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タイトル 媒体種別
: 日本医学館 , 01/10/1997 - オンライン
O Alentejo entre o Antigo Regime e a Regeneração : Mudanças e permanências
: Publicações do Cidehus , 2011 - オンライン
O Alto-Douro
Porto : Typographia da Revista , 1842 - オンライン
O Antídoto Do Mal: Crítica de Arte e Loucura Na Modernidade Brasileira
: Editora FIOCRUZ [Imprint] , 2012 - オンライン
O antigo Paço dos arcebispos de Braga
: UMinho Editora , 2021 - オンライン
O aspecto verbal no português : a categoria e sua expressão
: SciELO Books - EDUFU , 2016 - オンライン
O Atendimento Socioassistencial para Crianças e Adolescentes: Perspectivas Contemporâneas
: Editora UNESP , 2016 - オンライン
'O 'auto-kata'kpitos : The self-condemned, or, A letter to Mr. Jo. Goodwin : shewing that in his essay to justifie the equity, and regularnes of the late and present proceedings of the army by the principles of reason and religion, he hath condemned himselfe of iniquity and variablenesse in the highest degree, until he shall explain himself in publike / by Sir Francis Nethersole, Knight
London : [s.n.] , 1648 [i.e. 1649] - オンライン
O autonomii uniwersytetu. Wykład wygłoszony przez Profesora Krzysztofa Pomiana z okazji nadania 24 maja 2017 r. doktoratu honorowego Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego wraz z laudacją recenzjami i bibliografią prac Autora
: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher) , 2020 - オンライン
O blog na EJA
: Editora Oficina Universitária , 2020 - オンライン
O Brasil e Cuba, 1889/1902-1929
: CLACSO , 2018 - オンライン
"O Caixa Geral Interino, representante da Companhia das Minas de Carvão de Pedra : ... tem a honra de levar ... huma conta fiel da mesma Companhia desde a data da sua creação até ao presente ... "
[Portugal : s.n.] , 1834 - オンライン
O Cânone Visual: As Belas-Artes Em Discurso
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O cidadão como parceiro : Manual da OCDE sobre informação, consulta e participação na formulação de políticas públicas / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
O Claustro e o Século : Espaços, Fronteiras e Identidades
: Publicações do Cidehus , 2020 - オンライン
O Conceito de Imitação Na ópera Francesa Do Século XVIII
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O conjunto lexicográfico Prosodia (1634-1750), de Bento Pereira, S. J
: Publicações do Cidehus , 2018 - オンライン
O'Connell's defence of the Catholics to Mr. Buchan, of Kelloe
[England : s.n , 1835] - オンライン
O'Connor's Preparatory Counting Room : 48 South Third Street, second door above the Girard Bank
[Philadelphia : "United States" Job Office , 1842?] - オンライン
O'Connorism and democracy inconsistent with each other : being a statement of events in the life of Feargus O'Connor
Newcastle : Printed at the Tyne Mercury Office , 1844 - オンライン
O Coronel e o Lobisomem Nas Veredas Da Literatura Regionalista Brasileira
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O corpo-cronômetro
: Frank & Timme , 2023 - オンライン
O corpo e a imagem no discurso : gêneros híbridos
: SciELO Books - EDUFU , 2019 - オンライン
O Corpo Feminino em Revista
: Publicações do Cidehus , 2022 - オンライン
O Corpo Na História
: Editora FIOCRUZ [Imprint] , 1999 - オンライン
O cotidiano escolar de crianças, jovens e adultos em rodas de conversas
: EdUERJ , 2020 - オンライン
O cuidado e a prescrição farmacêutica
: Editora Oficina Universitária , 2023 - オンライン
O Curso Aristotélico Jesuíta Conimbricense
: Coimbra University Press , 2018 - オンライン
O Curso Aristotélico Jesuíta Conimbricense. Tomo II: Ethica
: Coimbra University Press , 2020 - オンライン
O De excidio Vrbis e outros sermões sobre a queda de Roma
: Coimbra University Press , 2013 - オンライン
O Debate Bioético e Jurídico Sobre As Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O desejo de ser util á minha patria tem, desde longo tempo, promovido em mim huma continuada reflexão sobre os meios de melhorar sua agricultura ....
[Lisboa : Na Offic. de A.R. Galhardo , 1821] - オンライン
O desenvolvimento moral e o valor respeito na educação infantil
: Editora Oficina Universitária , 2021 - オンライン
Ô dieux de Crotone ! Lieux et témoignages du sacré
: Publications de l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art , 2010 - オンライン
O Dilema Preventivista: Contribuição para a Compreensão e Crítica Da Medicina Preventiva
: Editora FIOCRUZ [Imprint] , 2003 - オンライン
O Dinheiro
: Coimbra University Press , 2015 - オンライン
O Ensino das Línguas Clássicas reflexões e experiências didáticas
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
O ensino de filosofia no ensino médio técnico
: Editora Oficina Universitária , 2021 - オンライン
O ensino do desenho como linguagem
: Editora Oficina Universitária , 2022 - オンライン
O Escorpião e o Jaguar: O Memorialismo Prospectivo d'o Ateneu, de Raul Pompeia
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O Estado da Arte sobre Refugiados, Deslocados Internos, Deslocados Ambientais e Apátridas no Brasil atualização do Diretório Nacional do ACNUR de teses, dissertações, trabalhos de conclusão de curso de graduação em João Pessoa (Paraíba) e artigos (2007 a 2
: SciELO Books - EDUEPB , 2020 - オンライン
O Estado Novo e os seus vadios : Contribuições para o estudo das identidades marginais e a sua repressão
: Etnográfica Press , 1997 - オンライン
O estatuto científico da ciência cognitiva em sua fase inicial uma análise a partir da Estrutura das revoluções científicas de Thomas Kuhn
: SciELO Books - Editora UNESP , 2021 - オンライン
O estatuto científico da ciência cognitiva em sua fase inicial uma análise a partir da Estrutura das revoluções científicas de Thomas Kuhn
: SciELO Books - Editora UNESP , 2021 - オンライン
O Étimo Perdido: o SNS, o Estado Social e outras intervenções
: Coimbra University Press , 2020 - オンライン
O fascismo em dez lições
: Editora UNESP , 2022 - オンライン
O Futuro da Economia Global : Rumo a uma expansao duradoura? / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
O futuro do trabalho em debate: Simulação da Conferência Internacional do Trabalho na Universidade de Coimbra
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
O futuro é meu enquanto eu viver
: Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia , 2022 - オンライン
O-GlcNAcylation and Cancer
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
O-GlcNAcylation: Expanding the Frontiers
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
O guarda-livros moderno, ou, Curso completo instrucções elementares sobre as operações do commercio, tanto em mercadorias, como en banco / offerecido aos negociantes portuguezes por Manoel Teixeira Cabral de Mendonça
Lisboa : Impressão Regia , 1815-1816 - オンライン
O Harém Ao Rés Do Chão: Imaginário Europeu e Representações Médicas Sobre o Lugar-Segredo, 1599-1791
: Editora UFABC , 2017 - オンライン
O herói épico
: Coimbra University Press , 2018 - オンライン
O historii adwokatury w Polsce i na świecie. W siedemdziesiątą rocznicę powstania Izby Adwokackiej w Łodzi
: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher) , 2020 - オンライン
O homem de estado ateniense em Plutarco: o caso dos Alcméonidas
: Coimbra University Press , 2014 - オンライン
O homem de estado ateniense em Plutarco: o caso dos Alcméonidas
: Coimbra University Press , 2014 - オンライン
O Homem e a Serpente: Outras Histórias para a Loucura e a Psiquiatria
: Editora FIOCRUZ [Imprint] , 1996 - オンライン
O igri in delu : antropologija zgodnjega otroštva = Playing at work, working at play : toward an anthropology of childhood
: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU , 2021 - オンライン
O império da ordem
: Fundação Editora da UNESP , 2013 - オンライン
O Império da Vontade e a raiz cristã da descristianização
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
O Império e a Constituição Colonial Portuguesa
: Imprensa de História Contemporânea , 2019 - オンライン
O Industrial Portuense
Porto : Typographia da Rua Formosa - オンライン
O Instituto de Arqueologia: Fragmentos da sua colecção
: Coimbra University Press , 2016 - オンライン
O la capra o i cavoli La biosfera, l'economia e il futuro da inventare
: Firenze University Press , 2020 - オンライン
O Livro das Posturas Antigas da cidade de Évora
: Publicações do Cidehus , 2018 - オンライン
O livro do tempo: escritas e reescritas. Teatro greco-latino e sua receção, Vol. I
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
O livro do tempo: escritas e reescritas. Teatro greco-latino e sua receção, Vol. II
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
O Marketing nas Bibliotecas Públicas Portuguesas
: Publicações do Cidehus , 2007 - オンライン
O Marquês de Pombal e a universidade
: Coimbra University Press , 2014 - オンライン
O massacre de Manguinhos
: SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ , 2019 - オンライン
O Melhor é a Água: da Antiguidade Clássica aos Nossos Dias
: Coimbra University Press , 2018 - オンライン
O meu herbário de plantas medicinais
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
O meu país é o que o mar não quer e outras peças
: Coimbra University Press , 2018 - オンライン
O modelo de desenvolvimento brasileiro das primeiras décadas do século XXI : aportes para o debate
: SciELO Books - Editora UFFS , 2018 - オンライン
O multilateralismo: conceitos e práticas no século XXI
: Coimbra University Press , 2019 - オンライン
O Mundo Continuará a Girar: Prémio Victor Sá de História Contemporânea - 30 anos (1992-2021)
, 2022 - オンライン
O Museu Nacional da Ciência e da Técnica (1971-1976)
: Coimbra University Press , 2007 - オンライン
O My Friends, There is No Friend
: Transcript Verlag , 2024 - オンライン
O Naravi Učenja. Uporaba Raziskav Za Navdih Prakse / edited by Hanna Dumont, David Istance and Francisco Benavides
Ljubljana : : National Education Institute Slovenia, , 2013. - オンライン
O Nascimento Da Metapsicologia: Representação e Consciência Na Obra Inicial de Freud
: Universidade Federal de São Carlos , 2008 - オンライン
O nejlepším státě
: M. Jašek , 1934 - オンライン
O Novo Mapa Da Indústria No início Do Século XXI: Diferentes Paradigmas para Leitura das Dinâmicas Territoriais Do Estado de São Paulo
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O Órgão Barroco da Capela da Universidade de Coimbra/The Baroque Organ of Coimbra University Chapel
: Coimbra University Press , 2007 - オンライン
O Paganismo em Fernando Pessoa 2ª
: Coimbra University Press , 2018 - オンライン
O papel do brincar na apropriação da linguagem escrita
: Editora Oficina Universitária , 2022 - オンライン
O Partido Revolucionário Cubano de José Martí
: SciELO Books - Editora UnB , 2023 - オンライン
O Petróleo No Brasil: Exploração, Capacitação Técnica e Ensino de Geociências (1864-1968)
: Editora UFABC , 2017 - オンライン
O philópatris, ó, El amante de la patria : discurso moral-político sobre las causas de la decadencia de España, y medios para su reparacion, que ... anotaba Sebastian Sanchez Sobrino
Madrid : Por la viuda de Barco Lopez , 1818 - オンライン
O Poeta-Espião: A Antilírica de Sebastião Uchoa Leite
: Editora UNESP , 2014 - オンライン
O Poveiro : Usos, costumes, tradições, lendas
: Etnográfica Press , 1992 - オンライン
O povo português I : Nos seus costumes, crenças e tradições
: Etnográfica Press , 1985 - オンライン
O povo português II : Nos seus costumes, crenças e tradições
: Etnográfica Press , 1986 - オンライン
O processo civilizacional da tourada Guerreiros, cortesãos, profissionais... e bárbaros?
: Imprensa de História Contemporânea , 2020 - オンライン
O Processo SAAL e a arquitectura no 25 de abril de 1974
: Coimbra University Press , 2007 - オンライン
O programa Minha Casa Minha Vida habitação e produção do espaço urbano em diferentes escalas e perspectivas
: SciELO Books - EDUERJ , 2020 - オンライン
O PSS e a coordenação de segurança na construção
: Coimbra University Press , 2019 - オンライン
O PSS e a coordenação de segurança na construção
: Coimbra University Press , 2019 - オンライン
O que aprendi hoje? Ressignificando a alfabetização no sentido de uma práxis educativo-coletiva
: Editora da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba , 2022 - オンライン
O que é propriedade intelectual?
: World Intellectual Property Organization , 2021 - オンライン
O que os telejornais falam sobre Direitos Humanos?
: Editora Oficina Universitária , 2022 - オンライン
O Que Vamos Fazer Depois Do Trabalho? Reflexões Sobre a Preparação para Aposentadoria
: Editora UNESP , 2016 - オンライン
O Romance Policial Místico-Religioso: Um Subgênero de Sucesso
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O rural em regiões metropolitanas a Fazenda Engenho Novo, São Gonçalo
: EdUERJ , 2020 - オンライン
O sábio e a imagem: estudos sobre Plutarco e a arte
: Coimbra University Press , 2014 - オンライン
O sangue de Bizâncio: ascensão e queda do império romano do oriente
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
O sangue e a rua : Elementos para uma antropologia da violência em Portugal (1926-1946)
: Etnográfica Press , 1989 - オンライン
O sector da energia eléctrica na União Europeia: evolução e perspectivas
: Coimbra University Press , 2007 - オンライン
O sistema da incompletude: a doutrina da ciência de Fichte
: Coimbra University Press , 2014 - オンライン
O Sítio das Drogas
: Etnográfica Press , 2021 - オンライン
O Smartphone Global: Uma tecnologia para além dos jovens; The Global Smartphone A Portuguese Translation of The Global Smartphone; Beyond a youth technology
: UCL Press , 2022 - オンライン
O Smartphone Global: Uma tecnologia para além dos jovens; The Global Smartphone A Portuguese Translation of The Global Smartphone; Beyond a youth technology
: UCL Press , 2022 - オンライン
O Som Do Silêncio Da Hepatite C
: Editora FIOCRUZ [Imprint] , 2007 - オンライン
O Tecido Da Rede-SANS: Histórico, Narrativas e Reflexões
: Editora UNESP , 2016 - オンライン
O trágico e o contraste : O Fado no bairro de Alfama
: Etnográfica Press , 1984 - オンライン
O Uso Do Inglês Em Contexto Comercial No Brasil e Em Portugal: Questões Linguísticas e Culturais
: Editora UNESP , 2015 - オンライン
O valor (des)educativo da publicidade
: Coimbra University Press , 2007 - オンライン
O2-/NO薬理学 / 大柳善彦著 ; : electronic bk
: electronic bk. - 東京 : 日本医学館 , 1997.1 - オンライン
Oak Hall in 1850 : great sale for the season / G.W. Simmons & Co
Boston : R.B. Fitts , [1850] - オンライン
Oase des Glücks
: Karl Alber - オンライン
Oastler and the factory children's rights for ever!!
[England : s.n , 1833?] - オンライン
Oastler is free! Oastler is welcome
[England? : s.n , 1844?] - オンライン
The Oath of every free-man of the city of London
[London?] : Printed by John Barber ... , [1710] - オンライン
The oath of every freeman of the city of London
London : Printed by A. Taylor, printer to the Honourable City of London , [1837?] - オンライン
The oath of every freeman of the Hamborough Company
[S.l : s.n , 1690?] - オンライン
The oath question, or, The new inquisition / by Joseph Barker
London : Barker , [1863] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
The oath which is directed to be taken by every person who is admitted to the freedom of the Levant Company, on his admission, by an act of Parliament made in the 26th year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Second
[England : s.n , 1800?] - オンライン
Oaths and swearing in ancient Greece
: de Gruyter , 2014 - オンライン
Oaths and swearing in ancient Greece
: de Gruyter , 2014 - オンライン
Oaths and swearing in ancient Greece
: de Gruyter , 2014 - オンライン
The oaths of allegiance & supremacy
London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ... , 1672 - オンライン
Ob Dir es sauer wird mit Deiner Nahrung und Ackerwerk, das laß Dich nicht verdrießen, denn Gott hat es also geschaffen
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2012 - オンライン
Ob stoletnici rojstva akademika Dragotina Cvetka (1911-1993) = At the Hundredth Birth Anniversary of Dragotin Cvetko (1911-1993), Member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC , 2012 - オンライン
Obama and Kenya : contested histories and the politics of belonging
: Ohio University Press , 2016 - オンライン
Obama V. Trump
: Edinburgh University Press , 2020 - オンライン
Obama vs Trump : the politics of presidential legacy and rollback
: Edinburgh University Press , 2020 - オンライン
Obeah, Orisa, and religious identity in Trinidad. Africana nations and the power of black sacred imagination / Volume II, Orisa
: Duke University Press , 2022 - オンライン
Obeah, Orisa, and religious identity in Trinidad. Africana nations and the power of black sacred imagination / Volume II, Orisa
: Duke University Press , 2022 - オンライン
Obeah, Orisa, and religious identity in Trinidad. Africans in the white colonial imagination / Volume I, Obeah
: Duke University Press , 2022 - オンライン
Obeah, Orisa, and Religious Identity in Trinidad, Volume I, Obeah : Africans in the White Colonial Imagination, Volume 1
: Duke University Press , 2022 - オンライン
Obedience and Servant Leadership Apollis, Appies, Buti, Buys
: UJ Press , 2020 - オンライン
Obedience and Servant Leadership Apollis, Appies, Buti, Buys
: UJ Press , 2020 - オンライン
La obediencia a la ley como coraza del pueblo: la defensa de las instituciones jurídicas en el texto del Anónimo de Jámblico
: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History , 2021 - オンライン
Oberflächendefektausheilung und Festigkeitssteigerung von niederdruckspritzgegossenen Mikrobiegebalken aus Zirkoniumdioxid
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
Oberflächenmodifikation von Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Biosensoren für biomedizinische Anwendungen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2010 - オンライン
Obesidade e Saúde Pública
: Editora FIOCRUZ [Imprint] , 2006 - オンライン
L'obésité et l'économie de la prévention : Objectif santé / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
Obesity and Diabetes: Energy Regulation by Free Fatty Acid Receptors
: Frontiers Media SA , 2016 - オンライン
Obesity and Diabetes: Implications for Brain-Immunometabolism
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Obesity and Effects of Bariatric Surgery - with a Certain Focus on Women's Health
: Linkopings Universitet , 2023 - オンライン
Obesity and the Economics of Prevention : Fit not Fat / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
Obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance
: Frontiers Media SA , 2015 - オンライン
Obiter Dicta
: Punctum Books , 2021 - オンライン
Objecções succintas offerecidas por hum portuguez a hum folheto intitulado Breves considerações sôbre o commercio e navegação de Portugal para Asia
Lisboa : Impr. de Candido Antonio de Silva Carvalho , 1836 - オンライン
Object and rules of the National Alliance, for Promoting the Real Representation of the People in Parliament : as resolved at a meeting of the members held at the Guildhall Coffee House, on the 12th of February, 1847
[England? : s.n , 1847] - オンライン
Object and rules of the National Alliance, for Promoting the Real Representation of the People in Parliament : as resolved at a meeting of the members, held at the Guildhall Hotel, on the 12th of February, 1847
[England? : s.n.] , 1847 - オンライン
Object-Based Concurrent Computing : ECOOP '91 Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, July 15-16, 1991. Proceedings / edited by Mario Tokoro, Oscar Nierstrasz, Peter Wegner
1st ed. 1992.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1992) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 612) - オンライン
Object-Based Distributed Programming : ECOOP '93 Workshop, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 26 - 27, 1993. Proceedings / edited by Rachid Guerraoui, Oscar Nierstrasz, Michel Riveill
1st ed. 1994.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1994) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 791) - オンライン
Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems : ECOOP '94 Workshop on Models and Languages for Coordination of Parallelism and Distribution, Bologna, Italy, July 5, 1994. Selected Papers / edited by Paolo Ciancarini, Oscar Nierstrasz, Akinori Yonezawa
1st ed. 1995.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1995) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 924) - オンライン
Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation : France-Japan Workshop, OBPDC'95, Tokyo, Japan, June 21 - 23, 1995, Selected Papers / edited by Jean-Pierre Briot, Jean-Marc Geib, Akinori Yonezawa
1st ed. 1996.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1996) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 1107) - オンライン
Object Oriented Environs
: Punctum Books , 2016 - オンライン
Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems : International Symposium ISOOMS '94, Palermo, Italy, September 21-22, 1994. Proceedings / edited by Elisa Bertino, Susan Urban
1st ed. 1994.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1994) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 858) - オンライン
Object Recognition
: IntechOpen , 2011 - オンライン
Object Representation in Computer Vision II : ECCV '96 International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, April 13 - 14, 1996. Proceedings / edited by Jean Ponce, Andrew Zisserman, Martial Hebert
1st ed. 1996.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1996) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 1144) - オンライン
Object Representation in Computer Vision : International NSF-ARPA Workshop, New York City, NY, USA, December 5 - 7, 1994. Proceedings / edited by Martial Hebert, Jean Ponce, Terry Boult, Ari Gross
1st ed. 1995.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1995) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 994) - オンライン
Object Technologies for Advanced Software : First JSSST International Symposium, Kanazawa, Japan, November 4-6, 1993. Proceedings / edited by Shojiro Nishio, Akinori Yonezawa
1st ed. 1993.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1993) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 742) - オンライン
Object-Technologies for Advanced Software : Second JSSST International Symposium, ISOTAS '96, Kanazawa, Japan, March 11-15, 1996. Proceedings / edited by Kokichi Futatsugi, Satoshi Matsuoka
1st ed. 1996.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1996) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 1049) - オンライン
Object Tracking
: IntechOpen , 2011 - オンライン
Objectif développement
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
objectionable Li Zhi : fiction, criticism, and dissent in late Ming China
: University of Washington Press , 2021 - オンライン
objectionable Li Zhi : fiction, criticism, and dissent in late Ming China
: University of Washington Press , 2021 - オンライン
objectionable Li Zhi : fiction, criticism, and dissent in late Ming China
: University of Washington Press , 2021 - オンライン
Objections against Edmund Hemming's proposals (now lying before this honourable house for eight millions of money, by laying a duty on beds) answered, with some remarks
[London : s.n , 1695] - オンライン
The Objections against paying the remainder of the Canada bills of exchange answer'd
[London? : s.n , 1716?] - オンライン
The Objections against the corn bill refuted : and the necessity of this measure, to the vital interests of every class of the community, demonstrated / by William Spence
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown , 1815 - オンライン
The Objections against the corn bill refuted : and the necessity of this measure, to the vital interests of every class of the community, demonstrated / by William Spence
4th ed.. - London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown , 1815 - オンライン
The Objections against the corn bill refuted : and the necessity of this measure, to the vital interests of every class of the community, demonstrated / by William Spence
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown , 1815 - オンライン
The Objections against the corn bill vindicated
London : Printed for Thomas Wilson, and E. Wilson , 1815 - オンライン
Objections against the general bank in Ireland : as it stands now circumstanciated whether it do's or do's not receive a parliamentary sanction : in answer to a letter sent from a gentleman in the city to his friend in the country
Dublin : Printed by C.C , 1721 - オンライン
Objections against the Metropolitan suspension bridge bill : June 1836 : Jones & Walmisley ... Chisholme, Hall & Gibson ...
[London? : s.n , 1836] - オンライン
Objections against the rock-salt answered
[S.l : s.n , 1701?] - オンライン
Objections answer'd by the woollen manufacturers : shewing the deficiency of a registry within 10 miles of the shoars (that's worse than doing nothing) any way short of general registry throughout of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Wales ... how to secure our wool, yarn, &c. from their privateers setting the crafty smugler at defiance (if our scheme be made law) how to get our wool or yarn from us
[England? : s.n , 1740] - オンライン
Objections de la Chambre de Commerce de la Ville de Lille : sur les droits et impôts proposés sur les toiles, présentées au gouvernement et aux Présidents des deux chambres
[Lille : de l'Imprimérie de L. Lefort , 1816] - オンライン
Objections formulées contre le bimétallisme international : réfutations présentées au nom du Conseil général de la Ligue nationale bimétallique
Paris : Ligue Nationale Bimétallique , 1896 . -  (Publications) (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Objections humbly offer'd against passing the bill, intitled, A Bill For the More Easy and Speedy Recovery of Small Debts, into a law / by John Mallory
London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1730 - オンライン
Objections humbly offer'd to both Houses of Parliament, on behalf of several land-owners near the city of London, and several thousands of poor people in or near the said city : against a clause in a bill ... for obliging collectors for the sewers, by which sand is prohibited to be strown in houses within the bills of mortality
[S.l : s.n , 1709] - オンライン
Objections to English inscriptions on the coinage of the Honourable the East India Company : with remarks on the coins, and a notice of Mr. Wyon's pattern crown of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
[London?] : J.B. Nichols and Sons, printers , [1847] - オンライン
Objections to Mr. Gilbert's plan of police, for the more effectual and economical support of the poor, stated and answered : with some general observations respecting the expediency and practicability of the whole
[London : s.n , 1786] - オンライン
Objections to part of the proposed canal from Wilden Ferry to the Mersey : humbly submitted by the true friends of the scheme "for opening a communication between Hull and Liverpool," ...
[S.l : s.n , 1766] - オンライン
Objections to proposed leases of part of the estates of the city of Bath / by Thomas Falconer
[England? : s.n.] , 1839 - オンライン
Objections to the abolition of the slave trade, with answers : to which are prefixed, strictures on a late publication, intitled, "Considerations on the emancipation of Negroes, and the abolition of the slave trade, by a West India planter" / by the Rev. James Ramsey
London : Printed and sold by James Phillips , 1788 - オンライン
Objections to the abolition of the slave trade, with answers : to which are prefixed, strictures on a late publication, intitled, "Considerations on the emancipation of Negroes, and the abolition of the slave trade, by a West India planter" / by the Rev. James Ramsey
2nd ed., with additions.. - London : Printed and sold by J. Phillips , 1788 - オンライン
Objections to the ballot answered from the writings and speeches of Mill, Grote, &c.
London : H. Hooper , 1837 - オンライン
Objections to the ballot answered from the writings of Mill, Grote, &c.
London : H. Hooper , 1837 - オンライン
Objections to the bank of credit projected at Boston : being a letter upon the occasion, to John Burril, Esq. ...
Boston : Printed by T. Fleet ... , 1714 - オンライン
Objections to the Bill for establishing the trade to Africa in a regulated company
[London : s.n , 1712] - オンライン
Objections to the exportation of wool unmanufactured
London : [s.n.] , 1782 - オンライン
Objections to the new poor law answered / by Thomas Spencer
London : J. Green , 1841 - オンライン
Objections to the new poor law answered / by Thomas Spencer
London : J. Green , 1841 - オンライン
Objections to the project of creating a vice chancellor of England
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1812 - オンライン
Objections to the proposed eleemosynary grant of exchequer bills : and another plan submitted, for alleviating the present distress
London : Printed and sold by Price , 1817 - オンライン
Objections to the repeal of so much of the statute of 5th Elizabeth, Cap. 4, as subjects to penalties persons who carry on or follow any trades without having served an apprenticeship of seven years thereto ...
[England : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
The objections to the taxation of our American colonies by the legislature of Great Britain briefly consider'd
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Wilkie , 1765 - オンライン
The objections to the taxation of our American colonies, by the legislature of Great Britain, briefly consider'd
London : Printed for J. Wilkie , 1765 - オンライン
Objective Information Theory
: Springer Nature Singapore , 2023 - オンライン
Objective Information Theory
: Springer Nature Singapore , 2023 - オンライン
Objective Software Quality : Objective Quality: Second Symposium on Software Quality Techniques and Acquisition Criteria Florence, Italy, May 29- 31, 1995. Proceedings / edited by Paolo Nesi
1st ed. 1995.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1995) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 926) - オンライン
Objective Tyre Development : Definition and Analysis of Tyre Characteristics and Quantification of their Conflicts
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2017 - オンライン
Objectivization and Subjectivization : a typology of voice systems
: National Museum of Ethnology , 2012 - オンライン
The objects and history of the Thames Improvement Company / by Cuthbert William Johnson
London : Ridgway , 1839 - オンライン
Objects and rules of the National Political Union, instituted October 31st, 1831 : with an address to the people of England, adopted at a general meeting of the National Political Union, held at the Crown & Anchor Tavern, Strand, Dec. 1st, 1831
[London] : Sold by E. Wilson , 1831 - オンライン
Objects of the club, and list of members / the Free-Trade Club, 27, Regent street
London : Cartwright & Pritchard, printers , 1846 - オンライン
Objects of the Norfolk land-owners and barley growers
[Norfolk : s.n , 1805?] - オンライン
Objects, rules, regulations, &c. : established 1885
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1891]). - (Ashton : Horrocks & Co., printers and stationers , [1891]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Objects, Structures, and Logics : FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics / edited by Gianluigi Oliveri, Claudio Ternullo, Stefano Boscolo
1st ed. 2022.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. ISSN:22147942 ; 339) - オンライン
Objekte im Netz
: Transcript Verlag , 2020 - オンライン
Objekte im Netz: Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen im digitalen Wandel
: Transcript Verlag , 2021 - オンライン
Objekte im Netz : Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen im digitalen Wandel
: Transcript Verlag , 2020 - オンライン
Objektive Bewertung querdynamischer Reifeneigenschaften im Gesamtfahrzeugversuch
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Objektivierung des Schwingungskomforts schwerer Nutzfahrzeuge
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Objektorientierte Modellierung zur geodätischen Deformationsanalyse [online]
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2004 - オンライン
Objektsensitive Verfolgung und Klassifikation von Fußgängern mit verteilten Multi-Sensor-Trägern
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2016 - オンライン
Objektverfolgung durch Fusion von Radar- und Monokameradaten auf Merkmalsebene für zukünftige Fahrerassistenzsysteme
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2010 - オンライン
L'objet et le récit de fiction
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2004 - オンライン
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y buenas prácticas de economía solidaria en el Oriente Antioqueño
: Universidad Católica Luis Amigó , 2021 - オンライン
Objetivos humanísticos, conteúdos científicos contribuições da história e da filosofia da Ciência para o ensino de Ciências
: SciELO Books - EDUEPB , 2019 - オンライン
Objets chers et funestes
: Graduate Institute Publications , 1979 - オンライン
objets composés : agencements, dispositifs, assemblages
: Éditions EHESS , 2018 - オンライン
Les objets dans l'action : De la maison au laboratoire
: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales , 1993 - オンライン
Les objets de la technique De la compétitivité motrice à la tactique individuelle
: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté , 2016 - オンライン
Objets du désir, désir d'objets : Leçon inaugurale prononcée le jeudi 30
: Collège de France , 2017 - オンライン
Objets et symboles
: Éditions de la Sorbonne , 2009 - オンライン
Objets inachevés de l'écriture
: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle , 2001 - オンライン
Objets proposés a l'Assemblée des notables / par de zélés citoyens ; premier objet ; administrations provinciales
Paris : A l'Imprimerie Polytype , 1787 - オンライン
Objets sous contrainte : Circulation des richesses et valeur des choses au Moyen
: Éditions de la Sorbonne , 2013 - オンライン
Oblicza Wojny. Tom 3. Miasto i wojna
: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher) , 2021 - オンライン
Oblicza Wojny. Tom 5. Miasto i wojna
: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher) , 2021 - オンライン
Obligación alimentaria. Incumplimiento y cómo determinar la reparación civil
: Religacion Press , 2023 - オンライン
Obligaciones Tributarias y su Influencia en la Recaudación Fiscal de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas
: Editorial Grupo AEA , 2023 - オンライン
Obligatio partitus R. hospitalium militum hujus Sicilie regni, pro Regia curia cum D. Carmelo Perilli
[Palermo? : s.n , 1740?] - オンライン
Oblikovanje predstav o slovenskih pokrajinah v izobraževalnem procesu = Shaping the geographical imagination of Slovenian landscapes in education
: Založba ZRC , 2016 - オンライン
Oblique Derivative Problems for Elliptic Equations in Conical Domains / by Mikhail Borsuk
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2023) . -  (Frontiers in Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. ISSN:27305503) - オンライン
: Transcript Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Obliteration: Für eine partikulare Medienphilosophie nach Emmanuel Levinas
: Transcript Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Oblivionism Forgetting and Forgetfulness in Modern Science
: Brill , 2022 - オンライン
obra educativa de Torres Bodet, en lo nacional y lo internacional
: Colegio de México , 1966 - オンライン
Obra pia : y eficaz modo para remediar la miseria de la gente pobre de España proponense con solidez los medios mas adequados para establecer una hermandad general en España ... / por d. Bernardo Ward
Madrid : En la imprenta de D. Antonio Espinosa , 1787 - オンライン
Obra pia : y eficaz modo para remediar la miseria de la gente pobre de España : proponense con solidez los medios mas adequados para establecer una hermandad general en España, compuesta de las personas mas piadosas de todos estados, facilitando arbitrios, que puedan producir, sin gravamen, efectos suficientes para socorrer al verdadero pobre, à la viuda, al labrador que le faltó la cosecha ; criat huerfanas, acomodar doncellas pobres, recoger vagabundos, facilitar el riego à los campos, fomentar la industria, &c. / su autor don Bernardo War
En Madrid : En la Imprenta de Antonio Marin , 1767 - オンライン
Obrajes y tejedores de Nueva España 1700-1810 la industria urbana y rural en una economía colonial
: El Colegio de Mexico, Centro de Estudios Históricos , 1998 - オンライン
Obras de consulta para estudiantes de ciencias sociales y humanidades
: Colegio de Mexico, Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas , 2000 - オンライン
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira II: Estudos sobre a Grécia Antiga: Artigos
: Coimbra University Press , 2014 - オンライン
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira III: Traduções do Grego Píndaro, Sófocles e Eurípedes
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira IX: Estudos sobre Língua e Literatura Portuguesas
: Coimbra University Press , 2020 - オンライン
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira VI: latim medieval
: Coimbra University Press , 2014 - オンライン
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira VII: latim medieval e renascentista
: Coimbra University Press , 2020 - オンライン
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira VIII: Receção das fontes clássicas em Portugal
: Coimbra University Press , 2019 - オンライン
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira vol. IV: Arte Antiga
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Obras etnográficas (I) : Festas, costumes e outros materiais para uma Etnologia de Portugal
: Etnográfica Press , 1993 - オンライン
Obras etnográficas (II) : Cultura popular e educação
: Etnográfica Press , 1993 - オンライン
Obras generales de consulta
: Colegio de México, Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas , 1997 - オンライン
Obras morais: sobre o afecto dos filhos: sobre a música (2.ª edição)
: Coimbra University Press , 2012 - オンライン
Obras Públicas no Estado Novo
: Coimbra University Press , 2020 - オンライン
Obraznoe osnovanie idiom psikholingvokulʹturologicheskie aspekty
: Verlag Otto Sagner , 2012 - オンライン
Obreros y obreras de Swift : la época de los ingleses, la época de los militares y la época del cierre
: FaHCE, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata , 2019 - オンライン
Obscène, mode d’emploi
: Maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine , 2022 - オンライン
Obscurities and defects of the mercantile law considered : in an essay on bills of exchange
London : Printed for S. Crowder, and sold by W. Wardlaw , 1769 - オンライン
ОБСЕ Insights 2020 Коронавирус, война, кризис лидерства
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG , 2021 - オンライン
ОБСЕ Insights 2022
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG , 2022 - オンライン
ОБСЕ Insights 2023
: Nomos - オンライン
Observables and Symmetries of n-Plectic Manifolds / by Leonid Ryvkin
1st ed. 2016.. - (Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Spektrum , 2016) . -  (BestMasters. ISSN:26253615) - オンライン
Observac̜ões sobre o commercio franco no Brazil / pelo author dos Principios do direito mercantil
[Brazil : s.n , 1808] - オンライン
Observac̜ões sobre o commercio Franco no Brazil / pelo author dos Principios do direito mercantil
Rio de Janeiro : Na impressão Regia , 1808 - オンライン
[S.l : s.n , 1710?] - オンライン
Observaciones sobre el empréstito Guebhard / por Javier de Burgos
[Spain : s.n.] , 1834 - オンライン
Observaciones sobre la historia natural, geografia, agricultura, poblacion y frutos del reyno de Valencia / por Antonio Josef [sic] Cavanilles
Madrid : Impr. real , 1795-1797 - オンライン
Observaciones sobre las ventajas, y desventajas de la Francia, y la Gran Bretaña, en orden al comercio, y la agricultura, y demàs recursos de la soberanía de los estados : cotejo de ambos reynos : en que se examinan las causas de su respectiva abundancia, y escaséz de las cosechas de granos, y los defectos del comercio, agricultura, y poblacion ... / escritas en Inglès por el caballero John Nickolls ; traducidas del Francés por D. Domingo de Marcoleta
Madrid : En la oficina de Blas Roman , 1771 - オンライン
Observações criticas sobre alguns artigos do ensaio estatistico do reino de Portugal e Algarves publicado em Paris por Adriano Balbi / seu auctor Luiz Duarte Villela da Silva
Lisboa : Na Impressão Regia , 1828 - オンライン
Observaçoes sobre a escravatura e commercio de escravos dirigidas a's Cortes e a' nação portugueza / por G.W. Alexander
[Portugal : s.n.] , 1842 - オンライン
Observações sobre o commercio de Hespanha com as suas colonias no tempo da guerra : occasionadas pelo decreto de 20 de Abril de 1799, que excluio os Navios neutros dos Portos da America Hespanhola, derogando a ordem de 18 de Novembro de 1797, que os tinha admittido durante a presente guerra / por hum Hespanhol europeo
[S.l : s.n , 1810] - オンライン
Observadoj meteorologiaj kaj aerologiaj faritaj en la aerologia observatorio de Tateno en la internaciaj tagoj dum la polusa jaro 1932-33 = 1932-33年極地觀測期間國際觀測日に於ける高層氣象臺觀測槪要
: Aerologia Observatorio , 1933 - オンライン
Observadoj meteorologiaj kaj aerologiaj faritaj en la aerologia observatorio de Tateno en la internaciaj tagoj dum la polusa jaro 1932-33 = 1932-33年極地觀測期間國際觀測日に於ける高層氣象臺觀測槪要
: Aerologia Observatorio , 1933 - オンライン
Observant Reforms and Cultural Production in Europe
: Radboud University Press , 2023 - オンライン
Observant Reforms and Cultural Production in Europe. Learning, Liturgy and Spiritual Practice
: Radboud University Press , 2023 - オンライン
L'observateur forestier, ou, Observations sur l'ordonnance de 1669, comme cause principale du dépérissement des forêts, et sur les moyens pratiques de les améliorer : avec des réflexions sur les plantations particulières / adressé au gouvernement par M. Fanon
Paris : Chez Michelet, et chez Petit , an 13 [i.e. 12]-- 1804 - オンライン
L'observateur français, journal de la capitale et des provinces : politique, financier, commercial, législatif, administratif, judiciare et littéraire ... : prospectus
[Paris : Impr. de Herhan , 1833] - オンライン
Observation and Control for Operator Semigroups / by Marius Tucsnak, George Weiss
1st ed. 2009.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2009) . -  (Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher. ISSN:22964894) - オンライン
Observation and Theory in Science
: Johns Hopkins Press , 1971 - オンライン
Observation, &c
[England : s.n , 1818?] - オンライン
Observation du changement social et culturel : Région lyonnaise
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1979 - オンライン
Observation Generale N° 3 sur la Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples: Le droit à la vie (Article 4) Adoptée lors de la 57éme Session Ordinaire de la Commission Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples tenue du 4 au 18 Novembre 2015
: Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) , 2016 - オンライン
Observation of a New State in the Search for the Higgs Boson at CMS / by Giovanni Petrucciani
1st ed. 2013.. - (Pisa : Scuola Normale Superiore : Imprint: Edizioni della Normale , 2013) . -  (Theses. ISSN:25321668 ; 18) - オンライン
Observation on life assurance, from the Post Magazine Almanack : circulated with prospectus of the Scottish Provident Institution for Life Assurance, constituted on the principle of mutual assurance combined with moderate premiums
London : W.S.D. Pateman , [1846?] - オンライン
Observation on the bill introduced by Mr. Kennedy : as to the salmon fisheries of Scotland
[S.l : s.n.] , 1827 - オンライン
Observation on the privilege enjoyed by the Highlands of Scotland under the present excise laws
[Scotland? : s.n.] , 1798 - オンライン
Observation sur la nouvelle conception financière présentée a la Chambre des députés, par M. le Président du conseil des ministres, le 3 janvier 1825 / par Armand Séguin
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observation sur le commerce des États Américains / par le Lord Sheffield
Rouen : Dame Besongne , 1789 - オンライン
Observation sur le rapport fait par M. de Biron a l'Assemblée nationale, au nom de son Comité des finances, sur les postes / par M. Fenis, ci-devant de Saint-Victour
Paris : De l'Imprimerie du patriote françois , 1790 - オンライン
Observation sur les impositions susceptibles de reduction, conversion, ou suppression : contenant un plan d'établissement de deux foires à Paris / par M. Percheron de La Galeziere
Paris : Chez Debure , 1775 - オンライン
Observation sur un passage du Mémoire de M.L.C.D.L.
[S.l : s.n , 1769?] - オンライン
Observational Studies / by Paul R. Rosenbaum
1st ed. 1995.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1995) . -  (Springer Series in Statistics. ISSN:2197568X) - オンライン
Observational Studies / by Paul R. Rosenbaum
2nd ed. 2002.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2002) . -  (Springer Series in Statistics. ISSN:2197568X) - オンライン
Observationer, som kunna gifwa någon anledning til dhe forna swenskars och göthers penninge rächningz beskaffenheet : uthi många hundrade åhr tillbaka, uthur theras egne handlingar, lager, afskeder, recesser, kiöpebreef, contracter och räkningar / uthdragne aff Petter Dijkman
Stockholm : Tryckt hoos Niclas Wankijff ... , 1686 - オンライン
Observationes de commercio Russico in mari nigro / a Carolo Henrico de Schroeder
Dorpati : Literis Michaelis Gerhardi Grenzii, typographi academici , [1805] - オンライン
[Scotland : s.n , 1814?] - オンライン
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations a M. le comte de Peyronnet, Ministre de la justice, Garde-des-sceaux, sur son projet de loi concernant les successions et le rétablissement d'un droit d'aînesse / par G. Sibuet
Paris : Se vend dans les magasins de librairie du Palais-Royal , 1826 - オンライン
Observations, act of incorporation, etc. of the Kennebunk-port Granite and Railroad Company
Kennebunk-port, Maine : [s.n.] , 1837 - オンライン
Observations additionnelles aux Considérations sur la dette publique / par M. le duc de Gaëte
[France : s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations addressed to all classes of the community, on the establishment of mechanics' institutions
London : Sold by C. & J. Rivington , [1825] - オンライン
Observations addressed to Lord John Russell : and a few modest questions put to His Lordhsip [sic], suggesting reminiscences of the course of conduct most worthy of a great statesman / by Civis
Manchester : J. Pratt , 1843 - オンライン
Observations, addressed to the coal owners of Northumberland and Durham, on the coal trade of those counties : more especially with regard to the cause of, and remedy for, its present depressed condition / by T. John Taylor
[England? : s.n.] , 1846 - オンライン
Observations addressed to the Right Hon. Lord Stourton : occasioned by his two letters to the Earl of Liverpool / by John Boyes
York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and sons , 1821 - オンライン
Observations, addressed to the shipping, the agricultural, and the commercial interests : on the impolicy of the free trade system pursued by His Majesty's ministers
[S.l : s.n.] , 1826 - オンライン
Observations addressed to those interested in either rail-ways or turnpike-roads : showing the comparative expedition, safety, convenience, and public and private economy of these two kinds of road for internal communication / by Alexander Gordon
London : J. Weale , 1837 - オンライン
Observations addressées à l'Assemblée nationale : sur le projet de décret relatif à l'expropriation des compagnies des chemins de fer
[Paris?] : N. Chaix , [1849?] - オンライン
Observations adressées à MM. les députés de la Gironde : sur le projet de canal à ouvrir dans Les Landes : présenté à la chambre dans sa séance du 17 février dernier ...
[Paris : Imprimerie d'A. Moessard et Jousset , 1838] - オンライン
Observations adressées à Son Excellence le Ministre de l'intérieur par les marchands de toiles de Paris : relativement à l'augmentation des droits dʹentrée en France sur les toiles étrangères
[France : s.n , 1824?] - オンライン
Observations adressées au premier consul pour l'établissement particulier d'Escompte : connu à Paris sous le nom de Comptoir commercial
[Paris : De l'Imprimerie de N. Renaudiere , 1803] - オンライン
Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado sugar and rum / by Bryan Higgins, M.D
St. Jago de la Vega [Cuba] : Printed by A. Aiken , 1797-1801 - オンライン
Observations and advices oeconomical
London : Printed by T.R. for John Martyn ... , 1669 - オンライン
Observations and critical reflections upon the last act of Parliament relating to the turnpike roads in England : intended to point out its imperfections and inconsistencies / by Bernard John Wake
London : Published by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, and G. Ridge, Sheffield , 1822 - オンライン
Observations and documents respecting the petitions presented to Parliament from the parish of Stokes Poges, in the county of Bucks
London : J. Fraser , 1835 - オンライン
Observations and examples to assist magistrates in setting the assize of bread made of wheat : under the statute of the 31st George II : together with tables for reducing the prices of diverse customary bushels to the price of the Winchester bushel : and for shewing the average-price of the first, second, and third sorts of wheat ...
London : Printed for J. Brotherton , 1766 - オンライン
Observations and examples to assist magistrates in setting the assize of bread made of wheat : under the statute of the 31st George II : together with tables for reducing the prices of diverse customary bushels to the price of the Winchester bushel : and for shewing the average-price of the first, second, and third sorts of wheat
[S.l : s.n , 1759?] - オンライン
Observations and facts relative to licensed ale-houses in the city of London and its environs : humbly submitted to the consideration of magistrates in every part of Great-Britain / by a magistrate acting for the counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent and Essex
London : [s.n.] , 1794 - オンライン
Observations and facts relative to public houses in the city of London and its environs : humbly submitted to the consideration of His Majesty's ministers and of magistrates in every part of Great Britain / by a magistrate acting for the counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent and Essex
London : Printed by H. Fry , 1794 - オンライン
Observations and facts relative to public houses : interesting to magistrates in every part of Great Britain, to the clergy and parochial officers and generally to brewers, distillers, proprietors and occupiers of licensed ale-houses, as well as to the public at large / by a magistrate acting for the counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent and Essex
London : Printed by J. Downes and sold by Sewell , [1794] - オンライン
Observations and facts relative to public houses : interesting to magistrates in every part of Great Britain, to the clergy and parochial officers and generally to brewers, distillers, proprietors and occupiers of licensed ale-houses, as well as to the public at large / by a magistrate acting for the counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent and Essex ...
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for C. Dilly , [1796] - オンライン
Observations and proposals concerning the Navy : with an enquiry into its present condition, shewing its insufficiency to defend us from a sudden attack of the French : a view of the methods taken to mann our fleet, the expences, difficulties, and delays attending it ... and a remedy proposed ... a comparison between the situation of the officers of the navy, and those of the army ... also regulations proposed for the navy, submitted to the consideration of every impartial man
London : Printed for S. Baker, and sold by J. Robinson and J. Millan , 1745 - オンライン
Observations and proposals concerning the Navy : with an enquiry into its present condition, shewing its insufficiency to defend us from a sudden attack of the French : a view of the methods taken to mann our fleet, the expences, difficulties, and delays attending it ... and a remedy proposed ... a comparison between the situation of the officers of the navy, and those of the army ... also regulations proposed for the navy, submitted to the consideration of every impartial man
London : Printed for S. Baker, and sold by J. Robinson and J. Millan , 1745 - オンライン
Observations and reflections on swindled bills : and the method of discounting them : in which the practices made use of by those gentry, who call themselves discounters and bill-brokers, are examined and explained, their names and frauds detected and exposed, together with cursory remarks on the practice of purchasing annuities on the lives of the buyers, secured on West India property / by Charles Whitehead
London : Printed for the Author , 1777 - オンライン
Observations and Reflections on Texas Folklore
: University of North Texas Press , 2000 - オンライン
Observations and reflections on the origin of Jacobin principles ... : and on a letter addressed to the Right Honourable William Pitt, by Jasper Wilson, Esq. / by a sincere friend of his country
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1794 - オンライン
Observations and reflections on the state of Ireland / respectfully submitted to the consideration of the British nation by Robert Stearne Tighe
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1804 - オンライン
Observations and remarks : during four excursions, made to various parts of Great Britain, in the years 1810 and 1811 ... : performed by land, by sea, by various modes of conveyance, and partly in the pedestrian style / by Daniel Carless Webb
London : Printed and published by Allen & Co , 1812 - オンライン
Observations and remarks made during a voyage to the islands of Teneriffe, Amsterdam, Maria's Islands near Van Diemen's Land ... and from thence to Canton in the brig Mercury ... / by George Mortimer
London : Printed for the author , 1791 - オンライン
Observations and remarks made during a voyage to the islands of Teneriffe, Amsterdam, Maria's Islands near Van Diemen's land, Otaheite, Sandwich Islands, Owhyhee, the Fox Islands on the north west coast of America, Tinian, and from thence to Canton, in the Brig Mercury, commanded by John Henry Cox, Esq / by Lieut. George Mortimer
Dublin : Printed for P. Byrne, J. Moore, A. Grueber, W. Jones, and R. White , 1791 - オンライン
Observations and remarks on the case of the petitioners of the town of Lewes, and its environs : against the building a bridge over the River Ouse, at Newhaven Ferry, unless under the particular restrictions
[England? : s.n , 1784?] - オンライン
Observations and Theory of Short GRBs at the Dawn of the Gravitational Wave Era
: MDPI , 2019 - オンライン
Observations arising from the declaration of war against Spain : and the future management of it on the part of Great Britain : with some considerations on the consistency of the my and their arguments : in a letter to --
London : Printed by and for T. Gardner , 1739 - オンライン
Observations as to the present state of the lands in the neighbourhood of Spalding : in the county of Lincoln ; with a view to an improvement in the outfal of the river Welland, and to the drainage of the lands on both sides thereof
Peterborough : Printed by J. Jacob , 1791 - オンライン
Observations both historical and moral upon the burning of London, September 1666 : with an account of the losses, and a most remarkable parallel between London and Mosco [i.e. Moscow], both as to the plague and fire : also an essay touching the easterly-winde : written by way of narrative for satisfaction of the present and future ages / by Rege Sincera
London : Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, and are to be sold by Robert Pawlet ... , 1667 - オンライン
Observations by a committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures in the City of Glasgow, on the printed Bill for regulating the importation and exportation of corn, &c.
Glasgow : Printed by A. Duncan and R. Chapman , 1791 - オンライン
Observations, by Mr. Cumming, of Pentonville, on the causes that first occasioned the bending of the axles of wheel carriages : stating the progress of the principal improvements in the construction of wheels ... / from the communications to the Board of agriculture
London : Printed by W. Bulmer and co , 1810 - オンライン
Observations by Mr. Mahony on the Tithe bill (Ireland) : for the Right Hon. E.J. Littleton, M.P
[England : s.n.] , 1834 - オンライン
Observations by the Committee of Inhabitants of Edinburgh and Leith : upon the "statement" by the directors of the Edinburgh Water Company, of date 28th July 1845
[Scotland? : s.n.] , 1845 - オンライン
Observations by the Committee of Merchants of Waterford : on the report of the Committee of the House of Commons of the 14th instant, on the petitions of six counties respecting the corn laws of Great Britain
[Waterford, Waterford : Committee of Merchants of Waterford , 1804] - オンライン
Observations by the committees of the Writers to the Signet, and of the Heritors and Householders of Edinburgh : upon a Memorial for the magistrates and Council, concerning the affair of the poors-rate, &c
[Edinburgh? : s.n , 1749?] - オンライン
Observations by the delegates for conducting the application to Parliament for a reform in the internal government of the royal boroughs of Scotland : on the case of the town councils, stiling themselves the royal boroughs of Scotland ; and on a paper ....
[S.l : s.n , 1788] - オンライン
Observations by the Earl of Lauderdale : on the review of his Inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth, published in the VIIIth number of the Edinburgh review
Edinburgh : Printed by W. Willison, for A. Constable and Co., Edinburgh, and L.H. Rees & Orme, London , 1804 - オンライン
Observations by the Inhabitants' Committee : on the report of the meeting of shareholders of the Edinburgh Water Company, held on 2nd January 1844, as reported in Courant of 4th January
[Edinburgh : s.n , 1844] - オンライン
Observations by the managers of the New Town Dispensary : on the report to the quarterly meeting of managers of the public dispensary, 7th August 1817
Edinburgh : [s.n.] , 1817 - オンライン
Observations by the Union Canal Committee on the objections made by the inhabitants of Leith to this undertaking
[Scotland : s.n , 1817] - オンライン
Observations, &c. as to the ages of persons employed in the cotton mills in Manchester : with extracts of evidence against Sir Robert Peel's bill taken before the Lord's committee
[S.l : s.n.] , 1819 - オンライン
Observations, &c : I. on the effect of the operation of banking in aiding commercial credit, and how far the extension of such aid can have the effect of producing an excess of currency
[S.l : s.n., 1811?] - オンライン
Observations, &c. on an act passed in the present session of Parliament, intituled An Act for Granting to His Majesty an Aid and Contribution for the Prosecution of the War : with various practical tables and forms
London : Printed by Bunney, Thompson, and Co , 1798 - オンライン
Observations, &c. upon the act for taxing income : in which the principles and provisions of the act are fully considered, with a view to facilitate its execution, both with respect to persons chargeable, and the officers chosen to carry it into effect : with the act at large : together with the substance of the clauses of the assessed tax act that have a reference to this ...
London : Printed for and published by Bunney & Gold , [1799] - オンライン
Observations candides sur le mémoire présenté par Monsieur le chevalier Yorke ambassadeur de S.M. le roi de la Grande-Bretagne : à L.H.P. les Etats-Généraux des Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas, le 9 avril 1779 : précédées du dit mémoire & suivies de réflexions ultérieures y rélatives
[Netherlands? : s.n.] , 1779 - オンライン
Observations, chiefly in reply to remarks made in Parliament, during the last session, on the subject of government clerks / by a clerk
[England : s.n.] , 1821 - オンライン
Observations concernant le commerce François en général, le projet d'une ville commerçante du premier ordre, les péages & droits relatifs à la navigation : adressées aux états du royaume, avec des mémoires & des cartes touchant des ports & conoux en Bretagne
[S.l : s.n , 1789] - オンライン
Observations concerning money and coin and especially those of England
London : Printed for Peter Buck ... , 1697 - オンライン
Observations concerning the diet of the common people : recommending a method of living less expensive and more conducive to health, than the present / by William Buchan
London : Printed for A. Strahan , 1797 - オンライン
Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society / by John Millar
London : Printed by W. and J. Richardson , 1771 - オンライン
Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society ... / by John Millar
2nd ed., greatly enl.. - London : Printed for J. Murray , 1773 - オンライン
Observations concerning the distress of the country : January 1816 and 1817
London : Printed for Thomas Wilson , 1817 - オンライン
Observations concerning the dominion and sovereignty of the seas : being an abstract of the marine affairs of England / by Sir Philip Medows ...
In the Savoy [London] : Printed by Edw. Jones, and sold by Samuel Lowndes ... and by Edward Jones ... , 1689 - オンライン
Observations concerning the original and various forms of government : as described, viz. 1st. Upon Aristotles Politiques, 2d. Mr. Hobb's Laviathan, 3d. Mr. Milton against Salmatius, 4th. Hugo Grotius De jure bello, 5th. Mr. Hunton's Treatise of monarchy ... / by the learned Sir R. Filmer ... to which is added The power of kings, with directions for obedience to government in dangerous and doubtful times
London : Printed for R.R.C. and are to be sold by Samuel Keble ... and Daniel Brown ... , 1696 - オンライン
Observations concerning the tax upon houses and windows : wherein the ill consequences of increasing that tax are considered, and a way of raising two millions of pounds, by other means, is briefly pointed out
[S.l : s.n , 1758] - オンライン
Observations contre le système d'emprunter pour l'Etat, en vendant des rentes : et projet d'emprunt, en remplacement du crédit de seize millions demandé par le budget de 1818 / par M.J.B. B ******
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations critiques et politiques sur le commerce maritime : dans lesquelles on discute quelques points relatifs à l'industrie & au commerce des colonies françoises
[France? : s.n , 1755?] - オンライン
Observations critiques et politiques, sur le commerce maritime : dans lesquelles on discute quelques points relatifs à l'industrie & au commerce des colonies françoises
Amsterdam ; Et se trouve à Paris : Chez Jombert , 1755 - オンライン
Observations critiques sur Les idées d'un citoyen
[S.l : s.n , 1787?] - オンライン
Observations d'un ancien député du département des Basses-Alpes : à l'appui de la pétition adressée à la Chambre des députés par les propriétaires d'oliviers de la ville de Manosque
[Paris] : Imprimerie A. Boucher , [1822] - オンライン
Observations d'un citoyen d'Amsterdam : sur le Mémoire presenté aux Etats-Généraux par M. le chevalier Yorke
[Amsterdam : s.n , 1779] - オンライン
Observations d'un citoyen : sur la nécessité et la possibilité d'établir un impôt unique, en remplacement des tailles, capitation, aides, gabelles et tabac
[S.l : s.n.] , 1789 - オンライン
Observations d'un Franc̦ais, sur la loi proposée par le Roi : et adoptée par MM. de la Chambre des députés des départemens, relativement à l'admission des fers étrangers
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations d'un mineur sur le discours de M. Dugas des Varennes : relatif aux mines
Paris : Mme. Ve. Agasse , 1816 - オンライン
Observations d'un républicain sur les différens systemes d'administrations provinciales : particuliérement sur ceux de MM. Turgot & Necker, & sur le bien qu'on peut en espérer dans les gouvernemens monarchiques
[S.l : s.n , 1788] - オンライン
Observations de conseil-général du département du Var : sur la nouvelle fixation du revenu territorial, et la répartition de dégrèvement établie par la loi des finances de 1821, ou appel d'un jugement rendu, dans leur propre cause, par 52 juges contre 34 prévenus dont les dépouilles sont devenues leur partage / rédigées par M. de Gasquet
Paris : A. Egron , 1822 - オンライン
Observations de Henri Auguste, sur le Mémoire de la Commission général des monnoies, concernant la refonte des espèces : présenté à la Convention nationale, le 30 octobre 1792
Paris : Champigny , 1792 - オンライン
Observations de J.J. Rousseau, de Genève : sur la Réponse qui a été faite à son Discours
[Paris? : s.n.] , 1751 - オンライン
Observations de l'administration des finances sur le rapport fait à l'Assemblée nationale, le 1er septembre 1848, au nom de la commission chargée d'examiner le projet de décret relatif à l'établissement d'un impôt progressif sur les successions et donations : suivies des amendements au projet de la commission présentés par le Ministre des finances
[France : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
Observations de l'administration Lafarge, sur l'opinion présentée au Conseil des anciens par le représentant du peuple Laussat, relative à la résolution du 4 nivôse, concernant les rentes de 200 liv. et au-dessous
[France : s.n , 1797] - オンライン
Observations de la Chambre de commerce d'Amiens : sur le projet de loi concernant les contributions indirectes / présenté à la Chambre des députés, le 23 Décembre 1815, par M. le Baron de Barante
Amiens : Caron-Vitet , 1816 - オンライン
Observations de la Chambre de commerce de Bordeaux : sur la demande de l'etablissement d'un entrepôt de denrées coloniales à Paris
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations de la Chambre de Commerce de Marseille sur la législation relative aux faillites et banqueroutes
[S.l : s.n.] , 1827 - オンライン
Observations de la Chambre du commerce de Lyon : sur la déclaration du roi concernant le timbre
[Paris : s.n , 1787] - オンライン
Observations de la Chambre du commerce de Normandie, sur le traité de commerce entre la France & l'Angleterre : suivi du Plan d'une banque nationale de France
Rouen : [s.n.] , 1788 - オンライン
Observations de la Compagnie des salines et mines de sel de l'est : relatives a l'ordonnance qui a réduit le prix de son bail
Paris : Imprimerie de E. Duverger , [1831?] - オンライン
Observations de la Société d'Agriculture de Chambéry sur la nouvelle répartition de la contribution foncière / recueillies par A. Marin
[France : s.n , 1808] - オンライン
Observations de la Société royale d'agriculture, sur l'uniformité des poids et des mesures
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de Philippe-Denys Pierres , 1790 - オンライン
Observations de la Société royale d'agriculture, sur l'uniformité des poids et des mesures
Paris : [s.n.] , 1790 - オンライン
Observations de la Société royale d'agriculture sur la question suivante, qui lui a été proposée par le Comité d'agriculture & de commerce de l'Assemblée nationale : l'usage des domaines congéables est-il utile ou non au progrès de l'agriculture? / rédigées par MM. Abeille, l'abbé le Febvre & l'abbé Tessier ; lues le dix-sept mars 1791
[Paris? : s.n , 1791?] - オンライン
Observations de M. de la Milliere sur un écrit de M. Biauzat, député à l'Assemblée nationale, relatif à l'organisation des ponts et chaussées
[France : s.n , 1791?] - オンライン
Observations de M. Ducloz Dufresnoy ... sur l'état des finances
Paris : Chez Clousier , 1790 - オンライン
Observations de M. Godard sur le rapport de M. Humann : concernant le projet de loi sur l'amortissement de la dette publique faisant suite aux réflexions et propositions de l'auteur sur le même projet
Paris : Imprimerie de Ducessois , [1830?] - オンライン
Observations de M. l'évêque de Verdun, du chapitre cathédral, et de la collégiale de la Magdeleine de cette ville
Versailles : Impr. de Ph.-D. Pierres , [1789] - オンライン
Observations de M. Mirabeau l'ainé, relativement à l'essai sur la proportion de l'or à l'argent qui seroit la plus convenable dans la monnoie de France, par M.F. Solignac
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations de M. Necker, sur l'avant-propos du Livre rouge
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations de M. Necker, sur l'avant-propos du Livre rouge
Paris : De l'Imprimerie royale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations de M. Necker, sur l'avant-propos du Livre rouge
Paris : De l'Imprimerie royale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations de M. Necker, sur le premier rapport du Comité des pensions
Paris : De l'Imprimerie royale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations de M. Séguin sur un écrit de M.H. ....
[France : s.n , 1800?] - オンライン
Observations des commerçans, blanchisseurs, fabricans et tanneurs de la ville de Beauvais : sur le projet de loi qui établit un impôt sur les tissus de laines et toiles, cuirs, et particulièrement sur le mode de perception dudit impôt
Beauvais : de l'Imprimérie de Desjardins , 1816 - オンライン
Observations des directeurs de la fabrication des monnaies, sur la partie du rapport du budget des dépenses relative aux frais des monnaies
[France : s.n , 1828?] - オンライン
Observations des fabricans de Paris, sur le projet de loi et le projet de tarif des droits d'entrée et de sortie : proposés par le Comité d'agriculture et de commerce de l'Assemblée nationale, et sur la suppression des droits de traite intérieure : suivies de quelques réflexions sur un ouvrage qui ... ne tendroit à rien moins qu'à la destruction de toute industrie nationale
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de Chalon , 1790 - オンライン
Observations des maîtres des postes, de la Cour, de la ville de Paris & autres lieux ... sur le memoire que le Sr. Lachenaye a donné au Conseil ....
[Paris : s.n.] , 1763 - オンライン
Observations des négocians de Bordeaux : sur l'Arrest du Conseil, du 30 août 1784, qui a été connu à Bordeaux le 20 novembre
Paris : [s.n.] , 1784 - オンライン
Observations des négocians de la province de Guienne : sur l'etablissement des paquebots & sur la taxe des lettres ; ... adressées à Monseigneur le Maréchal de Castries, ministre de la marine, & à Monseigneur de Calonne, contrôleur-général des finances
[S.l : s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Observations des Propriétaires des mines de houille de Littry (Calvados) : sur la demande en réduction des droits de douane sur les charbons étrangers
Paris : Imprimerie de Madame Huzard , 1822 - オンライン
Observations des sieurs Eloy Louis et Dominique-César Leleu, freres, négocians : sur un écrit intitulé, "Second mémoire, pour les maîtres boulangers, lu au Bureau des subsistances de l'Assemble [sic] nationale."
A Paris : De l'Impr. de Demonville , 1789 - オンライン
Observations des tribunaux de cassation et d'appel, des tribunaux et conseils de commerce, &c : sur le projet de code du commerce
Paris : L'Imprimerie de la République , an XI [1802-1803] - オンライン
Observations diverses, présentées aux Etats-Unis du Brabant / par les commissaires de la ville de Louvain, au nom de tous les négocians de ladité ville, en mars 1790
Bruxelles : Aux dépens de la Société typographique, Olivier Le May et Compagnie , 1790 - オンライン
Observations diverses sur le projet de l'administration provisionelle des Douanes : en avril 1790
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations du Commerce d'Abbeville, sur le canal d'Angoulême, et le tarif de ses droits de navigation
[France : s.n , 1829?] - オンライン
Observations du Corps consulaire de Dijon, sur l'arrêt qui attribue aux régisseurs des messageries, le privilege exclusif du transport, tant par eau que par terre, des marchandises qui jouissent de la faveur du transit
[France : s.n , 1782?] - オンライン
Observations du directeur de l'Imprimérie royale, sur la fabrication du papier des assignats, & sur leur impression
Paris : De l'Imprimerie royale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations du Ministre des contributions publiques, sur le décret rendu le 17 avril en faveur du C. Genneau, ci-devant Commissaire du roi à la monnoie d'Orleans : adressées à la Convention nationale
[France : s.n , 1793?] - オンライン
Observations du sieur de la Jonchere, ingénieur, sur le devis & procés verbal dressés par le sieur Gabriel ... premier ingénieur des ponts & chaussées du royaume, sur le projet d'un canal proposé en Bourgogne pour la communication des deux mers, par le sieur Abeille, ingénieur du roy ....
[France : s.n , 1727?] - オンライン
Observations du sucre indigène : sur le rapport présenté à la Chambre des Députés, le 4 mars 1833, au nom de la Commission des Sucres
[France? : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Observations economiques sur le commerce, l'agriculture, les subsistances et les approvisionnemens des cuirs de la République : à la Convention nationale, au département et à la commune de Paris / par le citoyen Rubigny
[Paris : s.n , 1793?] - オンライン
Observations en réfutation du projet de loi sur les boissons et exposé des motifs / par M. Tachouzin
[France : s.n , 1829?] - オンライン
Observations en reponse aux Considerations génerales sur l'évaluation des monnaies grecques et romaines : et sur la valeur de l'or et de l'argent avant la découverte de l'Amérique (Paris, Firmin Didot, octobre 1817)
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations et éclaircissemens sur le paragraphe concernant les finances
Paris : Marchands de nouveautés , 1814 - オンライン
Observations et éclaircissemens sur le paragraphe concernant les finances : dans l'exposé sur la situation du royaume, presenté à la Chambre des pairs et à celle des députés
2e éd.. - Paris : Delaunay , 1814 - オンライン
Observations et éclaircissemens : sur les différens systèmes de finances suivis en France depuis l'an VIII jusqu'au 8 juillet 1815, et notamment sur le paragraphe concernant les finances, dans l'exposé de la situation de l'Empire, sur le budget et le compte, et sur le projet de loi de finances présentés en juin 1815 / par un créancier de l'etat
2e éd.. - Paris : Chez Pelicier , 1815 - オンライン
Observations et éclaircissemens sur une partie du rapport du budget de 1832 (partie des dépenses) : et sur un passage du réquisitoire de m. le Procureur Général de la cour des comptes du 20 Mars 1832 / par le Duc de Gaëte
[S.l : s.n , 1832? - オンライン
Observations, exhibiting the propriety and advantageous tendency of the poor laws : their policy vindicated against the aspersions cast upon them by numerous authors, the state of England compared with that of Scotland, Ireland, and France, where no poor rate is levied, and means proposed for improving the condition of the poor and lowering the poor rate / by James MacPhail
London : Printed for J. Bumpus , 1819 - オンライン
Observations, expériences, et mémories sur l'agriculture & sur les causes de la mortalité du poisson dans les étangs pendant l'hiver de 1789 / par M. Varenne de Fenille
Lyon : Chez A. de la Roche , 1789 - オンライン
Observations, faisant suite à celles déja publiées, sur l'introduction en France des fers étrangers : 18 aout 1814
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations faites à la Chambre des députés : sur le projet d'expulser de Paris, les distilleries d'eaux-de-vie de pommes de terre / par le cher. Thomas (de Colmar)
[Paris] : Imprimerie de Goetschy , [1822] - オンライン
Observations for the consideration of a reformed Parliament on the alterations proposed for the Exchequer : and also on a mode submitted to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, for abolishing the Exchequer as a useless and expensive office, and placing the whole pecuniary affairs of the government, on the simple and perfect order of a mercantile establishment
2nd ed.. - [S.l : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Observations for the justices of the peace : to be made use of in execution of the commission for taking the oaths of allegiance and supremacy
London : Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb and Henry Hills ... , 1679 - オンライン
Observations for the use of landed gentlemen : on the present state, and future prospects, of the British farmer / by Rusticus
Edinburgh : Printed for William Blackwood and John Murray , 1817 - オンライン
Observations, founded on facts, upon the propriety or impropriety of exporting cotton twist : for the purpose of being manufactured into cloth by foreigners
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1803 - オンライン
Observations from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country : relative to the sugar colonies, proving their importance to England : and explaining the tendency of the request made by the refiners to manufacture foreign sugar, and to put it on a footing with the British
London : Printed and sold by R. Ayre , 1781 - オンライン
Observations from the law of nature and nations, and the civil law : shewing that the British nation have an undoubted right, during the present war, to seize on all French property in neutral bottoms, and particularly every thing brought from the French settlements in America, or carried to them ... and shewing that the treaty made between England and Holland in 1674, does not intitle the Dutch to any right to trade to the French settlements in America ...
London : Sold by J. and R. Dodsley , 1759 - オンライン
Observations générales sur l'agriculture : considérée dans ses rapports avec la prospérité de la France, suivies de quelques réflexions sur les ouvrages d'Olivier de Serres / par M.J.A. Chaptal
Montpellier : De l'Imprimerie de Jean-François Picot , 1790 - オンライン
Observations humbly submitted to the consideration of the Lords in Parliament, in relation to the Wool Bill : and in answer to a paper, entitled "Facts humbly offered, &c."
[S.l : s.n , 1788] - オンライン
Observations, illustrating in a popular form, the stability and security of the system adopted in founding the friendly society on legal and scientific principles : for the district of Farnham, in the county of Surrey / by George West
London : Sold by Simpkin & Marshall , [1828?] - オンライン
Observations illustrative of the defects of the English system of railway legislation : and of its injurious operation on the public interests : with suggestions for its improvement / by James Morrison
London : Longmam, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1846 - オンライン
Observations illustrative of the practical operation and real effect of the duties on paper, showing the expediency of their reduction or repeal
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman , 1836 - オンライン
Observations impartiales d'un vrai Hollandois : pour servir de réponse au discours d'un soi-disant bon Hollandois à ses compatriotes
Arnhem : Nybof , [1778] - オンライン
Observations impartiales : de la majorité des employés aux entrées de Paris, a M. l'abbé Gouttes, député à l'Assemblée nationale
[S.l : s.n , 1790?] - オンライン
Observations in consequence of the debate on the Navy estimates
[S.l : s.n , 1815] - オンライン
Observations in defence of a bill, lately brought into Parliament, for erecting the Corporation of Surgeons of London into a college : and for granting and confirming to such college certain rights and privileges : including a sketch of the history of surgery in England / by Thomas Chevalier
London : Printed for J. Johnson : J. Debrett , 1797 - オンライン
Observations in explanation of the provident institutions, usually called savings banks / by J.J. Dillon
Shaftesbury : J. Rutter , 1817 - オンライン
Observations in favour of a property tax : made in the Town Council of Nottingham, August 12, 1841 : and the petition ordered thereon / by Wm. Felkin
Norwich : J. Fletcher , 1842 - オンライン
Observations in husbandry / by Edward Lisle
2nd ed.. - London : Printed by J. Hughs, for C. Hitch [and 6 others] , 1757 - オンライン
Observations in husbandry / by Edward Lisle
London : Printed by J. Hughs, for C. Hitch [and 6 others] , 1757 - オンライン
Observations in opposition to the project of prohibiting, or greatly augmenting the duties on foreign manufactured articles : being remarks on a memoir, read before the Board of Agriculture of the State of New-York, March 8, 1825, by George Tibbits, esq. of Rensselaer County, and an essay, by the same author, dated at Troy, April, 1827 : in a letter addressed to the author of said pamphlets / by Stephen Allen
[S.l : s.n.] , 1827 - オンライン
Observations in reference to the present mode of effecting sales of landed estates and other property : with some remarks on a recent publication by Mr. Rainy, entitled "A brief exposition regarding the transfer of real property" / by W.W. Simpson
[England? : s.n.] , 1838 - オンライン
Observations in relation to a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans : through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec / founded on a report on this subject by Gaetano Moro
New-York : R. Craighead, printer , 1849 - オンライン
Observations in reply to a pamphlet by the Rev. Richard Jones, one of the tithe commissioners for England and Wales : on the assessment of tithes to the poor's rate / by William Blake
2nd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1839 - オンライン
Observations in reply to a pamphlet by the Rev. Richard Jones, one of the tithe commissioners for England and Wales : on the assessment of tithes to the poor's rate / by William Blake
2nd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1839 - オンライン
Observations intended to point out the application of a prophecy in the eleventh chapter of Daniel, to the French power
[England : s.n.] , 1800 - オンライン
Observations intéressantes d'un laboureur contre les abus de la dixme en nature
Paris : Chez Blanchon : Chez les marchands de nouveautés , 1789 - オンライン
Observations made during a tour in 1816 and 1817 : through that part of the Netherlands, which comprises Ostend, Bruges, Ghent, Brussels, Malines & Antwerp / by Henry Smithers
Brussels : Printed for the author , [1818?] - オンライン
Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland : in the autumn of MDCCXCII : relating to the scenery, antiquities, customs ... and literature of these parts / by Robert Heron
Perth : Printed by R. Morison Jr. for R. Morison and Son , 1793 - オンライン
Observations made upon examining the books of Sawbridge and Company / by Charles Snell ...
[London : s.n , 1721] - オンライン
Observations modestes d'un citoyen, sur les opérations de finances de M. Necker, & sur son Compte rendu : adressées à MM. les pacifiques auteurs des Comment, des Pourquoi, & autres pamphlets anonymes
[France? : s.n , 1781?] - オンライン
Observations nécessaires sur la partie du Mémoire du premier ministre des finances relative aux subsides qu'exige le déficit de 1790 : et sur la convenance d'une prompte émission d'assignats-monnoie
Paris : Chez Gattey , 1790 - オンライン
Observations occasion'd by reading a pamphlet, intitled, A discourse concerning the currencies of the British plantations in America : in a letter to ----
London : Printed for T. Cooper , 1741 - オンライン
Observations, occasioned by the attempts made in England to effect the abolition of the slave trade : shewing the manner in which Negroes are treated in the British colonies, in the West-Indies; and, also, some particular remarks on a letter addressed to the treasurer of the society for effecting such abolition, from the Rev. Mr. Robert Boucher Nicholls, Dean of Middleham
[Liverpool] : Kingston, Jamaica, printed, Liverpoor, reprinted at A. Smith's Navigation Shop , 1788 - オンライン
Observations, occasioned by the attempts made in England to effect the abolition of the slave trade : shewing, the manner in which Negroes are treated in the British colonies in the West-Indies : and also, some particular remarks on a letter addressed to the treasurer of the Society for effecting such abolition, from the Rev. Robert Boucher Nicholls ... / by G. Francklyn, Esq
Kingston, Jamaica ; London : Reprinted at the Logographic Press, and sold by J. Walter [and 2 others] , 1789 - オンライン
Observations occasioned by the contest about literary property
Cambridge : Printed by J. Archdeacon , 1770 - オンライン
Observations occasioned by the introduction into the House of Commons, of a bill purporting to be "To prevent unskilful persons from practising as conveyancers" : including a refutation of the proposition, therein assumed, that, in establishing regulations to secure efficiency in the practisers of conveyancing, it is unnecessary to require any qualification from attornies and solicitors / by a conveyancer
London : Printed for the author, by L. Hansard & Sons , 1820 - オンライン
Observations occasioned by the motion in the House of Commons on the 26th of March, 1833, by Geo. R. Robinson, Esquire : for a select committee "To consider and revise our existing taxation, with a view to the repeal of those burthens which press most heavily on productive industry, and the substitution of an equitable property tax in lieu thereof" / addressed to the landed proprietors of the United Kingdom by Richard Heathfield
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman , 1833 - オンライン
Observations of a solicitor on defects in the offices, practice, and system of costs of the equity courts / by Edwin W. Field
London : W. Pickering , 1840 - オンライン
Observations of an American upon the works of M.de Pradt : on the actual state of America
[S.l : s.n.] , 1817 - オンライン
Observations of the influence of savings banks on the habits and morals of society
[England : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations of the merchants at Boston in New-England upon several acts of Parliament made in the fourth, sixth, and seventh years of His Majesty's reign, respecting American commerce and revenue, and their military and civil execution
[S.l : s.n.] , 1770 - オンライン
Observations of the Parliamentary Committee of the Loyal National Repeal Association : on the report of the council of the Chamber of Commerce, Dublin, for 1844
Dublin : Browne , 1845 - オンライン
Observations of the present state of the affairs of the river Plate / by Thomas Baines
Liverpool : Liverpool Times Office , 1845 - オンライン
Observations on a bill before Parliament, "for facilitating the division and inclosnre [sic] of waste lands and commons, by agreement amongst the parties interested, &c." : addressed to the chairman of the select committee of the House of Commons, to whom the same was referred on the 29th March, 1796
London : [s.n , 1796] - オンライン
Observations on a Bill for explaining, amending, and reducing into one act, the several laws now in being, for preventing the exportation of live sheep, wool, and other commodities
[S.l : s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Observations on a bill, introduced into Parliament in the session of 1817, for the amendment of the law in respect of modus for tithes
Exeter : Printed and sold by Trewman , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on a bill, introduced into parliament in the session of 1817, for the amendment of the law in respect of modus for tithes / by Ralph Barnes
[England : s.n.] , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on a bill now pending in the House of Commons for the better observance of the Lord's day
London : Sold by Rivington , [1833] - オンライン
Observations on a bill to amend the laws relating to the relief of the poor in England : lately introduced into the House of Commons by James Scarlett, Esq. / by George Long
London : Printed for J. & W.T. Clarke , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on a bill to permit the general sale of beer, by retail in England / most respectfully submitted to the members of the House of Commons, by a country brewer
[England : s.n.] , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on a general commutation of tithes for land or a corn-rent : in a letter addressed to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of St. David's, in which the principal objections urged against tithes are considered, and a proof of the inexpediency and injustice of general commutation is attempted / by a Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1782 - オンライン
Observations on a general iron rail-way, or land steam-conveyance : to supersede the necessity of horses in all public vehicles ... containing every species of information relative to rail-roads and loco-motive engines / by Thomas Gray
5th ed, with maps and plates illustrative of the plan.. - London : Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on a general iron rail-way : (with a geographical map of the plan,) showing its great superiority, by the general introduction of mechanic power, over all the present methods of conveyance by turnpike roads and canals, and claiming the particular attention of merchants, manufacturers, farmers, and, indeed, every class of society
3rd. ed., rev. and considerably enl.. - London : Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on a general iron rail-way : (with plates and map illustrative of the plan) : showing its great superiority, by the general introduction of mechanic power, over all the present methods of conveyance by turnpike roads and canals, and claiming the particular attention of merchants, manufacturers, farmers, and, indeed, every class of society
4th ed., considerably improved.. - London : Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on a Guinea voyage : in a series of letters addressed to the Rev. Thomas Clarkson / by James Field Stanfield, late a mariner in the African slave trade
London : Printed by J. Phillips , 1788 - オンライン
Observations on a late publication entitled "A dialogue on the actual state of Parliament" : and also on a treatise entitled "Free Parliaments" : with remarks on Mr. Hatsell's argument concerning annual elections : and on the letter to Mr. Sinclair
London : Printed for, and sold by, C. Dilly and J. Stockdale , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on a late state of the nation
Dublin : Printed for A. Leathly [and 3 others] , 1769 - オンライン
Observations on a late state of the nation
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Dodsley , 1769 - オンライン
Observations on a late state of the nation
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Dodsley , 1769 - オンライン
Observations on a late state of the nation
4th ed.. - London : Printed for J. Dodsley , 1769 - オンライン
Observations on a letter addressed by Leonard Horner, Esq. to the Council of the University : dated June 1, 1830
London : [s.n.] , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on a letter by John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, Esq., one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Warwick : to the magistrates of Warwickshire
London : T. & G. Underwood : Beilby and Knott , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on a letter lately addressed by a "calico printer" : to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Althorp, chancellor of the exchequer
[England? : s.n , 1831] - オンライン
Observations on a letter of John Innes, Esq. to the Right Honorable the Chancellor of the Exchequer, dated the 12th April, 1830
[England? : s.n , 1830?] - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet by Messrs. Drinkwater and Power the Factory Commissioners, purporting to be "replies" to Mr. Sadler's protest, against the said Commission / by William Rider
[England : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet entitled A letter to His Grace the Duke of Portland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, so far as the same relates to the subject of revenue : in which is considered the state of the distilling trade of Ireland
Dublin : [s.n.] , 1782 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet entitled, A plan of the London dock : shewing the impracticability of the proposed plan and demonstrating the advantages which would arise to the commerce of the metropolis by extending the port, increasing the legal quays and improving the banks of the Thames ...
London : [s.n.] , 1794 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet entitled "An enquiry into the advantages and disadvantages resulting from Bills of Inclosure" : to which are added, outlines of a proposed Act of Parliament for a general inclosure of commons or waste lands : introduced by reflections upon the utility and importance of such a plan, also, calculations, shewing the loss inevitably sustained by the clergy or laity, wherever lands are given in lieu of tithes
Shrewsbury : Printed for, and sold by P. Sandford , 1781 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet entitled, The speech of the Right Hon. John Beresford, on his moving the sixth article of the union / by a friend of the speaker's
Dublin : Printed for J. Moore , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet, entitled, Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents / by Catharine Macaulay
3rd ed., corr.. - London : Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly , 1770 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet falsely attributed to a great person : entitled Friendly advice to the Lords on the reform bill
London : J. Murray , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet intitled, An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, &c : in a letter to Mr. P
London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1731 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet intitled, An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, &c : in a letter to Mr. P
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1731 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet lately published by Mr. Morgan, entitled A view of the rise and progress of the Equitable Society, &c / by Henry James Brooke
London : T. and G. Underwood , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet lately published, entitled, Remarks on the different constructions of bridges, and improvements to secure their foundations, &c., by Charles Marquand : in which the puerility of the performance is considered
London : Printed for the author, and sold by W. Owen , 1749 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet relating to the corn laws : under the title of "A remedy for the distresses of the nation, &c. by the Rev. Thomas Farr."
[England? : s.n , 1840] - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet written by Richard Flower recommending the abolition of tithes / by James Bearblock
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1809 - オンライン
Observations on a pamphlet written by Richard Flower recommending the abolition of tithes / by James Bearblock
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on a paper entitled, Answer to state of facts relative to the Scotch distillery
Aberdeen : Printed for A. Brown , 1798 - オンライン
Observations on a proposed thorough [i.e. through] railway from the Garnkirk Railway to the southern shore of the Firth of Forth
, [1830] - オンライン
Observations on a recent pamphlet by R.H. Greg, Esq. entitled "Scotch farming in the Lothians" / by Hewitt Davis
London : J. Ridgway , 1842 - オンライン
Observations on a review of Remarks on the averages of Hamburg, and on the commercial policy of Great Britain towards Prussia and other northern states, London, 1833, Effingham Wilson : in No. 166 Kritische Blätter der Börsen-Halle, 2 Sept. 1833, edited by Dr. C.F. Wurm
Germany? : s.n , 1833 - オンライン
Observations on a scheme for extending the navigation of the Rivers Kennett and Avon : so as to form a direct inland communication between London, Bristol, and the west of England, by a canal from Newbury to Bath
Marlborough : Printed by E. Harold , 1788 - オンライン
Observations on a speech, delivered the 26th day of December, 1769 in the House of Lords, in Ireland : with an appendix, containing a reply to the answer
3rd ed.. - Dublin : Printed for R. Moncrieff , 1770 - オンライン
Observations on a statement, published in the Morning Chronicle Newspaper, of the 22d July, 1824, purporting to be the evidence of Henry Drummond, Esq. ... : before a select committee of the House of Commons ... "on laborers' wages" / by some of the farmers, parish officers, and others, holding land and tenements within the hundreds of Blackheath, Godalming, and Woking in Surrey
Guildford : Printed and sold by E. Russell , [1824] - オンライン
Observations on a table shewing the balance of account between the Mercantile Public and the Bank of England / by William Langton
Salford : J. Roberts , [1876?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Observations on affairs in Ireland, from the settlement in 1691 to the present time / by Nicholas, Lord Viscount Taaffe
London : Printed for W. Griffin , 1766 - オンライン
Observations on American independency
[Great Britain? : s.n , 1779] - オンライン
Observations on an address to the public, dated April, 20, 1775 : superscribed Bedford Level : and sign'd Charles Nalson Cole, register : repeatedly inserted in the Cambridge paper : and on a plan, and draught of a bill intended to be presented to Parliament, by the Honourable Corporation of Bedford Level, for preserving the drainage of the Middle and South Levels, part of the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level, and the several navigations through the same, and for imposing taxes on the free lands in the said levels ... / by William Elstobb
Lynn : Printed and sold by W. Whittingham, and R. Baldwin , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on an eligible line of frontier for Greece as an independent state / by Sir Richard Church ; with a preface by R. Wilmot Horton
London : J. Ridgway , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on an important feature in the state of Ireland, and the want of employment of its population : with a description of the navigation of the river Shannon ; suggested by the report of the select committee of the House of Commons on the state of the poor in Ireland, and the remedial measures proposed by them / by C.W. Williams
Westminster : Printed for T. Vacher , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on an intended proposition to the legislature, in regard to a new arrangement, as to the limiting price of corn / by Thomas Strickland
Liverpool : Printed for W. Robinson , 1814 - オンライン
Observations on an Irish poor law / by John Robert Godley ; addressed to the Committee of Landed Proprietors, assembled in Dublin, January, 1847
Dublin : Grant and Bolton , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on, and a short history of Irish banks and bankers / by a gentleman in trade
Dublin : Printed, and sold by the booksellers , 1760 - オンライン
Observations on, and causes of the particular connections that subsist betwixt the landholders of Shetland, and their tenants or fishers : with some account of the fisheries of that country
[S.l : s.n , 1785] - オンライン
Observations on, and reasons against, vacating the bonds taken by Her Majesty's collector at Jamaica
[London : s.n , 1713] - オンライン
Observations on Argand's brandies
[S.l : s.n , 1790?] - オンライン
Observations on Arguments for and against an union between Great Britain and Ireland
[Ireland : s.n.] , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on bailie [sic] Smith's Address, and on the Answer thereto by an old magistrate / by an inhabitant of Edinburgh
Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers by G. Reid , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on Bailie [sic] Smith's address : and on the answer thereto by an Old Magistrate / by an inhabitant of Edinburgh
2nd ed.. - Edinburgh : G. Reid and Co , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on bank forgeries : and the expediency of resuming cash payments
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on banks for savings / by George Rose
4th ed., with alterations and additions in consequence of the act which was passed in the last session of Parliament to encourage those establishments.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on banks for savings / by The Right Hon. George Rose
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on banks for savings / by the Right Hon. George Rose
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on banks for savings / by the Right Hon. George Rose
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on banks for savings : to which is prefixed a letter to the editor of the Quarterly Review / by J.H. Forbes
Edinburgh : Printed for J. Anderson , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on banks of issue and the currency : addressed to Mark Philips, Esquire, M.P
[England? : s.n.] , 1842 - オンライン
Observations on banks of issue and the currency : addressed to Mark Philips, Esquire, M.P
London : P. Richardson , [1841?] - オンライン
Observations on brick bond, as practised at various periods : containing an investigation of the best disposition of bricks in a wall, for procuring the greatest possible strength, with figures representing the different modes of construction
London : Printed by T. Bensley for J. Taylor , 1805 - オンライン
Observations on British wool, and the manufacture of it in this kingdomptonshire
London : Printed by H. Kent, for the author , 1738 - オンライン
Observations on British wool, and the manufacturing of it in this kingdomptonshire
The 2nd ed., with additions.. - London : Printed by H. Kent, for the author and sold by S. Venture, and also by the booksellers and pamphlet shops of London and Westminster , 1739 - オンライン
Observations on bullion payments, and on a free trade in gold
London : Printed for the author , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on canals and rail-ways ... between Newcastle, Hexham, and Carlisle : with estimates of the presumed expense, tonnage, and revenue / by William Thomas. Report of Barrodall Robert Dodd, Esq., on a proposed navigable canal, between Newcastle and Hexham ...
Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by G. Angus, and sold by W. Heaton, Sandhill, and J. Finlay , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of The history of the United States for the year 1796 : in which the charge of speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late secretary of the treasury, is fully refuted / written by himself
Philadelphia : Printed pro bono publico , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of The history of the United States for the year 1796 : in which the charge of speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late secretary of the treasury, is fully refuted / written by himself
Philadelphia : Printed for J. Fenno by J. Bioren , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on certain verbal disputes in political economy : particularly relating to value, and to demand and supply
London : Printed for R. Hunter , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on charity schools, female friendly societies, and other subjects connected with the views of the Ladies Committee / by Catharine Cappe
York, [England] : Printed by W. Blanchard for J. Hatchard, J. Johnson, and J. Mawman , 1805 - オンライン
Observations on Cobbett's tremendous and alarming scheme for the annihilation of the Bank of England paper system, by means of forged bank notes : with reflections on its fatal tendency
London : Printed by and for J. Fairburn , [1818] - オンライン
Observations on coin in general : with some proposals for regulating the value of coin in Ireland / by the author of the List of the absentees of Ireland
Dublin : Printed by A. Rhames, for R. Gunne ... , 1729 - オンライン
Observations on coin in general : with some proposals for regulating the value of coin in Ireland / by the author of the List of the absentees of Ireland
[London] : Dublin printed and reprinted at London, for J. Roberts , 1730 - オンライン
Observations on corn laws : on political pravity and ingratitude, and on clerical and personal slander, in the shape of a meek and modest reply to the second letter of the Earl of Shrewsbury, Waterford, and Wexford, to Ambrose Lisle Phillipps, Esq. / by Daniel 0'Connell
Dublin : S.J. Machen , 1842 - オンライン
Observations on currency, population, and pauperism : in two letters to Arthur Young, Esq. / by Thomas Attwood
Birmingham : Printed and sold by R. Wrightson , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on D.T's Considerations on the trade to Africa ....
[London : s.n , 1698] - オンライン
Observations on Doctor Arbuthnot's dissertations on coins, weights and measures / by Benjamin Langwith
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for D. Browne , 1754 - オンライン
Observations on Doctor Arbuthnot's dissertations on coins, weights, and measures / by Benjamin Langwith
London : Printed for D. Browne and J. Whiston , 1747 - オンライン
Observations on Dr. Duigenan's Fair representation of the present political state of Ireland : particularly, with respect to his strictures on a pamphlet, entitled The case of Ireland reconsidered / by Patrick Lattin
London : Sold by J. Debrett, Piccacilly , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on Dr. McFarlan's Inquiries concerning the state of the poor / by T. Tod
[Scotland? : s.n.] , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on Dr. Price's theory and principles of civil liberty and government : preceded by a letter to a friend, on the pretensions of the American colonies, in respect of right and equity
York : Printed by A. Ward, for J. Dodsley [and 3 others] , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on Dr. Sturges's pamphlet respecting non-residence of the clergy : in a letter to Mr. Baron Maseres
London : Printed for J. Hatchard [et al.] , 1802 - オンライン
Observations on education in general, but particularly on naval education : with a plan of a naval academy, at Ormond House, Paradise-Row, Chelsea, for qualifying young gentlemen for the Royal Navy / by J. Bettesworth and H. Fox
[England? : s.n.] , 1782 - オンライン
Observations on emigration to the United States ... / by William Savage
London : Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on entails and entries of heirs apparent cum beneficio inventarii : with an index of the register of tailzies from A.D. 1685, to 1830 / by James Fergusson
Edinburgh : Printed for T. Clark , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on fiscal chemistry : in reference to sugar, spirits and tobacco / respectfully submitted to the legislature, by Andrew Ure
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on foreign mining in Mexico / by a resident
London : P. Richardson , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on frauds practised in the collection of salt duties : and the misconduct of officers fairly stated / by William Vanderstegen
Reading [England] : Printed and sold by Smart and Cowslade , [1794] - オンライン
Observations on friendly societies : for the maintenance of the industrious classes, during sickness, infirmity, old age, and other exigencies / by Sir Frederick Morton Eden
London : Printed for J. White and J. Wright , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on gas-lights : being an impartial inquiry concerning the injurious effects on the health of the community, from the use of coal-gas for lighting the metropolis / by Candidus
London : Printed for T. and G. Underwood , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on grammar schools, and the means of improving their condition, and extending their utility : addressed to Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart. M.P. for the University of Oxford / by Daniel Finch
London : Roake and Varty , 1840 - オンライン
Observations on Henry Drummond, Esq.'s pamphlet, entitled "Causes which lead to a bank restriction bill" : with an argument as to what is gold and what is paper? : together with a plan for establishing a certain and fixed national currency / by Donald Black
London : P. Richardson , 1840 - オンライン
Observations on illicit distillation and smuggling : with some remarks on the reports of Woodbine Parish Esq., chairman of the excise board of that subject
Edinburgh : Printed by David Willison , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on Ireland / by an Irishman
[S.l : s.n.] , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on laying out farms, in the Scotch style, adapted to England : Comprising an account of the introduction of the Berwickshire husbandry into Middlesex and Oxfordshire : with remarks on the importance of this system to the general improvement of landed property. Illustrated by forty plates, descriptive of farm buildings, rural improvements, &c. &c. recently executed / by J.C. Loudon
London : J. Harding , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on laying out farms, in the Scotch style, adapted to England : comprising an account of the introduction of the Berwickshire husbandry into Middlesex and Oxforshire : with remarks on the importance of this system to the general improvement of landed property : illustrated by forty plates, descriptive of farm buildings, rural improvements, &c. &c. recently executed / by J.C. Loudon
London : Printed for J. Harding , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on life assurance : illustrative of the many important benefits resulting to society from its practice : to which is added, a brief outline of the Scottish Union Assurance Corporation, 37, Cornhill, London / presented to the directors by their secretary, Fredk. G. Smith
3rd ed.. - [London] : J. Such , [1847] - オンライン
Observations on live stock : containing hints for choosing and improving the best breeds of the most useful kinds of domestic animals / by George Culley ; to which is added, Some observations respecting the cattle imported into America, in 1792, by Robert Heaton
New York : Printed and published by D. Longworth , 1804 - オンライン
Observations on live stock : containing hints for choosing and improving the best breeds of the most useful kinds of domestic animals / by George Culley
4th ed., with an appendix.. - London : Printed for G. Wilkie and J. Robinson , 1807 - オンライン
Observations on Lord Alvanley's pamphlet on the state of Ireland : and proposed measures for restoring tranquillity to that country / by the Earl of Roden
London : J. Hatchard and Son , 1841 - オンライン
Observations on Lord Castlereagh's speech of the 19th of July 1804 : and on the state of the East India Company's affairs
London : Printed for J. Budd, at the Crown and Mitre , 1805 - オンライン
Observations on Lord Grenville's Essay on the sinking fund / by Walter Boyd
London : J. Hatchard , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on Lord John Russell's bill for registering births, deaths and marriages in England : with the outlines of a plan for registering births, deaths, and marriages in Great Britain and Ireland / by James Yates
London : R. Hunter , 1836 - オンライン
Observations on lowering the rent of land and on the Corn Laws / by George Booth
Liverpool : Sold by Robinson , [1814] - オンライン
Observations on lowering the rent of land : and on the corn laws, and their effects on the manufacturing interest / by George Booth
Liverpool : [s.n.] , [1815] - オンライン
Observations on marriages, baptisms, and burials, as preserved in parochial registers : with sundry specimens of the entries of marriages, baptisms, &c. in foreign countries : interspersed with divers remarks concerning proper methods necessary to preserve a remembrance of the several branches of families, &c. / by Ralph Bigland
London : Printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark , 1764 - オンライン
Observations on modern gardening : illustrated by descriptions
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Payne , 1771 - オンライン
Observations on money, as the medium of commerce : shewing the present circulating medium of this country to be defective in those requisites which a medium of commerce ought to possess, and pointing out in what manner the defect may be remedied : and also the real effect that a greater or less quantity of circulating medium has on the country : together with remarks on the present state of the nation : to which are subjoined a few practical inferences / by James Cruickshank
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Archer's Statistical survey of the County of Dublin / by Hely Dutton
Dublin : Printed by Graisberry and Campbell , 1802 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Asgill's Brief answer to A brief state of the question between the printed and painted callicoes, &c : wherein his falsities and sophistry are laid open / by Claudius Rey ...
