadic-probabilistic methods in bilinear analysis / Henri Martikainen, Emil Vuorinen
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1290 |
no. 1345
Cell complexes, poset topology and the representation theory of algebras arising in algebraic combinatorics and discrete geometry / Stuart Margolis, Franco V. Saliola, Benjamin Steinberg
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1291 |
no. 1346
Elliptic theory for sets with higher co-dimensional boundaries / G. David, J. Feneuil, S. Mayboroda
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2021
1292 |
no. 1347
Instability, index theorem, and exponential trichotomy for linear Hamiltonian PDEs / Zhiwu Lin, Chongchun Zeng
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1293 |
no. 1348
The Brunn-Minkowski inequality and a Minkowski problem for nonlinear capacity / Murat Akman ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1294 |
no. 1349
The Yang-Mills heat equation with finite action in three dimensions / Leonard Gross
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1295 |
no. 1350
Sutured ECH is a natural invariant / Çağatay Kutluhan, Steven Sivek, C.H. Taubes
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1296 |
no. 1351
On the Asymptotics to all orders of the Riemann Zeta Function and of a Two-Parameter generalization of the Riemann Zeta Function / Athanassios S. Fokas, Jonatan Lenells
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1297 |
no. 1352
Tits polygons / Bernhard Mühlherr, Richard M. Weiss ; with an appendix by Holger P. Petersson
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1298 |
no. 1353
Arthur packets for p-adic groups by way of microlocal vanishing cycles of perverse sheaves, with examples / Clifton Cunningham, Andrew Fiori, Ahmed Moussaoui, James Mracek, Bin Xu
: pbk. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1299 |
no. 1354
Isoperimetric inequalities in unbounded convex bodies / Gian Paolo Leonardi, Manuel Ritoré, Efstratios Vernadakis
: pbk. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1300 |
no. 1355
Maximal PSL[2] subgroups of exceptional groups of lie type / David A. Craven
: pbk. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1301 |
no. 1356
Cubic action of a rank one group / Matthias Grüninger
: pbk. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1302 |
no. 1357
Tunneling estimates and approximate controllability for hypoelliptic equations / Camille Laurent, Matthieu Léautaud
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1303 |
no. 1358 . Abelian networks ; IV
Dynamics of nonhalting networks / Swee Hong Chan, Lionel Levine
: pbk. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1304 |
no. 1359
Positive Gaussian kernels also have Gaussian minimizers / Franck Barthe, Paweł Wolff
: pbk. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1305 |
no. 1360
Local L[p]-Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for p<1 / Alexander V. Kolesnikov, Emanuel Milman
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1306 |
no. 1361
On the symplectic type of isomorphisms of the p-torsion of elliptic curves / Nuno Freitas, Alain Kraus
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1307 |
no. 1362
The canonical Ring of a stacky curve / John Voight, David Zureick-Brown
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1308 |
no. 1363
Brownian regularity for the airy line ensemble, and multi-polymer watermelons in Brownian last passage percolation / Alan Hammond
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1309 |
no. 1364
Non-semisimple extended topological quantum field theories / Marco De Renzi
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1310 |
no. 1365
Souslin quasi-orders and bi-embeddability of uncountable structures / Alessandro Andretta, Luca Motto Ros
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1311 |
no. 1366
Archimedean Zeta Integrals for GL(3)×GL(2) / Miki Hirano, Taku Ishii, Tadashi Miyazaki
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1312 |
no. 1367
Theta functions on varieties with effective anti-canonical class / Mark Gross, Paul Hacking, Bernd Siebert
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1313 |
no. 1368
Subset currents on surfaces / Dounnu Sasaki
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1314 |
no. 1369
Type II blow up solutions with optimal stability properties for the critical focussing nonlinear wave equation on R[3+1] / Stefano Burzio, Joachim Krieger
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1315 |
no. 1370
Decorated Dyck paths, Polyominoes, and the Delta conjecture / Michele D'Adderio, Alessandro Iraci, Anna Vanden Wyngaerd
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1316 |
no. 1371
Cancellation for surfaces revisited / H. Flenner, S. Kaliman, M. Zaidenberg
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1317 |
no. 1372
Floer cohomology and flips / François Charest, Chris T. Woodward
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1318 |
no. 1373
Maximal functions, Littlewood-Paley theory, Riesz Transforms and Atomic Decomposition in the multi-parameter flag setting / Yongsheng Han, Ming-Yi Lee, Ji Li, Brett D. Wick
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1319 |
no. 1374
Coefficient systems on the Bruhat-Tits building and pro-p Iwahori-Hecke modules / Jan Kohlhaase
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1320 |
no. 1375
Factorizations of almost simple groups with a solvable factor, and Cayley graphs of solvable groups / Cai Heng Li, Binzhou Xia
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1321 |
no. 1376
Intrinsic approach to Galois theory of q-difference equations / Lucia Di Vizio, Charlotte Hardouin ; with a preface to part 4 by Anne Granier
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1322 |
no. 1377
Dynamics near the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow II : above threshold case / Jacob Bedrossian, Pierre Germain, Nader Masmoudi
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1323 |
no. 1378
One-dimensional dyadic wavelets / Peter M. Luthy ... [et al.]