London : Printed by W. Wilkins, and sold by J. Noon ... J. Roberts ... and W. Chetwood ... , 1719 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Belsham's Memoirs of the reign of George the Third / by John Scott
London : Printed for J. Owen , 1796 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Brougham's bill "for better providing the means of education for His Majesty's subjects" : shewing its inadequacy to the end proposed, and the danger that will arise from it to the cause of religious liberty
2nd. ed.. - London : Published by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, T. Hamilton, and J. and A. Arch , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Burke's speech on Mr. Fox's India bill : in an address to that gentleman
London : Printed for the author , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Dundas's letter, of the 30th of June, 1801 : to the chairman, and deputy chairman, of the East India Company
London : Printed for J.S. Jordan , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Fielding's Enquiry into the causes of the late increase of robbers, &c : in which not only the present reigning vices among the vulgar are more candidly and impartially considered, but the follies and vices of the politer part of the British nation are freely represented ... / by Ben. Sedgly. To which are added, considerations on the nature of government in general, and more particularly of the British constitution ... / by Timothy Beck
London : Printed for J. Newbery and W. Owen , 1751 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Huskisson's speech on the laws relating to combinations of workmen
[England : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations on Mr. John Sutcliffe's Report on a proposed line of canal, from Stella to Hexham : with an appendix, containing remarks on his second report / by William Chapman
Newcastle : Printed by and for J. Whitfield , [1797] - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Kinnear's "History of the rise of exchange companies in Scotland, and a defence of their proper business" / by James Brown
Glasgow ; Edinburgh : W. Lang : Fraser , 1848 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Paine's pamphlet, entitled, The decline and fall of the English system of finance : in a letter to a friend / by Ralph Broome
2nd ed., with additions and an appendix.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1796 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Paine's pamphlet, entitled, The decline and fall of the English system of finance : in a letter to a friend, June 4, 1796 / by Ralph Broome
London : Printed for J. Debrett , [1796] - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Pitt's plan, for the reduction of the national debt / by Charles Earl Stanhope
London : Printed by J. Davis , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Secretary Peel's House of Commons speech, 21st March 1825 : introducing his police magistrates' salary raising bill / by Jeremy Bentham
London : J. and H.L. Hunt , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Strutt's amended railway regulation bill now before Parliament / by S. Laing
Westminster : Vacher & Sons , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Strutt's railway bill
Westminster : J. Bigg and Son , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Vansittart's narrative / by Luke Scrafton
London : Printed for G. Kearsly , [1767?] - オンライン
Observations on Mr. Whitbread's poor bill, and on the population of England : intended as a supplement to A Short inquiry into the policy, humanity, and past effects of the poor laws / by John Weyland
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1807 - オンライン
Observations on Odd-Fellow and friendly societies / by F.G.P. Neison
4th ed.. - London : B. Steill , 1846 - オンライン
Observations on odd-fellow and friendly societies / by F.G.P. Neison
7th ed. stereotype.. - London : B. Steill , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on our Chinese commerce : including remarks the proposed reduction of the tea duties, our new settlement at Hong Kong, and the opium trade / by Sir George Thomas Staunton
London : J. Murray , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on Paine's Rights of man, in a series of letters / by Publicola
Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Dickson, and all the Booksellers of Scotland , [1792] - オンライン
Observations on paper currency, the Bank of England notes, and on the principles of coinage, and a metallic circulating medium / by George Booth
Liverpool : Printed by J. Lang , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on paper money, banking, and overtrading : including those parts of the evidence taken before the Committee of the House of Commons, which explain the Scotch system of banking / by Sir Henry Parnell
London : Printed for J. Ridgway and E. Wilson , 1827 - オンライン
Observations on paper money, banking, and overtrading : including those parts of the evidence taken before the committee of the House of Commons, which explain the Scotch system of banking / by Sir Henry Parnell
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Ridgway , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on paper money, banking, and overtrading : including those parts of the evidence taken before the committee of the House of Commons, which explain the Scotch system of banking / by Sir Henry Parnell
2nd ed.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on paper money, banking, and overtrading, including those parts of the evidence taken before the committee of the House of Commons, which explain the Scotch system of banking / by Sir Henry Parnell
New ed.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1835 - オンライン
Observations on parliamentary reform / by James Losh ; to which is added, the petition from the Society of the Friends of the People, presented to Parliament by Charles Grey, Esq. in the year 1793
London ; Newcastle upon Tyne : J. Ridgway : E. Charnley , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on payments and receipts in Bank of England notes, reduced to their value in gold : and on consequences which would have resulted to the nation, if this system of currency had been instituted at the passing of the Bank Restriction Act, together with remarks on subjects connected with these / by Thomas Martin
[S.l : s.n.] , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on penal jurisprudence, and the reformation of criminals : with an appendix containing the latest reports of the state-prisons or penitentiaries of Philadelphia, New-York, and Massachusetts, and other documents / by William Roscoe
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on points relating to the amendment of the law of patents / by Charles Stewart Drewry
London : John Richards & Co , 1839 - オンライン
Observations on power-looms and their effect on the hand-loom weaver : being part of a correspondence between a gentleman at Leeds and his friend at Paisley
[S.l : s.n.] , 1826 - オンライン
Observations on prison discipline : exemplified by the tread-mill & dietary adopted in the Nottinghamshire House of Correction, at Southwell / by Benjamin Hutchinson
Newark [upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear] ; London : Printed and sold by S. & J. Ridge : Sold also by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy , [1823?] - オンライン
Observations on professions, literature, manners, and emigration in the United States and Canada : made during a residence there in 1832 / by Isaac Fidler
New York : J. & J. Harper , 1833 - オンライン
Observations on professions, literature, manners, and emigration, in the United States and Canada : made during a residence there in 1832 / by Isaac Fidler
London : Whittaker, Treacher, and Co , 1833 - オンライン
Observations on rail roads, in the western & southern states : and of the introduction of the pioneer system, for their construction : with remarks on the importation of foreign iron
Cincinnati : Chronicle & Atlas book and job rooms , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on railroads in the United States / by Augustus Morris
Sydney : C. Potter, acting government printer , 1877 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Observations on railway monopolies, and remedial measures / by Alexander Gordon
London : J. Weale , 1841 - オンライン
Observations on railways, particularly on the proposed London and Birmingham Railway
London : Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnott , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on railways : with reference to utility, profit, and the obvious necessity for a national system / by Richard Z. Mudge
London : J. Gardner , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on raising the value of money : wherein the interest of Ireland is particularly consider'd : in a letter to a friend
Dublin : Printed by Samuel Fairbrother and are to be sold at his shop ... , 1718 - オンライン
Observations on rents and the price of grain, and on their relatives - property tax, tithes, poor rates, labour, widow tax, horses, malt, weights, and measures, with hints to assist in the regulation of them
London : Printed for E. Lloyd , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on retail spirit licenses, and excessive dram-drinking : with hints for the improvement of poor-laws and suppression of vagrancy, in a letter to Lord Melbourne, February, 1834
London : J. Richardson , [1834] - オンライン
Observations on reversionary payments : on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age, on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives, and on the national debt : also, essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life-annuities and political arithmetic, a collection of new tables, and a postscript on the population of the kingdom / by Richard Price ; the whole new arranged, and enlarged by the addition of algebraical and other notes, the solutions of several new problems in the doctrine of annuities, and a general introduction, by William Morgan
6th ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1803 - オンライン
Observations on reversionary payments : on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age, on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives, and on the national debt : also, essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life-annuities and political arithmetic, a collection of new tables, and a postscript on the population of the kingdom / by Richard Price / the whole new arranged and enlarged by the addition of algebraical and other notes, and the solutions of several new problems in the doctrine of annuities / by William Morgan
7th ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on reversionary payments, on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age, on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives, and on the national debt : also, essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life-annuities and political arithmetic, a collection of new tables, and a postscript on the population of the kingdom / by Richard Price
5th ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1792 - オンライン
Observations on reversionary payments : on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age, on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives, and on the national debt : to which are added, four essays ... also, an appendix, containing a complete set of tables ... / by Richard Price
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1771 - オンライン
Observations on reversionary payments : on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age : on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives, and on the national debt : to which are added, four essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life-annuities and political arithmetick
The 4th ed. enl. into two volumes by additional notes and essays, a collection of new tables, a history of the sinking fund, a state of the public debts in Jan. 1783, and a postscript on the population of the kingdom.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on reversionary payments : on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age : on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives : and on the national debt : to which are added, four essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life-annuities and political arithmetick : also, an appendix ... / by Richard Price
2nd ed. with a supplement, containing additional observations and tables.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1772 - オンライン
Observations on reversionary payments ; on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age ; on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives ; and on the national debt : to which are added, four essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life-annuities and political arithmetick : also, an appendix and supplement, containing additional observations, and a complete set of tables ... / by Richard Price
3rd ed., much enl.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1773 - オンライン
Observations on sand-iron : in a letter to Mr. John Ellicot, F.R.S. from Mr. Henry Horne : read at the Royal Society March 3, 1763
London : [s.n.] , 1763 - オンライン
Observations on seduction and prostitution, and on the evil consequences arising from them : extracted from Matthew Henry's exposition on the Old and New Testament / by Mary Smith ... ; with a poem, by Mr. Pratt on the same subject, to which are prefixed, preliminary observations; and an address to the legislature
2nd ed.. - London : E. Wilson , 1808 - オンライン
Observations on select vestries : to shew that much unnecessry local taxation, is the consequence of undue authorities exercised by a self-appointed, self-approving, and self-continuing select vestry ... continued in a third address to the parishioners of Walcot / by Arthur Anstey Calvert
[London] : Printed for Hunt and Clarke , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on several acts of Parliament : passed in the 4th, 6th and 7th years of his present Majesty's reign : and also, on the conduct of the officers of the customs, since those acts were passed, and the board of commissioners appointed to reside in America / published by the merchants of Boston
[Boston] : Printed by Edes & Gill , 1769 - オンライン
Observations on Sir Robert Peel's and Lord John Russell's theories of taxation
[England? : s.n , 1850?] - オンライン
Observations on Sir Robert Peel's currency system and taxation
[England? : s.n , 1847?] - オンライン
Observations on slavery and the consumption of the produce of the West India islands : together with an abstract of the evidence given before the Committee of Privy Council and the select committee of the House of Commons respecting the treatment of slaves in the West Indies
London : Printed for T. Boosey , [1792?] - オンライン
Observations on slavery : particularly with a view to its effects on the British colonies, in the West-Indies / by James Anderson
Manchester : Printed by J. Harrop , 1789 - オンライン
Observations on smuggling : humbly submitted to the consideration of the Right Honourable the House of Peers, and the Honourable the House of Commons, in Parliament assembled
[England? : s.n , 1779?] - オンライン
Observations on some of the African Company's late printed papers
[S.l : s.n , 1709] - オンライン
Observations on some of the chief difficulties & disadvantages of English society, with suggestions for their remedy / by George Knight
London : Harvey and Darton , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on some of the probable effects of Mr. Gilbert's bill : to which are added remarks deduced from Dr. Price's account of the national debt / by the Reverend Mr. Brand
London : Printed for J. Robson, and Co , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on some papers in that very useful collection, intitled, Museum rusticum / by a gentleman ; to be continued occasionally ; with new theoretical and practical pieces on husbandry
London : Printed for W. Sandby , 1766 - オンライン
Observations on some passages in an article in the Edinburgh Review : on the depreciation of paper currency : also suggestions for securing to the public a currency as invariable as gold, with a very moderate supply of that metal : being the appendix to the fourth edition of "The high price of bullion," &c. / by David Ricardo
London : Printed for J. Murray [et al.] , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on stage-waggons, stage-coaches, turnpike-roads, toll-bars, weighing-machines, &c : occasioned by a Committee of the House of Commons being appointed to enquire into the principles and effects of broad and narrow wheels / by William Deacon
London : Printed for Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe , 1807 - オンライン
Observations on such nutritive vegetables as may be substituted in the place of ordinary food / extracted from the French of M. Parmentier
London : J. Murray , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on such parts of a report lately submitted to the House of Commons : on gas light establishments, as relate to the dangers of explosion
London : Printed for Rivingtons and Cochran , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on that part of a late act of Parliament which lays an additional duty on cyder and perry / by Thomas Alcock
Plymouth : Printed, by O. Adams, for the author , [1764?] - オンライン
Observations on that part of a late act of Parliament which lays an additional duty on cyder and perry / by Thomas Alcock
Plymouth : Printed, by O. Adams, for the author, and sold by Zach. Freno [and 5 others , 1763] - オンライン
Observations on that part of the speaker's speech which relates to trade
3rd ed., rev., enl. and improved.. - Dublin : Printed by J. Rea , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on that part of the speaker's speech which relates to trade
Cork : Printed by G. Cherry for the proprietors , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on that part of the speaker's speech, which relates to trade
Belfast : Printed by E. Black , [1799] - オンライン
Observations on that part of the speaker's speech, which relates to trade
Dublin : Printed by T. Burnside , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the account of a plan for the better supplying the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow with coal by Henry Steuart / by an old coal-master
Edinburgh : Printed for P. Hill by J. Brown , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the Act for the Relief and Encouragement of Friendly Societies : to which are added, forms of the several instruments necessary under the act : together with an abstract of the act / by the gentleman who framed the bill
London : Printed by and for S. Brookes , 1794 - オンライン
Observations on the act which passed into a law the 28th of July, 1800 : to incorporate certain persons by the name of the London Company for the manufacture of flour, meal, and bread : shewing the excellence of the plan proposed, and that its adoption will in future prevent an artificial scarcity of wheat, and will prove a death-blow to monopolizers, forestallers, and regraters of that essential article : including a copious abridgment of the above act, and the names of the present proprietors / by J.H. Prince
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for the author , [1801?] - オンライン
Observations on the acts made for the encouragement of the Lustring-Company which relate to the exportation of French alamodes and lustrings / humbly offer'd by Walter Stewart and William Murray, petitioners
[S.l : s.n , 1709?] - オンライン
Observations on the actual or constructive delivery of merchandise : with reference to the principal and factor act, on the course of business under the dock system, and on the lien for freight, under the clause in the warehousing act / by Henry Longlands
2nd ed. to which is prefixed a letter upon the subject, to James Freshfield, Jun.. - London : Smith, Elder and Co , 1840 - オンライン
Observations on the administration of the poor laws in agricultural districts / by C.D. Brereton
Norwich : Printed for J. Hatchard and son , 1824 - オンライン
Observations on the administration of the poor laws in agricultural districts / by C.D. Brereton
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Hatchard and son , 1824 - オンライン
Observations on the administration of the poor laws in agricultural districts / by C.D. Brereton
2nd ed.. - Norwich : Printed for J. Hatchard and son , 1824 - オンライン
Observations on the advantages of bringing the Grand Canal round by the Circular Road into the River Liffey : addressed to the Right Honourable and Honourable the Commissioners Appointed by Parliament, for Making Wide and Convenient the Streets of Dublin / by William Chapman, engineer
Dublin : Printed by P. Byrne , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the advantages of emigration to New South Wales : comprising valuable extracts from the minutes of evidence taken before a committee of the council at Sydney : also the report of the chief justice to His Excellency Major-General Sir R. Bourke, G.C.B., in 1835, with other authentic and useful information
2nd ed.. - London : Smith, Elder , 1836 - オンライン
Observations on the advantages of general education amongst the youth of the higher ranks / addressed to parents, preceptors, and pupils, by F. Bolingbroke Ribbans
London : Whittaker and Co , [1846?] - オンライン
Observations on the advantages of oil gas establishments / by M. Ricardo
[England : s.n.] , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the advantages of the proposed western canal : from Newbury to Bath
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations on the advantages which the public may expect to derive, by means of the proposed association for the improvement of British wool
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations on the agricultural and political tendency of the commercial treaty
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1787 - オンライン
Observations on the agriculture, manufactures and commerce of the United States : in a letter to a member of Congress / by a citizen of the United States
New York : Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine , 1789 - オンライン
Observations on the agriculture of the United States of America / by W. Strickland
London : Printed by W. Bulmer , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the amended bill now depending in the House of Commons "For the registering and securing of charitable donations for the benefit of poor persons in England" / by A. Highmore
London : Printed at the Free-School at the desire of the genereal court of governors of the city of London Lying-in hospital, and of the small-pox hospitals , [1810] - オンライン
Observations on the American Intercourse Bill : and on the necessity of adhering strictly to the navigation laws of Great Britain, in order to protect the shipping, landed, and manufacturing interests of the United Kingdom, from the ruinous consequences which will result from any further concessions to neutral nations : in a letter addressed to Lord Holland
London : Printed for Messrs. Richardsons , 1806 - オンライン
Observations on the American Treaty in eleven letters
London : Sold by J. Budd , 1808 - オンライン
Observations on the ancient and present state of the islands of Scilly : and their importance to the trade of Great-Britain : in a letter to the Reverend Charles Lyttelton ... / by William Borlase
Oxford : Printed by W. Jackson, sold by W. Sandby ... [et al.] , 1756 - オンライン
Observations on the answer of the King of Great Britain : to the manifesto, &c, of the Court of Versailles / by an Independent Whig
London : Printed for Fielding and Walker , 1779 - オンライン
Observations on the Appeal from the new to the old Whigs, and on Mr. Paine's Rights of man : in two parts / by Sir Brooke Boothby, bart
London : Printed for J. Stockdale , 1792 - オンライン
Observations on the application for a law to incorporate the "Union canal company", respectfully submitted to the members of both houses of the legislature of Pennsylvania
[Pennsylvania : s.n , 1808] - オンライン
Observations on the application of human labour under different circumstances : when employed on reproductive industry, or for national objects, in various parts of the British Empire / by a field officer
London : Smith, Elder & Co , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on the application of the West India Dock Company for a renewal of their charter : with an analysis of the evidence given before the committee of the House of Commons on foreign trade, to which their petition was referred : and a copy of the report of the said committee / by Joseph Marryat
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson, and Ridgways , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the application which the West India planters intend to make for a law : either to prohibit the importation of foreign melasses into the British colonies on the continent of America, or to prohibit the distilling of any melasses whatever in those colonies
London : [s.n.] , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on the arrangements connected with the relief of the sick poor : addressed in a letter to the Right Honourable the Lord John Russell, secretary of state for the Home Department / by John Yelloly
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the art and trade of clock and watch-making : the causes and consequences of the numerous frauds and innovations resulting from the defect of the laws now in being for its better government; and shewing the necessity of an immediate application to the legislature for further regulations to protect and relieve from their present state of extreme distress the persons lawfully engaged in the said art
[S.l : s.n.] , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on the assessment of tolls as a public revenue : to which are added, calculations on the probable amount of some other articles of taxation less liable to exception / by a landholder
Edinburgh : Printed for G. Mudie , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the attempts lately made to reform the abuses practised in Portugal, in the making and treatment of port wine : together with documents proving the existence of these abuses, and letters on the same subject / published in his own defence, by Joseph James Forrester
Edinburgh : J. Menzies , 1845 - オンライン
Observations on the automaton chess player : now exhibited in London, at 4, Spring Gardens / by an Oxford graduate
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the bay, harbour, and town of Kinsale : (in the County of Corke ; and kingdom of Ireland.) with an account of some transactions and occurrences therein : from antient authentic records and experience
[S.l : s.n.] , 1758 - オンライン
Observations on the Bedford Charity : in a series of letters that were signed Justus : now first published entire, and recommended to the serious consideration of the mayor, corporation, resident-freemen, and inhabitants of Bedford, and of all who are disposed to espouse a truly public-spirited cause
London : [s.n.] , 1761 - オンライン
Observations on the Bedford Charity : in a series of letters that were signed Justus : now first published entire, and recommended to the serious consideration of the mayor, corporation, resident-freemen, and inhabitants of Bedford, and of all who are disposed to espouse a truly public-spirited cause
London : [s.n.] , 1761 - オンライン
Observations on the benefits arising from the cultivation of poor soils, by the application of pauper labour : as exemplified in the colonies for the indigent and for orphans in Holland / by W. Jacobs
[Another ed.].. - [Great Britain] : Printed for the Society for Improving the Condition of the Lower Order of Tenantry, and of the Labouring Population of Ireland , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on the benefits arising from the cultivation of poor soils by the application of proper [i.e. pauper] labour : as exemplified in the colonies for the indigent and for orphans in Holland / by W. Jacob
[S.l : s.n , 1828?] - オンライン
Observations on the bill for ascertaining and establishing uniformity of weights and measures, now in Parliament : submitted to the consideration of the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Glasgow : to which is added, the substance of this bill, with the amendments proposed by the Chamber of Commerce / by John Wilson, of Thornly
[Scotland? : s.n.] , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the bill for establishing uniformity of weights and measures : and on the amendment proposed by John Wilson, Esq. of Thornly / submitted to a meeting of the Commissioners of Supply of the county of Aberdeen, in April 1823, by John Cruickshank
[Scotland? : s.n , 1823] - オンライン
Observations on the bill for sale of the forfeited estates : with reasons against it : humbly offered to the consideration of both houses of Parliament
Edinburgh : Printed by James Watson ... , 1718 - オンライン
Observations on the bill for the regulation of banking partnerships in Ireland
[London] : Reprinted for the House of Commons , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on the bill for the sale of corn by weight and for preventing adulteration or addition / by George Skene Keith
Aberdeen : Printed by J. Chalmers , 1796 - オンライン
Observations on the bill for the sale of corn by weight, and for preventing frauds in the sale of corn by allowance, or addition, or by adulteration : as amended in the committee of the House of Commons, during the session of Parliament 1795-6 : also, the propriety of extending this bill to Scotland considered, with a few hints upon the general principle of the corn laws, as to export and import / by George Buchan Hepburn
Edinburgh : Printed for W. Creech , 1796 - オンライン
Observations on the bill intended to be offered to Parliament for the better relief and employment of the poor : in a letter to a member of Parliament / by Richard Burn
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the bill now depending in the House of Lords, with relation to the woollen manufacture / by a clothier
London : [s.n.] , 1731 - オンライン
Observations on the bill now pending in Parliament, intituled. "An act to explain, amend, and reduce into one act of Parliament, several laws now in being for preventing the exportation of live sheep : rams, and lambs, wool, &c" : tending to shew not only the evident want of necessity of any alteration or amendment in the present laws, but that the bill ... is such a system of hardship upon all farmers and grazers, as to be extremely injurious to the landed interest of Great Britain
[S.l : s.n.] , 1788 - オンライン
Observations on the bills for amending and rendering more effectual the laws relative to houses of correction : for the better relief and employment of the poor, and for amending and rendering more effectual the laws relative to rogues, vagabonds, beggars, and other idle and disorderly persons : with a table annexed, for the direction of the several officers and persons to adjust and pass their accounts, under the direction of the Act, in the easiest and most concise manner
London : Printed for G. Wilkie , 1782 - オンライン
Observations on the brewing trade of Ireland : submitted to the publick / by an officer of the revenue
[Great Britain? : s.n , 1777?] - オンライン
Observations on the buyers or receivers of stolen goods : particularly of lead, iron, &c. taken from buildings : with an attempt to remedy such iniquitous practices : in a letter to a member of Parliament
London : Printed for H. Whitridge , 1751 - オンライン
Observations on the Cambridge system / by A.H. Wratislaw
2nd ed.. - Cambridge [England] : J. Deighton , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on the case of Col. Luke Alen, C.B., late 55th regiment
[Ireland? : s.n.] , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the case of such of the inhabitants of Kingston as apply to be included in the turnpike petition for, in order to repair the road from Kingston upon Thames in the county of Surry, to a place called Sheet-Bridge near Petersfield in the county of Southampton
[England? : s.n , 1748?] - オンライン
Observations on the case of the northern colonies
London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1731 - オンライン
Observations on the causes and cure of the present distressed state of agriculture : addressed to the gentry, clergy, farmers, and others, constituting what is commonly called the landed interest, containing a reply to the Edinburgh review, no. LXX, on the subject of cash payments and foreign corn trade / by a landholder
[England : s.n.] , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the causes and remedies of destitution in the highlands of Scotland
Glasgow : Printed for J. Smith & Son , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the causes of the dissoluteness which reigns among the lower classes of the people : the propensity of some to petty larceny : and the danger of gaming, concubinage, and an excessive fondness for amusement in high life, &c. : also an account of the humanity and policy of the Marine Society ... with a proposal for new regulating of Bridewell ... in three letters to a governor of Bridewell, Bethlem, Christ-Church, &c. / by Jonas Hanway
London : Sold by J. and F. Rivington , 1772 - オンライン
Observations on the causes of the present discontents of the merchants and other inhabitants of the island of Bombay : respectfully addressed to the Honourable Court of Directors, and Board of Control : with a few remarks, interesting to the owners of shipping employed by the Honourable Company
London : Printed for the author , 1794 - オンライン
Observations on the character, customs, and superstitions of the Irish : and on some of the causes which have retarded the moral and political improvement of Ireland / by Daniel Dewar
London : Printed for Gale and Curtis [et al.] , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on the China trade, and on the importance and advantages of removing it from Canton to some other part of the coast of that empire / by Sir James Brabazon Urmston
London : A.H. Baily , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the circulation of individual credit, and on the banking system of England
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Co , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on the circulation of individual credit, on the banking system of England, and on the Lancashire means of circulation / by B.A. Heywood
[S.l : s.n.] , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on the circumstances which influence the condition of the labouring classes of society / by John Barton
London : Printed for John and Arthur Arch , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on the claims of the carriers as opposed by the wholesale tea-dealers &c.
London : Printed for the author by Stower & Hare , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the claims of the West-India colonists to a protecting duty on East India sugar
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the clandestine exportation of leather : with regard to the loss arising to the publick revenue, and the hardships sustained by the poor journeymen-shoemakers thereby
[England? : s.n , 1732?] - オンライン
Observations on the climate, soil and productions of British Guiana, and on the advantages of emigration to, and colonizing the interior of, that country : together with incidental remarks on the diseases, their treatment and prevention : founded on a long experience within the tropics / by John Hancock
2nd ed.. - London : Published for the author , 1840 - オンライン
Observations on the coal-trade in the port of Newcastle upon Tyne : with a comparative view of the two Bills brought into the House of Commons last session, by the Right Hon. Lord Mulgrave, and Sir Matthew White Ridley : also a fair state of the Parliamentary speeches, and of the evidence given to the House, for and against Lord Mulgrave's bill, with free remarks on each / by John Stevenson
London : Printed for the author , 1789 - オンライン
Observations on the colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land / by John Henderson
[S.l : s.n.] , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of Great Britain with the Russian and Ottolman empires : and on the projects of Russia against the Ottoman and British dominions
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of Spain with her colonies in time of war / by a Spaniard in Philadelphia ; translated from the original manuscript by another Spaniard
Philadelphia : Printed by J. Carey , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of the America states with Europe and the West Indies : including the several articles of import and export : and on the tendency of a bill now depending in Parliament
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of the America states with Europe and the West Indies : including the several articles of import and export : and on the tendency of a bill now depending in Parliament
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of the American states / by John Lord Sheffield
A new ed., much enl., with an appendix ... .. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of the American states / by John Lord Sheffield ; with an appendix ...
6th ed., enl., with a complete index to the whole.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of the American states : with an appendix, containing an account of all rice, indigo, cochineal, tobacco, sugar, molasses, and rum imported into and exported from Great-Britain the last ten years, of the value of all merchandize imported into and exported from England, of the imports and exports of Philadelphia, New-York, &c. : also, an account of the shipping employed in America previous to the war
The 2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on the commerce of the American states with Europe and the West Indies : including the several articles of import and export : also an essay on canon and feudal law by John Adams ... : to which is annexed, the political character of the said John Adams / by an American
Philadelphia : Printed and sold R. Bell , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on the commercial principles of the projected union, or, A free examination of the sixth resolution : being the only one that touches upon commerce, and carrying a direct commission to appropriate Ireland, and for ever, as a consuming colony to the British manufacturer
London : Printed for R. Pitkeathley , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the commutation project / by Thomas Bates Rous, Esq
London : Printed by J. Jarvis , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on the commutation project / by Thomas Bates Rous, Esq. ; with a supplement
2nd ed.. - [London] : Printed for J. Debrett , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on the commutation project : with a supplement / by Thomas Bates Rous
[London] : Printed for J. Debrett , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on the comparative merits of locomotive & fixed engines : as applied to railways : being a reply to the report of Mr. James Walker, to the directors of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway / compiled from the reports of George Stephenson ; with an account of the competition of locomotive engines at Rainhill, in October, 1829, and of the subsequent experiments, by Robert Stephenson and Joseph Locke
Liverpool : Printed by Wales and Baines, and sold by them and the booksellers in Liverpool , [1830] - オンライン
Observations on the comparative merits of the eastern and western canals
[S.l : s.n , 179-?] - オンライン
Observations on the condition of the middle and lower classes in the north of Ireland, as it tends to promote the diffusion of contagious fever : with the history and treatment of the late epidemic disorder, as it prevailed in an extensive district of that country, and a detail of the measures adopted to arrest its progress / by Francis Rogan
London : Printed for Whitmore and Fenn , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the conduct of Great Britain, in respect to foreign affairs : in which all the objections that have been thrown out in some late pamphlets and discourses are fairly answered, and the measures of the present ministry fully vindicated
London : Printed for T. Cooper , 1742 - オンライン
Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain : with regard to the negociations and other transactions abroad
London : Printed, and sold by J. Roberts ... , 1729 - オンライン
Observations on the conduct of Messrs. W-----cks and D----n, late bankers of the city of Dublin : towards Mr. R--d B--r their cashier
Dublin : Printed, and sold by J. Samuel , [1755?] - オンライン
Observations on the conduct of the late administration, particularly, in regard to our loss of Minorca : and on our foreign transactions which may have been the fatal cause of it
London : Printed for M. Cooper , 1757 - オンライン
Observations on the construction of railways and upon mechanics
London : Baldwin and Cradock , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the Corn Bill : now depending in Parliament / by John Lord Sheffield
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the Corn Bill : now depending in Parliament / by John Lord Sheffield
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the Corn Bill : now depending in Parliament / by John Lord Sheffield
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the corn bill : wherein the proposed alteration in the laws for regulating the exportation and importation of corn, is farily examined
London : Printed at the Logographic Press, by J. Walter , 1787 - オンライン
Observations on the corn law / by W.F.P. Napier
London : T. & W. Boone , 1841 - オンライン
Observations on the corn law / by W.F.P. Napier
2nd ed.. - London : T. & W. Boone , 1841 - オンライン
Observations on the corn laws / by Atticus
London : J. Hatchard and son , 1827 - オンライン
Observations on the corn laws : addressed to the agriculturists / by one of themselves, and a sincere friend to agriculture
Abingdon : Published and printed by C. Evans , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the corn laws and the corn trade in 1813 & 1814
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1814 - オンライン
Observations on the corn laws, or, Bread for thirty millions of inhabitants, without the importation of a single grain of corn, without loss to the farmer, the landlord, or the fundholder / by Charles Putt
London : J. Ollivier , [1840?] - オンライン
Observations on the corn laws : shewing that they can never benefit the farmer, but are most detrimental to commerce and manufacture, also, the advantages of the free importation and exportation of corn are pointed out, &c
[Scotland? : s.n , 1805] - オンライン
Observations on the corn trade, agriculture, and manufactures of England : shewing by what means English wheat may, in 1816, be afforded at seven shillings per bushel; and afterwards at prices nearly continental / by a country gentleman
London : J. Ridgway [et al.] , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the Cornish Metal Company, and copper trade : addressed to the governor and directors of the metal company / by their most obedient and most humble servant, John Vivian, deputy-governor ; Truro, 18 July, 1786
[S.l : s.n.] , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on the coronation medals of George the Fourth, and William the Fourth
[England? : s.n , 1838?] - オンライン
Observations on the credit and finances of Great Britain : in reply to the thoughts of the Earl of Lauderdale and the appeal of Mr. Morgan / by Daniel Wakefield
London : Printed for F. and C. Rivington : W. Richardson , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the criminal law of England : as it relates to capital punishments, and on the mode in which it is administered / by Samuel Romilly
3rd ed.. - London : Printed by J M'Creery for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1813 - オンライン
Observations on the criminal law of England : as it relates to capital punishments, and on the mode in which it is administered / by Sir Samuel Romilly
London : T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1810 - オンライン
Observations on the crisis, 1836-1837 : with suggestions for a remedy against commercial pressures / by a merchant
London : S. Highly , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the critique contained in the Edinburgh review for October 1819 : of Mr. Owen's plans for relieving the national distress / by a lover of truth
Edinburgh : P. Hill & Company , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the cruelty of employing climbing boys in sweeping chimneys : and on the practicability of effectually cleansing flues by mechanical means, with extracts from the evidence before the House of Commons, &c. &c
London : Printed for the Society , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on the cruelty of employing climbing-boys in sweeping chimneys : and on the practicability of effectually cleansing flues by mechanical means, with extracts from the evidence before the House of Commons, &c. &c
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for the Society for Superseding the Necessity of Climbing-Boys in Cleansing Chimneys , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the cultivation of hemp, as connected with the interests of the united empire / by Edward Burroughs
Dublin : J. Porter , [1835?] - オンライン
Observations on the currency of the United States / by S.D. Ingham
[Trenton, N.J.] : Phillips & Boswell, printers, Trenton, N.J , [1851] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Observations on the current coinage of Great Britain, as the medium of barter, calculation, and accounts : and on Professor de Morgan's plan for its more convenient and scientific arrangement, on the decimal system, with the advantages that would result from it, exemplified / by Henry Taylor
London : R. Groombridge , 1846 - オンライン
Observations on the decay of the outfalls or loss of the channels of divers weak rivers : particularly of the river Neen, otherwise Wisbeach River, and shire-drain : humbly offered to the consideration of the honourable Corporation of Adventurers ... and others interested in the preserving the navigation of the said river, and in draining ... the great level of The Fens called Bedford Great Level ... / by Richard Edwards
London : [s.n.] , 1749 - オンライン
Observations on the defects of the poor laws : and on the causes and consequences of the great increase and burden of the poor : with a proposal for redressing these grievances : in a letter to a member of Parliament / by Thomas Alcock
London : Printed for R. Baldwin, and R. Clements , 1752 - オンライン
Observations on the Demerara memorial, and on the false assumption, that enslaved British subjects are legal chattels : in a letter from a gentleman in the country, to his friend in London
[2nd ed.]. - London : Saunders and Benning , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the Demerara memorial : in a letter from a gentleman in the country, to his friend in London
London : Printed for J. Butterworth , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on the depreciation of money, and the state of our currency : with sundry relative tables / by Robert Wilson
London : Printed for J. Anderson , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the detriment that it is supposed must arise to the family of every cottager throughout the kingdom from the loss of woollen spinning by the introduction of machines for that work
[Great Britain : s.n , 1794] - オンライン
Observations on the different breeds of sheep and the state of sheep farming in some of the principal counties of England : drawn up from a report transmitted to Sir John Sinclair, baronet, chairman of the Society for the Improvement of British Wool ... / by Messrs. Redhead, Laing and Marshall
Edinburgh : Printed by W. Smellie, printer to the Society , 1792 - オンライン
Observations on the disease in turnips, termed in Holderness "Fingers and Toes" : in a letter to John Broadley, Esq. read to the Holderness Agriculture Society, December 23, 1811, and printed at their request / by William Spence
[S.l : s.n.] , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on the diseases, defects, and injuries in all kinds of fruit and forest trees : with an account of a particular method of cure invented and practised by William Forsyth, gardener to His Majesty, at Kensington
London : Printed for the author, and sold by G. Nicol , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the diseases incident to seamen / by Gilbert Blane, M.D.F.R.S
London : Printed by J. Cooper , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the displacement of the poor, by metropolitan railways and by other public improvements / by William Denton
London : Bell and Daldy , 1861 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Observations on the dispute between the United States and France ... / by Robert Goodloe Harper
Philadelphia : Printed & sold by T. Bradford , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed / by Robert Goodloe Harper
3rd ed.. - [London] : Philadelphia printed, London reprinted for J. Stockdale , 1798 - オンライン
Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed / by Robert Goodloe Harper
3rd ed.. - [London] : Philadelphia printed, London reprinted by direction of the editor at the Philanthropic Reform , 1798 - オンライン
Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed / by Robert Goodloe Harper
4th ed.. - [London] : Philadelphia printed, London reprinted by direction of the editor at the Philanthropic Reform , 1798 - オンライン
Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed / by Robert Goodloe Harper
[London] : Philadelphia printed, London reprinted at the Philanthropic Press , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed : to his constituents, in May 1797 / by Robert Goodloe Harper
4th Amer. ed.. - Boston : Printed for the subscribers , 1798 - オンライン
Observations on the distillery laws
[Scotland? : s.n , 1827?] - オンライン
Observations on the disturbances in Canada / by Montague Gore
London : Saunders and Otley , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the duties and responsibilities involved in the management of mints, chiefly with reference to the rules and practice of those in India : with suggestions for their improvement / by J.T. Smith
[India : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
Observations on the duty and power of juries as established by the laws of England : with extracts from various authors / by a friend to the constitution
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for G. Kearsley , 1796 - オンライン
Observations on the duty on property, &c / by L. Heslop
[England? : s.n , 1805] - オンライン
Observations on the duty on sea-borne coal : and on the peculiar duties and charges on coal, in the port of London
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on the duty on sea-borne coal : and on the peculiar duties and charges on coal, in the port of London
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on the duty on sea-borne coal : and on the peculiar duties and charges on coal, in the port of London
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the duty upon soap
[England? : s.n , 1730?] - オンライン
Observations on the economical production of steam : and the consumption of smoke / by Josiah Parkes
London : Printed for the author , [1822?] - オンライン
Observations on the effect of the manufacturing system : with hints for the improvement of those parts of it which are most injurious to health and morals / by Robert Owen
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on the effect of the manufacturing system : with hints for the improvement of those parts of it which are most injurious to health and morals / by Robert Owen
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on the effect of the manufacturing system : with hints for the improvement of those parts of the system which are the most injurious
[London : s.n , 1815] - オンライン
Observations on the effect of the manufacturing system : with hints for the improvement of those parts of the system which are the most injurious to health and morals : dedicated most respectfully to the British legislature / by Robert Owen
[S.l : s.n.] , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the effects of the coal duty upon the remote and thinly peopled coasts of Britain : tending to show, that if it were there removed, the industry of the people would be excited, the prosperity of the country promoted, and the amount of the revenue augmented to an astonishing degree / by James Anderson
Edinburgh : Printed for the author , 1792 - オンライン
Observations on the effects of the corn laws : and of a rise and fall in the price of corn on the agriculture and general wealth of the country / by the Rev. T.R. Malthus
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for John Murray, and J. Johnson and Co , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the effects of the corn laws : and of a rise or fall in the price of corn on the agriculture and general wealth of the country / by T.R. Malthus
London : Printed for J. Johnson , 1814 - オンライン
Observations on the effects of the corn laws : and of a rise or fall in the price of corn on the agriculture and general wealth of the country / by T.R. Malthus
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Johnson , 1814 - オンライン
Observations on the effects of the corn laws : and of a rise or fall in the price of corn on the agriculture and general wealth of the country / by the Rev. T.R. Malthus
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for John Murray , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the effects of the corn laws the Conqueror, 1050, to the reign of Queen Victoria, 1837, a period of seven hundred and eighty seven years / by John Clayton
Nottingham : H. Ingram , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the effects produced by the expenditure of government during the restriction of cash payments / by William Blake
London : J. Murray, and E. Lloyd , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the effects that would be produced by the proposed corn laws : on the agriculture, commerce, & population of the United Kingdom / by William Chapman
London : Printed by T. Davison , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the effects that would be produced by the proposed corn laws : on the agriculture, commerce, & population of the United Kingdom / by William Chapman
London : [s.n.] , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the effects which carriage wheels with rims of different shapes have on the roads : respecfully submitted to the approbation of the Board of Agriculture and to the consideration of the Legislature / by Alexander Cumming
[England : s.n.] , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the elective franchise and fixity of tenure as connected with agricultural improvement : addressed to the landlords, landholders and tenantry of Ireland / by J.L.W. Naper
Dublin : W. Curry , 1843 - オンライン
Observations on the elements of taxation : and the productive cost of corn, &c. &c. / by S. Sandars
London : J. Ollivier , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on the emancipation of the slaves
[S.l : s.n.] , [1816?] - オンライン
Observations on the embargo lately laid on the exports of beef, pork, and butter, from Ireland
London : Printed for R. Griffiths , 1756 - オンライン
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley : and on the several addresses delivered to him on his arrival at New-York
[London] : Philadelphia printed, London re-printed for J. Stockdale , 1794 - オンライン
Observations on the employment, education, and habits of the blind : with a comparative view of the benefits of the asylum and school systems / by Thomas Anderson
London : Simpkin, Marshall , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the employment of salt in agriculture and horticulture : with directions for its application, founded on practice / by Cuthbert William Johnson
12th ed.. - London : Simpkin and Marshall , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the enormous high price of provisions : shewing, amongst other articles, that the overgrown opulence of the husbandman or farmer, tends to subvert the necessary gradations of society, is inimical to the interests of morality in general, and, if not salutarily corrected, will be the perpetual bane and misery of the country / by a Kentish clergyman
London : Printed and published by Clement , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the epidemic fever of MDCCCXLIII in Scotland : and its connection with the destitute condition of the poor / by William Pulteney Alison
Edinburgh : W. Blackwood , 1844 - オンライン
Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England and on the paper circulation of the country / by Sir Francis Baring
London : Printed at the Minerva Press for Sewell, Cornhill and Debrett , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England and on the paper circulation of the country / by Sir Francis Baring
2nd ed.. - London : Printed at the Minerva Press for Sewell, Cornhill and Debrett , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the evidence given before the committees of the Privy Council and House of Commons in support of the bill for abolishing the slave trade
London : Printed for J. Stockdale , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the evidence relating to the duties on leather : taken before the committee of the House of Commons ... shewing the chief causes which have induced the trade to petition Parliament for relief
[England : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
Observations on the evidence relating to the Russia trade : as delivered at the bar of the Honourable the House of Commons, on the 5th of May, 1774 : to a Committee of the whole House, Appointed to Enquire into the Present State of the Linen Trade of Great Britain and Ireland / by Mr. Forster
London : Printed for the Russia Co , 1774 - オンライン
Observations on the evils and difficulties of the present system of poor laws in Ireland : with suggestions for removing or obviating them considered / by James Martin
Dublin : A. Thom , 1849 - オンライン
Observations on the exchange between London and Dublin / by a merchant of Dublin
[Ireland? : s.n.] , 1804 - オンライン
Observations on the existing corn laws / by John Hays
London : Printed for the author , 1824 - オンライン
Observations on the expectations of lives : the increase of mankind, the influence of great towns on population, and particularly the state of London, with respect to healthfulness and number of inhabitants : communicated to the Royal Society, April 27, 1769 : in a letter from Mr. Richard Price ... to Benjamin Franklin, Esq. ...
London : Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols , 1769 - オンライン
Observations on the expediency and facility of a copper coinage of uniform weight and a standard value according with the mint prices of gold and silver bullion / by John Grenfell
London : Printed for J. Asperne , 1814 - オンライン
Observations on the expediency and facility of a copper coinage of uniform weight and a standard value according with the mint prices of gold and silver bullion / by John Grenfell
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Asperne , 1814 - オンライン
Observations on the expediency and practicability of simplifying and improving the measures, weights and money, used in this country, without materially altering the present standards / by C.W. Pasley
London : [s.n.] , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the expediency of making a by-law, to prevent the sale of the commands of East-India ships : addressed to the proprietors of East-India stock / by Richard Twining
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1796 - オンライン
Observations on the expediency of shipbuilding at Bombay : for the service of his Majesty, and of the East India Company / by William Taylor Money
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the expenses of the county of Middlesex, the prisons and management / by a magistrate of the county
London : F. Warr , 1849 - オンライン
Observations on the explanatory act for the redemption of the land tax : shewing in what instances the provisons of the former act have been amended or explained, and to what particular cases the additional provisions of the explanatory act are applicable
London : Printed and published by Bunney, Thompson, and Co , [1798?] - オンライン
Observations on the factory system
London : C. Fox , 1844 - オンライン
Observations on the factory system
London : C. Fox , 1844 - オンライン
Observations on the failure of turnep [sic] crops, with proposals for a remedy, not altogether new, yet not fully considered by agricultural writers / by H.P. Stacy
London : Printed by H. Reynell for J. Hatchard , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the fallacy of the supposed depreciation of the paper currency of the kingdom : with reasons for dissenting from the report of the Bullion Committee / by Francis Perceval Eliot
London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the famine of 1846-7, in the Highlands of Scotland and in Ireland : as illustrating the connection of the principle of population with the management of the poor / by William Pulteney Alison
Edinburgh : W. Blackwood and Sons , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on the fifth article of the treaty with America and on the necessity of appointing a judicial enquiry into the merits and losses of the American loyalists
[S.l : s.n.] , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on the fifth article of the treaty with America and on the necessity of appointing a judicial enquiry into the merits and losses of the American loyalists : to which is added, an appendix stating some important facts relative to the conduct of Congress &c
[S.l : s.n.] , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on the final report of the Commissioners of weights and measures / by the Rev. George Skene Keith
[London : s.n , 1821] - オンライン
Observations on the finances and trade of Ireland : humbly addressed to the immediate consideration of gentlemen of landed interest, more particularly to members of the House of Commons
[Ireland? : s.n , 1780?] - オンライン
Observations on the finances and trade of Ireland : humbly addressed to the immediate consideration of gentlemen of landed interest, more particularly to members of the House of Commons
[Ireland? : s.n.] , 1780 - オンライン
Observations on the financial position and credit of such of the states of the North American Union as have contracted public debts : comprising an account of the manner in which sums raised by each state have been applied, and a consideration of the probable effects of such application upon the general wealth and prosperity of the country / by Alexander Trotter
London : Printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1839 - オンライン
Observations on the fishermen's attempt to render ineffectual an act, passed in the twenty-second, and another in the twenty-ninth, year of His Majesty's reign, to prevent the forestalling and monopolizing of fish
[S.l : s.n , 1760?] - オンライン
Observations on the formation, state and condition of turnpike roads and other highways with suggestions for their permanent improvement on scientific principles by means of the natural materials of which they are composed : to which is added a practical system (on the like principles) for the construction of sound substantial roads and under-drains by means of a patent substitute for hard road materials, where such substances are not practically obtainable / by A.H. Chambers
London : Printed for the author , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on the fundamental principles of monetèry circulation : and the necessity for a national deposit bank of issue / by Alexander Walker Maclean
5th ed.. - Glasgow : T. Murray & Son , 1856 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Observations on the fundamental principles of monetery [sic] circulation
[2nd ed.].. - Liverpool : G. Philip , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on the fundamental principles of monetery [sic] circulation : and the necessity for a national deposit bank of issue
Glasgow : J. & F. M'Combe , 1849 - オンライン
Observations on the general highway and turnpike acts passed in the seventh year of His present Majesty : and also upon the report of the committee of the House of Commons, who were appointed upon the twenty-eighth of April, 1772, to consider of the above acts
London : Printed for Joseph Johnson , 1773 - オンライン
Observations on the general inclosure act, and on the expediency of explaining and amending such parts of it as relate to the public carriage roads and highways : with an account of the proceedings in the case of an appeal against the commissioners for the inclosure of the parish of Bourn, in the county of Cambridge / by one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Cambridge
Cambridge : F. Hodson , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the government measures as to railways : being extracts from the leading articles of "The railway times."
London : Published at the Railway Times Office , [1844] - オンライン
Observations on the great commercial benefits that will result from the warehousing-bill : particularly as regards the free transit of foreign linens, silks, & woollens / respectfully addressed to the consideration of the members of the British Parliament, by James Henderson
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson, ... [et al.] , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the grinder's asthma : being chiefly an extract from a paper on the grinder's asthma / read before the Medical and Surgical Society of Sheffield, Sept. 1, 1819, by Arnold Knight, M.D. ; and remarks delivered before the committee appointed "to investigate the claims made to the merit of the new grinder's preservative," by Samuel Roberts ; together with the resolutions of the committee
Sheffield : Printed, and published by order of the Committee, by J. Montgomery , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the growth of British corn : in which the impolicy of the present corn laws is clearly pointed out, the principles of free trade investigated, their fallacy exposed, and their ruinous effects upon the country exhibited; and the ... fact, that Great Britain can ... profitably raise from her own soil, more corn than is sufficient to support her whole population, indisputably demonstrated / by Joseph Russell
London ; Kenilworth : Wright [etc., etc.] : Printed for the author , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the growth of hemp and flax in Great-Britain : with an appendix / by J. Gee
[S.l : s.n , 1765?] - オンライン
Observations on the heads of a bill "for regulating the management and distribution of the estates and effects, and the disposal of the person, of such as, being concerned in trade and manufacture in Scotland, have become bankrupt ...", with a view to prevent abuses in bankrupt estates / by Alexander Campbell
Glasgow : Printed by W. Lang , 1809 - オンライン
Observations on the herring fisheries : upon the north and east coasts of Scotland, &c. with plain rules proposed for curing and for supplying the London market with white herrings ... / by Lewis M'Culloch ... for many years employed in furnishing the merchants of London with herrings for exportation
London : Printed for W. Richardson , 1788 - オンライン
Observations on the highways of the kingdom : in a report to the House of Commons / by John Loudon M'Adam
[S.l : s.n , 1816?] - オンライン
Observations on the impolicy, abuses, and false interpretation of the poor laws : and on the reports of the two Houses of Parliament / by John, Earl of Sheffield
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on the impolicy, abuses, false interpretation, and ruinous consequences of the poor laws : and on the report of the two Houses of Parliament / by John, Earl of Sheffield
2nd ed., considerably enl. and amended.. - London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on the impolicy of permitting the exportation of British wool : and of preventing the free importation of foreign wool / by John Maitland
London : Printed and published by W. Phillips , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on the impolicy of permitting the exportation of British wool : and of preventing the free importation of foreign wool / John Maitland
Variant ed.. - London : Printed and published by W. Phillips , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on the impolicy of permitting the exportation of British wool and of preventing the free importation of foreign wool : / by John Maitland
3rd ed.. - London : W. Phillips , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on the importance and advantages of the education of the people : in a letter to James Taylor, Esq., high sheriff of Worcestershire / by Henry Martin
London : B.J. Holdsworth , 1826 - オンライン
Observations on the importance and necessity of introducing improved machinery into the woollen manufactory : ... with general remarks ... by the manufacturers, for the repeal of several of the existing laws : in a letter, addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Henry Pettey / by John Anstie
London : Printed for the Author , 1803 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of a strict adherence to the navigation laws of Great Britain
London : Printed by T. Davison , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of extending the British fisheries and of forming an Iceland Fishing Society : connected with establishments and stations on the British and Irish coasts : likewise, a short treatise on the quality of salt fit for the fisheries, and remarks on the best modes of curing fish : also an account of the first introduction of the British trade with Iceland, &c. / by S. Phelps
[S.l : s.n.] , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of improving the navigation of the river Schuylkill : for the purpose of connecting it with the Susquehanna and through that river extending our communication to the Genesse lakes and the Ohio
[S.l : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations on the importance of national manufactures : and particularly on the linen manufacture
Edinburgh : Printed for W. Creech , 1780 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of the American Revolution : and the means of making it a benefit to the world / by Richard Price
London : [s.n.] , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of the American Revolution : and the means of making it a benefit to the world / by Richard Price
The 2nd ed.. - [Philadelphia] : London, printed, and re-printed by M. Carey for W. Spotswood, J. Rice, and T. Seddon , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of the American revolution : and the means of making it a benefit to the world / by Richard Price
[Boston] : Printed in London, re-printed in Boston, by Powars and Willis , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of the American revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world : to which is added, a letter from M. Turgot ... : with an appendix containing a translation of the will of M. Fortuné Ricard ... / by Richard Price
Dublin : Printed for L. White , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the importance of the East-India fleet to the company and the nation : in a letter addressed to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas ... / by Thomas Newte
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1795 - オンライン
Observations on the improvement of Boston haven : humbly submitted to the consideration of the landed and commercial interest, to the commissioners of the drainages dependent on this haven, and to the corporation of Boston / by William Chapman
Boston [England] : Printed and sold by J. Hellaby , 1800-1801 - オンライン
Observations on the improvement of the navigation of the Tyne / by Wm. Armstrong
Newcastle upon Tyne : E. Charnley , 1836 - オンライン
Observations on the income act, particularly as it relates to the occupiers of land : with some proposals of amendment : to which is added, a short scheme for meliorating the condition of the labouring man / by Francis Newbery
London : Printed for G. and W. Nicol , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the income tax, setting forth its injustice and impolicy, its oppressive and degrading nature : with an earnest appeal to merchants and manufacturers, and to professional men of every class, to unite in a respectful but firm remonstrance to the throne, claiming the fulfillment of the solemn pledge which has been given for its discontinuance at the close of the war, and praying that it may never more by revived / by a citizen of London
London : Printed for Sherwood Neely and Jones , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the increase and decrease of different diseases, and particularly of the Plague / by William Heberden
London : Printed for T. Payne , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the influence of machinery upon the working classes of the community / by John Kennedy
[England : s.n.] , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the influence of soil and climate upon wool : from which is deduced, a certain and easy method of improving the quality of English clothing wools, and preserving the health of sheep ... / by Robert Bakewell, with occasional notes and remarks by the Right Hon. Lord Somerville
London : Printed for J. Harding , 1808 - オンライン
Observations on the influence of the East India Company's monopoly on the price and supply of tea : and on the commerce with India, China, etc
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the inhabitants, climate, soil, rivers, productions, animals, and other matters worthy of notice, made by Mr. John Bartram, in his travels from Pensilvania [sic] to Onondago, Oswego and the Lake Ontario, in Canada : to which is annex'd, a curious account of the cataracts at Niagara by Mr. Peter Kalm ...
London : Printed for J. Whiston and B. White , 1751 - オンライン
Observations on the injurious consequences of the restrictions upon foreign commerce : addressed to the president of the Board of Trade / by a member of the late Parliament
[England? : s.n.] , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on the inland navigation of Ireland and the want of employment for its population : with a description of the river Shannon : suggested by the report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons in 1830 on the state of Ireland, and the remedial measures proposed by them / by C.W. Williams
2nd ed. comprising an examination of the application of money grants in aid of public works.. - London : Vacher [etc., etc.] , 1833 - オンライン
Observations on the inslaving, importing, and purchasing of Negroes : with some advice thereon, extracted from the Epistle of the yearly-meeting of the people called Quakers, held at London in the year 1748
2nd ed.. - Germantown [Pa.] : Printed by C. Sower , 1760 - オンライン
Observations on the insolvent law of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope : with an appendix of forms, applicable to the colonial ordinance, No. 64
Cape Town : Printed and published by G. Greig , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the intended amendment of the Irish grand jury laws : now under the consideration of the Honourable the House of Commons : to which is added, a plan for the general survey and valuation of Ireland, and for the commutation of tithes, with several important hints relative to the internal economy of Ireland, and the distressed state of the poor / by William Parker
Cork : Printed by Edwards and Savage , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the intended application of the North-American Coal & Mining Company, to the legislature of the state of New York, February 1814
[New York : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations on the intended Stamford Junction Navigation : in vindication of that project, against disingenuous misrepresentation and mistaken opposition / by an inhabitant of Stamford
[S.l : s.n.] , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the intended tunnel beneath the river Thames : shewing the many defects in the present state of that projection / by Charles Clarke
London : Sold by Messrs Robinsons, and J. Taylor , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the interests of the city of Edinburgh, and the adjacent country in reference to a bill now brought into Parliament, for making a canal, from near Edinburgh, to the Forth and Clyde Navigation, near Falkirk
[England : s.n , 1817] - オンライン
Observations on the Irish butter acts / by Sir Henry Parnell
London : Printed for J. Ridgway , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on the islands of Shetland, and their inhabitants : and, on the climate, soil, state of agriculture, fisheries, &c. of that country : with hints for their improvement
[S.l : s.n.] , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the justice and policy of regulating the trade in corn / by J.D. ; dedicated, by permission, to the Right Honourable William Huskisson
[S.l : s.n.] , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the justice and policy of regulating the trade in corn / by J.D. ; dedicated, by permission, to the Right Honorable William Huskisson
Exeter : Printed at the General Printing-Office , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the justice and policy of regulating the trade in corn / by John Dayman
London : P. Richardson , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on the kingdom of peace : under the benign reign of Messiah
[S.l : s.n.] , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the La Motte mines and domain, in the state of Missouri : with some account of the advantages and inducements there promised to capitalists and individuals desirous of engaging in mining, manufacturing, or farming operations
[United States?] : Royston & Brown, Printers , [1839] - オンライン
Observations on the La Motte mines and domain, in the state of Missouri : with some account of the advantages and inducements there promised to capitalists and individuals desirous of engaging in mining, manufacturing, or farming operations
[United States?] : Royston & Brown, printers , [1839] - オンライン
Observations on the land revenue of the Crown / John St. John
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1792 - オンライン
Observations on the land revenue of the Crown
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1787 - オンライン
Observations on the late and present conduct of the French with regard to their encroachments upon the British colonies in North America : together with remarks on the importance of these colonies to Great-Britain
Boston : Printed and sold by S. Kneeland , 1755 - オンライン
Observations on the late and present conduct of the French with regard to their encroachments upon the British colonies in North America : together with remarks on the importance of these colonies to Great-Britain / by William Clarke
[London] : Boston printed, London re-printed for J. Clarke , 1755 - オンライン
Observations on the late and present state of Ireland : in considerations on the correspondence of Lords Redesdale and Fingal, and on the remonstrance of the Reverend Peter O'Neil, parish priest of Ballymacoda, respectfully addressed to both Houses of Parliament
Dublin : Printed by Graisberry & Campbell for J. Stockdale , 1805 - オンライン
Observations on the late increase of the dividend on bank stock
London : Printed for J. Sewell , 1788 - オンライン
Observations on the late management of the Levant-Company : with extracts of letters from Constantinople and Smirna
[S.l : s.n , 1720] - オンライン
Observations on the law and constitution of India, on the nature of landed tenures, and on the system of revenue and finance, as established by the Moohummudum law and Moghul government : with an inquiry into the revenue and judicial administration, and regulations of police at present existing in Bengal
London : Printed for Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on the law of bankruptcy and insolvency / by W.H. Ashurst
London : J. Dinnis , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the law of copyright : in reference to the bill introduced into the House of Commons by Mr. Sergeant Talfourd, in which it is attempted to be proved, that the provisions of the bill are opposed to the principle of English law, that authors require no additional protection, and that such a bill would inflict a heavy blow on literature, and prove a great discouragement to its diffusion in this country
London : Printed for Scott, Webster, and Geary , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the law of inheritance : with the act for the amendment thereof, 3 & 4 W. IV. C. 106 / by John Tamlyn
London : H. Butterworth , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the law of population : being an attempt to trace its effects from the conflicting theories of Malthus and Sadler / by the author of "Reflections on the present state of British India."
London : B. Fellowes , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the laws relating to the colliers in Scotland : and remarks on a bill proposed to be brought into Parliament, for regulating the service, mode of hiring, and rate of wages of the colliers & other persons, employed in or about the coal-works in Scotland, published ... in April, 1799 ...
[Scotland : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations on the Letter written to Sir Thomas Osborn, upon the reading of a book called The present interest of England stated / written in a letter to a friend
London : Printed for J.B , 1673 - オンライン
Observations on the letters of C.C. Western, Esq. M.P / by Dorrien Giles
Doncaster : Printed and sold by Sheardown & Son , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the Levant Company's petition, &c. for lowering the duty on Smyrna raisins
[England? : s.n , 1738?] - オンライン
Observations on the malt duties / by William Becher
London : Printed and sold by G. Smeeton , [ca. 1815] - オンライン
Observations on the management of flax from the field to the heckle : with plans of lint mills on a new construction : also a plan of farming books ...
Edinburgh : To be had of the booksellers , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the management of the poor in Scotland : and its effects on the health of the great towns / by William Pulteney Alison
Edinburgh : William Blackwood & Sons , 1840 - オンライン
Observations on the management of the poor in Scotland : and its effects on the health of the great towns / by William Pulteney Alison
[2nd ed.]. - Edinburgh : William Blackwood & Sons , 1840 - オンライン
Observations on the management of trusts for the care of turnpike roads ... : and upon the nature and effect of the present road law of this kingdom ... / by John Loudon McAdam
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on the manner of conducting marine insurances in Great Britain : and on the report of the select committee of the House of Commons, to whom that subject was referred, including a few remarks on joint stock companies
London : Printed by C. Stower for Gale and Curtis , 1810 - オンライン
Observations on the manners and customs of Italy, with remarks on the vast importance of British commerce on that continent : also, particulars of the wonderful explosion of Mount Vesuvius, taken on the spot at midnight, in June 1794 ... likewise, an account of many very extraordinary cures produced by a preparation of opium ... with many physical remarks collected in Italy ... / by a gentleman authorised to investigate the commerce of that country with Great-Britain
Bath ; London : Printed by R. Cruttwell : Sold by T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1798 - オンライン
Observations on the manners and customs of the Egyptians, the overflowing of the Nile and its effects : with remarks on the plague and other subjects : written during a residence of twelve years in Cairo and its vicinity / by John Antes
London : Printed for J. Stockdale , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the manufactures, trade and present state of Ireland / by John Lord Sheffield
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the manufactures, trade, and present state of Ireland / by John Lord Sheffield
Dublin : Printed for R. Moncrieffe, L. White, and P. Byrne , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the manufactures, trade and present state of Ireland / by John Lord Sheffield
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the manufactures, trade, and present state of Ireland / by John Lord Sheffield
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the meaning and extent of the oath : taken at the admission of every burgess in the city of Edinburgh : as comprehending the duties of religion, allegiance to the King, respect and submission to the authority of the civil magistrate, and the relative duties which burgesses owe to each other / by Thos. Sommers
Edinburgh : Printed by W. Turnbull and sold for the author by J. Symington , 1794 - オンライン
Observations on the means of better draining the middle and south levels of the fenns : addressed to the landed and commercial interests affected by the bill proposed to be brought into Parliament / by two gentlemen who have taken a view thereof
London : Printed for T. Evans , 1777 - オンライン
Observations on the means of enabling a cottager to keep a cow : by the produce of a small portion of arable land / by Sir John Sinclair
[S.l : s.n.] , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the means of enabling a cottager to keep a cow : by the produce of a small portion of arable land : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement / by Sir John Sinclair
[S.l : s.n.] , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries of Scotland : in a series of letters to a friend / by James Anderson
Edinburgh : Printed for T. Cadell , 1777 - オンライン
Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries, of Scotland : in a series of letters to a friend / written in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, by James Anderson
Edinburgh : Printed for T. Cadell , 1777 - オンライン
Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries, of Scotland : in a series of letters to a friend / by James Anderson
Dublin : Printed for S. Price , 1779 - オンライン
Observations on the means of extending the consumption of British callicoes, muslins, and other cotton goods, and of giving pecuniary aids to the manufacturers, under circumstances of the highest respectability and advantage : humbly offered to the consideration of the owners of cotton mills and callico and muslin manufacturers in Great Britain, by the delegates acting in their behalf, and for their interest, in London
[S.l : s.n.] , 1788 - オンライン
Observations on the means of forming and maintaining troops in health in different climates and localities / by Edward Balfour
[England? : s.n , 1845] - オンライン
Observations on the means of preserving the health of troops : by selecting healthy localities for their cantonments / by Edward Balfour
[England? : s.n , 1845] - オンライン
Observations on the means of providing naval timber
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme , 1807 - オンライン
Observations on the measure of creating, by authority of Parliament, an hereditary rent-charge : payable out of the revenue of the Isle of Man, in favour of the Duke of Atholl / on behalf of the House of Keys of the Isle of Man
[England? : s.n , 1805] - オンライン
Observations on the measure of reform : introduced by Lord John Russell, in the House of Commons, on the first of March, 1831
[England? : s.n.] , [1831] - オンライン
Observations on the method of growing of wool in Scotland, and proposals for improving the quality of our wool : in two letters to the Commissioners and Trustees for Improving Fisheries and Manufactures in Scotland : published by order of the said commissioners and trustees
Edinburgh : Printed by Sands, Donaldson, Murray, & Cochran , 1756 - オンライン
Observations on the military establishment and discipline of His Majesty the King of Prussia : with an account of the private life of that celebrated monarch, and occasional anecodotes of the principal persons of his court : interspersed with descriptions of Berlin, Potsdam, Sans Souci, Charlottenbourg, &c. / translated from the French by J. Johnson
London : Printed for Fielding and Walker , 1780 - オンライン
Observations on the militia laws : so far as they relate to relief : occasioned by a late opinion upon that subject : in a letter from one country justice to another
The 2nd ed.. - [England? : s.n.] , 1778 - オンライン
Observations on the ministerial plan of reform / by Sir John Walsh
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the ministerial plan of reform / by Sir John Walsh
4th ed.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the mode of choosing juries in Scotland
Edinburgh : Printed for A. Constable & Company , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the moral and political effects of the tithe system in England : with a plan for a commutation of tithes and for the more effectually providing for the clergy of our church establishment ... / by a clergyman of the diocese of Exeter
Exeter : Featherstone , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the mortmain laws, Act of Supremacy, &c : with reference to bills now before Parliament, or, Popery opposed to national independence, and social happiness / by James Lord
London : Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley , 1846 - オンライン
Observations on the most advantageous line of country through which a canal navigation may be carried, from Newcastle upon Tyne, or North Shields, towards Cumberland, &c : with a proposal to extend collateral branches by the Pont and Blyth Rivers to Morpeth, the port of Blyth, &c. and pointing out the practicability of carrying a line of canal through the middle of Northumberland to Berwick upon Tweed / by Jona. Thompson
Newcastle : Printed for R. Sands , 1795 - オンライン
Observations on the most advisable measures to be adopted in forming a communication for the transit of merchandise and the produce of land, to or from Newcastle and Carlisle, or the places intermediate : in a letter from Mr. Chapman to Sir James Graham
[England : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
Observations on the motion of Sir Robert Heron, M.P., in the late Parliament, respecting the vacating of seats in Parliament on the acceptance of office / by the Marquis of Northampton
London : H. Lindsell , 1835 - オンライン
Observations on the national debt, and an enquiry into its real connection with the general prosperity
Norwich ; London : Printed and sold by J. March : J.S. Jordan , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the national debt : with a plan for discharging it, so as to do complete justice to the equitable claims of the stock-holder, and be at the same time highly advantageous to the nation at large : with hints towards a financial measure calculated to yield a net revenue of more than five millions annually without the smallest additional charge to the public
London : Joseph Mawman , [1810] - オンライン
Observations on the national debt : with ways and means for lessening it very considerably in the course of twenty-five years ... with a description of such taxes, and an estimate of their annual amount / by George King
[England? : s.n.] , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the natural and civil rights of mankind : the prerogatives of princes, and the powers of government : in which the equal and universal right of the people to election and representation, is proved by direct and conclusive arguments / addressed to the people of England by the Rev. Thomas Northcote
London : Printed for C. Dilly and J. Debrett , 1781 - オンライン
Observations on the natural claim of the mother to the custody of her infant children : as affected by the common law right of the father
London : J. Ridgway and Sons , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the natural history and economy of a weevil affecting the pea-crops : and various insects which injure or destroy the mangold wurzel and beet / by John Curtis
London : [s.n.] , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on the nature and advantages of spring or summer wheat : and on the propriety of extending its cultivation as a most important national resource, and a means of rendering Great Britain independent of foreign supply
[England? : s.n , 1805?] - オンライン
Observations on the nature and extent of the advantages resulting to the public and to the landed proprietor, from the redemption of the land tax / by George Harrison
London : Printed and published by I. Gold , 1803 - オンライン
Observations on the nature and extent of the cod fishery : carried on off the coasts of the Zetland [sic] and Orkney Islands / by A. Edmonston
Edinburgh : Printed for W. Laing , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on the nature and properties of a metallic currency
[England? : s.n , 1805?] - オンライン
Observations on the nature, extent, and effects of pauperism, and on the means of reducing it / by Thomas Walker
London : J. Hatchard , 1826 - オンライン
Observations on the nature, extent, and effects of pauperism, and on the means of reducing it / by Thomas Walker
2nd ed., rev.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the nature, extent, and effects of pauperism : and on the means of reducing it / by Thomas Walker
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of annuities, life insurances, endowments for children, and investment of money for accumulation : with a general outline of the plan, laws, and regulations of the European Life Insurance and Annuity Company / by J. Clark
[England : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty and the principles of government : from Dr. Price's ... essay published anno 1776 : with the declaration of principles and regulations of the Friends of Liberty united for promoting constitutional information ...
[England] : Printed by order of The Society , [1795?] - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which are added an appendix and postscript, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
New ed. / corr. by the author.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell, and J. Johnson , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which are added, an appendix and postscript, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
8th ed. / newly corr. by the author.. - Edinburgh : Printed for J. Wood and J. Dickson , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which are added an appendix and postscript, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
7th ed. with corrections and additions.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty : the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added, an appendix and postscript, containing, a state of the national debt : an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes : and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
9th ed.. - London : Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, and Thomas Cadell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added an appendix and postscript, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
5th ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war / by Richard Price
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added, an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war : with the amount of the capitals at the bank, South-Sea, and India-houses, not inserted in the London edition of this work / by Richard Price
Dublin : Printed for J. Exshaw [and 19 others] , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added, an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war : with the amount of the capitals at the bank, South-sea, and India-houses, not inserted in the London edition of this work / by Richard Price
Dublin : Printed for J. Exshaw [and 19 others] , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the navigation laws : suggesting their immediate repeal, and unqualified free trade / by C.H. Greenhow
London : E. Wilson , [1847?] - オンライン
Observations on the necessity for instituting an auxiliary standard in the shape of a mint paper coin to be granted the use of on deposits made with the Crown to secure its sterling value / by Richard Moore
Kingston : B. Seeley , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the necessity of a legal provision for the Irish poor : as the means of improving the condition of the Irish people, and protecting the British landlord, farmer and labourer / by John Douglas
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on the necessity of betrothment : or the internal, mental, marriage, previous to wedlock, or the external, animal, marriage : illustrated by arguments and diagrams, drawn from the science of phrenology
London : W. Strange , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the new Bankruptcy Court act, particularly as regards official assignees, shewing the great additional expense to the public by the appointment of those officers and proposing means to render their services effective to alter the appointment and to reduce the expense
London : E. Wilson , 1835 - オンライン
Observations on the new Corn bill : evincing that it is detrimental to the public and unfriendly to agriculture by discouraging tillage husbandry : likewise, an attempt to point out a mode whereby the people of England may be supplied with bread corn without importation / by an Essex farmer
London : Printed for I. and J. Taylor : W. Clachar , 1793 - オンライン
Observations on the new cyder-tax, &c / by J. Massie
[London? : s.n , 1764] - オンライン
Observations on the new cyder-tax : so far as the same may affect our woollen manufacturies, Newfoundland fisheries, &c. most humbly submitted to the consideration of the Parliament and people of Great Britain / by J. Massie
[London : s.n , 1764] - オンライン
Observations on the new duty on wine
London : Printed by George Cooke , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the new poor law : its injustice and evil tendencies / addressed to the government, the gentry, and the rate-payers, by John Thomas Perceval
London : E. Lloyd , [1838?] - オンライン
Observations on the new Scottish poor law / by Sir George Sinclair
Edinburgh ; London : A. & C. Black : Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans , 1849 - オンライン
Observations on the new system of the finances of France : particularly on the repurchase or paying off the annuities, and on credit and its use : in two letters to a friend / by Mr. Law ... ; translated from the French by Sir J----- E-----, Kt. ...
London : Printed for J. Roberts ... , 1720 - オンライン
Observations on the North-American Land-Company, lately instituted in Philadelphia : containing an illustration of the object of the company's plan, the articles of association, with a succinct account of the states wherein their lands lie : to which are added, remarks on American lands in general, more particularly the pine-lands of the southern and western states, in two letters from Robert G. Harper ... to a gentleman in Philadelphia
London : Printed by H.L. Galabin for C. Barrell and H. Servanté , 1796 - オンライン
Observations on the northern fisheries : with a discourse on the expediency of establishing fishing stations, or small towns, in the Highlands of Scotland, and Hebride Islands : to which is added, the last report from the committee appointed by the House of Commons, to enquire into the state of the British fisheries / by John Knox, author of A view of the British Empire
London : Printed for J. Walter [and 3 others] , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on the number and misery of the poor : on the heavy rates levied for their maintenance, and, on the general causes of poverty : including some cursory hints, for the radical cure of these growing evils : humbly submitted to public consideration
London : Printed for T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt , 1765 - オンライン
Observations on the objections made to the export of wool from Great Britain to Ireland / by John, Lord Sheffield
London : Printed for J. Debrett by Wilson , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the Occasional writer, the Craftsman, and other papers : complaining of the present conduct in publick affairs
London : Printed for T. Warner ... , 1729 - オンライン
Observations on the old and new views, and their effects on the conduct of individuals : as manifested in the proceedings of the Edinburgh Christian Instructor and Mr. Owen / by Abram Combe
Edinburgh : Sold by Bell & Bradfute , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the opinions of several writers on various historical, political, and metaphysical questions / by Gavin Young
[S.l : s.n.] , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on the Oriental plague and on quarantines : as a means of arresting its progress / addressed to the British Association of Science, assembled at Newcastle, in August, 1838, by John Bowring
Edinburgh : W. Tait , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the origin and antiquity, use and advantage of cufic coins / communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, in a letter from the Rev. Stephen Weston
[England : s.n , 1817] - オンライン
Observations on the papers relative to the rupture with Spain : laid before both houses of Parliament, on Friday the twenty-ninth day of January, 1762, by His Majesty's command / in a letter from a member of Parliament, to a friend in the country
London : Printed for W. Nicoll , 1762 - オンライン
Observations on the parliamentary report (March 23, 1830) : on the state of the northern roads, and the lines of communication between London & Edinburgh
[Scotland? : s.n.] , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on the part of the United States, by their agent, to the reply of Daniel Dulany : under the sixth article of the Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America
[United States : s.n , 1798] - オンライン
Observations on the passage to India through Egypt : also by Vienna through Constantinople to Aleppo and from thence by Bagdad, and directly across the great desert to Bassora : with occasional remarks on the adjacent countries, an account of the different stages, and sketches of the of the several routes ... / by James Capper
3rd ed., with alterations and additions.. - London : Printed for W. Faden , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the passage to India : through Egypt, and across the great desert : with occasional remarks on the adjacent countries, and also sketches of the different routes / by James Capper
London : Printed for W. Faden, J. Robson, and R. Sewell , 1783 - オンライン
Observations on the past and present condition of the education of the poor in Ireland : with remarks on the lord primate and bishops' address / by Henry Newland
Dublin : Grant and Bolton , 1845 - オンライン
Observations on the past growth and present state of the city of London a bystander
London : [s.n.] , 1751 - オンライン
Observations on the paving acts, reports, execution of work, &c : addressed to those whom it may concern
Dublin : [s.n.] , 1782 - オンライン
Observations on the peculiar case of the Whig merchants, indebted to Great Britain at the commencement of the late war : to which is prefixed an address of the Honorable the Congress to their fellow-citizens, on the important subjects of national faith, justice and honour, in September, 1779 / by a citizen
New York : [s.n.] , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the penitentiary system, and penal code of Pennsylvania : with suggestions for their improvement / by James Mease
[Pennsylvania : s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on the pernicious consequences of forestalling, regrating, and ingrossing, with a list of the statutes, &c. which have been adopted for the punishment of those offences, and proposals for new laws to abolish the system of monopolypany, with various notes, hints, &c / by J.S. Girdler
London : Printed by H. Baldwin for L.B. Seeley , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the pernicious consequences of forestalling, regrating, and ingrossing, with a list of the statutes which have been enacted for the punishment of those offences : proposals for new laws that may tend to encourage tillage, and yet keep the price of provisions of all kinds within reasonable bounds : thoughts on the impolicy of the consolidation of small farms : with remarks on the coal trade, sale of cattle in Smithfield ... / by J.S. Girdler
London : Printed by H. Baldwin for L.B. Seeley , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the pernicious tendency of a free trade in corn
Edinburgh : W. Tait , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on the petitions from various merchants of Rhode-Island : to the Congress of the United States, praying to be relieved from the penalties of certain exportation bonds : with an appendix
Newport, R.I : [s.n.] , 1803 - オンライン
Observations on the philosophy of criminal jurisprudence : being an investigation of the principles necessary to be kept in view during the revision of the penal code, with remarks on the penitentiary prisons / by J.E. Bicheno
London : Printed for R. Hunter , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the plan for training the people to the use of arms : with reference to the subject of Sunday drilling / by Thomas Gisborne
London : Printed by W. Flint, for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1806 - オンライン
Observations on the plan for training the people to the use of arms : with reference to the subject of Sunday drilling / by Thomas Gisborne
2nd ed.. - London : T. Cadell , 1806 - オンライン
Observations on the plan of an institution for the promotion of industry and provident economy among the manufacturing and labouring classes : and for the consequent reduction of the number of those who are supported by the poor-rates / by P. Bayley ; printed at the instance of a committee of the first promoters of the establishment, together with a prospectus of the institution
[S.l : s.n.] , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the police or civil government of Westminster : with a proposal for a reform / by Edward Sayer
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the poor bill : introduced by the Right Honourable William Pitt / written February, 1797, by Jeremy Bentham
[England? : s.n , 1838] - オンライン
Observations on the Poor laws, and on the management of the poor, in Great Britain : arising from a consideration of the returns now before Parliament / by George Rose
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1805 - オンライン
Observations on the Poor laws, and on the management of the poor in Great Britain : arising from a consideration of the returns, now before Parliament / by George Rose
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1805 - オンライン
Observations on the poor laws, and pauperism : shewing the effects resulting from compulsive parish rates, levied to feed & clothe the able indolent, as well as the weak involuntary poor
London : Printed for the author, and sold by G. Cowie & Co. [and 2 others] , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the poor laws, as they are generally administered : on the effects which they have produced, and on some of the systems which have been proposed to amend the condition of the poor, and to decrease the poor rates / by a county magistrate
London : H. Renshaw , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the poor laws, on the present state of the poor, and on houses of industry
London : Printed for J. Wilkie , 1775 - オンライン
Observations on the poor relief bill for Ireland, and its bearing on the important subject of emigrations : with some remarks on the great public works projected in the British North American colonies / by T. St. Leger Alcock
London : J. Ridgway , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on the population and resources of Ireland / by Whitley Stokes
[S.l : s.n.] , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on the pot-ash brought from America : with respect to its goodness, sophistication, &c. verified by experimental examination : together with instructions for determining the comparative value of any parcel, by expedient methods : to which, is subjoined, processes for making pot-ash and barilla, in North-America : the whole communicated to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce / by R. Dossie
London : [s.n.] , 1767 - オンライン
Observations on the potatoe, and a remedy for the potatoe plague : in two parts : containing a history of the potatoe, its cultivation, and uses : also a treatise on the potatoe malady, its origin and appearances in different countries, a view of various theories concerning it, with the remedies proposed, and an inquiry into the causes producing the disease, with directions for staying its further progress / by Charles P. Bosson
Boston : E.L. Pratt , 1846 - オンライン
Observations on the power of alienation in the Crown before the first of Queen Anne : supported by precedents and the opinions of many learned judges : together with some remarks on the conduct of administration respecting the case of the Duke of Portland
2nd ed.. - London : J. Almon , 1768 - オンライン
Observations on the power of climate over the policy, strength, and manners, of nations
London : Printed for J. Almon , 1774 - オンライン
Observations on the practicability and advantages of the continuation of the Stockton and Darlington Railway : from Croft Bridge to the City of York ...
Ripon : by T. Langdale , 1827 - オンライン
Observations on the practicability and utility of opening a communication between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, by a ship canal, through the Isthmus of Suez : with an outline map of the isthmus & lower Egypt, showing the track of the ancient as well as of the proposed canal : also, extracts from a manuscript memoir of a survey of the isthmus by M. Linant ... / by Arthur Anderson
London : Smith, Elder and Co , 1843 - オンライン
Observations on the practice of draining and succession of crops : with a few hints on the breeding of cattle and the composition of manures / by William Ewing
[Glasgow? : s.n , 1842?] - オンライン
Observations on the preliminary articles of peace, so far as they relate to the fishery
[S.l : s.n , 1762] - オンライン
Observations on the present administration of the poor laws : addressed to all persons of landed property, to the clergy, and every parish in the kingdom, and respectfully submitted to the consideration of both Houses of Parliament / by J.B. Ferrers
London : Printed for J.G. & F. Rivington , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the present agricultural and national distress : in two letters to a noble lord
2nd ed., with a postscript.. - London : Sold by Sherwood and Co., and by all other booksellers , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the present condition of the current coin of this kingdom : with some account of the several ways of diminishing the coin, which have hitherto been discover'd, and the methods made use of to prevent those evils particularly, the late evil practice of filing guineas, and the method proposed and approved of by the Lords of His Majesty's Treasury, and the master ... also some farther remarks upon the inconveniences the publick suffer by the deficiency and scarcity of the silver coin ... / by Peter Vallavine
London : Printed by R. Penny, for the author, and sold by C. Hitch, and W. Flackton , 1742 - オンライン
Observations on the present condition of the island of Trinidad, and the actual state of the experiment of Negro emancipation / by William Hardin Burnley
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1842 - オンライン
Observations on the present convention with Spain
London : Printed for T. Cooper , 1739 - オンライン
Observations on the present difficulties of the country : contained in strictures on two pamphlets lately published by J.H. Moggridge, Esq. / by Cambriensis
London : Printed for Black, Parbury, and Allen , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the present financial embarrassments
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the present high price of corn, with hints on the cultivation of waste lands / by a farmer
Bristol : Printed by N. Biggs and sold by J. Matthews , 1795 - オンライン
Observations on the present price of bullion, and rates of exchange : wherein the objections of Mr. Bosanquet, and others, to the report of the Bullion Committee, are attempted to be over-ruled / by George Woods
London : Printed for R. Baldwin , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the present relative situation of Great Britain and France : November the 16th, 1802
Liverpool : Printed by J. M'Creery , 1802 - オンライン
Observations on the present state and future prospects of agriculture, illustrative of the advantages of an experimental farm : being a fuller development of the author's views, first made public in a communication addressed to the Highland Society of Scotland / by George Lewis
[Saint Andrews] : St. Andrews University Press , 1836 - オンライン
Observations on the present state and influence of the poor laws, founded on experience : and a plan, proposed for the consideration of Parliament, by which the affairs of the poor may in future be better regulated, their morals and habits of industry greatly improved, and a considerable reduction in the poors rates effected / by Robert Saunders
London : J. Sewell and J. Wright , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of Denmark, Russia, and Switzerland : in a series of letters
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of Ireland / by George Ensor
[Ireland : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations on the present state of landed property : and on the prospects of the landholder and the farmer / by David Low
Edinburgh : Printed for A. Constable and Co., Edinburgh, and Hurst, Robinson, and Co., London , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of our national defences / by the Lord Viscount Ranelagh
London : J. Ollivier , 1845 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of party and prejudice in Ireland : with remarks on a publication intitled, A fair representation of the present political state of Ireland, written by Patrick Duigenan / by a member of the Irish Parliament
Dublin : Printed for J. Moore , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of pauperism in England : particularly as it affects the morals and character of the labouring poor, in a letter to T.W. Coke / by George Glover
London : Printed for Ridgways , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the British commerce : including strictures on the extent, importance, influence, advantages, and probable increase of the trade of Great Britain, with all the parts of the world / translated from the German of Charles Reinhard ; with notes and considerable additions by the editor
[England? : s.n.] , 1804 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the corn laws of Ireland : so far as they partially relate to the metropolis
Dublin : Printed and sold by R. Marchbank , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the currency of England / by the Earl of Rosse
London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the East India Company : and on the measures to be pursued for ensuring its permanency, and augmenting its commerce
London : Printed for J. Nourse , 1771 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the East India Company : with prefatory remarks on the alarming intelligence lately received from Madras, as to the general disaffection prevailing amongst the natives ... the proclamation issued by the governor ... on this subject and a plan ... for restoring ... confidence ... / by Major Scott Waring
4th ed.. - London : Printed for J. Ridgway , 1808 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the Highlands of Scotland : with a view of the causes and probable consequences of emigration / by the Earl of Selkirk
2nd ed.. - Edinburgh : Printed by J. Ballantyne & Co. for A. Constable and Co., Edinburgh, and Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, London , 1806 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the Highlands of Scotland : with a view of the causes and probable consequences of emigration / by the Earl of Selkirk
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-Row, and A. Constable and Co., Edinburgh , 1805 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the linen and cotton manufactures of Great Britain
[England? : s.n , 1783?] - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the linen and hempen manufactures of Scotland : and the grievances under which they labour : humbly submitted to the consideration of the nobility, gentlemen of property and influence, and all other friends and well-wishers to these manufactures, in the different counties of Scotland
[S.l : s.n , 1766] - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the linen trade of Ireland : in a series of letters, addressed to the ... Trustees of the Linen Manufacture : in which the reports, libel and British examination of Mr. John Arbuthnot ... are considered and refuted ... / by Robert Stephenson
Dublin : [s.n.] , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the parochial and vagrant poor
London : Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly , 1773 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the police of the metropolis / by George B. Mainwaring
2nd ed.. - London : Printed exclusively for the Pamphleteer , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the poor, and measures proposed for its improvement / by Edward Wilson
Reading [Eng] : Printed by Smart and Cowslade , 1795 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the poor laws
London : J. Ridgway , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the poor of Sheffield : with proposals for their future employment and support
Sheffield : Printed by Wm. Ward , 1774 - オンライン
Observations on the present state of the waste lands of Great Britain : published on the occasion of the establishment of a new colony on the Ohio / by the author of the Tours through England
London : Printed for W. Nicoll , 1773 - オンライン
Observations on the present system of education : with some hints for its improvement
6th ed.. - London : Cowie , 1839 - オンライン
Observations on the present useless state of the extensive forests, belonging to the crown : recommending an immediate improvement of the same, as a proper expedient towards lowering the exorbitant prices of provisions and preventing depopulation / by William Woodward
London : [s.n.] , 1772 - オンライン
Observations on the preservation of hops : pointing out a remedy for the distress of the growers / by John Vallance
London : Printed by J.F. Dove, for Baynes and Son , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the prevailing practice of supplying medical assistance to the poor, commonly called the farming of parishes : with suggestions for the establishment of parochial medicine chests or infirmaries in agricultural districts
[S.l : s.n.] , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the prevention of a future scarcity of grain : by means contributive to the benefit of the landed, commercial, and manufacturing interests / by William Chapman
London : Printed for J. Wallis , 1803 - オンライン
Observations on the price of corn as connected with the commerce of the country and the public revenue / by R. Duppa
London : Printed by T. Bensley, for John Murray , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the principles and operation of banking : with strictures on the opposition to the Bank of Philadelphia / by Anti-monopoly
[United States? : s.n.] , 1804 - オンライン
Observations on the principles and tendency of the East-India bills proposed by the Right Honourable Charles James Fox and the Right Honourable William Pitt : with short sketches of their political characters
London : Printed for J. Stockdale , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the principles to be adopted in the establishment of new municipal corporations : together with the heads of a bill for their future regulation and government / by Francis Palgrave
London : [s.n.] , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the principles which enter into commerce in grain : and into the measures for supplying food to the people : being the substance of an essay read to the Literary and Commercial Society of Glasgow / by Dugald Bannatyne
Glasgow : John Smith and son , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the principles which regulate the course of exchange : and on the present depreciated state of the currency / by William Blake
London : Printed for E. Lloyd , 1810 - オンライン
Observations on the probable consequences of even attempting by legislative authority to obtain a supply of coal from Staffordshire to the metropolis : on the iron trade in Staffordshire and Shropshire in the large way, on the iron and copper trades at Birmingham in the small way, on the price of coal to the inhabitants of London and Westminster, on the collieries in the north, on the carrying trade of Sunderland and Shields, and on the navy of Great Britain. In a letter to William Manning ... / by Henry Grey Macnab
London : Printed and published by V. Griffiths , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the probable consequences of the demolition of London Bridge / by Sir Henry C. Englefield
London : Printed for J. Mawman , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on the proceedings of country bankers during the last thirty years, and on their communications with government : together with a remedy proposed against the alarming consequences arising from the circulation of promissory notes : in a letter addressed to the Chancellor of the Exchequer / by John Milford, jun
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green , 1826 - オンライン
Observations on the produce of the income tax : and on its proportion to the whole income of Great Britain / by the Rev. H. Beeke
A new and corrected ed. / with considerable additions respecting the extent, commerce, population, division of income, and capital of this kingdom.. - London : J. Wright , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the produce of the income tax, and on its proportion to the whole income of Great Britain : including important facts respecting the extent, wealth, and population of this kingdom / by H. Beeke
London : Printed for J. Wright , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the progress of the Episcopal establishment in the West Indies
London : Ridgway , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the project for abolishing the slave trade : and on the reasonableness of attempting some practicable mode of relieving the Negroes
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1790 - オンライン
Observations on the project for abolishing the slave trade, and on the reasonableness of attempting some practicable mode of relieving the Negroes / by John Lord Sheffield
2nd ed., with additions.. - London : Printed by J. Cooper for J. Debrett , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the projected ship canal, from Stolford, in the county of Somerset, to Beer, in the city of Devon
[England : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Observations on the promoting the cultivation of hemp and flax : and extending the linen and hempen manufactures in the South of Ireland / by Peter Besnard
[S.l : s.n.] , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the propagation and management of oak trees in general : but more immediately applying to His Majesty's New-Forest, in Hampshire, with a view of making that extensive tract of land more productive of timber, for the use of the Navy : in a letter, addressed to the Right Honourable John Earl of Chatham ... / by T. Nichols
Southampton : Printed by T. Baker , [1791] - オンライン
Observations on the proposals of the city to insure houses in case of fire
London : Printed for the gentlemen of the Insurance Office ... , 1681 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed abolition of imprisonment for debt on mesne process : shewing its probable effects in disabling creditors from forcing their debtors into bankruptcy, trust-deeds, or compositions, in a letter to Sir Robert Peel, Bart. / by C. Fane
London : S. Sweet , 1838 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed alteration of the timber-duties : with remarks on the pamphlet of Sir Howard Douglas ... / by John Revans
London : J.M. Richardson , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed breakwater in Mount's Bay, and on its connection with a railway into Cornwall : in a letter to Richard Moyle, Esq., Mayor of Penzance, and chairman of a public meeting held in that town on the 19th of January last / by Seymour Tremenheere
Penzance : R.D. Rodda , 1839 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed bridge, and bridge-tax : humbly offered to the town-council of Edinburgh, and to the inhabitants of the city and county / by an old hereditary burgess, and proprietor in both city and county
Edinburgh : [s.n.] , 1775 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed canal : from the Grand Junction Canal, near Cowley, to the Thames, near Maidenhead, with a branch to Windsor ...
[S.l : s.n , 1819] - オンライン
Observations on the proposed duties on the exportation of coals : with tables and statements, from parliamentary returns and other authentic sources
London : Ridgway , [1842] - オンライン
Observations on the proposed establishment of a general register / by John Hodgkin
London : S. Sweet , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed legislative changes in factory labour
Manchester : Bancks , 1833 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed measure for the commutation of tithes
[S.l : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed measure for the regulation of the corn trade : in respect to the encouragement it offers for the importation of foreign flour in preference to wheat
London : Vacher & Sons , 1842 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed Patriotic Bank
[S.l : s.n.] , 1815 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed plan for an universal standard of weights and measures : in a letter to Sir John Sinclair, Bart. ... / by John Rotheram
Edinburgh : Printed for William Creech, and T. Cadell , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the proposed railway from London to Birmingham
[S.l : s.n , 1832?] - オンライン
Observations on the proposed tax on pig-iron / by an iron-master
[Great Britain? : s.n.] , 1806 - オンライン
Observations on the propriety and practicability of simplifying the weights, measures & money used in this country : without materially altering the present standards / by C.W. Pasley
[Chatham : s.n.] , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the prospectus of the proposed Union Canal
[Edinburgh : W. Reid & Co , 1816] - オンライン
Observations on the public records of the four courts at Westminster : and on the measures recommended by the Committee of the House of Commons in 1800, for rendering them more accessible to the public / by William Illingworth ; drawn up by the desire of His Majesty's Commissioners on the public records
[S.l : s.n , 1831] - オンライン
Observations on the publication of Walter Boyd, Esq. M.P / by Sir Francis Baring
London : J. Sewell, and J. Debrett , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the publick affairs of Great-Britain : with some toughts [sic] on the treaty concluded and signed (on what terms God knows) at Seville in Spain, between His Catholick Majesty and the King of Great-Britain / in a letter from W. Raleigh to Caleb D'Anvers ...
The 2nd ed.. - London : Printed for the author, and sold by the booksellers and pamphletsellers of London and Westminster , 1729 - オンライン
Observations on the punishment of offenders and the preservation of the peace, occasioned by the trespasses, riots, and felonies, now prevalent in the county of Nottingham / by J.T. Becher
Newark : Printed by and for S. and J. Ridge , 1812 - オンライン
Observations on the question of the corn laws and free trade : shewing the disadvantages of the present system, particularly to the landed interest, and the propriety and necessity of altering it : at the same time pointing out the evils of too sudden a change, and suggesting a means of effecting it with the least disadvantage : to which is added, a short account of Mr. Jacob's report of foreign corn and agriculture / by J. Wyatt
London : J. Hatchard , 1826 - オンライン
Observations on the question to be balloted for at the East India House, January 14, 1795 : viz. "That no director be allowed to trade to or from India, in his private capacity : either directly or indirectly, either as principal or agent."
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1795 - オンライン
Observations on the rate of mortality & sickness existing amongst friendly societies : particularised for various trades, occupations, and localities : with a series of tables, shewing the value of annuities, sick gift, assurance for death, and contributions to be paid equivalent thereto : calculated from the experience of the members composing the Manchester Unity of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows / by Henry Ratcliffe
Manchester [England] : Printed for the Order by G. Falkner , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on the readjustment of taxation : and the substitution of a more simple mode of collecting a revenue than at present pursued : with a view to the extension of commerce, and the amelioration of the condition of the "people."