: pbk. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1324 |
no. 1379
A probabilistic approach to classical solutions of the master equation for large population equilibria / Jean-François Chassagneux ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1325 |
no. 1380
Adiabatic evolution and shape resonances / Michael Hitrik, Andrea Mantile, Johannes Sjöstrand
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1326 |
no. 1381
Asymptotic spreading for general heterogeneous Fisher-KPP type equations / Henri Berestycki, Grégoire Nadin
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1327 |
no. 1382
Hypergeometric functions over finite fields / Jenny Fuselier ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1328 |
no. 1383
Partial compactification of monopoles and metric asymptotics / Chris Kottke, Michael Singer
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1329 |
no. 1384
Horocycle dynamics : new invariants and eigenform loci in the stratum H(1, 1) / Matt Bainbridge ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1330 |
no. 1385
Mackey profunctors / D. Kaledin
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2022
1331 |
no. 1386
Affine Hecke Algebras and Quantum Symmetric Pairs / Zhaobing Fan ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1332 |
no. 1387
The regularity of the linear drift in negatively curved spaces / François Ledrappier, Lin Shu
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1333 |
no. 1388
Multi-parameter Hardy spaces theory and endpoint estimates for multi-parameter singular integrals / Guozhen Lu ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1334 |
no. 1389
The P(φ)[2] model on de Sitter space / João C.A. Barata, Christian D. Jäkel, Jens Mund
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1335 |
no. 1390
Symbolic extensions of amenable group actions and the comparison property / Tomasz Downarowicz, Guohua Zhang
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1336 |
no. 1391
Higher Ramanujan equations and periods of abelian varieties / Tiago J. Fonseca
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1337 |
no. 1392
Planar algebras in braided tensor categories / André Gil Henriques, David Penneys, James Tener
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1338 |
no. 1393
Function spaces of logarithmic smoothness: embeddings and characterizations / Óscar Domínguez, Sergey Tikhonov
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1339 |
no. 1394
The second moment theory of families of L-functions : the case of twisted Hecke L-functions / Valentin Blomer ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1340 |
no. 1395
Cohomology of the moduli space of cubic threefolds and its smooth models / Sebastian Casalaina-Martin ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1341 |
no. 1396
Motivic Euler products and motivic height zeta functions / Margaret Bilu
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1342 |
no. 1397
Inflectionary invariants for isolated complete intersection curve singularities / Anand P. Patel, Ashvin A. Swaminathan
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1343 |
no. 1398
Dynamics of the box-ball system with random initial conditions via Pitman's transformation / David A. Croydon ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1344 |
no. 1399
Local coefficients and gamma factors for principal series of covering groups / Fan Gao ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1345 |
no. 1400 . On singular vortex patches ; 1
Well-posedness issues / Tarek M. Elgindi, In-Jee Jeong
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1346 |
no. 1401
Weight multiplicities and young tableaux through affine crystals / Jang Soo Kim ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1347 |
no. 1402
Gromov's theory of multicomplexes with applications to bounded cohomology and simplicial volume / Roberto Frigerio, Marco Moraschini
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1348 |
no. 1403
Multiplicative invariant fields of dimension ≤6 / Akinari Hoshi ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1349 |
no. 1404
Spectral properties of Ruelle transfer operators for regular Gibbs measures and decay of correlations for contact Anosov flows / Luchezar Stoyanov
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1350 |
no. 1405
The classification of subfactors with index at most 5 1/4 / Narjess Afzaly ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1351 |
no. 1406
The existence of designs via iterative absorption : hypergraph F-designs for arbitrary F / Stefan Glock ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1352 |
no. 1407
Infinite time blow-up solutions to the energy critical wave maps equation / Mohandas Pillai
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1353 |
no. 1408
Congruence lattices of ideals in categories and (partial) semigroups / James East, Nik Ruškuc
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1354 |
no. 1409
On pseudoconformal blow-up solutions to the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation : existence, uniqueness, and instability / Kihyun Kim, Soonsik Kwon
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1355 |
no. 1410