London : J. Ridgway , 1845 - オンライン
Observations on the receipt tax and some other stamp duties by which labour is wanted : with suggestions for commuting them / by a conservative
London : E. Wilson , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the recent pamphlet of J. Horsley Palmer, Esq., on the causes and consequences of the pressure on the money market &c / by Samson Ricardo
London : C. Knight , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the reclamation of waste lands and their cultivation by croft husbandry : considered with a view to the productive employment of destitute labourers, paupers, and criminals / by William Pulteney Alison
Edinburgh ; London : W. Blackwood , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on the reconciliation of Great-Britain and the colonies : in which are exhibited arguments for and against that measure / by a friend of American liberty
Philadelphia : Printed by R. Bell , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the recovery of land from the sea, in connexion with the National Inclosure Company
2nd ed., with additions.. - [England : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations on the reform bill : and on the dangers of the present crisis / by Montagu Gore
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
Observations on the regulations which have been made for preventing the spreading of the distemper among the cattle
[England? : s.n , 1750] - オンライン
Observations on the religion, law, government, and manners of the Turks
2nd ed. / corr. and enl. by the author ; to which is added, The state of the Turkey trade, from its origin to the present time.. - London : Printed for J. Nourse , 1771 - オンライン
Observations on the reply of the Kentish, &c. oyster-dredgers to the Essex importers case : humbly submitted to the consideration of the Honourable the House of Commons
[England? : s.n , 1737?] - オンライン
Observations on the report for the Select Committee of the House of Commons : to whom the several petitions complaining of the depressed state of the agriculture of the United Kingdom, were referred in the session of 1821 / by Geo. Webb Hall
London : Printed for the author at the Office of the Farmers' journal , [1821] - オンライン
Observations on the report from, and minutes of evidence taken before, the select committee of the House of Lords, on the coal trade
[England? : s.n.] , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on the report from the Committee, Appointed by the Honourable the House of Commons, to Enquire into the State of the Linen Trade in Great-Britain and Ireland : also on a printed paper, intitled, The state of the linen manufacture of Great-Britain and Ireland
[S.l : s.n , 1773?] - オンライン
Observations on the report from the select committee of the House of Commons : appointed to inquire into the allegations of the several petitions presented to the House in the last and present sessions of Parliament, complaining of the depressed state of the agriculture of the United Kingdom, in the session of 1822 / by Geo. Webb Hall
London : Printed for the author at the office of the Farmers' journal, by Ruffy and Evans , [1822] - オンライン
Observations on the report of a trial made by the Rt. Hon. William Forbes, Esq ; Lord Mayor of the city of Dublin : by the petitioning bakers, to the Rt. Hon. and Hon. the House of Commons for redress, in respect of the table of assize
[S.l : s.n , 1757?] - オンライン
Observations on the report of Mr. Hugh Baird ... relative to the proposed Union Canal, from Lock no. 16, of the Great Canal near Falkirk, to Edinburgh
Edinburgh : Printed for W. Blackwood , 1814 - オンライン
Observations on the Report of the bullion committee / by the Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair
London : Printed by W. Bulmer and co , 1810 - オンライン
Observations on the Report of the bullion committee / by the Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair
2nd ed.. - London : Printed by W. Bulmer and co , 1810 - オンライン
Observations on the Report of the bullion committee / by the Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair
3rd ed.. - London : Printed by W. Bulmer and co , 1810 - オンライン
Observations on the report of the bullion committee in 1810 : in a letter addressed to the members of the London Political Economy Club / by A.G. Stapleton
London : J. Hatchard and Son , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the Report of the committee of secrecy
London : Printed for J. Roberts ... , 1715 - オンライン
Observations on the Report of the committee of secrecy
Edinburgh : Printed for David Scot ... , 1715 - オンライン
Observations on the report of the Committee of the House of Commons : appointed to enquire into the state of the British fishery / by Robert Fall, Esq
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1786 - オンライン
Observations on the report of the committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into the high price of gold bullion, &c. &c : together with some remarks on the work of Francis Blake, Esq. F.R.S. entitled "Observations on the principles which regulate the course of exchange, and on the present depreciated state of the currency" / by Edward Thornton
London : Printed for J. Stockdale , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the report of the Committee of Ways and Means : made at Washington, 12th March, 1828
Philadelphia : [s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations on the report of the Gauge Commissioners presented to Parliament
Westminster : J. Bigg , 1846 - オンライン
Observations on the report of the Select Committee of the House of Lords, relative to the timber trade / by a British merchant
2nd ed.. - London : J.M. Richardson , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on the report of the Select Committee of the House of Lords, relative to the timber trade / by a British merchant
London : J.M. Richardson , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on the reports of the committees of both Houses of Parliament : on the expediency of resuming cash-payments at the Bank of England / in a letter to a friend
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the reports of the committees of both houses of Parliament on the expediency of resuming cash-payments at the Bank of England : in a letter to a friend
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1819 - オンライン
Observations on the reports of the directors of the East India Company : respecting the trade between India and Europe / by Thomas Henchman. To which is added, an appendix, containing the papers referred to in the work
London : Printed by T. Gillet , 1801 - オンライン
Observations on the reports of the directors of the East India Company, respecting the trade between India and Europe : to which is added an appendix, containing the papers referred to in the work / by Thomas Henchman
2nd ed., considerably enl.. - London : Printed for J. Wright and J. Debrett, et al , 1802 - オンライン
Observations on the reports of the select committees of both Houses of Parliament, on the subject of the timber trade and commercial restrictions : in which are pointed out the real bearings of those questions and the shipping and manufacturing interests of the kingdom, and the great importance of the trade with the North American colonies as compared with that to Norway and Sweden : also some remarks on Canada and the United States, and the trade between those countries and the West India colonies
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1820 - オンライン
Observations on the restrictive and prohibitory commercial system : especially with a reference to the decree of the Spanish Cortes of July 1820 / from the mss. of Jeremy Bentham, Esq., by John Bowring
London : Effingham Wilson , 1821 - オンライン
Observations on the Rev. Edward Chichester's pamphlet, entitled Oppressions and cruelties of Irish revenue officers / by Aeneas Coffey
[England : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations on the review of the controversy between Great-Britain and her colonies
London : Printed for T. Becket and P.A. De Hondt , 1769 - オンライン
Observations on the Rhode Island coal and certificates with regard to its qualities, value, and various uses
[Boston : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations on the rights of the British colonies to representation in the Imperial Parliament / by David Chisholme
Three-Rivers : Printed and published by G. Stobbs , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the rise and progress of the cotten trade in Great Britain : particularly in Lancashire and the adjoining counties / by John Kennedy
[England : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations on the river Tyne : with a view to the improvement of its navigation : addressed to the coal owners of the district, the merchants and ship owners of Newcastle, and of North and South Shields / by J. MacGregor
Newcastle : E. Charnley , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the round towers in Ireland and Scotland
[Great Britain? : s.n.] , 1779 - オンライン
Observations on the ruinous tendency of the Spitalfields Act to the silk manufacture of London
London : Printed for J. and A. Arch , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the ruinous tendency of the Spitalfields Act to the silk manufacture of London : to which is added a Reply to Mr. Hale's appeal to the public in defence of the act
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for J. and A. Arch , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the rural affairs of Ireland, or, A practical tretise on farming, planting and gardening ... : including some remarks on the reclaiming of bogs and wastes, and a few hints on ornamental gardening / by Joseph Lambert
Dublin : W. Curry , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the sanatory arrangements of factories : with remarks on the present methods of warming and ventilation, and proposals for their improvement / by Robert Ritchie
London : J. Weale [etc., etc.] , 1844 - オンライン
Observations on the scarcity of money : and its effects upon the public / by Edward Tatham
Oxford : Printed and sold by N. Bliss , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the scarcity of money : and its effects upon the public / by Edward Tatham
2nd ed.. - Oxford : Printed and sold by N. Bliss , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the scarcity of money : and its effects upon the public / by Edward Tatham
3rd ed.. - Oxford : Printed and sold by N. Bliss , 1816 - オンライン
Observations on the scheme before Parliament for the maintenance of the poor : with occasional remarks on the present system, and a plan proposed upon different principles : in a letter to Thomas Gilbert, Esq. ; member for Litchfield
Chester : Printed by J. Poole , 1776 - オンライン
Observations on the scheme of Mr. Law, in France, and of Sir Humphry Mackworth, in Great-Britain : and concerning the establishing paper-money, and forcing credit
London : Printed for W. Boreham ... , [1720] - オンライン
Observations on the school return for the Diocese of Bath and Wells : showing the uncharitable nature and puseyite tendency of some of the questions contained therein / by Thomas Spencer
London : J. Green , 1842 - オンライン
Observations on the Scotch system of poor laws : together with the explanation of a plan for the suppression of vagrants, street beggars, and impostors ... / by James Cruickshank
Aberdeen : Printed for F. Frost , 1813 - オンライン
Observations on the Scotch system of poor laws : together with the explanation of a plan for the suppression of vagrants, street beggars, and impostors, for the relief of occasional distress, and the encouragement of industry among the poor, recommended to the consideration of the public / by James Cruickshank
Aberdeen : Printed for F. Frost , 1813 - オンライン
Observations on the scurvy : with a review of the opinions lately advanced on that disease and a new theory defended, on the approved method of cure and the induction of pneumatic chemistry ... / by Thomas Trotter
2d ed.. - London : Printed for T. Longman : J. Watts , 1792 - オンライン
Observations on the second report of the Commissioners Appointed to Enquire into the Law of Real Property / respectfully addressed to the serious consideration of the gentry, freeholders, and merchants of the county of Durham, by Francis Mewburn
[England? : s.n , 1830] - オンライン
Observations on the several matters offered to the Linen Board as materials for a linen bill : particularly on a paper, called, Observations on the linen trade : together with some humble hints with regard to the proposed amendment of our linen laws / by the linen weavers and manufacturers of the towns of Belfast, Lisburn, Hillsborough, and country adjacent
Dublin : Printed for Peter Wilson , 1763 - オンライン
Observations on the sinking fund : humbly recommended to the attention of members of Parliament, previous to the passing of a new loan bill
London : Printed for R. Bickerstaff , 1810 - オンライン
Observations on the slave trade : and a description of some part of the coast of Guinea, during a voyage, made in 1787, and 1788, in company with Doctor A. Sparrman and Captain Arrehenius [sic] / by C.B. Wadstrom
London : Printed and sold by James Phillips , 1789 - オンライン
Observations on the social and political state of the European people in 1848 and 1849 : being the second series of the Notes of a traveller / by Samuel Laing
London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans , 1850 - オンライン
Observations on the sources and effects of unequal wealth : with propositions towards remedying the disparity of profit in pursuing the arts of life, and establishing security in individual prospects and resources / by L. Byllesby
New York : L.J. Nichols , 1826 - オンライン
Observations on the Speech of Sir William Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on ... 25th July 1848, on colonial expenditure and government / by J.T. Danson
London : J. Ridgway , [1848] - オンライン
Observations on the speech of Sir William Scott, and other matters relating to the church : in which the fatal consequences of permitting the clergy to hold farms are stated, in a letter to a member of Parliament / by a Kentish clergyman, author of Thoughts on the preliminary articles of peace, &c
London : Printed by W. and C. Spilsbury for F. and C. Rivington ... [et al.] , 1803 - オンライン
Observations on the speech of the Hon. John Randolph, representative for the state of Virginia, in the General Congress of America : on a motion for the non-importation of British merchandize, pending the present dispute between Great-Britain and America / by the author of War in disguise
New York : London printed, re-printed for E. Sargeant , 1806 - オンライン
Observations on the speech of the Right Hon. W. Huskisson : in the House of Commons, Tuesday, the 11th of June, 1822, on Mr. Western's motion concerning the resumption of cash payments, published March 20th, 1823 / by C.C. Western ...
London : Printed by C.H. Reynell for J. Ridgway , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the speech of the Right Honorable John Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland, delivered there April 11, 1799 / by J. Downes
London : Printed and sold by the author : J. Hatchard , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the spleen and vapours : containing remarkable cases of persons of both sexes and all ranks, from the aspiring director to the humble bubbler, who have been miserably afflicted with those melancholy disorders since the fall of South-Sea ... : the whole digested by way of journal and accommodated to publick use / by Sir John Midriff ...
London : Printed for J. Roberts ... , 1721 - オンライン
Observations on the standard of value and the circulating medium of this country / by William Debonaire Haggard
London : P. Richardson , 1840 - オンライン
Observations on the standard of value and the circulating medium of this country / by William Debonaire Haggard
2nd ed.. - London : P. Richardson , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on the state and condition of the poor, under the institution, for their relief, in the city of Dublin : together with the state of the fund, &c
Dublin : Printed by William Wilson , 1775 - オンライン
Observations on the state of agriculture : and condition of the lower classes of the people, in the southern parts of Ireland, in the year 1812 : to which are added further observations relating to the same subjects, in the year 1822 / by Joshua Kirby Trimmer
London : F.C. and J. Rivington [etc.] , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the state of bankrupts : under the present laws : in a letter to a member of Parliament
London : Printed for M. Cooper , 1760 - オンライン
Observations on the state of gold and silver in Great-Britain, both in coin and bullion : and the reason why so little has been coined at His Majesty's mint : with a method for encouraging the coinage and keeping it within due bounds
[England? : s.n , 1730] - オンライン
Observations on the state of Ireland : addressed to impartial inquirers
London : Saunders and Otley , 1832 - オンライン
Observations on the state of Ireland : principally directed to its agriculture and rural population, in a series of letters, written on a tour through that country / by J.C. Curwen
London : Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy , 1818 - オンライン
Observations on the state of population in Manchester : and other adjacent places / by Thomas Percival, M.D
[S.l : s.n , 1789?] - オンライン
Observations on the state of the children in cotton mills
[England : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Observations on the state of the country : and on the proper policy of administration
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on the state of the country, or, A Concise statement of its present situation and resources : and what it was previous to the late long and expensive war with France, compared with the present situation of the neighboring states of the continent / by Henry James
London : Sold by J.M. Richardson , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on the state of the country since the peace
London : Printed for William Stockdale , 1817 - オンライン
Observations on the state of the currency : with suggestions for equalising its value and reducing to uniformity the banking system in the United States
[United States : s.n.] , 1829 - オンライン
Observations on the state of the highways, and on the laws for amending and keeping them in repairore easy and effectual repair of the highways / by John Hawkins
London : Printed by His Majesty's law-printer, for J. Worrall, sold also, by Mess. Dodsley [and 3 others] , 1763 - オンライン
Observations on the state of the parochial schools in Scotland, and on the justice and expediency of giving an immediate increase to the salaries of the schoolmasters : with a plan for doing it in the manner most equitable and least burdensome to the public / by a freeholder
Edinburgh : Printed by A. Neill and Co , 1802 - オンライン
Observations on the state of the poor and the practical tendencies of the new Poor Law : addressed to the clergy, rate-payers, Boards of Guardians, and select vestries, as well as to all churchwardens and overseers / by Thomas Spencer
London : J. Ridgway , 1835 - オンライン
Observations on the state of the wine trade : occasioned by the perusal of a pamphlet on the same subject by Mr. Warre ... / by Fleetwood Williams
2nd ed.. - London : J. Hatchard , 1824 - オンライン
Observations on the statute of the thirty-first George II. ch. 29. concerning the assize of bread : with occasional references to the 3d George III. chap. 11, the 13th George III. chap. 62, and to the late statute for regulating the assize of bread in the city of London / by the Rev. Luke Heslop ...
London : Printed by Bunney & Gold for Shepperson and Reynolds , 1799 - オンライン
Observations on the structure and draught of wheel-carriages / By J. Jacob
London : E. and C. Dilly , 1773 - オンライン
Observations on the subject of internal navigation : addressed to the members of the legislature of Pennsylvania
[Philadelphia : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations on the superannuation fund : proposed to be established in the several public departments, by the Treasury minute of the 10th August, 1821
[England? : s.n.] , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on the system of metallic currency adopted in this country / by Wm. Hampson Morrison
London : J. Capes and Co , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the system of metallic currency adopted in this country / by Wm. Hampson Morrison
2nd ed., with explanatory notes.. - London : J. Capes and Co , 1837 - オンライン
Observations on the system of metallic currency adopted in this country / by Wm. Hampson Morrison
3rd ed., with explanatory notes.. - London : J. Capes and Son , 1847 - オンライン
Observations on the tariff, with reference to the printing of silk into handkerchiefs ....
[New York? : s.n , 1828?] - オンライン
Observations on the taxation of property ...
London : Printed for the author and sold by Carpenter , 1798 - オンライン
Observations on the Tea and Window Act, and on the tea trade / Richard Twining
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1784 - オンライン
Observations on the tea and window act, and on the tea trade / by Richard Twining
2d ed. .... - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the tea and window act, and on the tea trade / by Richard Twining
3d ed. .... - London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1785 - オンライン
Observations on the "Tea Duties act" / by Edmund E. Antrobus
London : Roake and Varty , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the territorial rights and commercial privileges of the East India Company : with a view to the renewal of the Company's charter, in a letter to a member of Parliament
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1813 - オンライン
Observations on the third report of the commissioners of military enquiry / by Alexander Davison
[England : s.n , 1807] - オンライン
Observations on the tin trade of the ancients in Cornwall : and on the "Ictis" of Diodorus Siculus / by Sir Christopher Hawkins
London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale , 1811 - オンライン
Observations on the title to lands derived through inclosure acts / by Thomas Coventry
London : J. & W.T. Clarke , 1827 - オンライン
Observations on the trade between Ireland, and the English and foreign colonies in America : in a letter to a friend
London : [s.n.] , 1731 - オンライン
Observations on the Trading companies' bill
London : J. Fraser , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the training and education of children in Great Britain : a letter to Sir James Graham on impressment, and a translation from the French of M. Ducpetiaux's work on mendicity ... / by Edward Pelham Brenton
London : C. Rice , 1834 - オンライン
Observations on the treatment of the negroes, in the island of Jamaica : including some account of their temper and character : with remarks on the importation of slaves from the coast of Africa : in a letter to a physician in England / from Hector M'Neill
London ; Liverpool : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson : J. Gore , [1800?] - オンライン
Observations on the treaty of commerce between Great Britain and France
London : Printed for R. Blamire , 1787 - オンライン
The observations on the Treaty of Seville examined
London : Printed for R. Francklin , 1730 - オンライン
Observations on the trial of Mr. Robt. Perreau : with Mr. Perreau's defence, as spoken on his trial, in which many unaccounted-for omissions in the sessions-paper are supplied, from a copy sent to the author by Mrs. R. Perreau : an address to the jury on Mr. R. Perreau's trial : and such remarks on Mrs. Rudd's narrative as tend to confirm the justness of these observations : the whole prefaced with correspondence between the author & Mrs. R. Perreau
London : Printed for S. Bladon , 1775 - オンライン
Observations on the Union, Orange associations, and other subjects of domestic policy : with reflections on the late events on the continent / by George Moore
London : Re-printed for J. Debrett, by S. Gosnell , 1800 - オンライン
Observations on the use of power looms / by a friend to the poor
Rochvale : Printed by J. Hartley, and sold by him , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the usury laws : and on the effect of the recent alterations : with suggestions for the permanent amendment of the law, and the draft of an act for that purpose / by John Barnard Byles
London : S. Sweet , 1845 - オンライン
Observations on the utility, form and management of water meadows, and the draining and irrigating of peat bogs : with an account of Prisley Bog and other extraordinary improvements, conducted for His Grace the Duke of Bedford, Thomas William Coke, Esq. M.P., and others / by William Smith
[England? : s.n.] , 1806 - オンライン
Observations on the utility of floating breakwaters as a protection for shipping / by J.R. Groves
Tiverton : J. Salter , 1841 - オンライン
Observations on the utility of floating breakwaters : (manufactured in iron) as applied to the formation of harbours of refuge / by John R. Groves
3rd ed.. - London : J. Bohn , 1842 - オンライン
Observations on the utility of patents : and on the sentiments of Lord Kenyon respecting that subject : including free remarks on Mr. Beetham's patent washing mills : and hints to those who solicit for patents
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for Ridgway , 1791 - オンライン
Observations on the vagrant act, and some other statutes, and on the powers and duties of the justices of the peace / by John Adolphus
London : Printed for J. Major , 1824 - オンライン
Observations on the various systems of canal navigation with inferences practical and mathematical : in which Mr. Fulton's plan of wheel-boats and the utility of subterraneous and of small canals are particularly investigated : including an account of the canals and inclined planes of China / by William Chapman
London : Published by I. and J. Taylor , 1797 - オンライン
Observations on the vinous fermentation : with a description of a patent apparatus to improve the same : also a statement of the advantages to be derived from this system when applied to the process of brewing, as confirmed by the testimony of Messrs. Gray and Co., brewers, of Westham, in the county of Essex
London : Sold by Westley and Parrish, and by all other booksellers , 1823 - オンライン
Observations on the visiting, superintendence, and government of female prisoners / by Elizabeth Fry
London : J. and A. Arch , 1827 - オンライン
Observations on the visiting, superintending, and government of female prisoners / by Elizabeth Fry
2nd ed.. - London : J. and A. Arch , 1827 - オンライン
Observations on the wealth and force of nations / by Charles McKinnon
[Scotland? : s.n.] , 1781 - オンライン
Observations on the wealth and force of nations / by Charles M'Kinnon
[Scotland? : s.n.] , 1782 - オンライン
Observations on the West-India Company bill as printed and read a second time on ... March 29, 1825
London : Printed by Ellerton and Henderson, for J. Hatchard , 1825 - オンライン
Observations on the West India Dock salaries : in a letter addressed to Randle Jackson, Esq., barrister at law
London : Printed for J. Stockdale , 1804 - オンライン
Observations on the woollen manufacture, in the West-Riding of the county of York / by a clothier
Leeds : Sold by Mr. Mawman , 1808 - オンライン
Observations on the working of the government scheme of education and on school inspection : suggesting a mode of providing an efficient and more extended inspection for those schools in connexion with the church without expense to the country : with other general remarks on elementary education / by Richard Dawes
London : Groombridge , 1849 - オンライン
Observations on the working of the government scheme of education and on school inspection : suggesting a mode of providing an efficient and more extended inspection for those schools in connexion with the church without expense to the country : with other general remarks on elementary education / by Richard Dawes
2nd ed.. - London : Groombridge , 1849 - オンライン
Observations on the writings of the Craftsman
London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1730 - オンライン
Observations on tithes : shewing the inconveniences of all the schemes that have been proposed for altering that antient manner of providing for the clergy of the established Church of Ireland / by William Hale. To which is annexed, a second edition of The moderate reformer, or, A proposal for abolishing some of the most obvious and gross abuses that have crept into the Church of England, and are the occasion of frequent complaints against it ... / by a friend to the Church of England
London : Sold by B. and J. White , 1794 - オンライン
Observations on trade, and a publick spirit : shewing, I. that all trade ought to be in common, and the danger of monopolies ... / written by Thomas Baston
London : Printed for O. Payne , 1732 - オンライン
Observations on trade and taxes : shewing what is requisite and necessary to secure and increase the wealth and power of the British nation : humbly offered to the consideration of the members of both Houses of Parliament
London : Printed for the author , 1751 - オンライン
Observations on trade : considered in reference, particularly, to the public debt, and to the agriculture of the United Kingdom / by Richard Heathfield
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ... [et al.] , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on trade, customs, taxes, excise, credit, securities, publick-debts, bankrupts, and coin : humbly presented to the consideration of our legislators, and to all that with the prosperity of Great Britain : particularly to the electors of members to represent us in Parliament : pointing out a natural and infallible way to make every British subject rich, safe, and happy
London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1734 - オンライン
Observations on two pamphlets (lately published) attributed to Mr. Brougham
London : J. Hatchard and Son , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on two pamphlets (lately published) attributed to Mr. Brougham
London : J. Hatchard , 1830 - オンライン
Observations on weights and measures : containing a plan for uniformity, founded on a philosophical standard : with observations on the last parliamentary report on the same subject, and remarks on the weights and measures of Scotland, particularly those of Glasgow : being an essay read before the Glasgow Philosophical Society, and by them unanimously recommended to be published / by R. Wallace
Glasgow : Sold by W. Turnbull, and the other booksellers , 1822 - オンライン
Observations on woollen machinery
[S.l : s.n.] , 1803 - オンライン
Observations, particularly addressed to the adventurers in Tincroft Mine : and submitted to the consideration of the lords, adventurers, merchants, and landholders, in the mining parts of Cornwall / by a Cornishman
Exeter : Printed by Trewman and Son , 1802 - オンライン
Observations particulières : sur le commerce du Levant avec Marseille
[Paris : J.-M. Eberhart, Imprimeur , 1815] - オンライン
Observations, pieces et preuves pour les maitres de poste, demandeurs en fin du nouveau bail des messageries
[France : s.n.] , 1791 - オンライン
Observations pn the present state of agriculture, tithes, poor's rates, and taxes, in England
Yarmouth : Printed and published by W. Meggy , 1822 - オンライン
Observations politiques et morales de finance et de commerce, ou, Examen approfondi d'un ouvrage / M.R. ***, de Geneve, dit l'emprunt et l'impot
Lausane : [s.n.] , 1780 - オンライン
Observations politiques, morales & experimentees, sur les vrais principes de la finance : suivies d'un essay sur les moyens de reforme, pour les finances de la Grande Bretagne ... / par J.V.D. Hey
Londres : H. Reynell , 1784 - オンライン
Observations pour et contre le projet de loi sur les douanes : budjet [i.e. budget] de 1816
[Paris : de l'Imprimérie de Cussac , 1816?] - オンライン
Observations pour la Banque territoriale : sur le projet de loi relatif aux banques
[Paris : de l'Imprimerie de la Banque Territoriale , an XI (1803)] - オンライン
Observations pour la Compagnie des salines de l'est : sur deux pétitions présentées a la Chambre des députés par la Société industrielle de Mulhouse et quelques fabricans de soude
[Paris : Imprimérie de E. Doverger , 1832?] - オンライン
Observations pour les débiteurs de rentes viagères (capitaux fournis en assignats), sur la troisième résolution du 28 messidor
[Paris] : Impr. de J.P. Brasseur , [1795?] - オンライン
Observations pour les juge-consuls et négocians de Besançon : sur les nouveaux bureaux & douane que le fermier général projette d'établir dans la province, & à Besançon
[France] : Impr. de Q.J. Bogillot , [1774?] - オンライン
Observations pour les marchands tapissiers-couverturiers de Paris
[France : s.n.] , 1772 - オンライン
Observations pour servir de suite au Mémoire sur la franchise du territoire de la ville de Dijon : et de réponse aux Réflexions sur cet ecrit
Dijon : L.N. Frantin , 1786 - オンライン
Observations pratiques sur les bêtes a laine : dans la province du Berry / par M. le chevalier de Lamerville
Paris : Chez Buisson , 1786 - オンライン
Observations préliminaires de M. Bergasse ... : sur l'état des finances publié par M. de Montesquiou, et adopté par l'Assemblée nationale ...
2e éd., corrigée.. - Paris : Chez Lallemand , 1791 - オンライン
Observations preliminary to a proposed amendment of the poor laws : addressed to the members of the two houses of Parliament / by William Young
London : Printed by J. Nichols for J. Robson and W. Clarke , 1788 - オンライン
Observations preliminary to a proposed amendment of the poor laws : addressed to the members of the two houses of Parliament, and to the magistrates of this kingdom / by William Young ...
London : Printed for J. Robson and W. Clarke , 1788 - オンライン
Observations preliminary to a proposed amendment of the poor laws : addressed to the members of the two houses of Parliament, and to the magistrates of this kingdom / by William Young, Esq. ... N.B. a copy of the poor bill is annexed, &c
London : Printed for J. Robson and W. Clarke , 1788 - オンライン
Observations présentées à la Chambre des Députes : au nom des fabricans et commerçans des toiles dites de Bretagne / par Jean-Baptiste Villart
[Paris : Hacquart , 1815?] - オンライン
Observations présentées au citoyen Cavaignac, chef du pouvoir exécutif, sur les effets de la création d'une banque hypothécaire foncière
[France : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
Observations présentées au nom des Maîtres de forges du royaume, sur le projet de loi proposé à la Chambre de MM. les députés des départemens, le 20 août 1814, concernant les nouveaux droits à imposer sur les fers et aciers étrangers
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations presentées au roi par les bureaux de l'Assemblée de notables : sur les mémoires remis a l'assemblée ouverte par le roi, a Versailles, le 23 février, 1787
Versailles : De l'Imprimerie de Ph-D. Pierres , 1787 - オンライン
Observations présentées par la Chambre de commerce de la ville de Lyon au Comité du commerce de l'Assemblée nationale concernant l'Ordre de Malte & envoyées, le 23 juillet 1790, à M. Tournachon, député du commerce de Lyon, qui en a fait lecture au Comité des députés extraordinaires des manufactures & du commerce de France
Paris : Impr. de la veuve d'Houry , [1790] - オンライン
Observations rapides sur l'impossibilité d'adopter le plan de la municipalité de Paris / par M. Ducloz Dufresnoy
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations rapides sur la lettre de Monsieur de Calonne au roi
Paris : [s.n.] , 1789 - オンライン
Observations rapides sur la nullilté du procès commencé contre Louis XVI : et l'incompétence des hommes qui ont cru pouvoir se constituer ses juges / pour servir de suit au plaidoyer de M. De Seze
Paris : Frollé , 1792 - オンライン
Observations regarding the salmon fishery of Scotland : especially with reference to the stake-net mode of fishing, the regulation of the close-time, and the necessity of a legislative revisal of the antiquated Scots statutes at present applicable to these subjects
Edinburgh : Printed for Bell & Bradfute , 1824 - オンライン
Observations regarding the salmon fishery of Scotland : especially with reference to the stake-net mode of fishing, the regulation of the close-time, and the necessity of a legislative revisal of the antiquated Scots statutes at present applicable to these subjects
2nd ed.. - Edinburgh : Printed for Bell & Bradfute , 1824 - オンライン
Observations relating to British and Spanish proceedings, &c. wherein due notice is taken of a memorable dialogue between Harry and Will. on the expediency of a continental war : and proper inquiry is made after the motives for taking since that dialogue was written, some such measures as Will. therein says, have been the overthrow of all our councils ... most humbly submitted to the consideration of the Parliament and people of Great Britain / by J. Massie
London : Sold by T. Payne, W. Owen , 1762 - オンライン
Observations relating to the bill for relief of insolvent debtors, humbly offer'd to the honourable House of Commons
[London? : s.n , 1715] - オンライン
Observations relating to the building of a bridge : most humbly submitted to both Houses of Parliament
[Great Britain? : s.n , 1736] - オンライン
Observations relating to the coin of Great Britain : consisting partly of extracts from Mr. Locke's treatise concerning money, but chiefly of such additions thereto ... whereunto is annexed, Sir William Petty's Quantulumcunque concerning money ... / by J. Massie
London : Printed for T. Payne, sold by W. Owen, C. Henderson , 1760 - オンライン
Observations relative to a bill intended to have been presented to Parliament this sessions, for the better draining the Middle and South Bedford Levels, and the improvement of navigation
[England? : s.n.] , 1778 - オンライン
Observations relative to infant schools : designed to point out their usefulness to the children of the poor, to their parents, and to society at large / by Thomas Pole
Bristol, [Avon] : Printed and sold for the author, by D.G. Goyder , 1823 - オンライン
Observations relative to the corn laws : and on the evidence given before both Houses of Parliament, on that important subject / by a friend to his country
London : Printed for J. Bell , 1815 - オンライン
Observations relative to the establishment of the West India Agricultural Company
[England : s.n.] , 1836 - オンライン
Observations relative to the national debt
Rochester : Printed and sold by S. Caddel , 1841 - オンライン
Observations relative to the proposed wet docks of the merchants of London
[London? : s.n , 1796?] - オンライン
Observations relative to the renewal of the East India Company's charter / by Richard Twining
London : Printed for Black, Parry, and Co , 1813 - オンライン
Observations relative to the resources of the East India Company for productive remittance : and the national loss occasioned by the importation of the same species of cotton goods which can be manufactured in Great Britain
[S.l : s.n., 1788] - オンライン
Observations relative to the situation of the country at the commencement of the year 1820, in regard to its finances, morals and religion : with a plan for their gradual improvement / by A.B.C
2nd ed.. - London : P. Richardson , 1843 - オンライン
Observations relative to the taxes upon windows or lights : a commutation of these taxes being also suggested ... to which are added, observations on the shop-tax ... short observations on the late act relative to hawkers and pedlars ... a hint for the improvement of the metropolis ... / by John Lewis de Lolme
London : Printed for the author, and sold by W. Richardson [and 7 others] , 1788 - オンライン
Observations relatives au droit féodal de la province de Bretagne : sur les droits féodaux supprimés sans indemnité, par les décrets de l'Assemblée nationale du 4 août & autres jours suivans, et projet d'évaluation des rentes & droits qui ont été déclarés rachetables
[France : s.n.] , 1790 - オンライン
Observations rélatives au mémoire que la Commission générale des monnoyes et le Ministre des contributions publiques ont présenté à la Convention nationale le 30 octobre 1792 : sur la refonte des monnoyes et les nouvelles empreintes : présentées à la Convention nationale par Dupré, graveur général des monnoyes de France / rédigées par Verlac
[France : s.n.] , 1793 - オンライン
Observations relatives au projet de loi sur la dette publique et l'amortissement : présenté à la Chambre des députés, le janvier 1825, à l'exposé des motifs du projet, au rapport fait au nom de la commission, le 17 fevrier, par M. Huerne de Pommeuse / par M. le vte de Prunelé
[Paris] : Delaunay , [1825?] - オンライン
Observations, remarks, and means to prevent smuggling : humbly submitted to the consideration of the Rt. Honorable the House of Peers, and the Honorable House of Commons in Parliament assembled / by their obedient, humble servant, George Bishop
Maidstone : [s.n.] , 1783 - オンライン
Observations respectfully submitted to the Select and Secret Committees of both Houses of Parliament : appointed to consider the propriety of resuming cash-payments, or continuing the bank restriction / by the Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair
London : Hatchard , 1819 - オンライン
Observations respecting the Circar of Mazulipatam : in a letter from John Sulivan, Esquire, to the Court of Directors of the East-India Company
[England? : s.n.] , 1780 - オンライン
Observations respecting the grub : being a paper read to the Holderness Agricultural Society ... and published by the Society ... / by William Stickney
[England] : The Society , 1800 - オンライン
Observations respecting the improvement of the port of London : addressed to the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury / by Cosmo Gordon
London : Printed by J. Walter , 1798 - オンライン
Observations respecting the intended abolition of the present salt-office establishment by incorporating it with the excise system, and the dangerous consequences likely to ensue / by a friend to the public
[Great Britain : s.n.] , 1798 - オンライン
Observations respecting the public expenditure, and the influence of the Crown / by the Right Hon. George Rose
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1810 - オンライン
Observations respecting the public expenditure, and the influence of the Crown / by the Right Hon. George Rose
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1810 - オンライン
Observations respecting the public expenditure, and the influence of the Crown / by the Right Hon. George Rose
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1810 - オンライン
Observations respecting the public expenditure, and the influence of the crown / by the Right Hon. George Rose
4th ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1810 - オンライン
Observations resulting from surveys, levels and views made on the east fen, the low grounds and fens adjoining thereto, belonging to the soke of Bolingbroke, East Holland, and the level towns : with a report of the causes of their present drowned state and condition : also schemes for the drainage thereof, and estimates of the expence of executing those schemes, &c. / by John Grundy
[S.l : s.n.] , 1774 - オンライン
Observations sommaires et dernieres des marchands & fabriques de Lyon, Rouen & Tours, & des six corps des marchands de la ville de Paris : sur l'ouvrage intitulé, Reflexions sur divers objets de commerce, et notamment sur les toiles peintes
[S.l : s.n , a. 1759] - オンライン
Observations sommaires sur le mémoire public pour la colonie de l'Isle-de-France : relativement au commerce de l'Inde
[S.l : s.n.] , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sommaires sur Le pour et le contre : dans la question du commerce libre des colonies : et sur les réponses qui lui ont été faites
[France? : s.n , 1784?] - オンライン
Observations sommaires sur le projet d'une refonte générale des monnoies / par M. Clavière
Paris : Chez Belin, Chez Desenne, Chez Bailly , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sommaires sur le projet de loi relatif à la cour des comptes : présenté à la Chambre des Pairs, le 19 Octobre
Paris : C.-F. Patris , 1815 - オンライン
Observations sommaires : sur le projet de suppression des ateliers monétaires, présenté par le Comité des assignats
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie de l'Anti-fédéraliste , [ca. 1793] - オンライン
Observations sommaires sur les biens ecclésiastiques : du 10 août 1789
Versailles : Chez Baudouin , 1789 - オンライン
Observations sommaires sur les canaux navigables et les chemins de fer, et sur les avantages que la France peut obtenir de sa canalisation, notamment pour la prospérité de son agriculture ...
[Paris : Huzard , 1834] - オンライン
Observations soumises a la Chambre des députés et a la Chambre des pairs de France par les quatre Compagnies des Commerces de Bois ... sur le projet de loi présenté, le 6 avril 1824, à la Chambre députés ... sur les droits de navigation intérieure
[France : s.n , 1824?) - オンライン
Observations soumises à la Chambre des députés et à la Chambre des pairs de France ... : sur le projet de loi présenté le 6 Avril 1824, à la Chambre des députés, par leurs excellences les Ministres des finances et de l'intériur, sur les droits de návigation intérieure / par les mariniers de la Seine-Normande
[France : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
Observations soumises a la Commission d'enquête sur la question des sucres / par le délégué de la Chambre de Commerce de Bordeaux
[France : s.n.] , 1829 - オンライン
Observations su la culture du coton : rédigées par odre de S.M. le roi de Danemarck, pour l'utilité des colonies donoises dans les indes occidentales / par M.J.P.B. de Rohr
[France : s.n , 1807] - オンライン
Observations succinctes sur quelques points de finance, et particulièrement sur le crédit public / par Armand Séguin
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de Porthmann , 1816 - オンライン
Observations succintes sur l'écrit de M. Malouet daté du 20 décembre 1796, intitulé Examen de cette question ... &c. &c / par M. Brard
Londres : Impr. Françoise, chez P. Le Boussonnier : Se vend chez A. Dulau , 1797 - オンライン
Observations sur des circulaires de Mgrs. les évêques du Puy et de Belley : relatives à la matière de l'usure / par Etienne Pagès
Lyon ; Turin : L'auteur : Barera, libraires , 1839 - オンライン
Observations sur divers moyens de soutenir et d'encourager l'agriculture, principalement dans la Guyenne : ou l'on traite des cultures propres à cette province, & des obstacles qui les empêchent de s'étendre
[S.l : s.n.] , 1756 - オンライン
Observations sur divers objets importans
Berlin : Aux dépens de la Société typographique , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur l'administration des finances pendant le gouvernement de juillet et sur ses résultats : en réponse aux rapports de M. le Ministre des finances des 9 mars et 8 mai 1848 / par M. Lacave-Lapalagne
Paris : Guiraudet et Jouaust , 1848 - オンライン
Observations sur l'aménagement des forêts, et particulièrement des forêts nationales / présentées à l'Assemblée nationale, par la Société royale d'agriculture, le 9 juin 1791
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de la Feuille du cultivateur , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur l'amendement de M. Odier, relativement au projet de l'emprunt de 80 millions / par Armand Seguin
Paris : [s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations sur L'article XXI du bail de la vente exclusive de la viande : qui prouvent qu'il est avantageux au peuple de la vendre nette & sans charge ou surpoids
Toulouse : Imprimerie de Me. Rayet , 1779 - オンライン
Observations sur l'emprunt Guebhard / par Xavier de Burgos
Paris : Au Dépot Central de la Librairie , 1834 - オンライン
Observations sur l'établissement du papier-monnoie / par M. l'archevêque d'Aix
[Paris : Rozé , 1790?] - オンライン
Observations sur l'état des classes ouvrières / par Théodore Fix
Paris : Guillaumin , 1846 - オンライン
Observations sur l'exécution de la loi relative aux canaux
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations sur l'histoire naturelle, et sur la richesse minérale de l'Espagne / par F. Le Play
Paris : Carilian-Goeury , 1834 - オンライン
Observations sur l'impôt des successions, et sur celui du sel
Paris : Chez Du Pont , an 6 [1798] - オンライン
Observations sur l'injustice et l'immoralité des droits d'entrée dans les villes : indication des moyens propres à compenser le produit de ces droits par de nouvelles taxes ou contributions proportionnelles aux facultés / par une société de citoyens
[France : s.n , 1791] - オンライン
Observations sur l'introduction en France des fers étrangers
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations sur l'opération du remboursement au pair / par Gustave d'Eichthal
Paris : Imprimerie d'Evérat et compe , 1838 - オンライン
Observations sur l'opinion de M. Philibert, député du département du Var, concernant l'émission des annuités et obligations portant l'intérêt à cinq pour cent / par M. Levesque
Paris : Impr. de l'Ami de la constitution , 1792 - オンライン
Observations sur l'ordonnance du 29 mai 1816 relative aux agens de change de Paris
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations sur l'organisation des tribunaux de commerce maritime, et leurs attributions : extrait d'un rapport fait, en 1792, au comité de la marine de l'assemblée législative : projet de loi et réflexions / par le citoyen Coppens
Paris : de l'Imprimerie de Giguet et Michaud , an 10 [1802] - オンライン
Observations sur l'organisation et sur la compatabilité du trésor royal : avant et depuis la restauration / par M. le Duc de Gaëte
[Paris : Hacquart, imprimeur , 182-?] - オンライン
Observations sur l'ouvrage de M. de Calonne, intitulé, De l'état de la France, présent et à venir, et à son occasion, sur les principaux actes de l'Assemblée nationale : avec un postcrit sur les derniers écrits de MM. Mounier et Lally / par M. Boissy d'Anglas
Paris : Le Boucher ... , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur l'ouvrage Des finances de la France, en 1817, et projet de conservation du cadastre / par M.-F. D*****
Périgueux : F. Dupont , 1817 - オンライン
Observations sur l'usure : en résponse à une brochure intitulée De l'usure, par M. l'abbé Rossignol / par M**
Aix : G. Mouret , 1817 - オンライン
Observations sur la Compagnie des Indes
[S.l : s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur la comparaison de la nouvelle laine superfine de France, avec la plus belle laine d'Espagne : dans la fabrication du drap / lûes à la rentrée publique de l'Académie royale des sciences, le 16 novembre 1785 ; par M. Daubenton, de la même académie
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Royale , 1786 - オンライン
Observations sur la convenance de quelques modifications a apporter au tarif des sucres : présentées par les raffineurs de sucre de Marseille
[France : s.n.] , 1829 - オンライン
Observations sur la décision du Ministre et Secrétaire d'État des finances, prise le 23 juin 1814, sur le proposition de M. le chevalier Hennet, en ce qui concerne l'inspection générale du cadastre / par M. Maurage de Vigny
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations sur la Déclaration du 30 octobre 1785 : et l'augmentation progressive du prix des matieres d'or & d'argent, depuis le 1er janvier 1726
[S.l : s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur la déclaration du 30 octobre 1785 : et l'augmentation progressive du prix des matieres d'or & d'argent, depuis le premier janvier 1726 ... / par Mr. D.P.C.D.M
[S.l : s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur la franchise de Marseille considérée relativement au projet de traité de commerce
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations sur la lettre de M. Claviere au Comité de monnoies : et sur celle de M. Baux a M. Claviere
[s.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations sur la liberté du commerce des grains ...
Amsterdam ; Et se vend à Paris : Chez Michel Lambert, Chez Humblot , 1759 - オンライン
Observations sur la liquidation de l'indemnité
Paris : Pélicier , 1825 - オンライン
Observations sur la loi des successions en Angleterre et en Irlande, et sur le droit de primogéniture / par le Baron Dillon
Paris : P. Mongie , 1826 - オンライン
Observations sur la loi des sucres : lettre adressée a MM. les Membres de la Commissions de la Chambre des Députés : suivie d'un résumé et d'un nouveau projet de loi / par J. Clerc
[France? : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Observations sur la monnoie moulée : décrétée par l'Assemblée nationale, d'après le projet de M. l'abbé Rochon, présenté par M. Milet
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791] - オンライン
Observations sur la monnoie proposée avec le métal des cloches
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791] - オンライン
Observations sur la nature de la liberté civile, sur les principes du gouvernement, sur la justice et la politique de la guerre avec l'Amerique : auxquelles on a ajouté un appendix & un postscriptum, contenant un état de la dette nationnale, une estimation de l'argent tiré du public, par les taxes, & un exposé du révenu & des dépenses de la nation, depuis la dernière guerre / par Richard Price ... traduit de l'anglois, sur la onzième édition, augmentée & corrigée par l'auteur
Rotterdam : Chez Hofhout & Wolfsbergen , 1776 - オンライン
Observations sur la nécessité de comprendre les fontes dans les mesures à prendre contre les fers étrangers : et sur les moyens employés pour éluder les droits établis sur ces fers
Paris : Imprimerie de Fain , 1822 - オンライン
Observations sur la noblesse et le tiers-état / par Madame ***
Amsterdam : Chez Arkstée & Merkus , 1758 - オンライン
Observations sur la pétition de M. Clavière / par M. Lafreté : 15 novembre 1791
[France : s.n.] , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur la population de Genève / par Mr. de Candolle-Boissier
Genève : J.J. Paschoud , 1814 - オンライン
Observations sur la position actuelle de la caisse d'escompte
[Paris] : Clouzier , [1789] - オンライン
Observations sur la question de l'aliénation des forêts nationales : présentées à l'Assemblée nationale le 3 février 1792 / par la Société royale d'agriculture
[France : s.n.] , 1792 - オンライン
Observations sur la question des sucres / présentées aux Chambres des pairs et des députés, par les agriculteurs-fabricants de sucre des arrondissements de Valenciennes et d'Avesnes
Valenciennes : A. Prignet , 1839 - オンライン
Observations sur la question, s'il est avantageux à la province de Lorraine & de Bar, d'y introduire le tarif
[S.l : s.n , 1787] - オンライン
Observations sur la rapport de la Commission du budget, exercice 1829, Section IIe, Ministère de l'Intérieur, Ponts-et-Chaussées / par M. Jousselin
[France : s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations sur la rapport que Citoyen Bruley vient de publier de ses essais de culture a la vénérie / rédigées par une commission et publiées par ordre de la Sociéte d'agriculture
Turin : de l'Imprimerie de la Sociéte d'agriculture , An XII [1803-04] - オンライン
Observations sur la rareté du numeraire, et moyens d'y remédier
[S.l : s.n , 1787] - オンライン
Observations sur la Replique de l'auteur du Pour et du contre : relativement à l'admission des étrangers dans les colonies françoises
Londres : [s.n.] , 1785 - オンライン
Observations sur la résolution du 14 nivôse an 7, relative aux rentes viagères & usufruits constitués au profit des emigrés et des prêtres déportés
[France : s.n., 1798] - オンライン
Observations sur la responsabilité ministérielle, relativement à l'emploi des deniers de l'Etat, sur la compatabilité des dépenses publiques, et sur la Cour des comptes
[France : s.n , 1829] - オンライン
Observations sur la situation financière : adressées à l'Assemblée nationale / par Achille Fould
2e éd.. - Paris : N. Chaix , [1848] - オンライン
Observations sur la situation financière : adressées à l'Assemblée nationale / par Achille Fould
3e éd.. - [France : s.n , 1848] - オンライン
Observations sur la situation presente des affaires entre l'Angleterre et la Hollande
[France? : s.n.] , 1779 - オンライン
Observations sur la statistique du département des Basses-Pyrénées : qui parut en l'année 1802, et projets d'améliorations concernant l'agriculture, les contributions directes, et quelques branches de commerce
Pau : Tonnet , 1815 - オンライン
Observations sur la validité des transations [sic] entre particuliers
[France? : s.n , 1797?] - オンライン
Observations sur la véritable constitution de la Provence : au sujet de la contribution des trois ordres aux charges publiques & communes : pour l'usage des propriétaires des fiefs
Aix : Impr. de B. Gibelin-David & T. Emeric-David , 1788 - オンライン
Observations sur le budget supplémentaire de 1831 : et projet d'une sociéte anonyme pour l'acquisition emphythéotique de 280 mille hectares de bois, avec retour a l'état au bout de 40 ans / par Gasnier
Paris : Imprimerie de J. Tastu , 1831 - オンライン
Observations sur le cadastre : présentées au Conseil Général du Departement du Doubs, dans sa session de 1819 / par Désiré Ordinaire
[France : s.n , 1819] - オンライン
Observations sur le chapitre VIII d'un imprimé, ayant pour titre Livre rouge
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Royale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sur le commerce de la mer Noire : et des pays qui la bordent; auxquelles on a joint deux mémoires sur le commerce de Smyrne et de l'isle de Candie ...
Amsterdam [etc.] : Chez les Libraires associés , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur le commerce des États américains / par le Lord Sheffield
Rouen : De l'Imprimerie de la Dame Besongne , 1789 - オンライン
Observations sur le commerce des États d'Amérique / par Jean Lord Sheffield
Nouv. éd. fort augmentée, avec un supplément contenant des tables des importations & exportations générales de la Grande-Bretagne, depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1782, & les exportations de l'Amérique, &c. avec des remarques sur ces tables, sur la navigation angloise, & sur les derniers réglemens, &c.. - Londres ; Paris : Chez Lejay fils : Chez Maradan , [1788?] - オンライン
Observations sur le commerce des États d'Amérique / par Jean Lord Sheffield
Nouvelle éd. fort augmentée, avec un supplément contenant des tables des importations & exportations générales de la Grande-Bretagne, depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1782, & les exportations de l'Amérique, &c. avec des remarques sur ces tables, sur la navigation angloise, & sur les derniers réglemens, &c.. - Londres, et se trouve à Paris : Chez Lejay et Maradan , 1788 - オンライン
Observations sur le commerce des houilles ou charbon de terre Belge en France : sur la cherté de ce combustible et sur les moyens d'en faire diminuer le prix
Paris : Dondey-Dupré , 1817 - オンライン
Observations sur le commerce et sur les arts d'une partie de l'Europe, de l'Asie, de l'Afrique, et même des Indes Orientales / par Jean-Claude Flachat
Lyon : Chez Jacquenod pere & Rusand , 1766 - オンライン
Observations sur le compte rendu au Ministre des finances par les Administrateurs de la ferme des postes, en vendémiaire an 8
[France : s.n , 1799] - オンライン
Observations sur le compte rendu de l'administration des finances de la France pour l'an X--1801, 1802
Londres : de l'Imprimerie de Cox, Fils, et Baylis , 1803 - オンライン
Observations sur le contrat social de J.J. Rousseau / par le P.G.F Berthier
Paris : Chez Mérigot le jeune , 1789 - オンライン
Observations sur le contrat social de J.J. Rousseau / par le P.G.F Berthier
Paris : Chez Mérigot le jeune , 1789 - オンライン
Observations sur le crédit territorial / Par Laffon Ladebat
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de la Banque Territoriale , an X--1802 - オンライン
Observations sur le dernier budjet / adressées par un pair aux deux Chambres, à l'ouverture de la session
Paris : À la Librairie française de Ladvocat , 1822 - オンライン
Observations sur le dernier mémoire des artistes réunis de Lyon / Commission générale de monnoies à la Convention nationale
Paris : Rainville , 1792 - オンライン
Observations sur le deuxième mémoire du Sieur Roume : ci-devant ordonnateur de Tabago
[Paris] : De l'imprimerie du Patriote François , [1791] - オンライン
Observations sur le discours du représentant du peuple Gibert-Demolières : prononcé à la tribune du Conseil des cinq cents, le 28 thermidor, concernant le rapport du Ministre des finances sur l'état des recettes actuelles du trésor public : avec quelques réflexions générales sur les impôts, et particulièrement de l'impôt sur le sel, perçu à l'extraction des salinés et marais salans / par Saint-Aubin
Paris : Chez DuPont , 1797 - オンライン
Observations sur le discours prononcé par M. de Calonne dans l'Assemblée des notables le 27 février 1787
Paris : [s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur le Manuel du commerce des Indes orientales, et de la Chine / par J.F. Charpentier Cossigny
[France : s.n , 1808] - オンライン
Observations sur le Mémoire de la Commission des monnoies, rélatif à la refonte des monnoies & aux nouvelles empreintes : présenté par le Ministre des contributions publiques, dans le séance du ... 30 octobre 1792, l'an premier de la République, imprimé par ordre de la Convention nationale / par A. Desrotours
[France : s.n , 1792] - オンライン
Observations sur le Mémoire du sieur Blachier, pour les propriétaires du Canal de Lunel
Montpellier : J. Martel aîné , 1781 - オンライン
Observations sur le Mémoire justificatif de la cour de Londres / par Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais ...
Londres ; Philadelphie : Et se trouve par-tout , 1779 - オンライン
Observations sur le mode de libération de la France / par Armand Séguin
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations sur le mode de perception des impôts indirects : et particulièrement sur les effets de l'art. 370 de la loi proposée le 23 décembre 1815 / par M. Le Febvre
Paris : Chez Delaunay , 1816 - オンライン
Observations sur le nouveau projet de loi pour la conversion des rentes / par le Comte de Mosbourg
Paris : Delaunay , 1825 - オンライン
Observations sur le papier-monnoie de la Russie / par Alexandre Grant
Londres : J.M. Richardson , 1825 - オンライン
Observations sur le principe de la th�eorie du prix de MM. Auspitz et Lieben
(Bar-le-Duc : Imprimerie Contant-Laguerre , [1890]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Observations sur le principe du droit d'ainesse et sur son application aux familles électorales / par M. Cottu
Paris : Gosselin , 1826 - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de code du commerce : présenté au gouvernement, le 13 frimaire an 10, par le ministre de l'Intérieur, et envoyé aux Tribunaux et Conseils de Commerce, avec invitation de transmettre au gouvernement leurs remarques / par un ancien négociant
Paris : Chez Ant. Bailleul , 1802 - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de décret concernant la jonction du Rhône au Rhin, par celle du Doubs à l'Ill ...
[France : s.n , 1791?] - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de décret du Comité d'agriculture et de commerce : relativement aux toiles et dentelles par les négocians de Paris
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de loi concernant les douanes / par M. Gautier
Paris : Imprimerie et librairie de C.J. Trouvé , 1824 - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de loi concernant les tabacs : présenté à la Chambre des députés, dans la séance du 1er octobre 1814 / par M. le Directeur-général des impositions indirectes
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de loi proposé par S. Exc. le Ministre des finances à la Chambre des députés : concernant le tarif des droits d'entrée sur les fers étrangers
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de loi relatif à l'emprunt de 25 millions et à la prorogation de la surtaxe des boissons à l'octroi de Paris, jusqu'en mil huit cent cinquante-neuf / présentées à la Chambre des députés, sous forme de pétition, par Hippolyte Faure
Paris : Dauvin et Fontaine , 1847 - オンライン
Observations sur le projet de loi relatif aux droits d'entrée à imposer sur les fers étrangers
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations sur le projet proposé à l'Assemblée nationale de couler le métal de cloches sans le décomposer : pour en faire une monnoie courante
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791] - オンライン
Observations sur le rapport de la Commission des douanes, adressées à messieurs les membres de la Chambre de députés
[France : s.n , 1824?] - オンライン
Observations sur le rapport de la commission spéciale des monnaies fait le 30 fructidor, au Conseil des cinq-cents
[Paris : s.n , 1799?] - オンライン
Observations sur le Rapport du Comité des finances, présenté par Cambon à la séance du 3 pluviôse, relativement aux moyens à prendre pour retirer des assignats de la circulation / par Vernier
[Paris?] : Imp. nationale , [1795] - オンライン
Observations sur le rapport et le projet de décret relatif à un nouveau système monétaire, présentés à la Convention nationale par le citoyen Loysel, au nom du Comité des finances / rédigées par le citoyen Beyerlé
[Paris : s.n , 1793?] - オンライン
Observations sur le rapport fait à l'Assemblée nationale, le 18 mai 1792, au nom du Comité de l'ordinaire des finances / par M. Baignoux
[France : s.n.] , 1792 - オンライン
Observations sur le rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la Chambre des députés, chargée d'examiner le projet de loi sur la dette publique et l'amortissement / par Armand Séguin
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations sur le rapport fait au nom du Comité de commerce et d'agriculture, sur la proposition de réunir les recettes générales des douanes nationales aux directions / par M. Hernoux ... imprimé par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale
[Paris] : De l'Imprimerie de Devaux , [1791] - オンライン
Observations sur le rapport fait, en 1836, à la Chambre des députés : d'une proposition concernant le remboursement ou la réduction de la rente, et quelques vues sur la liquidation de la dette publique / par le duc de Gaëte
Paris : C. Thomas , 1836 - オンライン
Observations sur le régime actuel des bureaux de charité : avec l'exposé de quelques moyens propres à l'améliorer : suivies de considérations sur le bouillon / par J.-B. Maurial-Griffoul
Paris : Chez Delaunay, libraire , 1832 - オンライン
Observations sur le rétablissement au budget de la guerre du supplément de solde dans Paris
[Paris? : s.n , 1842?] - オンライン
Observations sur le rétablissement du commerce dans la ville d'Autun, en Bourgogne
Chalon : D. Delatour , [1777] - オンライン
Observations sur le second rapport du Comité des monnoies / par M. Mirabeau l'ainé
Paris : Chez Baudouin , [1790?] - オンライン
Observations sur le système des assurances par l'état / par L. Bastiné et E. Vanhoorebeke
Bruxelles : Imprimerie et lithographie de D. Raes , 1847 - オンライン
Observations sur le tabac / par un ami des cultivateurs
[France? : s.n.] , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur le titre des matieres d'or et d'argent
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie de Demonville , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur le titre des ouvrages d'or et d'argent
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie de la Citoyenne veuve Herissant , [1791] - オンライン
Observations sur le traité de paix conclu à Paris le 10 février 1763, entre la France, l'Espagne & l'Angleterre : relativement aux intérêts de ces puissances, dans la guerre présente
Amsterdam : [s.n.] , 1780 - オンライン
Observations sur les assignats / par M. de Montlosier
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations sur les calculs de M. l'abbé de Montesquiou et sur les miens
[France : s.n , 1789?] - オンライン
Observations sur les concessions des mines de charbon de terre ...
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de Brune , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sur les conséquences des bases du projet de loi pour l'emprunt des 80 millions ....
Paris : [s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations sur les considérations présentées à la Chambre des pairs par M. le marquis de La Place, relativement au projet d'une réduction de la rente 5 p. 100 avec un accroissement du capital
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations sur les dangers du papier-monnoie & sur l'insuffisance de cette ressource, pour remédier à la détresse actuelle des finances
A Paris : De l'Impr. nationale , [1790?] - オンライン
Observations sur les discussions relatives aux indemnités et aux acquisitions de domaines nationaux / par Armand Séguin
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Observations sur les divers degrés de fertilité ou de dégradation du sol du royaume : suivant l'état des propriétaires, dans lesquelles on indique les vrais moyens d'augmenter l'une & de diminuer l'autre, par une plus grande division des possessions rurales / par M. de Montvert
Paris : Chez Hardouin & Gattey , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur les domaines congéables dans l'usement de Rohan / par M. Burel
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de Chardon , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur les domaines du roi, sur les vices de leur administration actuelle, & sur les moyens d'en tirer, au profit de l'État, le produit dont ils sont susceptibles
Berlin : Aux dépens de la Société typographique , 1787 - オンライン
Observations sur les douanes, dans l'intérêt des sucreries indigènes et de l'agriculture, des manufactures et de la caisse d'amortissement : présentées a MM. les Députés des départemens
[France : s.n , 1819] - オンライン
Observations sur les droits d'entrée en France des laines étrangères : fines, entre-fines et communes, analysées comparativement avec celles françaises / adressées par Jean Baumier
Paris : Impr. de Carpentier-Méricourt , 1833 - オンライン
Observations sur les effets de la liberté du commerce des grains : et sur ceux des prohibitions / par Du Pont
Basle ; & se trouve a Paris : Chez Delalain, Chez Lacombe, Chez Roset , 1770 - オンライン
Observations sur les enfans-trouvés de la généralité de Soissons / par M. de Montlinot
Paris : De l'Imprimerie royale , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sur les entreprises de chemins de fer / par le maréchal de camp du génie, Lamy
[S.l : s.n.] , 1839 - オンライン
Observations sur les finances : a l'Assemblée / par M. de Calonne
Londres ; Et se trouve à Paris : Chez Chalon, Chez Salmon, Chez Denne , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sur les finances de la France : comparées a celles de l'Angleterre / P.M.D. de V
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations sur les finances, et particulièrement sur les assignats
[France : s.n.] , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur les finances et sur les factions : considérées comme cause de la chûte du crédit public et de la misère du peuple / par J. Ch. Bailleul
[France] : Impr. d'A. Bailleul , [1798?] - オンライン
Observations sur les Grecs / par M. l' Abbé de Mably
Geneve : Par la Compagnie des libraires , 1749 - オンライン
Observations sur les influences et les effets du commerce et du prix des grains en France
[S.l : s.n , 1789] - オンライン
Observations sur les lois des monnoies : et sur l'intérét de l'argent / par M. l'archevêque d'Aix
[S.l : s.n , 1790?] - オンライン
Observations sur les lombards et maisons de prêt
[S.l : s.n , 1791?] - オンライン
Observations sur les manufactures de draps / addressées à Sa Majesté l'empereur et roi par Charles Thomas Désiré Bailly
Paris : Chez A. Koenig , 1806 - オンライン
Observations sur les monnoies : leur usage, leur influence dans le commerce, et sur le danger de toute innovation
Paris : De l'Imprimerie du Patriote françois , 1790 - オンライン
Observations sur les moyens de faire circuler les assignats : avec célérité et sureté et sans aucun surcroit de dé pense / par M. Lair Duvaucelles
Paris : Chez le Portier , 1791 - オンライン
Observations sur les prétendues erreurs relevées dans le dernier écrit du Duc de Gaëte, concernant la dette publique : par un article de la Gazette de France du 9 novembre 1829
[France : s.n.] , 1829 - オンライン
Observations sur les propositions de M. Laffitte, imprimées a la suite de ses discours sur l'emprunt des 80 millions / par Armand Séguin
[France : s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations sur les propositions faites par une compagnie de se charger de l'entreprise générale des fournitures, et d'en assurer le service
[France : s.n , 1796?] - オンライン
Observations sur les questions relatives au département des ponts et chaussées : qui ont été discutées à la séance de l'Assemblée nationale du 5 juin 1790, et ajournées à la fin du travail général du Comité des finances
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Observations sur les rapports présentés au Roi et aux deux Chambres : et sur les budjets de 1815
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Observations sur les réclamations adressées aux Chambres par des négocians de Bordeaux : sur l'admission des sucres bruts étrangers
[S.l : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Observations sur les relations politiques et commerciales de l'Angleterre et de la France avec la Chine / par L. Langlès
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de Delance et Lesueur , an 13-- 1805 - オンライン
Observations sur les remontrances imprimées de la cour des monnoies
[S.l : s.n.] , 1788 - オンライン
Observations sur les résultats possibles du projet de loi relatif au mode de paiement du 1.er cinquième des reconnaissances de liquidation / par Armand Séguin
Paris : de l'Imprimerie de LeBlanc , 1821 - オンライン
Observations sur les romains / par M. l'abbé de Mably
Genève : Compagnie des Libraires , 1751 - オンライン
Observations sur les sociétés en commandite par actions
[France? : s.n , 1838?] - オンライン
Observations sur les statistiques de l'Ecosse
[Belgium : s.n , 1815] - オンライン
Observations sur nos nouvelles monnoies de cuivre / par A ... D.. R ...
Paris : [s.n.] , 1796 - オンライン
Observations sur plusieurs assertions extraites littéralement de l'Histoire philosophique des etablissements des Européens dans les deux Indes, édition de 1770
Amsterdam ; Et se trouve a Paris : Chez Knapen , 1776 - オンライン
Observations sur quelques assertions de M. Laffitte, relatives au projet d'emprunt de 80 millions / par Armand Seguin
Paris : [s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations sur quelques assertions du discours de M. Bourrienne sur le budget de 1816 / par Armand Séguin
Paris : Imprimerie de P. Gueffier , 1816 - オンライン
Observations sur quelques dispositions du premier Rapport fait, au nom de la Commission centrale, sur le Budget de 1816 : / par Armand Séguin
Paris : Imprimerie de P. Gueffier , 1816 - オンライン
Observations sur quelques écrits publiés dans la Belgique : par lesquels on propose de dépouiller le Roi de France d'un tiers de ses possessions, pour en agrandir les Royaumes voisins
[Lille : Chez Marlier , 1815?] - オンライン
Observations sur quelques objets d'utilité publique : pour servir de prospectus à la seconde partie de la Physique du monde, ou à la Carte hydrographique de la France, & au Traité général de la navigation intérieure de ce royaume : ouvrage dedié au roi
Paris : Chez Visse , 1786 - オンライン
Observations sur quelques propositions du discours lu à la Chambre des députés, par M. Lafitte, le 31 mars 1818 / par Armand Séguin
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations sur tout ce qui concerne les colonies d'Amérique notamment celle de Saint-Domingue
[France : s.n , 1798] - オンライン
Observations sur un amendement présenté à la Chambre des députés, par la Commission des finances : tendant à exclure de Paris et sa banlieue les distilleries de pommes de terre / par un distillateur
Paris : De l'Imprimerie de Guiraudet , 1822 - オンライン
Observations sur un livre intitulé, De l'esprit des loix : divisées en trois parties
Paris : Guérin , [1750-1751] - オンライン
Observations sur un ouvrage de M.F.D.B., ayant pour titre, Quelle sera notre position financière, en 1821, d'après le budget pour 1818? / par Armand Séguin
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Observations sur un projet, de vente nationale du sel : présenté au comité des finances
[s.l : s.n , 1789?] - オンライン
Observations sur une brochure ayant pour titre : Rapport des plans et projets présentés au Comité des finances / par l'auteur du Moyen simple, sûr & facile delibér l'Etat ...
[S.l : s.n.] , 1789 - オンライン
Observations sur une petite brochure, intitulée Plan de réforme, de Sa Majesté l'empereur & roy : concernant le nouvel impôt de 1785
[Paris? : s.n.] , 1784 - オンライン
Observations sur une résolution, prise par le Conseil des cinq-cents, dans sa séance du 22 vendémiaire, an V, & envoyée au Conseil des anciens, portant fixation des retenues à faire pour les frais de fabrication des monnoies / par l'Auteur des Observations sur nos nouvelles monnoies de cuivre
[France : s.n , 1796] - オンライン
Observations upon a bill, entituled, An act for taking away, and abolishing the heritable jurisdictions in that part of Great Britain called Scotland : and for restoring such jurisdictions to the crown ...
[London] : Edinburgh printed, London, re-printed for T. Brown , 1747 - オンライン
Observations upon a pamphlet, called An English merchant's remarks upon a scandalous Jacobite paper, published in the Post-Boy, under the name of A memorial presented to the Chancery of Sweden, by the resident of Great Britain
London : Printed and sold by the booksellers , 1717 - オンライン
Observations upon a paper, intituled, General reasons against lowering the duties upon foreign yarn
[England? : s.n , 1753?] - オンライン
Observations upon a paper intituled Reasons humbly offered to this honourable House why a bill pretended to give further powers to the corporation for setting the poor of the city of London and liberties thereof to work, should not pass into a law
[S.l : s.n , 1700?] - オンライン
Observations upon a paper, intituled, Some considerations on the importation and exportation of beaver, with remarks on the hatters case
[England? : s.n , 1752?] - オンライン
Observations upon a "Report by the Select Committee on Salmon Fisheries, Scotland : together with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and index," 30th June, 1836 / by Robert Knox
Edinburgh : A. & C. Black , 1837 - オンライン
Observations upon certain evils arising out of the present state of the laws of real property in Ireland : and suggestions for remedying the same
Dublin : A. Thom, printer and publisher , 1847 - オンライン
Observations upon commercial terms of peace with France, and our own resources / by a London merchant
London : Printed for Gale and Curtis , 1812 - オンライン
Observations upon estates for life : respecting the doctrine of waste, and the principles upon which injunctions are founded
[Great Britain? : s.n , 1777?] - オンライン
Observations upon Lord Glenelg's speech : delivered 20th February, 1838
London : W.J. Cleaver , 1838 - オンライン
Observations upon Mr. Fauquier's Essay on ways and means for raising money to support the present war without increasing the public debts : to which is added, an account of several national advantages derived from the nobility and gentry of the present age living in London a greater part of the year than their ancestors used to do / by J.M
London : Printed for Thomas Payne , 1756 - オンライン
Observations upon Mr. Sheridan's pamphlet, intitled, Comparative statement of the two bills for the better government of the British possessions in India : in a letter from Major Scott to Sir Richard Hill, Baronet
2nd ed. / with an additional preface.. - London : Printed for John Stockdale , 1788 - オンライン
Observations upon our present system of commercial intercourse with the continent of Europe : shewing the necessity of a change of our commercial policy during a state of peace
London : Printed for John Murray , 1816 - オンライン
Observations upon Scotch fisheries, emigrations and the means of improving the highlands and isles : offered to the attention of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales ... / by Hugh Bell ...
Edinburgh : Printed for Bell and Bradfute , 1792 - オンライン
Observations upon slavery : setting forth, that to hold the principle of slavery is to deny Christ / by Robert Lindoe
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1824 - オンライン
Observations upon some part of Sr Francis Bacon's Naturall history as it concernes fruit-trees, fruits, and flowers : especially the fifth, sixth, and seaventh centuries, improving the experiments mentioned to the best advantage / by Ra. Austen ...
Oxford : Printed by Hen. Hall for Thomas Robinson , 1658 - オンライン
Observations upon taxation as affecting the operative and labouring classes : made at the Crown and Anchor on the evening of the 6th of August, 1839 : to which is added A letter to Joseph Hume ... / by Sir Robert Wilmot Horton
London : J. Murray , 1840 - オンライン
Observations upon the 28. [i.e. 18.] Act, 23. Parl. K. James VI. against dispositions made in defraud of creditors, &c / by Sir George Mckenzie ...
Edinburgh : Printed by His Majesties printers , 1675 - オンライン
Observations upon the act for the redemption of the land tax : shewing the benefits likely to arise from the measure both to the public and to individuals : with practical remarks upon the detail of the act ...
London : Bunney, Thompson, and Co , [1798?] - オンライン
Observations upon the act for the redemption of the land tax : shewing the benefits likely to arise from the measure both to the public and to individuals : with practical remarks upon the detail of the act ...
6th ed.. - London : Bunney, Thompson, and Co , [1798?] - オンライン
Observations upon the acts for annuities
[S.l : s.n , 17--?] - オンライン
Observations upon the bill for the ease of insolvent debtors : humbly offer'd on the behalf of many of their creditors, to prevent the ill consequences to them and their families which happen'd to many others upon the last act of this nature
[S.l : s.n , 1709?] - オンライン
Observations upon the bill now depending, for supplying the cities of London and Westminster, and places adjacent, with water
[London : s.n , 1725] - オンライン
Observations upon the bill now depending in Parliament, for the consolidation and amendment of the bankrupt laws / by Robert Henley Eden
London : Printed for C. Hunter , 1824 - オンライン
Observations upon the Case of the London Dock Company
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1825 - オンライン
Observations upon the cities of London and Rome / by Sir William Petty ...
London : Printed for Henry Mortlocke ... and J. Lloyd ... , 1687 - オンライン
Observations upon the commerce of Genoa / by Kuhn & Co
[S.l : s.n.] , 1804 - オンライン
Observations upon the constitution of the Company of the Bank of England : with a narrative of some of their late proceedings
[London : s.n , 1694] - オンライン
Observations upon the construction and operation of duties on the importation of foreign corn : and suggestions for lessening fluctuations in the price of wheat : addressed to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart. / by Layton Cooke
London : J. Ollivier , 1842 - オンライン
Observations upon the corn laws : addressed to the farmers and manufacturers of Yorkshire / by George Strickland
[England? : s.n.] , 1826 - オンライン
Observations upon the cultivation of flax and flax-seed in Scotland / by a farmer
Edinburgh : Printed for C. Elliot , 1781 - オンライン
Observations upon the Dublin-bills of mortality, MDCLXXXI, and the state of that city / by the observator on the London bills of mortality
London : Printed for Mark Pardoe ... , 1683 - オンライン
Observations upon the Eau-Brink Cut : with a proposal offered to the consideration of the friends of the drainage / by the Earl of Hardwicke
London : [s.n.] , 1794 - オンライン
Observations upon the engagement at present subsisting between Earl Cornawallis, and the General Bank of India, in Bengal
London : Printed by J. Jarvis , 1788 - オンライン
Observations upon the expediency of establishing a board for the superintendence of public endowed charities : and the easier and better application of such portion of their funds as can be made available for the promotion of a general system of national education : with general rules for the regulation of charities and charity schools, as sanctioned by the Court of Chancery in the case of the Attorney-General v. Cullum / by Francis King Eagle
London : T.C. Newby , 1842 - オンライン
Observations upon the export trade of tin and copper to India, with reference to the expected renewal of the honorable East India Company's charter : and also upon the present state of the tin trade with Europe and its colonies, Africa and America / respectfully submitted to the consideration of the noblemen and gentlemen concerned in the mining interest of Cornwall by Geo. Unwin
[S.l : s.n.] , 1811 - オンライン
Observations upon the free trade policy of England : in connexion with the sugar act of 1846 : showing the influence of the latter upon the British tropical possessions and its direct operation to perpetuate the slave trade / by Sir H.V. Huntley
London : Simpkin, Marshall , 1849 - オンライン
Observations upon the growth and culture of vines and olives : the production of silk, the preservation of fruits : written at the request of the Earl of Shaftesbury, to whom it is inscribed / by Mr. John Locke
London : Printed for W. Sandby , 1766 - オンライン
Observations upon the importance of the North American Colonies to Great-Britain / by an old inhabitant of British America
[Halifax : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Observations upon the important object of preserving wheat and other grain from vermin, with a safe and efficacious method to prevent the great depredations that are made on those valuable articles : containing also, some cursory remarks on the national advantage arising from our export corn laws, and proving that the same happy consequences must be derived from the inclosure of our forests, common fields, and waste lands : with a calculation annexed, demonstrating the great savings which may accrue from the use of the patent artificial slate-frames, on hay stacks / by Sir James Wright
[London] : Printed by Cooper and Graham , 1796 - オンライン
Observations upon the importation of foreign corn : with the resolutions moved by Lord Redesdale in the House of Lords, March 29, 1827, and his speech thereupon, May 15, 1827, (with some notice of observations then made on those resolutions), and also, remarks upon an act permitting importation of corn, meal, and flour, until May 1, 1828
London : J. Hatchard , 1828 - オンライン
Observations upon the inutility of exterminating the resident landlords of Ireland : by act of Parliament, or otherwise : and some suggestions for their self-preservation
Dublin : Hodges and Smith , 1849 - オンライン
Observations upon the Irish grand jury system / by Bernard Mullins
[Ireland? : s.n.] , 1831 - オンライン
Observations upon the jus et modus decimandi, or, Brief reflections, in answer to the vexatious and oppressive system of tithe assessment : as laid down in the specious pamphlets of the Rev. James Bearblock / by Thomas Dykesides
London : Printed for R. Jennings , 1811 - オンライン
Observations upon the late national embarrassment : and the proceedings in Parliament relative to the same / by John Lewis de Lolme
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1789 - オンライン
Observations upon the laws of excise : shewing I. That excises must be destructive of trade in general, II. That excises are inconsistent with the liberties of a free people
London : Printed for J. Wilford , [1733] - オンライン
Observations upon the Manifesto of His Catholick Majesty : with an answer to his reasons for not paying the ninety-five thousand pounds : in vindication of the honour of Great Britain
London : Printed for T. Cooper, A. Dodd, and R. Amey , 1739 - オンライン
Observations upon the Manifesto of His Catholick Majesty : with an answer to his reasons for not paying the ninety-five thousand pounds : in vindication of the honour of Great Britain
The 2nd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Cooper, A. Dodd, and R. Amey , 1739 - オンライン
Observations upon the Memorial and Report of the citizens of Boston, opposed to a further increase of duties on importations
[Rhode Island : s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Observations upon the municipal bodies in cities and towns, incorporated by royal charters, within England and Wales / by R.P. Cruden
London : Printed by T. Davison, for H. Butterworth , 1826 - オンライン
Observations upon the nature of parochial relief : and the principles upon which the Poor Law Amendment Act is founded / by Samuel Donkin
[England? : s.n.] , 1837 - オンライン
Observations upon the oligarchy, or committee of soi-disant saints : in a letter to the Right Honorable Viscount Sidmouth, Secretary of State, &c. &c. &c. / by an hereditary planter
London : E. Lloyd , 1816 - オンライン
Observations upon the orders and resolutions of the House of Commons, with respect to the poor, vagrants, and houses of correction / by Thomas Gilbert
London : [s.n.] , 1775 - オンライン
Observations upon the policy of relaxing the restrictions now imposed upon the commerce of the North American colonies
Halifax [N.S.] : [s.n.] , 1824 - オンライン
Observations upon the present state of our gold and silver coins, 1730 / by the late John Conduitt ... master of His Majesty's mint
London : Printed for T. Becket , 1774 - オンライン
Observations upon the present state of the finances of Great Britain : suggested by Mr. Morgan's supplement to his "Comparative view," and by Mr. Addington's financial measures / by Thomas Peregrine Courtenay
London : Printed for J. Budd , 1803 - オンライン
Observations upon the present state of the Scotch fisheries : and the improvement of the interior parts of the Highlands : being an essay on these subjects, given in to the Highland Society of Scotland ... / by P. White, Esq
Edinburgh : Grant and Moir , 1791 - オンライン
Observations upon the proposed canal from Reading to London
London : Printed by M. and S. Brooke , 1802 - オンライン
Observations upon the reasons in support of the Faseley-bridge, or Watling-street road bill
[S.l : s.n , 1760?] - オンライン
Observations upon the Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the laws respecting friendly societies : exemplifying and vindicating the principles of life assurance, adopted in calculating the Southwell tables : together with the heads of a bill for improving the constitution and management of such institutions / by John Thomas Becher
[S.l : s.n.] , 1826 - オンライン
Observations upon the report from the select committee of the House of Commons on the poor laws : with a demonstration of the injustice of the present laws of taxation, and the remedy suggested
Birmingham : Printed for and sold by Beilby & Knotts , 1818 - オンライン
Observations upon the report of the committee of marine insurance, with a few incidental remarks on a pamphlet lately published, entitled "A letter to Jasper Vaux, Esq." : to which is added, copy of a report, proposed as an amendment to the report adopted by the committee on marine insurance / by Joseph Marryat
[S.l : s.n.] , 1810 - オンライン
Observations upon the report of the committee of marine insurance : with a few incidental remarks on a pamphlet lately published, entitled "A letter to Jasper Vaux, Esq." : to which is added, copy of a report, proposed as an amendment to the report adopted by the committee on marine insurance / by Joseph Marryat
2nd ed.. - London : J.M. Richardson , 1810 - オンライン
Observations upon the state of currency in Ireland : and upon the course of exchange between Dublin and London / by Henry Parnell
Dublin : Printed for M.N. Mahon , 1804 - オンライン
Observations upon the state of currency in Ireland : and upon the course of exchange between Dublin and London / by Henry Parnell
2nd ed.. - Dublin : Printed for M.N. Mahon , 1804 - オンライン
Observations upon the state of currency in Ireland : and upon the course of exchange between Dublin and London / by Henry Parnell
3rd ed.. - Dublin ; London : Printed for M.N. Mahon : Reprinted for J. Johnson and J. Bell , 1804 - オンライン
Observations upon the state of negro slavery, in the island of Santa Cruz, the principal of the Danish West India colonies : with miscellaneous remarks upon subjects relating to the West India question, and a notice of Santa Cruz
London : Simpkin & Marshall , 1829 - オンライン
Observations upon the state of the nation in January 1712/3
The 2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Morphew ... , 1713 - オンライン
Observations upon the state of the nation in January 1712/3
The 3rd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Morphew ... , 1713 - オンライン
Observations upon the state of the nation in January 1712/3
London : Printed for John Morphew ... , 1713 - オンライン
Observations upon the subject matter relating to the militia and recruit-bills
[London : s.n.] , 1711 - オンライン
Observations upon the supplies of provisions to the Metropolis : and upon the means of their continuance in case of invasion / by a London merchant
London : Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones , 1812 - オンライン
Observations upon the treaty between the crowns of Great-Britain, France, and Spain : concluded at Seville on the ninth of November, 1729, N.S
London : Printed by J. Roberts ... , 1729 - オンライン
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands / by Sir William Temple ...
The 6th ed., corrected and augmented.. - London : Printed for Jacob Tonson ... and Awnsham Churchil ... , 1693 - オンライン
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands / by Sir William Temple ... Baronet ...
The 3rd ed., corrected and augmented.. - London : Printed for Edward Gellibrand ... , 1676 - オンライン
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands / by Sir William Temple ... Baronet ...
The 2nd ed., corrected and augmented.. - London : Printed by A. Maxwell for Sa. Gellibrand ... , 1673 - オンライン
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands / by Sir William Temple ... Baronet ...
London : Printed by A. Maxwell for Sa. Gellibrand ... , 1673 - オンライン
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands / by Sir William Temple ... Baronet ...
The 5th ed., corrected and augmented.. - London : Printed for Jacob Tonson and Awnsham Churchill, and sold by Samuel Crouch ... , 1690 - オンライン
Observations upon the vagrant laws : proving that the statutes in Queen's Elizabeth's time are the most proper foundation for a law of that nature and that all alterations that have been made since, have been for the worse
London : Printed for T. Cooper , 1742 - オンライン
Observations upon the warehousing system and navigation lawsodifying the laws of navigation, copies of which are annexed / by John Hall
Cornhill : J.M. Richardson , [1821] - オンライン
Observations upon the windward coast of Africa : the religion, character, customs, &c. of the natives ... and upon the natural and commercial resources of the country, made in the years 1805 and 1806 / by Joseph Corry
London : Printed for G. and W. Nicol , 1807 - オンライン
Observations upon the windward coast of Africa : the religion, character, customs &c., of the natives, ... and upon the natural and commercial resources of the country, made in the years 1805 and 1806 / by Joseph Corry
London : Printed for G. and W. Nicol , 1807 - オンライン
observatoire de Toulouse aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles : archéologie d'un espace savant
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2007 - オンライン
Observatório da vida estudantil : primeiros estudos
: EDUFBA , 2011 - オンライン
Observatório da vida estudantil : primeiros estudos
: EDUFBA , 2011 - オンライン
Observatório de Análise Política em Saúde : abordagens, objetos e investigações
: EDUFBA , 2016 - オンライン
L'Observé statistique Sens et limites de la connaissance statistique dans les pays développés et en développement
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1989 - オンライン
Observer la multimodalité en situations éducatives
: ENS éditions , 2019 - オンライン
Observing Conflict Escalation in World Society
: Transcript Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Observing Conflict Escalation in World Society: Ukraine's Maidan and Mali's Breakup
: Transcript Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Observing Geohazards from Space
: MDPI AG , 2018 - オンライン
Observing Legislative Processes: Implementation of the CRPD
: Innsbruck University Press , 2016 - オンライン
Observing protest from a place : The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011)
: Amsterdam University Press , 2015 - オンライン
Observing protest from a place : The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011)
: Amsterdam University Press , 2015 - オンライン
Observing protest from a place : The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011)
: Amsterdam University Press , 2015 - オンライン
Observing the Volcano World Volcano Crisis Communication
: Springer International Publishing , 2018 - オンライン
Observing the Volcano World Volcano Crisis Communication
: Springer International Publishing , 2018 - オンライン
obsesivo circular de la ficción asedios a "Los siete locos" y "Los lanzallamas" de Roberto Arlt
: Fondo de Cultura Económica , 1992 - オンライン
Obsessed by a Dream The Physicist Rolf Widerøe - a Giant in the History of Accelerators
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
Obsessed by a Dream The Physicist Rolf Widerøe - a Giant in the History of Accelerators
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
Obsession communale
: Presses Universitaires de Provence , 2018 - オンライン
Obsession der Puppe in der Fotografie : Hans Bellmer, Pierre Molinier, Cindy Sherman
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
Obsession der Puppe in der Fotografie : Hans Bellmer, Pierre Molinier, Cindy Sherman
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
L'obsession du retour : Les républicains espagnols 1939-1975
: Presses universitaires du Midi , 2005 - オンライン
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder The Old and the New Problems
: IntechOpen , 2014 - オンライン
Obsessive Measurement Disorder or Pragmatic Bureaucracy?
: Emerald Publishing , 2024 - オンライン
Obsidian across the Americas : compositional studies conducted in the Elemental Analysis Facility at the Field Museum of Natural History
: Archaeopress Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Obsidian across the Americas : compositional studies conducted in the Elemental Analysis Facility at the Field Museum of Natural History
: Archaeopress Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Obskure Organisationen : Logen, Clubs und Männerbünde als organisationssoziologische Sonderfälle
: transcript-Verlag, , 2020 - オンライン
Obskure Organisationen : Logen, Clubs und Männerbünde als organisationssoziologische Sonderfälle
: transcript-Verlag, , 2020 - オンライン
Obskure Organisationen : Logen, Clubs und Männerbünde als organisationssoziologische Sonderfälle
: transcript-Verlag, , 2020 - オンライン
Obstacles to Environmental Progress A U.S. perspective
: UCL Press , 2022 - オンライン
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Obstruction Theory : On Homotopy Classification of Maps / by H. J. Baues
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The occasional patriot : written in plain Scotch, by way of notes upon two papers, lately publish'd, the one intitul'd, Broad Scotch, &c., the other, An enquiry into some things that concern Scotland, &c. / by an uncertain person, who is most certainly not an enemy to his country
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Occasional remarks upon the Act for Laying a Duty Upon the Retalers of Spirituous Liquors, &c. and for Licensing the Retalers Thereof
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An occasional supplement to the appendix chiefly of Plain reasons for a general reform of our charities
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The Oddfellow's companion : containing a collection of songs arranged to familiar airs : to which are added toasts and sentiments congenial to the views of Oddfellowship : likewise several original essays adapted for the consideration of all Oddfellows, and well calculated to render their meetings cheerful, instructive, and profitable / by P.S.V.G. Sandiford
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Ode ad honorabilem Thomam Parkyns baronettum
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London : Printed for J. Almon , 1776 - オンライン
Odeion im Artemision von Ephesos
: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften , 2019 - オンライン
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Один народ : три судьбы : Тувинцы России, Монголии и Китая в сравнительном контексте
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Odisseia de sabores da lusofonia
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Odmiukt memorial
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Ödmiukt memorial
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Odmjukaste memorial!
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Ödmjukt memorial!
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Ödmjukt memorial
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Ödmjukt memorial
Stockholm : Tryckt i Kongl. Finska boktryckeriet , 1767 - オンライン
Odmjukt memorial
Stockholm : Tryckt uti Kongl. tryckeriet , 1766 - オンライン
Ödmjukt memorial
Stockholm : Wennberg & Nordström , 1769 - オンライン
Ödmjukt memorial
Stockholm : J.A. Carlbohm , 1769 - オンライン
Ödmjukt memorial
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Ödmjukt memorial
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Ödmjukt memorial
Stockholm : Tryckt i Kongl. Finska boktryckeriet, hos Joh. Arvid Carlbohm , 1769 - オンライン
Ödmjukt memorial af fri-herre Christer Horn til Höglofl. Ridderskapet och adelen angående Höglofl. secrete utskottets til Riksens höglofl. ständer upgifne berättelse om banco-förwaltningen, jemte en bilaga i samma sak som 1762 hos Höglofl. Ridd. och adelen wardt föredragit : tryckt på Hogl. Ridderskapets och adelens befallning
Stockholm : I Kongl. Finska boktryckeriet , 1766 - オンライン
Odmjukt memorial : til Höglofl. Ridderskapet och adelen, med de öfrige respective stånden, af bruks-patronen Leonhard Magn. Uggla ingifwit, och hos Ridderskapet och adelen upläst, den 8 junii 1762 : med dårtil hörande bilager litr. A.B och C, uppå befallning til trycket befordrat
Stockholm : Tryckt hos L. Salvius , 1762 - オンライン
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Ödön von Horváth, Himmelwärts / Mit dem Kopf durch die Wand, Band 2
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Odorant binding and chemosensory proteins
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Odraščanje v Južni Koreji Feministične etnografije transgresije
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Odyssey of Surfactant Proteins SP-A and SP-D: Innate Immune Surveillance Molecules
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ΠCase Files Vol. 01
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Ôé Kenzaburô : Une économie de la violence
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OECD 2000 Private Pensions Conference / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD and Africa 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Annual Report
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Anti-Spam Toolkit of Recommended Policies and Measures / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Banking Statistics: Methodological Country Notes 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment 2008 : Fourth Edition / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
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OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment : Third Edition / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Third Edition. - Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1996. - オンライン
OECD-Berichte über Gesundheitssysteme: Schweiz 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and World Health Organization
Berne : : Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD-Berichte über Gesundheitssysteme: Schweiz 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and World Health Organization
Berne : : Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Beschäftigungsausblick
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Best Practice Guidelines for Biological Resource Centres / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Better Life Initiative / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Biotechnology Statistics - 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Biotechnology Statistics 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Bribery Awareness Handbook for Tax Examiners / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Bribery Awareness Handbook for Tax Examiners 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Central Government Debt Statistics
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
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OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements : 2003 Edition / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
2003 Edition. - Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Codes of Liberalisation of Capital Movements and of Current Invisible Operations : User's Guide / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Codes of Liberalisation of Capital Movements and of Current Invisible Operations : User's Guide 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Communications Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
The OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform : Supporting Security and Justice / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: Belgium 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: Denmark 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: Germany 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: Japan 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: New Zealand 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: Portugal 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: United Kingdom 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Belgium 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Denmark 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Finland 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Hungary 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Mexico 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Netherlands 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Norway 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies: Turkey 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD e-Government Studies : Turkey (Turkish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Ankara : : Information Society Department in the State Planning Organisation, Turkey, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Economic Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Australia
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Austria
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Belgium
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Brazil
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Bulgaria
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Canada
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Chile
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: China
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Czech and Slovak Federal Republic 1991 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1991. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Czech Republic
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Estonia
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Euro Area
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: European Union
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Finland
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: France
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Germany
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Greece
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Hungary
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Iceland
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: India
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Indonesia
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Ireland
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Italy
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Italy 2009 : (Italian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : Permanent Delegation of Italy to the OECD, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Japan
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Korea
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Luxembourg
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Mexico
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Netherlands
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: New Zealand
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Norway
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Poland
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Poland 2006 (Polish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Warszawa : : Ministry of Economy, Poland, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Poland 2008 (Polish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Warszawa : : Ministry of Economy, Poland, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Poland 2012 : (Polish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Warszawa : : Ministry of Economy, Poland, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Portugal
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Romania
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Russian Federation
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Russian Federation (Russian version)
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic 2004 (Slovak version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic 2007 (Slovak version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Bratislava : : Ministry of Foreign Affairs Slovak Republic, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Slovenia
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Slovenia 2009 : (Slovenian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Ljubljana : : Government Office for Development and European Affairs, Slovenia, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: South Africa
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Spain
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Sweden
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Switzerland
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: The Russian Federation 1995 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Turkey
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Ukraine 2007 (Ukrainian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: United Kingdom
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: United States
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economic Surveys: Yugoslavia
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Economics Glossary : English-French / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Glossaire de l'économie de l'OCDE : Anglais-Français / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Economies at a Glance : Structural Indicators / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1996. - オンライン
OECD Employment Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Data: Compendium : Données OCDE sur l'environnement : Compendium.
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Indicators : Towards Sustainable Development 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews 2001 : Achievements in OECD Countries / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews 2003 : Water: Performance and Challenges in OECD Countries / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Australia 1998 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1998. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Australia 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Austria 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Belgium 1998 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1998. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Belgium 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Canada 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Chile 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: China 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Czech Republic 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Czech Republic 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Denmark 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Denmark 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Finland 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: France 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Germany 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Greece 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Greece 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Greece 2009 : (Greek version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Athens : : Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Greece, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Hungary 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Hungary 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews Hungary : (Hungarian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Budapest : : Ministry of Environment and Water, Hungary, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Iceland 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Ireland 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Ireland 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Israel 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Italy 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Japan 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Japan 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Korea 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Luxembourg 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Luxembourg 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Mexico 1998 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1998. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Mexico 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Netherlands 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: New Zealand 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Norway 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Norway 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Poland 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Portugal 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Portugal 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Russian Federation 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Slovak Republic 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Slovak Republic 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Spain 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Sweden 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Switzerland 1998 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1998. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Switzerland 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Turkey 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Turkey 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Turkey 2008 : (Turkish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Ankara : : Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Turkey, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: United Kingdom 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: United States 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Environmental Strategy : 2004 Review of Progress / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Factbook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Factbook 2008 : Estadísticas económicas, ambientales y sociales / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Oleiros (La Coruña) : : Netbiblo, S.L. Grupo Biblo, Spain, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Factbook 2010 : Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics (Japanese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook: 2006-2015 : Highlights / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD-FAO Perspectivas agricolas 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD-FAO Perspectivas agricolas 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2001: Sustainable Development and the New Economy : Forum Highlights / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2002 : Forum Highlights / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2003 : Forum Highlights / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2004 : Forum Highlights / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2005 : Forum Highlights: Fuelling the Future: Security, Stability, Development / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2006 : Forum Highlights / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2006 : Forum Highlights / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2007 : Forum Highlights / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Forum 2007 : Forum Highlights / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Framework for the Evaluation of SME and Entrepreneurship Policies and Programmes / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Global Forum on International Investment
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Green Growth Studies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Grundsätze der Corporate Governance / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD-Grundsätze der Corporate Governance 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Guidance on Safety Performance Indicators : A Companion to the OECD Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Guidance on Safety Performance Indicators : A Companion to the OECD Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response (Chinese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Taipei City : : Association of Taiwan Agenda 21, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Guide to Measuring the Information Society 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, 2011 Edition / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
2011. - Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises : Revision 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for Protecting Consumers from Fraudulent and Deceptive Commercial Practices across Borders / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Lignes directrices de l'OCDE régissant la protection des consommateurs contre les pratiques commerciales transfrontières frauduleuses et trompeuses / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for the Licensing of Genetic Inventions / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Lignes directrices de l'OCDE relatives aux licences sur les inventions génétiques / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks : Towards a Culture of Security / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Lignes directrices de l'OCDE régissant la sécurité des systèmes et réseaux d'information : Vers une culture de la sécurité / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 1: Physical-Chemical properties
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2: Effects on Biotic Systems
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 3: Degradation and Accumulation
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 4: Health Effects
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5: Other Test Guidelines
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines on Funding and Benefit Security in Occupational Pension Plans / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Guidelines towards Environmentally Sustainable Transport / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response : (Chinese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Taipei City : : Association of Taiwan Agenda 21, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Guiding Principles for Regulatory Quality and Performance / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Handbook for Internationally Comparative Education Statistics : Concepts, Standards, Definitions and Classifications / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Handbook on Economic Globalisation Indicators : (Chinese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Beijing : : China Financial and Economic Publishing House, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Handbook on Economic Globalisation Indicators : (Polish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Warsaw : : Central Statistical Office, Poland, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Health Policy Studies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Health Policy Studies: Improving Value in Health Care : Measuring Quality (Korean version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Seoul : : OECD/Korea Policy Centre, Korea, , 2012. - オンライン (//O71)
OECD Health Policy Studies: Value for Money in Health Spending : (Korean version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Seoul : : OECD/Korea Policy Centre, Korea, , 2012. - オンライン (//O71)
The OECD Health Project
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Historical Statistics : Statistiques rétrospectives de l'OCDE.
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD in Figures
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
Die OECD in Zahlen 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
Die OECD in Zahlen 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
Die OECD in Zahlen 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
Die OECD in Zahlen und Fakten
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
Die OECD in Zahlen und Fakten 2010 : Wirtschaft, Umwelt, Gesellschaft / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
The OECD Innovation Strategy : Getting a Head Start on Tomorrow / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Insights
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Insights
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD International Direct Investment Statistics
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD International Direct Investment Statistics
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Perspectives
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Caribbean Rim 2004 : Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Jamaica / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Caribbean Rim 2006 : Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St. Lucia / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: China 2003 : Progress and Reform Challenges / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: China 2006 : Open Policies towards Mergers and Acquisitions / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: China 2008 : Encouraging Responsible Business Conduct / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Egypt 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: India 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Indonesia 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Israel 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Morocco 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Peru 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Romania 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Russian Federation 2004 : Progress and Reform Challenges / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Russian Federation 2006 : Enhancing Policy Transparency / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Russian Federation 2008 : Strengthening the Policy Framework for Investment / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Slovenia 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Ukraine 2002 : Progress in Investment Reform / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Ukraine 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Viet Nam 2009 : Policy Framework for Investment Assessment / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
The OECD Jobs Strategy
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Journal on Budgeting, Volume 4 Issue 3 (Korean version) : The Legal Framework for Budget Systems: An International Comparison / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Seoul : : Korea Institute of Public Finance, Korea, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD-Kodizes der Liberalisierung des Kapitalverkehrs und der laufenden unsichtbaren Operationen : Leitfaden für den Benutzer / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD-Leitlinien für die Behandlung von Interessenkonflikten im öffentlichen Dienst / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD-Leitlinien zum Schutz der Verbraucher vor grenzüberschreitenden betrügerischen und irreführenden Handelspraktiken / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Vienna : : Federal Ministry of Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
Die OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen : Neufassung 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD-Leitsätze zu Corporate Governance in staatseigenen Unternehmen / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD:N Neuvoston suositus ohjeiksi kuluttajansuojasta sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Patent Statistics Manual / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Pensions at a Glance
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Pensions at a Glance 2007 : Public Policies across OECD Countries (Korean version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Seoul : : OECD/Korea Policy Centre, Korea, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Performance Environmental Reviews (Slovak version) : Slovak Republic / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Principes et lignes directrices de l'OCDE pour l'accès aux données de la recherche financée sur fonds publics / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Principles for Integrity in Public Procurement / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Principles for Private Sector Participation in Infrastructure / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 (Arabic version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
East Orange : : Louis Berger Group, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 (Chinese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Beijing : : China Financial and Economic Publishing House, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 Edition (Japanese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 (Serbian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Belgrade : : OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 (Slovenian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Ljubljana : : Socius d.d., Slovenia, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance : (Russian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Principles of Occupational Pension Regulation : Methodology for Assessment and Implementation / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Principles on Good Laboratory Practice / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Private Pensions Outlook 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD-Prüfbericht zur Politik für ländliche Räume : Deutschland / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD-Prüfungen im Bereich Innovationspolitik : China 2008 : Synthesebericht / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD-Prüfungen im Bereich Regulierungsreform: Deutschland : Konsolidierung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Erneuerung / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Public Debt Markets : Trends and Recent Structural Changes / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Public Governance Reviews
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Public Management Reviews: Ireland 2008 : Towards an Integrated Public Service / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Regions at a Glance
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
The OECD Report on Regulatory Reform : Synthesis Report / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1997. - オンライン
OECD retningslinjer for forbrukervern ved elektronisk handel / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Brazil 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Bulgaria 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Chile 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: China 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Israel 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Israel 2010 : (Hebrew version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Beit Dagan : : Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Israel, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Korea 1999 : National Policies and Agricultural Trade / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Romania 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Russian Federation 1998 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1998. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Slovenia 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: South Africa 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Review of Fisheries: Policies and Summary Statistics
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Australia 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Denmark 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: New Zealand 2011 / Deborah Nusche ... [et al]
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Norway 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Sweden 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment: Brazil 1998 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1998. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment: Czech Republic 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment: Estonia 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment: Hungary 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment: Lithuania 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality: Korea 2012 : Raising Standards / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality: Korea 2012 : Raising Standards (Korean version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Seoul : : OECD/Korea Policy Centre, Korea, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Care Systems: Korea 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Systems
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Finland 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Mexico 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Switzerland 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and World Health Organization
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Switzerland 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and World Health Organization
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Turkey 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and The World Bank
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Human Resource Management in Government
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Human Resource Management in Government: Belgium 2007 : Brussels-Capital Region, Federal Government, Flemish Government, French Community, Walloon Region / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Human Resource Management in Government: Brazil 2010 : Federal Government / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Chile 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: China 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy China : Synthesis Report / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Hungary 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Hungary 2008 : (Hungarian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Budapest : : National Office for Research and Technology, Hungary, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Korea 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Luxembourg 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Mexico 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: New Zealand 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Norway 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Russian Federation 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: South Africa 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Switzerland 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Chile 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Estonia 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Israel / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Serbia 2008 : A Labour Market in Transition / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Slovenia 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Austria 2010 / Deborah Nusche, Claire Shewbridge and Christian Lamhauge Rasmussen
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Denmark 2010 / Deborah Nusche, Gregory Wurzburg and Breda Naughton
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Ireland 2010 / Miho Taguma ... [et al]
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Netherlands 2010 / Claire Shewbridge ... [et al]
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Norway 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ... [et al]
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Sweden 2010 / Miho Taguma ... [et al]
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: 15 Mexican States 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: Basque Country, Spain 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: Catalonia, Spain 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation, North of England, United Kingdom 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: Piedmont, Italy 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Australia 2010 : Towards a Seamless National Economy / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Brazil 2008 : Strengthening Governance for Growth / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Canada 2002 : Maintaining Leadership through Innovation / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: China 2009 : Defining the Boundary between the Market and the State / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Finland 2003 : A New Consensus for Change / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: France 2004 : Charting a Clearer Way Forward / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Germany 2004 : Consolidating Economic and Social Renewal / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Italy 2007 : Ensuring Regulatory Quality across Levels of Government / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Italy 2009 : Better Regulation to Strengthen Market Dynamics / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Japan 2004 : Progress in Implementing Regulatory Reform / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Korea 2007 : Progress in Implementing Regulatory Reform / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform : Korea Progress in Implementing Regulatory Reform (Korean version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Seoul : : Office for Government Policy Coordination Korea, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Mexico 2004 : Progress in Implementing Regulatory Reform / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Norway 2003 : Preparing for the Future Now / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Poland 2002 : From Transition to New Regulatory Challenges / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform : Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries: From Interventionism to Regulatory Governance (Bulgarian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Sofia : : University of National and World Economy , , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Denmark 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Greece 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Hungary 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Ireland 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Italy 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Japan 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Korea 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Mexico 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Spain 2000 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in the Czech Republic 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in the Netherlands 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in the United States 1999 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Russia 2005 : Building Rules for the Market / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Sweden 2007 : Achieving Results for Sustained Growth / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Switzerland 2006 : Seizing the Opportunities for Growth / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Turkey 2002 : Crucial Support for Economic Recovery / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: United Kingdom 2002 : Challenges at the Cutting Edge / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies: Italy 2010 : Review of the Italian National Civil Protection System / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies: Japan 2009 : Large-Scale Floods and Earthquakes / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies: Norway 2006 : Information Security / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies: Sweden 2007 : The Safety of Older People / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: China 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Croatia 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Czech Republic 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Estonia 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education Estonia : (Estonian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Tartu : : Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Finland 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Iceland 2008 / Guy Neave ... [et al]
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Japan 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Korea 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Mexico 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Netherlands 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: New Zealand 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Norway 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Poland 2007 / Oliver Fulton ... [et al]
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education Poland : (Polish version) / Oliver Fulton ... [et al]
Warszawa : : Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Spain 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training: A Learning for Jobs Review of China 2010 : (Chinese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2012. - オンライン (//O71)
OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training: A Learning for Jobs Review of Mexico 2009 / Viktória Kis, Kathrin Hoeckel and Paulo Santiago
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Richtlinien für die Sicherheit von Informationssystemen und -Netzen : Auf dem Weg zu einer Sicherheitskultur / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: China 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: England, United Kingdom 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Finland 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Finland 2008 : (Finnish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Helsinki : : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Germany 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews, Italy 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Mexico 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Netherlands 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Québec, Canada 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Scotland, UK 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Spain 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
The OECD's Project on Harmful Tax Practices : The 2001 Progress Report / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD:s riktlinjer för säkerheten i informationssystem och nät : På väg mot en säkerhetskultur / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2004 (Chinese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Beijing : : Ministry of Science and Technology, China, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Series on Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Compliance Monitoring
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Series on Testing and Assessment
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Skills Studies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Outlook 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
The OECD STAN Database for Industrial Analysis : 1978/1997 1998 Edition / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = La base de données STAN de l'OCDE pour l'analyse de l'industrie : 1978/1997 Edition 1998 / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
1998 Edition. - Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1999. - オンライン
OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services : Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les échanges internationaux de services.
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services, Volume I, Detailed Tables by Service Category : Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les échanges internationaux de services, Volume I, Tableaux détaillés par catégories de services.
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services, Volume II, Detailed Tables by Partner Country : Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les échanges internationaux de services, Volume II, Tableaux détaillés par pays partenaires.
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Steel Outlook
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD-Studien zur Berufsbildung: Lernen für die Arbeitswelt / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Studies on Environmental Innovation
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Studies on Public Engagement
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship. Poland: Key Issues and Policies : (Polish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Warszawa : : Ministry of Economy, Poland, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Studies on Tourism
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Studies on Water
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Survey of Upper Secondary Schools : Technical Report / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Sustainable Development Studies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Tax Policy Studies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Tax Policy Studies No. 7a - OECD Fiscal Design Survey Background Paper: Czech Republic / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Tax Policy Studies No. 7b - OECD Fiscal Design Survey Background Paper: Hungary / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Tax Policy Studies No. 7c - OECD Fiscal Design Survey Background Paper: Poland / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Tax Policy Studies No. 7d - OECD Fiscal Design Survey Background Paper: Estonia / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Tax Policy Studies No. 7e - OECD Fiscal Design Survey Background Paper: Latvia / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Tax Policy Studies No. 7f - OECD Fiscal Design Survey Background Paper: Lithuania / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Outlook / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
2001 Edition. - Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Athens, Greece 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Bergamo, Italy 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Busan, Korea 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Canada 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Cape Town, South Africa 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Champagne-Ardenne, France 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Chile 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Chile 2009 : (Spanish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Santiago : : Ministry of the Interior, Chile, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Copenhagen, Denmark 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Czech Republic 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Finland 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: France 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Guangdong, China 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Helsinki, Finland 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Hungary 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Istanbul, Turkey 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Italy 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Japan 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Korea 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Luxembourg 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Madrid, Spain 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Mexico 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Mexico City 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Milan, Italy 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Montreal, Canada 2004 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2004. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Moravska Trebova-Jevicko, Czech Republic 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Newcastle in the North East, United Kingdom 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: NORA Region 2011 : The Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and Coastal Norway / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Norway 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Oresund, Denmark/Sweden 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Poland 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Poland 2008 : (Polish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Warsaw : : Ministry of Regional Development, Poland, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Portugal 2008 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews Portugal : (Portuguese version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Lisboa : : Financial Institute for Regional Development, PI, Portugal, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Randstad Holland, Netherlands 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews. Rapporto su Venezia Metropoli / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Venezia : : Marsilio Editori s.p.a., , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Seoul, Korea 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Siena, Italy 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Skåne, Sweden 2012 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Småland-Blekinge, Sweden 2012 : (Swedish version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Vaxjo : : Regional council of Southern Smaland, Sweden, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Stockholm, Sverige 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Stokholm : : Stockholm County Council Office of Regional Planning and Urban Transportation , , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Stockholm, Sweden 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Sweden 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Switzerland 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Switzerland 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Teruel, Spain 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: The Mesoamerican Region 2006 : Southeastern Mexico and Central America / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: The Metropolitan Region of Melbourne, Australia 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: The Valencian Central Districts, Spain 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Toronto, Canada 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Trans-border Urban Co-operation in the Pan Yellow Sea Region, 2009 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2009. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Trans-border Urban Co-operation in the Pan Yellow Sea Region, 2009 : (Korean version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Tzoumerka, Greece 2002 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Venice, Italy 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Vienna-Bratislava, Austria/Slovak Republic 2003 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
OECD Territorial Reviews: Yucatan, Mexico 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Territorialexamen: Schweiz / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
OECD Territorialexamen: Schweiz 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Tourism Trends and Policies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Trade Policy Studies
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010 : (Slovenian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Ljubljana : : Ministry of Finance, Slovenia, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010 : (Ukrainian version) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Kiev-53 : : State Tax Service of Ukraine, , 2013. - オンライン
OECD-Umweltausblick bis 2030 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
OECD Umweltprüfberichte
Berne : : Office fédéral de l'environnement OFEV, Switzerland. - オンライン
OECD Umweltprüfberichte: Deutschland 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2001. - オンライン
OECD-Umweltprüfberichte: Deutschland 2012 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2012. - オンライン
OECD Umweltprüfberichte: Schweiz 2007 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Berne : : Office fédéral de l'environnement OFEV, Switzerland, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD und die Bildungsplanung der freien Welt : Denkstile und Netzwerke einer internationalen Bildungsexpertise
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2017 - オンライン
OECD und die Bildungsplanung der freien Welt : Denkstile und Netzwerke einer internationalen Bildungsexpertise
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2017 - オンライン
OECD und die Bildungsplanung der freien Welt : Denkstile und Netzwerke einer internationalen Bildungsexpertise
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2017 - オンライン
OECD Urban Policy Reviews
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Urban Policy Reviews, Poland 2011 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Wirtschaftsausblick
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD Wirtschaftsberichte: Deutschland
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD-Wirtschaftsberichte: Euroraum 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2005. - オンライン
OECD-Wirtschaftsberichte: Euroraum 2006 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2007. - オンライン
OECD Wirtschaftsberichte: Österreich
Paris : : OECD Publishing. - オンライン
OECD-Wissenschafts, Technologie und Industrieausblick 2010 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2011. - オンライン
OECD Zpráva o politice, stavu a vývoji životního prostøedí: Česká Republika 2005 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Praha 10 : : Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, , 2006. - オンライン
: 環境庁環境保健部保健調査室 , 1984 - オンライン
OECD 日本の環境政策レビュー,1976年11月 議事録
: (環境庁国際課) , 1977 - オンライン
OECDs gjennomgang av evaluering og valuering innen utdanning Norge / Deborah Nusche ... [et al]
Oslo : : Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, , 2013. - オンライン
Oeconomia forensis, oder, Kurzer Inbegriff derjenigen landwirthschaftlichen Wahrheiten : welche allen sowohl hohen als niedrigen Gerichts-Personen zu wissen nöthig
Berlin : Bey Joachim Paull , 1775-1784 - オンライン
Oeconomia naturae, eller, Skaparens allvisa inrättning på vår jord, i agttagen vid de skapade tingens betraktande i de tre naturens riken, till deras fortplantning, vid magthållande och undergång : med medicinska facultetens bifall / under Carl Linnaei praesidio utgifven uti ett academiskt snille-prof på Latin vid Kongl. academien i Upsala år 1749 d. 4 martii ; och nu med någon tillökning på Svenska öfversatt af Isac J. Biberg
[Sweden] : Säljes i Kiesevetters boklådor , 1750 - オンライン
Oeconomia opificaria, h.e., periculum juris opificiarii undecimum : de domesticis opificum, quo inter cætera traduntur filiorum præcipua, von Meisters-Söhnen / Adrianus Beierus ...
Jenæ : Literis et sumtibus Gollnerianis , 1695 - オンライン
Oeconomia ruralis et domestica : darin das gantz Ampt aller trewer Hauss-Vätter und Hauss-Mütter beständiges und allgemeines Hauss-Buch vom Hausshalten, Wein- Acker- Gärten- Blumen- und Feld-Bau begriffen ... / hiebevor von Joanne Colero beschrieben
Franckfurt am Mayn : In Verlegung J.B. Schönwetters sel. Erben , 1680 - オンライン
Oeconomia ruralis et domestica : darin das gantz Ampt aller trewer Hauss-Vätter und Hauss-Mütter beständiges und allgemeines Hauss-Buch vom Hausshalten, Wein- Acker- Gärten- Blumen und Feld-Bau begriffen ... / hiebevor von Joanne Colero zwar beschrieben
Mayntz : Gedruckt und verlegt durch N. Heyll , 1665 - オンライン
Œconomic institution, to promote the knowledge, collection, manufacture, and use of articles, the growth of this country : and other objects calculated to give employment to the poor
[London] : From the press of Chapple and Oxberry , 1816 - オンライン
Oeconomica : methodo scientifica pertractata ... in qua agitur de societatibus minoribus, conjugali paterna et herili / autore Christiano L.B. de Wolff
Halae Magdeburgicae : [Pr]ostat in officina libraria Rengeriana , 1754-1755 - オンライン
The oeconomical table : an attempt towards ascertaining and exhibiting the source, progress, and employment of riches with explanations / by the friend of mankind, the celebrated Marquis de Mirabeau ; translated from the French
London : Printed for W. Owen , 1766 - オンライン
Oeconomie générale de la campagne, ou, Nouvelle maison rustique / par Louis Liger
2. ed., rev. et corr. & augm. / par l'auteur.. - Paris : Chez C. Prudhomme , 1708 - オンライン
Oeconomie generale de la campagne, ou, Nouvelle maison rustique / par le Sieur Louis Liger ...
Seconde ed., revûë & corrigée.. - A Amsterdam : Chez Henri Desbordes ... , 1701 - オンライン
Oeconomisch-politische Betrachtungen über die Handels-Bilanz / von Johann Zizius
Wien ; Triest : Geistinger , 1811 - オンライン
Oeconomisch-praktisches Wirthschaftsbuch für Haus- und Landwirthe auf jeden Monath des Jahrs : mit zwangig eingedruckten Kupfern
Neue verb. Aufl.. - Nürnberg : In der Riegel- und Wiessnerschen Buchhandlung , 1804 - オンライン
Oeconomische Anmerckungen über Seckendorffs Fürsten-Staat und Entwurff einer Fortsetzung der Germaniae principis samt Bedencken des Freyherrn von Senckenbergs und einigen weitern Zusätzen / Johann Peter von Ludewig ; herausgegeben von Christian Ehrenfried Klotz
Franckfurt ; Leipzig : [s.n.] , 1753 - オンライン
Oeconomische Encyclopädie, oder, Allgemeines System der Staats-Stadt- Haus- u. Landwirthschaft, in alphabetischer Ordnung / von Johann Georg Krünitz
Berlin : J. Pauli , 1779 - オンライン
Oeconomische Gedanken zu Weiterem Nachdenken Erdffnet
Kopenhagen ; Leipzig : Friederich Christian Pelt - オンライン
Oeconomische Nachrichten
Leipzig : J. Wendler , 1750-1763 - オンライン
Oeconomische und statistische Reise durch Meklenburg, Pommern, Brandenburg und Holstein / aus dem Dänischen übersetzt, mit einigen Anmerkungen, von Valentin August Heinze
Kopenhagen : Bei Christian Gottlob Proft , 1786 - オンライン
Oeconomischer Wegweiser : das ist, die gemeine Hausshaltungs-Wissenschafft und deren nützlichste Ubung so kürtzlich als gründlich dergestalt beschrieben, dass dadurch die Nutzungen welche bey gemeinen Hausshalt gesucht werden, reichlich zufinden und wohl damit zugebahren ... / von Christoph Heringen, D.R. befl. Cosliz. Misnic
Jena : In Verlegung Matthæi Birckners ..., druckts Samuel Adolff Müller , 1680 - オンライン
Oeconomischjuristische Abhandlung vom Anschlag der Güther in Sachsen
Leipzig : Bey Johann Wendler , 1758 - オンライン
Oeconomisk beskrifning på fabrikerne uti Götheborg ... / under inseende af ... Clas Bl. Trozelius ... junii MDCCLXI, utgifven af Barthold Paulin
Lund : Tryckt hos C.-G. Berling , [1761] - オンライン
Oeconomisk underrättelse, att på hårdwalls-ängar igenom lämpeliga wärter befrämja den mästa och bästa höwärt ... / Pehr Adrian Gadds ... ; Jacob Johan Ursinus ...
Abo : J.Ch. Frenckell , [1772] - オンライン
Oeconomiske tanker til høiere efter-tante
Kiøbenhavn : Trykt hos C.G. Glasings efterleverske, ved Nicolaus Møller , 1756-1761 - オンライン
The oeconomy of charity, or, An address to ladies concerning Sunday-schools : the establishment of schools of industry under female inspection; and the distribution of voluntary benefactions : to which is added an appendix, containing an account of the Sunday-schools in Old Brentford / by Mrs. Trimmer
Dublin : Printed by M. Graisberry , 1787 - オンライン
The oeconomy of His Majesty's Navy-Office : containing the several duties of the commissioners and principal officers thereof ... : being the first rules establish'd for them by ... the Duke of York ... and continu'd in force to this day / by an officer of the navy
London : Printed for Jonas Browne ..., and Richard Mount ... , 1717 - オンライン
The Oeconomy of human life / translated from an Indian manuscript written by an ancient bramin
London : Printed for M. Cooper , 1751 - オンライン
The Oeconomy of human life
[S.l : s.n , 1750?] - オンライン
The Oeconomy of human life : in two parts / translated from an Indian manuscript written by an ancient bramin
[S.l : s.n.] , 1762 - オンライン
L'Œdipe Roi de Sophocle. Tome 1 Le texte et ses interprétations
: Presses universitaires du Septentrion , 2010 - オンライン
L'Œdipe Roi de Sophocle. Tome 2 Le texte et ses interprétations
: Presses universitaires du Septentrion , 2010 - オンライン
L'Œdipe Roi de Sophocle. Tome 3 Le texte et ses interprétations
: Presses universitaires du Septentrion , 2010 - オンライン
L'Œdipe Roi de Sophocle. Tome 4 Le texte et ses interprétations
: Presses universitaires du Septentrion , 2010 - オンライン
L'Œdipe romantique : Le jeune homme, le désir et l'histoire en 1830
: UGA Éditions , 2002 - オンライン
Oedipus The Ancient Legend and Its Later Analogues
, 2019 - オンライン
Oeffentlich-Private Finanzierung Von Infrastruktur in Entwicklungslaendern und Deren Beitrag Zur Armutsreduktion: Fallstudien in Vietnam und Auf Den Philippinen
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oeffentlich-Private Finanzierung Von Infrastruktur in Entwicklungslaendern und Deren Beitrag Zur Armutsreduktion : Fallstudien in Vietnam und Auf Den Philippinen
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2009 - オンライン
Oeffentliche Handels-Lehranstalt in Leipzig
[S.l : s.n , 1832?] - オンライン
Oeffentliche Planung auf Landesebene
: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group , 1987 - オンライン
Oeffentliche Planung Auf Landesebene : Eine Analyse Von Planungskonzepten in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 1986 - オンライン
Oeffentliche Sportfoerderung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Darstellung und Finanztheoretische Analyse
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oeffentlichen Personalausgaben
: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group , 1991 - オンライン
Oeffentlichen Personalausgaben : Eine Empirische Analyse Fuer Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 1991 - オンライン
œil et la voix dans les romans de E.M. Forster et leur adaptation cinématographique
: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée , 2012 - オンライン
L'œil littéraire : La vision comme opérateur scriptural
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2015 - オンライン
Oekodumping? Umweltpolitik in Internationalen Oligopolmaerkten
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekologieorientierte Produktinnovationen: Eine Empirische Analyse Unter Besonderer Beruecksichtigung Ihrer Erfolgseinschaetzung
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekologieorientierte Profilierung im vertikalen Marketing
: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group , 1997 - オンライン
Der Oekonom, Hausvater, Künstler, und Manufakturist : in einer getreuen Unterweisung mancherlei Vortheile bei der Land- und Hauswirthschaft, nützlicher Handgriffe, und Vervollkommung in Gewerben, und Verarbeitung der Produkte des Fleises, und der Industrie, dann ausserlesene Mitteln seiner Gesundheit zupflegen, und sich gegen Kranheiten zu verwahren / Alles aus den zuverlässligsten Quellen zusammengetragen, und herausgegeben von Joseph Kottnauer
Brag : Bei Martin Neureuter Buchhändler , [1805] - オンライン
Die Oekonomie der menschlichen Gesellschaften und das Finanzwesen / von einem ehemaligen Finanzminister
Stuttgart : E. Schweizerhart'sche Verlagshandlung , 1845 - オンライン
Oekonomie der Musikindustrie: Eine Analyse der Koerperlichen und Unkoerperlichen Musikverwertung Mit Hilfe Von Tontraegern und Netzen
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomie der Musikindustrie : Eine Analyse der Koerperlichen und Unkoerperlichen Musikverwertung Mit Hilfe Von Tontraegern und Netzen
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 1998 - オンライン
Die Oekonomie der Zukunft : eine socialpolitische Skizze / von E.K
Berlin : Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht , 1881 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Die Oekonomie Internationalen Umweltschutzes
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Die Oekonomie Internationalen Umweltschutzes
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomie Zwischen Wissenschaft und Ethik: Eine Dogmenthistorische Untersuchung Von léon M. E. Walras Bis Milton Friedman
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomie Zwischen Wissenschaft und Ethik : Eine Dogmenthistorische Untersuchung Von léon M. E. Walras Bis Milton Friedman
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2005 - オンライン
Oekonomik der Transformation Als Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitisches Problem: Eine Einfuehrung Aus Wirtschaftsanthropologischer Sicht
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomisch-juristischer Tractat von der Schäferengerechtigkeit : deren Birkungen, richtigen Gränzen und Einschränkungen / von dem Verfasser der Oeconomia forensis
Berlin : J. Pauli , 1784 - オンライン
Oekonomische Aufsätze / von Georg Friedrich Wehrs
Schwerin und Wismar : Im Verlage der Bödnerschen buchhandlung , 1791 - オンライン
Oekonomische Beitraege und Bemerkungen zur Landwirthschaft
Stutgart : Johann Benedict Mezler - オンライン
Oekonomische Briefe, oder, Entdeckte Betrügereyen der Verwalter : nebst einem vollständigen Entwurfe einer Jahresrechnung
Leipzig : bey Johann Philipp Haugs Wittwe , 1788 - オンライン
Oekonomische Kriterien Fuer eine Aufgabenverteilung in der Marktwirtschaft: Eine Deskriptive und Normative Betrachtung Fuer Den Allokationsbereich
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomische Kriterien und Anreizmechanismen Fuer eine Effiziente Foerderung Von Industrieller Forschung und Innovation: Mit Einer Empirischen Quantifizierung der Hebeleffekte Von F&e-Foerderinstrumenten in Oesterreich
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomische Kriterien und Anreizmechanismen Fuer eine Effiziente Foerderung Von Industrieller Forschung und Innovation : Mit Einer Empirischen Quantifizierung der Hebeleffekte Von F&e-Foerderinstrumenten in Oesterreich
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2006 - オンライン
Oekonomische Nachrichten / der Patriotischen Gesellschaft in Schlesien
Breslau : In commission bey Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn , 1773-1779 - オンライン
Oekonomische Nachrichten der Patriotische Gesellschaft in Schlesian
Breslau : Willheim Gottlieb Korn - オンライン
Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen
Prag : Im Verlage der Calveschen Buchhandlung - オンライン
Oekonomische und physikalische Beleuchtung der wichtigsten Feldbau- oder Wirthschaftssysteme Europas : und ihrer Anwendbarkeit zu Verbesserung der Landwirthschaft in Deutschland und Preussen / von W.A. Kreyssig
Leipzig : Baumgärtners Buchh , 1833 - オンライン
Oekonomische Weisheit und Thorheit, oder, Journal von und für Oekonomen, Kameralisten, Hausmütter, Gartenliebhaber und Freunde der Stadt- und Landwirthschaftskunde
Erfurt : Bey Georg Adam Keyser , 1789 - オンライン
Oekonomische Wirkungen Von Steueramnestien: Untersuchung Konkreter Erfahrungen Ausgewaehlter Laender Mit Dem Einsatz Von Steueramnestien Anhand Eines Effizienten Steueramnestieprogramms
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomischer almanach auf das jahr 1802
Wien : bey A. Gassler , [1802?] - オンライン
Oekonomischer Ansatz der Theorie der Intermediaeren Finanzgewalten - Die Kirchen Als Parafisci
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Oekonomisches Portefeuille zur Ausbreitung nützlicher Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus allen Theilen der Oekonomie
Lübeck : Ben Christian Gottfried Donatius , 1786-1788 - オンライン
Oekonomisches Repertorium für Liefland
Riga : Auf Kosten der Liefländischen Ökonomischen Societät , 1808-1811 - オンライン
Oekonomiske, politiske betragtninger over Dannemarks : isaer landvasenets naervaerende forfatning / ved Frans Wilhelm Trojel
Kiøbenhavn : Trykt paa Christian Gottl. Prosts forlag , 1787 - オンライン
Oekumenische Politik, oder, Allgemeine Einleitung und Aufstellung der Grundbedingungen zum Staatsleben überhaupt / von Karl Vollgraff
Giessen : B.C. Ferber , 1828 - オンライン
Oenologia toscana, o sia, Memoria sopra i vini ed in specie toscani / scritta a vantaggio del paese dal dottore Gio. Cosimo Villifranchi, medico fiorentino e socio botanico ; stata premiata in quest' anno MDCCLXXIII ; dalla R. Accademia d' agricoltura fiorentina detta dei georgofili ; e pubblicata in due volumi sotto gli auspicj di ... Giacomo Morosini
Firenze : Per Gaetano Cambiagi , 1773 - オンライン
Oenologie française, ou, Statistique de tous les vignobles et de toutes les boissons vineuses et spiriteuses de la France : suivi de considérations générales sur la culture de la vigne / par M. Cavoleau
Paris : Madame Huzard , 1827 - オンライン
A oeste das minas : escravos, índios e homens livres numa fronteira oitocentista Triângulo Mineiro (1750-1861)
: SciELO Books - EDUFU , 2005 - オンライン
Oesterreich's Schiffahrt : als Nachtrag zu E. v. Schwarzer's Land- und Seehandel Österreich's u.s.w. / von J. Löwenthal
Triest : J. Papisch , 1847 - オンライン
Oesterreich über alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeinender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wohlbestellten Lands-Oeconomie, die kayserlichen Erb-Lande in kurtzem über alle andere Staate [!] von Europa zu erheben und mehr als einiger derselben von denen andern independent zu machen / P.W.v.H
Regenspurg : Verlegts J.Z. Seidel , 1708 - オンライン
Oesterreich über alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeinender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wohlbestellten Lands-Oeconomie, die keyserliche Erb-Lande in kurtzem über alle andere Staaten von Europa zu erheben und mehr als einiger derselben von denen andern independent zu machen ... / von P.W.v.H
Franckfurt : [s.n.] , 1729 - オンライン
Oesterreich uber alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeinender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wolbestellten Lands-Oeconomie die kayserl. Erbland in kurzem über alle andere Staat von Europa zu erheben und mehr als einiger derselben von denen andern independent zu machen / durch einen Liebhaber der kayserl. Erbland Wolfahrt
[S.l : s.n.] , 1684 - オンライン
Oesterreich über alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeynender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wohlbestellten Landes-Oeconomie, die käyserl. Erb-Lande in kurtzem über alle andere Staaten von Europa zu erheben und mehr als einiger derselben von denen andern independent zu machen / P.W.v.H
Regenspurg : Verlegts J.C. Peetz , 1723 - オンライン
Oesterreich über alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeynender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wohlbestellten Landes-Oeconomie, die kayserl. Erb-Lande in kurtzem über alle andere Staaten von Europa zu erheben und mehr als einiger derselben von denen andern independent zu machen / P.W.v.H
Regenspurg : Verlegts J.C. Peetz , 1727 - オンライン
Oesterreich über alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeynender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wohlbestellten Landes-Oeconomie, die kayserl. königl. Erb-Lande inkurtzem über alle andere Staaten vonEuropa zu erheben und mehr als einige derselben von denen andern independent zu machen ... / von P.W.v.H
Neueste Aufl.. - Franckfurt ; Leipzig : [s.n.] , 1753 - オンライン
Oesterreich über alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeynender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wohlbestellten Lands-Oeconomie, die käyserlichen Erb-Lande in kurtzem über alle andere Staate von Europa zu erheben und mehr als einiger derselben von denen andern independent zu machen / durch W.F.v.S. [sic]
Leipzig : Bey T. Fritschen , 1707 - オンライン
Oesterreich über alles wann es nur will : das ist, wohlmeynender Fürschlag wie mittelst einer wohlbestellten Lands-Oeconomie, die kayserlichen Erb-Lande in kurtzem über alle andere Staate von Europa zu erheben und mehr als einiger derselben von denen andern independent zu machen / P.W.v.H
Regenspurg : Verlegts J.Z. Seidel , 1712 - オンライン
Oesterreichische Gebühren- und Steuergesetze : mit Erläuterungen aus der Rechtssprechung / von Leo Geller
Wien : M. Perles , 1882 . -  (Oesterreichische Gesetze ; Abt. 3) - オンライン
Die Oesterreichische Nationalbank während der Dauer des dritten Privilegiums / von Wilhelm Ritter von Lucam
Wien [i.e., Vienna, Austria] : G.J. Manz , 1876 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Oesterreichische Steuergesetze : Sammlung der auf directe Steuern Bezug habenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Indicate / herausgegeben von Victor Röll
Wien : Manz'sche k. k. Hofverlags- und Universitäts-Buchhandlung , 1881-1882 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Oesterreichische Steuergesetze : vollständige Sammlung aller auf directe Steuern Bezug habenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Judicate / herausgegeben von Victor Röll
Wien : Manz'schen k.k. Hofverlags- und Universitäts-Buchhandlung , 1881 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Oesterreichisches Wechsel-Recht, oder, Wienerische Wechselordnung : allenthalben mit dienlichen und nöthigen Anmerckungen wie auch vollständigen Registern versehen ... / durch J.R. Wegelin
Lindau : Druckt und verlegts J.C. Egg , 1719 - オンライン
Oesterreichs Finanzlage und seine Hilfsquellen / von Otto Hübner
Wien : Jasper, Hügel & Manz , 1849 - オンライン
Oesterreichs Land- und Seehandel : mit Hinblick auf Industrie und Schiffahrt / von Ernst von Schwarzer
Triest : J. Papsch und Comp. Buchdruckerei des österr. Lloyd , 1846 . -  (Oesterreichs Industrie, Schiffahrt, Land- und Seehandel / Ernst von Schwarzer ; 1. T) - オンライン
L'œuvre canonique d'Antoine Dadine d'Auteserre (1602-1682) : L'érudition au service de la juridiction ecclésiastique
: Presses de l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole , 2013 - オンライン
L'Œuvre de l'œuvre : Études sur la correspondance de Flaubert
: Presses universitaires de Vincennes , 1993 - オンライン
Œuvre de sentiment, œuvre de combat La Trilogie de Jules Vallès
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1988 - オンライン
œuvre du temps
: Éditions de la Sorbonne , 2019 - オンライン
L'œuvre économique de Charles Dunoyer / par Edmond Villey
Paris : L. Larose et Forcel , 1899 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
L'œuvre économique de Karl Marlo (Karl-Georg Winkelblech, 1810-1865) / par Edgard Allix
Paris : V. Giard & E. Brière , 1898 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
L'œuvre économique de Simonde de Sismondi : thèse pour le doctorate, soutenue le lundi 26 juin 1899, a 10 heures / par Albert Aftalion
Paris : A. Pedone , 1899 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
œuvre sans fin : réception des romans de Monique Saint-Hélier par la critique française (1932-1955
: Librairie Droz , 2014 - オンライン
L'oeuvre �economique de David Hume / par Albert Schatz, licenci�e �es lettres, avocat a la cour d'appel
(Paris : Arthur Rousseau , 1902) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
L'oeuvre �economique de Karl Marlo (Karl-Georg Winkelblech, 1810-1865) / par Edgard Allix, Docteur en Droit, Licenci�e �es-lettres, laur�eat de l'Ecole libre des Sciences politiques
(Paris : V. Giard & E. Bri�ere , 1898) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Oeuvrer ensemble pour un développement durable / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2002. - オンライン
Oeuvrer pour le salut : moines, chanoines et frères dans la péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge
: Casa de Velázquez , 2019 - オンライン
Oeuvres / de Jacques Bujault ; recueillies et précédées d'une introduction de Jules Rieffel ; illustrées de trente-quatre sujets gravés sur bois, par Guillaumot d'après les dessins de Gellé
Paris : F. Malteste, imprimeur , 1845 - オンライン
Oeuvres choisies de Campanella : précédées d'une notice / par Louise Colet
Paris : Lavigne , 1844 - オンライン
Œuvres complètes de Ch. Fourier
Paris : Librairie sociétaire , 1841-1848 - オンライン
Oeuvres completes de M. Helvétius
Londres : [s.n.] , 1777 - オンライン
Oeuvres complètes de M. Necker / publiées par M. le Baron de Staël
Paris : Chez Treuttel et Würtz , 1820 - オンライン
Oeuvres complètes de p.-J. Proudhon
Paris : Libr. internationale , 1851-1870 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Œuvres complettes [sic] de P. Poivre, intendant des isles de France et de Bourbon ... : précédées de sa vie ...
Paris : Chez Fuchs , 1797 - オンライン
Œuvres d'agriculture et d'economie rurale : enrichies de trente planches enluminées, précédées d'un tableau annuel de la régie, administration et compatabilité des revenues d'une terre, ou l'on découvre au premier coup-d'œil, sans être sur les lieux, les produits de toutes les parties d'un bien quelque considérable qu'il puisse être / par Rey Deplanazu
Nouvelle éd., revue, corrigée et augmentée.. - Paris : Chez Meurant , An X, (1801) - オンライン
Œuvres d'Ernest Coumet (T. 1)
: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté , 2016 - オンライン
Œuvres d'Ernest Coumet (T. 2)
: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté , 2019 - オンライン
Œuvres de Charles Dunoyer, revue sur les manuscrits de l'auteur / Charles Dunoyer
Paris : Libr. de Guillaumin et Cie , 1870 . -  (Œuvres de Charles Dunoyer ; t. 2 [i.e., 3]) - オンライン
Les oeuvres de Francois Grimaudet ....
Reueu, corrigé, & augmenté de nouueau.. - A Paris : Chez Martin Collft [sic] , 1623 - オンライン
Œuvres de Henri Fonfrède : recueillies et mises en ordre / par Ch.-Al. Campan
Bordeaux : Chaumas-Gayet , 1844-1847 - オンライン
Les oeuvres de Iean Bacquet, aduocat du roy en la Chambre du thresor : des droicts du domaine de la couronne de France
A Paris : Chez Abel L'Angelier ... , 1601 - オンライン
Les oeuvres de Iean Bacquet, aduocat du roy en la Chambre du thresor : des droicts du domaine de la couronne de France
Augmentees en ceste derniere ed. du Traicté des rentes / par le mesme autheur.. - A Geneve : Pour Pierre Aubert , 1625 - オンライン
Œuvres de J. Law ... contrôleur-général des finances de France, sous le régent ; contenant les principes sur le numéraire, le commerce, le crédit et les banques : avec des notes
Paris : Chez Buisson , 1790 - オンライン
Les oeuvres de la paroisse Ste.-Eulalie de Bordeaux : conf�erence faite le 27 d�ecembre, 1895 / par Le vicomte Pierre de Pelleport-Bur�ete, Pr�esident de l'Union catholique de la Gironde
(Bordeaux : Nouvelle Demachy, Pech & Cie , 1896) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Les œuvres de M. François Grimaudet, avocat du roy au siege presidial a Angers / reveuës, corrigées, & nouvellement mises en un tome
Imprimé a Bruxelles : Et se vend a Paris, chez Jean Guignard ..., René Guignard ... , 1670 - オンライン
Œuvres de M. Franklin, docteur ès loix ... traduites de l'anglois sur la quatrieme édition, par M. Barbeu Dubourg ; avec des additions nouvelles et des figures en taille douce
Paris : Chez Quillau l'aîné, Chez Esprit, et l'auteur , 1773 - オンライン
Oeuvres de Mirabeau : précédées d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages par Mérilhou
Paris : Lecointe et Pougin , 1834-1835 - オンライン
Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu
Nouv. éd. revue, corrigée, et considérablement augmentée par l'auteur.. - Amsterdam et a Leipsick : Chez Arkstée et Merkus , 1764 - オンライン
Oeuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu
Nouv. ed. / revue, corrigée, & considérablement augmentée par l'auteur.. - Amsterdam ; Leipsick : Chez Arkstée & Merkus , 1758 - オンライン
Les oeuvres de Mr Fouquet, ministre d'Estat, contenant son accusation, son procez, & ses défenses contre Louis XIV, roy de France
A Paris : Chez la Veuve de Cramoisy , 1696 - オンライン
Oeuvres de Mr. Necker : contenant Compte rendu au roi -- Mémoire sur l'établissement des administrations provinciales -- De l'administration des finances de la France
Londres : Chez Thomas Hookham , 1785 - オンライン
Œuvres de Mr. Turgot, ministre d'état : précédées et accompagnées de Memoires et de notes sur sa vie, son administration et ses ouvrages
[France : s.n , 1808-11] - オンライン
Oeuvres de Mr. Turgot, Ministre d'État : précédées et accompagnées de mèmoires et de notes sur sa vie, son administration et ses ouvrages
Paris : de l'Imprimerie de A. Belin , 1808-11 - オンライン
Les oeuvres de Nicolas Struyck (1687-1769) : qui se rapportent au calcul des chances, �a la statistique g�en�erle, �a la statistique des d�ec�es et aux rentes viag�eres, tir�ees des oeuvres compl�etes, et traduites du Hollandais / par J.A. Vollgraff, docteur es sciences, et offertes aux membres du Septi�eme Congres International d'Actuaires, r�eunis �a Amsterdam en Septembre, 1912, par la Soci�et�e G�en�erale N�eerlandaise d'Assurances sur la Vie et de Rentes Viag�eres, �etablie �a Amsterdam, Damrak 74
(Amsterdam : [Soci�et�e g�en�erale n�eerlandaise d'assurances sur la vie et de rentes viag�eres] , 1912) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Œuvres de Saint-Simon / précédés de fragments de l'histoire de sa vie écrite par lui-même, publiés en 1832, par Olinde Rodrigues
Paris : Capelle, libraire-éditeur , 1841 - オンライン
Œuvres de Turgot
Nouv. éd. classée par ordre de matières, avec les notes de Dupont de Nemours, augmentée de lettres inédites, des Questions sur le commerce, et d'observations et de notes nouvelles, par MM. Eugène Daire et Hippolyte Dussard : et précédée d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Turgot par M. Eugène Daire.. - Paris : Guillaumin , 1844 . -  (Collection des principaux économistes ; t. 3-4) - オンライン
Oeuvres diverses de J.-B. Say : contenant, Catechisme d'économie politique, fragments et opuscules inédits, correspondance générale, olbie, petit volume, mélanges de morale et de litterature : précédées d'une notice historique sur la vie et les travaux de l'auteur : avec des notes, par Ch. Comte, E. Daire et Horace Say
Paris : Chez Guillaumin et cie , 1848 - オンライン
Œuvres économiques et philosophiques de F. Quesnay, fondateur du système physiocratique : accompagnées des éloges et d'autres travaux biographiques sur Quesnay par différents auteurs / publiées avec une introduction et des notes par Auguste Oncken
Francfort s/M [France] : J. Baer , 1888 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Œuvres économiques et philosophiques de F. Quesnay, fondateur du système physiocratique : accompagnées des éloges et d'autres travaux biographiques sur Quesnay par différents auteurs / publiées avec une introduction et des notes par Auguste Oncken
Francfort-sur-le-Main ; Paris : J. Baer & Cie, Libraires-Éditeurs : J. Peelman & Cie , 1888 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Oeuvres posthumes de M. Turgot, ou, Mémoire de M. Turgot, sur les administrations provinciales : mis en parallèle avec celui de M. Necker, suivi d'une lettre sur ce plan, & des Observations d'un républicain sur ces mémoires ...
Lausane : [s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Oeuvres posthumes de M. Turgot, ou, Mémoire de M. Turgot, sur les administrations provinciales : mis en parallele avec celui de M. Necker, suivi d'une Lettre sur ce plan, & des Observations d'un républicain sur ces mémoires; ...
Lausanne : [s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
Les œuvres protestantes en Europe
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2013 - オンライン
[Oeuvres sur les travaux économiques et les théories de Boisguilbert]
Rouen [France] : Impr. J. Lecerf , 1893-1903 . -  (Audience solennelle de rentrée du ...) (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Les oeuvres �economiques de Sir William Petty / Sir William Petty ; traduit de l'anglais par Henry Dussauze, Licenci�e �es-lettres (Philosophie), Maurice Pasquier, Docteur un droit ; avec une pr�eface de Albert Schatz, Professeur agr�eg�e �a la Facult�e de droit de l'Universit�e d'Aix-Marseille
(Paris : V. Giard & E. Bri�ere , 1905) . -  (Biblioth�eque internationale d'�economie politique) (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Les oeuvres �economiques de Sir William Petty / Sir William Petty ; traduit de l'anglais par Henry Dussauze, Licenci�e �es-lettres (Philosophie), Maurice Pasquier, Docteur un droit ; avec une pr�eface de Albert Schatz, Professeur agr�eg�e �a la Facult�e de droit de l'Universit�e d'Aix-Marseille
(Paris : V. Giard & E. Bri�ere , 1905) . -  (Biblioth�eque internationale d'�economie politique) (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Of a free trade, a discourse seriously recommending to our nation the wonderfull benefits of trade, especially of a rightly governed and ordered trade : setting forth also most clearly the relative nature, degrees, and qualifications of libertie, which is ever to be inlarged, or restrained according to that good which it relates to, as that is more or lesse ample / written by Henry Parker ...
London : Printed by Fr. Neile for Robert Bostock ... , 1648 - オンライン
Of beneficiary matters, or, The dues of the altar : being a compleat history of ecclesiastical revenues, shewing ... / Father Paul
London : Printed for O. Payne , 1730 - オンライン
Of Bodies and Symptoms. Anthropological Perspectives on their Social and Medical Treatment
: Publicacions Universitat Rovira i Virgili , 2011 - オンライン
Of charity to the poor, and the religious education of poor children : a sermon preach'd in the parish-church of St. Sepulchre, April the 20th, 1732, being Thursday after Easter-week : at the anniversary meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools in and about the cities of London and Westminster / by Henry Stebbing
[England? : s.n.] , 1732 - オンライン
Of commerce and luxury
Philadelphia : Printed, from the London edition, by T. Lang , 1791 - オンライン
Of corporations, fraternities, and guilds, or, A discourse wherein the learning of the law touching bodies-politique is unfolded : shewing the use and necessity of that invention, the antiquity, various kinds, order and government of the same ; necessary to be known not only of all members and dependants of such bodies; but of all professours of our common law ; with forms and presidents of charters of corporation / by William Shepheard ...
London : Printed for H. Twyford, T. Dring, and J. Place , 1659 - オンライン
Of Corpse: Death and Humor in Folklore and Popular Culture
: Utah State University Press , 2003 - オンライン
Of elephants and toothaches : ethics, politics, and religion in Krzysztof Kieślowski's Decalogue
: Fordham University Press , 2016 - オンライン
Of exemptions from the payment of tithes of the lands of the monasteries and abbies dissolved by stat. 31 Hen. 8. cap. 13 : as stated in the arguments in the case of Devie against Lord Brownlow, and others, in the Court of Chancery, 1790 ...
London : Printed for E. and R. Brooke , 1792 - オンライン
Of gardens : a Latin poem, in four books / Rapin ; English'd by Mr. Gardiner
London : Printed by W. Bowyer for Bernard Lintott ... , [1706] - オンライン
Of gods and books : ritual and knowledge transmission in the manuscript cultures of premodern India
: de Gruyter , 2016 - オンライン
Of gods and books : ritual and knowledge transmission in the manuscript cultures of premodern India
: de Gruyter , 2016 - オンライン
Of gods and books : ritual and knowledge transmission in the manuscript cultures of premodern India
: de Gruyter , 2016 - オンライン
Of Great Importance
: Punctum Books , 2018 - オンライン
Of humans, pigs, and souls : an essay on the Yagwoia Womba complex
: Hau Books , 2020 - オンライン
Of husbandry : in twelve books, and his concerning trees : translated into English, with several illustrations from Pliny, Cato, Varro, Palladius, and other antient and modern authors
London : Printed for A. Millar , 1745 - オンライン
Of industry, in five discourses : viz., in general, in our general calling as Christians, in our particular calling as gentlemen, in our particular calling as scholars / by Isaac Barrow ...
London : Printed by W.B. for Brab. Aylmer ... , 1700 - オンライン
Of industry, in five discourses : viz. in general, in our general calling as Christians, in our particular calling as gentlemen, in our particular calling as scholars / by Isaac Barrow ... ; published by His Grace, John, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury
London : Printed by J.H. for Brab. Aylmer ... , 1693 - オンライン
of Inland Waters : An Elementary Text Book of Fresh-Water Biology For Students
: Comstock Publishing Co. , 1937 - オンライン
of Inland Waters : An Elementary Text Book of Fresh-Water Biology For Students
: Comstock Publishing Co. , 1937 - オンライン
Of learned ignorance : idea of a treatise in philosophy
: Punctum Books , 2013 - オンライン
Of Love and Papers
: University of California Press , 2020 - オンライン
Of love and papers : how immigration policy affects romance and family
: University of California Press , 2020 - オンライン
Of marshes and maize : preceramic agricultural settlements in the Cienega Valley, southeastern Arizona
: University of Arizona Press , 1995 - オンライン
Of Memory, Reminiscence, and Writing On the Verge
: Indiana University Press , 1990 - オンライン
Of microbes and men : war and peace on the mucosal surfaces
: Collège de France , 2013 - オンライン
Of money, the instrument of association : a lecture delivered at the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 14, 1890 / by Henry Carey Baird
(Washington, D.C : Office of The National View , 1890) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Of Parliamentary reform
[Great Britain : s.n , 1793?] - オンライン
Of population : an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind, being an answer to Mr. Malthus's essay on that subject / by William Godwin
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown , 1820 - オンライン
Of property and of its equal distribution as promoting virtue, population, abundance / by George Ensor
London : E. Wilson , 1844 - オンライン
Of Reynaert the Fox : text and facing translation of the Middle Dutch beast epic Van den vos Reynaerde
: Amsterdam University Press , 2009 - オンライン
Of Sunken Islands and Pestilence Restoring the Voice of Edward Taylor Fletcher to Nineteenth-Century Canadian Literature
: Athabasca University Press , 2022 - オンライン
Of the confusions and revolutions of governments : wherein is examined how farre a man may lawfully conforme to the powers and commands of those who with various successes hold kingdomes divided by civill or forraigne warrs : whether it be 1. in paying taxes, 2. in personal service, 3. in taking opposite oathes, 4. in mans giving himselfe up to a finall allegiance in case the warre end to the advantage of that power or party which is supposed unjust : likewise whether the nature of warre be inconsistent with the precepts of the Christian religion? ... / by Ant. Ascham
[2nd ed., with nine additional chapters]. - London : Printed by W. Wilson ... , 1649 - オンライン
Of the Contract
: Punctum Books , 2017 - オンライン
Of the Contract
: Punctum Books , 2017 - オンライン
Of the dominion or ownership of the sea : two books ; in the first is shew'd that the sea, by the law of nature or nations, is not common to all men, but capable of private dominion or proprietie, as well as the land, in the second is proved that the dominion of the British sea, or that which encompasseth the Isle of Great Britain, is and ever hath been a part or appendant of the empire of that island / written at first in Latin ... by John Selden, Esquire ; translated into English and set forth with som additional evidences and discourses by Marchamont Nedham
London : Published by William Du-Gard , 1652 - オンライン
Of the education of the poor : being the first part of a digest of the reports of the Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor, and containing a selection of those articles which have a reference to education
London : Printed for the Society , 1809 - オンライン
Of the ends of society / by Fettiplace Bellers
London : W. Richardson , 1759 - オンライン
Of the ends of society / by Fettiplace Bellers
London : Printed for W. Richardson , 1759 - オンライン
Of the impracticability of the resumption of cash payments : of the sufficiency of a representative currency in this country, under due regulations : and of the danger of a reduction of the circulating medium, in the present state of things / by Sir William Congreve
London : J. Hatchard and Son , 1819 - オンライン
Of the law of nature and nations : eight books / written in Latin by the Baron Pufendorf ... ; translated into English from the best edition
Oxford : Printed by L. Lichfield for A. and J. Churchil [and 10 others] , 1703 - オンライン
Of the law of nature and nations : eight books / written in Latin by the Baron Puffendorf ... ; done into English by Basil Kennet ...
The 3rd ed., carefully corrected, with two tables, to which are added all the large notes of Mr. Barbeyrac.. - London : Printed for R. Sare ... [and ten others] , 1717 - オンライン
Of the laws of chance, or, A method of calculation of the hazards of game : plainly demonstrated and applied to games at present most in use : which may be easily extended to the most intricate cases of chance imaginable
4th ed. / revis'd by John Ham.. - London : Printed for Motte and C. Bathurst , 1738 - オンライン
Of the means of guarding dwelling houses, by their construction, against accidents by fire / by the Right Hon. Warren Hastings
London : Carpenter and Son , 1816 - オンライン
Of the office of the clerk of the market, of weights & measures, and of the laws of provision for man and beast, for bread, wine, beer, meal, &c / by W. Sheppard, Esquire
London : Printed by J.S. for Samuel Heyrick ... and George Dawes ... , 1665 - オンライン
Of the opening of rivers for navigation : the benefit exemplified by the two Avons of Salisbury and Bristol, with a mediterranean passage by water for billanders of thirty tun between Bristol and London, with the results
London : Printed by G. Dawson , 1656 - オンライン
Of the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts : sermon preach'd at St. Mary-le-Bow, Feb. 18, 1703/4, before the Society incorporated for that purpose ... / by ... Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum
London : Printed for D. Brown ... and R. Sympson ... , 1704 - オンライン
Of the qualifications requisite in a minister of state : containing a modest representation of what counsels it may be fit for a person in that station to lay before his soveraign at this conjuncture : part I
London : Printed and sold by John Morphew ... , 1710/11 [i.e. 1711] - オンライン
The ... of the reports of the Society for Promoting the Comforts of the Poor
Dublin, [Ireland] : William Watson and Son , 1800- - オンライン
Of the right of tithes : a divinity determination in the publike divinity schools of the University of Cambridg[e] / by the right reverend father in god Lancelot Andrews ... when he proceeded doctor in divinity ; translated for the benefit of the publike
London : Printed for Andrew Hebb ... , 1647 - オンライン
Of the same breath Indigenous animal and place names
: UJ Press , 2017 - オンライン
Of the same breath Indigenous animal and place names
: UJ Press , 2017 - オンライン
Of trade : 1. in general, 2. in particular, 3. domestick, 4. foreign ... : also of coyn, bullion, of improving our woollen manufacture, to prevent exporting wooll, or ways and means to increase our riches, &c. / by J.P., Esq. ; to which is annex'd, The argument of the late Chief Justice Pollexphen upon an action of the case brought by the East-India Company against Mr. Sands, an interloper
London : Printed for John Baker ... , 1700 - オンライン
Of what is History capable? : Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 17 December 2015
: Collège de France , 2018 - オンライン
Off and online journalism and corruption - : international comparative analysis
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Off-Canon pleasures
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2011 - オンライン
Off the Beaten Track. Epigraphy at the Borders: Proceedings of 6th EAGLE International Event (24-25 September 2015, Bari, Italy)
: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd , 2016 - オンライン
Off the network : disrupting the digital world
: University of Minnesota Press , 2013 - オンライン
Off to a Good Start? Jobs for Youth / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
Off to a good start : social and emotional devolopment of Memphis's children
: The Urban Child Institute , 2014 - オンライン
Offbeat Integral Geometry on Symmetric Spaces / by Valery V. Volchkov, Vitaly V. Volchkov
1st ed. 2013.. - (Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2013) - オンライン
Offenbacher Ansatz : Zur Theorie der Produktsprache
: transcript-Verlag, , 2021 - オンライン
Offenbacher Ansatz : Zur Theorie der Produktsprache
: transcript-Verlag, , 2021 - オンライン
Offenbacher Ansatz : Zur Theorie der Produktsprache
: transcript-Verlag, , 2021 - オンライン
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit Ergebnisse der ersten schweizweiten Umfrage
: Seismo , 2021 - オンライン
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Corona-Zeiten aus Sicht von Fachkräften
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2022 - オンライン
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Corona-Zeiten aus Sicht von Fachkräften: Eine empirische Studie zur Situation von Einrichtungen in Hamburg
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2022 - オンライン
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Corona-Zeiten aus Sicht von Fachkräften : Eine empirische Studie zur Situation von Einrichtungen in Hamburg
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2022 - オンライン
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Krisenzeiten aus Sicht von Jugendlichen
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2024 - オンライン
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Krisenzeiten aus Sicht von Jugendlichen : Eine empirische Studie zur Bedeutung von Einrichtungen in Hamburg
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2023 - オンライン
: Büchner-Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Offentleg sektor i endring Fjordantologien 2016
: Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget) , 2016 - オンライン
Öffentliche Ämter im Spannungsfeld rechtlicher Anforderungen und politischer Erforderlichkeit
: Duncker & Humblot , 2021 - オンライン
Öffentliche Ämter im Spannungsfeld rechtlicher Anforderungen und politischer Erforderlichkeit.: Zur Anwendung des Grundsatzes der Bestenauslese auf politische Beamte, kommunale Wahlbeamte und Richter an den obersten Gerichtshöfen des Bundes
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 2021 - オンライン
Die öffentliche Armenpflege / von dem Herrn von Gérando ; im Auszug übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von F.J. Buss
Stuttgart : J.F. Steinkopf , 1843-1846 - オンライン
Der öffentliche Credit : dargestellt in der Geschichte und in den Folgen der Finanzoperationen der grossen europäischen Staaten seit Herstellung des allgemeinen Land- und Seefriedens, ihrer Massregeln zur Begründung oder Befestigung öffentlicher Creditanstalten, und der Begebenheiten in der Handelswelt, deren Wirkung damit zusammen getroffen / von Friedrich Nebenius ; mit Grossherzoglich-Badischer Ober-Censur-Erlaubniss
Carlsruhe ; Baden : D.R. Marx'schen Buchhandlung , 1820 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzen, Fiskalwettbewerb, Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Wohlfahrt
: Duncker & Humblot , 2011 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzen, Fiskalwettbewerb, Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Wohlfahrt
: Duncker & Humblot , 2011 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzen und Umweltpolitik I
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1988 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzen und Umweltpolitik I
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1988 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzen und Umweltpolitik II
: Duncker & Humblot , 1989 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzen und Umweltpolitik II
: Duncker & Humblot , 1989 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung I
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1974 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung I
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1974 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung II
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1974 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung II
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1974 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung III
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung III
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung IV
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1976 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung IV
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1976 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung V
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1977 - オンライン
Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft und Verteilung V
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1977 - オンライン
Öffentliche Geheimnisse : Skandale, Politik und Medien in Deutschland und Grossbritannien 1880-1914
: Oldenbourg , 2009 - オンライン
Öffentliche Geheimnisse : Skandale, Politik und Medien in Deutschland und Grossbritannien 1880-1914
: Oldenbourg , 2009 - オンライン
Öffentliche Geheimnisse : Skandale, Politik und Medien in Deutschland und Grossbritannien 1880-1914
: Oldenbourg , 2009 - オンライン
Die Offentliche Gesundheitsversorgung in Polen: Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben und das System der Gesundheitsfursorge
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft , 2017 - オンライン
Der öffentliche haushalt in Böhmen : ein beitrag zur kenntniss und beurtheilung des finanzwesens der selbstverwaltung in Oesterreich / von Ernst Mischler
Leipzig ; Wien : Toeplitz & Deuticke , 1887 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Öffentliche Mobilität Voraussetzungen für eine menschengerechte Verkehrsplanung
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2021 - オンライン
Öffentliche Mobilität Voraussetzungen für eine menschengerechte Verkehrsplanung
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2021 - オンライン
Öffentliche Räume in Pompeji : Zum Design urbaner Atmosphären
: De Gruyter, , 2023 - オンライン
Öffentliche Räume in Pompeji : Zum Design urbaner Atmosphären
: De Gruyter, , 2023 - オンライン
öffentliche Risikovorsorge im Agrarrecht
: Nomos - オンライン
Offentliche Rundfunkorganisationen Als Media Commons?: Vorschlag Eines Neuen Leitbegriffs und Vergleichende Analyse in 16 Landern
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft , 2019 - オンライン
Offentliche Rundfunkorganisationen Als Media Commons?: Vorschlag Eines Neuen Leitbegriffs und Vergleichende Analyse in 16 Landern
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft , 2019 - オンライン
Öffentliche Vernunft? : die Wissenschaft in der Demokratie
: de Gruyter , 2019 - オンライン
Öffentliche Vernunft? : die Wissenschaft in der Demokratie
: de Gruyter , 2019 - オンライン
Öffentliche Vernunft? : die Wissenschaft in der Demokratie
: de Gruyter , 2019 - オンライン
Öffentliche Verwaltung - Verwaltung in der Öffentlichkeit Herausforderungen und Chancen der Kommunikation öffentlicher Institutionen
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2020 - オンライン
Öffentliche Verwaltung - Verwaltung in der Öffentlichkeit Herausforderungen und Chancen der Kommunikation öffentlicher Institutionen
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2020 - オンライン
Öffentliche wohlfahrt und Judenverfolgung : wechselwirkungen lokaler und zentraler politik im NS-Staat (1933-1942)
: R. Oldenbourg Verlag , 2002 - オンライン
Öffentliche wohlfahrt und Judenverfolgung : wechselwirkungen lokaler und zentraler politik im NS-Staat (1933-1942)
: R. Oldenbourg Verlag , 2002 - オンライン
Öffentliche Wohlfahrt und Judenverfolgung: Wechselwirkungen lokaler und zentraler Politik im NS-Staat (1933–1942)
: de Gruyter , 2002 - オンライン
Die öffentlichen Abgaben und Schulden / von Carl Freiherrn von Hock
Stuttgart [Germany] : J.C. Cottaschen Buchhandlung , 1863 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Öffentlicher Haushalt und Wirtschaft. Die Stellung der Studenten in der Universität Aussprache zu den Berichten in den Verhandlungen der Tagung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer zu Bochum vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1968
: de Gruyter , 1969 - オンライン
Öffentlicher Haushalt und Wirtschaft. Die Stellung der Studenten in der Universität Aussprache zu den Berichten in den Verhandlungen der Tagung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer zu Bochum vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1968
: de Gruyter , 1969 - オンライン
Öffentlicher Haushalt und Wirtschaft. Die Stellung der Studenten in der Universität Aussprache zu den Berichten in den Verhandlungen der Tagung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer zu Bochum vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1968
: de Gruyter , 1969 - オンライン
Öffentliches Recht und Privatrecht
: de Gruyter , 2020 - オンライン
Öffentliches Recht und Privatrecht
: de Gruyter , 2020 - オンライン
Öffentliches Recht und Privatrecht
: de Gruyter , 2020 - オンライン
Öffentliches Recht und Privatrecht
: de Gruyter , 2020 - オンライン
: Beltz Juventa , 2023 - オンライン
Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren dezentraler Energieanlagen
: Kassel University Press GmbH , 2018 - オンライン
Offentlig parlamentarisme Politisk strid og offentlig mening 1945-2000
, 2021 - オンライン
The Offers of France explain'd
London : Printed for A. Baldwin ... , 1712 - オンライン
The offertory, and the duty of the legislature in the present relation between the poor and the state : briefly considered in a letter to George Palmer, Esq. M.P. / by Charles Mlller
London : Printed for J.G.F. & J. Rivington , 1842 - オンライン
Office 2019 / 杉本くみ子, 大澤栄子著 ; : electronic bk
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Office 365: Migrating and Managing Your Business in the Cloud
: Apress L. P. , 2013 - オンライン
Office 365: Migrating and Managing Your Business in the Cloud
: Apress L. P. , 2013 - オンライン
Office 365: Migrating and Managing Your Business in the Cloud
: Apress L. P. , 2013 - オンライン
The office and dutie of constables, church-wardens, and other the overseers of the poore : together with the office and dutie of the surveyours of the high-wayes : collected for the help and benefit of such as are ignorant and unskilfull in the discharge and execution of the said offices
Cambridge : Printed by Roger Daniel and are to be sold by Francis Eaglesfield ... , 1641 - オンライン
The office and duty of church-warden and parish officer in Ireland / by John Finlay
2nd ed.. - Dublin : For J. Cumming , 1824 - オンライン
The Office at the Blew Ball in Russel-Court, in Bridges-Street, Covent-Garden
London : Printed for B. Parry , 1696 - オンライン
The Office-keepers answer to a scandalous reflection on them by the societies of the mines-royal, &c.
[S.l : s.n , 1720] - オンライン
The office of adresses and encounters : where all people of each rancke and quality may receive direction and advice for the most cheap and speedy way of attaining whatsoever they can lawfully desire, or, the only course for poor people to get speedy employment, and to keep others from approaching poverty for want of emploiment ; to the multiplying of trade, the advancement of navigation, and establishing this famous city of London in a more plentifull and flourishing condition than ever, as is earnestly desired and shall be diligently endeavoured by a wel-willer of hers / Henry Robinson
London : Printed by Matthew Simmons , 1650 - オンライン
The office of constable : being an entirely new compendium of the law concerning that ancient minister for the conservation of the peace : carefully compiled from the best authorities : with a preface and an introduction, containing some account of the origin and antiquity of the office
London : Printed for Whieldon and Butterworth , 1791 - オンライン
The office of constable : being an entirely new compendium of the law concerning that ancient minister for the conservation of the peace : carefully compiled from the best authorities : with an introduction, containing some account of the origin and antiquity of the office / by Joseph Ritson
2nd ed., corr. and enl.. - London : Printed for W. Clarke and sons , 1815 - オンライン
The Office of Generall Remembrance of Matters of Record : created by His Maiesties letters pattents for ease of his subiects in their searches, and auoyding the inconueniences heretofore incident for want of meanes speedily to finde out all incumbrances vpon record, &c. : is kept in Cursitors Court right ouer against Lincolnes Inne in Chauncery Lane : the briefe of the letters pattents followeth in the next leafe, &c
At London : Printed by G. Eld for the Remembrancers Generall ..., and are to bee had at the shop of Robert Wilson ... , 1617 - オンライン
The Office of Publick Advice, newly set up in several places in and about London and Westminster, by authority
London : Printed by Tho. Newcomb ... , 1657 - オンライン
The Office of the clerk of assize : containing the form and method of the proceedings at the assizes and general gaol-delivery as also on the crown and nisi prius side : together with The Office of the clerk of the peace : shewing the true manner and form of the proceedings at the Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace : wih divers forms of presentments and other precedents at assizes and sessions : with a table of fees thereunto belonging
The 2nd ed. corrected and amended, with several new additions.. - London : Printed for Henry Twyford ... , 1682 - オンライン
The office, powers, and jurisdiction, of His Majesty's justices of the peace, and commissioners of supply : in four books / by Robert Boyd, LL. D
Edinburgh : Printed for the author, and sold by E. Balfour and J. Murray , 1787 - オンライン
The offices and duties of constables, borsholders, tything-men, treasurers of the county-stock, overseers for the poore, and other lay-ministers : whereunto are adjoyned the severall offices of church-ministers and church-wardens / by William Sheppard ...
London : Printed by Ric. Hodgkinsonne with permission of the assignes of John Moore, Esq. for William Cooke and Philip Nevill , 1641 - オンライン
Offices and places of trust not to be boucht or sold or given to insufficient persons : discovered in a sober and peaceable letter
London : Printed for Richard Marriot and are to be sold at his shop ... , 1660 - オンライン
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The offices of constables, church wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock and some other lesser country officers plainly and lively set forth / by William Sheppard ...
The 4th ed. with divers additions and alterations agreeable to the late acts and ordinances.. - London : Printed by Ric. Hodgkinsonne for Nath. Ekins ... , 1657 - オンライン
The offices of constables, church wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock and some other lesser country officers plainly and lively set forth / by William Sheppard
The 3rd ed. with divers additions and alterations agreeable to the late acts and ordinances.. - London : Printed by Ric. Hondgkinsonne for Nath. Ekins ... , [165-?] - オンライン
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Official aptitude maximized, expense minimized : as shewn in the several pages comprised in this volume / by Jeremy Bentham
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London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1796 - オンライン
The official correspondence relative to the negotiation for peace between Great Britain and the French Republick as laid before both houses of Parliament by His Majesty's command
London : Printed for J. Wright , 1797 - オンライン
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Official documents, with extracts from state letters ... relative to the rights claimed by Roman Catholics to seats in both Houses of Parliament, freedom of corporations, &c. &c. &c / by Eirionnach
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Official edition of Lord John Russell's Bill to amend the representation of the people in England and Wales : as read a second time in the House of Commons, December 16, 1831
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
Official edition of Lord John Russell's Bill to amend the representation of the people in England and Wales : with the amended schedules, as intended to be proposed in the committee
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
The official gazette of the Trades' Unions
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Tenth edition.. - (London : Cassell and Company, Limited , 1911) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
The official guide to the London and North Western Railway : the royal mail west coast route between England, Scotland, Ireland and the Continent
New and revised edition.. - (London : Cassell & Company, Limited , 1892) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
The official guide to the London, Brighton and South Coast railway : the Newhaven-Dieppe royal mail route to Rouen, Paris and the continent of Europe
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official Indonesian Qurʼān translation : the history and politics of Al-Qurʼān dan terjemahnya
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official Indonesian Qurʼān translation : the history and politics of Al-Qurʼān dan terjemahnya
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official Indonesian Qurʼān translation : the history and politics of Al-Qurʼān dan terjemahnya
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An official letter / from the Commissioners of Correspondence of the Bahama Islands, to George Chalmers, Esq., colonial agent, concerning the proposed abolition of slavery in the West Indies
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Official report of the proceedings of the Second International Congress of Delegated Representatives of Master Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Associations / issued under the direction of the International Committee appointed by the Congress
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Öffnung der öffentlich-Rechtlichen Methode Durch Internationalität und InterdisziplinaritäT. Dritte Gewalt Im Wandel. Gestaltung des Demographischen Wandels Als Verwaltungsaufgabe. Sicherung Grund- und Menschenrechtlicher Standards ...: Referate und Diskus
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Öffnung der öffentlich-Rechtlichen Methode Durch Internationalität und InterdisziplinaritäT. Dritte Gewalt Im Wandel. Gestaltung des Demographischen Wandels Als Verwaltungsaufgabe. Sicherung Grund- und Menschenrechtlicher Standards ...: Referate und Diskus
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Öffnung der öffentlich-rechtlichen Methode durch Internationalität und Interdisziplinarität. : Referate und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Düsseldorf vom 1. bis 4. Oktober 2014
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Öffnung - Schließung - Übertritte Körperbilder in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur
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Offshoring of white-collar services : business and economic perspective
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Ofício de orador
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Oförgripeliga anmärkningar öfwer de år 1754 utgifne Tankar om rättegångens förkortande uti Swerige, och de deröfwer utkomne Påminnelser, 1755 : grundade på samhällens ändamål som är folkets fri-och rättigheter
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Oförgripeliga påminnelser wid de om rättegångars förminskning, lag, domare och folk : samt en rättskaffens fri-och säkerhet utgifne anmärkningar
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Oförgripeliga tankar om domares enighet uti lagens rätta tillämpning
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Ohne Abschluss in die Bildungsgesellschaft : Die Erwerbschancen gering qualifizierter Personen aus soziologischer und ökonomischer Perspektive
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Ohne die Stunden zu zählen
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Ohnmacht in der Demokratie Das gebrochene Versprechen politischer Teilhabe
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Ohnmacht in der Demokratie Das gebrochene Versprechen politischer Teilhabe
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Ohnmacht in der Demokratie Das gebrochene Versprechen politischer Teilhabe
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Okay : Form, Position, Funktion und Verbreitung Eines Internationalismus in der Digitalen Welt
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Okkultismus im Gehäuse : Institutionalisierungen der Parapsychologie im 20. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich
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Okkultismus im Gehäuse : Institutionalisierungen der Parapsychologie im 20. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich
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Ökologie der Literatur : Eine systemtheoretische Annäherung. Mit einer Studie zu Werken Peter Handkes
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Ökologie der Literatur : Eine systemtheoretische Annäherung. Mit einer Studie zu Werken Peter Handkes
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Ökologien der Erde
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Ökologische Transformation von Gesellschaft und Recht
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Ökologische Transformation von Gesellschaft und Recht
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Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung von Co-Vergärungsanlagen und deren Standortwahl
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Ökonometrische Analyse der Ausgabearten des privaten Verbrauchs : eine ökonometrische Analyse des privaten Verbrauchs nach Ausgabearten für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950-1967
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Ökonomie der evaluation von Schulen und Hochschulen
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Ökonomie der evaluation von Schulen und Hochschulen
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Ökonomie der Hochschule II
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Ökonomie der Hochschule II
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Ökonomie - Praxis - Subjektivierung Eine praxeologische Institutionenforschung am Beispiel ökonomischer Hochschulbildung
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Ökonomie - Praxis - Subjektivierung Eine praxeologische Institutionenforschung am Beispiel ökonomischer Hochschulbildung
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Ökonomie - Praxis - Subjektivierung Eine praxeologische Institutionenforschung am Beispiel ökonomischer Hochschulbildung
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Ökonomie und Evolution : Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie XXXVI
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Ökonomie und Evolution : Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie XXXVI
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Ökonomie und Evolution : Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie XXXVI
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Ökonomie und Moral im langen 20. Jahrhundert Eine Anthologie
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Ökonomie und Politik beruflicher Bildung - Europäische Entwicklungen
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Ökonomie und Politik beruflicher Bildung - Europäische Entwicklungen
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Ökonomie und Technik
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Ökonomie und Zukunft
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Das Okonomie Wochenblatt : Eine Sammlung Nüzlicher und Nothiger Erfahrungen für alle Stande
Stuttgard : Bei Christoph Friedrich Cotta, hos = und Kanzlei = Buchdruker - オンライン
Ökonomien der Geschlechter
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Ökonomien der Geschlechter
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Ökonomien der Parodie am Wiener Vorstadttheater Unterhaltungsdramatik in politischen und sozioökonomischen Krisenzeiten
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Ökonomische Analyse politischer Institutionen
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Ökonomische Analyse politischer Institutionen
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Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Zuwanderungen nach Deutschland
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Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Zuwanderungen nach Deutschland
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Ökonomische bildung für eine nachhaltige entwicklung : eine phänomenographische untersuchung in der lehrerinnenbildung
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ökonomische Differenzierungsprozeß im heutigen Handwerk
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ökonomische Differenzierungsprozeß im heutigen Handwerk
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Der ökonomische Differenzierungsprozeß im heutigen Handwerk
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ökonomische Dimension des Friedens : soziale solidarische Ökonomie : Europäisches Colloquium in der Stiftung Adam von Trott, Imshausen e.V
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ökonomische Laboratop Eine soziologische Ethnographie des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Experimentierens
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ökonomische Laboratop Eine soziologische Ethnographie des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Experimentierens
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Ökonomische methoden im recht : Eine einführung für juristen
: Mohr Siebeck , 2017 - オンライン
Ökonomische methoden im recht : Eine einführung für juristen
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Ökonomische Probleme der Umweltschutzpolitik
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Ökonomische Probleme der Umweltschutzpolitik
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Ökonomische Relevanz der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in der Region Kassel Identifizierung und Nutzung regionaler Entwickungspotenziale
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Ökonomische Relevanz der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in der Region Kassel Identifizierung und Nutzung regionaler Entwickungspotenziale
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Ökonomische und politische Grenzen von Wirtschaftsräumen
: Duncker & Humblot , 2006 - オンライン
Ökonomische und politische Grenzen von Wirtschaftsräumen
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Ökonomische Verfügungsrechte und Allokationsmechanismen in Wirtschaftssystemen
: Duncker und Humblot , 1978 - オンライン
Ökonomische Verfügungsrechte und Allokationsmechanismen in Wirtschaftssystemen
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Ökonomisierung der Bildung
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Ökonomisierung des Krankenhauses : eine Studie über den Wandel pflegerischer Arbeit
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Ökonomisierung des Krankenhauses : eine Studie über den Wandel pflegerischer Arbeit
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Ökonomisierung des Krankenhauses : eine Studie über den Wandel pflegerischer Arbeit
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Ökonomisierung des Raums : Planen und Bauen in Mittel- und Osteuropa unter den Nationalsozialisten 1938-1945
: Dom Publishers , 2020 - オンライン
Okozritelʹnyĭ ustav v istorii bogosluzhenii͡a︡ Russkoĭ t͡s︡erkvi
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Okra : vrata med Sredozemljem in Srednjo Evropo = Ocra : the gateway between the Mediterranean and Central Europe
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Oktober 1746 - Dezember 1747 : Unter Einschluß des Briefwechsels Von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched
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Okulare Demokratie : Der Bürger als Zuschauer
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Okulare Demokratie : Der Bürger als Zuschauer
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Okulare Demokratie : Der Bürger als Zuschauer
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Öl und Souveränität : Petroknowledge und Energiepolitik in den USA und Westeuropa in den 1970er Jahren
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Öl und Souveränität : Petroknowledge und Energiepolitik in den USA und Westeuropa in den 1970er Jahren
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2014 - オンライン
Öl und Souveränität : Petroknowledge und Energiepolitik in den USA und Westeuropa in den 1970er Jahren
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Olam ha-zeh v'olam ha-ba : this world and the world to come in Jewish belief and practice
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Olbie, ou, Essai sur les moyens de réformer les mœurs d'une nation / par Jean-Baptiste Say
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Old Æsop at White-Hall, giving advice to the young Æsops at Tunbridge and Bath, or, Some fables relating to government / by a person of what quality you please
London : Printed and sold by J. Nutt ... , 1698 - オンライン
Old Age before Modernity
: Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP) , 2023 - オンライン
Old Age in the New Land The American Experience since 1790
, 2019 - オンライン
Old age pensions : a memorandum (submitted by permission) to the Right Hon. A.J. Balfour / by Frederick Rogers, from the National Committee of Organised Labour for Promoting Old Age Pensions for All, March 5th, 1900. And a speech delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace, on Saturday, January 27th, to a deputation from the National Committee
(London : [National Committee of Organised Labour?] , [1900]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old age pensions and pauperism : an inquiry as to the hearing of the statistics of pauperism quoted by the Rt. Hon. J. Chamberlain, M.P. and others, in support of a scheme for national pensions / C.S. Loch, secretary, London Charity Organization Society
(London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co , 1892) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old age pensions and the aged poor / a proposal by Charles Booth
(London ; New York : Macmillan and Co., Limited : The Macmillan Company , 1906) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old age pensions and the aged poor : a proposal / by Charles Booth
London ; New York : Macmillan and Co., Ltd. : Macmillan Co , 1899 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Old age pensions this year : a history, a statement, a scheme / by Philip Snowden, M.P
(London : The Independent Labour Party , [1908?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old age pensions : verbatim report of the proceedings at a conference held in the examination hall of the City Technical School Birmingham on Saturday, March 25th, 1899 / under the presidency of J.V. Stevens ; and addressed by Mr. Charles Booth
(Birmingham : The "News" Office , [1899]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old and New Actors and Phenomena in the Three-M Processes of Life and Society: Medicalization, Moralization and Misinformation
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Old and New Actors and Phenomena in the Three-M Processes of Life and Society: Medicalization, Moralization and Misinformation
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Old and New Aspects in Spectral Geometry / by M.-E. Craioveanu, Mircea Puta, Themistocles RASSIAS
1st ed. 2001.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 2001) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 534) - オンライン
Old and new friendly societies : a comparison between them : with an account of the Becher and Victoria clubs, as established at Stratford-on-Avon, and Alcester, in Warwickshire / by Richard Seymour
London : Printed for J.G.& F. Rivington , 1839 - オンライン
Old and New Perspectives on Mortality Forecasting
: Springer International Publishing , 2019 - オンライン
Old and New Perspectives on Mortality Forecasting
: Springer International Publishing , 2019 - オンライン
The Old and new poor law, who gains? and who loses? : explained by conversations of facts of daily occurance
London : J.W. Parker , 1835 - オンライン
Old and new tariffs compared : with observations on the effect of high duties on revenue and consumption / by a citizen
Boston : Wells and Lilly , 1820 - オンライン
Old and new tariffs compared : with observations on the effect of high duties on revenue and consumption / by a citizen
Boston : Wells and Lilly , 1820 - オンライン
Old and New : 心房細動の抗凝固療法 / 山下武志著 ; : electronic bk
: electronic bk. - 東京 : メディカルサイエンス社 , 2012.9 - オンライン
Old and New 心房細動の抗凝固療法
: メディカルサイエンス社 , 09/25/2012 - オンライン
Old Bailey experience : criminal jurisprudence and the actual working of our penal code of laws, also an essay on prison discipline, to which is added a history of the crimes committed by offenders in the present day / by the author of "The schoolmaster's experience in Newgate."
London : J. Fraser , 1833 - オンライン
The old bank : (Bell, Cookson, Carr, and Airey), Newcastle-upon-Tyne / by Maberly Phillips
(Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; London : Andrew Reid, Sons & Co , 1894) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
The Old bimetallism and the new
([London] : [Cassell & Company, Limited] , [1895]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old books and digital publishing : Eighteenth-Century Collections Online
: Cambridge University Press , 2020 - オンライン
Old Church Slavic
: Firenze University Press , 2023 - オンライン
An old city company : a sketch of the history and conditions of the Skinners' company of London : the substance whereof was compiled by command of His Oddship, Brother Max Pemberton, Hack, and read before Ye Sette of Odd Volumes on November 25th, 1902 / by Lewis Boyd Sebastian
London : Imprynted at ye Bedford Press , 1906 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2 ; no. 54) (Privately printed opuscula issued to members of the Sette of Odd Volumes) - オンライン
The Old continental and the new greenback dollar
[Philadelphia? : s.n , 1864?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Old Deseret Live Stock Company : a stockman's memoir
: Utah State University Press , 2008 - オンライン
Old England's commerce : a story, illustrative of the connexion between the corn law and the home and foreign trade
London : J. Ollivier , 1843 - オンライン
Old English Lives of St Martin of Tours
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2017 - オンライン
The Old English Lives of St Martin of Tours - Edition and Study
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2017 - オンライン
The old English manor : a study in English economic history / by Charles McLean Andrews
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press , c1892 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2 ; Extra volumes 12) (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science) - オンライン
Old English Poetry and Its Legacy
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
The Old English Translation of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum in its Historical and Cultural Context
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2015 - オンライン
Old Euston : an account of the beginning of the London and Birmingham Railway and the building of Euston Station
(London : Country Life Ltd , 1938) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
An old fox tarr'd and feather'd : occasioned by what is called Mr. John Wesley's Calm address to our American colonys [sic] / by an Hanoverian
2d ed. cor.. - London : Printed for M. Lewis [etc.] , 1775 - オンライン
The old funds sufficient for a new loan, or, A proposal for raising the supplies of the current year by lowering the legal interest of money, and taxing the funds : shewing the expediency and advantage of this measure, and answering the objections to it
London : Printed for B. White , 1781 - オンライン
The old generation of economists and the new / by Alfred Marshall
[Cambridge, Mass : Published for Harvard University by the MIT Press] , 1897 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Old Germplasm for New Needs Managing Crop Genetic Resources
: MDPI Books , 2022 - オンライン
Old Glasgow weavers : being records of the Incorporation of Weavers / by Deacon Robt. D. M'Ewan
Re-issue of second edition.. - (Glasgow : Carson & Nicol, Limited , 1916) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old Glasgow weavers : being records of the Incorporation of Weavers / by Deacon Robt. D. M'Ewan
(Glasgow : Carson & Nicol , 1905) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old Glasgow weavers : being records of the Incorporation of Weavers / by Robt. D. M'Ewan
2nd ed. / with an additional appendix by Dr. George Neilson, F.S.A., etc., and copy of the latest revision of continuous roll.. - Glasgow : Carson & Nicol, Ltd , 1908 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
The old guilds of England / by Frederick Armitage (Author of "A Short Masonic History," "The Masonic Lodges of the World," &c.)
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Old Hanging Ditch : its trades, its traders and its renaissance / by H.B. Wilkinson
(London ; Manchester : Sherratt & Hughes , 1910) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old Institutionalism (1880-1918) / by Alfonso Giuliani
(London : Routledge , 2017) - オンライン
Old-Javanese Rāmāyana kakawin wth special reference to the problem of interpolation in kakawins
: M. Nijhoff , 1955 - オンライン
Old man and the devils
: T. Hasegawa , 1886 - オンライン
An old man's wanderings, or, An account of a tour through the manufacturing districts / edited by Charles Lyne
London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co , 1845 - オンライン
Old myths and new approaches : interpreting ancient religious sites in Southeast Asia
: Monash University Publishing , 2012 - オンライン
Old Nubian Language: Dotawo Monograph 3
: Dotawo [Imprint] , 2017 - オンライン
Old Nubian Language: Dotawo Monograph 3
: Dotawo [Imprint] , 2017 - オンライン
Old Nubian Texts from Attiri
: Punctum Books , 2016 - オンライン
The old order and the new : from individualism to collectivism / by J. Morrison Davidson (Author of "New Book of Kings," "Book of Lords," "The Book of Erin," "Scotia Rediviva," &c.)
(London : William Reeves , [1890]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old Petersburg and the Broad River Valley of Georgia : their rise and decline / E. Merton Coulter ; with a new foreword by Keith Hebert
: University of Georgia Press , 2021 - オンライン
The old poor law and the new poor law contrasted / by Thomas Smith
London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co , 1840 - オンライン
An Old proprietor begs to submit to his brethren of the Court of Proprietors the following documents, which throw a considerable light upon the important question now before the General Court
[England : s.n , 1824?] - オンライン
Old Protein, New Medicine
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
"Old Saint Jago" / by G.F.J
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The old shipmasters of Salem : with mention of eminent merchants / by Charles E. Trow (Author of "Prose and Verse," "Historical Sketches," etc.)
(New York ; London : G. P. Putnam's Sons , 1905) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old silver platers and their marks : being a copy of the register of the Sheffield Assay Office of the persons concerned in the manufacture of goods plated with silver / with an introduction by B.W. Watson, M.A., assay master
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , 1908). - (Sheffield : Parkin and Bacon , [1908]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Old town of Matsue
: 日本写真会 , 1935 - オンライン
Old truths and established facts : being an answer to A very new pamphlet indeed!
[Great Britain : s.n , 1792?] - オンライン
The old views of society revived : with remarks on the present state and prospects of orphan and pauper children, and outlines of a plan for their future training in mutual habits of instruction, industry, and self-dependence ... / by Henry Barnet Gascoigne
[S.l : s.n.] , [1820] - オンライン
Old Ways for New Days Indigenous Survival and Agency in Climate Changed Times
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Old Ways for New Days Indigenous Survival and Agency in Climate Changed Times
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
"Old wine" : letters on the tithe question, addressed to the farmers and electors of Yorkshire, in consequence of the tithe commutation bill for England, brought forward by Lord John Russell / by Edward Duncombe
York : Printed by T. Wilson and Sons, and sold by J. Todd [and 4 others] , 1836 - オンライン
Old woman who lost her dumpling
: T. Hasegawa , 1902 - オンライン
Old Yeasts - New Questions
: IntechOpen , 2017 - オンライン
An olde thrift newly reuiued : wherein is declared the manner of planting, preseruing, and husbanding yong trees of diuers kindes for timber and fuell : and of sowing acornes, chesnuts, beech-mast, the seedes of elmes, ashen-keyes, &c. ... and also the vse of a small portable instrument for measuring of board ... / by R.C
London : Printed by W.S. for Richard Moore, and are to be sold at his shop ... , 1612 - オンライン
older and more beautiful Belgrade : a visual chronicle of the Miloševic era
: Central European University Press , 2023 - オンライン
older and more beautiful Belgrade : a visual chronicle of the Miloševic era
: Central European University Press , 2023 - オンライン
older and more beautiful Belgrade : a visual chronicle of the Miloševic era
: Central European University Press , 2023 - オンライン
Older Workers and Labour Market Exclusion Processes A Life Course perspective
: Springer International Publishing , 2023 - オンライン
Older Workers and Labour Market Exclusion Processes A Life Course perspective
: Springer International Publishing , 2023 - オンライン
Oldest Vocation: Christian Motherhood in the Middle Ages
: Cornell University Press , 1991 - オンライン
Oldest Vocation: Christian Motherhood in the Middle Ages
: Cornell University Press , 1991 - オンライン
Olfaction From Genes to Behavior
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Olfaction in vector-host interactions
: Wageningen Academic Publ , 2010 - オンライン
Olfactory consciousness across disciplines
: Frontiers Media SA , 2015 - オンライン
Olfactory memory networks : from emotional learning to social behaviors
: Frontiers Media SA , 2015 - オンライン
Olfactory subsystems in mammals : morphology, genetic and evolution
: Frontiers Media SA , 2015 - オンライン
Olga Berggol'c aspekte ihres lyrischen werkes
: Verlag Otto Sagner in Kommission , 2012 - オンライン
Olga Tufnell's 'Perfect Journey' Letters and photographs of an archaeologist in the Levant and Mediterranean
: UCL Press , 2021 - オンライン
Oligodendrocyte Physiology and Pathology Function
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Oligomerization of Chemical and Biological Compounds
: IntechOpen , 2014 - オンライン
Oligonucleotide, Therapy, and Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
The olive branch
[S.l : s.n , 1832?] - オンライン
The olive branch : and a suggestion of a simple and rational compromise : whereby the manufactures of the country may be preserved from injury, and the objections of the South be obviated : with a view of the strong probability of a secession, at least of South Carolina, unless a compromise take place : to which is added, an anticipatory epitaph on the constitution, in the event of a secession, and its necessary result, a dissolution of the union : in a series of letters addressed to the Hon. W. Drayton and the Hon. H. Middleton / by M. Carey
[S.l : s.n.] , 1832 - オンライン
The olive branch : and a suggestion of a simple and rational compromise : whereby the manufactures of the country may be preserved from injury, and the objections of the South be obviated : with a view of the strong probability of a secession, at least of South Carolina, unless a compromise take place : to which is added, an anticipatory epitaph on the constitution, in the event of a secession, and its necessary result, a dissolution of the union : in a series of letters addressed to the Hon. W. Drayton and the Hon. H. Middleton / by M. Carey
[S.l : s.n.] , 1832 - オンライン
The olive branch once more
[S.l : s.n , 1833] - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony / by M. Carey
10th ed., impr.. - Philadelphia : Printed and published by M. Carey , 1818 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony / by Mathew Carey
4th ed., enl.. - Philadelphia : Published by the author , 1815 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony / by M. Carey
8th ed., enl.. - Philadelphia : Printed and published by M. Carey and Son , 1817 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony / by M. Carey
6th ed., enl.. - Philadelphia : Published by the author , 1815 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony / by M. Carey
7th ed., enl.. - Philadelphia : Published by the author , 1815 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony / by M. Carey
7th ed., enl.. - Middlebury, Vt : W. Slade , 1816 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, Federal and Democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony / by M. Carey
Winchester, Va : Printed and published by J. Foster , 1817 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony, to save our common country from ruin
2nd ed., impr. and enl.. - Philadelphia : M. Carey , 1815 - オンライン
The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, federal and democratic : a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual forgiveness and harmony, to save our common country from ruin / by M. Carey
3rd ed., greatly enl. and impr.. - Boston : Reprinted by Rowe and Hooper , 1815 - オンライン
Olive Cultivation
: IntechOpen , 2022 - オンライン
Olive Germplasm - Italian Catalogue of Olive Varieties
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Olive Germplasm - The Olive Cultivation, Table Olive and Olive Oil Industry in Italy
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Olive Oil - Constituents, Quality, Health Properties and Bioconversions
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Olive Oil - Constituents, Quality, Health Properties and Bioconversions
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Olive Oil New Perspectives and Applications
: IntechOpen , 2022 - オンライン
Olive Oil Processing, Characterization, and Health Benefits
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Oliver Evans to his counsel : who are engaged in defence of his patent rights, for the improvements he has invented : containing a short account of two out of eighty of his inventions, their rise and progress in despite of all opposition and difficulties, and two of his patents with explanations
[S.l : s.n , 1817?] - オンライン
Oliver's pocket looking-glass : new fram'd and clean'd to give a clear view of the great modern colossus begun by K. C------, carry'd on by K. J----, augmented by K. W------, and now finish'd in order to be thrown down in the glorious r---- of Q. A---
[London : s.n.] , 1711 - オンライン
The olivo-cerebellar system
: Frontiers Media SA , 2016 - オンライン
Oltre gli stereotipi La ricerca-azione di Renzo Rastrelli sull'immigrazione cinese in Italia
: Firenze University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Oltre i confini del dogado : l'espansione patrimoniale degli enti ecclesiastici veneziani nel Padovano (secoli IX-XIV)
: Viella , 2022 - オンライン
Oltre i confini Le imprese "leggere" italiane e i mercati internazionali nel XIX e XX secolo
: FrancoAngeli , 2021 - オンライン
Oltre l'istituzione : crisi e riforma dell'assistenza psichiatrica a Torino e in Italia
: Ledizioni , 2012 - オンライン
Oltre l'istituzione : crisi e riforma dell'assistenza psichiatrica a Torino e in Italia
: Ledizioni , 2012 - オンライン
Oltre la globalizzazione: le proposte della Geografia economica Giornata di Studio della Società di Studi Geografici. Firenze 14 ottobre 2011
: Firenze University Press , 2012 - オンライン
Oltre la selezione scolastica : i giovani di origine straniera all'università
: Bononia University Press , 2021 - オンライン
Oltre le mostre
: Fondazione Ca' Foscari , 2020 - オンライン
Oltre lo sprawl? Ambizioni, successi e problemi irrisolti Uno studio della gestione del suolo a Portland, Denver e Minneapolis
: FrancoAngeli , 2021 - オンライン
Olympic Sport Organisations in Times of Crisis and Change Guide for Strategic Management and Good Governance
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG , 2022 - オンライン
Olympie : la victoire pour les dieux
: CNRS éditions , 2005 - オンライン
Olympiodorus - Life of Plato and Lectures on Plato's First Alcibiades. Pts. 1-9
: Bloomsbury Academic , 2015 - オンライン
Olympiodorus On Plato First Alcibiades 10-28
: Bloomsbury Academic , 2016 - オンライン
Olympische Statuten
: De Gruyter, Inc. , 1972 - オンライン
Olympische Statuten
: De Gruyter, Inc. , 1972 - オンライン
Olympische Statuten
: De Gruyter, Inc. , 1972 - オンライン
Om allmänna handels historien och wetenskapen : jämte nödiga tabeller öfwer wexel och cours samt mål, måtts och wigts jämförelse, emellan Swerige och utrikes orter / af grosshandlaren Erik Zettersten
Stockholm : Tryckt, i Kongl. Finska boktryckeriet , 1769 - オンライン
Om allmänna nyttan af den politska uppmärksamhetens offenteliga användande, eller opposition
[Sweden : s.n.] , 1815 - オンライン
Om årliga samhallsutskylders uppbörd i Finland
Helsingfors : J.C. Frenckell & Son , 1873 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om bank-väsendet och penninge-theorien / af J.M. Agardh
Stockholm [Sweden] : P.A. Norstedt & Söner, Kongl. Boktrykare , 1865 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om bankväsendets utveckling / af Carl Rydqvist
Stockholm : Z. Hæggströms Förlagsexpedition , 1876 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om bergsmans hemman i Sverige : academisk afhandling / under Chritser [sic] Berchs inseende ... 18 junii 1774 af dess författare Jonas Cederstedt
Upsala : Tryckt hos J. Edman , [1774] - オンライン
Om Beters Wille: Rederijkerskamers en de Stedelijke Cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden 1400-1650
: Amsterdam University Press , 2008 - オンライン
Om D.G. Monrads oeconomiske lov / af J.A. Bornemann
Copenhagen : C.A. Reitzel , 1879 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om de fattiges vilkaar paa Christianshavn
Kjøbenhavn [Denmark] : Gyldendal Boghandel (F. Hegel) , 1867 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om den behandling, som frågan rörande Kabinetts-kassans skuld rönt vid Riksdagen : ett bidrag till Sveriges Riksdagshistoria
Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söner , 1841 - オンライン
Om den nu herskende næringsløshed og midlerne mod samme / af R. Knudsen
Odense : Boghandler J. Milos Forlag i Ove Thomsens Officin , 1838 - オンライン
Om det danske kammervæsen, en haandbog for embedsmænd ved rentekammeret og hvem ellers danske kammersager vedkomme / af Jacob Mandix
Kiøbenhavn : trykt paa den Gyldenalske boghandlings forlag , 1820 - オンライン
Om det skottska banksystemet : med afseende på dess användbarhet för Sverige / af C.A.A
[Sweden? : s.n.] , 1845 - オンライン
Om en nye Handels-Indretning udi Island : i Anledning af det Kongelige Landhuusholding-Selskabs Priis-Spørsmaal om den beste Handels-Plan for dette Land / ved Torchild Fieldsted
Kiøbenhavn : N. Møller , 1784 - オンライン
Om Finlands jordbeskattning och dess inverkan på särskilda sociala förhållanden / Alex. Andelin
Helsingfors : J.C. Frenckell & Son , 1876 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om folkemængdens formindskelse ved uaar i Island / af Hans Finsen ; oversat ved Haldor Einarsen
Kjöbenhavn : S.L. Møoller , 1831 - オンライン
Om friheden / John Stuart Mill ; paa dansk ved Vilhelm Arntzen
2. opl.. - Kjøbenhavn : A.F. Høst , 1876 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om gjede-avl i Norge / af O.B. Ørbech
[Sweden : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
Om hvitbetssockerbeskattningen inom Tyska tullföreningen, Frankrike och Belgien / af Johan Lang (Berättelse, afgifven till Kgl. Maj:ts och Rikets commerce-collegium den 25 Febr. 1871)
Lund : H. Ohlssons Boktr , 1873 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om Irlands huusholding og handel med feede vare : samt om Hamborgs kjødrøgning, med videre : en afhandling kroned af det Kongelige Danske landhuusholdings-selskab / ved Christian Martfelt
Kjobenhavn : [s.n.] , 1771 - オンライン
Om klagerne over naeringsløshed : en historisk-statistisk undersøgelse / af M.L. Nathanson
Kiøbenhavn : Trykt i Bianco Lunos bogtrykkeri , 1838 - オンライン
Om Konsten Att överbrygga Gränser : En Fallstudie Om Kommunal äldreomsorg Och Samspelet Med Andra Organisationer
: Linkopings Universitet , 2008 - オンライン
Om kornmangel i Norge, med hensyn paa misvæxten 1812 / af Jacob Aall
[Norway : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
Om möjeligheten, sättet och nyttan at utan ängar sköta landtbruket : til allmänhetens granskning överlämnad, af Salomon Kreander ... och Rudolph Joseph Estlander ...
Åbo : Tryckt hos Johan Christopher Frenckell ... , [1777] - オンライン
Om möjeligheten, sättet och nyttan at utan änger sköta landtbruckt / til allmänhetens granskning öfverlämnad, af Salomon Kreander ... ; och Johan Arenius, Österbothingar ...
- オンライン
Om mynt-väsendets och allmänna hushålds-tillställningens värkan och återvärkan på hvarannan : jämte ett och annat särskildt afhandlat, som hörer till utöfningen af politska economiens theorie / af P.O. v. Asp
Stockholm : Trykt hos direktören Joh. A. Carlbohm , 1804 - オンライン
Om myntbestämning och realisation / af J.O. Wennberg
[Sweden : s.n.] , 1829 - オンライン
Om myntet : afhandling i politisk ekonomi / af Michel Chevalier ; öfversättning från andra omarbetade och betydligt tillökade upplagan af O.S. Rydberg
Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt , 1867 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om nödvändigheten af förbudsskyddets bibehållande för inhemska sockerfabrikationen : och, Följderna för statskassan samt för handel, sjöfart och öfriga näringar af detta förbuds upphäfvande
Stockholm : Tryckte hos A.G. Hellsten , 1840 - オンライン
Om Norges statsoeconomiske forfatning samt forslag angaaende Norges bank : pengevaesen og dets finantser / ved Ludvig Mariboe
Christiania : i H.A. Hielms officin , 1821 - オンライン
Om nyttan af spannemålens anwändande till måttstock för wärdet af pennigar fastigheter, lönewilkor, skatter m. m : prisfråga af kongl. patriotska sällskapet / beswarad af Joachim Westerling
[Sweden : s.n , 1817] - オンライン
Om oeconomien, saerdeles Norges / af Peter Friderich Suhm
Kiøbenhavn : Tryckt hos brødrene Berling , 1771 - オンライン
Om Organsystemens Organisation Och Funktion- Analys Av Elevsvar Från Sverige Och Sydafrika : Analys Av Elevsvar Från Sverige Och Sydafrika
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Om penning-brist och folk-brist
Stockholm : Tryckt i Marquardska tryckeriet , 1809 - オンライン
Om Philopatreias trende anmærkninger : i et brev til en høi herre / fra F***g
Kiøbenhavn : Adresse-contorets , 1770 - オンライン
Om realisation af krono-penninge-lönerne
Stockholm : Tryckt hos L. Salvius , 1769 - オンライン
Om sädes quarnar : varaf första delen med konungens allernådigste tillstånd ... / utgifves och försvaras af Lars George Rabenius ; med biträde af Jonas Schensson, wermländing
Upsala : Tryckt hos Joh. Fredr. Edman , [1806] - オンライン
Om samfundets huusholdning : efter Edmond About, Arbeiderens Abc / af Joseph Michaelsen
Kjøbenhavn [Denmark] : Boghandler T. Gandrup , 1871 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om sednare tiders handels- och penningekriser : samt höga räntefot : ett utdrag ur tidskrifterna "Economist" och "Revue des deux mondes" samt ur "Economy of capital" af R.H. Patterson : jemte ett försök att på Sveriges förhållanden tillämpa de deruti uttalade satser / af Hugo Hamilton
Stockholm [Sweden] : A. Bonnier , 1866 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Om spanmålspris och spanmaålshandeln
Fahlun : Tryckt hos O.U. Arborelius , 1823 - オンライン
Om swenska näringarnes tillstånd och brister : ett bidrag till kännedomen af fäderneslandet / af C.O.D
[Sweden : s.n.] , 1835 - オンライン
Omani Mehri : a new grammar with texts
: Brill , 2018 - オンライン
L'Ombre de l'empereur
[Paris] : Bureau de la Propagande socialiste , [1848?] - オンライン
ombre de l'empereur Julien : le destin des écrits de Julien chez les auteurs païens et chrétiens du IVe au VIe siècle
: Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest , 2013 - オンライン
Le ombre del fordismo Sviluppo industriale, occupazione femminile e precarietà del lavoro nel trentennio glorioso (Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italia)
: Bononia University Press , 2020 - オンライン
L'ombre du mil : Un système agropastoral en Aribinda (Burkina Faso)
: IRD Éditions , 1993 - オンライン
ombre et son double : femmes islamistes, libanaises et modernes
: Presses de l'Ifpo , 1995 - オンライン
ombre pour la proie : petites apocalypses de la vie quotidienne
: Presses universitaires du Septentrion , 2012 - オンライン
Ombres de Thucydide : La réception de l’historien depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’au début du xxe siècle
: Ausonius éditions , 2010 - オンライン
Ome-wide Studies of Grapevine Fruit Composition and Responses to the Environment in the Era of Systems Biology
: Frontiers Media SA , 2019 - オンライン
Omega-3 fatty acids for major depressive disorder : a systematic review
: Rand Corporation , 2015 - オンライン
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease
: MDPI AG , 2016 - オンライン
1st ed. 2010.. - (Paris : Atlantis Press : Imprint: Atlantis Press , 2010) . -  (Atlantis Studies in Mathematics for Engineering and Science. ISSN:24679631 ; 6) - オンライン
OMGUS-Handbuch : Die amerikanische Militärregierung in Deutschland 1945-1949
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, , 1996 - オンライン
OMGUS-Handbuch : Die amerikanische Militärregierung in Deutschland 1945-1949
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, , 1996 - オンライン
OMGUS-Handbuch : Die amerikanische Militärregierung in Deutschland 1945-1949
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, , 1996 - オンライン
Omics and Systems Approaches to Study the Biology and Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Omics Approaches to Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: Towards Novel Biomarkers and Potential Therapeutic Targets
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Omnia comesta a Bello, or, An answer out of the west to a question out of the north : wherein the earth is opened, and the napkin found, in which the trading talent of the nation hath been tyed up and lain hid for some years last past, for want of which all persons in England, from the tenant to the landlord, from the weaver to the merchant, have languished of a deep consumption
[London : s.n.] , 1679 - オンライン
Omnia comesta a bello, or, An answer out of the west to a question out of the north : wherein the earth is opened, and the napkin found, in which the trading talent of the nation hath been tyed up and lyen hid for some years last passed, for want of which all persons in England, from the tenant to the landlord, from the weaver to the merchant, have languished of a deep consumption
[England : s.n.] , 1667 - オンライン
Omnidirectional Stereo Vision for Autonomous Vehicles
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Omnium Belgii sive inferioris Germaniae regionum descriptio / Ludovico Guicciardino ... auctore ; recèns ex idiomate Italico ad exemplar tertiùm ac postremùm ab ipso auctore recognitum magnaq́. passim accessione locupletatum in Latinum sermonem conversa Regnero Vitellio Zirizæo interprete ...