A proof that artificial neural networks overcome the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of Black-Scholes partial differential equations / Philipp Grohs ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1356 |
no. 1411
Construction of blowup solutions for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with critical parameters / Giao Ky Duong ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1357 |
no. 1412
Representation theory of Geigle-Lenzing complete intersections / Martin Herschend ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1358 |
no. 1413
Spiral waves : linear and nonlinear theory / Björn Sandstede, Arnd Scheel
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1359 |
no. 1414
Twistors, quartics, and del Pezzo fibrations / Nobuhiro Honda
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1360 |
no. 1415
Multiplicity and stability of the Pohozaev obstruction for Hardy-Schrödinger equations with boundary singularity / Nassif Ghoussoub ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1361 |
no. 1416
Fine compactified moduli of enriched structures on stable curves / Owen Biesel, David Holmes
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1362 |
no. 1417
Free energy and equilibrium states for families of interval maps / Neil Dobbs, Mike Todd
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1363 |
no. 1418
Deformation and unobstructedness of determinantal schemes / Jan O. Kleppe, Rosa M. Miró-Roig
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1364 |
no. 1419
Solving S-Unit, Mordell, Thue, Thue-Mahler and generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equations via the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture / Rafael von Känel, Benjamin Matschke
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1365 |
no. 1420
The representation theory of the increasing monoid / Sema Güntürkün, Andrew Snowden
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1366 |
no. 1421
Unitarizability in corank three for classical p-adic groups / Marko Tadić
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1367 |
no. 1422
McShane identities for higher Teichmüller theory and the Goncharov-Shen potential / Yi Huang, Zhe Sun
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1368 |
no. 1423
Eigenfunctions of transfer operators and automorphic forms for Hecke triangle groups of infinite covolume / Roelof Bruggeman, Anke Dorothea Pohl
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1369 |
no. 1424
Convexity of singular affine structures and toric-focus integrable Hamiltonian systems / Tudor S. Ratiu ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1370 |
no. 1425
Nilspace factors for general uniformity seminorms, cubic exchangeability and limits / Pablo Candela, Balázs Szegedy
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1371 |
no. 1426
Embeddings of decomposition spaces / Felix Voigtlaender
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1372 |
no. 1427
Automorphism orbits and element orders in finite groups : almost-solubility and the monster / Alexander Bors ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1373 |
no. 1428
Overlapping iterated function systems from the perspective of metric number theory / Simon Baker
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1374 |
no. 1429
The slice spectral sequence of a C[4]-equivariant height-4 Lubin-Tate theory / Michael A. Hill ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1375 |
no. 1430
Comparison of relatively unipotent log de Rham fundamental groups / Bruno Chiarellotto ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1376 |
no. 1431
Analyticity results in Bernoulli percolation / Agelos Georgakopoulos, Christoforos Panagiotis
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1377 |
no. 1432
Proper equivariant stable homotopy theory / Dieter Degrijse ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1378 |
no. 1433
Euclidean structures and operator theory in Banach spaces / Nigel J. Kalton ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1379 |
no. 1434
On medium-rank Lie primitive and maximal subgroups of exceptional groups of Lie type / David A. Craven
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1380 |
no. 1435 . Fundamental factorization of a GLSM ; Pt. 1
Construction / Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1381 |
no. 1436
Smooth homotopy of infinite-dimensional C[∞]-manifolds / Hiroshi Kihara
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1382 |
no. 1437
Hopf monoids and generalized permutahedra / Marcelo Aguiar, Federico Ardila
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1383 |
no. 1438
Toric periods and p-adic families of modular forms of half-integral weight / V. Vatsal
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1384 |
no. 1439
Purity and separation for oriented matroids / Pavel Galashin, Alexander Postnikov
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1385 |
no. 1440
Percolation on triangulations : a bijective path to Liouville quantum gravity / Olivier Bernardi ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1386 |
no. 1441
Global existence of small amplitude solutions for a model quadratic quasilinear coupled wave-Klein-Gordon system in two space dimension, with mildly decaying Cauchy data / A. Stingo
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1387 |
no. 1442