Amstelrodami : Excudebat Guiljelmus Ianssonius ... , 1613 - オンライン
Omohide : zyozyaw-sewkyok-sih
: 阿蘭陀書房 - オンライン
La omonia danizonica ovvero la concordanza : elle discordanti opinioni sul prestito della moneta / dissertazione del Francesco Saverio Muzj
Imola : Per I. Galeati , 1834 - オンライン
Omoto-kyo : an account of one of Japan's popular faiths
: The Japan Chronicle , 1920 - オンライン
OMPI et le Financement Garanti par des Actifs Incorporels : Rendre le Financement des Actifs Incorporels Plus Accessible
: World Intellectual Property Organization , 2023 - オンライン
OMPI et les objectifs de développement durable
: World Intellectual Property Organization , 2021 - オンライン
OMPI y la Financiación Mediante Activos Intangibles : La Incorporación Progresiva de la Financiación Mediante Activos Intangibles
: World Intellectual Property Organization , 2023 - オンライン
OMPI y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
: World Intellectual Property Organization , 2021 - オンライン
Omställning - Tillväxt - Effektivisering : Energifrågor Vid Renovering Av Flerbostadshus
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Omstandig beright uyt Londen, dato den 30 november
Tot Rotterdam : By Paulus Boekenes ... , [1688] - オンライン
Omstandig journaal van de reize naar Groenlanderkelyke byzonderheden
Amsterdam : Gedr. voor rekening van den Commandeur by D. Weege , 1787 - オンライン
On a law of Indo-European word order Über ein Gesetz der indogermanischen Wortstellung
: Language Science Press , 2020 - オンライン
On a law of Indo-European word order Über ein Gesetz der indogermanischen Wortstellung
: Language Science Press , 2020 - オンライン
On a marché sur la terre Essai sur les voyages de Tintin
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 2016 - オンライン
On a Need to Know Basis : A Conceptual and Methodological Framework for Modelling and Analysis of Information Demand in an Enterprise Context
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
On a proposal to withhold out-door relief from widows with families : contained in the last annual report of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales : (read at a meeting of the Manchester Statistical Society, December 8th, 1840.)
[S.l : s.n , 1840 - オンライン
On abolishing transportation : and on reforming the Colonial Office : in a letter to Lord John Russell / by S. Bannister
London : E. Wilson , 1837 - オンライン
On Aboriginal Religion
: University of Sydney , 1960 - オンライン
On abridging the time of labour in factories / in a letter from the cotton spinners of Glasgow, to M.T. Sadler, Esq. M.P
[S.l : s.n , 1832] - オンライン
On agricultural distress as connected with depreciation of the currency : a letter addressed to the editor of the Agricultural & Industrial Magazine / by William Spence
[England : s.n , 1836] - オンライン
On agricultural indebtedness in India : a letter to Sir James B. Peile, K.C.S.I., member of the Indian Council / from H.E.M. James (commissioner in Sind and additional member of the Governor-General's council for making laws and regulations only)
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1896]). - (London : William Clowes and Sons, Limited , 1896) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Aircraft Simulation in Conceptual Design
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
On alcoholism : its clinical aspects and treatment / by Francis Hare, M.D. (medical superintendent of the Norwood Sanatorium, Beckenham)
(London : J. & A. Churchill , 1912) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On an ungrounded Earth : towards a new geophilosophy
: Punctum Books , 2013 - オンライン
On an uniform system of screw threads / communicated to the Institution of Civil Engineers, A.D. 1841, by Joseph Whitworth
London : J. Weale , 1841 - オンライン
On ancient grammars of space : linguistic research on the expression of spatial relations and motion in ancient languages
: de Gruyter , 2013 - オンライン
On ancient grammars of space : linguistic research on the expression of spatial relations and motion in ancient languages
: de Gruyter , 2013 - オンライン
On ancient grammars of space : linguistic research on the expression of spatial relations and motion in ancient languages
: de Gruyter , 2013 - オンライン
On and after the 3rd March, 1890 : the wages paid at this line of steamers will be those of the Employer's Association
(Liverpool : The Employer's Labour Association , 1890) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Aortic Blood Flow Simulations : Scale-Resolved Image-Based CFD
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
On approximation theory : Proceedings of the Conference held in the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, August 4-10, 1963 / by Jacob Korevaar, NA Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, NA Tagung über Approximationstheorie 1963, Oberwolfach, Paul Leo Butzer
1st ed. 1964.. - (Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Springer , 1964) . -  (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. ISSN:22966072 ; 5 ) - オンライン
On artificial manures
London : Taylor & Walton , 1845 - オンライン
On Artin's Conjecture for Odd 2-dimensional Representations / edited by Gerhard Frey
1st ed. 1994.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1994) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1585) - オンライン
On automorphic functions and the reciprocity law in a number field (Lectures in mathematics, 2)
: Kinokuniya , 1969 - オンライン
On automorphism group of k[x, y] (Lectures in mathematics, 5)
: Kinokuniya , 1972 - オンライン
On Automorphisms of Siegel Domains / by S. Murakami
1st ed. 1972.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1972) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 286) - オンライン
On being human the folklore of Morman missionaries
: Utah State University , 1981 - オンライン
On Being Human : Where Medicine, Ethics and Spirituality Converge
: Presses de l’Université de Montréal , 2002 - オンライン
On bi-metallism / by Thomson Hankey : a reply to Mr. Cazalet and Mr. Gibbs
London : E. Wilson , 1879 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On bimetallism / by Sir William Houldsworth, Bart., M.P
(London ; Manchester : Effingham & Wilson : J.E. Cornish , [1893]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On bimetallism
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1890?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Biomimetics
: IntechOpen , 2011 - オンライン
On Blinking
: Uitgeverij , 2012 - オンライン
On Boredom Essays in art and writing
: UCL Press , 2021 - オンライン
On British commercial legislation : in reference to the tariff or import duties and the injustice of interfering with the navigation laws : being the substance of a speech at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures, Edinburgh / by J.M. Mitchell
Edinburgh : W. Blackwood , 1849 - オンライン
On cases of death by starvation, and extreme distress among the humbler classes : considered as one of the main symptoms of the present disorganization of society : with a preparatory plan for remedying these evils in the metropolis and other large cities / by J.L. ; with an introduction by Viscount Ranelagh
London : J. Ollivier , 1844 - オンライン
On certain moral aspects of money-getting / by W.T. Gairdner
Glasgow : J. MacLehose , 1868 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On certain tests of a thriving population : four lectures / delivered before the University of Oxford, in Lent term, 1845, by Travers Twiss
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1845 - オンライン
On changes in the bank rate : first, their causes, and secondly, their effects on the money market, on the commerce of the country, and on the value of all interest-bearing securities / by Francis Edward Steele, associate of the Institute of Bankers
(London : Effingham Wilson & Co , [1891?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Characters of Finite Groups / by Michel Broué
1st ed. 2017.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Mathematical Lectures from Peking University. ISSN:21974217) - オンライン
On Chinese currency : coin and paper money / by W. Vissering. With facsimile of a banknote
Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1877 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On church extension, or, An enquiry, What should the state do? : or, What can the church do, unless her rights are restored, and her efficiency upheld? / by W.W. Malet
London : Hatchard , 1840 - オンライン
On circulating credit : with hints for improving the banking system of Britain, and preliminary observations on some of the modern doctrines of political economy / by a Scottish banker
Edinburgh : Printed for W. Tait , 1832 - オンライン
On Civic Republicanism
: University of Toronto Press , 2016 - オンライン
On civic republicanism : ancient lessons for global politics
: University of Toronto Press , 2016 - オンライン
On classification of ruled surfaces (Lectures in mathematics, 3)
: Kinokuniya , 1970 - オンライン
On climate in connection with husbandry : with reference to a work entitled Cours d'agriculture, par le comte de Gasparin, pair de France (membre de la Société générale d'agriculture, de l'Académie des sciences, &c.) / by the Earl of Lovelace
[England? : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
On co-operation
[London : C. Fox , 1832] - オンライン
On colonial intercourse / by Henry Bliss
London : J. Ridgway , 1830 - オンライン
On combinations of trades
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
On commerce / by J.R. M'Culloch, published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
London : Baldwin and Cradock , 1833 . -  (Library of useful knowledge) - オンライン
On commerce : a letter to the merchants and manufacturers of Manchester / by John Conrad Dalwig
Manchester : Bancks and co , 1839 - オンライン
On commercial economy : in six essays, viz. machinery, accumulation of capital, production, consumption, currency and free trade / by E.S. Cayley
London : J. Ridgway , 1830 - オンライン
On commercial panics : a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society, by James A. Lawson
Dublin : Published for the Society, by Hodges and Smith , 1848 - オンライン
On communication to India, in large steamships, by the Cape of Good Hope : printed by order of the India Steam-ship Company, and addressed to the British public / by Sir John Ross ...
London : Smith and Elder , 1838 - オンライン
On Competition and Regulation in Health Care Systems
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
On Complexity Certification of Active-Set QP Methods with Applications to Linear MPC
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
On Complexity Certification of Branch-And-Bound Methods for MILP and MIQP with Applications to Hybrid MPC
: Linkopings Universitet , 2023 - オンライン
On condensation being the only cause of heat in nature : from the Medical Commentaries for 1787
[S.l : s.n.] , 1787 - オンライン
On Configuration Systems in Product Development for Mass Customisation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
On Congruence Monodromy Problems
: Mathematical Society of Japan , 2008 - オンライン
On Construction and Identification of Graphs / edited by B. Weisfeiler
1st ed. 1976.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1976) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 558) - オンライン
On Contested Shores The Evolving Role of Amphibious Operations in the History of Warfare
: Marine Corps University Press , 2020 - オンライン
On Credibility Assessment in Aircraft System Simulation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
On credit, currency, and banking / by Eleazar Lord
2nd ed.. - New York : G. & C. & H. Carvill , 1834 - オンライン
On credit-currency, and its superiority to coin : in support of a cheap, safe, and sufficient circulating medium / by G. Poulett Scrope
London : J. Murray , 1830 - オンライン
On Curiosity The Art of Market Seduction
: Mattering Press , 2016 - オンライン
On currency
London : C. Knight and Co , 1840 - オンライン
On currency, on a new system of manufacturing, and on the effect of machinery on human labour : being three chapters extracted from the third edition of "The economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage
London : C. Knight , 1833 - オンライン
On Cyprian Norwid : studies and essays
: Peter Lang , 2019- - オンライン
On Cyprian Norwid : studies and essays
: Peter Lang , 2019- - オンライン
On Cyprian Norwid : studies and essays
: Peter Lang , 2019- - オンライン
On Cyprian Norwid : studies and essays
: Peter Lang , 2019- - オンライン
On Cyprian Norwid : studies and essays
: Peter Lang , 2019- - オンライン
On Decoration of Biomolecular Scaffolds with a Conjugated Polyelectrolyte
: Linkopings Universitet , 2017 - オンライン
On deletion phenomena in English
: De Gruyter Mouton, , 2019 - オンライン
On deletion phenomena in English
: De Gruyter Mouton, , 2019 - オンライン
On deletion phenomena in English
: De Gruyter Mouton, , 2019 - オンライン
On Democratic Politics
: Latin America Research Commons , 2023 - オンライン
On direct and inverse problems related to longitudinal impact of non-uniform elastic rods
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
On Dirichlet's Boundary Value Problem : LP-Theory based on a Generalization of Garding's Inequality / by Christian G. Simader
1st ed. 1972.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1972) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 268) - オンライン
On economic fiscal legislation : to the honourable the members of both houses of Parliament / by Lawrence Heyworth
[England? : s.n.] , 1845 - オンライン
On Electrified Fluid Power Systems in Mobile Machinery
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
On Electroconvulsive Therapy in Depression : Clinical, Cognitive and Neurobiological Aspects
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
On Electrohydraulic Pressure Control for Power Steering Applications : Active Steering for Road Vehicles
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
On Energy Efficient Mobile Hydraulic Systems : With Focus on Linear Actuation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2017 - オンライン
On farm buildings : with a few observations on the state of agriculture in the county of Kent / by Viscount Torrington
London : Ridgway , 1845 - オンライン
On Farm Monitoring of Pig Welfare: COST Action 846, Working Group 2 - on Farm Monitoring of Welfare, Subworking Group - Pigs
: Wageningen Academic Publishers , 2007 - オンライン
On film cooling of turbine guide vanes : from experiments and CFD-simulations to correlation development
: Linköping University , 2015 - オンライン
On financial reform / by Sir Henry Parnell
London : J. Murray , 1830 - オンライン
On financial reform / by Sir Henry Parnell
2nd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1830 - オンライン
On financial reform / by Sir Henry Parnell, Bart
3rd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1831 - オンライン
On financial reform / by Sir Henry Parnell
4th ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1832 - オンライン
On fluctuations in the supply and value of money : and the banking system / (from the Edinburgh Review, No. 86, about to appear)
[S.l : s.n , 1826 - オンライン
On Fluid Power Pump and Motor Design : Tools for Noise Reduction
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
On folding : towards a new field of interdisciplinary research
: [transcript] , 2016 - オンライン
On forms of the affine line over a field (Lectures in mathematics, 10)
: Kinokuniya , 1977 - オンライン
On forty years' industrial changes in England and Wales / by Thomas A. Welton, F.S.S., F.C.A
(London : John Heywood , [1898]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Friday, March 1, 1839, will by celebrated the hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary festival of the Most Honorable and Loyal Society of Ancient Britons : when a sermon will be preached in the parish church of St. Martin in the Fields, before the Right Honorable Sir James Graham ... by Joseph Allen ...
[England? : s.n , 1839 - オンライン
On gas works and the introduction of cannel coal gas (thoroughly purified) into the metropolis / by G.L. Taylor
London : Longman , [1848] - オンライン
On geometrical illustrations of the theory of rent / by Professor J.D. Everett, F.R.S
(London : Royal Statistical Society , 1900) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Global Citizenship
: Bloomsbury Academic , 2014 - オンライン
On Global Univalence Theorems / by T. Parthasarathy
1st ed. 1983.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1983) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 977) - オンライン
On Graph Approaches to Contextuality and their Role in Quantum Theory / by Barbara Amaral, Marcelo Terra Cunha
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
On groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the real line / Robert Bieri, Ralph Strebel
(Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016]) . -  (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs. ISSN:23317159 ; v. 215) - オンライン
On guano as a fertilizer / by Cuthbert W. Johnson
London : J. Ridgway , 1843 - オンライン
On harbours of refuge : with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper / by the Earl of Lovelace
[England? : s.n.] : W. Clowes) , 1849 - オンライン
On heroes, hero-worship, & the heroic in history : six lectures / reported, with emendations and additions, by Thomas Carlyle
London : J. Fraser , 1841 - オンライン
On High-Speed Digital-To-Analog Converters and Semi-Digital FIR Filters
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
On High-Temperature Behaviours of Heat Resistant Austenitic Alloys
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
On Hilbert-Type and Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities and Applications / by Bicheng Yang, Michael Th. Rassias
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2019) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
On history
- オンライン
On history : introduction to world history (1831), opening address at the faculty of letters, 9 January 1834, preface to history of France (1869)
, 2013 - オンライン
On history : introduction to world history (1831), opening address at the faculty of letters, 9 January 1834, preface to history of France (1869)
, 2013 - オンライン
On History : Introduction to World History (1831); Opening Address at the Faculty of Letters, 9 January 1834; Preface to History of France (1869)
: Open Book Publishers - オンライン
On household cleanliness / the Metropolitan Working Classes' Association, for Improving the Public Health
London : J. Churchill , 1847 - オンライン
On import of colonial corn / by H.T. Colebrooke
London : J. Murray , 1818 - オンライン
On increasing the demand for agricultural labour / by Cuthbert W. Johnson
London : J. Ridgway , 1841 - オンライン
On Indian civilization, or, Report of a successful experiment, made during two years, on that subject in fifteen Tamul, and five English native free schools : with propsals for establishing a separate liberal native school society / by Christopher Samuel John
London : Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington , 1813 - オンライン
On Indian economics : president's opening address / by Geo. Handasyde Dick
(Glasgow : Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Economic Science Section , 1898) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Informative Path Planning for Tracking and Surveillance
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On innovations in colonial banking practice : being some considerations suggested by a recent Melbourne controversy / by C.M.S
Sydney : W. Maddock , 1869 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On instinct : a lecture / delivered before the Dublin Natural History Society, 11th November, 1842, by Richard Whately
Dublin : J. McGlashan , 1847 - オンライン
On integration by means of selected values of the function / by W.S.B. Woolhouse, F.I.A., &c
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1890?]). - (London : Charles and Edwin Layton , [1890?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On Interaction between the City and the Language(s): Individual to Society / Bireyden Topluma: Kent ve Dil İlişkisi Üzerine
: Istanbul University Press , 2021 - オンライン
On Irish absenteeism : a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society (23rd January, 1850) by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Dublin Statistical Society, Hodges and Smith , 1850 - オンライン
On Jewish Folklore
: Wayne State University Press , 1983 - オンライン
On Joint State Estimation and Model Learning Using Gaussian Process Approximations
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
On Kings
: HAU , 2017 - オンライン
On Knowledge Creation and Learning at the Intersection of Product Development and Engineering Education
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
On laissez faire and the economic resources of Ireland : being a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society, by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Society by Hodges and Smith , 1848 - オンライン
On land-drainage, subsoil-ploughing, and irrigation / by the author of "British husbandry."
London : J. Murray , 1841 - オンライン
On landed property and the economy of estates : comprehending the relation of landlord and tenant and the principles and forms of leases, farm buildings, enclosures, drains, embankments, roads and other rural works, minerals, and woods / by David Low
London : Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans , 1844 - オンライン
On Landmark Densities in Minimum-Uncertainty Motion Planning
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
On large and small farms, and their influence on the social economy : including a view of the progress of the division of the soil in France since 1815 / by H. Passy
London : A. Hall , 1848 - オンライン
On Learning A general theory of objects and object-relations
: UCL Press , 2021 - オンライン
On Learning Volume 2
: UCL Press , 2024 - オンライン
On Length Spectra of Lattices
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2010 - オンライン
On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities
: Karolinum Press , 2023 - オンライン
On-Line Topographic Measurements of Lubricated Metallic Sliding Surfaces
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
On linearization : toward a restrictive theory
: The MIT Press , 2023 - オンライン
On liquid manures / by Cuthbert W. Johnson
London : J. Ridgway and Sons , 1837 - オンライン
On literature and philosophy : the non-fiction writing of Naguib Mahfouz
: Gingko Library , 2016 - オンライン
On local disturbances in Ireland, and on the Irish Church question / by George Cornewall Lewis
London : B. Fellowes , 1836 - オンライン
On location : theory and practice in classroom-based writing tutoring
: Utah State University Press , 2005 - オンライン
On Looking into Words (and Beyond)
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
On looking into words (and beyond): Structures, Relations, Analyses
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
On Lord Brougham's letter to the Marquess of Landsdowne [i.e. Lansdowne] and the late revolution in France / by Thomas Hawkins
London : J. Ollivier , 1848 - オンライン
On lymphedema of the lower limbs after treatment of endometrial cancer : with emphasis on incidence, quality of life, risk factors, and health economy
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
On m'appelle à régner
: Graduate Institute Publications , 2003 - オンライン
On Machine Learning-Based Control for Energy Management in Construction Machines
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
On machinery : to all
[S.l : s.n , 1831?] - オンライン
On Making Fiction : Frankenstein and the Life of Stories
: transcript Verlag, , 2023 - オンライン
On Making Fiction : Frankenstein and the Life of Stories
: transcript Verlag, , 2023 - オンライン
On Making in the Digital Humanities
: UCL Press , 2023 - オンライン
On manslaughter : the philosopher begging the attention of Her Most Gracious Majesty and British government, as a great destruction has been wilfully made by pride amongst the poor pitmen, when it might have been prevented these 39 years
[England : s.n , 1844] . -  (Coal trade papers, 1841-46 ; no. 30) - オンライン
On Manufacturing Technology As an Enabler of Flexibility : Affordable Reconfigurable Tooling and Force-Controlled Robotics
: Linkopings Universitet , 2013 - オンライン
On many routes : internal, European, and transatlantic migration in the late Habsburg Empire
: Purdue University Press , 2021 - オンライン
On Marshall's idealism / Simon J. Cook
(London : Routledge , February 2012) . -  (European journal of the history of economic thought ; volume 19, issue 1) - オンライン
On Marshall's presumed idealism : a note on The intellectual foundations of Alfred Marshall's economic science : a rounded globe of knowledge by Simon Cook / by Tiziano Raffaelli
(London : Routledge , February 2012) . -  (European journal of the history of economic thought ; volume 19, issue 1) - オンライン
On Massive MIMO Base Stations with Low-End Hardware
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
On Massive MIMO for Massive Machine-Type Communications
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On Material Modelling of High Strength Steel Sheets
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
On Material selection and its consequences in product development
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
On media, on technology, on life : interviews with innovators
: River Publishers , 2021 - オンライン
On media, on technology, on life : interviews with innovators
: River Publishers , 2021 - オンライン
On media, on technology, on life : interviews with innovators
: River Publishers , 2021 - オンライン
On melancholy
: Mohr Siebeck , 2008 - オンライン
On Men and Cars : An Ethnographic Study of Gendered, Risky and Dangerous Relations
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
On mending the times : addressed to the author's friends and acquaintances engaged in manufacture, briefly shewing the true cause of low wages, with a natural, easy, and effectual mode of improving our system / by R. Bullock
[England : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
On migration : diasporization, transculturality, transmediality
: Georg Olms Verlag , 2020 - オンライン
On Model Uncertainty and its Statistical Implications : Proceedings of a Workshop, Held in Groningen, The Netherlands, September 25–26, 1986 / edited by Theo K. Dijkstra
1st ed. 1988.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1988) . -  (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. ISSN:21969957 ; 307) - オンライン
On Modern Approaches of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and Control Problems with Discontinuities : A Guide to Theory, Applications, and Some Open Problems / by Guy Barles, Emmanuel Chasseigne
1st ed. 2024.. - (Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2024) . -  (PNLDE Subseries in Control. ISSN:27317374 ; 104) - オンライン
On monetary derangements : in a letter addressed to the proprietors of bank stock / by William Ward
London : P. Richardson , 1840 - オンライン
On money and bimetallism / by G.A. Russell
([Victoria] : Insurance Institute of Victoria , [1894?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On money and currency : a lecture delivered before the University of Oxford in ... 1843 : with an appendix on the paper money of the Chinese / by Travers Twiss
Oxford : Printed by T. Combe for J.H. Parker , 1843 - オンライン
On monies, coins, weights, and measures, proposed for the United States of America
Philadelphia : Printed by Daniel Humphreys , 1789 - オンライン
On Motion Control of Linear Incremental Hydraulic Actuators
: Linkopings Universitet , 2017 - オンライン
On Motion Planning and Control for Truck and Trailer Systems
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On Motion Planning Using Numerical Optimal Control
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On Mr. Humphreys' Observations on the English law of real property : with the outline of a code, &c. / by Jeremy Bentham
[S.l : s.n.] , 1827 - オンライン
On Multi-Disciplinary Optimization in Engineer-To-Order Product Configuration
: Linkopings Universitet , 2023 - オンライン
On national government / by George Ensor
London : Printed for Johnson & Co , 1810 - オンライン
On national property, and on the prospects of the present administration and of their successors
3rd ed.. - London : B. Fellowes , 1835 - オンライン
On Negro emancipation and American colonization / by Dr. Hodgkin
[England : s.n , 1833?] - オンライン
On Normalized Integral Table Algebras (Fusion Rings) : Generated by a Faithful Non-real Element of Degree 3 / by Zvi Arad, Xu Bangteng, Guiyun Chen, Effi Cohen, Arisha Haj Ihia Hussam, Mikhail Muzychuk
1st ed. 2011.. - (London : Springer London : Imprint: Springer , 2011) . -  (Algebra and Applications. ISSN:21922950 ; 16) - オンライン
On Optimal Population Paths / by J.S. Lane
1st ed. 1977.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1977) . -  (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. ISSN:21969957 ; 142) - オンライン
On-Orbit Operations Optimization : Modeling and Algorithms / by Leping Yang, Yanwei Zhu, Xianhai Ren, Yuanwen Zhang
1st ed. 2014.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2014) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Optimization. ISSN:2191575X) - オンライン
On "other war" : lessons from five decades of RAND counterinsurgency research
: RAND, National Defense Research Institute , 2006 - オンライン
On our commercial system : shewing the cause of the present fall of prices, &c. &c
London : Published by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown , 1822 - オンライン
On our monetary system, &c. &c : with an explanation of the causes by which the pressures in the money market are produced, and a plan for their remedy, which can be carried into immediate effect, without any derangement, and with the approbation of the banks, both private and public, by which the currency is issued / by T. Joplin
London : J. Ridgway , 1839 - オンライン
On paper money, its influence on national prosperity, and the happiness of the people
Philadelphia : [s.n.] , 1825 - オンライン
On parliamentary reform / by a member of the Royal College of Physicians
London : Printed for A. Miller , 1831 . -  (Series of dissertations on political economy ; no. 1) - オンライン
On pauperism and the poor laws : with a supplement
London : E. Wilson , 1821 - オンライン
On peers and copyright : why the EU should consider collective management of P2P
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH , 2012 - オンライン
On plane metallic surfaces and the proper mode of preparing them / read at the meeting of the British Association, at Glasgow, A.D. 1840, by Joseph Whitworth
London : J. Weale , 1840 - オンライン
On planting and rural ornament : a practical treatise / by Mr. Marshall
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for G. and W. Nicol [et al.] , 1803 - オンライン
On pledges to be given by candidates
[S.l : s.n , 1832 - オンライン
On PLL Modeling and Design in Nanometer‐Scale CMOS
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
On political economy : in connexion [sic] with the moral state and moral prospects of society / by Thomas Chalmers
Glasgow : Printed for W. Collins , 1832 - オンライン
On political economy : in connexion [sic] with the moral state and moral prospects of society / by Thomas Chalmers
New-York : D. Appleton , 1832 - オンライン
On political economy : in connexion with the moral state and moral prospects of society / by Thomas Chalmers
2nd American ed.. - Columbus, Ohio : Isaac N. Whiting , 1833 - オンライン
On political economy : in connexion with the moral state and moral prospects of society / by Thomas Chalmers
2nd ed.. - Glasgow : Printed for W. Collins , 1832 - オンライン
On popular discontent in Ireland / by Philip Molloy
Dublin : R. Milliken and Son , 1831 - オンライン
On popular education : plans for the establishment of day schools on the British system, and of agricultural schools / by John Hull
London : Sold by E. Fry , 1832 - オンライン
On Pose Estimation in Room-Scaled Environments
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
On propelling vessels by means of windmill sails / by J.M. Bartlett
London : [s.n.] , 1819 - オンライン
On prophecy, dreams and human imagination : Synesius, De insomniis
: Mohr Siebeck , 2014 - オンライン
On prospective emancipation of slaves' unborn children
[Dublin : Printed for the Hibernian Negro's Friend Society, by R.D. Webb , 1830?] - オンライン
On protection to agriculture / by David Ricardo
London : J. Murray , 1822 - オンライン
On protection to agriculture / by David Ricardo
2nd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1822 - オンライン
On protection to agriculture / by David Ricardo ...
4th ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1822 - オンライン
On protection to West-India sugar
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1823 - オンライン
On protection to West-India sugar ....
2nd ed., corrected and enl., and containing an answer to a pamphlet entitled "A reply" &c. &c. / by Joseph Marryat .... - London : Printed for J.M. Richardson and J. Hatchard , 1823 - オンライン
On Protein Structure, Function and Modularity from an Evolutionary Perspective
: Linkopings Universitet , 2018 - オンライン
On public accountability and the court of accounts of France
London : Printed by W. Clowes & Sons, for H.M.S.O , 1850 - オンライン
On punishments and prisons / by His Royal Highness Oscar, Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway ; translated from the second Swedish edition, by A. May
London : Smith, Elder & Co , 1842 - オンライン
On Quality Improvement in Gynaecological Cancer Surgery
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On Quasiconvex Conditional Maps. Duality Results and Applications to Finance
: Libreria Ledi Srl , 2011 - オンライン
On ragged scientific institutes, or societies for diffusing useful information among the poor and miserable / by J. Marriott
[England : s.n , 1848?] - オンライン
On railway gates, &c. &c.
[England? : s.n , 1842] - オンライン
On railways in Belgium / by Rawson W. Rawson ; extracted from the Journal of the Statistical Society of London, February, 1839
[S.l : s.n , 1839] - オンライン
On real property and taxation in Guernsey : with a comparative view of taxation in England and France / by Peter Jeremie
Guernsey [U.K.] : Mackenzie, Son, & Le Patourel, printers , [1866?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar
: Language Science Press , 1905 - オンライン
On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar
: Language Science Press , 2023 - オンライン
On Record: Music and Society in Recorded Popular Afrikaans Music Records, 1900-2015
: African Sun Media , 2017 - オンライン
On record : popular Afrikaans music & society : 1900-2017
: SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch under SUN PRESS , 2017 - オンライン
On Reenactment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools
: Accademia University Press , 2022 - オンライン
On reform of Parliament : and on poor laws for Ireland / by Sir John Walsh
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
On Relativization and Clefting: An Analysis of Italian Sign Language
: Mouton de Gruyter , 2014 - オンライン
On Relativization and Clefting: An Analysis of Italian Sign Language
: Mouton de Gruyter , 2014 - オンライン
On Relativization and Clefting: An Analysis of Italian Sign Language
: Mouton de Gruyter , 2014 - オンライン
On rent of land, and its influence on subsistence and population : with observations on the operating causes of the condition of the labouring classes in various countries / by Thomas Hopkins
London : Hunt and Clarke , 1828 - オンライン
On reproductive employment : being a paper addressed to the Reproductive Committee / by J.L.W. Naper
Dublin : J. McGlashan , 1847 - オンライン
On right and expediency / by W.J. Fox
London : C. Fox , 1838 . -  (Reports of lectures delivered at the chapel in South Place, Finsbury) - オンライン
On Safe Collaborative Assembly with Large Industrial Robots
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On salt, copper and gold The origins of early mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus
: MOM éditions , 2021 - オンライン
On saltpetre and nitrate of soda as fertilizers / by Cuthbert William Johnson
London : J. Ridgway , 1840 - オンライン
On schools of design in Ireland : a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society, by James MacAdam
Dublin : Published for the Society by Hodges and Smith , 1849 - オンライン
On self-supporting schools of industry and mental discipline : where reading, writing, and arithmetic, &c., are taught and united with the healthy exercise of garden farm culture, as practised at Eastbourne, in Sussex
London : Simpkin, Marshall , 1844 - オンライン
On self-translation : meditations on language
: State University of New York , 2018 - オンライン
On self-translation : meditations on language
: State University of New York , 2018 - オンライン
On Service Innovation and Realization in Manufacturing Firms
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
On ‘Shoot the Boer’, hate speech and the banning of struggle songs - PULP FICTIONS No.6
: Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) , 2010 - オンライン
On slavery : and the duty of the religious public with reference to the question of immediate or gradual abolition
[England? : s.n.] , 1830 - オンライン
On smoking, chewing and snuffing : its pernicious & destructive tendency, both mentally and bodily / by Marshall
[England : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
On social freedom, or, The necessary limits of individual freedom arising out of the conditions of our social life / by John Stuart Mill
[London : s.n , 1907] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations : A translation of C.L. Siegel’s Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen, with a commentary by C. Fuchs and U. Zannier) / edited by Umberto Zannier
1st ed. 2014.. - (Pisa : Scuola Normale Superiore : Imprint: Edizioni della Normale , 2014) . -  (Monographs. ISSN:29463548 ; 2) - オンライン
On Some Aspects of the Theory of Anosov Systems : With a Survey by Richard Sharp: Periodic Orbits of Hyperbolic Flows / by Grigorii A. Margulis
1st ed. 2004.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2004) . -  (Springer Monographs in Mathematics. ISSN:21969922) - オンライン
On Some Axiomatic Extensions of the Monoidal T-Norm Based Logic Mtl: An Analysis in the Propositional and in the First-Order Case
: Libreria Ledi Srl , 2011 - オンライン
On some combinatorial optimization problems : algorithms and complexity
: Linköping University Institute Technology , 2015 - オンライン
On some fallacies of political economy / by Edward Herford
Manchester [England] : Cave & Sever, printers , 1854 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On some important improvements in lithographic printing / by C. Hullmandel
[S.l : s.n , 1827?] - オンライン
On some methods and applications of ordered Banach spaces On some methods and applications of ordered Banach spaces
: FedOA - Federico II University Press , 2014 - オンライン
On some of the necessary conditions of industrial organisation : being a paper on the question, what should be the general relations of employers and employed, both trade and agricultural, and are industrial partnerships desirable? / by Rowland Hamilton
London : Spottiswoode , 1874 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On some remarks by the Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, M.P., on the relative stability of gold and silver as standards of value, being a vindication of the opinions of Ricardo and Cobden / by F.J. Faraday, F.L.S., F.S.S
(Manchester : [publisher not identified] , 1893) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On sovereignty and other political delusions
: Bloomsbury , 2014 - オンライン
On Spectral Theory of Elliptic Operators / by Yuri V. Egorov, Vladimir A. Kondratiev
1st ed. 1996.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1996) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 89) - オンライン
On Standardized Model Integration : Automated Validation in Aircraft System Simulation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On steam communication between Bombay and Suez : with an account of the Hugh Lindsay's four voyages / by J.H. Wilson
[S.l : s.n.] : Printed at the American Mission Press) , 1833 - オンライン
On steam communication between Bombay and Suez with an account of the Hugh Lindsay's four voyages / by J.H. Wilson
[S.l : s.n.] : Printed by F.D. Ramos) , 1833 - オンライン
On steering
[Oxford : Henry Slatter , 1845] - オンライン
On Stein's Method for Infinitely Divisible Laws with Finite First Moment / by Benjamin Arras, Christian Houdré
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2019) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics. ISSN:23654341) - オンライン
On Stochastic Optimization Problems and an Application in Finance / by Josef Anton Strini
1st ed. 2019.. - (Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Spektrum , 2019) . -  (BestMasters. ISSN:26253615) - オンライン
On Strategy: Strategic Theory and Contemporary African Armed Conflicts
: African Sun Media , 2010 - オンライン
On Strike at Hormel The Struggle for a Democratic Labor Movement
: Temple University Press , 1990 - オンライン
On Structure Exploiting Numerical Algorithms for Model Predictive Control
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
On style : an atelier
: Punctum Books , 2013 - オンライン
On Subscale Flight Testing : Applications in Aircraft Conceptual Design
: Linkopings Universitet , 2018 - オンライン
On subscale flight testing : Cost-effective techniques for research and development
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
On System Safety and Reliability Methods in Early Design Phases : Cost Fo Cused Optimization Applied on Aircraft Systems
: Linkopings Universitet , 2013 - オンライン
On Systems Thinking in Logistics Management - a Critical Perspective
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
On Taungurung Land
: ANU Press , 2020 - オンライン
On Taungurung land : sharing history and culture
: Australian National University Press , 2020 - オンライン
On taxation : how it is raised and how it is expended. / by Leone Levi, F.S.A., F.S.S., of Lincoln's Inn, barrister-at-law; and professor of the principles and practice of commerce in King's College, London
London : John W. Parker and Son, West Strand , 1860 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On taxes, or public revenue, the ultimate incidence of their payment, their disbursement, and the seats of their ultimate consumption / by an officer in the military and civil service of the Hon. East India Company ...
London : Smith, Elder , 1829 - オンライン
On the 1891 census of occupations of males in England and Wales, so far as relates to the large towns and to the counties after the exclusion of such towns / by Thomas A. Welton
London : J. Heywood , 1898 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the abolition of the Negro apprenticeship : in a letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Brougham / by Henry Edward Sharpe
London : J.W. Parker , 1838 - オンライン
On the abuses of civil incorporations : in a letter to Hudson Gurney, Esq. M.P
London : Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper , 1830 - オンライン
On the advantages of a patent process for increasing the product of sugar from cane juice
[England? : s.n.] , 1838 - オンライン
On the advantages of a triform system of colonization in South Africa : affording a gloriously splendid prospect for the next generation of mankind / by Edward King
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1844 - オンライン
On the advantages which have resulted from the establishment of the Board of Agriculture : being the substance of a lecture read to that institution, May 26th, 1809 / by the Secretary to the Board
London : Printed for R. Phillips , 1809 - オンライン
On the advantages which have resulted from the establishment of the Board of Agriculture : being the substance of a lecture read to that institution, May 26th, 1809 / by the Secretary to the Board
[England : s.n , 1809] - オンライン
On the agriculture of Suffolk / by William and Hugh Raynbird ; including the report to which the prize was awarded by the Royal Agricultural Society of England
London : Longman and Co , 1849 - オンライン
On the alien bill / by an alien
London : Printed by R. Taylor, for J. and H.J. Hunt , 1824 - オンライン
On the Allocation of Competences between the European Union and its Member States in the Media Sector | Zur Kompetenzverteilung zwischen der Europäischen Union und den Mitgliedstaaten im Mediensektor An Analysis with particular Consideration of Measures co
, 2021 - オンライン
On the American iron trade and its progress during sixteen years / by Lowthian Bell
Edinburgh ; London : Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co , [1892?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the analogy between the post office, telegraphs, and other systems of conveyance of the United Kingdom, as regards government control / by W. Stanley Jevons : read 10th April, 1867
[Manchester? : s.n , 1867] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the analysis of soils : as connected with their improvement / by Humphry Davy
[England? : s.n.] , 1805 - オンライン
On the anarchy of poetry and philosophy : a guide for the unruly
: Fordham University Press , 2006 - オンライン
On the anthracite and bituminous coal fields of China : the system of mining, and the prices of coal, and labour in its production, and transportation to Pekin / by Richard C. Taylor
Philadelphia : [s.n.] , 1845 - オンライン
On the application of mutual insurance to education
London : Chapman and Hall , 1842 - オンライン
On the application of the sinking fund towards any loans raised for the public service : being the substance of a speech addressed to the House of Commons, on the 28th April, 1814 / by Pascoe Grenfell
2nd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1819 - オンライン
On the Applications of EMG Sensors and Signals
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
On the approaching crisis, or, On the impracticability and injustice of resuming cash payments at the bank, in July 1818 : and on means of elevating the internal prosperity of the British Empire, to a height hitherto unparalleled, by judicious application of the profits derived from a farther suspension of payments in cash / Sir John Sinclair
London : Sold by J. Hatchard , 1818 - オンライン
On the appropriation and inclosure of commonable and intermixed lands : with the heads of a bill for that purpose : together with remarks on the outline of a bill, by a committee of the House of Lords, for the same purpose / by Mr. Marshall
[S.l : s.n.] , 1801 - オンライン
On the Asymptotic Spectral Distribution of Random Matrices : Closed Form Solutions Using Free Independence
: Linkopings Universitet , 2013 - オンライン
On the audit and supervision of accounts in savings banks : with observations on the plan pursued in the savings bank at Manchester
Manchester : Cave & Sever , 1849 - オンライン
On the ballot : from the Westminster review for July, 1830
3rd ed., with corrections and additions.. - London : Republished by Robert Heward , 1830 - オンライン
On the Bank charter act of 1844 : its principles and operation : with suggestions for an improved administration of the Bank of England / by Thomas Tooke
London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans , 1856 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the Bank of England; and state of the currency : the speech of Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P. in the House of Commons, on the 8th of July, 1839, on a motion for "Enquiry into the pecuniary transactions of the Bank of England, since the resumption of cash payments in 1821" / extracted from Hansard's Parliamentary debates
[S.l : s.n.] , 1839 - オンライン
On the bank's threshold, or, The young banker : a popular outline of banking illustrated by anecdote / by W. Haig Miller (author of "The currency maze", "The culture of pleasure", "The mirage of life", etc.)
(London : S.W. Partridge and Co , 1890) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On the barometric depressions in the year 1900
: 中央氣象臺 - オンライン
On the barometric depressions in the year 1901
: 中央氣象臺 - オンライン
On the barometric depressions in the year 1904
: 中央氣象臺 , 1908 - オンライン
On the beneficence of censorship Aesopian language in modern Russian literature
: Verlag Otto Sagner , 2012 - オンライン
On the beneficial employment of the surplus labouring classes : more especially the agricultural portion of them, in the winter season of the year, and on the garden allotment system : respectfully offered for acceptance to the president and council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England / by James Dean
[England : s.n , 1845?] - オンライン
On the best means of improving the moral and physical condition of the working classes : being an address / delivered on the opening of the first monthly scientific meetings, of the Belfast Mechanics' Institute, by Henry M'Cormac
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Browne, and Green , 1830 - オンライン
On the best modes of representing accurately, by statistical returns, the duration of life, and the pressure and progress of the causes of mortality amongst different classes of the community, and amongst the populations of different districts and countries / by Edwin Chadwick
[England : s.n , 1843] - オンライン
On the Border of Language and Dialect
: Finnish Literature Society / SKS , 2018 - オンライン
On the Branch Loci of Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
On the building materials of the United States of North America / by David Stevenson
[Scotland? : s.n , 1841?] - オンライン
On the C*-Algebras of Foliations in the Plane / by Xiaolu Wang
1st ed. 1987.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1987) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1257) - オンライン
On the cause and remedy of the present commercial distress
[S.l : s.n , 1826] - オンライン
On the causes and consequences of the present monetary crisis, or, The first principles of political economy applied to the gold supplies
London : Groombridge and Sons , 1857 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the causes of bad trade / by William Hoyle
London [England] : Simpkin, Marshall , 1877 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the causes of distress at Skull and Skibbereen during the famine in Ireland : a paper / read before the Statistical Section of the British Association, at Edinburgh, August 2nd, 1850 by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Dublin Statistical Society, by Hodges and Smith , 1850 - オンライン
On the causes of our late military and political disasters : with some hints for preventing their recurrence
London : Printed for J. Triphook , 1808 - オンライン
On the causes of the present discontents : with strictures on the politics of the last number of the Edinburgh Review
Edinburgh : Printed for William Blackwood and T. Cadell , 1820 - オンライン
On the causes of the progressive depreciation of the price of grain prior to the late scarcity : with observations on the Madras ryotwar system
Madras : [s.n.] , 1834 - オンライン
On the changes in the locality of textile manufactures : a paper read before the Dublin Statistical Society / by W. Cooke Taylor
Dublin : Published for the Society, by Hodges and Smith , 1848 - オンライン
On the Class Number of Abelian Number Fields : Extended with Tables by Ken-ichi Yoshino and Mikihito Hirabayashi / by Helmut Hasse
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2019) - オンライン
On the Codrington Estates : a letter to the Most Reverend William, lord archbishop of Canterbury, president of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, on the connection of that institution with Codrington College, in the island of Barbadoes / by John Riland
London : J. Hatchard and Son , 1830 - オンライン
On the collection of revenue / by Edward Atkinson
Boston : A. Williams , 1867 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the commercial depression : its causes and its lessons / by Samuel Smith
Liverpool : D. Marples & Co., Ltd , 1879 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the communications between Europe and India, through Egypt
London : Smith, Elder and Co , 1846 - オンライン
On the Computational Geometry of Pocket Machining / by Martin Held
1st ed. 1991.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1991) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 500) - オンライン
On the condition of land-capitalists and agriculturists / by George Robert Skene
[England : s.n.] , 1834 [i.e. 1835] - オンライン
On the condition of the agricultural classes of Great Britain and Ireland : with extracts from the parliamentary reports and evidence, from 1833 to 1840 : and remarks / by the French editor, published at Vienna ; with a preface, by Henry Drummond
London : J. Murray , 1842 - オンライン
On the condition of the agricultural labourer : with suggestions for its improvement / by George Nicholls
2nd ed., with additions.. - London : C. Knight , 1847 - オンライン
On the condition of the agricultural labourer : with suggestions for its improvement : prize essay / by George Nicholls
London : [s.n.] , 1846 - オンライン
On the condition of the Irish labourer : being a paper read before the Dublin Statistical Society / by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Society by Hodges and Smith , 1848 - オンライン
On the connexion between intemperance and crime : a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society by James Haughton
Dublin : Published for the Society by Hodges and Smith , 1849 - オンライン
On the connexion of statistics and political economy
[Ireland? : s.n , 1848?] - オンライン
On the constitutional and moral right or wrong of our national debt / by Francis W. Newman
London : Taylor, Walton and Maberly , 1849 - オンライン
On the construction of locks and keys / by John Chubb
[England? : s.n , 1850] - オンライン
On the construction of the permanent way of railways : with an account of the wrought-iron permanent way laid down on the main line of the Midland Railway / by William Henry Barlow
[England? : s.n.] , 1850 - オンライン
On the corn laws / by Henry Drummond
London : J. Hatchard and Son , 1841 - オンライン
On the corn laws / addressed to the mercantile community of Great Britain, by John Baker
London : Longman & Co , [1838] - オンライン
On the corn laws and other legislative restrictions / by Lawrence Heyworth
6th ed. containing new matter, in refutation of popularly received fallacies on the monetary system, and additional evidences that the tendency of a corn law is to bring ruin on the agriculture and the revenue, as well as on the commerce of England.. - [England : s.n.] , 1843 - オンライン
On the corn laws, and the claims of the agriculturists to relief from taxation : speech of Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P., on the motion of the Marquess of Chandos, in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, April 27, 1836 ...
London : Printed for the proprietor of "The Mirror of Parliament," , 1836 - オンライン
On the corn laws : being a digest of extracts from the Œconomical table : an attempt towards ascertaining and exhibiting the source, progress, & employment of riches, with explanations ... / Marquis de Mirabeau : digested from the English translations as printed for W. Owen
[London] : Reprinted for W. Clarke and Sons , 1815 - オンライン
On the corn laws : shewing their impolicy having caused taxation to be destructive of manufactures and of all the best interests of society / by Jonn. Lupton
London : Printed and published by F.A. Little , 1840 - オンライン
On the corn laws : the graduated scale of duties applied to quantity in relation to consumption, instead of to average market price, to produce steady prices
[England? : s.n.] , 1839 - オンライン
On the corn laws : the speech of Hon. C.P. Villiers, M.P., in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, 1st of April, 1840 / extracted from Hansard's Parliamentary Debates
[London? : T.C. Hansard] , 1840 - オンライン
On the correlation of economics and accountancy : a paper read at a meeting of the London Economic Club, May 14th, 1901 / by Victor V. Branford, M.A
(London : Gee & Co , 1901) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On the cost of patents of invention in different countries : a paper / read before the Statistical Section of the British Association, at Edinburgh, August 2nd, 1850 by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Dublin Statistical Society, Hodges and Smith , 1850 - オンライン
On the cottages of agricultural labourers : with economical working plans, and estimates for their improved construction / by Cuthbert W. Johnson and Edward Cresy
London : J. Ridgway , [1847] - オンライン
On the cultivation and management of flax, and the best method of consuming the seeds / by Thomas Keir Short
London : R. Groombridge , [1848?] - オンライン
On the cultivation and preparation of hemp : as also, of an article, produced in various parts of India, called sunn, which, with proper encouragement, may be introduced as a substitute for many uses to which hemp is at present exclusively applied / compiled from various authorities, by Robert Wissett
[S.l : s.n.] , 1804 - オンライン
On the cultivation of flax / by James MacAdam
London : [s.n.] , 1847 - オンライン
On the cultivation of flax : the fattening of cattle with native produce, box-feeding, and summer-grazing / by John Warnes
[England? : s.n.] , 1846 - オンライン
On the cultivation of the waste lands in the United Kingdom, for the purpose of finding employment for the able poor, now receiving parochial aid, and thereby diminishing the heavy burdens of the poor-rates : and on the expediency of making some provision for the aged and disabled paupers of Ireland / by L. Kennedy
London : J. Ridgway , 1829 - オンライン
On the culture and uses of potatoes ... / by Sir John Sinclair
Edinburgh : Printed for W. Blackwood , 1828 - オンライン
On the culture of potatoes : extracted from communications made to the Board of Agriculture in Great Britain
Boston : Printed by Young & Minns , 1798 - オンライン
On the currency : a letter to the Right Honourable Lord John Russell, M.P., &c. / by "one who has seen better days."
London : B. Kimpton , 1847 - オンライン
On the currency fraud
[Holborn : Bovingdon , 1832?] - オンライン
On the currency in connexion with the corn trade and on the corn laws : to which is added, a postscript on the present commercial stagnation
London : J. Murray , 1829 - オンライン
On the currency in connexion with the corn trade, and on the corn laws : to which is added, a postscript on the present commercial stagnation
2nd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1829 - オンライン
On the daimonion of Socrates : human liberation, divine guidance and philosophy
: Mohr Siebeck , 2010 - オンライン
On the death of the Queen, an ode
[London : s.n , 1695?] - オンライン
On the debt of the nation, compared with its revenue : and the impossibility of carrying on the war without public oeconomy
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1781 - オンライン
On the decrease of disease effected by the progress of civilization / by C.F.H. Marx and R. Willis
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1844 - オンライン
On the definition and nature of the science of political economy : a paper read at the meeting of the British Association, held at Cambridge, 1862 / by Henry Dunning Macleod
Cambridge : Macmillan & Co , 1862 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the depressed state of agriculture : being the essay for which the Highland Society of Scotland, at their general meeting on 1st July 1822, voted a piece of plate of fifty guineas value, and published by order of the Society / by James Cleghorn
Edinburgh : Printed for A. Constable and Co , 1822 - オンライン
On the depression in trade and industries / by Guilford Molesworth
[London : s.n , 1893] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the Development of Space-Number Relations: Linguistic and Cognitive Determinants, Influences, and Associations
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
On the distressed state of the country / by a merchant
London : Printed for T. and G. Underwood , 1830 - オンライン
On the distribution, growth, and decay of English towns in 1801, and since that date / by Thomas A. Welton
Manchester ; London : J. Heywood, Deansgate and Ridgefield , 1902 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the distribution of population in England and Wales and its progress in the period of ninety years from 1801 to 1891 / by T.A. Welton
[London] : Royal Statistical Society , [1901] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the diverse bonding situations in nanostructures : an ab initio computational study
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2010 - オンライン
On the dual uses of science and ethics : principles, practices, and prospects
: Australian National University E Press , 2013 - オンライン
On the dual uses of science and ethics : principles, practices, and prospects
: Australian National University E Press , 2013 - オンライン
On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics Principles, Practices, and Prospects
: ANU Press , 2013 - オンライン
On the duties of voters : and on the vote by ballot / by Thomas Lewin
London : E. Wilson , 1837 - オンライン
On the early corruption of Christianity : with reference to patristic theology / by Professor M'Michael
[Dunfermline, Scotland? : s.n , 1847?] - オンライン
On the economic causes of the present state of agriculture in Ireland : a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society, by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Society by Hodges and Smith , 1849 - オンライン
On the economic causes of the present state of agriculture in Ireland : a paper read before the Dublin Statistical Society / by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Society by Hodges and Smith , 1848 - オンライン
On the economic condition of the highlands and islands of Scotland / by Leone Levi
[London : Printed by Harrison and Sons , 1865?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage
London : C. Knight , 1832 - オンライン
On the economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage
Philadelphia : Carey & Lea , 1832 - オンライン
On the economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage
2nd ed., enl.. - London : C. Knight , 1832 - オンライン
On the economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage
3rd ed., enl.. - London : C. Knight , 1832 - オンライン
On the economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage
4th ed., enl.. - London : J. Murray , 1846 - オンライン
On the economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage
4th ed., enl.. - London : C. Knight , 1835 - オンライン
On the economy of nations / by Thomas Sharpe Smith
London : Printed for J. Carpenter , 1842 - オンライン
On the educational clauses in the bill now before the House of Commons "for regulating the employment of children and young persons in factories, and for the better education of children in factory districts" / by W.J. Fox
London : C. Fox , 1843 - オンライン
On the educational clauses in the bill now before the House of Commons "for regulating the employment of children and young persons in factories, and for the better education of children in factory districts" / by W.J. Fox
2nd ed.. - London : C. Fox , 1843 - オンライン
On the effect of the non-residence of landlords on the wealth of a community / by John Tozer
Cambridge, [Cambridgeshire] : Printed at the Pitt Press, by J.W. Parker, printer to the University , 1841 - オンライン
On the effective use of charitable loans to the poor, without interest / by Max Hesse
(Manchester : Manchester Statistical Society , [1901]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On the effects of selection : an actuarial essay / by Emory McClintock
(New York : The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York , 1892) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On the Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Solid State Batteries and its Impact on Morphological Interface Stability
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
On the embarrassments affecting the interests of agriculture / by George Skene Keith
Edinburgh ; Aberdeen : D. Chalmers for A. Constable and A. Brown , 1823 - オンライン
On the employment of children, in factories and other works in the United Kingdom, and in some foreign countries / by Leonard Horner
London : Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1840 - オンライン
On the employment of children in sweeping chimneys : chiefly extracted from "The Chimney-sweeper's friend, and Climbing-boy's album," by James Montgomery
London : Printed for Harvey and Darton , 1825 - オンライン
On the employment of the poor in Great Britain and Ireland / by George Cochrane
London : Hatchard and Son , 1845 - オンライン
On the employment of time : three essays
London : Printed for J. Whiston , 1750 - オンライン
On the establishment of a new bank in the District of Columbia : with a notice of various collateral objects, deeply interesting to its inhabitants
[Washington (D.C.) : s.n.] , 1835 - オンライン
On the establishment of an extra post : for the purpose of multiplying and improving the means of postage communications between the distant and important parts of the kingdom / by Henry Burgess
London : Printed for the author , 1819 - オンライン
On the Estimation of Multiple Random Integrals and U-Statistics / by Péter Major
1st ed. 2013.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 2079) - オンライン
On the evils, impolicy, and anomaly of individuals being landlords, and nations tenants : together with twelve propositions on labour, wages, &c. / by Robert Dick
London : J. Chapman , 1856 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the Evolution of Phase Boundaries / edited by Morton E. Gurtin, Geoffrey B. McFadden
1st ed. 1992.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1992) . -  (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications. ISSN:21983224 ; 43) - オンライン
On the expediency and necessity of striking off a part of the national debt : with observations on its practicability, with the least possible injury ...
London : [s.n.] , 1821 - オンライン
On the expediency of altering and amending the regulations, recommended by Parliament for reducing the high price of corn, and of extending the bounty on the importation of wheat to other articles of provision / by Henry Gabell
2nd ed., with alterations and additions.. - London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1796 - オンライン
On the exportation of machinery : a letter addressed to the Hon. E.G. Stanley, M.P. / by John Kennedy
London : Longman, Hurst , 1824 - オンライン
On the factory question
[Greater Manchester? : Short Time Bill Committees of Ashton, Stalybridge, and Dukinfield , 1836] - オンライン
On the factory system
[S.l : s.n , 1832?] - オンライン
On the facts disclosed in the preliminary report as to the population of England and Wales in 1901 / by T.A. Welton, F.C.A
(London : Royal Statistical Society , 1902) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On the financial management of Ireland
Dublin : S.J. Machen , 1842 - オンライン
On the fluctuations in the money market : with a suggestion of a remedy / by a money dealer
London : E. Wilson , 1836 - オンライン
On the fluctuations of the annual supply and average price of corn in France during the last seventy years : considered with particular reference to the political periods of 1792, 1814, 1830, and 1848 / by J.T. Danson
[England? : s.n , 1850?] - オンライン
On the forgery of Bank of England notes, official stamps and other public documents : being a letter to enlighten the Chancellor of the Exchequer / by Joseph Lockwood
London : E. Dipple , 1848 - オンライン
On the formal recognition of Chile and Peru
London : E. Wilson , 1830 - オンライン
On the formation of auxiliary societies
[England] : The Society , [1834?] - オンライン
On the formation of Marxism : Karl Kautsky's theory of capitalism, the Marxism of the Second International and Karl Marx's Critique of political economy
: Brill , 2015 - オンライン
On the frequent recurrence of national distress : and the best mode of permanently relieving it, and ameliorating the condition of the labouring classes : in a letter, addressed to H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex
London : Printed for the author , 1827 - オンライン
On the Frontiers of History
: ANU Press , 2020 - オンライン
On the Frontiers of History: Rethinking East Asian Borders
: ANU Press , 2020 - オンライン
On the Functional Equations Satisfied by Eisenstein Series / by Robert P. Langlands
1st ed. 1976.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1976) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 544) - オンライン
On the general application of low steam power to all vessels, instead of sails
[S.l : s.n , 1840] - オンライン
On the Geometry of Diffusion Operators and Stochastic Flows / by K.D. Elworthy, Y. Le Jan, Xue-Mei Li
1st ed. 1999.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1999) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1720) - オンライン
On the Geometry of Some Special Projective Varieties / by Francesco Russo
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) . -  (Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana. ISSN:18629121 ; 18) - オンライン
On the great evils of impressment : and its mischievous effects in the Royal Navy and the merchant ships : with the great benefits to the seamen, bestowed by the Registration Act, of the 30th July, 1835 / by John Gourly
Southampton : J. Wheeler , 1838 - オンライン
On the Ground in Afghanistan
: Marine Corps University Press (MCUP) , 2012 - オンライン
On the health of towns, as influenced by defective cleansing and drainage : and on the application of the refuse of towns to agricultural purposes : being a lecture / delivered at the Russell Institution, May 5, 1846, by William A. Guy
2nd ed.. - London : H. Renshaw , 1846 - オンライン
On the high level bridge
[England? : s.n , 1846] - オンライン
On the Higher-Order Sheffer Orthogonal Polynomial Sequences / by Daniel J. Galiffa
1st ed. 2013.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
On the history and properties chemical and medical of tobacco : a probationary essay / presented to the Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow, by Henry Wilson Cleland
Glasgow : Maclure & Macdonald , 1840 - オンライン
On the history of economic thought : British and American economic essays / A.W. Bob Coats
(London : Routledge , 2005) . -  (British and American economic essays ; v. 1) - オンライン
On the husbanding of farm-yard manure, and on other rural subjects / by Francis Blaikie
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Harding , 1818 - オンライン
On the husbandry of three celebrated British farmers, Messrs. Bakewell, Arbuthnot, and Ducket : being a lecture read to the Board of Agriculture, on Thursday, June 6, 1811 / by the secretary to the Board
London : Printed by McMillan , 1811 - オンライン
On the Hypotheses Which Lie at the Bases of Geometry / by Bernhard Riemann ; edited by Jürgen Jost
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2016) . -  (Classic Texts in the Sciences. ISSN:23659971) - オンライン
On the Implementation of Integer and Non-Integer Sampling Rate Conversion
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
On the importance of time synchronization for context aware applications
: Kassel University Press GmbH , 2012 - オンライン
On the importation of foreign corn
[S.l : s.n , 1827?] - オンライン
On the improvement of land as an investment for capital / by Joshua Trimmer
London : J. Ridgway , 1847 - オンライン
On the improvement of land as an investment for capital / by Joshua Trimmer
3rd ed.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1847 - オンライン
On the improvement of poor soils : read in the Holderness Agricultural Society, in answer to the following question, "What is the best method of cultivating and improving poor soils, where lime and manure cannot be had?" / by John Alderson
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for W. Gossling , 1813 - オンライン
On the increase of wealth and expenditure : in the various classes of society in the United Kingdom, as indicated by the returns made to the tax office exports and imports, savings banks, &c. &c. / by Colonel Sykes
[England? : s.n.] , 1837 - オンライン
On the increasing importance of the British West-Indian possessions
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1826 - オンライン
On the Inequality of Lives
: Collège de France , 2023 - オンライン
On the Influence of Piecewise Defined Contact Geometries on Friction Dampers
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2023 - オンライン
On the Integration of Algebraic Functions / by J. H. Davenport
1st ed. 1981.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1981) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 102) - オンライン
On the introduction of constructions to retain the sides of deep cuttings in clays or other uncertain soils : Abstract of the paper, and of the discussion upon it / by Professor Hosking
London : [s.n.] , 1844 - オンライン
On the introduction of religion into common schools / by Andrew Combe
Edinburgh : Maclachlan & Stewart , [1850?] - オンライン
On the landed property of England : an elementary and practical treatise : containing the purchase, the improvement, and the management of landed estates / by Mr. Marshall
London : Printed for G. and W. Nichol ... [et al.] , 1804 - オンライン
On the late population returns of the manufacturing districts / by J.K. Walker
[England? : s.n , 1831] - オンライン
On the lawfulness of hostility before a declaration of war
[England? : s.n , 1805] - オンライン
On the laws and liberties of Englishmen
[S.l.] : Roake and Varty , 1831 - オンライン
On the laws and liberties of Englishmen
4th ed.. - [S.l.] : Roake and Varty , 1831 - オンライン
On the laws and liberties of Englishmen
6th ed.. - [S.l.] : Roake and Varty , 1831 - オンライン
On the Legacy of Lutheranism in Finland Societal Perspectives
: Finnish Literature Society / SKS , 2019 - オンライン
On the legislation and the commerce of corn : wherein the questions relating to exportation, importation, bounties, prohibitions, provisions of corn by public authority, &c. are fully discussed / translated from the French ; to which some notes are added
London : Printed for T. Longman , 1776 - オンライン
On the liberty of the press, and public discussion / by Jeremy Bentham
London : Printed for W. Hone , 1821 - オンライン
On the life assurance offices : their national and social advantages, their principles and practice / by George Isabell Soper
London : W.S.D. Pateman , [1846?] - オンライン
On the literature and thought of the German classical era
: Open Book Publishers , 2021 - オンライン
On the Literature and Thought of the German Classical Era : Collected Essays
: Open Book Publishers , 2021 - オンライン
On the Literature and Thought of the German Classical Era: Collected Essays
: Open Book Publishers , 2021 - オンライン
On the loans raised by Mr. Pitt during the first French war, 1793-1801 : with some statements in defence of the methods of funding employed / by William Newmarch ...
London : Effingham Wilson [etc.] , 1855 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the Local Structure of Morita and Rickard Equivalences between Brauer Blocks / by Lluis Puig
1st ed. 1999.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1999) . -  (Progress in Mathematics. ISSN:2296505X ; 178) - オンライン
On the maintenance of fertility in new arable land / by John C. Morton
London : [s.n.] , 1847 - オンライン
On the Malthusian doctrines
[England? : s.n , 1838?] - オンライン
On the management of dairies in Holland / by Mr. Whitlaw
[England? : s.n , 1830?] - オンライン
On the management of farm-yard manure : and on other rural subjects / by Francis Blaikie
3rd ed. enl., with a plate and description of the inverted horse-hoe.. - London : John Harding , 1820 - オンライン
On the management of landed estates : general work, for the use of professional men : being an abstract of the more enlarged treatise on landed property, recently published / by Mr. Marshall
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme , 1806 - オンライン
On the management of landed property in the highlands of Scotland / by George G. MacKay
Edinburgh ; Aberdeen [Scotland] : W. Blackwood : L. & J. Smith , 1858 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the manufacture of iron
[Great Britain? : s.n , 1833?] - オンライン
On the manufacture of tar, pitch, essential oil, ammonia, &c. from coal : as practised by the British Tar Coal Company under a patent obtained 32 years ago
London : Printed by Wright and Murphy for the author , 1785? - オンライン
On the margins : Jews and Muslims in interwar Berlin
: Brill , 2020 - オンライン
On the margins of Tibet : cultural survival on the Sino-Tibetan frontier
: University of Washington Press , 2005 - オンライン
On the margins of Tibet : cultural survival on the Sino-Tibetan frontier
: University of Washington Press , 2005 - オンライン
On the margins of urban South Korea : core location as method and praxis
: University of Toronto Press , 2019 - オンライン
On the margins of urban South Korea : core location as method and praxis
: University of Toronto Press , 2019 - オンライン
On the margins of urban South Korea : core location as method and praxis
: University of Toronto Press , 2019 - オンライン
On the maritime rights of Great Britain
London : Sold by Richardson , 1807 - オンライン
On the means of arresting the progress of national calamity / by Sir John Sinclair
London : Printed for Nicol , 1817 - オンライン
On the means of arresting the progress of national calamity by public loans to the landed interest : with a postscript on the advantages to be derived from increasing the capital of the Bank of England / by the Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair
[S.l : s.n.] , 1816 - オンライン
On the means of assistance in cases of shipwreck
[England : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
On the means of benefitting the poor
London : [s.n.] , 1820 - オンライン
On the means of comparing the respective advantages of different lines of railway : and on the use of locomotive engines / translated from the French of M. Navier by John Macneill
London : Roake and Varty , 1836 - オンライン
On the means of extending the utility of agricultural societies : a letter to the Right Honble Lord Dacre / by Thomas Henry Steel ; to which are prefixed extracts from speeches delivered at the meeting of the Herts Agricultural Society, September 30, 1846
London : Simpkin, Marshall : C. & T.L. Paternoster , [1846?] - オンライン
On the means of facilitating the transfer of land : in three lectures / by James Stewart
London : Printed for Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans , 1848 - オンライン
On the means of improving the condition of the industrious labourers in husbandry : and effectually relieving their distresses / by the Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair, Bart
[Edinburgh : s.n , 1831] - オンライン
On the methods of working and ventilating the coal-mines of the north of England : with reference to the accidents that occur in such mines from the explosion of firedamp / by D.T. Ansted
[England? : s.n.] , 1846 - オンライン
On the Microstructures and Anisotropic Mechanical Behaviours of Additively Manufactured IN718
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
On the moral influence of free trade and its effects on the prosperity of nations : a paper read before the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, on the 19th February, 1830 / by Edward Baines
London : Ridgway , 1830 - オンライン
On the mortality in prisons, and the diseases most frequently fatal to prisoners / by William Baly
[England? : s.n , 1845] - オンライン
On the mutual relations of trade and manufactures : a lecture delivered before the Society of Arts on the 23rd May, 1855, on the opening of the Animal Department of the Trade Museum / by Professor Edward Solly, F.R.S. L.S. & G.S., Hon. member of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, etc. etc
London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans , 1855 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the natural and mathematical laws concerning population, vitality, and mortality : the modifications which the law of mortality receives when referred to different classes of people, and generally the movements of population, in its progress of renewal : with tables of mortality, applicable to five classes of each sex, and other tables, expressing the relations between capital and income under the operation of compound-interest / by Francis Corbaux
London : [s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
On the nature and objects of statistical science / by W.C.T. ...
[England : s.n.] , 1835 - オンライン
On the nature and principles of public credit : containing an investigation of the natural laws and principles of circulation ... together with a postscript, pointing out the method of applying those laws and principles, practically, to the present state of the public debts and finances of Great Britain
London : Printed for B. White , 1784 - オンライン
On the nature and property of soils : their connexion with the geological formation on which they rest, the best means of permanently increasing their productiveness, and on the rent and profits of agriculture / by John Morton
2nd ed.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1840 - オンライン
On the Nature and Scope of Habits and Model-Free Control
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
On the Nature of Philosophy and Other Philosophical Essays
: de Gruyter , 2012 - オンライン
On the Nature of Philosophy and Other Philosophical Essays
: de Gruyter , 2012 - オンライン
On the Nature of Philosophy and Other Philosophical Essays
: de Gruyter , 2012 - オンライン
On the necessity of a general arming in England : by a permanent system of organization, analogous to that of the Anglo-Saxon period, when every man was a soldier for home defence : with remarks on the militia
London : T. and W. Boone , 1846 - オンライン
On the necessity of a more effectual system of national defence, and the means of establishing the permanent security of the kingdom / by the Earl of Selkirk
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1808 - オンライン
On the necessity of a radical reform / by Charles Buller, Esq
London : James Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
On the necessity of altering and amending the regulations recommended by Parliament for reducing the present high price of corn : together with some amendments proposed and considerations addressed to masters of families on the most eligible mode of carrying the same into execution
London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies , 1796 - オンライン
On the necessity of establishing a court of request, for the recovery of small debts
Jersey, [Channel Islands] : Paul, printer , 1850 - オンライン
On the necessity of protection to the agriculturists of the United Kingdom / by L. Kennedy
London : To be had of Messrs. Ridgway , 1839 - オンライン
On the numerical solution of nonlinear and hybrid optimal control problems
: Kassel Univ. , 2011 - オンライン
On the numerical solution of nonlinear and hybrid optimal control problems
: Kassel Univ. , 2011 - オンライン
On the old-Javanese Cantakaparwa and its tale of Sutasoma
: Martinus Nijhoff , 1967 - オンライン
On the operation of the Bank Charter Act of 1844 : as it affects commercial credit / by R. Torrens
London : J. Ridgway , 1847 - オンライン
On the operation of the Bank Charter Act of 1844 : as it affects commercial credit / by R. Torrens
2nd ed.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1847 - オンライン
On the Origin (and Evolution) of Baryonic Galaxy Halos
: MDPI AG , 2018 - オンライン
On the Origin and Function of Human NK-like CD8+ T Cells: Charting New Territories
: Frontiers Media SA , 2018 - オンライン
On the origin and progress of the North-West Company of Canada : with a history of the fur trade, as connected with that concern : and observations on the political importance of the company's intercourse with and influence over the Indians or savage nations of the interior : and on the necessity of maintaining and supporting the system from which that influence arises, and by which only it can be preserved
London : Printed by Cox, Son, and Baylis , 1811 - オンライン
On the origins of classical economics : distribution and value from William Petty to Adam Smith / Tony Aspromourgos
London ; New York : Routledge , 1996 . -  (Routledge studies in the history of economics ; 4) - オンライン
On the Origins of Global History
: Collège de France , 2016 - オンライン
On the origins of the concept of natural monopoly : Economies of scale and competition / Manuela Mosca
(London : Routledge , 2008) . -  (Euro. j. history of economic thought ; 15:2) - オンライン
On the other side of change : Exploring the role that design can play in retaining sustainable doings
: Linkopings Universitet , 2020 - オンライン
On the parochial system as a means of alleviating temporal distress in the metropolis / by Henry Mackenzie
London : J.W. Parker , 1850 - オンライン
On the past relations between Great Britain and the United States
[England : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
On the path to AI Law's prophecies and the conceptual foundations of the machine learning age
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
On the path to AI Law's prophecies and the conceptual foundations of the machine learning age
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
On the Performance of Massive MIMO Systems with Single Carrier Transmission and Phase Noise
: Linkopings Universitet , 2013 - オンライン
On the Performance of Stratified Ventilation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2018 - オンライン
On the perspectives of wide-band gap power devices in electronic-based power conversion for renewable systems
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
On the perspectives of wide-band gap power devices in electronic-based power conversion for renewable systems
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
On the petition of the tradesmen & artificers, presented to Parliament on the 28th of April, 1813 : with the substance of the proposed clauses, to amend the Statute 5th of Elizabeth, Cap. 4, and the reasons assigned for the same
[England : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
On the Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series / by Charles J. Mozzochi
1st ed. 1971.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1971) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 199) - オンライン
On the policy of direct or indirect taxation : a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society, by James A. Lawson
Dublin : Published for The Society by Hodges and Smith , 1849 - オンライン
On the policy of throwing upon the transit trade in foreign linens : and on the importance of that trade, to the manufactures and general commerce of the British Empire
London : [s.n.] , 1816 - オンライン
On the political economy of plant disease Epidemics: Capita selecta in historical Epidemiology
: Wageningen Academic Publishers , 2008 - オンライン
On the politics of educational theory : rhetoric, theoretical ambiguity and the construction of society
: Routledge , 2016 - オンライン
On the politics of educational theory : rhetoric, theoretical ambiguity and the construction of society
: Routledge , 2016 - オンライン
On the politics of educational theory : rhetoric, theoretical ambiguity and the construction of society
: Routledge , 2016 - オンライン
On the poor laws and their abuse / by G. Poulett Scrope
London : J. Ridgway , 1832 - オンライン
On the poor laws of England : the various plans and opinions of Judge Blackstone, Swift ... and the Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor, stated and considered, with proposed amendments of easy execution, to give effect to the present laws and to the views of government / by James Willis
London : J. Ridgway , 1808 - オンライン
On the possibility of limiting populousness / by Marcus
[England? : s.n.] , 1838 - オンライン
On the Power and Limits of Empathy
: Springer Nature Switzerland , 2024 - オンライン
On the Power and Limits of Empathy
: Springer Nature Switzerland , 2024 - オンライン
On the power of machines, etc : ... with the method of computing their force : description of a simple instrument for measuring the velocity of air out of bellows, whatever be the pressure, also of a gauge for measuring with accuracy the rarefaction in the cylinder of a steam engine, demonstration of a parallel motion, observations on wheel carriages, on lathes, on the lever, etc., construction of a crank ..., experiments on the strength of oak, fir, and cast iron : with many observations respecting the form and dimension of beams for steam engines, etc. / by John Banks
Kendal : Printed by W. Pennington , 1803 - オンライン
On the practicability of an invasion of British India : and on the commercial and financial prospects and resources of the Empire / by De Lacy Evans
London : Printed for J.M. Richardson , 1829 - オンライン
On the practical prevention of dry rot in timber : being the substance of a lecture delivered at the Royal Institution, February 22, 1833 : with observations / by Professor Faraday
London : J. Weale , 1837 - オンライン
On the present balance of parties in the state / by Sir John Walsh
London : J. Murray , 1832 - オンライン
On the present balance of parties in the state / by Sir John Walsh
3rd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1832 - オンライン
On the present condition of the labouring poor in Manchester : with hints for improving it / by Richard Parkinson
London : Simpkin, Marshall, & Co , 1841 - オンライン
On the present crisis : Mr. Gisborne's address to the electors of North Derbyshire
[England : s.n , 1834] - オンライン
On the present depression in the iron trade as affected by currency questions / address by Sir W.H. Houldsworth, Bart., M.P. to the British Iron Trade Association, Westminster Palace Hotel, London, June 29th, 1893
([London] : [British Iron Trade Association] , [1893]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On the present derangement of the currency of the United States : with suggestion for its better regulation
London : P. Richardson , 1839 - オンライン
On the present distresses of the country and suitable remedies / by William Harris
London : A. Maxwell , 1816 - オンライン
On the present scarcity of provisions
[England : s.n , 1795] - オンライン
On the present state of public affairs
London : Printed for John Murray , 1817 - オンライン
On the preservation of railway sections, and of accounts of borings, sinkings, &c : in elucidation of the measures recently taken by the British Association : a paper read before the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West-Riding of Yorkshire, Sept. 23rd, 1841 / by Thomas Sopwith
[England? : s.n.] , 1842 - オンライン
On the prevention of scurvy in prisons, pauper lunatic asylums &c / by William Baly
[England : s.n , 1843] - オンライン
On the principles of political economy and taxation / by David Ricardo
2nd American ed.. - Washington [D.C.] : J.B. Bell , 1830 - オンライン
On the principles of political economy and taxation / by David Ricardo
3rd ed.. - London : John Murray , 1821 - オンライン
On the principles of political economy and taxation / by David Ricardo
London : John Murray , 1817 - オンライン
On the principles of political economy and taxation / by David Ricardo
2nd ed.. - London : J. Murray , 1819 - オンライン
On the principles of political economy, and taxation / by David Ricardo, Esquire
1st American ed.. - Georgetown, D.C : J. Milligan , 1819 - オンライン
On the Principles of Statistical Inference
: University of Notre Dame , 1942 - オンライン
On the prisons of Philadelphia / by an European
Philadelphia : Moreau de Saint-Mery , 1796 - オンライン
On the probable effects of the peace, with respect to the commercial interests of Great Britain : being a brief examination of some prevalent opinions
London : Printed for J. Hatchard and F. and C. Rivington , 1802 - オンライン
On the probable fall in the value of gold : the commercial and social consequences which may ensue, and the measures which it invites / by Michel Chevalier ; translated from the French, with preface by Richard Cobden
New York : D. Appleton , 1859 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the probable operation and effect of the repeal of the duties on foreign corn to the manufacturing operatives, the agricultural labourers, farmers, and landlords of the United Kingdom
[S.l : s.n.] , 1840 - オンライン
On the Problem of Plateau / Subharmonic Functions / by T. Rado
1st ed. 1971.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1971) . -  (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Grenzgebiete. 1. Folge ; 2) - オンライン
On the Problem of Plateau / by Tibor Radó
1st ed. 1993.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1993) . -  (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge, A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics ; 2) - オンライン
On the process of bleaching with the oxygenated muriatic acid : and a description of a new apparatus for bleaching cloths with that acid dissolved in water, without the addition of alkali / by Theophilus Lewis Rupp ; from Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, vol. v
[England : s.n , 1798?] - オンライン
On the production of isinglass along the coasts of India : with a notice of its fisheries / by J.F. Royle
London : W.H. Allen , 1842 - オンライン
On the Properties of Novel Superconductors
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
On the properties, power, & application of the aeolian engine : with a plan and particulars for carrying it into execution, upon a scale that will embrace all the principal objects to which it can be applied with full effect / by G. Medhurst
London : Printed for the proprietor , [1810?] - オンライン
On the proposed payment, by government, of the Roman Catholic priesthood in Ireland
[S.l : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
On the proposed rise in the price of newspapers
[S.l : s.n , 1791] - オンライン
On the proposed tariff as it affects tin, copper, and timber, used in mines / by Sir C. Lemon
[England? : s.n.] , 1842 - オンライン
On the prospects of the beet-sugar manufacture in Ireland : a paper read before the Dublin Statistical Society on the 16th June, 1851 / by W. Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Hodges and Smith , 1851 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the public
: Routledge , 2005 - オンライン
On the public
: Routledge , 2005 - オンライン
On the Public
: Taylor & Francis , 2005 - オンライン
On the public debt : with a plan for its final extinction
London : Pelham Richardson , 1839 - オンライン
On the punishment of death / by Thomas Wrightson
London : Printed for John Hearne , 1833 - オンライン
On the punishment of death / by Thomas Wrightson
3rd ed., greatly augm.. - London : John Hearne , 1837 - オンライン
On the punishment of death in the case of forgery : its injustice and impolicy demonstrated / by Charles Bowdler
3rd ed.. - London : T. Hamilton , 1819 - オンライン
On the punishment of death in the case of forgery : its injustice and impolicy demonstrated / by Charles Bowdler
2nd ed.. - London : T. Hamilton , 1819 - オンライン
On the punishment of death, in the case of forgery : its injustice and impolicy maintained
London : Printed for T. Hamilton , 1818 - オンライン
On the railway connections of Philadelphia with the central West : letters of Prof. Edward D. Mansfield of Cincinnati, to Job R. Tyson, Esq., LL. D. of Philadelphia
Philadelphia [Pa.] : J.C. Clark, printer , 1853 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the rate of mortality at early periods of life, the age at marriage, the number of children to a marriage, the length of a generation and other statistics of families in the upper and professional classes / by Charles Ansell
London : National Life Assurance Society , 1874 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the rate of wages : in 200 trades and branches of labour in Manchester and Salford and the manufacturing district of Lancashire, during the 20 years from 1839 to 1859 : with statistical tables illustrating the progress of the cotton trade, the cost of provisions, increase of population, etc. / by David Chadwick
2nd ed.. - London ; Manchester : W.H. Smith and Son : Thos. Sowler and Sons, Thomson and Son, and E. Slater , 1860 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the rate of wages : in 200 trades and branches of labour in Manchester and Salford and the manufacturing district of Lancashire, during the 20 years from 1839 to 1859 : with statistical tables illustrating the progress of the cotton trade, the cost of provisions, increase of population, etc. / by David Chadwick
2nd ed.. - London ; Manchester : Smith, Elder & Co. : Geo. Simms, Thos. Sowler, Thomson & Sons , 1860 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the rateability of rent-charges for the support of the poor
[England? : s.n , 1838] - オンライン
On the Realization of Credible Simulations in Aircraft Development : Efficient and Independent Validation Enabled by Automation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2023 - オンライン
On the recognition of the Southern Confederation / by James Spence
3rd ed.. - London ; Liverpool : R. Bentley : Sold also by Webb and Hunt , 1862 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the reduction of taxes, and increase of food and revenue for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland / by Agricola
London : J. Ridgway , 1847 - オンライン
On the reduction of the rate of discount by the Bank of England / by Henry Gardiner
London : Printed for G. & J. Robinson , [1828?] - オンライン
On the Refinement Calculus / edited by Carroll Morgan, Trevor Vickers
1st ed. 1992.. - (London : Springer London : Imprint: Springer , 1992) . -  (Formal Approaches to Computing and Information Technology) - オンライン
On the regulation of currencies : being an examination of the principles, on which it is proposed to restrict, within certain fixed limits, the future issues on credit of the Bank of England, and of the other banking establishments throughout the country / by John Fullarton
London : J. Murray , 1844 - オンライン
On the regulation of currencies : being an examination of the principles, on which it is proposed to restrict, within certain fixed limits, the future issues on credit of the Bank of England, and of the other banking establishments throughout the country / by John Fullarton
2nd ed., with corrections and additions.. - London : J. Murray , 1845 - オンライン
On the regulation of floating capital and freedom of currency : with an attempt to explain practically the general monetary system of the country / by T.H. Milner
London : Smith, Elder and Co , 1848 - オンライン
On the relation of corn and currency
London : John Murray , 1819 - オンライン
On the relative importance of agriculture and foreign trade / by John Benett
London : J. Ridgway , 1827 - オンライン
On the remediable evils attending the life of the people : engaged in professions, commerce, trade, and labour : embracing the causes of illness and premature death : the moral, social and commercial evils arising from protracted application to business, imperfect ventilation, and supply of water, light, &c. : and suggestions for ameliorating the condition of the productive classes : for a national system of education, for superintending the interest of the people, and for employing and training criminals / by J. Evans Riadore
London : Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper , 1847 - オンライン
On the repeal of the salt duties : and its effects in relieving the present distresses of the poor, being a second postscript to a letter addressed to the Rt. Hon. Nicholas Vansittart / by Sir Thomas Bernard
London : Printed for John Murray , 1817 - オンライン
On the report of the Factory Commission, and the great West Riding meeting on the present state of the factory question, on Monday, July 1st
[England : s.n , 1833?] - オンライン
On the residence of the clergy in England, and holding of farms : an abstract of the 43d of George III cap. 84. with observations, forms of petitions for licences and notifications
London : Hayes , [1806] - オンライン
On the resistances to railway trains at different velocities : with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper / by Wyndham Harding
[London : s.n.] , 1846 - オンライン
On the responsibilities of employers
London : W. Pickering , 1849 . -  (Small books on great subjects ; no. 16) - オンライン
On the revolution of 1830 : from the Westminster review, No. XXVI for October 1, 1830 : with a postscript
London : Republished by R. Heward, at the office of the Westminster review , 1830 - オンライン
On the rights and powers of corporations : a notice of the pamphlet by a citizen of Boston / by his fellow citizen
Boston : Printed for the author , 1837 - オンライン
On the rise, progress, and present state of public opinion : in Great Britain, and other parts of the world
London : Saunders and Otley , 1828 - オンライン
On the Road to Precision Medicine: Magnetic Systems for Tissue Regeneration, Drug Delivery, Imaging, and Theranostics
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
On the ruins of Babel : architectural metaphor in German thought
: Cornell University Press , 2011 - オンライン
On the ruins of Babel : architectural metaphor in German thought
: Cornell University Press , 2011 - オンライン
On the safety lamp for preventing explosions in mines, houses lighted by gas, spirit warehouses, or magazines in ships, &c : with some researches on flame / by Sir Humphry Davy
London : Printed for R. Hunter , 1825 - オンライン
On the safety lamps of M. Mueseler and Dr. Reid Clanny
[England : s.n.] , 1843 - オンライン
On the scarcity of the copper coin : a satyr
[Edinburgh? : s.n.] , 1739 - オンライン
On the selection of projected lines : with description of the railway scale
London : J. Ridgway , [1846?] - オンライン
On the Shape of Mathematical Arguments / by Antonetta J.M. van Gasteren
1st ed. 1990.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1990) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 445) - オンライン
On the shifting and incidence of taxation / by Edwin R.A. Seligman, professor of political economy and finance, Columbia College
([Baltimore] : American Economic Association , 1892) . -  (Publications of the American Economic Association ; v. 7, no. 2, 3) (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
On the significance of religion for global diplomacy
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
On the significance of religion for global diplomacy
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
On the Significance of Religion for Global Diplomacy
: Taylor & Francis , 2021 - オンライン
On the significance of religion for human rights
: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group , 2023 - オンライン
On the significance of religion for human rights
: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group , 2023 - オンライン
On the significance of religion for human rights
: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group , 2023 - オンライン
: Routledge , 2023 - オンライン
: Routledge , 2023 - オンライン
: Routledge , 2023 - オンライン
On the significance of religion in conflict and conflict resolution
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
On the significance of religion in conflict and conflict resolution
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
On the significance of religion in conflict and conflict resolution
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
On the significance of religion in violence against women and girls
: Routledge , 2023 - オンライン
On the significance of religion in violence against women and girls
: Routledge , 2023 - オンライン
On the significance of religion in violence against women and girls
: Routledge , 2023 - オンライン
On the slave trade and on the slavery of the blacks and of the whites / by a friend of men of all colours ; translated from the original French of M. Gregoire, formerly Bishop of Blois ; to which are annexed, prefatory observations and notes; by the translator
London : Published by Josiah Conder , 1815 - オンライン
On the social history of persecution
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2023 - オンライン
On the source and on the relief of publick distress in Great Britain / by Thomas Sharpe Smith
London : W. Nicol , 1844 - オンライン
On the Stability of Objective Structures
: Logos Verlag Berlin , 2021 - オンライン
On the Stability of Objective Structures
: Logos Verlag Berlin , 2021 - オンライン
On the Stability of Objective Structures
: Logos Verlag Berlin , 2021 - オンライン
On the state and prospects of the iron trade in Scotland and South Wales, in May, 1839 / by Joseph Johnson ; (extracted from the Mining Review, no. XVIII, (New Series), June, 1839.)
[Great Britain? : s.n , 1839] - オンライン
On the state of education in Holland : as regards schools for the working classes and for the poor / by Victor Cousin ; translated, with preliminary observations, on the necessity of legislative measures, to extend and improve education among the working classes and the poor in Great Britain, and on the course most advisable to pursue at the present time, by Leonard Horner
London : J. Murray , 1838 - オンライン
On the state of Europe before and after the French Revolution : being an answer to L'Etat de la France à la fin de l'An VIII / by Frederick Gentz ; tr. from the German by John Charles Herries
London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1802 - オンライン
On the state of Europe before and after the French Revolution : being an answer to the work entitled De l'état de la France à la fin de l'an VIII / by Frederick Gentz ; translated from the German by John Charles Herries
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1803 - オンライン
On the state of Europe before and after the French revolution : being an answer to the work entitled De l'état de la France à la fin de l'an VIII / by Frederick Gentz ; translated from the German by John Charles Herries
5th ed.. - London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1804 - オンライン
On the state of Europe in January 1816 / by George Ensor
London : Printed for R. Hunter , 1816 - オンライン
On the state of the country in December 1816 / by the Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair
London : [s.n.] , 1816 - オンライン
On the structure and history of Russian selected essays
: Verlag Otto Sagner , 2012 - オンライン
On the structure-property correlation and the evolution of Nanofeatures in 12-13.5% Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
On the study of economic history : an introductory lecture delivered before Harvard University, January 4, 1893 / by W.J. Ashley
[Boston, Mass : G. Ellis , 1893] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the sufficiency of the parochial system, without a poor rate, for the right management of the poor / by Thomas Chalmers
Glasgow : W. Collins , 1841 - オンライン
On the supply of employment and subsistence for the labouring classes, in fisheries, manufactures, and the cultivation of waste lands : with remarks on the operation of the salt duties, and a proposal for their repeal : addressed to the Right Hon. Nicolas Vansittart / by Sir Thomas Bernard
London : Printed for John Murray , 1817 - オンライン
On the suppression of mendicancy in the metropolis : speech / of John Frederick Stanford ... delivered at the St. Mary-le-Bone vestry, on Saturday, the 9th of October, 1847
London : J. Petheram , 1847 - オンライン
On the taxation of the United Kingdom : comprising remarks on the tax upon income, proposed to the House of Commons in 1842, and on a less objectionable direct tax
London : H. Hooper , 1842 - オンライン
On the taxes on knowledge / from the Westminster Review, no. XXIX, for July 1, 1831
London : Republished by Robert Heward , [1831] - オンライン
On the taxes on knowledge / from the Westminster Review, No. XXIX, for July 1, 1831
London : Republished by R. Heward, at the office of the Westminster review , [1831] - オンライン
On the tendency of the new poor law seriously to impair the morals and condition of the working classes / by Henry Johnson Marshall
London : Printed for J.G.F. & J. Rivington , 1842 - オンライン
On the Theory of Maass Wave Forms / by Tobias Mühlenbruch, Wissam Raji
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2020) . -  (Universitext. ISSN:21916675) - オンライン
On the three imperial treasures
: 日本文化中央聯盟 , 1941 - オンライン
On the Threshold: Hospitality in Shakespeare's Drama
: Edinburgh University Press , 2023 - オンライン
On the threshold of the Holocaust : anti-Jewish riots and pogroms in occupied Europe : Warsaw, Paris, The Hague, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Kaunas
: Peter Lang , 2015 - オンライン
On the timber trade / by Henry Bliss
London : J. Ridgway , 1831 - オンライン
On the times, corn bills, paper money, and trade
[London] : [s.n.] , [182-?] - オンライン
On the times, corn bills, paper money, and trade
[S.l : s.n.] , [1815] - オンライン
On the Topology of Isolated Singularities in Analytic Spaces / by José Seade
1st ed. 2006.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2006) . -  (Progress in Mathematics. ISSN:2296505X ; 241) - オンライン
On the trade in wool and woolens, including an exposition of the commercial situation of the British Empire / extracted from the reports addressed to the wool-meeting at Lewes, in the years 1809, 1810, 1811 and 1812 by John, Lord Sheffield, from the communications to the Board of Agriculture
Another ed.. - [Ireland : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
On the trade in wool and woolens, including an exposition of the commercial situation of the British Empire / extracted from the reports addressed to the wool meetings at Lewes, in the years 1809, 1810, 1811 and 1812, by John, Lord Sheffield, from the communications to the Board of Agriculture
[England : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
On the trade to China, and the Indian Archipelago : with observations on the insecurity of the British interests in that quarter / by Charles Assey
London : Printed for Rodwell and Martin , 1819 - オンライン
On the trade to China, and the Indian Archipelago : with observations on the insecurity of the British interests in that quarter / by Charles Assey
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for Rodwell and Martin , 1819 - オンライン
On the traffic in intoxicating liquors : showing its immoral and destructive tendency / by Albert Barnes ; with preface by John Kirk
Glasgow : Office of the Scottish Temperance League , [1846] - オンライン
On the trail of taro : an exploration of natural and cultural history
: National Museum of Ethnology , 2014 - オンライン
On the transfer of property by public auction and private contract, the reciprocity or allowance system, etc : being the substance of a statement made at a meeting held on the 8th of July, 1845 / by Alexander Rainy
London : [s.n.] , 1845 - オンライン
On the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors, in health and disease : prize essay / by William B. Carpenter
London : C. Gilpin , 1850 - オンライン
On the use and abuse of charity : earnestly addressed to associations for relief of the distressed throughout the country
Edinburgh : Printed for William Blackwood , 1819 - オンライン
On the use and abuse of literary and ecclesiastical endowments / by Thomas Chalmers
Glasgow : Printed for William Collins , 1827 - オンライン
On the Use of Computed Tomography in Cardiac Imaging
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
On the use of hot air in the iron works of England and Scotland : translated from a report, made to the director general of mines in France, in 1834 / by M. Dufrenoy
London : J. Murray , 1836 - オンライン
On the use of mechanical power, in draught on turnpike-roads : with reference to the new system of wood-paving
Edinburgh : W. Blackwood and Sons , 1842 - オンライン
On the Use of Model Order Reduction Techniques for the Elastohydrodynamic Contact Problem
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2015 - オンライン
On the use of the Irish language in religious worship and instruction
2nd ed.. - London : W.J. Cleaver , 1844 - オンライン
On the utility of making the ordnance survey the basis of a general register of deeds & judgments in Ireland : a paper / read before the Dublin Statistical Society, by William Neilson Hancock
Dublin : Published for the Society by Hodges and Smith , 1849 - オンライン
On the utility of public loan offices & savings funds : established by city authorities / by James Mease
[United States : s.n , 1836] - オンライン
On the value and utility of the freedom of the Hanse-Towns / by J.L.v. Hess
London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown , 1814 - オンライン
On the value of annuities and reversionary payments : with numerous tables / by David Jones ... to which is appended, a treatise on probability : by Sir John W. Lubbock, Bart., F.R.S., and J.E. Drinkwater Bethune, A.M. : published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
London : R. Baldwin , 1844 . -  (Library of useful knowledge) - オンライン
On the value of annuities and reversionary payments : with numerous tables / by David Jones ... under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ...
London : Baldwin and Cradock , 1843 . -  (Library of useful knowledge) - オンライン
On the value of selection amongst assured lives / by John Adams Higham
[England? : s.n , 1850] - オンライン
On the varieties, properties and classification of wheat / by John Le Couteur
Jersey : H. & W. Wright , 1837 - オンライン
On the varieties, properties and classification of wheat / by John Le Couteur
London : H. Wright , [1836?] - オンライン
On the ventilation of rooms, houses, workshops, &c / the Metropolitan Working Classes' Association, for Improving the Public Health
London : J. Churchill , 1847 - オンライン
On the waste of wealth / by William Hoyle, author of "Our National Resources, and How they are Wasted," &c
3rd ed.. - London ; John Heywood, 141 and 143, Deansgate : Manchester : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co , 1873 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On the Way to the Best Possible Science
: African Sun Media , 2016 - オンライン
On the Way to The (un)Known ? : The Ottoman Empire in Travelogues (C. 1450-1900)
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH , 2022 - オンライン
On the Way to the "(Un)Known"?: The Ottoman Empire in Travelogues (c. 1450-1900)
: de Gruyter , 2022 - オンライン
On the Way to the (Un)Known? The Ottoman Empire in Travelogues (c. 1450-1900)
: de Gruyter , 2022 - オンライン
On the wine system of Great Britain / by John Dunlop
Greenock : R.B. Lusk , 1831 - オンライン
On the wine trade & wine duties : a lecture, delivered at King's College, London, February 26th, 1866 / by Leone Levi
London : E. Wilson , 1866 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
On thermomechanical fatigue of single-crystal superalloys
: Linköping University Press , 2014 - オンライン
On this and other worlds
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
On this and other worlds Voices from Amazonia
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
On Thom Spectra, Orientability, and Cobordism / by Yu. B. Rudyak
1st ed. 1998.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1998) . -  (Springer Monographs in Mathematics. ISSN:21969922) - オンライン
On Thursday, September 1st, will be published ... no. 1 of a new series of The Political Magazine / edited by Mr. Carpenter
[London : Published by W. Carpenter , 1831?] - オンライン
On Timing-Based Localization in Cellular Radio Networks
: Linkopings Universitet , 2018 - オンライン
On Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine of Skin and Its Appendages
: Frontiers Media SA , 2019 - オンライン
On Topologies and Boundaries in Potential Theory / by Marcel Brelot
1st ed. 1971.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1971) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 175) - オンライン
On Track or Off The Rails? Intra-ministerial decision-making in transport infrastructure planning
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2022 - オンライン
"On Tuesday evening, June 11th, 1833, in consequence of many misrepresentations which had been industriously circulated, respecting the advice given to the factory children about the Ten hour bill, by the Rev. G.S. Bull ..."
[England : s.n , 1833?] - オンライン
"On Tuesday evening, June 11th, 1833, in consequence of many misrepresentations which had been industriously circulated respecting the advice given to the factory children about the Ten hour bill by the Rev. G.S. Bull : a large meeting of the children took place ...
[Variant ed.].. - [England : s.n , 1833] - オンライン
On Turner's trail : 100 years of writing western history
: University Press of Kansas , 1994 - オンライン
On Uncertainty Quantification in Neural Networks: Ensemble Distillation and Weak Supervision
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
On Uniqueness in the Large of Solutions of Einsteins Equations (Strong Cosmic Censorship)
, 1991 - オンライン
On wages and combination / by R. Torrens
2nd ed.. - London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman , 1838 - オンライン
On wages and combination / by R. Torrens
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman , 1834 - オンライン
On Walras's Concept of Equilibrium / Ariel Dvoskin & Andrés Lazzarini
(London : Routledge , 2013) . -  (Review of political economy ; Volume 25, Number 1) - オンライン
On warming and ventilating : with directions for making and using the thermometer-stove, or self-regulating fire, and other new apparatus / by Neil Arnott
London : Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1838 - オンライン
On Water (Volume 1)
: European Investment Bank , 2019 - オンライン
On wet docks, quays and warehouses, for the port of London : with hints respecting trade : pt. I
London : [s.n.] , 1793 - オンライン
On work and wages / by Sir Thomas Brassey
New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons , 1883 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Ona'ah und laesio enormis : Preisgrenzen im talmudischen und römischen Kaufrecht
: Verlag C.H. Beck , 2018 - オンライン
Onafhankelijkheid, Dekolonisatie, Geweld en Oorlog in Indonesië 1945-1950. Revolutionary Worlds : Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949
: Amsterdam University Press, , 2023 - オンライン
Once-Only Principle The TOOP Project
: Springer International Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Once-Only Principle The TOOP Project
: Springer International Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Once upon a virus : AIDS legends and vernacular risk perception
: Utah State University Press , 2004 - オンライン
Once upon the permafrost : knowing culture and climate change in Siberia
: The University of Arizona Press , 2021 - オンライン
Oncogene and Cancer From Bench to Clinic
: IntechOpen , 2013 - オンライン
Oncogenes and Carcinogenesis
: IntechOpen , 2019 - オンライン
Oncogenesis, Inflammatory and Parasitic Tropical Diseases of the Lung
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One hundred and six copper plates of mechanical machines and implements of husbandry : approved and adopted by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, and contained in their repository ... illustrated by a particular description of each instrument, and an account of the several discoveries and improvements in agriculture, manufactures, mechanics, chemistry, and the polite arts, which have been promoted and encouraged by the Society, in different parts of this kingdom, and in the colonies of America / carefully corrected and revised by Alexander Mabyn Bailey
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One tale is good, until another is told, or, Some sober reflections upon the act for chimney-money : drawn up for the use of some neighbors, and thought usefull to be communicated to the good people of this nation / by William Waterhouse, Esq
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1st ed. 1995.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1995) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 1021) - オンライン
Oog voor Elkaar: Veiligheidsbeleving en sociale controle in de grote Stad
: Amsterdam University Press , 2008 - オンライン
Ooghen-salve tot verlichtinghe van alle participanten, so vande Oost ende West-Indische Compaignien : mitsgaders verscheyden notabele consideratien aengaende de vereeninghe van de Oost- ende West-Indische Compaignien met malkanderen ...
In 's Graven-haghe : By Lieven de Lange , in april, an. 1644 - オンライン
Oom Bey for the future : engaging the witness of Beyers Naud
: Sun Press , 2006 - オンライン
Oomoto monata organo esperanta
: Ootomo Propaganda Officejo , 1928 - オンライン
Oordeel des eerw. classis, gehouden t' Utrecht, den 2 ende 3 iunij 1646 : over sekere Consideratien rakende 't stuck van leeninge op interest ende panden : mitsgaders eenighe contra-vragen
Tot Utrecht : Gedruckt by Amelis Ianssz van Paddenburch ... , 1646 - オンライン
: Amsterdam University Press , 2024 - オンライン
Oost-Soemba een volkenkundige studie
: M. Nijhoff , 1940 - オンライン
Op de Amsteldamsche sleede-vaart
t' Amsterdam : By Joannes Oosterwyk ... , 1721 - オンライン
Op de pest der windt-negotie : klinkdigt
[S.l : s.n , 1720] - オンライン
Op het dalen der actien
[Amsterdam? : s.n , 1720?] - オンライン
Op het nieuwe middel van belastinge, in Hollandt en Westvrieslandt : gevorderdt in den jaare MDCCXLII, tot zeeker-stellinge en afweeringe van het zigtbaar-dreigende oorlogs-gevaar
Amsterdam : B. Mourik , 1742 - オンライン
Opaque Mirror for Trajan
: Leuven University Press , 2024 - オンライン
Opciones de ADR de la OMPI para la Gestión y Solución de Controversias en el ámbito de las Ciencias de la vida
: World Intellectual Property Organization , 2022 - オンライン
Open access
: MIT Press , 2012 - オンライン
Open access and the humanities : contexts, controversies and the future
: Cambridge University Press , 2014 - オンライン
Open Access and the Library
: MDPI AG , 2019 - オンライン
Open Access e scienze umane
: Ledizioni , 2017 - オンライン
Open Access in der Rechtswissenschaft
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG , 2019 - オンライン
Open access in theory and practice : the theory-practice relationship and openness
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
Open access in theory and practice : the theory-practice relationship and openness
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
Open access in theory and practice : the theory-practice relationship and openness
: Routledge , 2020 - オンライン
Open access : l'accesso aperto alla letteratura scientifica
: Ledizioni LediPublishing , 2014 - オンライン
Open access : l'accesso aperto alla letteratura scientifica
: Ledizioni LediPublishing , 2014 - オンライン
Open Access Musicology: Volume One
: Lever Press [Imprint] , 2021 - オンライン
Open Access Musicology: Volume Two
: Lever Press [Imprint] , 2023 - オンライン
Open-Access-Publikationsworkflow für akademische Bücher
: HTWK Leipzig - OA-Hochschulverlag , 2020 - オンライン
Open and Distance Education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East National Perspectives in a Digital Age
: Springer Singapore , 2019 - オンライン
Open and Distance Education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East National Perspectives in a Digital Age
: Springer Singapore , 2019 - オンライン
Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas: National Perspectives in a Digital Age
: Springer , 2018 - オンライン
Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas: National Perspectives in a Digital Age
: Springer , 2018 - オンライン
Open and Equal Access for Learning in School Management
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Open Book in Ways of Water
: Punctum Books , 2023 - オンライン
open book : what and how young children learn from picture and story books
: Frontiers Media SA , 2016 - オンライン
Open brief aan zijne excellentie den minister van buitenlandsche zaken / door A.J. Anemaet
's-Gravenhage : J. & H. van Langenhuysen , 1886 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Open Conformal Systems and Perturbations of Transfer Operators / by Mark Pollicott, Mariusz Urbański
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 2206) - オンライン
The open conspiracy : blue prints for a world revolution / H.G. Wells
(London : Victor Gollancz Ltd , 1928) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Open Content Licensing: From Theory to Practice
: Amsterdam University Press , 2011 - オンライン
Open Data
: IntechOpen , 2022 - オンライン
Open Data and Energy Analytics
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Open Data and Models for Energy and Environment
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Open data and the knowledge society
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Open data and the knowledge society
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Open data and the knowledge society
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Open Data in Developing Economies
: African Minds , 2017 - オンライン
Open Data in Developing Economies Toward Building an Evidence Base on What Works and How
: African Minds , 2018 - オンライン
Open Data Protection
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2017 - オンライン
Open Data Structures: An Introduction
: Athabasca University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Open Design Systems
: IOS Press, Incorporated , 2023 - オンライン
Open development : networked innovations in international development
: The MIT Press , 2014 - オンライン
Open education and second language learning and teaching : the rise of a new knowledge ecology
: Multilingual Matters , 2021 - オンライン
Open education : international persepectives in higher education
: Open Book Publishers , 2016 - オンライン
Open education : international persepectives in higher education
: Open Book Publishers , 2016 - オンライン
Open Education : International Perspectives in Higher Education
: Open Book Publishers , 2016 - オンライン
Open Education : International Perspectives in Higher Education
: Open Book Publishers - オンライン
Open for Business : Migrant Entrepreneurship in OECD Countries / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
Open Government Data as a Reform and Ecosystem : A conceptual framework for evolution and health
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
Open Government : Fostering Dialogue with Civil Society / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
Open Government Offenes Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln - Leitbilder, Ziele und Methoden
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2022 - オンライン
The open heart and purse, or, British liberality display'd : being memoirs of the illustrious bounties, collections, donations, and charitable contributions, in Great Britain and Ireland, for the relief of indigent housekeepers, families, and others, destressed by the severity of the frost ... with an alphabetical list of the known benefactors
London : Printed for C. Corbet , 1740 - オンライン
Open Heritage
: Birkhäuser , 2023 - オンライン
Open Heritage : Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe: Best Practice
: Birkhaüser , 2023 - オンライン
Open Innovation in Global Networks / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2008. - オンライン
Open Innovation in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Open knowledge institutions : reinventing universities
: The MIT Press , 2021 - オンライン
An "open" letter to Hon. Benj. H. Bristow, Secretary of the Treasury, Nov. 15th, 1875 / by Pliny Freeman
[New York : Office of The Globe Mutual Life Insurance Co , 1875] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Open letter to the electors and non-electors of Blackburn / yours very truly, Philip Snowden
(Blackburn : Thomas Briggs , [1911]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Open letters to Lord Curzon on famines and land assessments in India / by Romesh C. Dutt, C.I.E. (late of the Indian Civil Service, lecturer on Indian history at University College, London and of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, author of "Mahabharata condensed into English verse", "Ramayana condensed into English verse", "Civilisation in ancient India", "England and India", etc.)
(London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Tr�ubner & Co., Ltd , 1900) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Open) Linked Data in Bibliotheken
: De Gruyter Saur , 2013 - オンライン
Open) Linked Data in Bibliotheken
: De Gruyter Saur , 2013 - オンライン
The Open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems in Topological Vector Spaces / by Taqdir Husain ; edited by Taqdir Husain
1st ed. 1965.. - (Wiesbaden : Vieweg+Teubner Verlag : Imprint: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag , 1965) - オンライン
Open Mapping towards Sustainable Development Goals Voices of YouthMappers on Community Engaged Scholarship
: Springer International Publishing , 2023 - オンライン
Open Mapping towards Sustainable Development Goals Voices of YouthMappers on Community Engaged Scholarship
: Springer International Publishing , 2023 - オンライン
Open Markets Matter : The Benefits of Trade and Investment Liberalisation / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 1998. - オンライン
Open Problems in Mathematics / edited by John Forbes Nash, Jr., Michael Th. Rassias
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) - オンライン
Open Problems in Optimization and Data Analysis / edited by Panos M. Pardalos, Athanasios Migdalas
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 141) - オンライン
Open Problems in the Geometry and Analysis of Banach Spaces / by Antonio J. Guirao, Vicente Montesinos, Václav Zizler
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) - オンライン
Open Quantum Systems : A Mathematical Perspective / edited by Dorothea Bahns, Anke Pohl, Ingo Witt
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2019) . -  (Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:25220977) - オンライン
Open Quantum Systems I : The Hamiltonian Approach / edited by Stéphane Attal, Alain Joye, Claude-Alain Pillet
1st ed. 2006.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1880) - オンライン
Open Quantum Systems II : The Markovian Approach / edited by Stéphane Attal, Alain Joye, Claude-Alain Pillet
1st ed. 2006.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1881) - オンライン
Open Quantum Systems III : Recent Developments / edited by Stéphane Attal, Alain Joye, Claude-Alain Pillet
1st ed. 2006.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1882) - オンライン
Open Questions in Cosmology
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Open questions on the mechanisms of neuromodulation with applied and endogenous electric fields
: Frontiers Media SA , 2015 - オンライン
Open Scholarship in the Humanities
: Bloomsbury Academic , 2024 - オンライン
Open Science: the Very Idea
: Springer Netherlands , 2022 - オンライン
Open Science: the Very Idea
: Springer Netherlands , 2022 - オンライン
Open Scientific Data
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Open Scientific Data
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Open sesame : Japanese and Chinese classical poems,translated into English
: Eigaku-Shimpo-Sha , 1903 - オンライン
Open sesame!́, or, The way to get money / by A rich man who was once poor
3rd ed.. - London : Printed for T. Griffiths and Wittenoom and Cremer , 1832 . -  (Economical library ; no. 4) - オンライン
Open Skies The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Its Impact on US Radio Astronomy
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
Open Skies The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Its Impact on US Radio Astronomy
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
Open Skies The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Its Impact on US Radio Astronomy
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
Open society unresolved : the contemporary relevance of a contested idea
: Central European University Press , 2023 - オンライン
Open society unresolved : the contemporary relevance of a contested idea
: Central European University Press , 2023 - オンライン
Open society unresolved : the contemporary relevance of a contested idea
: Central European University Press , 2023 - オンライン
Open source archaeology : ethics and practice
: De Gruyter Open , 2015 - オンライン
Open source archaeology : ethics and practice
: De Gruyter Open , 2015 - オンライン
Open source archaeology : ethics and practice
: De Gruyter Open , 2015 - オンライン
Open-Source Electronics Platforms
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2019 - オンライン
Open source, free software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica atti del II workshop (Genova, 11 Maggio 2007
: Ubiquity Press , 2013 - オンライン
Open Source Law, Policy and Practice Second Edition
: Oxford University Press , 2022 - オンライン
Open source, software libero e altre libertà Un'introduzione alle libertà digitali
: Ledizioni , 2018 - オンライン
Open source, software libero e altre libertà Un'introduzione alle libertà digitali
: Ledizioni , 2018 - オンライン
Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017, Proceedings
: Springer International Publishing , 2017 - オンライン
Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017, Proceedings
: Springer International Publishing , 2017 - オンライン
Open Source Vendors' Business Models
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Open-space learning : a study in transdisciplinary pedagogy
: Bloomsbury , 2011 - オンライン
Open Systems, Entanglement and Quantum Optics
: IntechOpen , 2013 - オンライン
Open: The Philosophy and Practices That Are Revolutionizing Education and Science
: Ubiquity Press, Limited , 2017 - オンライン
Open to disruption : time and craft in the practice of slow sociology
: Vanderbilt University Press , 2014 - オンライン
Open World Learning Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education
: Taylor & Francis , 2022 - オンライン
Open World Learning Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education
: Taylor & Francis , 2022 - オンライン
Open World Learning Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education
: Taylor & Francis , 2022 - オンライン
Opening address before the third conference, Institute of Pacific Relations
: Kokusai Shuppan Insatsusha - オンライン
Opening ceremony : inviting inclusion into university governance
: University of Minnesota Press , 2023 - オンライン
Opening digital fabrication: transforming TechKnowledgies
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2018 - オンライン
Opening government : transparency and engagement in the information age
: Australian National University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Opening Government: Transparency and Engagement in the Information Age
: ANU Press , 2018 - オンライン
Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railroad
[Edinburgh : W. Blackwood , 1830] - オンライン
The opening of the new building, St. James's Park, Westminster, S.W., Tuesday 16th, and Wednesday 17th May, 1899 / The Institution of Mechanical Engineers ; Sir William H. White, K.C.B., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. (President)
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1899]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Opening of the Stanhope and Tyne Railway
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1902]). - (Newcastle-upon-Tyne : J.M. Carr, City Steam Printing Works , 1902) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Opening Science The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing
: Springer International Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Opening Science The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing
: Springer International Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
The opening speech and reply of James Scarlett, Esq., upon the trial of Henry Hunt and others, for a misdemeanour at York, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Bayley, on the 16th of March 1820 and several following days
London : J. Murray , 1833 - オンライン
Opening up the university : teaching and learning with refugees
: Berghahn Books , 2022 - オンライン
Opening up the university : teaching and learning with refugees
: Berghahn Books , 2022 - オンライン
OpenStat Reference Manual / by William Miller
1st ed. 2013.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2013) - オンライン
Opera / nuovamente composta per Hercole Marcello da Matelica ; nella quale si contengono .8. modo di tariffe sopra delli dui nobilissimi metalli, cioe, oro & argento ; de diversi bontà, overo finezze, co[n] li loro limitati pregi secondo il costume di Vinetia ...
In Venetia : Per Francesco Marcolini , il mese di ottobre 1556 - オンライン
: Éditions Contrechamps , 1985 - オンライン
Opera agricolationum : Columellae, Varronis, Catonisque, nec non Palladii / cum annotationibus D. Philippi Beroaldi, et commentariis que̜ in aliis impressionibus non extant, M D IIII
Bonon [Bologna] : B. Hectoris , 1504 - オンライン
Opera agricolationum : Columellæ, Varronis, Catonisque, necnon Palladii / cum excriptionibus & commētariis D. Philippi Beroaldi
[Reggio Emilia] : D. Bertochi , 1496 - オンライン
Opera buffa in Europa : Verbreitungs- und Transformationsprozesse einer neuen Gattung (1740-1765)
: transcript Verlag, , 2023 - オンライン
Opera buffa in Europa : Verbreitungs- und Transformationsprozesse einer neuen Gattung (1740-1765)
: transcript Verlag, , 2023 - オンライン
Opera buffa in Europa : Verbreitungs- und Transformationsprozesse einer neuen Gattung (1740-1765)
: transcript Verlag, , 2023 - オンライン
Opera buffa und Spielkultur : eine spieltheoretische Untersuchung am Beispiel des venezianischen Repertoires des späten 18. Jahrhunderts
: Böhlau Verlag , 2014 - オンライン
Opera che insegna a fare ogni ragione de merca[n]tia : et apertegare le terre con arte giometrical intitolata Componimeto di arithmetica. Con gratia & preuilegio
[Venice : s.n.] , 1525 - オンライン
L'Opéra de Paris, la Comédie-Française et l'Opéra-Comique : Approches comparées (1669-2010)
: Publications de l'École nationale des chartes , 2012 - オンライン
Opera di Bartolomeo Scappi M. dell'arte del cucinare : con laquale si può ammaestrare qual si voglia cuoco, scalco, trinciante, o mastro di casa: divisa in sei libri. ... con le figure che fanno di bisogno nella cucina. Aggionotoui nuouamente Il trinciante, & Il mastro di casa
In Venetia : Presso Alessandro Vecchi , 1610 - オンライン
Opera di Giorgio Agricola de l'arte de metalli : partita in XII. libri, ne qvali si descrivano tvtte le sorti, e qualità de gli uffizij, de gli strumenti, delle macchine, e di tutte l'altre cose attenenti a cotal arte ... : aggiugnesi il libro del medesimo autore, che tratta de gl'animali di sotto terra, da lui stesso corretto, e riueduto / tradotti in lingua toscana da m. Michelangelo Florio fiorentino ...
In Basilea : Per Hieronimo Frobenio et Nicolao Episcopio , [1563] - オンライン
Opera inedita : Essai sur la religion grecque & Recherches sur les Hymnes orphiques
: Presses universitaires de Liège , 2008 - オンライン
Opera mineralia explicata : or, the mineral kingdom, within the dominions of Great Britain, display'd : being a compleat history of the antient corporations of the city of London, of and for the mines, the mineral and the battery works ; with all the original grants, leafes, instruments, writs of privilege and protection, by sea and land, from arrest (except in the mineral courts); or being prest, or serving juries and parish-offices : as also the records of said mineral courts, from the conquest, down to this present year, 1713 : likewise proposals for new settlements and plentiful provision for all the industrious poor, be their number ever so great / by M.S., M.D
London : Printed for Jonas Brown ... , [1713] - オンライン
Opera omnia
: Imprensa da Universidade da Coimbra , 2015-9999 - オンライン
Opera Omnia - Tomo I: Manuel Pimenta, S. J
: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra , 2016 - オンライン
Opera Omnia. Tomo II. Manuel Pimenta, S. J
: Coimbra University Press , 2020 - オンライン
Opera Omnia. Tomo III. Comentários aos provérbios de Salomão
: Coimbra University Press , 2015 - オンライン
Opéra, politique et droit
: Presses de l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole , 2013 - オンライン
Operads of Wiring Diagrams / by Donald Yau
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 2192) - オンライン
Operads : proceedings of renaissance conferences / Jean-Louis Loday, James D. Stasheff, Alexander A. Voronov, editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1997 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 202) - オンライン
Operasjon asfalt. Kald krig om krigsgraver
: Orkana Forlag AS , 2019 - オンライン
Opérateurs pseudo-différentiels et théorème de Nash-Moser
: InterEditions , 1991 - オンライン
Operatic Pasticcios in 18th-Century Europe
: Transcript Verlag , 2021 - オンライン
Operatic Pasticcios in 18th-Century Europe: Contexts, Materials and Aesthetics
: Transcript Verlag , 2021 - オンライン
Operatic Pasticcios in 18th-Century Europe : Contexts, Materials and Aesthetics
: Transcript , 2021 - オンライン
Operating Organic Electronics Via Aqueous Electric Double Layers
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Operating Systems : An Advanced Course / by M.J. Flynn, J.N. Gray, A.K. Jones, K. Lagally, H. Opderbeck, G.J. Popek, B. Randell, J.H. Saltzer, H.R. Wiehle ; edited by R. Bayer, R.M. Graham, G. Seegmüller
1st ed. 1978.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1978) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 60) - オンライン
Operating Systems Engineering : Proceedings of the 14th IBM Computer Science Symposium Amagi, Japan, October 1980 / edited by M. Maekawa, L.A. Belady
1st ed. 1982.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1982) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 143) - オンライン
Operating Systems of the 90s and Beyond : International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany July 8-12, 1991. Proceedings / edited by Arthur Karshmer, Jürgen Nehmer
1st ed. 1991.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1991) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 563) - オンライン
Operating Systems : Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Rocquencourt, April 23–25, 1974 / edited by E. Gelenbe, C. Kaiser
1st ed. 1974.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1974) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 16) - オンライン
L'opération généalogique : Cultures et pratiques européennes, XVe-XVIIIe siècle
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2014 - オンライン
Operation Iraqi Freedom : Decisive War, Elusive Peace
: RAND , 2015 - オンライン
Operation Luxor
: Transcript Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Operation Luxor: Eine kritische Aufarbeitung der größten rassistischen Polizeioperation Österreichs
: Transcript Verlag , 2024 - オンライン
The operation of monopolies on the production of food, as illustrated by the corn laws : for which the only adequate remedies are moral government and free trade / by G. Beauclerc
London : To be had of W. Ridgway , 1842 - オンライン
The operation of the apprenticeship system in the British colonies : a statement, the substance of which was presented and adopted at the meeting of the Liverpool Anti-slavery Society, December 19th, 1837 : with references to official documents, authentic narratives, and additional subsequent information / by William Bevan
Liverpool : D. Marples , 1838 - オンライン
The operation of the corn laws during the last sixty years : stated in the shape of substantive propositions / by Alexander Mundell
London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, and J. Ridgway , 1833 - オンライン
Operation of trains on heavy grades : report of safety appliance inspectors to the Interstate Commerce Commission / Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D.C., December, 1907
(Washington : Government Printing Office , 1907) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Operation, Regulation and Planning of Power and Natural Gas Systems
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Operation Video : Eine Technik des Nahsehens und ihr spezifisches Subjekt: die Videokünstlerin der 1970er Jahre
: transcript Verlag, , 2008 - オンライン
Operation Video : Eine Technik des Nahsehens und ihr spezifisches Subjekt: die Videokünstlerin der 1970er Jahre
: transcript Verlag, , 2008 - オンライン
operational architecture for improving Air Force command and control through enhanced agile combat support planning, execution, monitoring, and control processes
: Rand Corporation , 2014 - オンライン
Operational Calculus / by Gregors Krabbe
1st ed. 1970.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1970) - オンライン
Operational Calculus : A Theory of Hyperfunctions / by Kosaku Yosida
1st ed. 1984.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1984) . -  (Applied Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:2196968X ; 55) - オンライン
Operational Framework for Primary Health Care : Transforming Vision into Action
: World Health Organization , 2020 - オンライン
Operational Process for Workforce Planning
: RAND Corporation, The , 2004 - オンライン
Operational Research in Agriculture and Tourism : 7th International Symposium and 29th National Conference on Operational Research, Chania, Greece, June 2018 / edited by Evangelia Krassadaki, George Baourakis, Constantin Zopounidis, Nikolaos Matsatsinis
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2020) . -  (Cooperative Management. ISSN:23644028) - オンライン
Operational Research : IO 2013 - XVI Congress of APDIO, Bragança, Portugal, June 3-5, 2013 / edited by João Paulo Almeida, José Fernando Oliveira, Alberto Adrego Pinto
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:23649518 ; 4) - オンライン
Operational Research : IO2017, Valença, Portugal, June 28-30 / edited by A. Ismael F. Vaz, João Paulo Almeida, José Fernando Oliveira, Alberto Adrego Pinto
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 223) - オンライン
Operational Research : IO 2018, Aveiro, Portugal, September 5-7 / edited by Maria João Alves, João Paulo Almeida, José Fernando Oliveira, Alberto Adrego Pinto
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2019) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 278) - オンライン
Operational Research : IO 2019, Tomar, Portugal, July 22–24 / edited by Susana Relvas, João Paulo Almeida, José Fernando Oliveira, Alberto Adrego Pinto
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 374) - オンライン
Operational Research : IO 2021—Analytics for a Better World. XXI Congress of APDIO, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, November 7–8, 2021 / edited by João Paulo Almeida, Carla Soares Geraldes, Isabel Cristina Lopes, Samuel Moniz, José Fernando Oliveira, Alberto Adrego Pinto
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 411) - オンライン
Operational Research : IO 2022—OR in Turbulent Times: Adaptation and Resilience. XXII Congress of APDIO, University of Évora, Portugal, November 6–8, 2022 / edited by João Paulo Almeida, Filipe Pereira e Alvelos, Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, Samuel Moniz, Cristina Requejo
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 437) - オンライン
Operationalisation of Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia From Theory to Practice
: Springer International Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Operationalisation of Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia From Theory to Practice
: Springer International Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Operationalization of Remote Sensing Solutions for Sustainable Forest Management
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Operationalizing Industrial Ecology in the Waste Sector : Roles and Tactics for Circular Value Innovation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2017 - オンライン
Operationalizing the Concepts of Resilience and Resistance for Managing Ecosystems and Species at Risk
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Operations against enemy leaders
: RAND , 2001 - オンライン
Opérations des changes des principales places de l'Europe : contenant les noms et la division de leurs différentes monnoies de change considérées entr'elles ... : avec la réduction réciproque des monnoies d'une place à l'autre ... / par Joseph-René Ruelle
3. éd. / corr. et considérablement augm. des changes de diverses places ... et suivies de l'évaluation de toutes les monnoies étrangères courantes et anciennes ... par Macé de Richebourg.. - Lyon : Chez l'auteur : Rolland , [1798] - オンライン
Opérations des changes des principales places de l'Europe : contenant les noms et la division de leurs différentes monnoies de change considérées entre elles ... avec la réduction réciproque des monnoies d'une place à l'autre, calculée sur le cours des changes établi entre elles / par Joseph-René Ruelle
2e éd., revue, corrigée et augmentée des changes de diverses places ... / et suivie de l'évaluation de toutes les monnoies étrangères courantes et anciennes, d'après plusieurs essais authentiques, par M. Macé de Richebourg, essayeur général des monnoies, avec leur réduction en argent de France.. - Lyon : Chez les Libraires associés , 1775 - オンライン
Operations Management
: IntechOpen , 2013 - オンライン
Operations Management and Management Science
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
Operations Management Emerging Trend in the Digital Era
: IntechOpen , 2021 - オンライン
Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal Compiled by The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan
: Leiden University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal Compiled by The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan
: Leiden University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal Compiled by The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan
: Leiden University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Operations of the Poor Law Amendment Act, in the county of Sussex : report of the auditor of the Uckfield Union, for the quarter ending December 25, 1835
London : W.H. Bruce , 1836 - オンライン
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services : 6th AIROYoung Workshop, Rome, Italy, February 23–25, 2022 / edited by Matteo Cosmi, Lorenzo Peirano, Alice Raffaele, Marcella Samà
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (AIRO Springer Series. ISSN:25237055 ; 11) - オンライン
Operations Research and Discrete Analysis / edited by Alekseii D. Korshunov
1st ed. 1997.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1997) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 391) - オンライン
Operations Research and Optimization : FOTA 2016, Kolkata, India, November 24-26 / edited by Samarjit Kar, Ujjwal Maulik, Xiang Li
1st ed. 2018.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 225) - オンライン
Operations Research Approach for Daily Emergency Management
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
Operations Research, Engineering, and Cyber Security : Trends in Applied Mathematics and Technology / edited by Nicholas J. Daras, Themistocles M. Rassias
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 113) - オンライン
Operations Research for Health Care in Red Zone : ORAHS 2022, Bergamo, Italy, July 17–22 / edited by Roberto Aringhieri, Francesca Maggioni, Ettore Lanzarone, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann, Giovanni Righini, Maria Teresa Vespucci
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (AIRO Springer Series. ISSN:25237055 ; 10) - オンライン
Operations Research in Production Planning and Control : Proceedings of a Joint German/US Conference, Hagen, Germany, June 25–26, 1992. Under the Auspices of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Operations Research (DGOR), Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) / edited by Günter Fandel, Thomas Gulledge, Albert Jones
1st ed. 1993.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1993) - オンライン
Operations Research in Space and Air / edited by Tito A. Ciriani, G. Fasano, S. Gliozzi, Roberto Tadei
1st ed. 2003.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2003) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 79) - オンライン
Operations Research in Transportation Systems : Ideas and Schemes of Optimization Methods for Strategic Planning and Operations Management / by A.S. Belenky
1st ed. 1998.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1998) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 20) - オンライン
Operations Research Proceedings 2008 : Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) University of Augsburg, September 3-5, 2008 / edited by Bernhard Fleischmann, Karl-Heinz Borgwardt, Robert Klein, Axel Tuma
1st ed. 2009.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Operations Research Proceedings, GOR. ISSN:21979294 ; 2008) - オンライン
Operations Research Proceedings 2018 : Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Brussels, Belgium, September 12-14, 2018 / edited by Bernard Fortz, Martine Labbé
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2019) . -  (Operations Research Proceedings, GOR. ISSN:21979294) - オンライン
Operations Research - the Art of Making Good Decisions
: IntechOpen , 2016 - オンライン
The operative classes of Great Britain : their existing state and its improvement : prize essay / [by W.M. O'Hanlon]
London : Religious Tract Society , [1851?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Operative conservative associations
3rd ed.. - London : J. Fraser , 1836 - オンライン
The operative mechanic and British machinist : being a practical display of the manufactories and mechanical arts of the United Kingdom / by John Nicholson
1st Amer. from the 2nd London ed. with additions.. - Philadelphia : Carey & Lea , 1826 - オンライン
The operative mechanic, and British machinist : being a practical display of the manufactories and mechanical arts of the United Kingdom / by John Nicholson
London : Printed for Knight and Lacey , 1825 - オンライン
The operative mechanic, and British machinist : being a practical display of the manufactories and mechanical arts of the United Kingdom / by John Nicholson
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for Knight and Lacey , 1825 - オンライン
The operatives free press
[S.l : s.n.] - オンライン
The Operatives of Bradford and its vicinity, who can spare time from their long hours of toil, to attend Mr. Thompson's lecture on Negro slavery on Wednesday next : would be glad to learn a few particulars from the worthy lecturer on the occasion ...
[S.l : s.n , 1832?] - オンライン
The Operatives of Bradford and its vicinity, who can spare time from their long hours of toil, to attend Mr. Thompson's lectures on Negro slavery on Wednesday, Aug. 15 : would be glad to learn a few particulars from the worthy lecturer on the occasion ...
[S.l : s.n , 1832?] - オンライン
Operatives of Huddersfield! : understand your own position, and that of the class to which you belong!
[England : s.n , 1834?] - オンライン
Operatives of Leeds!
[S.l : s.n , 1832] - オンライン
Operatives' reply to Hon Jere. Clemens : being a sketch of factory life and factory enterprise and a brief history of manufacturing by machinery / by Harriet Farley
Lowell : S.J. Varney , 1850 - オンライン
Operator Algebra and Dynamics : Nordforsk Network Closing Conference, Faroe Islands, May 2012 / edited by Toke M. Carlsen, Søren Eilers, Gunnar Restorff, Sergei Silvestrov
1st ed. 2013.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 58) - オンライン
Operator algebras and applications / [edited by Richard V. Kadison]
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 1982 . -  (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics. ISSN:00820717 (print) ; v. 38.1) - オンライン
Operator algebras and applications / [edited by Richard V. Kadison]
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , 1982 . -  (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics. ISSN:00820717 (print) ; v. 38.2) - オンライン
Operator algebras and applications
: Mathematical Society of Japan , 2004 - オンライン
Operator Algebras and Applications : The Abel Symposium 2015 / edited by Toke M. Carlsen, Nadia S. Larsen, Sergey Neshveyev, Christian Skau
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) . -  (Abel Symposia. ISSN:21978549 ; 12) - オンライン
Operator Algebras and Dynamics: Groupoids, Crossed Products, and Rokhlin Dimension / by Aidan Sims, Gábor Szabó, Dana Williams ; edited by Francesc Perera
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2020) . -  (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona. ISSN:22970312) - オンライン
Operator algebras and K-theory / [edited by Ronald G. Douglas and Claude Schochet]. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1982 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 10) - オンライン
Operator algebras and mathematical physics
: Mathematical Society of Japan , 2019 - オンライン
Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics : 24th International Workshop in Operator Theory and its Applications, Bangalore, December 2013 / edited by Tirthankar Bhattacharyya, Michael A. Dritschel
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2015) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 247) - オンライン
Operator algebras and mathematical physics : proceedings of a summer conference held June 17-21, 1985 with support from the National Science Foundation and the University of Iowa / Palle E.T. Jorgensen and Paul S. Muhly, editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1987 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 62) - オンライン
Operator algebras and operator theory : International Conference on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, July 4-9, 1997, Shanghai, China / Liming Ge ... [et al.], editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1998 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 228) - オンライン
Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics : Volume 1: C*- and W*- Algebras. Symmetry Groups. Decomposition of States / by Ola Bratteli, Derek William Robinson
1st ed. 1979.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1979) . -  (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. ISSN:18645887) - オンライン
Operator Algebras and their Connections with Topology and Ergodic Theory : Proceedings of the OATE Conference held in Busteni, Romania, August 29 - September 9, 1983 / edited by Huzihiro Araki, Calvin C. Moore, Serban-Valentin Stratila, Dan-Virgil Voiculescu
1st ed. 1985.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1985) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1132) - オンライン
Operator Algebras Generated by Commuting Projections: A Vector Measure Approach / by Werner Ricker
1st ed. 1999.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1999) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1711) - オンライン
Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications / edited by Maria Amélia Bastos, Israel Gohberg, Amarino Brites Lebre, Frank-Olme Speck
1st ed. 2008.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2008) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 181) - オンライン
Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications : 18th International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Potchefstroom, July 2007 / edited by J. J. Grobler, L.E. Labuschagne, Manfred Möller
1st ed. 2010.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2010) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 195) - オンライン
Operator algebras, quantization, and non-commutative geometry : a centennial celebration honoring John von Neumann and Marshall H. Stone : AMS special session on operator algebras, quantization, and non-commutative geometry, a centennial celebration honoring John von Neumann and Marshall H. Stone, January 15-16, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland / Robert S. Doran, Richard V. Kadison, editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2004 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 365) - オンライン
Operator Algebras : The Abel Symposium 2004 / edited by Ola Bratteli, Sergey Neshveyev, Christian Skau
1st ed. 2006.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Abel Symposia. ISSN:21978549 ; 1) - オンライン
Operator Algebras : Theory of C*-Algebras and von Neumann Algebras / by Bruce Blackadar
1st ed. 2006.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences ; 122) - オンライン
Operator Algebras, Toeplitz Operators and Related Topics / edited by Wolfram Bauer, Roland Duduchava, Sergei Grudsky, Marinus A. Kaashoek
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2020) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 279) - オンライン
Operator and Norm Inequalities and Related Topics / edited by Richard M. Aron, Mohammad Sal Moslehian, Ilya M. Spitkovsky, Hugo J. Woerdeman
1st ed. 2022.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2022) . -  (Trends in Mathematics. ISSN:2297024X) - オンライン
Operator Approach to Linear Control Systems / by A. Cheremensky, V.N. Fomin
1st ed. 1996.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1996) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 345) - オンライン
Operator Approach to Linear Problems of Hydrodynamics : Volume 1: Self-adjoint Problems for an Ideal Fluid / by Nikolay D. Kopachevskii, Selim G. Krein
1st ed. 2001.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2001) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 128) - オンライン
Operator Approach to Linear Problems of Hydrodynamics : Volume 2: Nonself-adjoint Problems for Viscous Fluids / by Nikolay D. Kopachevsky, Selim Krein
1st ed. 2003.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2003) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 146) - オンライン
Operator Approximant Problems Arising from Quantum Theory / by Philip J. Maher
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2017) - オンライン
Operator Calculus and Spectral Theory : Symposium on Operator Calculus and Spectral Theory Lambrecht (Germany) December 1991 / edited by M. Demuth, B.W. Schulze, B. Gramsch
1st ed. 1992.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1992) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 57) - オンライン
Operator Commutation Relations : Commutation Relations for Operators, Semigroups, and Resolvents with Applications to Mathematical Physics and Representations of Lie Groups / by P.E.T. Jørgensen, R.T. Moore
1st ed. 1984.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1984) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 14) - オンライン
Operator Extensions, Interpolation of Functions and Related Topics : 14th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timişoara (Romania), June 1–5, 1992 / edited by A. Gheondea, D. Timotin, F.H. Vasilescu
1st ed. 1993.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1993) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 61) - オンライン
Operator Functions and Localization of Spectra / by Michael I. Gil
1st ed. 2003.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2003) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1830) - オンライン
Operator Inequalities of Ostrowski and Trapezoidal Type / by Silvestru Sever Dragomir
1st ed. 2012.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2012) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
Operator Inequalities of the Jensen, Čebyšev and Grüss Type / by Silvestru Sever Dragomir
1st ed. 2012.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2012) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
Operator Methods for Boundary Value Problems / edited by Seppo Hassi, Hendrik S. V. de Snoo, Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012 . -  (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series ; 404) - オンライン
Operator Methods in Mathematical Physics : Conference on Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics (OTAMP) 2010, Bedlewo, Poland / edited by Jan Janas, Pavel Kurasov, A. Laptev, Sergei Naboko
1st ed. 2013.. - (Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2013) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878) - オンライン
Operator Methods in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : S. Kovalevsky Symposium, University of Stockholm, June 2000 / edited by Sergio Albeverio, Nils Elander, W. Nirrie Everitt, Pavel Kurasov
1st ed. 2002.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2002) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 132) - オンライン
An Operator Perspective on Signals and Systems / by Arthur Frazho, Wisuwat Bhosri
1st ed. 2010.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2010) . -  (Linear Operators and Linear Systems. ISSN:25043617 ; 204) - オンライン
Operator-Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis : The Abel Symposium 2012 / edited by Karlheinz Gröchenig, Yurii Lyubarskii, Kristian Seip
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (Abel Symposia. ISSN:21978549 ; 9) - オンライン
Operator Relations Characterizing Derivatives / by Hermann König, Vitali Milman
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2018) - オンライン
An Operator Semigroup in Mathematical Genetics / by Adam Bobrowski, Marek Kimmel
1st ed. 2015.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Methods. ISSN:23650834) - オンライン
Operator Semigroups Meet Complex Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics / edited by Wolfgang Arendt, Ralph Chill, Yuri Tomilov
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2015) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 250) - オンライン
Operator structures and dynamical systems : July 21-25 2008, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, satellite conference of the fifth European Congress of Mathematics / Marcel de Jeu ... [et al.], editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2009 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 503) - オンライン
Operator Theoretic Aspects of Ergodic Theory / by Tanja Eisner, Bálint Farkas, Markus Haase, Rainer Nagel
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (Graduate Texts in Mathematics. ISSN:21975612 ; 272) - オンライン
Operator Theoretical Methods and Applications to Mathematical Physics : The Erhard Meister Memorial Volume / edited by Israel Gohberg, Antonio, F. dos Santos, Frank-Olme Speck, Francisco Sepulveda Teixeira, Wolfgang L. Wendland
1st ed. 2004.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2004) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 147) - オンライン
Operator theory / Barry Simon
(Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2015) . -  (Simon ; v. 4) - オンライン
Operator theory / Barry Simon
(Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2015) . -  (Simon ; v. 4) - オンライン
Operator Theory / edited by Daniel Alpay
(Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Springer , 2020) - オンライン
Operator Theory
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
Operator Theory / edited by Daniel Alpay
1st ed. 2015.. - (Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Springer , 2015) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics / edited by Jan Janas, Pavel Kurasov, A. Laptev, Sergei Naboko, Günter Stolz
1st ed. 2007.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2007) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 174) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Analysis and the State Space Approach : In Honor of Rien Kaashoek / edited by Harm Bart, Sanne ter Horst, André C.M. Ran, Hugo J. Woerdeman
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2018) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 271) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Analysis : The M.A. Kaashoek Anniversary Volume Workshop in Amsterdam, November 12–14, 1997 / edited by H. Bart, I. Gohberg, A.C.M. Ran
1st ed. 2001.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2001) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 122) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems : International Workshop in Vienna, July 27–30, 1993 / edited by I. Gohberg, H. Langer
1st ed. 1995.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1995) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 80) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Complex Analysis : Workshop on Operator Theory and Complex Analysis Sapporo (Japan) June 1991 / by T. Ando, I. Gohberg
1st ed. 1992.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1992) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 59) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Differential Equations / edited by Anatoly G. Kusraev, Zhanna D. Totieva
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2021) . -  (Trends in Mathematics. ISSN:2297024X) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis : OTHA 2020, Part I – New General Trends and Advances of the Theory / edited by Alexey N. Karapetyants, Vladislav V. Kravchenko, Elijah Liflyand, Helmuth R. Malonek
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 357) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis : OTHA 2020, Part II – Probability-Analytical Models, Methods and Applications / edited by Alexey N. Karapetyants, Igor V. Pavlov, Albert N. Shiryaev
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 358) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Indefinite Inner Product Spaces : Presented on the Occasion of the Retirement of Heinz Langer in the Colloquium on Operator Theory, Vienna, March 2004 / edited by Matthias Langer, Annemarie Luger, Harald Woracek
1st ed. 2006.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2006) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 163) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Interpolation : International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, IWOTA 96 / edited by Hari Bercovic, Ciprian I. Foias
1st ed. 2000.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2000) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 115) - オンライン
Operator Theory and Related Topics : Proceedings of the Mark Krein International Conference on Operator Theory and Applications, Odessa, Ukraine, August 18–22, 1997 Volume II / edited by V.M. Adamyan, Israel Gohberg, Myroslav L. Gorbachuk, Valentina Gorbachuk, Marinus A. Kaashoek, H. Langer, G. Popov
1st ed. 2000.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2000) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 118) - オンライン
Operator theory for complex and hypercomplex analysis : operator theory for complex and hypercomplex analysis, December 12-17, 1994, Mexico City, Mexico / E. Ramírez de Arellano ... [et al.], editors. ; online
online. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , c1998 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 212) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Function Spaces, and Applications : International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Amsterdam, July 2014 / edited by Tanja Eisner, Birgit Jacob, André Ran, Hans Zwart
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2016) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 255) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications / edited by M. Amélia Bastos, Luís Castro, Alexei Yu. Karlovich
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2021) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 282) - オンライン
Operator Theory in Different Settings and Related Applications : 26th IWOTA, Tbilisi, July 2015 / edited by Roland Duduchava, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Nikolai Vasilevski, Victor Vinnikov
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2018) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 262) - オンライン
Operator Theory in Function Spaces and Banach Lattices : Essays dedicated to A.C. Zaanen on the occasion of his 80th birthday / edited by C.B. Huijsmans, M.A. Kaashoek, W.A.J. Luxemburg, B.de Pagter
1st ed. 1995.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1995) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 75) - オンライン
Operator Theory in Harmonic and Non-commutative Analysis : 23rd International Workshop in Operator Theory and its Applications, Sydney, July 2012 / edited by Joseph A. Ball, Michael A. Dritschel, A.F.M. ter Elst, Pierre Portal, Denis Potapov
1st ed. 2014.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2014) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 240) - オンライン
Operator Theory in Inner Product Spaces / edited by Karl-Heinz Förster, Peter Jonas, Heinz Langer, Carsten Trunk
1st ed. 2007.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2007) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 175) - オンライン
Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems / edited by Karl-Heinz Förster, Peter Jonas, Heinz Langer
1st ed. 2006.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2006) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 162) - オンライン
Operator theory : operator algebras and applications / William B. Arveson and Ronald G. Douglas, editors
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c1990 . -  (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics. ISSN:00820717 (print) ; v. 51.1) - オンライン
Operator theory : operator algebras and applications / William B. Arveson and Ronald G. Douglas, editors
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c1990 . -  (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics. ISSN:00820717 (print) ; v. 51.2) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Applications / edited by M. Amélia Bastos, Amarino Lebre, Stefan Samko, Ilya M. Spitkovsky
1st ed. 2014.. - (Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2014) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 242) - オンライン
Operator theory, operator algebras, and applications : the 25th Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, June 7-12, 2005, University of Central Florida, Florida / Deguang Han, Palle E.T. Jorgenson, David Royal Larson, editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2006 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 414) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Matrix Theory / edited by Carlos André, M. Amélia Bastos, Alexei Yu. Karlovich, Bernd Silbermann, Ion Zaballa
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2018) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 267) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology : Ronald G. Douglas Memorial Volume / edited by Raul E Curto, William Helton, Huaxin Lin, Xiang Tang, Rongwei Yang, Guoliang Yu
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2020) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 278) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Pseudo-Differential Equations, and Mathematical Physics : The Vladimir Rabinovich Anniversary Volume / edited by Yuri I. Karlovich, Luigi Rodino, Bernd Silbermann, Ilya M. Spitkovsky
1st ed. 2013.. - (Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2013) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 228) - オンライン
Operator Theory, System Theory and Related Topics : The Moshe Livšic Anniversary Volume / edited by Daniel Alpay, Victor Vinnikov
1st ed. 2001.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2001) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 123) - オンライン
Operator Theory, Systems Theory and Scattering Theory: Multidimensional Generalizations / edited by Daniel Alpay, Victor Vinnikov
1st ed. 2005.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2005) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 157) - オンライン
Operator-Valued Measures and Integrals for Cone-Valued Functions / by Walter Roth
1st ed. 2009.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1964) - オンライン
Operators Between Sequence Spaces and Applications / by Bruno de Malafosse, Eberhard Malkowsky, Vladimir Rakočević
1st ed. 2021.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2021) - オンライン
Operators' Guide to Trace Elements in Anaerobic Digestion
: IWA Publishing , 2018 - オンライン
Operators of Fractional Calculus and Their Applications
: MDPI AG , 2019 - オンライン
Operators of Fractional Calculus and Their Applications
: MDPI AG , 2019 - オンライン
Operators on Hilbert Space / by V. S. Sunder
1st ed. 2016.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2016) . -  (Texts and Readings in Mathematics. ISSN:23668725 ; 71) - オンライン
Operators, Semigroups, Algebras and Function Theory : Volume from IWOTA Lancaster 2021 / edited by Yemon Choi, Matthew Daws, Gordon Blower
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2023) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 292) - オンライン
Операционный механизм первичной медико-санитарной помощи : воплощение концепции в жизнь
: World Health Organization , 2022 - オンライン
Operazioni aritmetiche ideate da Benedetto Paolini : con le dovute tariffe per comodo di ridurre con tutta precisione, ed a scanso di frazioni qualunque debito contratto in cedole, o in assegnati, coerentemente al ragguaglio fissato da S.E. il Sig. Comandante Generale D. Diego Naselli con suo editto de 13 dicembre 1799
[Italy : s.n.] , 1800 - オンライン
Opere di Cesare Beccaria
[Italy : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
Opere filosofiche / del conte Pietro Verri
Ed. novissima, riv. ed accresciuta.. - Parigi : G.C. Molini , 1784 - オンライン
Opere filosofiche e d'economia politica / del conte Pietro Verri
1o ed., compiuta.. - Milano : G. Silvestri , 1818 . -  (Biblioteca scelta di opere italiane antiche e moderne ; Classe 6 Scienze ed arti 61-64) - オンライン
Opere mercantili et economiche / di Matteo Mainardi ; che contengono la forma regolata della scrittura mercantile con le lettere de' negotij correlatiui ; il cambio reale per ogni piazza, con altri quesiti concernenti la mercatura : e la scrittura tutelare per instruttione de' ministri, circa al gouerno famigliare
In Bologna : Per Giacomo Monti , 1646 - オンライン
Opere scelte di Antonio Genovesi
Milano : Dalla Societá-tipogr. de Classici Italiani , 1824-1825 - オンライン
Operette concernenti quella parte del gius delle genti, e pubblico, che dicesi pubblica economia : per uso della cattedra rispettiva
Bologna : U. Ramponi , 1815-1824 - オンライン
Operis mineralis / per Johannem Rudolphum Glauberum
Amsterodami : [Pr]ostant apud J. Janssonium , 1651-1652 - オンライン
Operis oeconomici / per Christophorum Fischer conscripti
Pragae : Typis Univers. Carolo-Ferdinand ... per N. Fitzky , 1731 - オンライン
Die Operisti als kulturelles Netzwerk: Der Briefwechsel von Franz und Marianne Pirker
: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften , 2021 - オンライン
Das Opernhafte : Eine Studie zum »gusto melodrammatico« in Italien und Europa
: transcript Verlag, , 2007 - オンライン
Das Opernhafte : Eine Studie zum »gusto melodrammatico« in Italien und Europa
: transcript Verlag, , 2007 - オンライン
Das Opernhafte : Eine Studie zum »gusto melodrammatico« in Italien und Europa
: transcript Verlag, , 2007 - オンライン
: Tampere University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Opfermythos bei Elfriede Jelinek : Eine historiografische Untersuchung
: Böhlau Verlag, , 2017 - オンライン
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
: De Gruyter, , 2020 - オンライン
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
: De Gruyter, , 2020 - オンライン
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
: De Gruyter, , 2020 - オンライン
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
: De Gruyter, , 2020 - オンライン
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
: De Gruyter, , 2020 - オンライン
Opferorientierung im Strafvollzug
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2019 - オンライン
Opferschutz und erziehungsgedanke im jugendstrafverfahren
: Universitätsverlag Göttingen , 2012 - オンライン
Opferstatus und Geschlecht : Entwicklung und Umsetzung der Opferhilfe in der Schweiz
: Seismo , 2015 - オンライン
Ophthalmic Drug Delivery
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Ophthalmic Drug Delivery, 2nd Edition
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Ophthalmic Optics and Visual Function
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases Volume: 2
: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. , 2017 - オンライン
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases Volume: 3
: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. , 2017 - オンライン
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 1 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases
: Bentham Science Publishers , 2016 - オンライン
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 2 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases
: Bentham Science Publishers , 2017 - オンライン
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 3 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases
: Bentham Science Publishers , 2017 - オンライン
Ophthalmology Current Clinical and Research Updates
: IntechOpen , 2014 - オンライン
Opial Inequalities with Applications in Differential and Difference Equations / by R.P. Agarwal, P.Y. Pang
1st ed. 1995.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1995) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 320) - オンライン
Opinamento e specchio sinottico in ordine al quesito quali sieno i vantaggi e gl'inconvenienti, che in practica si incontrerebbero anticipando l'epoca della partenza dei coloni-messadri accommiatati dai fondi : proposto alla Conferenza Agraria in Castel S. Giorgio di Piano
[Italy? : s.n , 1845?] - オンライン
Opiniões do deputado Roma, sobre as finanças de Portugal, 1841
Lisboa : Sociedade Propagadora dos Conhecimentos Uteis , [1841] - オンライン
Opinion d'un artiste sur le projet de convertir le métal des cloches en monnoie coulée
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie de Saint-Jean Bouche-d'Or , [1791] - オンライン
Opinion d'un chiffonnier de Paris sur Monsieur Lamartine
[Paris] : Bureau central , [1848?] - オンライン
Opinion d'un citoyen sur les finances : et les moyens de retirer de la circulation une masse d'assignats
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie de l'Union , [1791?] - オンライン
Opinion d'un contribuable sur le projet de loi d'indemnité
[France : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Opinion d'un député de Paris sur la liquidation de la dette publique
Paris : Chez Baudouin , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion d'un marin sur la question des sucres
[France : s.n.] , 1843 - オンライン
Opinion d'un membre du Conseil général du département de l'Orne : et qui a été prise en considération par ce conseil dans sa session du mois d'octobre 1814
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Opinion de Belzais-Courmenil, député de l'Orne, sur le retirement de la monnoie de métal de cloches : séance du 9 prairial an 7
[Paris] : Impr. nationale , [1799] - オンライン
Opinion de Bosc : sur le projet de loi concernant les Finances : séance du 3 ventôse an 12
[Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale, an 12, 1804] - オンライン
Opinion de Carret (du Rhône) : sur la motion d'ordre relative au Gouvernement héréditaire : séance extraordinaire du 11 Floréal an 12
[Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1804] - オンライン
Opinion de Carrion-Nisas : sur le projet de loi concernant les finances : séance du 4 ventôse an 12
Paris : Imprimerie nationale , an 12, 1804 - オンライン
Opinion de Charles André Balland députe du département des Vosges, à la Convention nationale : sur les moyens de faire jouir incessamment de l'abondance ...
[S.l : s.n , ca. 1795] - オンライン
Opinion de Charles Cailly sur la résolution du 24 prairial, relative aux transactions passées pendant la dépréciation du papier-monnoie : séance du 4 thermidor an 6
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 6 [1798] - オンライン
Opinion de Costaz : sur la peine à infliger pour le crime de faux-monnoyage
[Paris : de l'Imprimérie Nationale , 1803] - オンライン
Opinion de Du Pont de Nemours sur les postes
[France : s.n , 1797?] - オンライン
Opinion de F.-M.-A. Labrouste (de la Gironde), sur le projet de résolution relatif au mode de retirement des monnoies de métal de cloches : séance du 9 prairial an 7
[Paris] : Impr. nationale , [1799] - オンライン
Opinion de Gibert-Desmolières sur la dépense de la fabrication des monnoies de cuivre : séance du ventôse, an V
Paris : Impr. nationale , an V [1797] - オンライン
Opinion de Gibert-Desmolieres sur la fabrication des monnoies : séance du 14 vendemiaire, an V
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 5 [1796] - オンライン
Opinion de J.F.B. Delmas, président du Conseil des anciens, sur la résolution du 4 germinal an 5 relative à l'établissement d'une lotterie nationale : sur la situation actuelle de la République et sur les principaux événemens de la Révolution française : prononcée dans la séance du 25 germinal an 5 et imprimée à ses frais
[France : s.n , 1797] - オンライン
Opinion de J.G. Lacuée sur la résolution du 14 messidor relative à la vente des biens nationaux : séance du 12 thermidor an V
Paris : Impr. nationale , [1797] - オンライン
Opinion de Jacob Dupont, député du département d'Indre et Loire, sur un rapport fait au nom des Comités de l'ordinaire & de l'extraordinaire des finances le 30 décembre 1791
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791] - オンライン
Opinion de Julien Souhait, député du département des Vosges, sur les finances
Paris : Impr. nationale , 1793 - オンライン
Opinion de L. Richard, négt. à Bercy, sur le nouveau projet de loi rélatif aux boissons : présenté à la Chambre des députés
[France : s.n , 1829] - オンライン
Opinion de L.S. Mercier, ex-représentant du peuple, sur les sépultures privées : séance du 18 frimaire, an 5
[France : s.n , 1796] - オンライン
Opinion de la Chambre du commerce de Lyon
Paris : Chez Devaux , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de la Chambre du commerce de Lyon, sur une nouvelle création d'assignats : suivie de notes, par un négociant de Lyon
[S.l : s.n.] , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de la Société des amis de la constitution des ville et district de Lille, au département du Nord : sur un écrit intitulé : Mémoire pour le ville de Lille contre les assignats forcés / signé, Beaussier-Mathon, salineur, & Wiart, avocat, se qualifiant députés extraordinaires du commerce de Lille
Lille : De l'Imprimerie de C.L. de Boubers , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de Labrouste (de la Gironde) : sur le projet de loi relatif aux finances : séance du 3 ventôse an 12
[Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , an 12, 1804] - オンライン
Opinion de Laffon-Ladébat, sur les monnoies : Séance du 15 frimaire, an V
[Paris : Impr. nationale , 1796] - オンライン
Opinion de Lucien Bonaparte sur l'impôt du sel : séance du 14 pluviose an 7
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 7 [1799] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Anson, député de Paris, sur la liquidation de la dette publique : lue le 17 septembre 1790
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie Nationale , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Aurran-Pierrefeu, député du Var : dans la séance du 28 juin, sur la loi des voies et moyens (I)
[Paris?] : A. Egron , [1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Beaumez, sur la liquidation de la dette publique : du vendredi 24 septembre 1790 ...
[Paris] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Beaumez, sur les assignats de 5 liv / imprimée par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Nationale , 1791 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Bernard-Dutreil, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'introduction des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Blin, député de Nantes, sur la proposition saite par un de MM. les députés colonies réunies : d'établir un comité colonial, &c. 1er décembre 1789
Paris : Chez Baudouin, imprimeur de l'Assemblés nationales , 1789 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Blin, député de Nantes, sur les réclamations adressées à l'Assemblée nationale : par les députés extraordinaires du commerce & des manufactures de France, relativement aux colonies
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Boislandry, député du département de Seine et Oise, sur la liquidation de la dette publique : et les assignats-monnoies, lue dans la séance du dimanche 5 septembre ...
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Bouffey, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Bouteiller, sur l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Camille-Jordan, député de l'Ain, sur l'affectation des bois de l'Etat, à la Caisse d'amortissement
[Paris : Chambre des députés , 1817] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Casimir Périer, député de la Seine : sur le projet de loi relatif à la création de livres auxiliares du grand-livre de la dette publique dans le s départemens : séance du 26 mars 1819
[Paris : Hacquart , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Casimir Périer, député de la Seine, sur le projet de loi relatif au remboursement et a la réduction des rentes cinq pour cent : prononcé dans la séance du 28 avril 1824
[Paris : Impr. de Lachevardiere , 1824] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Opinion de M. Casimir Périer, Député de la Seine, sur le projet de loi relatif au remboursement et a la réduction des rentes cinq pour cent : prononcé dans la séance du 28 avril 1824
[France : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Chaubry, député a l'Assemblée nationale, sur la nécessité des comités : suivie de réflexions sur l'avis de M. Ramond, relativement à l'organisation du Comité des finances
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Chauvelin sur le projet de loi de finances de 1818
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Claude Fauchet, député du Calvados, sur les prêtres non-assermentés
Paris : l'Imprimerie nationale , 1791 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Clément ... sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation et à l'importation des grains
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Cornet-Dincourt, Député de la Somme, sur la proposition tendant à restituer aux émigrés leurs rentes sur l'Etat
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Cornet-Dincourt, Député de la Somme, sur le projet de loi de finances de 1818
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Cornet-Dincourt, député de la Somme : sur le projet de loi relatif au changement de l'année financière : (Séance publique du 13 fevrier 1819)
[Paris : A. Égron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Cornet-Dincourt, député de la Somme : sur le projet de loi relatif aux défenses de l'année 1819
[Paris : A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Cornet-Dincourt, sur l'article 4 du Titre VI de la loi finances
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Crignon d'Auzouer, Député du Loiret, sur la loi qui établit le transit par l'Alsace et un entrepôt de denrées coloniales a Strasbourg
[France : s.n , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Crignon d'Auzouer, député du Loiret : sur la prolongation du monopole du tabac
[Paris : A. Égron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Crignon-d'Auzouer, député du Loiret : sur les contributions indirectes, servant de développement à trois amendemens, qu'il demande, à la loi du 28 avril 1816 (I)
[Paris : A. Égron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Cristophe ... / par M. Boucher de Perthes
2e éd.. - Paris : Treuttel et Wurtz , 1831-1834 - オンライン
Opinion de M. d'Aiguillon, sur le projet de décret du Comité des finances, relativement aux assignats : dans la séance du 15 avril 1790
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. d'Allarde, sur l'impôt du tabac
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. d'Allarde, sur le projet de créer deux milliards dássignats-monnoie
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie de L. Potier de Lille , [1790?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Dallarde, sur la fabrication des assignats de 5 livres
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Bonald, député de l'Aveyron : sur la fixation des défenses de la guerre : (Séance du 4 juin 1819)
[Paris : De l'Imprimerie d'A. Égron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Bonald, sur l'article 1er du Titre XI du projet de loi de finances
[France] : Hacquart , [1817] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Bonald, sur le projet de loi de finances de 1818
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Cardonnel, Députe du Tarn, sur la proposition de M. Laisné de Villévêque, Député du Loiret, tendante à restituer aux emigrés leurs rentes sur l'Etat
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Courtarvel, député d'Eure-et-Loir : sur le budget de 1819 (des voies et moyens)
[Paris?] : A. Egron , [1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Cressac, député de la Vienne, sur l'amendement proposé par M. le général Foy, à l'article unique de la loi relative à la concession de la mine de sel gemme de Vic
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Cussy, député de Caen, sur la fabrication de la monnoie de billon : prononcée à la séance du 29 août 1790, imprimée par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Godailh, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de La Blache, député du dauphiné contre l'emission des assignats : du 5 septembre 1790 ...
Paris : Chez Baudouin , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. de La Bourdonnaie, député de Maine-et-Loire : sur l'emprunt de cent millions
Paris : Plancher, libraire , 1823 - オンライン
Opinion de M. de la Rochefoucauld, député de Paris, sur la proposition d'une émission nouvelle d'assignats-monnoies ... : le 27 septembre 1790
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Lastours, député du département du Tarn : sur le cadastre ; prononcée dans la séance du 11 juin 1819
[Paris : Imprimerie de Mme Veuve Agasse , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Lastours, député du Tarn : sur l'emprunt et la vente de bois de l'état
[Paris : Hacquart , 1817] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Lastours, député du Tarn : sur la fixation de l'année financière
[Paris : A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Lastours, député du Tarn : sur le budget de 1819 (voies et moyens) (1)
[Paris : A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Lastours, Député du Tarn, sur le projet de loi de finances de 1818
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Marbois, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Mirabeau l'ainé, sur les retours de l'Inde / imprimée par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Montesquiou a l'Assemblée nationale, sur la liquidation de la dette publique
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1790?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Montesquiou, sur les assignats-monnoie : la discussion ayant été fermée avant que mon tour de parler fût arrivé, j'ai pris le parti de faire imprimer mon opinion, parce qu'ayant été interpelé sur celle que j'avois eue au mois de décembre ...
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie de l'Assemblée nationale , [1790?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Ricard, député de la Haute Garonne : inscrit pour parler sur la loi de finances pour 1824
[Paris] : Hacquart, imprimeur de la Chambre des députés , [1823?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Ricard, député de la Haute Garonne : inscrit pour parler sur la proposition d'exclure M. Manuel de la Chambre des députés
Paris : Hacquart, imprimeur de la Chambre des députés , 1823 - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Silans, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Toustain-Viray ... sur le remboursement de la dette publique
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Turckheim, député du Bas-Rhin, sur les subsistances dans leurs rapports avec les intérêts commerciaux
[Paris] : Hacquart, imprimeur de la Chambre des députés , [1822] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Villèle, depute de la Haute-Garònne : sur le projet de loi relatif au changement de l'année financière
[Paris : A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Villèle, sur le projet de loi de finances de 1818
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. de Villèle, sur le projet de loi relatif aux finances
[France : s.n , 1817] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Decrétot ... sur la proposition de faire deux milliards d'assignats forcés : séance du 25 septembre 1790
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Delattre ... sur l'adoption du projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Desrousseaux, sur la loi proposée concernant l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Desrousseaux, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation de quelques productions du sol français : prononcée en comité secret
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Du Chatelet ... sur la proposition d'une émission nouvelle, d'assignats-monnoie : le 28 septembre 1790
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Du Pont, député de Nemours, sur le projet de créer pour dix-neuf cents millions d'assignats-monnoie, sans intérêt : exposée à l'Assemblée nationale le 25 septembre 1790
Paris : Chez Baudouin , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Du Pont, député du bailliage de Nemours, sur le revenu public produit par la vente du tabac : prononcée à l'Assemblée nationale le 23 avril 1790
A Paris : Chez Baudouin ... , [1790?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Duclaux, sur la loi proposée concernant l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Dufort, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Emonin, Député du département du Doubs, sur le projet de loi relatif à la concession de la mine de sel gemme
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Estourmel, député du Cambresis, département du Nord, sur le projet d'articles additionnels des ponts et chaussées : lue à la séance du 4 août 1791
Paris : Impr. nationale , 1791 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Fleuriau de Bellevue, Député de la Charente-Intérieure, sur le projet de loi relatif à la concession de la mine de sel gemme : prononcée dans la séance du 29 mars 1825
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Fornier de Saint-Lary, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Francoville, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Germain, député de Paris, sur les petits assignats de 5 livres : prononcée à la séance du 5 mai 1791
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Grignon-Auzouer, Député du Loiret, sur les impositions indirectes, formant le développment de l'amendement qu'il a proposé à la séance du 17 avril 1818
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Horace Say dans la discussion d'un projet d'ordonnance sur l'organisation de la bouchérie
Batignolles-Monceaux, [Paris, France] : A. Desrez , [1841] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Josse Beauvoir, député de Loir-et-Cher : sur la création dans les départemens de grands-livres auxiliaires de la dette publique
[Paris?] : A. Egron , [1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'abbé de Césarges, député d'Orléans, sur la motion de M. Lavenue : tendante à imposer les rentiers dans la proportion des rentes dont ils jouissent
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie du Postillon , [1790?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'abbé Maury ... dans la cause des magistrats qui composoient ci-devant la Chambre des vacations du Parlement de Bretagne : prononcée dans l'Assemblée nationale, le lundi 11 janvier 1790
Paris : Chez Baudouin , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'Abbé Maury, député de Picardie, sur le droit de faire la guerre : et de conclure les traités de paix, d'alliance et de commerce
2e éd.. - [S.l : s.n.] , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'abbé Maury, député de Picardie, sur le rapport de la procédure du châtelet : prononcée dans l'Assemblée nationale, le 2 octobre 1790
2e éd.. - Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'abbé Maury, député de Picardie, sur les assignats-monnoie : prononcée dans l'Assemblée nationale, le 27 septembre 1790
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'abbé Maury, député de Picardie, sur les finances et sur la dette publique : dont l'état a été présenté & discuté par lui au Comité des finances, le 23 & le 24 juillet 1790
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'abbé Maury ... sur la formation d'une seconde législature : prononcée dans l'Assemblée nationale, le lundi màtin, 19 avril 1790
Paris : [s.n.] , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'archevêque d'Aix, sur l'établissement du papier-monnoie : prononcée dans la séance de l'Assemblée nationale le 15 avril
[S.l.] : Rozé , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'archevêque d'Aix sur la suppression et le remplacement de la gabelle ...
[Paris] : Chez Baudouin , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'evêque d'Autun sur la fabrication des petites monnoies ...
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'evêque d'Autun sur la fabrication des petites monnoies ...
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1789] - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'évêque d'Autun sur la proposition de faire deux milliards d'assignats forcés ...
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'évêque d'Autun sur la vente des biens domaniaux : du 13 juin 1790
Paris : Impr. nationale , [1790] . -  (Talleyrand-Périgord ; no. 1) - オンライン
Opinion de M. l'Évêque d'Autun sur les banques & sur rétablissement de l'ordre dans les finances : prononcée à l'Assemblée nationale le vendredi 4 décembre 1789, & imprimée par son ordre
Paris : Chez Baudouin , 1789 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Laffitte, sur le projet de loi relatif aux finances pour 1817 : prononcée à la séance du 10 février 1817
Paris : [s.n.] , 1817 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Laisné de Villévêque, déptué du Loiret, sur le budget de la marine
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Lasource, député du Tarn, sur la nomination et la destitution des administrateurs de la fortune publique : prononcée à l'Assemblée nationale, le 16 avril 1792, et imprimée par son ordre
[France] : Impr. nationale , [1792] . -  (Finances françaises, 1791-94 ; no. 13) - オンライン
Opinion de M. le baron de Puymaurin sur la loi relative à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le baron Lezurier de la Martel, sur l'amendement de la Chambre des pairs, relatif à la suppression de l'art. 2 de la loi sur l'exportation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le baron Lezurier de la Martel, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le baron Morisset, relative au projet de loi sur le mode et les conditions de l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Baron Pasquier, sur le projet de loi relatif au remboursement ou à la réduction de l'intérêst de rentes cinq pour cent
[France : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le chevalier Chabaud de la Latour, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le chevalier Sartelon, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Berthollet sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Boissy d'Anglas sur le projet de loi relatifà l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Cornet sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers ....
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Cornudet sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de la Bourdonnaye, Député de Maine-et-Loire : sur le budget des dépenses du Ministère de la Guerre
[Paris : De l'Imprimerie d'A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de la Bourdonnaye, Député de Maine-et-Loire, sur le projet de loi de finances de 1818
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de la Bourdonnaye, Député de Maine-et-Loire : sur le projet de loi relatif à l'année financière. (Séance publique du samedi 13 février 1819.)
[Paris : de l'Imprimérie d'A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de la Bourdonnaye, député de Maine-et-Loire : sur le projet de loi relatif aux livres auxiliares du grand-livre de la dette publique. (Séance du 24 mars 1819.)
[Paris : De l'Imprimérie d'A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de la Gallissonière, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de Marcellus, député de la Gironde : prononcée dans la séance publique du 24 mars 1819, sur le projet de loi relatif à la création de titres auxiliares du grande-livre dans les departemens
[Paris?] : A. Egron, imprimeur , [1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de Marcellus, député de la Gironde : sur l'article du budjet de 1819 qui concerne l'instruction publique : prononceé dans la séance publique du 29 mai 1819
[Paris?] : A. Egron , [1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de Marcellus, député de la Gironde : sur le budget du Ministère de la guerre
[Paris?] : A. Egron , [1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte de Villemanzy, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation et à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Depere sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Humbert de Sesmaisons, Député du département de la Loire-Inférieure, sur le projet de la loi relatif aux salines de Vic
[France : s.n , 1825] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Laplace, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le comte Lecouteulx de Canteleu, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Couteulx, député de Rouen, sur l'émission de deux milliards d'assignats-monnoie : pour le remboursement de la dette exigible ...
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le cte de la Bourdonnaye, Député de Maine et Loire, dans la discussion du budget
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Cte Humbert de Sesmaisons, député de la Loire-Intérieure : sur le budget des recettes de l'exercice 1821 / imprimée par ordre de la Chambre
[Paris : Hacquart , 1821] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de Brissac sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de Broglie, sur le projet de loi relatif aux successions et aux substitutions
[France : s.n , 1826] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de la Rochefoucauld, député de Paris, sur les assignats-monnoies : le 15 avril 1790
Paris : Chez Baudouin , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de la Rochefoucauld, sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des grains
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de la Rochefoucauld sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de la Vauguyon sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de Levis, sur le projet de la loi de finances pour 1817
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1817] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de Lévis sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des grains / imprimée par ordre de la Chambre
[Paris : P. Didot , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc de Saint-Aignan sur le projet de loi relatif à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : P. Didot , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le duc Decazes sur le projet de loi relatif aux successions et aux substitutions
[France : s.n.] , 1826 - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Maréchal-de-Camp Augier ... relative à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Maréchal-de-Camp Augier ... sur l'amendement de la Chambre des pairs, relatif à la suppression de l'art. 2 de la loi sur l'exportation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de m. le marquis de Gouy d'Arsy : sur le projet de m. Necker; prononcée dans la séance du 21 novembre 1789, matin. Imprimée par ordre de l'Assemblée Nationale
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Nationale , 1789 - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Marquis de Villefranche, député de l'Yonne : sur le chapitre XV du budget du Ministère des finances
[Paris : Hacquart , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Mis. de Villefranche ... prononcée dans la séance du 16 février, pour le développement de sa proposition tendante à supplier Sa Majesté de faire présenter une loi qui puisse dégager le commerce des grains et farines des abus et des dangers ....
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le vicomte Blin de Bourdon, député de la Somme : sur le mode proposé par la Commission des finances pour régulariser les charges et dépenses de la guerre
[Paris : Hacquart , 1816] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le vicomte Blin-de-Bourdon, député de la Somme : sur le moyen de régulariser toutes les dépenses et charges de la guerre de la manière la plus simple et la moins onéreuse aux contribuables
[Paris : Hacquart , 1816] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Vicomte de Castelbajac, Député de la Haute-Garonne : sur le budget des recettes de l'exercice 1821 / imprimée par ordre de la Chambre
[Paris : Hacquart , 1821] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le vicomte de Prunele ... sur le projet de loi relatif à l'exportation des fers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. le Vicomte Donnadieu, député des Bouches-du-Rhône : sur le projet de loi relatif au budget de 1821 (dépenses)
[Paris] : Imprimée par ordre de la Chambre [pour Hacquart , 1821] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Lefévre-Gineau, sur l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Lehir, relative au projet de la loi sur l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Levesque, Député de la Loire-Inférieure, sur le projet de loi relatif à la concession de la mine de sel gemme
[France : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Malouet, sur le remplacement de la gabelle : dans la séance du mardi 16 mars
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Milet de Mureau, député de Toulon, sur la fabrication d'une monnoie faite avec le métal des cloches : prononcée dans la séance du 20 juin 1791
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimerie nationale , [1791] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Montesquiou, sur les petits assignats de cinq livres
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1791 - オンライン
Opinion de M. Morellet, sur la loi relative à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Paul-Chateaudouble, député du Var, sur la loi des finances de 1818
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Paul Chateaudouble, député du Var : sur le projet de loi relatif a la continuation du monopole des tabacs, jusqu'au 1er janvier 1826
[Paris : de l'Imprimérie d'A. Egron , 1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Perisse Duluc, député de Lyon à l'Assemblée nationale, sur le papier-monnoie ou papier forcé en circulation : sans caisse ouverte : du 2 avril 1790
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Piet, député du Département de la Sarthe ... sur le budget
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1818] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Pontet, député de la Gironde : sur le projet de loi relatif à la création de titres auxiliares du grand-livre dans les départemens
[Paris?] : A. Egron, imprimeur , [1819] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Tanneguy-Leveneur ... sur le projet de loi concernant l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinion de M. Thevenet, député du Département de Rhône & Loire, sur les moyens de parvenir à la plus juste répartition des impositions foncière, mobiltaire, & industrielle, entre tous les individus de l'Empire françois ...
[Paris : de l'Imprimérie nationale , 1792] . -  (Finances françaises, 1791-94 ; no. 16) - オンライン
Opinion de M. Turckheim, Député de Bas-Rhin, sur le projet de loi relatif à la concession de la mine de sel gemme
[France : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Opinion de Mansord (du Mont-Blanc) sur les monnoies : séance du 28 frimaire an 7
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 7 [1798] - オンライン
Opinion de Monsieur de Bouville, Député de la Seine-Inférieure, prononcée dans la séance de mercredi 10 mai 1826, contre la loi de substitution
Paris : C.J. Trouvé , 1826 - オンライン
Opinion de Monsieur le comte Tanneguy-Leveneur ... sur le projet de loi concernant l'importation des fers étrangers : présenté à la Chambre des députés, et sur le rapport de la commission / par M. le Ministre des finances
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Opinion de P.C.L. Baudin (des Ardennes), sur la résolution du 8 floréal, relative aux théâtres : séance du 18 prairial an 6
Paris : Impr. nationale , [1798] - オンライン
Opinion de par Barthelemy, de la Moselle, sur l'éstablissement d'un Hôtel des monnoies à Metz : séance du 23 germinal an 7
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 7 [1799] - オンライン
Opinion de Philippe Drulhe, Député du département de Haute-Garonne, sur le projet de décharger le trésor public des frais du culte catholique & de l'entretien de ses ministres ... : 4 décembre 1792, l'an premier de la Républic
[Paris] : Impr. nationale , [1792] - オンライン
Opinion de Portalis sur la résolution du 17 floréal dernier, relative aux prêtres non-assermentés : séance du 9 fructidor an 4e
[Paris?] : Impr. nationale , [1796] - オンライン
Opinion de Portalis sur les sociétés particulieèrs s'occupant de discussions politiques : séance du 7 thermidor, an V
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 5 [1797] - オンライン
Opinion de Saligny sur la résolution du 24 prairial relative aux transactions en papier-monnoie : séance du 8 thermidor an 6
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 6 [1798] - オンライン
Opinion de Stanislas Girardin, Député de la Seine-Inférieure, contre le projet de loi destiné à rétablir les substitutions
[France : s.n , 1826?] - オンライン
Opinion de Vernier, sur la résolution relative à la vente de biens nationaux : séance du 28 nivôse an 6
Paris : Impr. nationale , an 6 [1798] - オンライン
Opinion de Villers sur les projets de résolution relatifs aux monnoies : séance du 14 vendémiaire, an V
Paris : Impr. nationale , [1796] - オンライン
Opinion du citoyen Dufriche-Valazé, député du département de l'Orne, sur les subsistances
[Paris] : Impr. nationale , [1792?] - オンライン
Opinion du citoyen Lauraguais sur le décret proposé au Conseil des cinq-cents par Boulay : séance du 26 vendémiaire
Paris : Impr. de Lemaire , an 6 [1797] - オンライン
Opinion énoncée à la Société de 1789 sur les loix constitutionnelles, leurs caractères distinctifs, leur ordre naturel, leur stabilité relative, leur revision solemnelle / par L. Ramond
Paris : Belin , 1791 - オンライン
Opinion enoncée à la Société des amis de la constitution, séante aux Feuillans : sur le mode de convocation des assemblées constituantes / par L. Ramond
Paris : De l'Imprimerie national , 1789 - オンライン
Opinion et observations sur le budget de 1814 : sur le budget de juin 1815, et sur les différens systêmes de finances suivis en France depuis l'an VIII jusqu'au 8 juillet 1815 / par un créancier de l'état
3e. éd.. - Paris : Chez Pelicier , 1815 - オンライン
Opinion impartiale d'un capitaliste sur le projet de la réduction des rentes : sur les moyens de remplacer d'une manière avantageuse autant qu'honorable l'économie qui devoit en résulter, et sur la nécessité de maintenir l'intérêt a 5 pour 100
[France : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Opinion M. Laisné de Villévèque, Députe de Loiret, sur les impôts perçus sur les boissons
[France : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Opinion mining et sentiment analysis méthodes et outils
: OpenEdition Press , 2012 - オンライン
The opinion of an old Englishman : in which national honour, and national gratitude, are principally considered / humbly offered to his Countrymen & Fellow-citizens, on the resignation of the late ministry
London : Printed for and sold by J. Hatchard , 1801 - オンライン
Opinion of Council, on the right of the Schuylkill Navigation Company to make another lock and canal for the use of the navigation at the Fair Mount Dam
[S.l : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Opinion of Hon. John M. Read, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in favor of the constitutionality of the acts of Congress, declaring treasury notes a legal tender in payment of debts : delivered at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, May 24, 1865
Philadelphia : Sherman & Co., Printers , 1865 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
The opinion of Isaac H. Williamson, Esq. and Garret D. Wall, Esq., on the validity of the acts of the legislature of New-Jersey, respecting the Delaware and Raritan Canal and Camden and Amboy Rail Road Companies
[New Jersey : s.n.] , 1834 - オンライン
Opinion of Issac H. Williamson, Esq. and Garret D. Wall, Esq : in relation to the corporate powers of "The Trenton and New-Brunswick Turnpike Company"
[New Jersey : s.n.] , 1835 - オンライン
The opinion of Sir Thomas More, Lord High Chancellor of England, concerning inclosures : in answer to a letter from Galloway
Edinburgh : [s.n.] , 1724 - オンライン
Opinion of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, in the case of William Eager vs. the Atlas Ins. Co : with remarks thereon / by an underwriter [pseud.]
[S.l : s.n.] : J.H. Eastburn) , 1833 - オンライン
Opinion on a portion of the location for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road / addressed to the rail-road committee of the council of the city of Wheeling, by J.H. Alexander
Baltimore : [J.D. Toy] , 1850 - オンライン
Opinion prononcée a l'Assemblée Générale des 200 plus forts actionnaires de la Banque de France, le 26 janvier 1826 : suivie de notes explicatives / par G. Sibuet
[S.l : s.n , 1826? - オンライン
Opinion prononcée par M. Cussy ... a la séance du jeudi 5 mai 1791
Paris : De l'Imprimerie nationale , 1791 - オンライン
Opinion prononcée par M. Dampmartin, sur la loi relative à l'importation des fers étrangers
[Paris] : Hacquart , [1814] - オンライン
Opinión pública contemporánea Otras posibilidades de comprensión e investigación
: Social-ediciones , 2017 - オンライン
L'opinion publique
: CNRS éditions , 2009 - オンライン
L'opinion publique contre la pauvreté / et Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
L'opinion publique dans le monde anglo-américain
: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais , 1989 - オンライン
Opinion sur l'impot des gabelles : et son remplacement / par M. Dupré, ...
Paris : Chez Baudouin , 1789 - オンライン
Opinion sur la dette des puissances du continent : les dangers et les ressources pour leur liquidation qui rendra stable la paix générale de l'Europe / par Mr. Papion
Tours : Letourmy, Impr. du roi : Se trouve à Paris : Chez Pellissier, libraire , 1818 - オンライン
Opinion sur le budget de 1816 : prononcée dans la séance du 16 Mars 1816 / M. le Baron de Barante : imprimée par ordre de la Chambre
[Paris : Hacquart , 1816] - オンライン
Opinion sur le mode de recrutement pour l'armée / par M. le duc de Liancourt ..., décembre 1789
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Royale , 1789 - オンライン
Opinion sur le prêt gratuit et sur le prêt utile / par M. L**
[France : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
Opinion sur le projet de rembourser, en assignats-monnoie, les dix-neuf cents millions de la dette qu'on appelle exigible / par M. Démeunier ... prononcée à la séance du 18 septembre 1790 ; imprimée par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Nationale , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion sur le remboursement de la dette publique : du 14 mai 1792, l'an 4e de la liberté / par A.D. Laffon, député du département de la Gironde, président du Comité de l'ordinaire des finances
[Paris] : Impr. nationale , [1792] - オンライン
Opinion sur le remboursement de la rente / par Fortuné Malbouche
[France : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
Opinion sur les assignats : et proposition d'un autre mode de libération / prononcée à la Société de 1789, par un de ses membres
[S.l.] : De l'Imprimérie de L. Potier de Lille , 1790 - オンライン
Opinion sur les finances : contenant des dévéloppemens à son projet de décret du 20 germinal & des réflexions sur le plan de finance présenté par Johannot au nom des trois comités / par Ricord ; Imprimée par ordre de la Convention nationale
[Paris : Impr. nationale , 1795] - オンライン
Opinion sur les mésures à prendre contre la coalition de 1815 / par H. Saint-Simon et A. Thierry
Paris : Chez Delaunay , 1815 - オンライン
Opinion sur les moyens de retirer des assignats de la circulation / de P.A. Lozeau
[France] : Impr. nationale , an 3 [1795] - オンライン
Opinions and decisions of the Railroad Commission of the State of Wisconsin
(Madison, Wis : Democrat Printing Company , 1908-1931) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Opinions and decisions of the Railroad Commission of the State of Wisconsin
(Madison, Wis : Democrat Printing Company , 1908-1931) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Opinions and decisions of the Railroad Commission of the State of Wisconsin
(Madison, Wis : Democrat Printing Company , 1908-1931) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Opinions and observations on national and local taxation, on the property of labour and the application thereof : with suggestions and a general outline for a property tax in lieu of twenty-two milions of taxes which press unequally on various classes of the community : in a letter to Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P
London : Printed for and sold by Hyde , [1848] - オンライン
Opinions as to the real state of the nation : with strictures on a pamphlet intitled the Administration of the affairs of Great Britain, &c. &c. / by the ghost of the Marquess of Londonderry
London : Printed by A.J. Vidpy, for W. Wright, and to be had of all booksellers in town and country , 1823 - オンライン
Opinions being various how now to take in the late currant clipt money, the best way for the publick and future ease and content of persons possest of the same : two ways (besides those of taxes and loans, to be taken by His Majesties receivers) have been proposed ...
[London? : s.n , 1695] - オンライン
Opinions d'un créancier de l'état : sur quelques matières de finance importantes dans le moment actuel / par M. Claviere
Londres ; Se trouve à Paris : Chez Buisson , 1789 - オンライン
Opinions de M. le duc de La Rochefoucauld : député de Paris : sur le project de finances présenté par le Comité des dix le 18 novembre 1789 : et sur les banques publiques, le 9 décembre 1789
[Paris : s.n.] , 1789 - オンライン
Opinions delivered by the judges of the Court of Appeals : on the constitutionality of the act of Congress declaring Treasury notes a legal tender for the payment of debts
Albany [N.Y.] : Weed, Parsons and Co., printers , 1863 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Opinions littéraires, philosophiques et industrielles /h microform
Paris : Bossange, père , 1825 - オンライン
The Opinions of council on the receipt tax : to which are added, abstracts of the following acts of Parilament ... together with an account of all the stamps on vellum, parchment, &c. now in use, distinguishing the several particulars that each stamp is used for, including the wine licences for England, Wales, and Scotland
The 6th ed. with a preface and poetical introduction by E. Thomas, Astronomer.. - Shrewsbury : Printed by T. Wood for the information of the public , 1783 - オンライン
Opinions of counsel, on the rights vested in the Delaware and Raritan Canal, and Camden and Amboy Rail road and Transportation Companies, by the acts of the state of New-Jersey passed in relation to them
[New Jersey : s.n.] , 1835 - オンライン
Opinions of eminent lawyers, on various points of English jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the colonies, fisheries, and commerce, of Great Britain / collected and digested from the originals, in the Board of Trade, and other depositories, by George Chalmers
London : Printed for Reed and Hunter , 1814 - オンライン
Opinions of Henry Broughan, Esq., on Negro slavery
London : H.J. M'Clary , 1830 - オンライン
Opinions of Henry Broughan, Esq., on negro slavery : with remarks
London : Printed for Whitmore and Penn , 1826 - オンライン
Opinions of His Majesty's ministers, respecting the French Revolution, the war, &c. from 1790 to 1801, chronologically arranged : selected from their speeches in Parliament, with extracts from the speeches of the opposition / compiled by James Bannantine
London : Printed by J.D. Dewick, for J. Ridgway , 1801 - オンライン
Opinions of modern statesmen on standing armaments
London : Sold at the office of the Peace Congress Committee , [1850?] - オンライン
The opinions of Mr. James Eyre, Mr. Edmund Hoskins, Mr. E. Thurlow, and Mr. John Dunning, on the subject of Lord Clive's jaghire : To which are added, his lordship's Letter to the proprietors of East-India stock : with the Answer of an eminent councellor to his lordship's Letter, likewise addressed to the proprietors on the same subject
London : Sold by T. Evans , [1764] - オンライン
Opinions of Sir James Scarlett, Sir Edward B. Sugden, and Mr. Richards : on the privilege of the Bank of England / read at a General Court of Proprietors, 16th August, 1833
[England? : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
The opinions of Sir Robert Peel, expressed in Parliament and in public / by W.T. Haly
London : Whittaker , 1843 - オンライン
Opinions of the late Lord Melville and Marquis Wellesley upon open trade to India
[London : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
Opinions on interesting subjects of public law and commercial policy, arising from American independence ... / by George Chalmers
New ed., corr.. - London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1785 - オンライン
Opinions on interesting subjects of public law and commercial policy : arising from American independence ... / by George Chalmers
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1784 - オンライン
Opinions on loans of government stock : respectfully addressed to the landed, commercial, and professional world : the question considered : Whether it is legal or illegal to receive £5. per cent. upon the nominal government value of the £3. per cent. stocks, namely £100. (when the real value is under £100.), the said stock being secured upon real property? / by George Cochrane
London : Smith, Elder and Co , 1847 - オンライン
Opinions on reform / by Edmund Burke
London : C.J.G. and F. Rivington , 1831 - オンライン
Opinions on slavery & emancipation in 1823 : referred to in a recent debate in the House of Commons, by Thomas Fowell Buxton, Esq., with additional observations, applicable to the Right Hon. E.G. Stanley's plan for the extinction of slavery / by William H. Burnley
London : J. Ridgway , 1833 - オンライン
Opinions on tithes and on the state of Ireland : expressed, at different times, in the House of Commons / by Sir Hussey Vivian
London : J. Ridgway , 1833 - オンライン
Opinions on various subjects : dedicated to the industrious producers / by William Maclure
New Harmony, Ind : [Printed at the School Press] , 1831-1838 - オンライン
Opinions on various subjects : dedicated to the industrious producers / by William Maclure
[S.l : s.n.] , 1831 - オンライン
Opinions respecting the commercial intercourse between the United States of America and the dominions of Great-Britain : including observations upon the necessity and importance of an American navigation act / by a citizen of Massachusetts
Boston : Printed and sold by S. Hall , 1797 - オンライン
Opinions sur le divorce et sur les ministres des cultes / par Félix Faulcon
Paris : [s.n.] , an 5 [1797] - オンライン
Opioids: Addiction, Narrative, Freedom
: Punctum Books , 2018 - オンライン
Opioids and Their Receptors Present and Emerging Concepts in Opioid Drug Discovery
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Opioids and Their Receptors Present and Emerging Concepts in Opioid Drug Discovery II
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Opioids From Analgesic Use to Addiction
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Opium / published by order of the Inspector General of Customs
Shanghai : Statistical Dept. of the Inspectorate General , 1881 . -  (China. Imperial Maritime Customs. II. Special series ; no. 4) - オンライン
Opium crisis : a letter addressed to Charles Elliot, Esq., chief superintendent of the British trade with China / by an American merchant
London : E. Suter [etc.] , 1839 - オンライン
The opium question / by Samuel Warren
London : James Ridgway , 1840 - オンライン
The opium question, as between nation and nation / by a barrister at law
London : J. Bain , 1840 - オンライン
The opium trade : including a sketch of its history, extent, effects, etc., as carried on in India and China / by Nathan Allen
2nd ed.. - Lowell [Mass.] : J.P. Walker , 1853 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Opkomts [sic], midden, en geen eynde van den doortrapte Jan Lauw
[S.l : s.n , 1720?] - オンライン
Oplysninger og bemaerkninger ved General=Krigs=Commissair Wærns tilskrivt til interessenterne i den Danske og norske species-banke / meddeelte af bankens direction
Kiøbenhavn : Trykt hos J.F. Schultz , 1794 - オンライン
Oplysninger og tillæg til mit Forslag angaaende det norske pengevæsens forbedring / Ludwig Mariboe
Christiania : J. Lehmann , 1815 - オンライン
Oporto, old and new : being a historical record of the port wine trade, and a tribute to British commercial enterprize in the north of Portugal / by Charles Sellers ; edited and published by Herbert E. Harper
(London : Herbert E. Harper , 1899) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Oportunidades de participación de las y los jóvenes veracruzanos en contextos de violencia y exclusión
: UACJ, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez , 2020 - オンライン
Oportunidades económicas dos mercados voluntários de carbono no contexto das políticas agrícola e florestal. A Lousã como caso de estudo
: Coimbra University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Oportunidades y retos para la enseñanza de las artes, la educación mediática y la ética en la era postdigital
: Dykinson SL , 2021 - オンライン
Oposiciones a cátedras de derecho (1847-1943)
: Dykinson , 2018 - オンライン
L'oppidum de Saint-Blaise du Ve au VIIe s. (Bouches-du-Rhône)
: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme , 1994 - オンライン
L'opportunità dell'innovazione
: Firenze University Press , 2007 - オンライン
L'opportunità dell'innovazione
: Firenze University Press , 2007 - オンライン
Opportunities and Challenges for New and Peripheral Political Science Communities A Consolidated Discipline?
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Opportunities and Challenges for New and Peripheral Political Science Communities A Consolidated Discipline?
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Opportunities and conditions of work for minors under 18 in the glassware industry / prepared by Bureau of Women and Children
([Harrisburg] : [Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry] , 1927) . -  (Special publications of the Department of Labor and Industry ; 18) - オンライン
Opportunities for industry and the safe investment of capital; or, A thousand chances to make money / by a retired merchant
Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co , 1859 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Opportunity cost in healthcare priority setting
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
The opportunity, or, Reasons for an immediate alliance with St. Domingo / by the author of The crisis of the sugar colonies
London : Printed by C. Whittingham for J. Hatchard , 1804 - オンライン
L'opposé du misérable principe de Proudhon / par Munier (Hip.)
[Paris] : Le Doyen , [1848?] - オンライン
Opposing democracy in the digital age : the Yellow Shirts in Thailand
: University of Michigan Press , 2021 - オンライン
Opposing democracy in the digital age : the Yellow Shirts in Thailand
: University of Michigan Press , 2021 - オンライン
Opposing democracy in the digital age : the Yellow Shirts in Thailand
: University of Michigan Press , 2021 - オンライン
Opposing power : building opposition alliances in electoral autocracies
: University of Michigan Press , 2022 - オンライン
Opposing power : building opposition alliances in electoral autocracies
: University of Michigan Press , 2022 - オンライン
Opposing power : building opposition alliances in electoral autocracies
: University of Michigan Press , 2022 - オンライン
Die Opposition / herausgegeben von K. Heinzen
Mannheim : H. Hoff , 1846 - オンライン
Opposition no proof of patriotism : with some observations and advice concerning party-writings
London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1735 - オンライン
The opposition : to be published occasionally
London : Sold by M. Cooper , 1755 - オンライン
Opposition to restrictions upon trade : remonstrance of the business men of New-York
[New York? : s.n , 1850?] - オンライン
The Opposition to the late minister vindicated from the aspersions of a pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on the present dangerous crisis
London : Printed for W. Bathoe , 1763 - オンライン
Opposition to the London and Birmingham Railway Bill
[S.l : s.n , 1832 - オンライン
Opposition to the London and Birmingham Railway Bill
[S.l : s.n , 1832 - オンライン
The Oppressed labourers : the means for their relief, as well as for the reduction of their number, and of the poor-rates, presented to public notice dedicated in the first instance to the agricultural societies of Great Britain
London : Printed for the author , 1819 - オンライン
An oppressed poor in an insolvent nation : a letter to the members of the new Parliament / by Agricola
London : J. Ollivier , 1847 - オンライン
Oppression exposed, or, Liberty and property maintained : being an enquiry into the several mismanagements of persons concerned in the revenues of customs and excise in Scotland / by Reay Sabourn Solicitor to the Court of Exchequer there
[Edinburgh] : Printed for the author , 1729 - オンライン
Oppression, or, The effects of monopoly on family expenditure : a tract for the times / by W. Hearn
London : W. Brittain , [1841?] - オンライン
Oppression!!! : the appeal of Captain Perry, late editor of the Argus, to the people of England : containing a justification of his principles and conduct ... : to which is added, a development of some of the mysteries of the spy trade ...
London : Printed for Citizen Lee , 1795 - オンライン
Oppressions & cruelties of Irish revenue officers : being the substance of a letter to a British member of Parliament / by Edward Chichester
Dublin : R. Milliken , 1818 - オンライン
Oppressive exaction of tithes : remarks on the rapacity of the London clergy and lay impropriators ... showing the injustice and illegality of the present system of tithes and church-dues ...
London : J. Fairburn , [1824?] - オンライン
The oppressors of the poor, and the poor their own oppressors : a sermon, preached at St. James's Church, Bradford, Yorkshire, on Sunday, Aug. 11th, 1839 / by the Rev. George S. Bull
[S.l : s.n , 1839] - オンライン
Opprør og opposisjon under enevelde og demokrati
: Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing) , 2018 - オンライン
Oppvekst og livstolkning Flerfaglige blikk på barns og unges eksistens, fellesskap og fortellinger
: Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing) , 2020 - オンライン
Oprecht ende niet min zedigh verhael van 't gene is geremarcqueert onder het bloedigh gevecht : tusschen de navale machten des Koninghs van Groot-Brittanjen ... ter eenre, ende vande hoogh-mogende heeren Staten Generael der Ver-eenighde Nederlanden, aengevoert door ... Michiel Adr. de Ruyter ... ter andere zijde : voor-gevallen op den 11, 12, 13, en 14 junius 1666
Te Middelburgh : By Jacobus Noenaert ... , [1666] - オンライン
Oprecht fondament ende principalen inhout van het Italiaens boeck-houden : om van alle partyen den rechten debireur ende crediteur te stellen ... : mitsgadens een grontlijcke onderrichtinge om een yegelijcx reckeninge in debito en credito van 't grootboek wel te verstaen ...