Sur un problème de compatibilité local-global localement analytique / Christophe Breuil, Yiwen Ding
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1388 |
no. 1443
The space of spaces : curvature bounds and gradient flows on the space of metric measure spaces / Karl-Theodor Sturm
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1389 |
no. 1444
Tate duality in positive dimension over function fields / Zev Rosengarten
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1390 |
no. 1445
Cluster algebra structures on Poisson nilpotent algebras / K.R. Goodearl, M.T. Yakimov
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1391 |
no. 1446
On the boundary behavior of mass-minimizing integral currents / Camillo De Lellis ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1392 |
no. 1447
Local smoothing estimates for Schrödinger equations on hyperbolic space / Andrew Lawrie ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1393 |
no. 1448
Total positivity is a quantum phenomenon : the grassmannian case / S. Launois ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1394 |
no. 1449
Potential estimates and quasilinear parabolic equations with measure data / Quoc-Hung Nguyen
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1395 |
no. 1450
Lattice paths and branched continued fractions : An infinite sequence of generalizations of the Stieltjes-Rogers and Thron-Rogers polynomials, with coefficientwise Hankel-total positivity / Mathias Pétréolle ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1396 |
no. 1451
The generation problem in Thompson group F / Gili Golan Polak
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1397 |
no. 1452
Finite groups which are almost groups of Lie type in characteristic p / Chris Parker ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1398 |
no. 1453
SYZ geometry for Calabi-Yau 3-folds : Taub-NUT and Ooguri-Vafa type metrics / Yang Li
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1399 |
no. 1454
Hyperbolic actions and 2nd bounded cohomology of subgroups of Out (Fn) / Michael Handel, Lee Mosher
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1400 |
no. 1455
Global regularity for gravity unstable Muskat bubbles / Francisco Gancedo ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1401 |
no. 1456
Eulerian spaces / Paul Gartside, Max Pitz
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2023
1402 |
no. 1457
Milliken's tree theorem and its applications : a computability-theoretic perspective / Paul-Elliot Anglès D'Auriac ... [et al.]
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1403 |
no. 1458
Angled crested like water waves with surface tension II : zero surface tension limit / Siddhant Agrawal
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1404 |
no. 1459
Semi-infinite highest weight categories / Jonathan Brundan, Catharina Stroppel
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1405 |
no. 1460
Empirical measures, geodesic lengths, and a variational formula in first-passage percolation / Erik Bates
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1406 |
no. 1461
Classification of O∞-stable C*-algebras / James Gabe
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1407 |
no. 1462
p-DG cyclotomic nilHecke algebras / Mikhail Khovanov, You Qi, Joshua Sussan
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1408 |
no. 1463
p-DG cyclotomic nilHecke algebras II / You Qi, Joshua Sussan
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1409 |
no. 1464
Kinetic theory for the low-density Lorentz gas / Jens Marklof, Andreas Strömbergsson
Providence : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1410 |
no. 1465
Groups, graphs, and hypergraphs : average sizes of kernels of generic matrices with support constraints / Tobias Rossmann, Christopher Voll
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1411 |
Multiplicity-free Representations of algebraic groups / Martin W. Liebeck, Gary M. Seitz, Donna M. Testerman
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1412 |
no. 1467
Optimal feedback for stochastic linear quadratic control and backward stochastic Riccati equations in infinite dimensions / Qi Lü, Xu Zhang
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1413 |
no. 1468
A multiplicative tate spectral sequence for compact Lie group actions / Alice Hedenlund, John Rognes
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1414 |
no. 1469
Dehn Fillings of Knot Manifolds Containing Essential Twice-Punctured Tori / Steve Boyer, Cameron McA. Gordon, Xingru Zhang
: [pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c.2024
1415 |
no. 1470
Curvature Blow-Up in Doubly-warped Product Metrics Evolving by Ricci Flow / Maxwell Stolarski
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1416 |
no. 1471
Quasi-periodic traveling waves on an infinitely deep perfect fluid under gravity / Roberto Feola, Filippo Giuliani
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1417 |
no. 1472
Tensor Categories for Vertex Operator Superalgebra Extensions / Thomas Creutzig, Shashank Kanade, Robert McRae
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1418 |
Harmonic Analysis and Gamma Functions on Symplectic Groups / Dihua Jiang, Zhilin Luo, Lei Zhang
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1419 |
no. 1474
Hamiltonian Lie algebroids / Christian Blohmann, Alan Weinstein