De vyfde druck, op neius oversien ende verbetert.. - t' Amsterdam : Voor Willem Stam ... , 1647 - オンライン
Oproer in de letteren
: Academia Press , 2021 - オンライン
Optic Nerve
: IntechOpen , 2019 - オンライン
Optic Neuropathies
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Optical Amplifiers - A Few Different Dimensions
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Optical and Spectroscopic Properties of Rare-Earth-Doped Crystals
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Optical and Structural Characterization of GaN Based Hybrid Structures and Nanorods
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Optical and Structural Characterization of Natural Nanostructures
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
Optical antennas : linear and nonlinear excitation and emission
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2011 - オンライン
Optical Approaches to Capture Plant Dynamics in Time, Space, and Across Scales
: Frontiers Media SA , 2018 - オンライン
Optical Coherence Tomography
: IntechOpen , 2013 - オンライン
Optical Coherence Tomography
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
Optical Coherence Tomography and Its Non-medical Applications
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Optical Coherence Tomography and Its Non-medical Applications
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Optical coherence tomography for characterization of nanocomposite materials
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Optical Coherence Tomography guided Laser-Cochleostomy
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging: Advances in Ophthalmology
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Optical Communication
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Optical Communication Technology
: IntechOpen , 2017 - オンライン
Optical Communications and Networking: Prospects in Industrial Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optical Communications Systems
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Optical cues used in prey identification by a juvenile jumping spider, Yllenus arenarius (Araneae, Salticidae)
: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego , 2013 - オンライン
Optical Delay Interferometers and their Application for Self-coherent Detection
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
Optical Devices and Methods for Distributed Lab-On-a-chip Analyses
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Optical Devices in Communication and Computation
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Optical Diagnostics in Human Diseases
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Optical Document Security: Measurement, Characterization and Visualization : In the Light of Visual Evaluation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2018 - オンライン
Optical Fiber and Applications
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
Optical Fiber and Wireless Communications
: IntechOpen , 2017 - オンライン
Optical Fiber Applications
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Optical Fiber Communications and Devices
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Optical Fiber Interferometric Sensors New Production Methodologies and Novel Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Optical Fiber New Developments
: IntechOpen , 2009 - オンライン
Optical Gas Sensing: Media, Mechanisms and Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
An Optical Grooming Switch for High-Speed Traffic Aggregation in Time, Space and Wavelength
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2010 - オンライン
Optical illusions in Rome : a mathematical travel guide / Kirsti Andersen ; translated by Viktor Blåsjö
([Providence, Rhode Island] : MAA Press, an imprint of the American Mathematical Society , [2019]) . -  (Spectrum. ISSN:26389045 ; v. 99) - オンライン
Optical illusions in Rome : a mathematical travel guide / Kirsti Andersen ; translated by Viktor Blåsjö
([Providence, Rhode Island] : MAA Press, an imprint of the American Mathematical Society , [2019]) . -  (Spectrum. ISSN:26389045 ; v. 99) - オンライン
Optical In-Process Measurement Systems
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Optical Interferometry
: IntechOpen , 2022 - オンライン
Optical Interferometry
: IntechOpen , 2017 - オンライン
Optical MEMS
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2019 - オンライン
Optical Methods in Sensing and Imaging for Medical and Biological Applications
: MDPI AG , 2019 - オンライン
Optical Monitoring of Cerebral Microcirculation
: Linkopings Universitet , 2017 - オンライン
Optical Neural Interfaces
: Frontiers Media SA , 2019 - オンライン
Optical Sensing with an Ordinary Mobile Phone
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Optical Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Optical Sensors New Developments and Practical Applications
: IntechOpen , 2014 - オンライン
Optical Signal Processing Technologies for Communication, Computing, and Sensing Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Optical Signals Animal Communication and Light
: Indiana University Press , 1977 - オンライン
Optical Studies of AlN and GaO Based Nanostructures Using Mueller Matrix Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
: Linkopings Universitet , 2023 - オンライン
Optical Studies of Bio-inspired Materials for Camouflage
: Linkopings Universitet , 2020 - オンライン
Optical Studies of Materials for Spectral Design
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Optical Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Optical Thin Films and Structures Design and Advanced Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Optical Trapping and Manipulation From Fundamentals to Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optically induced nanostructures : biomedical and technical applications
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG , 2015 - オンライン
Optically induced nanostructures : biomedical and technical applications
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG , 2015 - オンライン
Optically induced nanostructures : biomedical and technical applications
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG , 2015 - オンライン
Optically Powered Highly Energy-efficient Sensor Networks
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
Optics and Ecophysiology of Coral Reef Organisms
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Optics and Spectroscopy for Fluid Characterization
: MDPI AG , 2018 - オンライン
Optics for AI and AI for Optics
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optics in Our Time
: Springer International Publishing , 2016 - オンライン
Optics in Our Time
: Springer International Publishing , 2016 - オンライン
Optics of Conducting Polymer Thin Films and Nanostructures
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
Optik: Mit 1 Ausschlagtafel, aus: Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik : zum Gebrauch bei akademischen Vorlesungen und zum Selbststudium, Bd. 3
: De Gruyter, Inc. , 1972 - オンライン
Optik: Mit 1 Ausschlagtafel, aus: Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik : zum Gebrauch bei akademischen Vorlesungen und zum Selbststudium, Bd. 3
: De Gruyter, Inc. , 1972 - オンライン
Optik: Mit 1 Ausschlagtafel, aus: Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik : zum Gebrauch bei akademischen Vorlesungen und zum Selbststudium, Bd. 3
: De Gruyter, Inc. , 1972 - オンライン
Optima and Equilibria : An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis / by Jean-Pierre Aubin
2nd ed. 1998.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1998) . -  (Graduate Texts in Mathematics. ISSN:00725285 ; 140) - オンライン
Optimal Algorithms : International Symposium. Varna, Bulgaria, May 29-June 2, 1989. Proceedings / edited by Hristo Djidjev
1st ed. 1989.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1989) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 401) - オンライン
Optimal Boundary Control and Boundary Stabilization of Hyperbolic Systems / by Martin Gugat
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2015) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics. ISSN:21926794) - オンライン
Optimal Braking Patterns and Forces in Autonomous Safety-Critical Maneuvers
: Linkopings Universitet , 2018 - オンライン
Optimal Control / by Leonid T. Ashchepkov, Dmitriy V. Dolgy, Taekyun Kim, Ravi P. Agarwal
2nd ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) - オンライン
Optimal Control / by Leonid T. Aschepkov, Dmitriy V. Dolgy, Taekyun Kim, Ravi P. Agarwal
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) - オンライン
Optimal Control / by Richard Vinter
1st ed. 2010.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2010) . -  (Modern Birkhäuser Classics. ISSN:21971811) - オンライン
Optimal Control and Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations / by Martino Bardi, Italo Capuzzo-Dolcetta
1st ed. 1997.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1997) . -  (Modern Birkhäuser Classics. ISSN:21971811) - オンライン
Optimal Control Applications in Electric Power Systems / by G.S. Christensen, M.E. El-Hawary, S.A. Soliman
1st ed. 1987.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1987) . -  (Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering ; 35) - オンライン
Optimal Control : Calculus of Variations, Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Methods / by Bulirsch, Miele, Stoer, Well
1st ed. 1993.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1993) . -  (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. ISSN:22966072 ; 111) - オンライン
Optimal control for chemical engineers
: Taylor & Francis , 2013 - オンライン
Optimal control for chemical engineers
: Taylor & Francis , 2013 - オンライン
Optimal Control for Chemical Engineers
: Taylor & Francis , 2013 - オンライン
Optimal Control for Energy Efficient Vehicle Propulsion : Methodology, Application, and Tools
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
Optimal Control for Mathematical Models of Cancer Therapies : An Application of Geometric Methods / by Heinz Schättler, Urszula Ledzewicz
1st ed. 2015.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. ISSN:21969973 ; 42) - オンライン
Optimal Control Models in Finance : A New Computational Approach / by Ping Chen, Sardar M. N. Islam
1st ed. 2005.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2005) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 95) - オンライン
Optimal Control: Novel Directions and Applications / edited by Daniela Tonon, Maria Soledad Aronna, Dante Kalise
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 2180) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Complex Structures : International Conference in Oberwolfach, June 4–10, 2000 / edited by K.-H. Hoffmann, Irena Lasiecka, G. Leugering, J. Sprekels, Fredi Tröltzsch
1st ed. 2002.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2002) . -  (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. ISSN:22966072 ; 139) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations / edited by Karl Kunisch, Günter Leugering, Jürgen Sprekels, Fredi Tröltzsch
1st ed. 2009.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2009) . -  (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. ISSN:22966072 ; 158) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Distributed Nuclear Reactors / by G.S. Christensen, S.A. Soliman, R. Nieva
1st ed. 1990.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1990) . -  (Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering ; 41) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Distributed Systems with Conjugation Conditions / by Ivan V. Sergienko, Vasyl S. Deineka ; edited by Naum Z. Shor
1st ed. 2005.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2005) . -  (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications ; 75) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems Driven by Vector Measures : Theory and Applications / by N. U. Ahmed, Shian Wang
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Electrified Powertrains
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems and Renewable Energies
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations : Analysis, Approximation, and Applications / by Andrea Manzoni, Alfio Quarteroni, Sandro Salsa
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Applied Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:2196968X ; 207) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations II: Theory and Applications : Conference held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, May 18–24, 1986 / by K.-H. Hoffmann, W. Krabs
1st ed. 1987.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1987) . -  (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. ISSN:22966072 ; 78) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations : International Conference in Chemnitz, Germany, April 20-25, 1998 / edited by Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, Günter Leugering, Fredi Tröltzsch
1st ed. 1999.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1999) . -  (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. ISSN:22966072 ; 133) - オンライン
Optimal Control of PDEs under Uncertainty : An Introduction with Application to Optimal Shape Design of Structures / by Jesús Martínez-Frutos, Francisco Periago Esparza
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Random Sequences in Problems with Constraints / by A.B. Piunovskiy
1st ed. 1997.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1997) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 410) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Soil Venting: Mathematical Modeling and Applications / by Marian Slodicka, Horst H. Gerke, Urs Hornung, Youcef Kelanemer, Stephan Schumacher
1st ed. 1999.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1999) . -  (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. ISSN:22966072 ; 127) - オンライン
Optimal Control of Switched Systems Arising in Fermentation Processes / by Chongyang Liu, Zhaohua Gong
1st ed. 2014.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2014) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 97) - オンライン
Optimal Control Problems Arising in Forest Management / by Alexander J. Zaslavski
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2019) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Optimization. ISSN:2191575X) - オンライン
Optimal Control Problems Arising in Mathematical Economics / by Alexander J. Zaslavski
1st ed. 2022.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (Monographs in Mathematical Economics. ISSN:23648287 ; 5) - オンライン
Optimal Control Problems for Partial Differential Equations on Reticulated Domains : Approximation and Asymptotic Analysis / by Peter I. Kogut, Günter R. Leugering
1st ed. 2011.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2011) . -  (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. ISSN:23249757) - オンライン
Optimal Control Problems Related to the Robinson–Solow–Srinivasan Model / by Alexander J. Zaslavski
1st ed. 2021.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Monographs in Mathematical Economics. ISSN:23648287 ; 4) - オンライン
Optimal Control Theory / by L.D. Berkovitz
1st ed. 1974.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1974) . -  (Applied Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:2196968X ; 12) - オンライン
Optimal Control : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications / by William W. Hager, Panos M. Pardalos
1st ed. 1998.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1998) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 15) - オンライン
Optimal Control Theory for Infinite Dimensional Systems / by Xungjing Li, Jiongmin Yong
1st ed. 1995.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1995) . -  (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. ISSN:23249757) - オンライン
Optimal Control Theory for the Damping of Vibrations of Simple Elastic Systems / by V. Komkov
1st ed. 1972.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1972) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 253) - オンライン
Optimal Covariate Designs : Theory and Applications / by Premadhis Das, Ganesh Dutta, Nripes Kumar Mandal, Bikas Kumar Sinha
1st ed. 2015.. - (New Delhi : Springer India : Imprint: Springer , 2015) - オンライン
Optimal Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks / by Weili Wu, Zhao Zhang, Wonjun Lee, Ding-Zhu Du
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2020) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 162) - オンライン
Optimal Decisions in the Equity Index Derivatives Markets Using Option Implied Information
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Optimal Decisions Under Uncertainty : Methods, Models, and Management / by J.K. Sengupta
1st ed. 1985.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1985) . -  (Universitext. ISSN:21916675) - オンライン
Optimal Decomposition in Real Interpolation and Duality in Convex Analysis
: Linkopings Universitet , 2013 - オンライン
Optimal Design and Control : Proceedings of the Workshop on Optimal Design and Control Blacksburg, Virginia April 8–9, 1994 / edited by Jeff Borggaard, John Burkhardt, Max Gunzburger, Janet Peterson
1st ed. 1995.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1995) . -  (Progress in Systems and Control Theory ; 19) - オンライン
Optimal Design and Related Areas in Optimization and Statistics / edited by Luc Pronzato, Anatoly Zhigljavsky
1st ed. 2009.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 28) - オンライン
The Optimal Design of Blocked and Split-Plot Experiments / by Peter Goos
1st ed. 2002.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2002) . -  (Lecture Notes in Statistics. ISSN:21977186 ; 164) - オンライン
Optimal Design of Multi-Phase Materials : With a Cost Functional That Depends Nonlinearly on The Gradient / by Juan Casado-Díaz
1st ed. 2022.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
Optimal Design of Neuro-Mechanical Networks
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Optimal Design through the Sub-Relaxation Method : Understanding the Basic Principles / by Pablo Pedregal
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) . -  (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series. ISSN:2199305X ; 11) - オンライン
Optimal Districting and Territory Design / edited by Roger Z. Ríos-Mercado
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2020) . -  (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. ISSN:22147934 ; 284) - オンライン
Optimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators Acting in Frechet Function Spaces
: Logos Verlag Berlin , 2017 - オンライン
Optimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators Acting in Frechet Function Spaces
: Logos Verlag Berlin , 2017 - オンライン
Optimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators Acting in Frechet Function Spaces
: Logos Verlag Berlin , 2017 - オンライン
Optimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators : Acting in Function Spaces / by S. Okada, Werner J. Ricker, Enrique A. Sánchez Pérez
1st ed. 2008.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2008) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 180) - オンライン
Optimal Engine Operation in a Multi-Mode CVT Wheel Loader
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Optimal Experimental Design : A Concise Introduction for Researchers / by Jesús López-Fidalgo
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (Lecture Notes in Statistics. ISSN:21977186 ; 226) - オンライン
Optimal Experimental Design for Non-Linear Models : Theory and Applications / by Christos P. Kitsos
1st ed. 2013.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Statistics. ISSN:21915458) - オンライン
Optimal Filtering : Volume I: Filtering of Stochastic Processes / by V.N. Fomin
1st ed. 1999.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1999) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 457) - オンライン
Optimal Filtering : Volume II: Spatio-Temporal Fields / by V.N. Fomin
1st ed. 1999.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1999) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 481) - オンライン
Optimal Flow Control in Manufacturing Systems : Production Planning and Scheduling / by O. Maimon, E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan
1st ed. 1998.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1998) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 18) - オンライン
Optimal Fractional-order Predictive PI Controllers : For Process Control Applications with Additional Filtering / by Arun Mozhi Devan Panneer Selvam, Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin, Rosdiazli Ibrahim, Kishore Bingi, Nagarajapandian M
1st ed. 2022.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (Studies in Infrastructure and Control. ISSN:27306461) - オンライン
Optimal Interconnection Trees in the Plane : Theory, Algorithms and Applications / by Marcus Brazil, Martin Zachariasen
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (Algorithms and Combinatorics. ISSN:21976783 ; 29) - オンライン
Optimal Investment / by L. C. G. Rogers
1st ed. 2013.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Quantitative Finance. ISSN:21927014) - オンライン
Optimal Long-Term Operation of Electric Power Systems / by G.S. Christensen, S.A. Soliman
1st ed. 1988.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1988) . -  (Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering ; 38) - オンライン
Optimal Mixture Experiments / by B.K. Sinha, N.K. Mandal, Manisha Pal, P. Das
1st ed. 2014.. - (New Delhi : Springer India : Imprint: Springer , 2014) . -  (Lecture Notes in Statistics. ISSN:21977186 ; 1028) - オンライン
Optimal motherhood and other lies Facebook told us : assembling the networked ethos of contemporary maternity advice
: The MIT Press , 2022 - オンライン
Optimal Periodic Control / by Fritz Colonius
1st ed. 1988.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1988) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1313) - オンライン
Optimal Predictive Control of Wheel Loader Transmissions
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Optimal Processes on Manifolds : An Application of Stoke's Theorem / by R. Nottrot
1st ed. 1982.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1982) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 963) - オンライン
Optimal Quadratic Programming Algorithms : With Applications to Variational Inequalities / by Zdenek Dostál
1st ed. 2009.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 23) - オンライン
Optimal Quantification and Symmetry / by Shizuhiko Nishisato
1st ed. 2022.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior. ISSN:25244035 ; 12) - オンライン
Optimal Scheduling of Combined Heat and Power Generation Considering Heating Grid Dynamics
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Optimal Sequence-Based Control of Networked Linear Systems
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Optimal Sequentially Planned Decision Procedures / by Norbert Schmitz
1st ed. 1993.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1993) . -  (Lecture Notes in Statistics. ISSN:21977186 ; 79) - オンライン
Optimal Shape Design : Lectures given at the Joint C.I.M./C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Troia (Portugal), June 1-6, 1998 / by B. Kawohl, O. Pironneau, L. Tartar, J.-P. Zolesio ; edited by A. Cellina, A. Ornelas
1st ed. 2000.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2000) . -  (C.I.M.E. Foundation Subseries. ISSN:29461820 ; 1740) - オンライン
Optimal Social Influence / by Wen Xu, Weili Wu
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2020) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Optimization. ISSN:2191575X) - オンライン
Optimal Stochastic Control Schemes within a Structural Reliability Framework / by Bernt J. Leira
1st ed. 2013.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Statistics. ISSN:21915458) - オンライン
Optimal Stochastic Control, Stochastic Target Problems, and Backward SDE / by Nizar Touzi
1st ed. 2013.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (Fields Institute Monographs. ISSN:21943079 ; 29) - オンライン
Optimal Stopping and Free-Boundary Problems / by Goran Peskir, Albert Shiryaev
1st ed. 2006.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2006) . -  (Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich) - オンライン
Optimal Stopping Rules / by Albert N. Shiryaev
1st ed. 2008.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2008) . -  (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability. ISSN:2197439X ; 8) - オンライン
Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local Refinement Application to GIS Data
: Springer International Publishing , 2023 - オンライン
Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local Refinement Application to GIS Data
: Springer International Publishing , 2023 - オンライン
Optimal Tourism Development
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimal Transport and Applications to Geometric Optics / by Cristian E. Gutiérrez
1st ed. 2023.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (SpringerBriefs on PDEs and Data Science. ISSN:27317609) - オンライン
Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians : Calculus of Variations, PDEs, and Modeling / by Filippo Santambrogio
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2015) . -  (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications. ISSN:23740280 ; 87) - オンライン
Optimal Transport : Old and New / by Cédric Villani
1st ed. 2009.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, A Series of Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics. ISSN:21969701 ; 338) - オンライン
Optimal Transportation and Applications : Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 2–8, 2001 / by Luigi Ambrosio, Luis A. Caffarelli, Yann Brenier, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Cédric Villani ; edited by Luis A. Caffarelli, Sandro Salsa
1st ed. 2003.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2003) . -  (C.I.M.E. Foundation Subseries. ISSN:29461820 ; 1813) - オンライン
Optimal Transportation Networks : Models and Theory / by Marc Bernot, Vicent Caselles, Jean-Michel Morel
1st ed. 2009.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1955) - オンライン
Optimal Unbiased Estimation of Variance Components / by James D. Malley
1st ed. 1986.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1986) . -  (Lecture Notes in Statistics. ISSN:21977186 ; 39) - オンライン
Optimal Urban Networks via Mass Transportation / by Giuseppe Buttazzo, Aldo Pratelli, Sergio Solimini, Eugene Stepanov
1st ed. 2009.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1961) - オンライン
Optimale Auslandsverschuldung Bei Potentiellen Schuldendienstproblemen
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Optimale Beschichtung von Laserspiegeln zur Erzeugung ultrakurzer Laserpulse
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2006 - オンライン
Optimale Besteuerung
: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group , 1983 - オンライン
Optimale Betriebsführung des Modularen Multilevel-Umrichters als Antriebsumrichter für Drehstrommaschinen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Optimale Finanzpolitik Im Modell Ueberlappender Generationen
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Optimale Prozessführung mit merkmalsbasierter Zustandsverfolgung
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
Optimale Regelung eines prädiktiven Energiemanagements von Hybridfahrzeugen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2015 - オンライン
Optimale Schattenpreise und Produktionsprogramme fuer oeffentliche Unternehmen
: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group , 1979 - オンライン
Optimale Trajektorienplanung für Automobile
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2017 - オンライン
Optimales Wachstum und Optimale Standortverteilung
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1962 - オンライン
Optimales Wachstum und Optimale Standortverteilung
: Duncker und Humblot Verlag , 1962 - オンライン
Optimality and Risk - Modern Trends in Mathematical Finance : The Kabanov Festschrift / edited by Freddy Delbaen, Miklós Rásonyi, Christophe Stricker
1st ed. 2010.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2010) - オンライン
Optimality and Stability in Mathematical Programming / edited by Monique Guignard
1st ed. 1982.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1982) . -  (Mathematical Programming Studies. ISSN:23648201 ; 19) - オンライン
Optimality Conditions: Abnormal and Degenerate Problems / by A.V. Arutyunov
1st ed. 2000.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 2000) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 526) - オンライン
Optimality : the second Erich L. Lehmann Symposium
: Institute of Mathematical Statistics , 2006 - オンライン
Optimality: The Third Erich L. Lehmann Symposium
: Institute of Mathematical Statistics , 2009 - オンライン
Optimierte Netzverträglichkeit von Gleichstrom-Schnellladesystemen durch aktive Netzbeeinflussung
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2016 - オンライン
Optimierung Anschlüsse an den 27. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2021 - オンライン
Optimierung Anschlüsse an den 27. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2021 - オンライン
Optimierung der Betriebsführung mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen : Ansatz für ein Gesamtmaschinenmanagement mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2010 - オンライン
Optimierung der Energieeffizienz zweibeiniger Roboter durch elastische Kopplungen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Optimierung der mechanischen vorreinigungsstufe kommunaler abwasserbehandlungsanlagen
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Optimierung der mechanischen vorreinigungsstufe kommunaler abwasserbehandlungsanlagen
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Optimierung der Tragfähigkeit von Zahnwellenverbindungen
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2022 - オンライン
Optimierung der Tragfähigkeit von Zahnwellenverbindungen
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2022 - オンライン
Optimierung des Bestehenden Kriminalstatistischen Systems in Deutschland: Empfehlungen der Arbeitsgruppe 'Optimierung des Bestehenden Kriminalstatistischen Systems' Unter Dem Vorsitz Von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heinz, Universitat Konstanz
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft , 2009 - オンライン
Optimierung des Selbst Konzepte, Darstellungen und Praktiken
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Optimierung des Selbst Konzepte, Darstellungen und Praktiken
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Optimierung des Selbst Konzepte, Darstellungen und Praktiken
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Optimierung des Verformungswiderstandes von Splittmastixasphalt durch Modifikation mit Elektroofenschlacke
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2009 - オンライン
Optimierung von Gesprächen in der professionellen Telefonie
: Frank & Timme, Verlag fürwissenschaftliche Literatur , 2017 - オンライン
Optimierung von Instandhaltungsstrategien bei unscharfen Eingangsdaten
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Optimierung von Instandhaltungsstrategien bei unscharfen Eingangsdaten
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Optimierung von Kathoden und Zwischenschichten für Polymersolarzellen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2010 - オンライン
Optimierung von PV-wechselrichtern im netzparallelbetrieb mithilfe analytischer verhaltens- und verlustleistungsmodelle
: Kassel University Press , 2015 - オンライン
Optimierung von PV-wechselrichtern im netzparallelbetrieb mithilfe analytischer verhaltens- und verlustleistungsmodelle
: Kassel University Press , 2015 - オンライン
Optimierung von Verfahren zur Lösung rechtsrelevanter Wissensprobleme in kritischen Infrastrukturen : Befunde im Smart Grid und technikrechtliche Empfehlungen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2018 - オンライン
Optimierungsanalysen und -ansätze des Planungs- und Schnittstellenmanagements vor Baubeginn im Vergleich zur baubegleitenden Planung
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Optimierungsanalysen und -ansätze des Planungs- und Schnittstellenmanagements vor Baubeginn im Vergleich zur baubegleitenden Planung
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Optimisation Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence
: IntechOpen , 2022 - オンライン
Optimisation-Based Scheduling of an Avionic System
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
Optimisation convexe et inéquations variationnelles monotones / by Jean-Pierre Crouzeix, Abdelhak Hassouni, Eladio Ocaña-Anaya
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (Mathématiques et Applications. ISSN:21983275 ; 89) - オンライン
Optimisation et contrôle stochastique appliqués à la finance / by Huyên Pham
1st ed. 2007.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2007) . -  (Mathématiques et Applications. ISSN:21983275 ; 61) - オンライン
Optimisation methods for solving a large-scale avionics scheduling problem
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
Optimisation Models and Methods in Energy Systems
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2019 - オンライン
Optimisation Models for Train Timetabling and Marshalling Yard Planning
: Linkopings Universitet , 2022 - オンライン
Optimisation of hysteretic losses in high-temperature superconducting wires
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2014 - オンライン
Optimisation of nutrient cycling and soil quality for sustainable Grasslands
: Wageningen Academic Publishers , 2005 - オンライン
Optimisation of off-Road Transport Missions
: Linkopings Universitet , 2018 - オンライン
Optimisation, Optimal Control and Nonlinear Dynamics in Electrical Power, Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Systems
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Optimiser les dépenses de santé / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Optimising Nutrition to Alleviate Age-Associated Functional Decline
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Optimising Russian Natural Gas : Reform and Climate Policy / International Energy Agency
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2006. - オンライン
Optimising Soilless Culture Systems and Alternative Growing Media to Current Used Materials
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Optimization / by Kenneth Lange
1st ed. 2004.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2004) . -  (Springer Texts in Statistics. ISSN:21974136) - オンライン
Optimization / by Kenneth Lange
2nd ed. 2013.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (Springer Texts in Statistics. ISSN:21974136 ; 95) - オンライン
Optimization : Algorithms and Consistent Approximations / edited by Elijah Polak
1st ed. 1997.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1997) . -  (Applied Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:2196968X ; 124) - オンライン
Optimization Algorithms - Examples
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Optimization Algorithms Methods and Applications
: IntechOpen , 2016 - オンライン
Optimization and Applications : 11th International Conference, OPTIMA 2020, Moscow, Russia, September 28 – October 2, 2020, Proceedings / edited by Nicholas Olenev, Yuri Evtushenko, Michael Khachay, Vlasta Malkova
1st ed. 2020.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2020) . -  (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues. ISSN:25122029 ; 12422) - オンライン
Optimization and Applications of Modern Wireless Networks and Symmetry
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Optimization and Approximation / by Pablo Pedregal
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (La Matematica per il 3+2. ISSN:20385757 ; 108) - オンライン
Optimization and Communication in UAV Networks
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimization and Control of Bilinear Systems : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications / by Panos M. Pardalos, Vitaliy A. Yatsenko
1st ed. 2008.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2008) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 11) - オンライン
Optimization and Control of Electrical Machines
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Optimization and Control Techniques and Applications / edited by Honglei Xu, Kok Lay Teo, Yi Zhang
1st ed. 2014.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2014) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 86) - オンライン
Optimization and Control with Applications / edited by Liqun Qi, Kok Lay Teo, Xiao Qi Yang
1st ed. 2005.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2005) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 96) - オンライン
Optimization and Data Analysis in Biomedical Informatics / edited by Panos M. Pardalos, Thomas F. Coleman, Petros Xanthopoulos
1st ed. 2012.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2012) . -  (Fields Institute Communications. ISSN:21941564 ; 63) - オンライン
Optimization and Data Science: Trends and Applications : 5th AIROYoung Workshop and AIRO PhD School 2021 Joint Event / edited by Adriano Masone, Veronica Dal Sasso, Valentina Morandi
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (AIRO Springer Series. ISSN:25237055 ; 6) - オンライン
Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications : ODS, Sorrento, Italy, September 4-7, 2017 / edited by Antonio Sforza, Claudio Sterle
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 217) - オンライン
Optimization and Decision Science : ODS, Virtual Conference, November 19, 2020 / edited by Raffaele Cerulli, Mauro Dell'Amico, Francesca Guerriero, Dario Pacciarelli, Antonio Sforza
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (AIRO Springer Series. ISSN:25237055 ; 7) - オンライン
Optimization and Decision Science: Operations Research, Inclusion and Equity : ODS, Florence, Italy, August 30—September 2, 2022 / edited by Paola Cappanera, Matteo Lapucci, Fabio Schoen, Marco Sciandrone, Fabio Tardella, Filippo Visintin
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (AIRO Springer Series. ISSN:25237055 ; 9) - オンライン
Optimization and Energy Maximizing Control Systems for Wave Energy Converters
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Optimization and Flow Characteristics in Advanced Fluid Machinery
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Optimization and Industry: New Frontiers / edited by Panos M. Pardalos, Victor Korotkikh
1st ed. 2003.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2003) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 78) - オンライン
Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism / edited by Marek Rudnicki, Slawomir Wiak
1st ed. 2003.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 2003) - オンライン
Optimization and Its Applications in Control and Data Sciences : In Honor of Boris T. Polyak’s 80th Birthday / edited by Boris Goldengorin
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 115) - オンライン
Optimization and Logistics Challenges in the Enterprise / edited by Wanpracha Chaovalitwongse, Kevin C. Furman, Panos M. Pardalos
1st ed. 2009.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 30) - オンライン
Optimization and Management in Manufacturing Engineering : Resource Collaborative Optimization and Management through the Internet of Things / by Xinbao Liu, Jun Pei, Lin Liu, Hao Cheng, Mi Zhou, Panos M. Pardalos
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 126) - オンライン
Optimization and Multiobjective Control of Time-Discrete Systems : Dynamic Networks and Multilayered Structures / by Dmitrii Lozovanu
1st ed. 2009.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2009) - オンライン
Optimization and Operations Research : Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the University of Bonn, October 2–8, 1977 / edited by R. Henn, B. Korte, W. Oettli
1st ed. 1978.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1978) . -  (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. ISSN:21969957 ; 157) - オンライン
Optimization and Optimal Control : Proceedings of a Conference held at Oberwolfach, November 17-23, 1974 / herausgegeben von R. Bulirsch, W. Oettli, J. Stoer
1st ed. 1975.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1975) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 477) - オンライン
Optimization and Optimal Control : Theory and Applications / edited by Altannar Chinchuluun, Panos M. Pardalos, Rentsen Enkhbat, Ider Tseveendorj
1st ed. 2010.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2010) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 39) - オンライン
Optimization and Regularization for Computational Inverse Problems and Applications / edited by Yanfei Wang, Anatoly G. Yagola, Changchun Yang
1st ed. 2011.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2011) - オンライン
Optimization and Related Fields : Proceedings of the G. Stampacchia International School of Mathematics, held at Erice, Sicily, September 17-30, 1984 / edited by Roberto Conti, Ennio de Giorgi, Franco Giannessi
1st ed. 1986.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1986) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1190) - オンライン
Optimization and Related Topics / edited by Alexander M. Rubinov, Barney M. Glover
1st ed. 2001.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2001) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 47) - オンライン
Optimization Approaches for Design of Congestion Pricing Schemes
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Optimization Approaches for Solving String Selection Problems / by Elisa Pappalardo, Panos M. Pardalos, Giovanni Stracquadanio
1st ed. 2013.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Optimization. ISSN:2191575X) - オンライン
Optimization-Based Configurators in the Product Development Process
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
Optimization Based Decision Support Tools for Fire and Rescue Resource Planning
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Optimization-Based Energy Management for Multi-energy Maritime Grids
: Springer Nature Singapore , 2021 - オンライン
Optimization-Based Energy Management for Multi-energy Maritime Grids
: Springer Nature Singapore , 2021 - オンライン
Optimization-Based Methods for Revising Train Timetables with Focus on Robustness
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
Optimization-Based Models for Measuring and Hedging Risk in Fixed Income Markets
: Linkopings Universitet , 2019 - オンライン
Optimization by GRASP : Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures / by Mauricio G.C. Resende, Celso C. Ribeiro
1st ed. 2016.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2016) - オンライン
Optimization, Control, and Applications in the Information Age : In Honor of Panos M. Pardalos’s 60th Birthday / edited by Athanasios Migdalas, Athanasia Karakitsiou
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 130) - オンライン
Optimization, Control, and Applications of Stochastic Systems : In Honor of Onésimo Hernández-Lerma / edited by Daniel Hernández-Hernández, J. Adolfo Minjárez-Sosa
1st ed. 2012.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2012) . -  (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. ISSN:23249757) - オンライン
Optimization for Decision Making
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimization for Decision Making II
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimization for Decision Making : Linear and Quadratic Models / by Katta G. Murty
1st ed. 2010.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2010) . -  (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. ISSN:22147934 ; 137) - オンライン
Optimization for Industrial Problems / by Patrick Bangert
1st ed. 2012.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2012) - オンライン
Optimization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences : ODS, First Hybrid Conference, Rome, Italy, September 14-17, 2021 / edited by Lavinia Amorosi, Paolo Dell’Olmo, Isabella Lari
1st ed. 2022.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (AIRO Springer Series. ISSN:25237055 ; 8) - オンライン
Optimization in Banach Spaces / by Alexander J. Zaslavski
1st ed. 2022.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Optimization. ISSN:2191575X) - オンライン
Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology : Local and Global Approaches / edited by Christodoulos A. Floudas, Panos M. Pardalos
1st ed. 2000.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2000) . -  (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications ; 40) - オンライン
Optimization in Control Applications
: MDPI AG , 2018 - オンライン
Optimization in Elliptic Problems with Applications to Mechanics of Deformable Bodies and Fluid Mechanics / by William G. Litvinov
1st ed. 2000.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2000) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 119) - オンライン
Optimization in Engineering : Models and Algorithms / by Ramteen Sioshansi, Antonio J. Conejo
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 120) - オンライン
Optimization in Large Scale Problems : Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 Applications / edited by Mahdi Fathi, Marzieh Khakifirooz, Panos M. Pardalos
1st ed. 2019.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2019) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 152) - オンライン
Optimization in Medicine / edited by Carlos J. S. Alves, Panos M. Pardalos, Luis Nunes Vicente
1st ed. 2008.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2008) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 12) - オンライン
Optimization in Public Transportation : Stop Location, Delay Management and Tariff Zone Design in a Public Transportation Network / by Anita Schöbel
1st ed. 2006.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 3) - オンライン
Optimization in Science and Engineering : In Honor of the 60th Birthday of Panos M. Pardalos / edited by Themistocles M. Rassias, Christodoulos A. Floudas, Sergiy Butenko
1st ed. 2014.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2014) - オンライン
Optimization Methods / by H. Tolle
1st ed. 1975.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1975) . -  (Universitext. ISSN:21916675) - オンライン
Optimization Methods and Applications / edited by Xiao-qi Yang, Kok Lay Teo, Lou Caccetta
1st ed. 2001.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2001) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 52) - オンライン
Optimization Methods and Applications : In Honor of Ivan V. Sergienko's 80th Birthday / edited by Sergiy Butenko, Panos M. Pardalos, Volodymyr Shylo
1st ed. 2017.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2017) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 130) - オンライン
Optimization Methods Applied to Power Systems
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Optimization Methods Applied to Power Systems: Volume 1
: MDPI AG , 2019 - オンライン
Optimization Methods Applied to Power Systems: Volume 2
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2019 - オンライン
Optimization Methods for a Stakeholder Society : A Revolution in Economic Thinking by Multi-objective Optimization / by W.K. Brauers
1st ed. 2004.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2004) . -  (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications ; 73) - オンライン
Optimization Methods for Structural Engineering / edited by Ishaan R. Kale, Ali Sadollah
1st ed. 2023.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (Engineering Optimization: Methods and Applications. ISSN:27314057) - オンライン
Optimization Methods in Electromagnetic Radiation / by Thomas S. Angell, Andreas Kirsch
1st ed. 2004.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2004) . -  (Springer Monographs in Mathematics. ISSN:21969922) - オンライン
Optimization methods in partial differential equations : proceedings from the 1996 joint summer research conference, June 16-20, 1996, Mount Holyoke College / Steven Cox, Irena Lasiecka, editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1997 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 209) - オンライン
Optimization Methods, Theory and Applications / edited by Honglei Xu, Song Wang, Soon-Yi Wu
1st ed. 2015.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 2015) - オンライン
Optimization Models in a Transition Economy / by Ivan V. Sergienko, Mikhail Mikhalevich, Ludmilla Koshlai
1st ed. 2014.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2014) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 101) - オンライン
Optimization Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory / edited by J. Kacprzyk, S.A. Orlovski
1st ed. 1987.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1987) . -  (Theory and Decision Library B, Mathematical and Statistical Methods ; 4) - オンライン
Optimization of adaptive test design methods for the determination of steady-state data-driven models in terms of combustion engine calibration
: Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin , 2022 - オンライン
Optimization of Behavioral, Biobehavioral, and Biomedical Interventions : Advanced Topics / edited by Linda M. Collins, Kari C. Kugler
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences. ISSN:21997365) - オンライン
Optimization of Behavioral, Biobehavioral, and Biomedical Interventions : The Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) / by Linda M. Collins
1st ed. 2018.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2018) . -  (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences. ISSN:21997365) - オンライン
Optimization of Biodiesel and Biofuel Process
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Optimization of Biodiesel, Methanol and Methane Production and Air Quality Improvement
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimization of Elliptic Systems : Theory and Applications / by Pekka Neittaanmaki, Jürgen Sprekels, Dan Tiba
1st ed. 2006.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Springer Monographs in Mathematics. ISSN:21969922) - オンライン
Optimization of Exercise Countermeasures for Human Space Flight - Lessons from Terrestrial Physiology and Operational Implementation
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Optimization of Heat and Mass Exchange
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimization of Hot-Electron Bolometers for THz Radiation
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
Optimization of Human Cancer Radiotherapy / by G.W. Swan
1st ed. 1981.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1981) . -  (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics. ISSN:21969981 ; 42) - オンライン
Optimization of in-line defect detection by eddy current techniques
: Kassel University Press , 2011 - オンライン
Optimization of Motion Planning and Control for Automatic Machines, Robots and Multibody Systems
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Optimization of Pharmaceutical Processes / edited by Antonios Fytopoulos, Rohit Ramachandran, Panos M. Pardalos
1st ed. 2022.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2022) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 189) - オンライン
Optimization of Polynomials in Non-Commuting Variables / by Sabine Burgdorf, Igor Klep, Janez Povh
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2016) . -  (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. ISSN:21918201) - オンライン
Optimization of Rotations in FFTs
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Optimization of Snow Removal in Cities
: Linkopings Universitet , 2023 - オンライン
Optimization of SQL Queries for Parallel Machines / by Wagar Hasan
1st ed. 1996.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1996) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 1182) - オンライン
Optimization of unit commitment and economic dispatch in microgrids based on genetic algorithm and mixed integer linear programming
: Kassel University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles : Expanding the Multidisciplinary Capabilities
: Linkopings Universitet , 2017 - オンライン
Optimization of Vehicle Structures under Uncertainties
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
Optimization on Low Rank Nonconvex Structures / by Hiroshi Konno, Phan Thien Thach, Hoang Tuy
1st ed. 1997.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1997) . -  (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications ; 15) - オンライン
Optimization on Metric and Normed Spaces / by Alexander J. Zaslavski
1st ed. 2010.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2010) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 44) - オンライン
Optimization on Solution Sets of Common Fixed Point Problems / by Alexander J. Zaslavski
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 178) - オンライン
Optimization, Optimal Control and Partial Differential Equations : First Franco-Romanian Conference, Iasi, September 7–11, 1992 / edited by V. Barbu, J.F. Bonnans, D. Tiba
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An Optimization Primer / by Johannes O. Royset, Roger J-B Wets
1st ed. 2021.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering. ISSN:21971773) - オンライン
Optimization Problems / by L. Collatz, W. Wetterling
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Optimization Problems in Graph Theory : In Honor of Gregory Z. Gutin's 60th Birthday / edited by Boris Goldengorin
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Optimization : Proceedings of the Fifth French-German Conference held in Castel-Novel (Varetz), France, Oct. 3-8, 1988 / edited by Szymon Dolecki
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Optimization, Simulation, and Control / edited by Altannar Chinchuluun, Panos M. Pardalos, Rentsen Enkhbat, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos
1st ed. 2013.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 76) - オンライン
Optimization, Simulation and Control : ICOSC 2022, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 20–22 / edited by Rentsen Enkhbat, Altannar Chinchuluun, Panos M. Pardalos
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2023) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 434) - オンライン
Optimization : Structure and Applications / edited by Charles E.M. Pearce, Emma Hunt
1st ed. 2009.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 32) - オンライン
Optimization Techniques : An Introduction / by L. R. Foulds
1st ed. 1981.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1981) . -  (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics. ISSN:21975604) - オンライン
Optimization Techniques : IFIP Technical Conference, Novosibirsk, July 1-7, 1974 / edited by G.I. Marchuk
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Optimization Techniques. Modeling and Optimization in the Service of Man 1 : Proceedings, 7th IFIP Conference, Nice, Sept. 8-12, 1975 / edited by J. Cea
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Optimization Techniques. Modeling and Optimization in the Service of Man 2 : Proceedings, 7th IFIP Conference, Nice, Sept. 8-12, 1975 / edited by J. Cea
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Optimization Theory / by Hubertus Th. Jongen, Klaus Meer, Eberhard Triesch
1st ed. 2004.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2004) - オンライン
Optimization Theory and Methods : Nonlinear Programming / by Wenyu Sun, Ya-Xiang Yuan
1st ed. 2006.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 1) - オンライン
Optimization theory and related topics : Israel mathematical conference proceedings, a workshop in memory of Dan Butnariu, January 11-14, 2010, Haifa, Israel / Simeon Reich, Alexander J. Zaslavski, editors. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c2012 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 568) - オンライン
Optimization Theory, Decision Making, and Operations Research Applications : Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium and 10th Balkan Conference on Operational Research / edited by Athanasios Migdalas, Angelo Sifaleras, Christos K Georgiadis, Jason Papathanasiou, Emmanouil Stiakakis
1st ed. 2013.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2013) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 31) - オンライン
Optimization Theory : Recent Developments from Mátraháza / edited by F. Giannessi, Panos M. Pardalos, Tamás Rapcsák
1st ed. 2001.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2001) . -  (Applied Optimization ; 59) - オンライン
Optimization, Variational Analysis and Applications : IFSOVAA-2020, Varanasi, India, February 2–4 / edited by Vivek Laha, Pierre Maréchal, S. K. Mishra
1st ed. 2021.. - (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer , 2021) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 355) - オンライン
Optimization with Multivalued Mappings : Theory, Applications and Algorithms / edited by Stephan Dempe, Vyacheslav Kalashnikov
1st ed. 2006.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 2) - オンライン
Optimization with PDE Constraints / by Michael Hinze, Rene Pinnau, Michael Ulbrich, Stefan Ulbrich
1st ed. 2009.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications ; 23) - オンライン
Optimization with PDE Constraints : ESF Networking Program 'OPTPDE' / edited by Ronald Hoppe
1st ed. 2014.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2014) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. ISSN:21977100 ; 101) - オンライン
Optimization—Theory and Applications : Problems with Ordinary Differential Equations / by L. Cesari
1st ed. 1983.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1983) . -  (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability. ISSN:2197439X ; 17) - オンライン
Optimization—Theory and Practice / by Wilhelm Forst, Dieter Hoffmann
1st ed. 2010.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2010) . -  (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology. ISSN:18675514) - オンライン
Optimized Packings with Applications / edited by Giorgio Fasano, János D. Pintér
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (Springer Optimization and Its Applications. ISSN:19316836 ; 105) - オンライン
Optimized Response-Adaptive Clinical Trials : Sequential Treatment Allocation Based on Markov Decision Problems / by Thomas Ondra
1st ed. 2015.. - (Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Spektrum , 2015) . -  (BestMasters. ISSN:26253615) - オンライン
An Optimized Translation Process and Its Application to ALGOL 68 / by P. Branquart, J.-P. Cardinael, J.-P. Delescaille, J. Lewi, M. Vanbegin ; edited by P.B. Hansen
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Optimizing Dual-Doppler Lidar Measurements of Surface Layer Coherent Structures with Large-Eddy Simulations
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Optimizing Exercise for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
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Optimizing Fault Tolerance for Real-Time Systems
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Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel® Cluster Tools
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Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel® Cluster Tools
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Optimizing Local Therapy for High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Evidence and Emerging Options
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Optimizing Massive MIMO : Precoder Design and Power Allocation
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Optimizing Miscanthus for the Sustainable Bioeconomy: From Genes to Products
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Optimizing photocatalysts and photoreactors for solar fuel synthesis
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Optimizing Plant Water Use Efficiency for a Sustainable Environment
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Optimizing the Delivery of Multiple Ecosystem Goods and Services in Agricultural Systems
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Optimizing the German Workforce
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Optimizing the German workforce : labor administration from Bismarck to the economic miracle
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Optimum Choice of Energy System Configuration and Storages for a Proper Match between Energy Conversion and Demands
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Optimum Composite Structures
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Optimum Design 2000 / edited by Anthony Atkinson, Barbara Bogacka, Anatoly A. Zhigljavsky
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Optimum Designs for Multi-Factor Models / by Rainer Schwabe
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Optimum utilization of renewable energy for electrification of small islands in developing countries
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Option assistierter Suizid Wann genug ist, entscheide ich
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option of an oil tax to fund transportation and infrastructure
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Option Prices as Probabilities : A New Look at Generalized Black-Scholes Formulae / by Christophe Profeta, Bernard Roynette, Marc Yor
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Option Theory with Stochastic Analysis : An Introduction to Mathematical Finance / by Fred Espen Benth
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Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights : a commentary
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The optional standard : a speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 28, 1876; also The conference report on silver, a speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 15, 1876 / by John P. Jones
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Options for meeting the maintenance demands of active associate flying units
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Options for Transition of Land Towards Intensive and Sustainable Agricultural Systems
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optique non linéaire et ses matériaux agelonde - complexe résidentiel de France télécom la londe les maures (var) du 29 juin au 11 juillet 1998
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Optische Antennen aus Al und Au: Anregungskonzepte und Einfluss der Oxidation
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Optische Magie : Zur Geschichte der visuellen Medien in der Frühen Neuzeit
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Optische Magie : Zur Geschichte der visuellen Medien in der Frühen Neuzeit
: transcript Verlag, , 2004 - オンライン
Optische Magie : Zur Geschichte der visuellen Medien in der Frühen Neuzeit
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Optische Oberflächensignalmessung mit Mikrolinsen-Detektoren für die Kleintierbildgebung
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2009 - オンライン
Optische und mechanische Messungen von elektrophysiologischen Vorgängen im Myokardgewebe
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2008 - オンライン
Optochemical biology
: Elsevier/Academic Press , 2019 - オンライン
Optoelectrical Imaging Methods for Organic Photovoltaic Materials and Moduls
: Linkopings Universitet , 2015 - オンライン
Optoelectronic Devices and Properties
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Optoelectronic Materials, Devices, and Applications
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Optoelectronic Nanodevices
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Optoelectronics - Advanced Device Structures
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Optoelectronics - Advanced Materials and Devices
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Optoelectronics Devices and Applications
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Optoelectronics Materials and Devices
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Optoelectronics - Materials and Techniques
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Optofluidic Devices and Applications
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Optofluidics 2015
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Optogenetic Tools in the Molecular Spotlight
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Optogenetics: An Emerging Approach in Cardiac Electrophysiology
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Opus restitutionum, usurarum et excommunicationum
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Opus restitutionum usurarum et excommunicationum / Francisus de Platea
Venice : Bartholomaeus Cremonensis , 1472 - オンライン
Opus septipartitum de contractibus
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Opuscules socialistes / par Ramón de la Sagra
Paris : Maulde et Renou , 1849 - オンライン
Opuscules sur la rente foncière / par Mathieu Wolkoff
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L'or au Moyen Âge
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or bleu des Seychelles : histoire de la pêche industrielle au thon dans l'océan Indien
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L'or des peintres : L'image de l'argent du XVe au XVIIe siècle
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Or et argent / par Henri Cernuschi
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Ora diremo di Napoli : i traffici dell'area campana nei manuali di commercio
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Oracle Bone Inscriptions from Huayuanzhuang East : Translated with an Introduction and Commentary
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Oracle Inequalities in Empirical Risk Minimization and Sparse Recovery Problems : École d’Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXVIII-2008 / by Vladimir Koltchinskii
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Oracles : containing some particulars of the history of Billy and Kitty Wilson : including anecdotes of their playfellows, &c. : intended for the entertainment of the little world
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Orações de Sapiência da Faculdade de Direito
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Oral and manuscript culture in the Bible : studies on the media texture of the New Testament, explorative hermeneutics
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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician
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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician
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L'oral aujourd'hui
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Oral Cancer
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Oral Cancer Current Concepts and Future Perspectives
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Oral Cancer: From Pathophysiology to Novel Therapeutic Approaches
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Oral democracy : deliberation in Indian village assemblies
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Oral Diseases
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Oral Health and Environmentally Related Factors Associated with General Health and Quality of Life
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Oral Health by Using Probiotic Products
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Oral Health Care
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Oral Health Care
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Oral health in the District of Columbia : parental and provider perspectives
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Oral health of Australian children : The National Child Oral Health Study 2012-14
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Oral history and the war : the Nazi concentration camp experience in a biographical-narrative perspective
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Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 1 Overview
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Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 1 Overview
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Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 2 The Movement
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Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 2 The Movement
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Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 3 Finding and Keeping a Job
: Springer Singapore , 2020 - オンライン
Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 3 Finding and Keeping a Job
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Oral Inflammations and Systemic Diseases
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Oral literature in Africa
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Oral literature in Africa
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Oral Literature in the Digital Age
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Oral literature in the digital age archiving orality and connecting with communities
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Oral literature in the digital age archiving orality and connecting with communities
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Oral Literature in the Digital Age : Archiving Orality and Connecting with Communities
: Open Book Publishers - オンライン
Oral Microbial Communities and Oral Health
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Oral Microbiology in Periodontitis
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oral microbiome in an ecological perspective
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Oral tradition and book culture
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Oralidades y escrituras kichwas
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Orange Chinook : politics in the new Alberta
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Orange Institution : report of the proceedings at Birmingham, of Prince Ernest's Lodge, 253, on the fifth of November, 1832 : Lieut.-Colonel Fairman, deputy grand master of the metropolitan district, and master of the metropolitan lodge, in the chair
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Dublin : R. Milliken , 1823 - オンライン
Orange vindicated in a reply to Theobald M'Kenna, Esq : with observations on the new and further claims of the Catholics as affecting the constitution and Protestant establishment
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L'orateur Démade : Essai d'histoire et d'historiographie
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Oratie van den Heer Cancelier Heyt, gedaen in beyde de Huysen des Parlaments, in Engelant tot Oxfort
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Oratien ofte diversche redenen, welcke den Hertogh van Hamelton (Grave van Cambridge), Henry Grave van Holland, ende Arthur Lord Capel op 't schavot tot West-munster gedaen hebben : op vrydagh zijnde den 19 meert, anno 1649 : midtsgaders de vermaninghen ende conferentien welcke de predicanten ... met hun op 't schavot hebben gehouden
Amsterdam : Gedruckt tot Londen voor Pieter Cole, Francis Tyton, en John Playford, ende nu tot Amsterdam by Jan van Hilten , 1649 - オンライン
Oratio anniversaria Harveiana : in theatro regii medicorum Londinensium collegii habita, ad diem XVIII octobris MDCCXXIII
Londini : Apud S. Buckley , 1724 - オンライン
Oratio de eligendo Summo Pont. sede vacante post obitum Alexandri VII : ad eminentiss. S.R.E. card. habita Romæ in Basilica Principis Apostolorum die ij Iun. MDCLXVII / a Stephano Gradio ...
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Oratio pro pauperibus, ut eis liceat mendicare / authore Christiano Cellario
Antuerpiæ : H. Petri , 1530 - オンライン
An oration / delivered before the Providence Association of Mechanicks and Manufacturers, April 8, 1822, being the anniversary of the election of officers, by Walter R. Danforth
[Providence, R.I.] : Published by request of the Association , 1822 - オンライン
An oration delivered at Cambridge, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of the Independence of the United States of America / by Edward Everett
Boston : Cummings, Hilliard, and Company , 1826 - オンライン
An oration delivered at Concord, April the nineteenth, 1825 / by Edward Everett
Boston : Cummings, Hilliard, and Co , 1825 - オンライン
An oration, delivered at Pittsfield, (Mass.) before the Washington Benevolent Society of the County of Berkshire, on the 4th July, 1812 / by William C. Jarvis
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An oration delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1824 / by Edward Everett
Boston : Cummings, Hilliard & Co , 1825 - オンライン
An oration delivered before the citizens of Charlestown on the fifty-second anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America / by Edward Everett
Charlestown : Wheildon and Raymond , 1828 - オンライン
An oration delivered before the democratic citizens of the county of Worcester, Worcester, July 4, 1837 / by Robert Rantoul
Worcester (Mass.) : Mirick & Bartlett , 1837 - オンライン
Oration delivered before the Pennsylvania State Society of Cincinnati, on the Fourth of July, MDCCCXI / by Nicholas Biddle
Philadelphia : C. and A. Conrad , 1811 - オンライン
Oration delivered before the Phi Sigma Nu Society, of the University of Vermont, Burlington, August 6, 1828 / by Jacob Collamer
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An oration delivered before the Providence Association of Mechanics and Manufacturers at their annual election, April 11, 1796 / by George Burrill
Providence : Printed and sold by B. Wheeler , 1796 - オンライン
An oration : delivered before the Providence association of mechanics and manufacturers, at their annual election, April 11, 1803 / by Asa Messer
Providence : Printed by J. Carter , [1803?] - オンライン
An oration delivered before the Trades Union of Boston and vicinity, on Fort Hill, Boston, on the fifty-eighth anniversary of American independence / by Frederick Robinson
Boston : C. Douglas , 1834 - オンライン
An oration delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, on Monday, July 4, 1831 : to which is annexed, an account of the celebration of the 55th anniversary of American independence, by the Union and State Rights Party / by the Hon. William Drayton
Charleston, S.C : W.B. Blain and J.S. Burges , 1831 - オンライン
An oration, delivered in the Independent or Congregational Church, Charleston : before the State Rights & Free Trade Party, the State Society of Cincinnati, the Revolution Society, the '76 Association, and several volunteer companies of militia, on the 4th of July, 1831, being the 55th anniversary of American independence / by Robert Y. Hayne
Charleston : Printed and published by A.E. Miller , 1831 - オンライン
An oration delivered on the anniversary of American independence, July 4, 1794, in Saint Michael's Church, to the inhabitants of Charleston, South Carolina / by David Ramsey [i.e. Ramsay] ...
London : Printed and sold by D.I. Eaton , 1795 - オンライン
An Oration describing the influence of commerce, on the prosperity, character & genius of nations ... and delivered on their anniversity, at ... Sept. 1, 1808 / by James Richardson
[S.l : s.n.] , 1808 - オンライン
An oration on the late General Washington : including a retrospect of his life, character, and conduct, from the commencement of his career in the glorious cause of American independence, to the period when he resigned his office as President of the United States ... / by John Gale Jones
2nd ed., rev and corr.. - London : Printed for W. Clark , 1825 - オンライン
The oration on the thirteenth anniversary of the American Institute : together with the list of premiums awarded at the fair at Niblo's garden / delivered by Cyrus Mason, at the Broadway Tabernacle, October 15th, 1840
[S.l : s.n.] , 1840 - オンライン
An oration pronounced at Cambridge before the society of Phi Beta Kappa, Agust 27, 1824 / by Edward Everett
Boston : O. Everett , 1824 - オンライン
An oration, pronounced on the 29th of July, 1829, after the funeral dirge of Doctor John Baptista Philip, who died on the 16th of June, 1829, in Trinidad / by a friend
[England : s.n , 1829] - オンライン
Orations of divers sorts, accomodated to divers places / written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent Princess, the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle
London : [s.n.] , 1663 - オンライン
Oratorio para Observador, Hombre Exhausto y Coro de Astronautas
: Ariadna Ediciones , 2019 - オンライン
Orb and sceptre : studies on British imperialism and its legacies, in honour of Norman Etherington
: Monash University ePress , 2008 - オンライン
Orbifolds in mathematics and physics : proceedings of a conference on mathematical aspects of orbifold string theory, May 4-8, 2001, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin / Alejandro Adem, Jack Morava, Yongbin Ruan, editors. ; online
online. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 2002 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 310) - オンライン
The Orbit Method in Geometry and Physics : In Honor of A.A. Kirillov / by Christian Duval, Laurent Guieu, Valentin Ovsienko
1st ed. 2003.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2003) . -  (Progress in Mathematics. ISSN:2296505X ; 213) - オンライン
The Orbit Method in Representation Theory : Proceedings of a Conference Held in Copenhagen, August to September 1988 / by Dulfo, Pederson, Vergne
1st ed. 1990.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1990) . -  (Progress in Mathematics. ISSN:2296505X ; 82) - オンライン
Orbital Effects in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
Orbital Integrals on Reductive Lie Groups and Their Algebras
: IntechOpen , 2013 - オンライン
Orbital remote sensing of coastal and offshore environments : A Manual of Interpretation
: De Gruyter, , 2019 - オンライン
Orbital remote sensing of coastal and offshore environments : A Manual of Interpretation
: De Gruyter, , 2019 - オンライン
Orbital remote sensing of coastal and offshore environments : A Manual of Interpretation
: De Gruyter, , 2019 - オンライン
Orchestrating Public Opinion: How Music Persuades in Television Political Ads for US Presidential Campaigns, 1952-2016. Vol
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Orchestrating Public Opinion: How Music Persuades in Television Political Ads for US Presidential Campaigns, 1952-2016. Vol
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Orchestrating Public Opinion: How Music Persuades in Television Political Ads for US Presidential Campaigns, 1952-2016. Vol
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Orchestration of an Immune Response to Respiratory Pathogens
: Frontiers Media SA , 2019 - オンライン
Orchid Biochemistry
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Orchid Biochemistry 2.0
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Orchid Genomics and Developmental Biology
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Orconnance [i.e. Ordonnance] du roi : concernant les monnaies d'or et d'argent
[Paris] : Imprimie [sic.] de Dmonville , [1830] - オンライン
Ord från norr Svensk skönlitteratur på den franska bokmarknaden efter 1945
: Stockholm University Press , 2022 - オンライン
Ordannance du roi François Ier., donnée à Villers-Cotterets, au mois d'août 1539 : registrée au Parlement le 6 septembre suivant : avec des notes et l'indication des ordonnances, edits, déclarations ... / par M. Boucher d'Argis
Paris : Chez Le Boucher , 1786 . -  (Suite de Recueil manuel contenant le tableau des successions ... ; t. 10) - オンライン
Ordannancie ende instructie naer de welcke voort-aen hen moeten reguleren die ghesworen wisselaers ofte collecteurs vande goude ende silvere penningen : wesende verboden gheschroyt te licht oft te seer versleten, ende oversulcx verclaert ende ghehouden voor biloen, daer toe gecommitteert om de selve te leveren inde munten van Sijne Majesteyt, ende al daer bekeert te worden in penninghen van hunnen slaghe
t' Antwerpen : By Hieronymus Verdussen ... , 1633 - オンライン
Orde van behandeling der zaken, den achterstand, van Frankrijk betreffende / bij de Algemeene Commissie van Liquidatie in 's Gravenhage
[S.l : s.n , 1819] - オンライン
Ordem imperial e aldeamento indígena : Camacãs, Gueréns e Pataxós no sul da Bahia
: Editora da UESC , 2018 - オンライン
Ordem Pública e Segurança Individual: Política e Polícia No Sertão de Pernambuco
: Universidade Federal de São Carlos , 2011 - オンライン
El órden natural y esencial de las sociedades políticas / traducido con notas por D. Justo Linda Calle y Zocrar
2nd ed.. - Valencia : Oficina de B. Monfort , 1823 - オンライン
Ordenaçam da defesados valudos [e] sedas
[Evora? : Alfonso Lourenço , 1535?] - オンライン
ordenaciones de la Universidad de Barcelona de 1638
: Editorial Dykinson , 2019 - オンライン
Ordenamento e desenvolvimento territorial
: Universidade de Coimbra , 2012 - オンライン
Ordenanza general de correos, postas, caminos y demas ramos agregados á la superintendencia general ...
Madrid : Imprenta real , 1794 - オンライン
Ordenanza que el rey ha mandado expedir para la aprehension de desertores, su fecha en buen-retiro à 10 de septiembre de 1754
Zaragoza : En la Impr. del Rey nuestro señor , [1754] - オンライン
Ordenanzas de el Colegio de Confiteros, Drogueros, y Cereros de la ciudad de Mataró
Mataró : Por J. Abadal , [1778] - オンライン
Ordenanzas de la ilustre Universidad y Casa de Contratación de la M.N. y M.L. Villa de Bilbao : aprobadas y confirmadas por las magestades de los señores. D. Felipe V en 2 de diciembre de 1737, y D. Fernando VII en 27 de junio de 1814
Paris : Rosa , 1829 - オンライン
Ordenanzas de la ilustre Universidad, y Casa de Contratación de la M.N. y M.L. Villa de Bilbao : (insertos sus reales privilegios) / aprobadas, y confirmadas por el Rey nuesttro señor don Phelipe Quinto (que Dios guarde) año de 1737
Bilbao : Reimpressas, por Pedro de Gayangos , 1760 - オンライン
Ordenanzas de la noble villa de Bilbao : las ordenanzas que tiene, usa, y guarda la muy noble y muy leal villa de Bilbao, confirmadas por Sus Magestades
Bilbao : Impressas por Antonio de Zafra y Rueda ... , 1711 - オンライン
Ordenanzas de la real renta de los naypes para éste reyno de Nueva España, y provincias de su comprension : que se administra de cuenta de Su Magestad
Mexico : Reimpresas en la Impr. nueva Madrileña del nuevo rezado de los herederos del Lic. Don J. Jauregui , 1787 - オンライン
Ordenanzas del gremio de tratantes en ropas usadas y todo menage de casa
Madrid : Impr. de Don Antonio Martinez , 1824 - オンライン
Ordenanzas formadas para el régimen y gobierno del Gremio de Alpargateros, Sogueros, Seroneros y Talegueros de la ciudad de Teruel, reyno de Aragon / aprobadas por el real y supremo consejo de Castilla
Madrid : En la Imprenta de la Administracion del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia , 1805 - オンライン
Ordenanzas para el govierno de la labor de monedas, que se fabricaren en la Real Casa de Moneda de Mexico, y demas de las Indias, en quanto fueren adaptables a esta : ministros, oficiales, y operarios que se han de ocupar : sueldos, que han de gozar ... con lo demas, que ha de observarse
[Spain] : Impresas de orden de S.M. en la Impr. del real y supremo Consejo de Indias , 1750 - オンライン
Ordenanzas para el govierno de la labor de monedas, que se fabricaren en la Real casa de moneda de Mexico, y demas de las Indias, en quanto fueren adaptables a esta : ministros, oficiales, y operarios que se han de ocupar, sueldos, que han de gozar ... con lo demas, que ha de observarse
Reimpressas en Mexico : Impr. de J.A. de Hogal , 1771 - オンライン
Ordenanzas para el prior y consules de la Vniversidad de los Mercaderes de la Ciudad de Sevilla
En Sevilla : Por Thomas Lopez de Haro ... , 1683 - オンライン
Ordenanzas que para el manejo y gobierno del apartado general de oro y plata en su nueva planta de cuenta de S.M / presenta al exmô. señor Virrey de Nueva España don Martin de Mayorga el superintendente de la Real Casa de Moneda de Mexico D. Fernando Joseph Mangino
Mexico : Por D. Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiveros , 1790 - オンライン
Órdenes religosas entre América y Asia ideas para una historia misionera de los espacios coloniales
: Colegio de Mexico , 2008 - オンライン
Ordenes y desórdenes en la selva central : historia y economía de un espacio regional
: Institut français d'études andines, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, FLACSO Ecuador , 1995 - オンライン
Order and Convexity in Potential Theory : H-Cones / by N. Boboc, G. Bucur, A. Cornea
1st ed. 1981.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1981) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 853) - オンライン
An order and declaration. Whereas the pay of His Majesties armies depends upon due satisfaction of the arrears of former assessments ....
London : Printed by Edward Husbands and Thomas Newcomb ... , [1660] - オンライン
Order and Potential Resolvent Families of Kernels / by A. Cornea, G. Licea
1st ed. 1975.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1975) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 494) - オンライン
Order and Security in Southeast Asia
: Taylor & Francis , 2006 - オンライン
Order and security in Southeast Asia : essays in memory of Michael Leifer
: Routledge , 2006 - オンライン
Order and security in Southeast Asia : essays in memory of Michael Leifer
: Routledge , 2006 - オンライン
Order and structure in syntax I
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
Order and structure in syntax I Word order and syntactic structure
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
Order and structure in syntax II
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
Order and structure in syntax II Subjecthood and argument structure
: Language Science Press , 2017 - オンライン
Order appointed to be executed in the Cittie of London for setting roges and idle persons to worke, and for releef of the poore
London : Printed from the original of 1587 , 1793 - オンライン
Order,Disorder and Chaos in Quantum Systems : Proceedings of a conference held at Dubna, USSR on October 17–21 1989 / by Exner, Neidhardt
1st ed. 1990.. - (Basel : Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1990) . -  (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. ISSN:22964878 ; 46) - オンライン
Order-disorder in hexagonal lattices / by Raymond Marie Ferdinand Houtappel
1st ed. 1950.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1950) - オンライン
The order for the Administration of the Loaves and Fishes, or, The Communion of corruption's host : commanded to be read at the Treasury the day preceding al cabinet dinners
London : Printed and Published by R. Carlile , 1817 - オンライン
An order from the House of Commons unto the sheriffes of each county respectively, for their true collection of the foure subsidies, and the other two subsidies to be payd accordingly
London : Printed for William Gay , 1642 - オンライン
An order made by both houses of Parliament, for the bringing in of corne, meale, or any other victuall whatsoever, into the severall ports of Dublin, Carrickvergus, Yongball, and London-Derry
London : Printed for Joseph Hunscott , 1641 [i.e. 1642] - オンライン
The order of equalitie : contriued and diuulged as a generall directorie for common sessements : seruing for the indifferent defraying, taxing, and rating of common impositions and charges lyable to citties, townes, or villages, that they may be done in some equall and proportionable order, for the benefit of the common-wealth : very necessarie for all persons to whome the execution and apprehension of this businesse appertains
[Cambridge] : Printed by Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls churchyard by Simon Waterson , 1604 - オンライン
An order of His Majesty in council dated the seventeenth day of December, 1746 : containing further rules, orders, and regulations, for the more effectual preventing the spreading of the distemper which rages amongst the horned cattle in this kingdom
[England? : s.n.] , 1746 - オンライン
An order of His present Majesty King George made in Council 30th of March, 1717, upon the following report of Sir John Fortescue Aland ....
London : Printed by John Baskett ... and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb and Henry Hills ... , 1717 - オンライン
An order of Parliament for thanks-giving : together with a declaration of the grounds and reasons of it
London : Printed by Edward Husband and John Field ... , 1650 - オンライン
An order of the High Court of Chancery, made by the right honourable the Lords Commissioners for the custody of the great seal of Great Britain, on the 26th of May, 1725
London : Printed by S. Buckley ... , 1725 - オンライン
An order of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning His Maiesties forrests, parks, and chases : commanded to be published in all parishes where they are
London : Printed for John Wright , 1642 - オンライン
Order, order! : a biographical dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives
: ANU Press , 2023 - オンライン
Order, order! : a biographical dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives
: ANU Press , 2023 - オンライン
Ordered Algebraic Structures : Proceedings of the Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures, Curaçao, August 1988 / edited by Jorge Martínez
1st ed. 1989.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1989) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 55) - オンライン
Ordered Algebraic Structures : Proceedings of the Curaçao Conference, sponsored by the Caribbean Mathematics Foundation, June 26–30, 1995 / edited by W.C. Holland, Jorge Martínez
1st ed. 1997.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1997) - オンライン
Ordered Algebraic Structures : Proceedings of the Gainesville Conference Sponsored by the University of Florida 28th February — 3rd March, 2001 / edited by Jorge Martínez
1st ed. 2002.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2002) . -  (Developments in Mathematics. ISSN:2197795X ; 7) - オンライン
Ordered Algebraic Structures : The 1991 Conrad Conference / edited by Jorge Martínez, W.C. Holland
1st ed. 1993.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1993) - オンライン
Ordered by both houses of Parliament that this table, which was first intended, be forthwith published : for that the former of this nature came forth imperfect without the knowledge of him that presented it, wanting its enlargement, rectification, description, and application, which together herewith by the said order is now also printed and published ...
[London? : s.n , 1642] - オンライン
Ordered Data Analysis, Modeling and Health Research Methods : In Honor of H. N. Nagaraja's 60th Birthday / edited by Pankaj Choudhary, Chaitra H. Nagaraja, Hon Keung Tony Ng
1st ed. 2015.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2015) . -  (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. ISSN:21941017 ; 149) - オンライン
Ordered fields and real algebraic geometry / [edited by D.W. Dubois and T. Recio]. ; online
online. - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , c1982 . -  (Contemporary Mathematics ; v. 8) - オンライン
Ordered Groups and Infinite Permutation Groups / edited by W.C. Holland
1st ed. 1996.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1996) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 354) - オンライン
Ordered groups and topology / Adam Clay, Dale Rolfsen
(Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , [2016]) . -  (Graduate Studies in Mathematics ; v. 176) - オンライン
Ordered Linear Spaces / by Graham Jameson
1st ed. 1970.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1970) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 141) - オンライン
Ordered Random Variables: Theory and Applications / by Muhammad Qaiser Shahbaz, Mohammad Ahsanullah, Saman Hanif Shahbaz, Bander M. Al-Zahrani
1st ed. 2016.. - (Paris : Atlantis Press : Imprint: Atlantis Press , 2016) . -  (Atlantis Studies in Probability and Statistics. ISSN:18796907 ; 9) - オンライン
Ordered Sets / by Egbert Harzheim
1st ed. 2005.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2005) . -  (Advances in Mathematics ; 7) - オンライン
Ordered Sets : An Introduction / by Bernd Schröder
1st ed. 2003.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2003) - オンライン
Ordered Sets : An Introduction with Connections from Combinatorics to Topology / by Bernd Schröder
2nd ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2016) - オンライン
Ordered Structures and Applications : Positivity VII (Zaanen Centennial Conference), 22-26 July 2013, Leiden, the Netherlands / edited by Marcel de Jeu, Ben de Pagter, Onno van Gaans, Mark Veraar
1st ed. 2016.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 2016) . -  (Trends in Mathematics. ISSN:2297024X) - オンライン
The Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators : Theory and Applications / edited by Ronald R. Yager, J. Kacprzyk
1st ed. 1997.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 1997) - オンライン
Ordering Block Designs : Gray Codes, Universal Cycles and Configuration Orderings / by Megan Dewar, Brett Stevens
1st ed. 2012.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2012) . -  (CMS Books in Mathematics, Ouvrages de mathématiques de la SMC. ISSN:21974152) - オンライン
Orders, Algorithms and Applications : International Workshop ORDAL '94, Lyon, France, July 4-8, 1994. Proceedings / edited by Vincent Bouchitte, Michel Morvan
1st ed. 1994.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1994) . -  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN:16113349 ; 831) - オンライン
Orders and directions : together with a commission for the better administration of iustice, and more perfect information of His Maiestie, how and by whom the lawes and statutes tending to the reliefe of the poor, the well ordering and training vp of youth in trades, and the reformation of disorders and disordered persons, are executed throughout the kingdome / which His Royal Maiestie hath commanded to be published and inquired of by the body of his Priuie Councell, whom he hath made principall commissioners for this purpose
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... and by the assignes of Iohn Bill , 1630 - オンライン
Orders and instructions for the management of the London-brewery
[London? : s.n , 1710?] - オンライン
Orders and regulations issued by the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales, for the guidance and government of the Board of Guardians of the Wangford Union
[England : s.n.] , 1835 - オンライン
Orders and resolutions of the Honourable House of Commons, on controverted elections and returns : determining the qualifications of candidates and voters, the rights of election for the several cities and boroughs ... the statutes in force concerning elections, are also pointed out under proper heads
The 2nd ed., with additions.. - London : Printed for J. Stagg, and D. Browne , 1736 - オンライン
Orders and rules for the Corporation of the Governor and Directors of the Hospital for the Poor French Protestants and Their Descendants Residing in Great Britain
London : Printed by J. Roberts ... , 1723 - オンライン
Orders and their Applications : Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, June 3-9, 1984 / edited by Irving Reiner, Klaus W. Roggenkamp
1st ed. 1985.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1985) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1142) - オンライン
Orders appointed by His Maiestie to be straightly obserued for the preuenting and remedying of the dearth of graine and other victuall
[London : Printed by Robert Barker , 1608] - オンライン
Orders appointed by His Maiestie to be straightly obserued, for the preuenting and remedying of the dearth of graine and victuall
Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ... , 1622 - オンライン
Orders appointed by His Maiestie to be straitly obserued, for the preuenting and remedying of the dearth of graine and victuall : With His Maiesties proclamation, declaring his royall pleasure and further commandment therein
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill , 1630 - オンライン
Orders appointed by His Majestie (King Charles I.) to be straitly observed, for the preventing and remedying of the dearth of graine and victuall : with His Majesties proclamation, declaring his royall pleasure and further commandement therein
Imprinted at London ; Reprinted at London : By Robert Barker, and by the assignes of John Bill : For Thomas Payne , 1758 - オンライン
Orders conceiued by the lords of His Maiesties Priuie Councell ... for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent ....
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... , 1612 [i.e. 1613] - オンライン
Orders conceiued by the lords of His Maiesties Priuie Counsell, and by His Highnesse speciall direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent : and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbs of London ... as by order to be prescribed by the lords lieutenants of all the counties of the realme ...
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... , 1603 [i.e. 1604] - オンライン
Orders conceiued by the lords of His Maiesties Priuie Counsell ... for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent ....
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... , 1610 [1611] - オンライン
Orders conceiued by the lords of His Maiesties Priuie Counsell ... for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent ....
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... , 1608 [i.e. 1609] - オンライン
Orders conceived by the lords of His Maiesties Priuie Councell ... for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent : and to be executed, aswell by the lord maior within the citie and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and about the same, as by order to be prescribed through all the counties of this realme, to the justices of peace, lords of liberties, and officers of corporate townes
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... , 1615 - オンライン
Orders conceived by the lords of His Maiesties Priuie Councell ... for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent : and to be executed, aswell by the lord mayor within the citie and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and about the same, as by order to be prescribed through all the counties of this realme, to the justices of peace, lords of liberties, and officers of corporate townes
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... , 1616 - オンライン
Orders in council : a report of the debate on the orders in council in the House of Commons on Tuesday, May 16, 1812
[S.l : s.n.] , [1812] - オンライン
The orders in council and the American embargo beneficial to the political and commercial interests of Great Britain / by Lord Sheffield
London : Sold by G. and W. Nicol , 1809 - オンライン
Orders in council, or, An Examination of the justice, legality, and policy of the new system of commercial regulations ....
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme , 1808 - オンライン
Orders in Council, or, An examination of the justice, legality, and policy of the new system of commercial regulations : with an appendix of state papers, statutes, and authorities
2nd ed.. - London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, and J. Ridgway , 1808 - オンライン
Orders in council, presented to the House of Commons by His Majesty's command
[London? : s.n , 1807] - オンライン
The orders of Council, and instructions for imposing the restrictions of blockade : and for regulating the navigation of the sea; and the importation and exportation of merchandize, in consequence thereof ...
[England : s.n , 1808] - オンライン
The orders of council, and instructions for imposing the restrictions of blockade and for regulating the navigation of the sea, and the importation and exportation of merchandize in consequence thereof : a brief view of the several provisions therein contained
[England : s.n.] , 1807 - オンライン
Orders, resolutions, and determinations of the Honourable House of Commons, on controverted elections and returns : determining the qualifications of candidates and voters, the rights of election for the several cities and boroughs, the nature of evidence proper on the hearing, disqualification by offices, bribery, treating, riots, &c ... the statutes in force concerning elections, are also pointed out under their proper heads
The 3rd ed., with additions, to the end of the last session of Parliament.. - London : Printed for J. Stagg, and D. Browne , 1741 - オンライン
Orders, resolutions, report, and proposals for, and relating to, the passing vagrants in the county of Surry
[S.l : s.n , 1760] - オンライン
Orders respecting the Davy lamps in use at South Hetton Colliery
[England : s.n.] , 1844 - オンライン
Orders, standing orders, and resolutions of the Honourable House of Commons : relating to their forms of proceeding, privileges, &c. &c. : collected out of the Journals, and digested under their several heads
[London : s.n.] , 1747 - オンライン
Orders, statutes and rules : made and set forth the 18th day of January, in the three and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth ... : to be observed and kept by the Governours of the lands, tenements, goods and possessions of the said Free Grammar School, as followeth / by me John Lyon
[S.l : s.n , 1801] - オンライン
Orders thought meet by His Maiestie and his Priuie Councell to bee executed throughout the counties of this realme in such townes, villages, and other places as are or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same : also an aduice set downe by the best learned in physicke within this realme containing sundry good rules and easie medicines ...
London : Printed by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ... , 1625 - オンライン
Orders, thought meete by His Maiestie and his Priuie Counsell, to be executed throughout the counties of this realme in such ... places as are ... infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same : also, an aduise set downe by the best learned in physicke within this realme ... for the preseruation of his good subiects from the plague before infection ...
Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... , 1603 - オンライン
Orders to be observed by a Society of Taylors [sic] : held at the house of Mr. Peter Marshall ... began December 31, 1787
[England : s.n , 1809] - オンライン
Ordinal Data Modeling / by Valen E. Johnson, James H. Albert
1st ed. 1999.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1999) . -  (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences. ISSN:21997365) - オンライン
An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the assessing of all such as have not contributed upon the propositions of both houses of Parliament, for raising of money, plate, horse, horsemen, and armes, for defence of the King, kingdome, and Parliament, or have not contributed proportionably according to their estates : with an explanation of the former ordinance ...
London : Printed for R.D , Decemb. 17, 1642 - オンライン
An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the assessing of all such as have not contributed upon the propositions of both houses of Parliament, for raising of money, plate, horse, horsemen, and armes, for defence of the King, kingdome, and Parliament or have not contributed proportionably according to their estates : with an explanation of the former ordinance ... likewise an ordinance of both houses of Parliament for the better provision of victuals and other necessaries for the Army ...
London : Printed for I. Wright ... , Dec. 1, 1642 - オンライン
An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising, maintaining, paying, and regulating of 3000 foot, 1200 horse, and 500 dragoons to be commanded by Sir William Waller : as serjeant major generall of the said forces, under His Excellency the Earl of Essex ... and all other forces raised ... in the associated counties of Southampton, Surrey, Sussex, and Kent ...
[London] : Printed for John Wright ... , Aprill 1, 1644 - オンライン
The ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons, for the assessing all such who have not contributed sufficiently for raising of money, plate, &c : with His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects upon occasion thereof
Printed by His Majesties command at Oxford : By Leonard Lichfield . , 1642 - オンライン
An ordinance and instructions to be observed by all the subjects of Holland and Westfriesland, and whom it may concern : drawn up and published by the states of the said countrys, concerning dues to be taxed upon recreations and divertisements, morning and evenings-draughts, &c
London : Printed by T.M. for Droman Newman ... , 1674 - オンライン
An ordinance declaratory of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the regulating of the excise upon flesh : viz., beeves, muttons, veals, porks, lambs, and other butchers meat kill'd for provision of victuals
London : Printed for Rich. Cotes and Joh. Raworth , [1644] - オンライン
The ordinance for tythes dismounted : from all mosaicall, evangelicall, and true magesteriall right / by that valliant and most victorious champion, the great anti-clergy of our times, his superlative holyness, Reverend young Martin Mar-Priest ...
Europe : Printed by Martin Claw-Clergy ... for Barthlomew Bang-Priest, and are to be sold at his shop ... , 1646 - オンライン
An ordinance of both houses of Parliament for the speedy raising and levying of money for the maintenance of the army raised by the Parliament, and other great affairs of the Common-wealth : by a weekly assessment up on the severall counties herein mentioned for two moneths beginning from the third day of August, 1643
London : Printed for Edward Husbands , August 4, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of Parliament concerning the subsidie of tonnage and poundage
London : Printed by T. Badger for Lawrence Blaikelock, and are to be sold ... , 1642 [1645] - オンライン
An ordinance of Parliament, concerning the subsidie of tonnage and poundage
London : Printed for Lawrence Blaiklock ... , 1642 - オンライン
An ordinance of Parliament concerning the subsidie of tonnage and poundage
London : Printed by T. Badger for Lawrence Blaikelock, and are to be sold ... , 1642 - オンライン
An ordinance of Parliament concerning the subsidie of tonnage and poundage
London : Printed for Lawrence Blaiklock, and are to be sold ... , 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lodrs [sic] and Commons assembled in Parliament for the contribution of the value of one meale in the weeke towards the charge of arming and forming into regiments the auxiliarie forces ... : and for the better execution of the severall ordinances of the militia within these parts and places, according to the tenor of the same ordinances, with the names of the treasurers of the severall divisions
London : Printed for John Wright ... , March 28, 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning a new excise upon allum, copperas, Monmouth-caps, and hats of all sorts : hopps, saffron, starch, and all manner of silkes or stuffes made in this kingdome, and many other goods and commodities imported, made, or growing in this kingdom, not formerly paying excise : for the present payment of such pressing debts as are due unto severall handicrafts men and other persons for armes, ammunition, and for other services of the state
London : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , July 10, 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning all brewers and makers of beere, ale, cider or perry : for payment of the excise imposed by an ordinance of Parliament before the delivering thereof, upon paine of forfeiture of double the value of the said commodities
London : Printed by Richard Cotes and John Raworth , 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the excise of tobacco ....
London : Printed by Rich. Cotes and Jo. Raworth , 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for a monethly charge and tax of two thousand eight hundred pounds upon the county of Lincoln, for the defence and safety of the said county
Printed at London : For Edward Husbands , April 8, 1645 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for advancing by way of a loane, the summe of fourty thousand pounds, for payment of Sir Thomas Fairfax armie
[London] : Printed by T.W. for Edw. Husband ... , 1645 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for an additionall excise or new-impost upon lead : gold, silver and copper thread; gold, silver and copper wyer; glassses; lynseed oyle, whale oyle, pilchard, and all other oyles made and spent in the kingdome; silkes; sope; woollen cloth; lamperns
[London] : Printed by Rich. Cotes and R. Raworth , [1645] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for and concerning one tenth part more of customes and subsidies, to be paid according to this ordinance : for the defence of the towns and ports of Plymouth, the Isle of St. Nicholas, the towns of Poole and Lyme, and places neer adjacent
[London] : Printed for Edward Husbands , November 20, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for charging and taxing a monethly rate of 300 pounds upon the county of Essex, for the safety and defence of said county : and to continue untill the first day of December next if this unnaturall warre shall so long continue
London : Printed for Edward Husband , Aprill 2. 1645 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for continuance of the excise of new impost for one whole yeer longer : to commence the 11. of September next, 1644
London : Printed by Rich. Cotes and Jo. Raworth , 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for continuance of the excise of new impost for one whole yeer longer : to commence the 11. of September next, 1644
London : Printed by Rich. Cotes and Jo. Raworth , 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for continuance of the subsidy of tonnage and poundage : together with the Book of rates, in full force and power from the 25 of March 1645 untill the 26 of March 1647 : also, for repealing and making void the ordinances of Parliament prohibiting the importation of currans
London : Printed for Laurence Blaiklock ... , 1644 [1645] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for mitigation of the excise upon strong-water
Printed at London : By R. Cotes and J. Raworth , 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for raising moneys to be imployed for the maintenance of the forces under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Knight
London : Printed for Edward Husband ... , March 23, 1647 [i.e. 1648] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for raising of fourscore thousand pounds by a weekly assessment through the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales, for the present relief of the British army in Ireland : and to continue for the space of twelve moneths, from the first day of September, 1644
London : Printed for Edw. Husbands , October 23, 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for raising of monies for the maintenance of such forces as are and shall be raised in the county of Salop for the service of the Parliament ....
London : Printed for Christopher Meredith ... , 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for removing obstructions in the sale of bishops-lands
London : Printed by R. Cotes for John Bellamy ... , 1647 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for removing obstructions in the sale of reversions of bishops lands
Imprinted at London : For John Wright ... , 1647 [i.e. 1648] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for securing of all those that shall advance two hundred thousand pounds for the service of England and Ireland : with the names of the trustees and treasurers for the raising of the same
London : Printed for John Wright ... , 1647 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the better security and incouragement of all and every such person and persons, bodies politique and corporate : as already have, or hereafter shall become, purchaser from the trustees of any mannors, lands, &c., late belonging to any arch-bishop or bishop within the realme of England or dominion of Wales : and the manner of ensuring the same to the purchaser, with the time limited for the perfecting of their conveyances
London : Printed by R. Cotes for John Bellamy , 1647 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the cutting and felling of wood within threescore miles of London : in such places and quantities as a committee to be appointed by both houses for that purpose shall thinke fit, for the better supply of the said city with fewell at reasonable rates, the poorer sort of every parish being to be first served, and after, the other degrees and rankes of people
London : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , Octob. 3, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the establishing certaine rules and instructions to be observed by the commissioners of excise : the auditors in taking their accompt, and others imployed about the collection of the excise
London : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , Septmeb. 2, 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the explanation of the weekely assessment in London : and that the city of London shall have the publike faith of the kingdome for the re-payment of 24000 li. for every 40000 li. that shall be monethly collected and paid in by the said city upon the said ordinance, for which the Lord Maior and aldermen onely are to be committees ...
London : Printed for John Wright ... , Aprill 13, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the inabling of Sir William Brereton, Baronet, one of the members of the House of Commons, speedily to put into execution the ordinances for the sequestration of the estates of papists and delinquents : the fifth and twentieth part, weekly assessment, and all other ordinances of Parliament, within the ... county and city of Chester ... : also allowing ... Sir William Brereton the personall estates of all papists and delinquents in and about London ... for the service aforesaid
[London?] : Printed for John Wright ... , March 29, 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the leavying of moneys by way of excise or new-impost : as well for the better securing of trade as for the maintenance of the army raised by the Parliament and payment of the debts of the common-wealth : wherein the said Lords and Commons have thought fit to alter the rates printed in a former ordinance and to impose other and lower charges upon the severall commodities herein expressed, as by a schedule hereunto annexed appeareth
London : Printed for Edward Husbands , Septemb. 11, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the leavying of moneys by way of excise or new-impost : as well for the better securing of trade as for the maintenance of the army raised by the Parliament and payment of the debts of the common-wealth : wherein the said Lords and Commons have thought fit to alter the rates printed in a former ordinance and to impose other and lower charges upon the severall commodities herein expressed, as by a schedule hereunto annexed appeareth
London : Printed by Richard Cotes and John Raworth , 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the maintaining of the forces of the seven associated counties under the command of Edward, Earl of Manchester
[London] : Printed for Husbands , May 14, 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the monthly taxing and leavying of the sum of two thousand eight hundred pounds : to continue from the first of July last, to the first of Ianuary next : for the maintenance of the garrisons of the county of Lincoln, and for the reducing of Belvoir and Newark to the obedience of the King and Parliament
London : Printed for Edward Husband ... , Aug. 12, 1645 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the more speedy satisfying the moneys lent upon the credit of the ordinances for sale of Bishops-lands
London : Printed by R. Cotes, for John Bellamy ... , [1648?] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the prohibiting the transportation out of the kingdom of England, Ireland, and Dominion of Wales, all wool, woolen-yarne, wool-flox, wool-fels, fullers-earth, clay, tobacco-pipe-clay, or any other earth or clay whatsoever : into any place or part beyond the sea, upon the penalties herein exprest : with an order of both Houses commanding that all wool of the growth of Ireland shall not be transported into any parts out of that kindome, except into England or Wales
Imprinted at London : For John Wright ... , 1647 [i.e. 1648] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising and levying of the monthly sum of one and twenty thousand pounds : towards the maintenance of the Scotish army under the command of the Earl of Leven : by a monthly assessment upon the severall counties, cities, and towns of the kingdom of England therein named
Printed at London : For Edw. Husbands , Feb. 24, 1644 [i.e. 1645] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising and securing of 42000 li. for the payment of the guards of the city of London : and for repayment of such poore persons as have voluntarily contributed any money, plate, &c. upon the propositions (not exceeding the sum of 10 li.) in the yeere 1642 and are not able to double the same : as also for explanation of the former ordinance for raising of 200000 li. for the service of this kingdome and the kingdom of Ireland
London : Printed for John Wright ... , 1647 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of 66666 l. 13 s. 4 d. by way of loane : for the better enabling of our brethren of Scotland for our assistance and defence in this common cause of our religion and liberty
London : Printed for Laurence Blaikelocke ... , Octob. 27, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of moneys for redemption of distressed captives
Printed at London : For Laurence Blaiklock , Jan. 30, 1644 [i.e. 1645] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of monies to be imployed towards the maintenance of forces within this kingdom, under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Kt : and for the speedy transporting of and paying the forces for the carrying on the warre of Ireland
London : Printed for John Wright ... , 1647 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the relieving of all persons over rated by the ordinance for weekly assessments ... : also, An order of the Commons in Parliament prohibiting the printing and publishing of any lying pamphlet scandalous to His Majesty, or to the proceedings of both or either houses of Parliament
London : Printed for George Lindsey , 1647 [i.e. 1648] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the repairing of churches and paying of all church-duties whatsoever : within the kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales
Imprinted at London : for John Wright ... , 1647 [i.e. 1648] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the selling of the lands of all the bishops in the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales for the service of the common-wealth : with the instructions and names of all the contractors and trustees for the speedy execution of the same
London : Printed for John Wright ... , Novemb. 18, 1646 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy raising and leavying of money thorowout the whole kingdom of England and dominion of Wales for the reliefe of the Common-wealth : by taxing such as have not at all contributed or lent, or not according to their estates and abilities
London : Printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop ... , May 11, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy raising and levying of money for the maintenance of the army raised by the Parliament and other great affaires of the common-wealth : by a weekly assessment upon the cities of London and Westminster and every county and city of the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales
London : Printed for Edw. Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop ... , 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy raising and levying of moneyes by way of excise or new-impost : upon severall commodities in the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales : which is for the maintenance of the forces raised for the defence of King and Parliament both by sea and land, and towards the payment of the debts of the common-wealth for which the publique faith is or shall be given
London : Printed for John Wright ... , Iuly 27, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy raising of monies : for compleating and maintaining the army under the immediate command of Robert, Earle of Essex, Lord generall of the forces raised by the Parliament : assessed in such manner as is within expressed
[London] : Printed for Edward Husbands , March 28, 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy supply of monies within the city of London and liberties thereof : for the reliefe and maintenance of the armies raised and to be raised for the necessary defence of the city and liberties aforesaid. Die Veneris, 18 August, 1643
Printed at London : By Richard Cotes , 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the true payment of tythes and other duties : and for continuance of an ordinance of the ninth of August, 1647
London : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , 1648 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the true payment of tythes and other such duties according to the lawes and customes of this realme
London : Printed for John Wright ... , 1644 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the upholding the Government and Fellowship of Merchants of England Trading in the Levant Seas : for the maintenance of clothing and woollen manufactures, the venting of lead, tin, and sundry other commodities of this kingdom ...
London : Printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop ... , March 11, 1643 [1644] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament goncerning [sic] the company of merchants trading into France
Imprinted at London : For John Wright ... , 1648 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that no wharfinger, woodmonger, or other seller of New-Castle coales within the cities of London and Westminster, or the suburbs thereof, shall, after the making hereof, sell any New-Castle coales above the rate of 23 s. the chaldron, and after the first of Aprill next above 20 s. at the most : and if any shall wilfully transgresse this ordinance they shall be committed to prison ... : and the Lord Maior and sheriffs of the city of London and Middlesex are hereby required to see this put in execution
[London] : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , Feb. 23, 1642 [1643] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament to inable the Right Honourable Edward, Earle of Manchester, to put into execution all former ordinances for sequestring delinquents estates : weekly assessments, the fift and twentieth parts, contribution for Ireland, and other ordinances for raising of monies within the associated counties of Northfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Ile of Ely, and city of Norwich
London : Printed by L.N. for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop ... , 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament whereby all vintners are required to bring in the money due for the half excise of all wines remaining in their hands at or before the eleventh of September last : according to two former ordinances of Parliament, of the eleventh of September and the first of October
London : Printed by Richard Cotes and John Raworth , 1643, Novemb. 8 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament whereby all vintners are required to bring in the money due for the half excise of all wines remaining in their hands at or before the eleventh of September last : according to two former ordinances of Parliament, of the eleventh of September and the first of October
London : Printed by Richard Cotes and John Raworth , 1643, Novemb. 8 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament whereby commissioners are appointed for the prevention of divers practises used of late by merchants and others : to deceive His Majesty and the Parliament of such customes and duties as are due and payable for all such goods and merchandizes as are imported into, or exported out of, this kingdome, and to stay all prohibited goods brought in and carried out contrary to the lawes : for performance whereof, power is hereby given to them, their deputies, factors, or servants, to search all or any cellors, vaults, ships, warehouses, or other places whatsoever within the Kingdom of England and dominion of Wales
[London] : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , Iune 2, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with instructions for the taking of the League and Covenant in the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales : together with the League and Covenant subscribed with the names of so many of the members of the House of Commons as have taken it
[London] : Printed for E. Husbands , [1644] - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with the names of the knights and gentlemen entrusted in every county to bring up a speedy account of the weekely assessment, and to returne the names of all such persons as refuse to pay : also the instructions agreed upon by both houses for the said gentlemen appointed for this service
London : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , May 4, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the speedy raising of fourteene thousand pounds : and furnishing of one or more magazine or magazines of armes and ammunition, and other necessarie charges, for and concerning the raising of horse, and other military forces within the hamblets of the Tower, the city of Westminster, the borrough of Southwarke, and other parts of the counties of Middlesex and Surrey ...
London : Printed by L.N. for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop ... , October 12, 1643 - オンライン
An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, for the constant reliefe and imployment of the poore, and the punishment of vagrants and other disorderly persons in the city of London and liberties thereof ... : as also inabling the several counties and corporations in the kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales, for the like relieving and regulating of the poore in their respective places
London : Printed for Iohn Wright ... , 1647 - オンライン
An ordinance to amend ordinance no. 18, of the year 1844, entituled "An ordinance to establish administrators-general in the colony of British Guiana" / British Guiana. (Court of policy)
[Georgetown?] : Printed at the Royal Gazette office , [1846] - オンライン
Ordinances of councils, and rules and regulations for the introduction of gas, and for extensions & alterations of gas fittings : together with the terms upon which the public will be supplied with gas / by the trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works
Philadelphia : Crissy & Markley , 1847 - オンライン
The ordinances of the mines of New Spain : translated from the original Spanish ; with observations upon the mines and mining associations / by Charles Thomson ...
London : Printed for J. Booth , 1825 - オンライン
Ordinancie, instructie, oft ondervvys daerop men sal verpachten, betaelen, ontgangen, ende bestrecken d imposten ende andere ongelt binnen desen lande van Brabant opgestelt : om te vervallene die commeren ende lasten vander bede van vijffhondert tvvee ende veertich duysent ponden artois tsiaers, tvvee iaeren geduerende, in plaetse vande x.e ende xx. e penningen
t' Antvverpen : Ghedruct by Christoffel Plantijn ... , 1570 - オンライン
Ordinantie ende placcaet van de Ertzhertoghen ... waer by verboden worde[n] alle vrempde copere munten : oock de stuyuers ende halue stuyuers van siluer gheslagen buyten de landen vande onderdanicheyt van Heure Hoocheden
t' Hantwerpen : By Hieronymus Verdussen ... , 1614 - オンライン
Ordinantie ons heeren des Coonincx soe die voortijden opte instructie der Key. Ma. nopende den thiensten ende twintichste[n] penninck inden jare xvc. liiij wtghegheuen is gheweest : ende achtervolgheude der welcker men hem sal reguleren : in die twee thiende ende eenen twintichsten penninck gheruert inde acte der dry staten van Braba[n]dt, vander daten xxvij dagen in julio, inden jaere xvc. lvjj
Ghedruct tot Louen ... : Bij mij, Keynier van Diest ... , 1558 - オンライン
Ordinantie placcaet s Conincx, ons gheduchts heeren, daer by te nieuten ghedaen is zeker voirgaende ordinantien aengaen[de] den coop vanden Francsche[n] wijnen : ghereserueirt van t' hertochdom van Bar en[de] Loreynen, ende toeghelate[n] de selue te vercoopene te[n] redelicke[n] prijse ...
Te Ghendt : By Ian den Steene d' aude ... , 1564 - オンライン
Ordinantie vande sout compagnnie in Denemarcken en Noorwegen
Tot Amsterdam : By Gerret van Goedesbergh ... , 1655 - オンライン
Ordinary and Delay Differential Equations / by R. D. Driver
1st ed. 1977.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1977) . -  (Applied Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:2196968X ; 20) - オンライン
Ordinary and Modular Representations of Chevalley Groups / by J. E. Humphreys
1st ed. 1976.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1976) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 528) - オンライン
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : Proceedings of the Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, 26-29 March, 1974 / edited by B.D. Sleeman, I.M. Michael
1st ed. 1974.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1974) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 415) - オンライン
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : Proceedings of the Eighth Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, June 25-29, 1984 / edited by Brian D. Sleeman, Richard J. Jarvis
1st ed. 1985.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1985) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1151) - オンライン
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : Proceedings of the Fifth Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, March 29-31, 1978 / edited by W. N. Everitt
1st ed. 1980.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1980) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 827) - オンライン
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : Proceedings of the Fourth Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, March 30 - April 2, 1976 / herausgegeben von W. M. Everitt, B. D. Sleeman
1st ed. 1976.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1976) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 564) - オンライン
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : Proceedings of the Seventh Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, March 29 - April 2, 1982 / edited by W. N. Everitt, B. D. Sleeman
1st ed. 1982.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1982) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 964) - オンライン
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : Proceedings of the Sixth Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, March 31 - April 4, 1980 / edited by W. N. Everitt, B. D. Sleeman
1st ed. 1981.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1981) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 846) - オンライン
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations : With Special Functions, Fourier Series, and Boundary Value Problems / by Ravi P. Agarwal, Donal O'Regan
1st ed. 2009.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2009) . -  (Universitext. ISSN:21916675) - オンライン
Ordinary and Stochastic Differential Geometry as a Tool for Mathematical Physics / by Yuri E. Gliklikh
1st ed. 1996.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 1996) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 374) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations / by William A. Adkins, Mark G. Davidson
1st ed. 2012.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2012) . -  (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics. ISSN:21975604) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations / by Wolfgang Walter
1st ed. 1998.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1998) . -  (Graduate Texts in Mathematics. ISSN:21975612 ; 182) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations : Analysis, Qualitative Theory and Control / by Hartmut Logemann, Eugene P. Ryan
1st ed. 2014.. - (London : Springer London : Imprint: Springer , 2014) . -  (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. ISSN:21974144) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations : Analytical Methods and Applications / by Victor Henner, Alexander Nepomnyashchy, Tatyana Belozerova, Mikhail Khenner
1st ed. 2023.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2023) - オンライン
Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems / Gerald Teschl
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c2012 . -  (Graduate Studies in Mathematics ; v. 140) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems / by Thomas C. Sideris
1st ed. 2013.. - (Paris : Atlantis Press : Imprint: Atlantis Press , 2013) . -  (Atlantis Studies in Differential Equations. ISSN:22146261 ; 2) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations and Mechanical Systems / by Jan Awrejcewicz
1st ed. 2014.. - (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer , 2014) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations and Operators : A Tribute to F.V. Atkinson. Proceedings of a Symposium held at Dundee, Scotland, March - July 1982 / herausgegeben von W.N. Everitt, R.T. Lewis
1st ed. 1983.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1983) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 1032) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations: Basics and Beyond / by David G. Schaeffer, John W. Cain
1st ed. 2016.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2016) . -  (Texts in Applied Mathematics. ISSN:21969949 ; 65) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations in Banach Spaces / by K. Deimling
1st ed. 1977.. - (Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer , 1977) . -  (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. ISSN:16179692 ; 596) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations in Rn : Problems and Methods / by Livio C. Piccinini, Guido Stampacchia, Giovanni Vidossich
1st ed. 1984.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1984) . -  (Applied Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:2196968X ; 39) - オンライン
Ordinary differential equations : qualitative theory / Luis Barreira, Claudia Valls ; translated by the authors
Providence, R.I : American Mathematical Society , c2012 . -  (Graduate Studies in Mathematics ; v. 137) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications / by Carmen Chicone
1st ed. 1999.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1999) . -  (Texts in Applied Mathematics. ISSN:21969949 ; 34) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications / by Carmen Chicone
2nd ed. 2006.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 2006) . -  (Texts in Applied Mathematics. ISSN:21969949 ; 34) - オンライン
Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications to Mechanics / by Mircea Soare, Petre P. Teodorescu, Ileana Toma
1st ed. 2007.. - (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer , 2007) . -  (Mathematics and Its Applications ; 585) - オンライン
Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940 : opening new archives, revisiting a global city
: Brill , 2018 - オンライン
Ordinary oralities : everyday voices in history
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2023 - オンライン
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa's St. Joe's Parish
: University of Ottawa Press , 2022 - オンライン
Ordinary Sudan, 1504-2019 : From Social History to Politics from below Volume 1 Volume 2
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH , 2023 - オンライン
Ordinary Sudan, 1504–2019
: de Gruyter , 2023 - オンライン
Ordinatie ende gebot onssaldergenadichsten heeren des Conincx, gemaect op tstuck vander collectatie, opheue, en[de] lichtinge vanden hondertsten penninck vande ruerende ende onruerende goeden : zijnder Conincklijcker Maiesteyt by de staten vande landen van herwertsouere geaccordeert
Geprint inde princelijcke stadt van Bruessel : By my, Michiel van Hamont ... , 1569 - オンライン
Ordinis ivridici prodecanvs Georgivs Henricvs Ayrer d. viri consvltissimi Ioh. Friderici Kobii Saxo-oobvrgensis svperiori anno merito svo gradvm doctoris adepti solemnia inavgvralia indicit : praemissa commentatione de Emendatione legali rei monetariae in Germania pertvrbatissimae
Gottingae : Typis Io. Henr. Schvlzii , [1761] - オンライン
Ordning hwareffter Kongl. Maitt. wil at then lille tullen som uppå sidsthåldne Ryksdagh aff menige Sweriges rijkes ständer samtyckt och bewiliat bleff ... then 6. decemb. ....