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1420 |
Littlewood and Duffin-Schaeffer-Type Problems in Diophantine Approximation / Sam Chow, Niclas Technau
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1421 |
Higher airy structures,W algebras and topological recursion / Gaëtan Borot ... [et al.], editors
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1422 |
Towers and the first-order theories of hyperbolic groups / Vincent Guirardel, Gilbert Levitt, Rizos Sklinos
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1423 |
Transition threshold for the 3D couette flow in a finite channel / Qi Chen, Dongyi Wei, Zhifei Zhang
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1424 |
Mixed Hodge Structures on Alexander Modules /Eva Elduque ... [et al.], editors
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1425 |
Almost sure scattering for the one dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger Equation / Nicolas Burq, Laurent Thomann
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1426 |
Local lipschitz continuity in the initial value and strong completeness for nonlinear stochastic differential equations / Sonja Cox, Martin Hutzenthaler, Arnulf Jentzen
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1427 |
On Refined Conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Type for Hasse-Weil-Artin L-Series / David Burns, Daniel Macias Castillo
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1428 |
Simple Supercuspidal L-Packets of Quasi-Split Classical Groups / Masao Oi
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1429 |
Cubical Models of (∞, 1)-Categories / Brandon Doherty ... [et al.], editors
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1430 |
Stratified Noncommutative Geometry / David Ayala, Aaron Mazel-Gee, Nick Rozenblyum
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1431 |
A Plethora of Cluster Structures On GLn / M.Gekhtman, M.Shapiro, A.Vainshtein
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1432 |
Reconstructing Orbit Closures from Their Boundaries / Paul Apisa, Alex Wright
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1433 |
Modular Representation Theory and Commutative Banach Algebras / David J. Benson
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1434 |
On p-Adic L-Functions for Hilbert Modular forms / John Bergdall, David Hansen
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1435 |
Homotopy in Exact Categories / Jack Kelly
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1436 |
Multi-Scale Sparse Domination /David Beltran, Joris Roos, Andreas Seeger
;[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1437 |
Asymptotic Completeness for a Scalar Quasilinear Wave Equation Satisfying the Weak Null Condition / Dongxiao Yu
:[pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1438 |
Reflexive Modules on Normal Gorenstein Stein Surfaces, Their Deformations and Moduli / Javier Fernández de Bobadilla, Agustín Romano Velázquez
: [pbk.]. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1439 |
Normed amenability and bounded cohomology over non-archimedean fields / Francesco Fournier-Facio
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1440 |
A Comparison theorem for Semi-Abelian schemes over a smooth curve / Fabien Trihan, David Vauclair
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1441 |
Unipotent representations, theta correspondences, and quantum induction / Hongyu He
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1442 |
On singularity properties of word maps and applications to probabilistic waring type problems / Itay Glazer, Yotam I. Hendel
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1443 |
Bilinear estimates in the presence of a large potential and a critical NLS in 3D / Fabio Pusateri, Avraham Soffer
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1444 |
Homotopy fibrations with a section after looping / Stephen Theriault
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1445 |
Exponential decay estimates and smoothness of the Moduli space of pseudoholomorphic curves / Kenji Fukaya ... [et al.], editors
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1446 |
Wind Finslerian structures: From Zermelo's navigation to the causality of spacetimes / Erasmo Caponio, Miguel Angel Javaloyes, Miguel Sánchez
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1447 |
no. 1502
Generic stabilizers in actions of simple algebraic groups / R. M. Guralnick, R. Lawther
Providence : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1448 |
Equivalent definitions of Arthur packets for real classical groups / J. Adams, N. Arancibia Robert, P. Mezo
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1449 |
Noncommutative coordinates for symplectic representations / Daniele Alessandrini... [et al.], editors
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1450 |
Extreme superposition : High-order fundamental rogue waves in the far-field regime / Deniz Bilman, Peter D. Miller
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024
1451 |
Regularity with respect to the parameter of Lyapunov exponents for diffeomorphisms with dominated splitting / Radu Saghin, Pancho Valenzuela-Henríquez, Carlos H. Vásquez
Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c2024