Tryckt ; Stockholm : Hoos Ignatium Meurer , 1622 - オンライン
Ordnung der Affekte : Frömmigkeit als Erziehungsideal bei Erasmus von Rotterdam und Philipp Melanchthon
: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt , 2017 - オンライン
Ordnung der Klänge : Das Wechselspiel der Künste vom Bauhaus zum Black Mountain College
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
Ordnung der Klänge : Das Wechselspiel der Künste vom Bauhaus zum Black Mountain College
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
Ordnung der Klänge : Das Wechselspiel der Künste vom Bauhaus zum Black Mountain College
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
Die Ordnung der Natur. Vorträge zu historischen Gärten und Parks in Schleswig-Holstein
: Hamburg University Press , 2009 - オンライン
Ordnung der Wèorter : Kognitive und lexikalische Strukturen
: De Gruyter, , 2019 - オンライン
Ordnung der Wèorter : Kognitive und lexikalische Strukturen
: De Gruyter, , 2019 - オンライン
Ordnung der Wörter: Kognitive und lexikalische Strukturen
: de Gruyter , 1995 - オンライン
Ordnung der Zukunft : Ästhetische Verfahren der Zeitmodellierung seit 1800
: De Gruyter, , 2023 - オンライン
Ordnung der Zukunft : Ästhetische Verfahren der Zeitmodellierung seit 1800
: De Gruyter, , 2023 - オンライン
Die Ordnung des Theaters: Eine Soziologie der Regie
: Walter De Gruyter Incorporated , 2013 - オンライン
Die Ordnung des Theaters: Eine Soziologie der Regie
: Walter De Gruyter Incorporated , 2013 - オンライン
Die Ordnung des Theaters: Eine Soziologie der Regie
: Walter De Gruyter Incorporated , 2013 - オンライン
Ordnung, Familie, Vaterland : Wahrnehmung und Wirkung des Ersten Weltkriegs auf die parlamentarische Rechte im Frankreich der 1920er Jahre
: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag , 2008 - オンライン
Ordnung, Familie, Vaterland : Wahrnehmung und Wirkung des Ersten Weltkriegs auf die parlamentarische Rechte im Frankreich der 1920er Jahre
: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag , 2008 - オンライン
Ordnung, Familie, Vaterland : Wahrnehmung und Wirkung des Ersten Weltkriegs auf die parlamentarische Rechte im Frankreich der 1920er Jahre
: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag , 2008 - オンライン
Ordnung, Statuten, vnd Edict Keiser Karols des Fünfften : publicirt in der namhafften Stat Brüssel in beysein Irer Maiestat Schwester vnd Königin, Gubernant vnd Regent seiner Niderland den vierden Octobris Anno Christi 1540
[Brussels? : s.n , 1540] - オンライン
Ordnung und Instruction wie sich sowohl die Ober- als Unter-Accisere als die Staabs-Beambte, Burgermeistere und Gericht des Hertzogthums Württemberg in Einzieh-Verrechnung und Administration des Accises zuverhalten haben
Stuttgardt : Gedruckt durch C.G. Rösslin , 1720 - オンライン
Ordnung und Katalogisierung eines Kupferstich-Kabinetts : Erfahrungen und Vorschläge
: Georg Andreas Reimer Verlag, , 2019 - オンライン
Ordnung und Katalogisierung eines Kupferstich-Kabinetts : Erfahrungen und Vorschläge
: Georg Andreas Reimer Verlag, , 2019 - オンライン
Ordnung und Katalogisierung eines Kupferstich-Kabinetts : Erfahrungen und Vorschläge
: Georg Andreas Reimer Verlag, , 2019 - オンライン
Ordnungen des Anderen : Zum Problem des Eigenen in der Soziologie des Fremden
: transcript Verlag, , 2002 - オンライン
Ordnungen des Anderen : Zum Problem des Eigenen in der Soziologie des Fremden
: transcript Verlag, , 2002 - オンライン
Ordnungen des Nationalen und die geteilte Welt : zur Praxis Auswärtiger Kulturpolitik als Konfliktprävention
: Transcript Verlag , 2018 - オンライン
Ordnungen des Nationalen und die geteilte Welt : zur Praxis Auswärtiger Kulturpolitik als Konfliktprävention
: Transcript Verlag , 2018 - オンライン
Ordnungen des Nationalen und die geteilte Welt : zur Praxis Auswärtiger Kulturpolitik als Konfliktprävention
: Transcript Verlag , 2018 - オンライン
Ordnungen im Wandel : Globale und lokale Wirklichkeiten im Spiegel transdisziplinärer Analysen
: transcript Verlag, , 2008 - オンライン
Ordnungen im Wandel : Globale und lokale Wirklichkeiten im Spiegel transdisziplinärer Analysen
: transcript Verlag, , 2008 - オンライン
Ordnungen im Wandel : Globale und lokale Wirklichkeiten im Spiegel transdisziplinärer Analysen
: transcript Verlag, , 2008 - オンライン
Ordnungsbildung und Erkenntnisprozesse
: Hamburg University Press , 2006 - オンライン
Ordnungspolitische Fragen zum Nord-Süd-Konflikt
: Duncker & Humblot , 1983 - オンライン
Ordnungspolitische Fragen zum Nord-Süd-Konflikt
: Duncker & Humblot , 1983 - オンライン
Die Ordnungspolitische Haltung Frankreichs Im Prozeß der Europaeischen Einigung
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven der Europaeischen Integration Im Spannungsfeld Von Wettbewerbs- und Industriepolitik
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven der europaeischen Integration im Spannungsfeld von Wettbewerbs- und Industriepolitik
: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers , 2018 - オンライン
Ordnungspolitisches Konzept der Regionalpolitik: Darstellung der Defizite und des Reformbedarfs der Regionalpolitik Am Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Ordo Ab Chao : Den Politiska Historien Om Biodrivmedel I Den Europeiska Unionen - Aktörer, Nätverk Och Strategier
: Linkopings Universitet , 2012 - オンライン
Ordo[n]nance faicte par la Court des monnoyes suyuant les lettres patentes du roy données à Blois le premier iour de feurier, mil cinq cens cinqua[n]tecinq : sur le cours & descry des monnoyes de billon, forgées es païs de Bearn aux coings & armes du roy de Nauarre
A Paris : Par Iean Dallier ... , 1556 - オンライン
Ordo[n]nance, statut, & permission de l'Imperiále M. des especes d'or & d'argent : publiée l'an M.D.xlviij, le xvif de juillet
Imprimé à Gand : Par Josse Lambert ... , 1551 - オンライン
Ordonance et permission sur le cours & pris des monoies d'or & d'argent : comme[n]çeant le XXV. de october M.D. LXXVI iusques a la S. Iehan suiuant. Copie / par le roy
A Douay : De l'imprimerie de Ian Bogard ... , 1576 - オンライン
Ordonna[n]ce des iuges deputez par le roy pour la police par laquelle sont faittes defenses à toutes gens de mestier, artisans, leurs femmes, seruiteurs & chambrieres de porter ne vser d'aucune soye en quelques habits qu'ils puissent auoir : & aussi à tous laboureurs, vignerons, & autres personnes demourans aux villages de porter drap de couleur, ne chausses bandees, dechiquetees, canetillees, arriere-pointees, ou autrement enrichies
A Paris : De l'imprimerie de Federic Morel ... , 1573 - オンライン
Ordonna[n]ce du descry des especes d'or & d'argent nouuellement faictes & forgees en Angleterre
On les vend à Paris : ... Par Estienne Roffet ... , 1546 - オンライン
Ordonna[n]ce du roy et de sa Court des monnoyes contenant les prys & poix, tant des monnoyes de France qu'estrangeres, d'or & d'argent : ausquelles ledict seigneur à donné cours & mise en son royaume, pays, terres, & seigneuries de son obeissance : auec le descry des monnoyes de billon estrangieres
A Lyon : Chez Anthoine du Rosne , 1560 - オンライン
Ordonna[n]ce faicte par la Court des generaulx des monnoyes sur le descry des mo[n]noyes rongnées : auec inionction à toutes personnes de poiser au trebuschet toutes especes d'or & d'argent qu'ilz pre[n]dront les vns des autres, sur les peines y contenues
A Paris : Par Iean Dallier ... , 1556 - オンライン
Ordonnance contenant les poix, pris, & cours des monnoyes : ensemble la forme des payeme[n]tz de toutes debtes, rentes, & rachatz d'icelles, & des contractz qu'ilz se passeront doresnauant par les notaires, auec les deffenses de ne faire & passer lesdictz contractz, sinon qu'a solz & liures
On les vend a Paris : Par Iean Dallier ... et ... chés Iean Ruelle , [1551] - オンライン
Ordonnance de Charles IX. Donnée à Orléans, au mois de janvier 1560 : avec l'indication des edits, déclarations, lettres-patentes, arrêts de réglemens, ou arrêts notables qui ont interprêté, restreint, étendu, changé ou abrogé quelques articles de ladite ordonnance, en tout ou partie, par M. Boucher D'Argis, conseiller au châtelet de Paris; des académies de Rouen Chaalons-sur-Marne, &c
Paris : Chez le Boucher , 1786 . -  (Suite du Recueil manuel, contenant le tableau des successions, ... ; t. 11) - オンライン
Ordonnance de la Court des monnoyes contenant defenses à toutes personnes d'exposer ou receuoir les escuz sol sinon pour cinquante solz tournois : & les escuz pistoletz pour quara[n]te huict solz tournois, suyua[n]t les lettres du roy nostre sire, lesquelles sont transcriptes apres ladicte ordonnance
A Paris : Pour Iehan Dallier ... , [1560] - オンライン
Ordonnance de la Court des monnoyes contenant descry de certaines grosses pieces d'arge[n]t forgées es pays de Flandres, Braba[n]t, & Holande aux coings, armes, & effigie du roy d'Espaigne : et autres pieces d'or & d'argent estrangeres, non ayans cours par les ordonnances du roy & de ladicte court : et inionctio[n] à toutes personnes de ne pre[n]dre aucunes pieces d'or ny d'arge[n]t sans poiser, & qui ne soient des poix contenuz esdictes ordonnances
A Paris : Pour Iean Dallier ... , 1558 - オンライン
Ordonnance de la marine du mois d'août 1681 : commentée & conferée sur les anciennes ordonnances, le droit romain, & les nouveaux reglemens
Paris : Chez C. Osmont , 1715 - オンライン
Ordonnance de la marine du mois d'août 1681 : commentée & conferée sur les anciennes ordonnances, le droit romain, & les nouveaux reglemens
Paris : C. Osmont , 1737 - オンライン
Ordonnance de la police contenant le taux & prix que les boullangers doiuent vendre le pain tant bis que blanc
A Paris : Par P. Mettayer ... , 1631 - オンライン
Ordonnance de la police tenue en la Chancellerie du palais à Paris le XVIII d'apuril, 1572, par les officiers & personnes deputez de Sa Maiesté : sur le pris, debit, & vente de diuerses marchandises : auec vn reglement sur le deuoir & salaire de plusieurs sortes d'ouuriers, manouuriers, & gents de mestier, des laboureurs, & vignerons
A Paris : De l'imprimerie de Federic Morel ... , 1572 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV. roi de France et de Navarre : donnée à Fontainebleau au mois de juin 1680 : portant réglement sur le fait des entrées, aydes & droits y joints : registrée en la Cour des Aydes de Paris le 21 juin 1680
Nouv. éd.. - Paris : Chez les Libraires associés , [1774] - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roi de France et de Navarre; donnée à Saint-Germain-en-Laye, au mois d'avril 1667 : avec l'indication des édits, declarations, lettres-patentes, arrêts de reglemens, ou arrêts notables qui ont interprêté, restreint, étendu, changé, ou abrogé quelques articles de ladite ordonnance, en tout ou partie
Paris : Chez LeBoucher , 1785 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roi de France et de Navarre, du mois de mai 1680 : portant réglement sur le fait des gabelles : registrée en la cour des aydes de Paris le 11 mai 1680
Nouv. ed. conferme a celle de l'Imprimerie royale in-4 ̊en 1750.. - Paris : Chez les Libraires associés pour l'impression des ordonnances des fermes , 1758 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roi de France et de Navarre, pour la marine, donnée à Fontainebleau, au mois d'août 1681 : avec l'indication des edits, déclarations, lettres-patentes, arrêts de réglemens, ou arrêts notables qui ont interprété, restreint, étendu, changé, ou abrogé quelques articles de ladite ordonnance, en tout ou partie
Paris : Chez Le Boucher , 1786 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roi de France et de Navarre, pour le commerce; donnée à Versailles, en 1673 : Suivie de 1669 et 1737, sur les ev́ocations, les réglemens de juges, les committimus, &c. en matières civile et criminelle
Paris : Chez le Boucher , 1785 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roi de France et de navarre, pour les matières criminelles, donnée à Saint Germain-en-Laye, au mois d'août 1670 : suivie de celle de Louis XV, donnée en 1737, sur le faux principal, incident et reconnoissance d'ecriture : avec l'indication des edits, déclarations, lettres-patentes, arrêts de réglemens, ou arrêts notables qui ont interprêté, restreint, étendu, changé, ou abrogé quelques articles desdites ordonnances, en tout ou partie
Paris : Chez le Boucher , 1786 . -  (Suite de Recueil manuel contenant le tableau des successions ... ; t. 5) - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roi de France et de Navarre, touchant les eaux et forêts : donnée à Saint Germain-en-Laye, au mois d'août 1669 : suivie de l'Edit du roi donné au mois de mai 1716, portant réglement sur les amendes des eaux et forêts : avec l'indication des edits, déclarations, lettres-patentes, arréts de réglemens, ou arrêts notables qui ont interprété, restreint, étendu, changé, ou abrogé quelques articles desdites ordonnances, en tout ou partie
Paris : Chez le Boucher , 1786 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV. roy de France et de Navarre, concernant la jurisdiction des prévost des marchands & echevins de la ville de Paris : du mois de décembre 1672
Paris : Chez Prault pere , 1768 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre, donné à Fontainebleau au mois d'aoust, 1681, touchant la marine
[S.l.] ; Suivant la copie imprimée a Paris : Chez Denys Thierry & Christophle Ballard , 1682 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre, donnée à Fontainebleau au mois d'aoust, 1681, touchant la marine
A Paris : Chez Denis Thierry ... , 1699 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV roy de France et de Navarre : donnée à Fontainebleau, au mois de juin 1680 : sur le fait des entrées, aydes, & autres droits y joints : registrée en la Cour des aydes le 21 juin 1680
Paris : Chez les libraires associez pour l'impression des ordonnances des fermes , 1714 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV roy de France et de Navarre : donnée á Fontainebleau, au mois de juin 1680 : sur le fait des entrées, aydes & autres droits y joints : registrée en la Cour des aydes le 21 juin 1680
Paris : Chez les libraires associés pour l'impression des ordonnances des fermes , 1735 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre, donnée à Paris au mois de mars, 1669 : concernant la jurisdiction des prevost des marchands & eschevins de la ville de Paris
A Paris : Chez Frederic Leonard ... , 1676 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV roy de France et de Navarre : donnée à Versailles, au mois de fevrier 1687 : portant reglement sur le fait des cinq grosses fermes : registrée en la Cour des aydes
Paris : Chez les libraires associez pour l'impression des ordonnances des fermes , 1714 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV roy de France et de Navarre : donnée á Versailles, au mois de février 1687 : portant reglement sur le fait des cinq grosses fermes : registrée en la Cour des aydes
Paris : Chez les libraires associés , 1735 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV roy de France et de Navarre : donnée à Versailles, au mois de juillet 1681 : portant reglement sur plusieurs droits de ses fermes, & sur tous en general : registrée en la Cour des aydes
Paris : Chez les libraires associez pour l'impression des ordonnances des fermes , 1714 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre, servant de reglement pour le commerce de marchands : donnée à Saint Germain en Laye, au mois d'avril 1673
Paris : Chez les associez choisis par ordre de Sa Majesté, pour l'impression de ses nouvelles ordonnances , 1755 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, sur le commerce : enrichie d'annotations et de decisions importantes / par Monsieur Philippe Bornier
Nouv. éd. augmentée des édits, déclarations & ordonnances, donnés par Louis XV, en interprétation de celles de Louis XIV ; & d'un très-grand nombre de notes.. - Paris : Par la Compagnie des libraires-associés , 1767 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XIV sur le commerce, enrichie d'annotations et de décisions importantes / par Philippe Bornier
Nouv. éd. augm. des édits, déclarations & ordonnances données par Louis XV, en interprétation de celles de Louis XIV, & d'un très-grand nombre de notes.. - Paris : Par le Cie. des Libraires-Associés , 1757 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louis XVI sur le commerce : enrichie d'annotations et de decisions importantes / par Philippe Bornier
Nouv. éd. augm. des édits, déclarations, & ordonnances, donnez par Louis XV, en interprétation de celles de Louis XIV, & d'un très-grand nombre de notes.. - Amsterdam : Aux dépens de la compagnie , 1749 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Louys XIV roy de France et de Navarre donnée à S. Germain en Laye au mois d'avril
A Paris : Chez les associez choisis par order de Sa Majesté pour l'impression de ses nouvelles ordonnances , 1667 - オンライン
Ordonnance de police par laquelle il est enioint à tous les boulengers, tant de gros que petit pain, d'y mettre leur marque & le nombre de liures qu'il pesera : comme aussi il leur est fait defenses de vendre la liure à plus haut prix qu'il n'est porté par la presente ordonnance, sur les peines y mentionnées : du sixiéme iour de mars, 1649
A Paris : Par les imprimeurs & libraires ordinaires du roy , 1649 - オンライン
Ordonnance de Sa Majesté portant défenses de s'assembler dans aucuns lieux ni quartiers que ce puisse être, & de tenir bureau pour les negociations de papier, à peine de prison, de trois mille livres d'amende &c., al'exception des agens de change seulement
Paris : Chez J. de la Caille , [1720] - オンライン
Ordonnance des archiducqz nos princes souverains pour le passage des moutons venantes des pays estrangers es prouinces de pardeça
A Bruxelles : Chez Hubert Anthoine ... , 1615 - オンライン
Ordonnance des iuges deputez par le roy pour la police, tendant à ce que le bois & charbon ne se vendent à plus haut pris qu'il est porté par les ordonnances cy deuant faittes : & portant inionction aux marchands de bois de faire amener en toute diligence le bois qui est sur les ports, aux crocheteurs, chartiers, & voicturiers de bailler leurs noms aux commissaires de leurs quartiers, & aux musniers & autres personnes d'amener leurs bleds & farines en la ville de Paris : auec defenses à toutes personnes de transporter aucuns vins hors ladicte ville & faulxbourgs
A Paris : De l'imprimerie de Federic Morel ... , 1573 - オンライン
Ordonnance du maire de la ville de Rouen : Police des inhumations
[Rouen : de l'Imprimerie d'Everat , 1802] - オンライン
Ordonnance du roi
[Paris] : Imprimerie de Stahl , [1830] - オンライン
Ordonnance du roi concernant des mesures provisoires à l'égard des fers étrangers importés en France
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
Ordonnance du roi Henry III, roi de France et de Pologne, sur les plaintes et doléances faites par les députéz des Estat de son royaume, convoqués et assemblez en la ville de Blois : données à Paris, au ois de mai 1579. Avec des notes et l'Indication des ordonnances, edits, dèclarations, lettres-patentes, arrêts notables, &c. / par M. Boucher D'Argis, Conseiller au Châtelet, &c
Paris : Chez Leboucher , 1788 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy, concernant la subordination & la discipline de la compagnie du prevost general des monnoyes à Paris : du 15. juin 1731
Paris : Imprimerie royale , 1731 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy concernant les deux & demi pour cent ordonnez par Sa Maiesté estre leuez pour l'entreteneme[n]t de la police : sur tous & chacuns les hosteliers, tauerniers, cabaretiers, & autres vendans tant en gros que menu, logea[n]s les passans voyageurs & seiournans par son royaume
A Rouen : Chez Martin Le Mesgissier ... , 1567 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy contenant le poids et prix des especes d'or & d'argent ausquelles ledit seigneur a permis auoir cours & mise en son royaume, pays, terres, & seigneuries de son obeissance : auec le descri, tant des monnoyes rongnées et legeres, que de certaines especes d'or et d'argent, et de billon estrangeres
A Caen : Par Estienne Thomas ... , 1568 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy contenant le pois & pris des especes d'or & d'argent ausquelles ledict seigneur a permis auoir cours & mise en son royaume, pays, terres, & seigneuries de son obeissance : auec le descry, tant des monnoyes rongnées & legeres, que de certaines especes d'or & d'argent & de billon estrangeres
A Paris : Par Iean Dallier ... , 1561 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy contenant le poix et pris des especes d'or & d'argent, ausquelles ledict seigneur a permis auoir cours & mises en son royaume, païs, terres, & seigneuries de son obeissa[n]ce : plus le descry, tant des monnoyes rongnées & legeres, que de certaines especes d'or & d'argent, & de billion estra[n]geres, do[n]t les pourtraictz sont cy deda[n]s inserez
A Lyon : Par Ambroise du Rosne , 1565 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy et de la Court des monnoyes sur le descry des angelotz neufz, ducatz à la marionnette, que de certaines especes d'or & d'argent estangeres : auec inionction à toutes personnes de poiser au au [sic] tresbuchet toutes especes d'or & d'argent
A Lyon : Par Ambroise du Rosne , 1565 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy et de sa Court des monnoyes co[n]tenant les pris & poix, tant des monnoyes de France que estra[n]geres, d'or & d'arge[n]t : ausquelles ledict seigneur a donné cours en son royaume, pays, terres, & seigneuries de son obeissance
A Paris : Pour Iean Dallier ... , 1558 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy et de sa Court des monnoyes contena[n]t les pris & poix, tant des monnoyes de France qu'estrangeres, d'or & d'arge[n]t : ausquelles ledict seigneur a donné cours en son royaume, pays, terres, & seigneuries de son obeissance : auec le descry des monnoyes de billon estrangeres au dessoubz de trois solz pieces ...
A Paris : Pour Iean Dallier ... , 1556 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy et de sa Court des monnoyes contenant les prix & pois des mon[n]oyes de France & estrangeres, d'or, d'arge[n]t & billon : ausquelles ledict seigneur a donné cours en son royaume, pays, terres, & seigneuries de son obeisance
A Paris : Pour Ian Dallier ... , 1555 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy et de sa Court des monnoyes portans deffences à toutes personnes d'exposer ny receuoir les escuz sol à plus hault pris que cinquante six solz piece : & les autres pieces d'or & d'argent pour les pris de l'ordonnance
A Paris : par Iean Dallier ... , 1574 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy nostre sire contenant deffence de commerce avec les prouinces rebelles
A Bruxelles : Chez Hubert Anthoine ... , 1625 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy nostre sire, contenant la deffence generale de tous dalers : ensemble la continuation de la moderation des aultres monnoyes d'or & d'argent, jusques à la s. Ian, XVC. soixante & quatre prochainement venant
A Gand : ... Par Henry van den Keere ... , [1563] - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy nostre sire par laquelle Sa Majesté deffend le transport des salpetres & pouldres : & donne reiglement sur leur recherche & ce qu'en depend
A Bruxelles : Chez la vefue de Hubert Anthoine ... , 1631 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy nostre sire suyant linstruction de Limperiale Mae. quant aux dixiesme & vingtiesme deniers accordez en l'an xvc. cincqua[n]te & quatre : selo[n] laquelle on se riglera es deux dixiesmes & vng vingtiesme deniers, mentio[n]nez en l'acte des troys estatz de Brabant, en date le xxvije. iour de iuillet l'an xvc. lvij
Imprime a Bruxelles : ... Par Michiel de Hamont ... , 1557 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy, portant reglement pour servir à l'etablissement de la nouvelle maniere de lever la taille personnelle suivant l'Arrest du 7 avril 1719 pour 1721
Rennes : Chez C. Vilvert , 1719 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy, pour défendre aux cavaliers, dragons & soldats des regimens qui sont dans les villes du dedans du royaume, d'y troubler la regie des fermes, comme aussi à tous particuliers de se dire, ni faire la fonction de vivandiers pendant que lesdits regimens y demeureront, sans néanmoins rien innover à ce qui est établi dans les citadelles, forts & châteaux du dedans du royaume, dans les places où il y a ordinairement garnison, ni dans les regimens suisses, qui sont à sa solde : du vingt-cinq avril 1717
Paris : Chez la veuve Saugrain & P. Prault , 1729 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy pour le reiglement general de ses monnoies : publiée à Paris en sa Court de parleme[n]t, le vendredy vingt & troisiesme iour de may, mil cinq cens soixante & douze
A Paris : Par Iean Dallier ... , 1572 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy sur l'abbreuiation des proces, et consignation de certaine somme de deniers par ceux qui plaideront : publié en la Court de parlement à Rouen, le septieme iour du mois de mars, 1563
A Rouen : Chez Martin Le Mesgissier ... , 1564 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy sur le faict de ses monnoyes
A Rouen : Chez Martin Le Mesgissier ... , 1568 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy sur le faict des monnoyes : par laquelle Sa Maiesté permet à tous ses subiects de mettre & exposer entre eux les especes de billon estrangeres, pendant le temps porté par icelle : auec plusieurs articles concernans le mesme faict
A Paris : Par Federic Morel ... , 1577 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy sur le faict, police, & reglement general de ses monnoyes
A Rouen : Chez Martin Le Mesgissier ... , 1577 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy sur le faict & reglement general de ses monnoyes
A Paris : Chez la veufue Nicolas Roffet ... , 1615 - オンライン
Ordonnance du roy sur les defences de tenir escolles, principaultez, colleges, ny lire en quelque art où science que ce soit, en public, priué, où en chambre : silz ne sont congneuz & approuuez estre de la religion catholicque & rommaine
[S.l.] ; Faict iouxte la forme & exemple imprimée à Paris : Par Guillaume de Nyuerd ... , 1570 - オンライン
Ordonnance et edict faict par le roy sur le faict, reiglement, & police de ses deniers & finances
A Paris : Par Vincent Sertenas ... , 1557 - オンライン
Ordonnance et instruction selon laquelle se doibuent conduire & regler doresenauant les changeurs ou collecteurs des pieces d'or & d'argent deffendues, rognées, legieres ou trop vsées : & moiennant ce declairees, & reputées pour billon, à ce commis & sermentez, pour estre liurées és monnoyes de Sa Maiesté, & conuerties en deniers à ses coings & ermes
En Anvers : Chez Hierosme Verdussen ... , 1633 - オンライン
Ordonnance et instruction suyvant laquelle de la part des trois estatz du pays & duché de Brabant l'on collectera, mectra à ferme, & cœuillera respectinement les moyens accordez & imposez pour le furnissement de l'ayde extraordinaire : promiés a Leurs Altezes par lesdicts sieurs estats pour le terme d'vn an enthier, en subside, payement & entretenement des garnisons & autres gens de guerre en Brabant
A Bruxelles : Par Rutger Velpius & Hubert Antoine ... , 1601 - オンライン
Ordonnance et liste du grand tollieu de Brabant, conduicte & droict des chevaux / faicte & dressée par le president & gens de la Chambre des comptes de Leurs Altezes en Brabant ensuite de l'ancienne coustume & diverses autres vieilles ordonnances & listes precedentes cy-devant observées pour la conservation des tollieux & droict de Leurs Altezes, ensuite de laquelle un chacun s'aura à regler & l'observer
A Bruxelles : imprimé chez Hubert Anthoine Velpius et reimprimé chez Eugene Henry Fricx ... , 1624 - オンライン
Ordonnance et reglement touchant la iouissance de la franchise des toulieux accordée aux bourgeois & habitans de ceste ville de Bruxelles
A Bruxelles : Chez Hubert Anthoine ... , 1627 - オンライン
Ordonnance faicte par le roy sur le cours & pris des especes d'or & d'argent & descry des monnoyes rongnées : publié á Rouen le quatriesme iour de feburier, mil cinq centz quarante neuf : auec l'arrest de la Court de parleme[n]t publie le vii. iour de feburier audict an
On les vend à Rouen : Par Iehan Mallard ... , [1549] - オンライン
Ordonnance & instruction faicte sur la leuée & collectatio[n] des moyens generaulx & impostz par les Estatz generaulx des pays de pardeça : accordées & mises par consentement & auctorisation du roy nostre sire pour l'espace de six mois sur diuerses especes de viures, buuraiges, fruictz, & marchandises. Pour parce entre aultres furnir à la necessité de la presente guerre, & ce qu'en depend
Imprimé en la ville de Bruxelles : Par Michiel de Hamont ... , 1577 - オンライン
Ordonnance, statut, & permission de l'Imperiále M. des especes d'aur & d'arge[n]t ayant cours au païs de par deça : publiée l'an M.D.xlviij, le xvif de iuillet
Imprimé à Gand : Per Iosse Lambert ... , 1552 - オンライン
Ordonnance sur le poix et pris des especes de mo[n]noyes d'or, que le roy veult & entend auoir cours en ses royaume, pays, terres, & seigneuries : auecques les pourtraictz de toutes lesdictes especes
A Paris : Par Pierre Haultin : Par Nicole Pleau, vefue de feu Estienne Roffet ... , 1549 - オンライン
Ordonnances concernant la Chambre des monnoyes & sa iurisdiction
A Paris : Chez C. Morel ... , 1631 - オンライン
ordonnances de l'hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne. Volume 3, Marie de Bourgogne, Maximilien d'Autriche et Philippe le Beau 1477-1506
: Peter Lang , 2019 - オンライン
ordonnances de l'hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne. Volume 3, Marie de Bourgogne, Maximilien d'Autriche et Philippe le Beau 1477-1506
: Peter Lang , 2019 - オンライン
ordonnances de l'hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne. Volume 3, Marie de Bourgogne, Maximilien d'Autriche et Philippe le Beau 1477-1506
: Peter Lang , 2019 - オンライン
Ordonnances de Louis XIV roi de France et de Navarre : du mois de may 1680 : portant reglement sur le fait des gabelles : registrées en la Cour des aydes
Paris : Chez les libraires associez pour l'impression des ordonnances des fermes , 1714 - オンライン
Ordonnances de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre, du mois de may 1680, portant règlement sur le fait des gabelles
Paris : Libraires associés pour l'impression des ordonnances des fermes , 1734 - オンライン
Ordonnances de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre, sur le commerce des negotians & marchands : données a S. Germain en Laye au mois de mars 1673
Jouxte la copie a Paris : Chez les associez choisis par ordre de Sa Majesté pour l'impression de ses nouvelles ordonnances , 1673 - オンライン
Ordonnances de Louis XV, roi de France et de Navarre, concernant les donations, de 1731; les testamens, de 1735; et les substitutions, de 1747ens, ou arrêts notables qui ont interprété, restreint, étendu, changé, ou abrogé quelques articles desdites ordonnances, en tour ou partie
Paris : Chez le Boucher , 1786 . -  (Suite de Recueil manuel contenant le tableau des successions, ... ; t. 8) - オンライン
Ordonnances du roi Charles IX, données à Rousillon, au mois de janvier 1563; et à Moulins, au mois de février 1566 ... et édit du même roi, donné à Amboise, au mois de janvier 1572 : avec des notes et l'indication des ordonnances, edits,déclarations, lettres-patentes, arrêts de réglement ou arrêts notables, &c. / par M. Boucher D'Argis
Paris : Chez Le Boucher , 1787 . -  (Suite du Recueil manuel contenant le tableau des successions, ... ; t. 13) - オンライン
Ordonnances du roy concernans la police generale de son royaume
A Rouen : Chez Martin Le Mesgissier ... , 1567 - オンライン
Ordonnances du roy contenant le descry des doubles & petitz deniers tournois neufz a la petite croix, portans en la legende Henricus, selon le protraict [sic] cy apres : publié a Paris a son de trompe, le vingt huictiesme iour de lanvier [sic], mil cinq cens cinquante deux
A Paris : Pour Iehan D'Allier ... , 1352 [i.e. 1552] - オンライン
Ordonnances du roy Henry III, confirmées par Henry IV et Louis XIII : contenant les statuts des maistres tissutiers, rubaniers, ouvriers en draps d'or, d'argent & soye, tissus, rubans & passements aussi d'or & d'argent, soye, fleuret, filozelle, laine, fil & cotton & autres ouvrages faits tant en la grande que petite navette, haute & basse lice, tant large qu'étroite, de la ville, cité & fauxbourgs & banlieuë de Paris : avec les arrests & reglemens, tant du Conseil que du Parlement & Chastelet
Paris : Chez L. Mazuel , 1722 - オンライン
Ordonnances du roy sur le faict de la gendarmerie
A Rouen : Chez Martin le Mesgissier ... , 1566 - オンライン
Ordonnances du roy sur le fait des deffenses de porter pistolles, pistollets, harquebuzes, & autres bastons à feublables sortes d'allumelles
A Rouen : Chez Martin Le Mesgissier ... , 1567 - オンライン
Ordonnances ecclésiastiques de l'Église de Genève
Genève : Frères Detournes , 1735 - オンライン
Ordonnances et règlemens concernant la marine
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Royale , 1786 - オンライン
Ordonnances faictes par le roy sur les remonstrances & requestes des deleguez des estats de son royaulme : en la conuocation & assemblée d'iceux faite & co[n]tinuée en la ville d'Orleans, après le deces du roy Francoys Seco[n]d en l'an mil cinq cens soixante. Auec l'arrest de la Court de parlement contena[n]t les modifications ... de ladicte Court sur plusieurs articles desdictes ordonnances
A Rouen : Chez Martin Le Mesgissier ... , 1570 - オンライン
Ordonnances, loix, statutz, & edictz royaulx de tous les roys de France, depuys le regne sainct Loys iusques au roy Henry, second de ce nom / digestes et reduictes a la forme du droict imperial & ciuil ... par Maistre Pierre Rebuffi ...
A Lyon : En la rue Merciere, à l'enseigne de la salamandre , 1547 - オンライン
Ordonnances, privileges, franchises, et assistances octroyez & concedez : par les tres-hauts & puissans seigneurs, les Estats Generaux des Prouinces Vnies du Pays-Bas, a la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales, par leurs edicts du 9 iuin, 1621, 10 iuin, 1622, & l'ampliation du 21 iuin, 1623
A Paris : Pour Iean Anthoine Ioallin ... , 1623 - オンライン
Ordonnances, reglemens, et statuts des arts et metiers de la cité royale de Besançon
A Besançon : Chés Louis Rigoine ... , 1689 - オンライン
Ordonnances somptuaires de la republique de Geneve concernant les habits, ameublemens, mariages, &c : revûes & approuvées en avril M.DCC.XXV
Geneve : Chez G. de Tournes , 1725 - オンライン
Ordonnances, statuts et reglements des Marchands de vins, de la ville & fauxbourgs de Paris
Paris : Impr. de J. Vincent , 1732 - オンライン
Ordonnances, statuts, privileges et reglemens accordez par les ducs de Lorraine aux marchands juges consuls dudit duché
Nancy : Impr. d'A.-D. Cusson , 1743 - オンライン
Ordonnances sur le faict des monnoyes, estat, & regle des officiers d'icelles : auec le pourtraict de toutes les especes de monnoye que le roy veult & entend auoir cours en son royaume
A Paris : Pour Iean Dalier ... , 1540 - オンライン
Ordonnantie Albertine op de policie ende administratie vande goederen ende inne-komen der stadt Antwerpen ende het ghene daer af dependeert : vermeerdert met de additien ende veranderinghen op de selve ghevolght den XXIV. januarij MDCXXI, ende het reglement provisioneel ende additioneel tot de selve ordonnantie Albertine op den XII december, MDCLIII ...
t' Antwerpen : By Petrus Jouret ... , 1720 - オンライン
Ordonnantie des Coninghs, op het generael reglement van sijne munte
t' Antwerpen : By Hieronymus Verdussen ... , 1652 - オンライン
Ordonnantie des Koninghs, onser ghenadighsten Heere ende Prince, op 't stuck vande wacht soo vande gulden als vande borgherlijcke vendelen der stadt van Antwerpen
t' Antwerpen : Inde plantiinsche druckeriie , 1623 - オンライン
Ordonnantie en[de] instructie gemaeckt en[de] vuytgegeuen, opden ontfanck en[de] collectatie vande generale middelen en[de] imposten : byde gemeyne staten vande lande[n] van herwertsouere : geaccordeert en[de] gestelt, by willecore[n] en[de] auctorizatie Onss Heeren des Conincx ... op diuersche specien van eetlijcke en[de] drinckelijcke waren, vruchte[n] ende comenschapen ...
Gheprint inde princelijcke stadt van Bruessele : By my, Michiel van Hamont ... , 1576 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ende instructie daer op Syne Maiesteyt heeft gheconsenteert, aende dry staeten des landts, ende hertochdoms van Brabant, te lichten vier guldens op elck aeme vvyns incomende in Brabant : ende thien stuyuers op elcke mudde tervve, maet van Louen, die verbacken sal vvorden ...
Tot Brussel : By Huybrecht Anthoon ... , 1625 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ende instructie daer opmen van vvegen die dry staeten des lants ende hertochdoms van Brabant collecteren, verpachten, en[de] innen sal : respectiue de middelen geaccordeert ende opghestelt tot furnissemente ... voor den tyt van eenen geheelen iaere, in betaelinge ende tot onderstande vande ordinarise garnisoenen in Brabant, ende anderen volcke van oorloghe
Tot Brussel : By Rutgeert Velpius ... , 1601 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ende liste ons heeren des Conincx, op het lichten ende ontfanck van synen Zeeuschen thol binnen syne stadt van Antwerpen
Tot Bruessel : By Huybrecht Anthoon ... , 1623 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ende liste vanden grooten Brabantschen swygenden lanthol, gheleyde ende peert-ghelde / ghemaeckt ende ghedresseert by den president ende luyden van haere Hoocheden Rekencamere in Brabant ; volghende d' out hercommen ende verschyden andere oude voorgaende ordonnantien ende listen ...
Tot Brussel : By de wedue Huybrecht Anthoon ... , 1630 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ende placcaet Ons Heere[n] des Conincx, op t' feyt vander munte loop hebbende inde landen van herwaertsouere : ende dat by forme van tollerantie ter tijt ende wijlen toe andersins sal worden gheordineert
t' Hantwerpen ... : By de weduwe van Guilliaem van Parijs , 1587 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ende willekeuren, by den heeren vande gherechte der stadt Amstelredamme, ghemaeckt op tstuck vande asseurantie
Ghedruct t' Amstelredam : By Barendt Adriaensz. ... , 1598 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ons heeren des Conincx by welcke Zijne Majesteyt verbiedt het verdueren vanden salpeter ende buspoyer : ende gheeft reglement op de ondersoeckinghe van diers, ende t' ghene daer aen cleeft
Tot Brussel : By Huybrecht Anthoon ... , 1630 - オンライン
Ordonnantie ons Heeren des Conincx, nopende het vuytvoeren ende passagie vande peerden, veulens, ende merrien
Tot Brussel : By Huybrecht Anthoon ... , 1622 - オンライン
Ordonnantie voor alle trafiquerende in Noorwegen : met Zijn Kon. Maj. opene brief van de generael tollenaer : waer naer een yeder op Noorwegen handelende hem heeft te reguleeren
[S.l : s.n.] , 1650 - オンライン
Ordonnantie, waar na by forme van collecte, in de stad en steden dezer provintie, en de vryheden van dien, geheven en ge-int zal worden den impost op de zeep, met het zegel van dien : mitsgaders den impost op de zooy van de zeep : gearresteerte den 18. february 1750
Utrecht : Gedrukt by Willem Jan Reers ... , 1750 - オンライン
Ordonnantie, waar na by forme van collecte zal worden geheven de impost op het zout : met het zegel van dien : gearresteert den 18. february 1750
Utrecht : Gedrukt by Willem Jan Reers ... , 1750 - オンライン
Ordonnantie waar naar by collecte zal worden geheven de impost op de wynen en wyn-edik, met het zegel van dien, over de stad en steden van de provincie van Utrecht, en der zelver vryheden : Gearresteert den 31. December 1749
Utrecht : W.J. Reers , 1750 - オンライン
Ordonnantie, waar naar by forme van collecte van de in- en opgesetenen der stad en steden van de provintie van Utrecht, met derselver vryheden, zal worden gevordert de impost op de slagerye van't beestiaal : met het zegel van dien, als mede de impost genaamt de twaalfde penning : gearresteert den 31. december 1749
Utrecht : Gedrukt by Willem Jan Reers ... , 1750 - オンライン
Ordonner et partager la ville : XVIIe-XIXe siècle
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2011 - オンライン
L'Ordre almohade (1120-1269) : Une nouvelle lecture anthropologique
: Presses universitaires du Midi , 2014 - オンライン
Ordre des faits relatifs à des fers de Suède : devenus propriété franc̜aise depuis quatre années ...
[France : s.n , 1814] - オンライン
L'Ordre des mots
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 2009 - オンライン
L'ordre du jour : questions sociales : 1. où nous en sommes, 2. où nous allons, 3. réformes possibles ... / par François Ducuing
Paris : Garnier , 1848 - オンライン
Ordre et instruction concernant les comptes des Cinq Grosses Fermes : du quinziéme juin 1720
Paris : Chez la veuve Saugrain & P. Prault , [1720] - オンライン
L'ordre Juridique International Entre Tradition et Innovation: Recueil D'études
: Presses universitaires de France , 1997 - オンライン
Ordre, nature, propriété
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1985 - オンライン
L'ordre naturel et essentiel des soci�et�es politiques 1767 / publi�e avec une notice par Edgard Depitre, Professeur agr�eg�e a la facult�e de droit de l'universit�e de lille
(Paris : Librairie Paul Geuthner , 1910) . -  (Collection des �economistes : et des r�eformateur sociaux de la France) - オンライン
L'ordre naturel et essentiel des sociétés politiques
Londres ; & se trouve à Paris : Chez Jean Nourse : Chez Desaint , 1767 - オンライン
L'ordre naturel et essentiel des sociétés politiques
Londres ; & se trouve à Paris : Chez Jean Nourse : Chez Desaint , 1767 - オンライン
Ordres a observer par les commis des bureaux du département de Montpelier
[France? : s.n , 1691] - オンライン
Ordres et désordres au Caucase
: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles , 2010 - オンライン
Ordres et instructions donnès par Monsieur le juge interessé au Bail de Me. Pierre Domergue, fermier general des gabelles & cinq grosses fermes de France : concernant la regie & perception des droits qui se levent au départment de Languedoc, le premier septembre 1691
[France? : s.n , 1691] - オンライン
Ordres et reglemens pour la Corporation des Gouverneur & Directeurs de l'Hôpital pour les Pauvres François Protestants & Leurs Descendants, Residents dans la Grande-Bretagne = The statutes and by-laws of the Corporation of the Governor and Directors of the Hospital for Poor French Protestants, and Their Descendants, Residing in Great-Britain
Londres : [s.n.] , 1741 - オンライン
Ordres maximaux au sens de K. Asano / by G. Maury, J. Raynaud
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Ordtnung und Rolle was den Fuhrleuthen von Wein, Holtz, Stein, und dergleichen in die Statt auffzufuhren bezahlt werden solle : gemehret und gebessert im Jahr MDCXXVII
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Ordungspolitische Weichenstellungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
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Ordungspolitische Weichenstellungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
: Duncker & Humblot , 1991 - オンライン
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Oregon: 2000, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
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Orestea di Eschilo nelle parole di Pier Paolo Pasolini
: Fondazione Ca' Foscari , 2022 - オンライン
orexin system : basic science and role in sleep pathology
: Karger , 2021 - オンライン
Organ Donation and Transplantation
: IntechOpen , 2021 - オンライン
Organ Donation and Transplantation - Current Status and Future Challenges
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Organ Donation and Transplantation Public Policy and Clinical Perspectives
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Organ Modification for Edible Parts of Horticultural Crops
: Frontiers Media SA , 2019 - オンライン
Organelle Genetics in Plants
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Organhaftung und Beweislast
: Mohr Siebeck , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Agriculture
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Agriculture : Sustainability, Markets and Policies / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2003. - オンライン
Organic Agriculture Towards Sustainability
: IntechOpen , 2014 - オンライン
Organic and Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaic and Photonic Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Organic and Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaic and Photonic Applications
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Organic Bioelectronic Devices for Selective Biomarker Sensing : Towards Integration with Living Systems
: Linkopings Universitet , 2021 - オンライン
Organic Bioelectronics for Neurotransmitter Release at the Speed of Life
: Linkopings Universitet , 2020 - オンライン
Organic computing : doctoral dissertation colloquium 2014
: Kassel University Press , 2014 - オンライン
Organic computing : doctoral dissertation colloquium 2014
: Kassel University Press , 2014 - オンライン
Organic Computing: Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium 2015
: Kassel University Press GmbH , 2015 - オンライン
Organic computing : doctoral dissertation colloquium 2017
: Kassel University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Organic computing : doctoral dissertation colloquium 2018
: Kassel University Press GmbH , 2019 - オンライン
Organic Computing: Doctoral Dissrtation Colloquim 2016
: Kassel University Press GmbH , 2017 - オンライン
Organic Computing : Doctoral Dissrtation Colloquim 2016
: Kassel University Press GmbH , 2017 - オンライン
Organic Conductors
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Organic Creativity and the Physics Within
: John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2013 - オンライン
Organic Creativity and the Physics Within
: John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2013 - オンライン
Organic Creativity and the Physics Within
: John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2013 - オンライン
Organic Electrochemical Transistors : Materials and Challenges
: Linkopings Universitet , 2023 - オンライン
Organic electronic devices for solar energy conversion and storage
: Linkopings Universitet , 2020 - オンライン
Organic electronic materials for hydrogen peroxide production
: Linkopings Universitet , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Electronics for Precise Delivery of Neurotransmitters
: Linkopings Universitet , 2016 - オンライン
Organic Electronics From Synthesis To Applications
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Farming A Promising Way of Food Production
: IntechOpen , 2016 - オンライン
Organic Farming and Food Production
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Organic Fertilizers
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
Organic Fertilizers From Basic Concepts to Applied Outcomes
: IntechOpen , 2016 - オンライン
Organic Fertilizers History, Production and Applications
: IntechOpen , 2019 - オンライン
Organic Food and Agriculture New Trends and Developments in the Social Sciences
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Organic food systems : meeting the needs of Southern Africa
: CAB International , 2019 - オンライン
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials II
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Organic laser diodes: modelling and simulation
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2009 - オンライン
Organic Ligands in Marine Trace Metal Biogeochemistry
: Frontiers Media SA , 2018 - オンライン
Organic Light Emitting Devices
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Organic Light Emitting Diode
: IntechOpen , 2010 - オンライン
Organic Light Emitting Diode - Material, Process and Devices
: IntechOpen , 2011 - オンライン
Organic Meat and Milk from Ruminants : Eaa
: Wageningen Academic Publishers , 2002 - オンライン
Organic Optoelectronics: Photoelectronic Conversion Materials, Physics and Devices
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Organic Pollutants - Monitoring, Risk and Treatment
: IntechOpen , 2013 - オンライン
Organic Pollutants - Monitoring, Risk and Treatment
: IntechOpen , 2013 - オンライン
Organic Pollutants Ten Years After the Stockholm Convention - Environmental and Analytical Update
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Organic Pollutants Ten Years After the Stockholm Convention - Environmental and Analytical Update
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Organic Polymers
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Polymers for Encapsulation of Drugs, Food Ingredients and Agrochemicals
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Organic Polymers for Encapsulation of Drugs, Food Ingredients and Agrochemicals
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Organic Rankine Cycle for Energy Recovery System
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Rankine Cycle Technology for Heat Recovery
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery Analysis and Applications
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Semiconductor Lasers and Tailored Nanostructures for Raman Spectroscopy
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2015 - オンライン
Organic semiconductors
: MDPI , 2015 - オンライン
Organic Service-Level Management in Service-Oriented Environments
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2011 - オンライン
Organic Smart Home - Energiemanagement für Intelligente Gebäude
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2013 - オンライン
Organic Synthesis A Nascent Relook
: IntechOpen , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Synthesis via Transition Metal-Catalysis
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Organic traffic control
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2011 - オンライン
Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking Practices, Policies, and Trends
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking Practices, Policies, and Trends
: Springer International Publishing , 2020 - オンライン
Organic writing assessment : dynamic criteria mapping in action
: Utah State University Press , 2009 - オンライン
Organisação do Banco de Portugal
Lisboa : Na Imprensa Nacional , 1847 - オンライン
Organisasjonsperspektiv på samordning av helse- og velferdstjenester
: Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing) , 2019 - オンライン
L'organisateur ....
3e éd.. - Paris : Corréard , 1819-20 - オンライン
Organisation communale et centrale de la république : projet présenté a la nation pour l'organisation de la commune, de l'Enseignement, de la Force publique, de la Justice, des Finances, de l'État / par H. Bellouard ... [et al.]
Paris : Libr. républicaine de la liberté de penser , 1851 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Organisation de l'épargne du travailleur, en vue de l'amélioration et de l'avenir des classes laborieuses : projet de fondation d'un comptoir et caisse générale de retraite des travailleurs à livret / par G. Beziat
Paris : P. Dupont , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation de l'instruction et du travail / par M. Budin
[France : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation de la commune en France / par Edouard Gorges
Paris : Sartorius , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation de la Trésorerie nationale
[France : s.n.] , an 8 [1800] - オンライン
Organisation der Arbeit / von Franz Stromeyer
Belle-Vue, bei Constanz : Verlags- und Sortimentsbuchh. zu Belle-Vue , 1844 - オンライン
Organisation der Bauproduktion nach dem Vorbild industrieller Produktionssysteme : Entwicklung eines Gestaltungsmodells eines Ganzheitlichen Produktionssystems für den Bauunternehmer
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2009 - オンライン
Organisation des banques de Londres et du Clearing House / par Ernest Seyd
Londres : Cassell, Petter et Galpin , 1872 . -  (Documents relatifs aux Chambres de compensation) (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Die Organisation des Kredits / von M. Schraut
Leipzig : Duncker & Humblot , 1883 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Organisation des Washington Consensus : Der Internationale Währungsfonds und seine Rolle in der internationalen Finanzarchitektur
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
Organisation des Washington Consensus : Der Internationale Währungsfonds und seine Rolle in der internationalen Finanzarchitektur
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
Organisation des Washington Consensus : Der Internationale Währungsfonds und seine Rolle in der internationalen Finanzarchitektur
: transcript Verlag, , 2006 - オンライン
Organisation du crédit et de la circulation, et solution du problème social sans impôt, sans emprunt, sans numéraire ... sans atteinte à la propriété / par P.-J. Proudhon
Paris : Pilhes , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation du crédit et de la circulation et solution du problème social sans impôt, sans emprunt, sans numéraire ... sans atteinte à la propriété / par P.-J. Proudhon
2e éd.. - Paris : Garnier , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation du crédit : personnel et réel, mobilier et immobilier / par François Vidal
Paris : L'Administration de la librairie , 1851 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Organisation du travail / par Louis Blanc
5e éd. rev., corr. et augm. d'une polémique entre M. Michel Chevalier et l'auteur, ainsi que d'un appendice indiquant ce qui pourrait être tenté dès à présent.. - Paris : Bureau de la Société de l'industrie fraternelle , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation du travail / par Louis Blanc
9e éd., ref. et augm. de chapitres nouv.. - Paris : Bureau du Nouveau monde , 1850 - オンライン
Organisation du travail / par Louis Blanc
4e éd., considérablement augm., précédée d'une introd., et suivie d'un compte rendu de la Maison Leclaire, de Paris.. - Bruxelles : Société belge de librairie, Hauman et ce , 1845 - オンライン
Organisation du travail agricole / par P. Joigneaux
[France : s.n , 1848?] . -  (Socialisme. Brochures diverses ; no. 3) - オンライン
Organisation du travail d'après la théorie de Charles Fourier : exposition faite à Besançon, en mars 1847 / par Victor Hennequin
3e éd.. - Paris : Librairie phalanstérienne , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation du travail : d'après la théorie de Fourier / par P. Forest
Nouv. éd., augm. d'une appréciation de l'Organisation du travail, de M. Louis Blanc.. - Paris : Librairie de l'École sociétaire , 1845 - オンライン
Organisation du travail : d'après les principes de la théorie de Ch. Fourier / par P. Forest
Paris : D'Urtubie, libraire , 1840 - オンライン
L'organisation du travail dans les ports flamands
(Louvain : Imprimerie Polleunis et Ceuterick , 1899) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Organisation du travail et du commerce / par Charles de Montaigu
Paris : Guillaumin , 1848 - オンライン
L'organisation du travail et l'association / par Math. Briancourt
Paris : À la Librairie sociétaire , 1845 - オンライン
Organisation du travail, ou, Véritable moyen d'assurer l'immortalité de notre sublime devise, liberté, égalité, fraternité / par Auguste Calté
[France : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation du travail par la fondation d'une commune modèle ....
[France : s.n , 1848?] - オンライン
Organisation du travail par les travailleurs : liberté, concurrence, association / Egret
[France : s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation du travail : questions préliminaires à l'examen de ce problème / par Ramón de la Sagra
Paris : Ledoyen , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation et administration des finances pour un peuple libre ... / par Laporte, agent de changé à Bordeaux
Paris : Chez Gastelier , 1790 - オンライン
Organisation financière de la république / par Edélestand Du Méril
[Paris] : Guillaumin : Franck , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge : mediale Umschichtungen durch die Einführung von SAP
: Transcript , 2017 - オンライン
Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge : mediale Umschichtungen durch die Einführung von SAP
: Transcript , 2017 - オンライン
Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge : mediale Umschichtungen durch die Einführung von SAP
: Transcript , 2017 - オンライン
L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé
: Presses universitaires de France , 1995 - オンライン
organisation of Transactions: Studying supply networks using gaming Simulation
: Wageningen Academic Publishers , 2009 - オンライン
Organisation politique du peuple : réalisation de l'ordre absolu et de la liberté illimitée / par F. Coignet
Paris : Libr. phalanstérienne , 1851 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Organisation, processus et structures de la création
: Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques - オンライン
Organisation, Repräsentation und Analyse menschlicher Ganzkörperbewegung für die datengetriebene Bewegungsgenerierung bei humanoiden Robotern
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2017 - オンライン
Organisation sociale de la Russie : la noblesse, la bourgeoisie, le peuple / par un diplomate [i.e. A. de Courtois]
Paris : E. Dentu , 1864 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Organisation sociale de tous les travailleurs de l'agriculture, de l'industrie, du commerce, des arts et des sciences : adressée à l'Assemblée nationale (extrait de son ouvrage) / par M. Camus Mtel
Paris : L'auteur , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation sociale du travail / par Le Pelletier
Paris : [s.n.] , 1848 - オンライン
Organisation und Führung in institutionellen Kontexten der Weiterbildung
: wbv Media , 1905 - オンライン
Organisation und Institution in der Sozialen Arbeit
: Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2021 - オンライン
Organisation und Institution in der Sozialen Arbeit: Herausforderungen, Prozesse und Ambivalenzen
: Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH , 2021 - オンライン
Organisation unitaire et nationale de l'assurance : mémoire adressé à l'Assemblée nationale / par Raoul Boudon
Paris : Librairie Phalanstérienne : Librairie Agricole , 1848 - オンライン
Organisationaler Wandel durch Migration? Zur Diversität in der Zivilgesellschaft
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Organisationaler Wandel durch Migration? Zur Diversität in der Zivilgesellschaft
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Organisationaler Wandel durch Migration? Zur Diversität in der Zivilgesellschaft
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Organisations internationales et la résolution des conflits post‑bipolaires en Afrique
: DICE Éditions , 2019 - オンライン
Organisations politiques et milieux de presse en régime censitaire : L’expérience liégeoise de 1830
: Presses universitaires de Liège , 1978 - オンライン
Organisations sportives et l'Europe
: INSEP-Éditions , 2009 - オンライン
Organisationsbildung und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung Empirische Einsichten und theoretische Perspektiven
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2020 - オンライン
Organisationsbildung und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung Empirische Einsichten und theoretische Perspektiven
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2020 - オンライン
Organisationsentwicklungsprozess in einem deutsch-chinesischen Joint Venture in Wuxi
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Organisationsentwicklungsprozess in einem deutsch-chinesischen Joint Venture in Wuxi
: Kassel University Press , 2013 - オンライン
Organisationsgebundene pädagogische professionalität : initiierter wandel - theoretisches konstrukt - narrative methodologie - interpretation
: Budrich UniPress , 2011 - オンライン
Organisationsgebundene pädagogische professionalität : initiierter wandel - theoretisches konstrukt - narrative methodologie - interpretation
: Budrich UniPress , 2011 - オンライン
Organisatorische Gestaltung und Informationsmanagement in der Lernenden Unternehmung: Bausteine Eines Managementkonzeptes Organisationalen Lernens
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2018 - オンライン
Organisatorische Gestaltung und Informationsmanagement in der lernenden Unternehmung : Bausteine eines Managementkonzeptes organisationalen Lernens
: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften , 2000 - オンライン
Organisatoriska Bakslag : Mer än Tio år Av Förändringar I Två Svenska Kommuner
: Linkopings Universitet , 2013 - オンライン
Organische Chemie: Ein Lehrbuch für Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner und Techniker
: De Gruyter, Inc. , 1970 - オンライン
Organische Chemie : Ein Lehrbuch für Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner und Techniker
: De Gruyter, , 2019 - オンライン
Organische Chemie : Ein Lehrbuch für Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner und Techniker
: De Gruyter, , 2019 - オンライン
Organische Halbleiterbauelemente für mikrooptische Systeme
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2007 - オンライン
Organische Nanopartikel zum Aufbau photoaktiver Schichten Organischer Solarzellen
: KIT Scientific Publishing , 2017 - オンライン
Organise or Die? Democracy and Leadership in South Africa's National Union of Mineworkers
: Wits University Press , 2018 - オンライン
Organised special constables, a very efficient bulwark, in this period of serious danger, against internal anarchy, and foreign invasion : with further remarks upon the present duties of Great Britain / by George Gawler
London : T. & W. Boone : P. Richardson , 1848 - オンライン
The Organised worker : problems of trade union structure and policy : a report / by the I.L.P. Industrial Policy Committee ; signed by F.A. Broad [and nine others]
(London : Blackfriars Press Ltd , [1927]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Organiser des résidences artistiques et littéraires en bibliothèque
: Presses de l'Enssib , 2019 - オンライン
Organiser l'accueil en bibliothèque
: Presses de l'Enssib , 1997 - オンライン
Organiser l'espace sacré au Moyen Âge : Topographie, architecture et liturgie (Rhône-Alpes - Auvergne)
: ALPARA , 2014 - オンライン
Organiser le libre accès
: Presses de l'Enssib , 1995 - オンライン
Organisez le travail ne le désorganisez pas : lettre aux ouvriers / par Amédée Gratiot
Paris : Guillaumin , 1848 - オンライン
Organisieren von Entscheidungen über Kindeswohl
: Beltz Juventa , 2024 - オンライン
Organisierte Umwelt : Umweltdienstleistungsfirmen zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik
: transcript Verlag, , 2005 - オンライン
Organisierte Umwelt : Umweltdienstleistungsfirmen zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik
: transcript Verlag, , 2005 - オンライン
Organisierte Umwelt : Umweltdienstleistungsfirmen zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik
: transcript Verlag, , 2005 - オンライン
Organisierte Zerrissenheit
: Transcript Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Organisierte Zerrissenheit: Emotionsregimes und Interaktionsarbeit in Pflege und Weiterbildung
: Transcript Verlag , 2023 - オンライン
Organisiertes Misstrauen und ausdifferenzierte Kontrolle Zur Soziologie der Polizei
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2023 - オンライン
Organisiertes Misstrauen und ausdifferenzierte Kontrolle Zur Soziologie der Polizei
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2023 - オンライン
Organising a School's Response
: Taylor & Francis , 1988 - オンライン
Organising care around patients Stories from the frontline of the NHS
: Manchester University Press , 2021 - オンライン
Organising care around patients Stories from the frontline of the NHS
: Manchester University Press , 2021 - オンライン
Organising Local Economic Development : The Role of Development Agencies and Companies / Greg Clark, Joe Huxley and Debra Mountford
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2010. - オンライン
Organismal and Molecular Malacology
: IntechOpen , 2017 - オンライン
Organismus und vollständige Statistik des Preuszischen Staats aus zuverlässigen Quellen / von J.P. Kux
2. nach den neuesten Verhältnissen berichtigte Aufl.. - Leipzig : C.E. Kollmann , 1842 - オンライン
organización constitucional
: Colegio de México , 1943 - オンライン
Organización de las sociedades de crédito ejidal de La Laguna
: Colegio de México , 1974 - オンライン
Organizaciones no lucrativas visión de su trayectoria en México
: El Colegio de Mexico, Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía , 2003 - オンライン
Organizacje wobec wyzwań zrównoważonego rozwoju – wybrane aspekty
: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego , 2022 - オンライン
Organizações políticas internacionais: os desafios da cooperação internacional: Breve estudo sobre dez organizações internacionais
, 2023 - オンライン
Organization and education development : reflecting and transforming in a self-discovery journey
: Routledge , 2021 - オンライン
Organization and education development : reflecting and transforming in a self-discovery journey
: Routledge , 2021 - オンライン
Organization and education development : reflecting and transforming in a self-discovery journey
: Routledge , 2021 - オンライン
Organization in Biology
: Springer International Publishing , 2024 - オンライン
Organization in Biology
: Springer International Publishing , 2024 - オンライン
Organization Management - Dynamic Creative Team Coordination
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2022 - オンライン
Organization Management - Dynamic Creative Team Coordination
: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2022 - オンライン
The organization of agriculture / by Edwin A. Pratt
(London : J. Murray , 1904) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
The organization of industry : being the report of a conference held at the town hall, Oxford, on Saturday, November 29, 1890
(Oxford : [publisher not identified] , 1891) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
The organization of industry : explained in a course of lectures, delivered in the University of Cambridge in Easter term 1844 / by T.C. Banfield
2nd ed.. - London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1848 - オンライン
The organization of labor and association / by Math. Briancourt ; translated by Francis Geo. Shaw
New York : W.H. Graham , 1847 - オンライン
The organization of labour / by Louis Blanc
London : H.G. Clarke , 1848 - オンライン
organization of the pyramid texts : typology and disposition
: Brill , 2012 - オンライン
Organization of the White Matter Anatomy in the Human Brain
: Frontiers Media SA , 2020 - オンライン
Organization Structure: Cybernetic Systems Foundation / by Yasuhiko Takahara, Mihajlo Mesarovic
1st ed. 2003.. - (New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer , 2003) . -  (IFSR International Series in Systems Science and Systems Engineering. ISSN:26985497 ; 22) - オンライン
organizational aspects of corporate and organizational crime
: MDPI , 2018 - オンライン
Organizational Behavior
: IntechOpen , 2023 - オンライン
Organizational Change and Management
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Organizational Conflict
: IntechOpen , 2022 - オンライン
Organizational Conflict
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Organizational Culture
: IntechOpen , 2018 - オンライン
Organizational Culture
: IntechOpen , 2024 - オンライン
Organizational Improvement and Accountability: Lessons for Education from Other Sectors
: RAND Corporation, The , 2004 - オンライン
Organizational, Motivational, and Cultural Contexts of Volunteering The European View
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Organizational, Motivational, and Cultural Contexts of Volunteering The European View
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Orientierungen Von Jugendlichen Beim Urteilen und Entscheiden in Kontexten Nachhaltiger Entwicklung: Eine Rekonstruktive Perspektive Auf Bewertungskompetenz in der Didaktik der Naturwissenschaft
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Orientierungen Von Jugendlichen Beim Urteilen und Entscheiden in Kontexten Nachhaltiger Entwicklung: Eine Rekonstruktive Perspektive Auf Bewertungskompetenz in der Didaktik der Naturwissenschaft
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Orientierungen Von Jugendlichen Beim Urteilen und Entscheiden in Kontexten Nachhaltiger Entwicklung: Eine Rekonstruktive Perspektive Auf Bewertungskompetenz in der Didaktik der Naturwissenschaft
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El origen de la bioética como problema
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Origen de la renta del servicio, y montazgo su exigencia y cobro con expression del quid sean estos derechos en que, y por que se establecieron que ganados los pagan que personas quanto, quando y en donde sacado de las leyes del reyno con arreglo a las del quaderno de la Mesta / dado a luz por Joseph Salazar de la Cana
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The origin and antiquity of our English weights and measures discover'd : by their near agreement with such standards that are now found in one of the Egyptian pyramids : together with the explanation of divers lines therein heretofore measur'd / by John Greaves
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Origin and outline of the penitentiary system in the United States of North America / translated and abridged from the French official report of Messrs. G. de Beaumont & A. de Tocqueville, by William B. Sarsfield Taylor
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Origin and spatiotemporal dynamics of the peroxisomal endomembrane system
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The origin and success of the advocacy of the principle of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors : including some account of the progress of the temperance reformation / by James Teare
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Origin and the Evolution of Firms
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origin, function and diagnostic potential of extracellular microRNA in human body fluids
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The origin, object and operation of the Apprentice Laws : with their application to times past, present, and to come / addressed to the Committee of General Purposes of the city of London, by the Committee of Manufacturers of London and Its Vicinity
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The origin, object and operation of the apprentice laws : with their application to times past, present, and to come / addressed to the Committee of General Purposes of the city of London, by the Committee of Manufacturers of London and Its Vicinity
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The origin of metallic currency and weight standards / by William Ridgeway
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The original / by Thomas Walker
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The original and fundamental conditions of subscription
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The original and right of tithes, for the maintenance of the ministry in a Christian church, truly stated : to which is annex'd the draught of a bill prepared to have been offered to the Parliament, in the reign of King William and Queen Mary, anno 1691, for the restraining of pluralities of benefices with cure of souls / revised and augmented by Humphrey Prideaux
The 2nd ed.. - London : Printed for R. Knaplock, and J. and R. Tonson , 1736 - オンライン
The original and right of tithes : for the maintenance of the ministry in a Christian church truly stated : to which is annex'd the draught of a bill prepared to have been offered to the Parliament in the reign of King William and Queen Mary, ao 1691, for the restraining of pluralities of benefices, with cure of souls : with reasons for said bill / by Humphrey Prideaux ...
Norwich : Printed by Fr. Collins and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich , 1710 - オンライン
Original-Beiträge zur eigentlichen Kenntniss von Frankreich / von Philipp Andreas Nemnich
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An original camera obscura, or, The court, city, and country magic-lanthorn : in which every one may take a peep, laugh, and shake their noddles at each other, go away well pleased ... being an account of the most curious and uncommon collection of manuscripts (warranted originals) ever yet offered to the public : with as curious and uncommon a dedication to the Right Honourable the Earl of Cheatum ... / to be sold by auction, on Midsummer-day, O.S. by Mr. Smirk, at a great room in Soho-Square
London : Printed for J. Wilkie , 1768 - オンライン
Original dock and canal list, etc.
London : M. Montefiore - オンライン
Original Forgiveness
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Original minutes of the Governor-General and Council of Fort William on the settlement and collection of the revenues of Bengal : with a plan of settlement, recommended to the Court of Directors in January, 1776, by Philip Francis, Esq
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The original papers and letters relating to the Scots Company Trading to Africa and the Indies : from the memorial given in against their taking subscriptions at Hamburgh by Sir Paul Ricaut, His Majesty's resident there, to their last address sent up to His Majesty in December 1699 / faithfully extracted from the companies books
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Original papers relative to Tanjore : containing all the letters which passed, and the conferences which were held, between His Highness the Nabob of Arcot and Lord Pigot, on the subject of the restoration of Tanjore : together with the material part of Lord Pigot's last dispatch to the East India Company : the whole connected by a narrative, and illustrated with notes and observations
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1777 - オンライン
Original papers relative to the establishment of a society in Bengal, for the protection of the orphans of officers dying in indigent circumstances : and also of the children of non-commissioned and private Europeans belonging to the East-India Company's service, whether orphans or not ... addressed to the Honourable the Court of Directors of the East-India Company, and to the general body of proprietors
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Original papers relative to the rights and pretensions of the Nabob of Arcot, and the Rajah of Tanjore : and to the demands of British subjects on the Nabob of Arcot
London : Printed for J. Debrett , 1785 - オンライン
Original papers transmitted by the Nabob of Arcot to his agent in Great Britain : comprehending the transactions on the coast, down to the 10th of October, 1776
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1777 - オンライン
Original papersand, &c
London : Printed for T. Cadell , 1778 - オンライン
The original plan, progress, and present state of the South-Sea-Company, or, Some occasional thoughts upon the state of the British trade in the West-Indies, more especially the South-Seas : shewing, by a short and accurate view, how advantageous that commerce may be render'd to this nation thro' a prudent management, and how disadvantageous from a contrary conduct / published from the original manuscripts of John Pullen, Esq., late Governor of Bermudas ; submitted to Sir John Eyles
London : Printed for T. Warner , 1732 - オンライン
Original poems on several occasions / by Mr. Edward-Pickering Rich ...
London : Printed for J. Roberts ... , 1720 - オンライン
The Original Portrayal of Mozart's Don Giovanni
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The Original Portrayal of Mozart's Don Giovanni
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The Original Portrayal of Mozart's Don Giovanni
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The original power of the collective body of the people of England examined and asserted
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The original Security Bank : reprinted from "Economica", February 1946
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The original series of wisdom and policy : manifested in a review of our foreign negotiations and transactions for several years past ...
The 4th ed.. - London : Printed for J. Roberts , 1739 - オンライン
An original treatise on the causes of depopulation : and the calamities occasioned by extreme commerce : interspersed with ... observations on the Dutch, their trade and navy : and some useful hints to the legislature, respecting the real strength and happiness of the Empire / by a gentleman well known in the political world
London : Printed for the author, and sold by J. Ridgway and J. Bew , 1784 - オンライン
Originales e inéditos, 1928
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Originales e inéditos, 1928
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Originales e inéditos, 1928, José Carlos Mariátegui
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Originality, imitation, and plagiarism : teaching writing in the digital age
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Oscillation Theory of Two-Term Differential Equations / by Uri Elias
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Oscillator-Amplifier Free Electron Lasers an Outlook to Their Feasibility and Performances
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Osoba z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Tożsamościowy wymiar samostanowienia i (nie)zależności w kontekście życia rodzinnego
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Ospedali e politiche assistenziali a Vicenza nel Quattrocento
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Osservatorio Nazionale sulle reti d’impresa 2022
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Osservazioni di un socio dell' Accademia dei georgofili fiorentini sopra la coltivazione degli agrumi del territorio pisano : paragonata con la coltivazione e utilità che da essi ne ricavano varj popoli della riviera di Genova, e del principato di Monaco : coll' aggiunta del metodo per formare il semenzaio degli agrumi
Firenze : Appresso Gio. Batista Stecchi, e Anton-Giuseppe Pagani , 1767 - オンライン
Osservazioni economiche a vantaggio dello Stato Pontificio / Cristoforo Moltò
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Osservazioni in risposta alla memoria dell'illustrissimo sig. commendatore Lapo de Ricci
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Osservazioni sopra i fidecommissi
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Österreich im KSZE-Prozess 1969-1983 : neutraler Vermittler in humanitärer Mission
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Österreichische Historiker Lebensläufe und Karrieren 1900-1945, Band 3
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Othering in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen für die Forschungspraxis
: Transcript Verlag , 2022 - オンライン
Otherness and national identity in 19th-century Spanish literature
: Brill , 2022 - オンライン
'Otherness' in space and architecture : Jews, Muslims and Christians in Western European art (1200-1650) : conference proceedings : selected papers presented at the International Medieval Conference (IMC), Leeds, UK, 3-6 July 2017 and 2-5 July 2018
: Peter Lang , 2021 - オンライン
'Otherness' in space and architecture : Jews, Muslims and Christians in Western European art (1200-1650) : conference proceedings : selected papers presented at the International Medieval Conference (IMC), Leeds, UK, 3-6 July 2017 and 2-5 July 2018
: Peter Lang , 2021 - オンライン
Others in Europe
: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles , 2011 - オンライン
Others of my kind : transatlantic transgender histories
: University of Calgary Press , 2020 - オンライン
: IntechOpen , 2012 - オンライン
Otoliths and Their Applications in Fishery Science
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Otoliths and Their Applications in Fishery Science
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
Otras historias de procesalistas y del proceso
: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History , 2022 - オンライン
Otras voces. Contextos, narraciones subalternizadas y rutas vitales en ciudadanos diagnosticados con alguna forma de psicosis
: Editorial Bonaventuriana, Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali. , 2012 - オンライン
otro" de la antropología : tensiones y conflictos generados en la práctica de la antropología de negocios
: Editorial Universidad del Rosario , 2015 - オンライン
Otroliga Nya Tidender Eller Correspondence Ofwer de Nya Swenska Handels Projecter
Stockholm - オンライン
Otthonis Sperlingii ... De nummorum bracteatorum et cavorum nostræ ac superioris ætatis origine & progressu : ad Reverend. Dn. Jacobum a Mellen epistola
Lubecæ : Sumptibus Joh. Wiedemeyer ... , 1700 - オンライン
Ottimizzazione Combinatoria : Teoria e Algoritmi / by Bernhard Korte, Jens Vygen
1st ed. 2011.. - (Milano : Springer Milan : Imprint: Springer , 2011) . -  (La Matematica per il 3+2. ISSN:20385757) - オンライン
Otto Bauer (1881-1938) : thinker and politician
: Brill , 2016 - オンライン
Otto Grotewohl (1894-1964) : eine politische Biographie
: Oldenbourg , 2009 - オンライン
Otto Grotewohl (1894-1964) : eine politische Biographie
: Oldenbourg , 2009 - オンライン
Otto Grotewohl (1894-1964) : eine politische Biographie
: Oldenbourg , 2009 - オンライン
Otto Klepper (1888-1957) : deutscher Patriot und Weltbürger
: R. Oldenbourg , 1997 - オンライン
Otto Klepper (1888–1957): Deutscher Patriot und Weltbürger
: de Gruyter , 1997 - オンライン
Otto Leichter. Briefe ohne Antwort
, 2003 - オンライン
Otto Neurath et le Cercle de Vienne de gauche
: Éditions de la Sorbonne , 2022 - オンライン
Ottoman administration of Iraq, 1890-1908
: Routledge , 2006 - オンライン
Ottoman administration of Iraq, 1890-1908
: Routledge , 2006 - オンライン
Ottoman Administration of Iraq, 1890-1908
: Taylor & Francis , 2006 - オンライン
Ottoman Crimean War, 1853-1856
: Brill , 2010 - オンライン
Ottoman Crimean War, 1853-1856
: Brill , 2010 - オンライン
Où est la littérature mondiale
: Presses universitaires de Vincennes , 2005 - オンライン
Où sont les bibliothèques françaises spoliées par les nazis ?
: Presses de l'Enssib , 2019 - オンライン
Ou sont mes ailes ? / Where Are My Wings?
: Project Muse , 2019 - オンライン
Où va l'Algérie
: Institut de recherches et d'études sur le monde arabe et musulman, Karthala , 2001 - オンライン
Où va l'argent public ? La commande publique au défi des données ouvertes
: Éditions Universitaires d'Avignon , 2022 - オンライン
Où va la philosophie médiévale
: Collège de France , 2014 - オンライン
Où va la Russie ?
: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles , 2007 - オンライン
Où va la social-démocratie européenne ? Débats, enjeux, perspectives
: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles , 2004 - オンライン
Où Va le Travail à L'ère du Numérique
: Unknown Publisher , 2007 - オンライン
Où va notre démocratie
: Éditions de la Bibliothèque publique d'information , 2008 - オンライン
Ouagadougou (1850-2004) : une urbanisation différenciée
: IRD Éditions , 2008 - オンライン
L'oubli de la société
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2002 - オンライン
L'Oubli des peines : Une histoire du sommeil (1700-1850)
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2013 - オンライン
Oude en nieuwe economie : eene poging tot verzoening / uitgesproken door H.B. Greven
Utrecht : J. Greven , 1880 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
L'Ouest dans les années 68
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2012 - オンライン
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 2000 - オンライン
L'Ouest et le Politique: Mélanges Offerts à Michel Denis
: Presses universitaires de Rennes , 1996 - オンライン
Ought the corn laws to be repealed? : a series of articles (with additions) from the Edinburgh Evening Post and Scottish Standard : addressed to the common sense of the people
Edinburgh : Printed and published by A. Cannon , [1840?] - オンライン
Oui ou non? : projet d'organisation morale et pratique du droit à l'assistance par l'association fraternelle entre tous les français / par Mansion et Jules Lefèvre
Paris : J. Petegnief , 1849 - オンライン
Our ageing population / by A. Emil Davies
(London : The Fabian Society , 1938) . -  (Fabian tract ; 246) (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our ancestors as wise as we, or, Ancient precedents for modern facts : in answer to a letter from a noble lord
London : Printed for A. Baldwin ... , 1712 - オンライン
Our bank note system and its effect upon commerce / by Thomas Bouchier Moxon
(Manchester : Manchester Statistical Society , [1890?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our bank : the story of the Commercial Bank of Scotland Ltd., 1810-1941
(London : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd , [1941]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our bankrupt laws : a letter to Robert Wallace of Kelly, Esq., M.P. / by a merchant of the West
Glasgow : D. Robertson , 1839 - オンライン
Our car as power plant
: IOS Press , 2014 - オンライン
Our case for a socialist revival / by A. J. Cook and J. Maxton, M.P
([London] : Workers' Publications , [1928]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our churches and the drink problem : shall we nationalise the traffic? / a paper read before the Gloucester Free Church Council and published at its request by Joseph W. Hopkins, former president, and an ex-president of the Gloucestershire Federation of Free Church Councils
([Gloucester] : The Gloucester Free Church Council , [1915]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our civilizing mission : the lessons of colonial education
: Liverpool University Press , 2019 - オンライン
Our civilizing mission : the lessons of colonial education
: Liverpool University Press , 2019 - オンライン
Our civilizing mission : the lessons of colonial education
: Liverpool University Press , 2019 - オンライン
Our clearing system and clearing houses / by W. Howarth, F.R.Hist.S., F.S.S., &c. (author of "Banking statistics", "Our leading banks", "Somme olde curiosities", "Bank balance sheet", &c., &c.)
Third edition.. - (London : Effingham Wilson , 1897) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our commercial barometer for the year 1890 / by Sir Rawson W. Rawson, K.C.M.G., C.B., chairman of the Commercial Committee of the Imperial Federation League
(London : Imperial Federation League , 1891) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our currency problems : a paper read before the Hartford Board of Trade, March 23, 1896 / by Jacob L. Greene
[Hartford, Conn.? : s.n , 1896] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our currency : some of its evils, and remedies for them / by a citizen of North Carolina
Raleigh [N.C.] : J.W. Syme , 1861 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
‘Our daily bread’ : Maurice Potron, from Catholicism to mathematical economics / Christian Bidard, Guido Erreygers and Wilfried Parys
(London : Routledge , 2009) . -  (Euro. j. history of economic thought ; 16:1) - オンライン
Our daily food : its price and sources of supply / by James Caird
2nd ed.. - London : Longmans, Green and Co , 1868 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our decrepit railway system : a word to the stockholder and the passenger / by Percy Williams
(London : T. Fisher Unwin , 1903) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our duty and our encouragement : an address to the protectionist constituency of these realms : in which is inserted a promissory note to Messrs. Cobden and Feargus O'Connor / by Pro ecclesia Dei
London : W. Pickering , 1850 - オンライン
Our empire under protection and free trade / by Sir Guilford L. Molesworth, K.C.I.E
(London ; New York : Ward, Lock & Co., Limited , 1902) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our extractive age : expressions of violence and resistance
: Routledge , 2021 - オンライン
Our extractive age : expressions of violence and resistance
: Routledge , 2021 - オンライン
Our extractive age : expressions of violence and resistance
: Routledge , 2021 - オンライン
"Our first men" : a calendar of wealth, fashion and gentility : containing a list of those persons taxed in the city of Boston, credibly reported to be worth one hundred thousand dollars : with biographical notices of the principal persons
Rev. ed.. - Boston : Published by all the booksellers , 1846 - オンライン
Our first principle / by John Trevor
(London : Offices of the Labour Prophet , [1894?]) . -  (Labour Prophet tract ; no. 3) - オンライン
Our fiscal policy and the trade of the Empire / by Lord Brassey, K.C.B., D.C.L
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1903]). - (London : Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd , 1903) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our free trade policy examined with respect to its real bearing upon native industry, our colonial system, and the institutions and ultimate destinies of the nation / by a Liverpool merchant
London : Whittaker & Co , 1846 - オンライン
Our future
Philadelphia , 1869 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our glorious constitution! : a new song
[S.l : s.n , 1831?] - オンライン
Our great state-church Parliament
[England? : s.n , 1849?] - オンライン
Our imports and exports : with some remarks upon the balance of trade / by John Noble
London : Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer , 1870 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our international copyright law / [Henry Holt]
[New York? : s.n , 1891?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our Journey Beyond Sunset Boulevard Evidence-based Analysis of Tumor-Targeted Gene- and Immuno-Therapies Shine a Critical Spotlight on 'True' Long-Term Cancer-Free Survival
: IntechOpen , 2021 - オンライン
Our labouring classes : their intellectual, moral, and social condition considered : with suggestions for their improvement / by Samuel Couling
London : Partridge and Oakey ... , 1851 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our limits transgressed : environmental political thought in America
: University Press of Kansas , 1992 - オンライン
Our magazine
(London : Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall & Co , 1891-) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our master's voice : advertising
: mediastudies.press , 2020 - オンライン
Our merchant marine : how it rose, increased, became great, declined and decayed, with an inquiry into the conditions essential to its resuscitation and future prosperity / by David A. Wells
New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons , 1885 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2 ; no. 3) (Questions of the day) - オンライン
Our methods of legislation and their defects / by Simon Sterne
New York : Published by order of the Society , 1879 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our monetary system, the fallacies on which it is based, and a proposed system by which commercial panics can be prevented, & c
Liverpool : Howell , 1863 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our monetary system : why does it break down under the growth of capital and the expansion of commerce?
London : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday , 1857 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our money laws : the cause of the national distress / by Charles Enderby
London : P. Richardson , 1847 - オンライン
Our money wars : the example and warning of American finance / by Samuel Leavitt, author of "Peacemaker Grange," etc
(Boston : Arena Publishing Company , 1894) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our Monica, ourselves : the Clinton affair and the national interest
: New York University Press , 2001 - オンライン
Our Monica, ourselves : the Clinton affair and the national interest
: New York University Press , 2001 - オンライン
Our mother earth : a short statement of the case for land nationalization / [by Charles Wicksteed]
[3rd ed.].. - [Kettering [England] : Printed by the Northamptonshire Print. & Pub. Co , 1892?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our mythical childhood... : the classics and literature for children and young adults
: Brill , 2016 - オンライン
Our Mythical Education The Reception of Classical Myth Worldwide in Formal Education, 1900-2020
: University of Warsaw Press , 2020 - オンライン
Our Mythical Hope The Ancient Myths as Medicine for the Hardships of Life in Children's and Young Adults' Culture
: University of Warsaw Press , 2021 - オンライン
Our Nanotechnology Future
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Our Nanotechnology Future
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Our Nanotechnology Future
: Amsterdam University Press , 2017 - オンライン
Our national and financial future : address of Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, October 11, 1865
Fort Wayne : [s.n.] , 1865 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our national currency : how should we resume cash payments? / by Emil Schuiffner
Newark, N.J : Daily Advertiser , 1878 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our national finances / by Patriot
New York : [Macdonald & Swank, printers] , 1868 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our national finances : what shall be done?
Boston : [s.n.] , 1862 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our national inheritance, and how to enjoy it : speech of Hon. Abram S. Hewitt, of New York, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 11, 1879
Washington [D.C.] : [s.n.] , 1879 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our navy is not neglected!!! : the Navy against Lord Minto and Sir John Barrow
London : P. Richardson , 1839 - オンライン
Our neighbours, ourselves contemporary reflections on survival
: de Gruyter , 2011 - オンライン
Our neighbours, ourselves contemporary reflections on survival
: de Gruyter , 2011 - オンライン
Our neighbours, ourselves contemporary reflections on survival
: de Gruyter , 2011 - オンライン
Our neighbours, ourselves contemporary reflections on survival
: de Gruyter , 2011 - オンライン
Our next war, in its commercial aspect : with some account of the premiums paid at "Lloyd's" from 1805 to 1816
(London : Blades, East & Blades , 1894) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our ocean railways, or, The rise, progress, and development of ocean steam navigation / By A. Fraser-Macdonald
London : Chapman and Hall , 1893 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our poverty, your responsibility : being a statement delivered to the Lord Mayor of Manchester and the Mayor of Salford, 25th April, 1932 / by A.A. Purcell, on behalf of the deputation from the unemployed trades unionists
(Manchester : Manchester & Salford Trades Council , [1932]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our present gaol system deeply depraving to the prisoner and a positive evil to the community : some remedies proposed / by Joseph Adshead
[S.l : s.n.] , 1847 - オンライン
Our railways : their origin, development, incident and romance / by John Pendleton (author of "A history of Derbyshire", "Newspaper reporting in olden time and to-day", etc.)
(London ; Paris ; Melbourne : Cassell and Company Limited , 1894) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our railways : their origin, development, incident and romance / by John Pendleton (author of "A history of Derbyshire", "Newspaper reporting in olden time and to-day", etc.)
(London ; Paris ; Melbourne : Cassell and Company Limited , 1896) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our representative system, its tendency and effects : with practical suggestions for its formation on a new basis
London : E. Wilson , 1842 - オンライン
Our Scotch banks, their position and their policy : being a practical plea for limited liability : respectfully dedicated to the shareholders / by William Mitchell
Edinburgh : D. Douglas , 1878 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Our social heritage / by Graham Wallas, author of "Human nature in politics" and "The great society"
(New Haven : Yale University Press , 1921) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our social heritage / by Graham Wallas, author of "Human nature in politics" (1908) and "The great society" (1914)
(London : George Allen & Unwin Ltd , 1921) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our taxes as they are and as they ought to be / by Robert Jones, B.Sc
(London : The Fabian Society , 1911) . -  (Fabian tract ; 152) (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our trade within the Empire : why not foster it
(Tunbridge Wells : "Courier" Printing and Publishing Company , 1901) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our Union: UAW/ CAW Local 27 from 1950 To 1990
: UBC Press , 2012 - オンライン
Our unswerving loyalty a documentary survey of relations between the Communist Party of Australia and Moscow, 1920-1940
: Anu E Press , 2008 - オンライン
Our unswerving loyalty a documentary survey of relations between the Communist Party of Australia and Moscow, 1920-1940
: Anu E Press , 2008 - オンライン
Our waterways : a history of inland navigation considered as a branch of water conservancy / by Urquhart A. Forbes of Lincoln's Inn, barrister-at-law and W.H.R. Ashford
(London : John Murray , 1906) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Our young men : their importance and claims : a prize essay / by F.A. Cox
5th ed.. - London : W. Ball , 1838 - オンライン
The out-cry and just appeale of the inslaved people of England : made to the right honourable the Parliament for the Common wealth of England ... / presented by J. Freeze ...
London : Printed by T. Fawcet , 1659 - オンライン
Out of Africa Why People Migrate
: Ledizioni , 2017 - オンライン
Out of Empire Redefining Africa's Place in the World (Volume 8)
: V&R unipress , 2013 - オンライン
Out of place : an autoethnography of postcolonial citizenship
: African Minds , 2022 - オンライン
Out of place : artists, pedagogy, and purpose
: Punctum Books , 2021 - オンライン
Out of style : reanimating stylistic study in composition and rhetoric
: Utah State University Press , 2008 - オンライン
Out of the Ashes
: Alexander Street Press , 2004 - オンライン
Out of the ashes destruction and reconstruction of East Timor
: Anu E Press , 2003 - オンライン
Out of the Black Patch : the autobiography of Effie Marquess Carmack, folk musician, artist, and writer
: Utah State University Press , 1999 - オンライン
Out of the ordinary : folklore and the supernatural
: Utah State University Press , 1995 - オンライン
Out of the shadows, into the streets! : transmedia organizing and the immigrant rights movement
: The MIT Press , 2014 - オンライン
Out of the shadows : the health and well-being of private contractors working in conflict environments
: Rand Corporation , 2013 - オンライン
Out of the Shtetl Making Jews Modern in the Polish Borderlands
: Brown Judaic Studies , 2020 - オンライン
Out of the Shtetl Making Jews Modern in the Polish Borderlands
: Brown Judaic Studies , 2020 - オンライン
Out of this struggle : the Filipinos in Hawaii
: Published for the Filipino 75th Anniversary Commemoration Commission by the University Press of , 1981 - オンライン
Out of this struggle : the Filipinos in Hawaii
: Published for the Filipino 75th Anniversary Commemoration Commission by the University Press of , 1981 - オンライン
Out of work : the problem of the unemployed / by Fred Hammill
(Newcastle-On-Tyne : J. Dowling and Sons , [1894?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Out of work : unemployment and government in twentieth-century America
: New York University Press , 1997 - オンライン
Out of work : unemployment and government in twentieth-century America
: New York University Press , 1997 - オンライン
Out of work : unemployment and government in twentieth-century America
: New York University Press , 1997 - オンライン
The out-port collector and comptroller's guide, or, A complete view of the method of collecting the duties on coals, culm, and cinders : and every transaction from the ship's arrival in port, to the time of her delivery ... likewise a general abstract of the acts of Parliament now in force ... / by William Hunter
London : Printed for the author, by Joseph Smith , 1764 - オンライン
"Out-relief" : a paper read by Mr. Albert Pell (chairman of the central committee) at a conference held at the Crewe Arms Hotel on Tuesday October 14th, 1890
(London : Knight & Co , 1890) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outcasts of empire : Japan's rule on Taiwan's "savage border," 1874-1945
: University of California Press , 2018 - オンライン
Outcasts of empire : Japan's rule on Taiwan's "savage border," 1874-1945
: University of California Press , 2018 - オンライン
Outcasts of empire : Japan's rule on Taiwan's "savage border," 1874-1945
: University of California Press , 2018 - オンライン
Outcome after Haemorrhoidopexy
: Linkopings Universitet , 2008 - オンライン
Outcome Evaluation of the Success for Kids Program
: RAND Corporation, The , 2011 - オンライン
Outcome evaluation of U.S. Department of State support for the Global Methane Initiative
: Rand, Environment, Energy, and Economic Development Program , 2013 - オンライン
Outcome measures for effective teamwork in inpatient care : final report
: Rand Corp. , 2008 - オンライン
Outcome of Burn Care : The Mortality Perspective
: Linkopings Universitet , 2017 - オンライン
The outcome of individualism / by J.H. Levy
Second edition.. - (London : P.S. King & Son , [1892]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
The outcome of individualism / by J.H. Levy
Third edition, revised and enlarged.. - (London : P.S. King & Son , [1890]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outcomes and Therapeutic Management of Bladder Cancer
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2020 - オンライン
Outcomes and Therapeutic Management of Thyroid Carcinoma
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2023 - オンライン
outcomes book : debate and consensus after the WPA outcomes statement
: Utah State University Press , 2005 - オンライン
Outcomes of Open Adoption from Care An Australian Contribution to an International Debate
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
Outcomes of Open Adoption from Care An Australian Contribution to an International Debate
: Springer International Publishing , 2022 - オンライン
The outcry against the new poor law, or, Who is the poor man's friend? / by Thomas Spencer
London : J. Green , 1841 - オンライン
Outdoor Adventure Education Trends and New Directions
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2021 - オンライン
Outdoor Education and its Inclusion into Teaching at PdF MU
: Masaryk University Press , 2021 - オンライン
Outdoor Education and its Inclusion into Teaching at PdF MU : Support for the Use of Technology and the Implementation of Research Activities in the Undergraduate Education of Future Teachers
: Masaryk University , 2021 - オンライン
Outdoor Education in Geography: A Specific Educational Strategy
: Masaryk University Press , 2019 - オンライン
Outdoor Education in Geography: A Specific Educational Strategy
: Masaryk University Press , 2019 - オンライン
Outdoor Insulation and Gas Insulated Switchgears
: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 2022 - オンライン
Outdoor Learning and Play Pedagogical Practices and Children's Cultural Formation
: Springer International Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Outdoor Learning and Play Pedagogical Practices and Children's Cultural Formation
: Springer International Publishing , 2021 - オンライン
Outdoor Recreation Physiological and Psychological Effects on Health
: IntechOpen , 2021 - オンライン
Outdoor relief
(London : Charity Organisation Society , 1890) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
L'outillage agricole : Médiéval et moderne et son histoire
: Presses universitaires du Midi , 2003 - オンライン
Outils d'enquête alimentaire par entretien : Élaboration au Sénégal
: IRD Éditions , 2003 - オンライン
Les outils de la pensée : Étude historique et comparative des « textes
: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme , 2010 - オンライン
Outline of a comprehensive plan for diverting the sewage of London and Westminster from the Thames : and applying it to agricultural purposes, for improving the navigation of the river, and for establishing a supply of pure water to the metropolis / by John Martin
London : E. Wilson , 1850 - オンライン
Outline of a method of model mapping : with a view to append, by an application of the art of levelling to that of area surveying, the advantage of a section of elevations and depressions to the uses of a map of superficial contents : with some introductory remarks : addressed to agriculturists, landed proprietors, and persons interested in the effectual drainage of towns / by J. Bailey Denton
2nd ed. with notes and appendix .... - London : J. Weale , 1841 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for a national bank : with incidental remarks on the Bank of the United States
New-York : Printed for Newcomb & Cropsey , 1833 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for a national bank : with incidental remarks on the Bank of the United States
New York : Printed for Newcomb & Cropsey , 1833 - オンライン
An outline of a plan for a new circulating medium : in three letters addressed to the Chancellor of the Exchequer / by Gerard Graulhié
London : J. Ridgway , 1832 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for amending the system of taxation
[S.l : s.n.] , 1833 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for an agricultural school, and for the employment of agricultural labourers by spade cultivation, at Fearnhead, near Warrington / by James Cropper
[England : s.n.] , 1834 - オンライン
The Outline of a plan for bettering the condition of the peasantry, reducing the poor rates, and adding to the stability of the state
London : J. Hatchard and Son , 1830 - オンライン
The outline of a plan for bringing the Scotch and English currency to the same standard bullion value : and producing a sterling country bank note of exchangeable value, convertible in every place to gold coin / very humbly addressed to those in authority, to the Scotch and English country bankers, and to the public, by Richard Moore
[S.l : s.n.] , 1826 - オンライン
The outline of a plan for bringing the Scotch and English currency to the same standard bullion value : and producing a sterling country bank note, of exchangeable value, convertible in every place to gold coin / very humbly addressed to those in authority, to the Scotch and English country bankers, and to the public, by Richard Moore
2nd ed. with additions.. - London : J. Ridgway , 1827 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for improving the law of debtor and creditor, without abolishing imprisonment for debt
[London : W. M'Dowall , 1844] - オンライン
Outline of a plan for raising provincial capital, and establishing public country banks, in addition to the existing country banks, to meet the expenses of a gold and sterling mint note currency / by Richard Moore
London : Printed for Ridgways , 1829 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for reducing the poor's rate : and amending the condition of the aged and unfortunate, including those of the naval and military departments : in a letter to the Right Hon. George Rose, occasioned by his Observations on the poor laws, &c. / by John Bone
London : Printed for J. Asperne , 1805 - オンライン
The Outline of a plan for regulating domestic exchanges : a remedy for our sufferings, and a few allusions to a general banking law
[United States? : s.n , 1837] - オンライン
An outline of a plan for relieving the poor of Ireland by an assessment on property / by Daniel Kinahan
Dublin : R. Milliken , 1829 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for the better cultivation, security, & defence of the British West Indies : being the original suggestion for providing an effectual substitute for the African slave trade, and preventing the dependance of those colonies on America for supplies / by Captain Layman
London : Printed for and sold by Black, Parry and Kingsbury , 1807 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for the future management of the circulation
London : E. Wilson , 1838 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for the general commutation of tithes in England and Wales / by H.S
London : J. Hatchard , 1833 - オンライン
Outline of a plan for the melioration of the lower orders, by a measure for putting an end to the law of settlement : and thereby effecting an annual saving of £320,000 making labour free, and affording the prospect of a further saving of one-fourth of the poors-rate ; also of a plan for the education of the children of the higher orders ... / by the very Rev. the Dean of Middleham ...
Downham-Market : Printed and sold by J. Griffin [etc., etc.] , 1828 - オンライン
An outline of a plan for the more easily registering and better securing of charitable donations
London : W. Plant Piercy , 1810 - オンライン
Outline of a plan of a national currency, not liable to fluctuations in value / by George H. Pell
London : Printed and published by P. Richardson , 1840 - オンライン
Outline of a plan of emigration, to Upper Canada
[England : s.n , 1825?] - オンライン
Outline of a system of direct taxation, for superseding customs and excise duties, and establishing perfect freedom of trade : a letter to the president and council of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association
London ; London ; Leeds ; Otley : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. : Webb, Millington, and Co , [1859?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Outline of a work entitled, Pauper management improved : to be filled up, and the work published in one volume octavo, as soon as a sufficient number of communications solicited in vol. xxix, no. 167 of the Annals of agriculture, have been obtained / by Jeremy Bentham
[S.l : s.n , 1798?] - オンライン
Outline of an address, etc. etc / translated from the French of Vertaul
London : Printed by Baylis , 1799 - オンライン
Outline of an expeditious method for the daily checking and ultimate balancing of the accounts in extensive savings banks
Edinburgh : H. & J. Pillans, printers , [1845] - オンライン
Outline of Dani Morphology
: Springer Netherlands , 1966 - オンライン
An outline of English local government / by Edward Jenks, M.A., fellow of King's College, Cambridge, barrister-at-law, professor of law in University College, Liverpool
(London : Methuen & Co , 1894) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outline of garden city project / by Ebenezer Howard
(London : Garden City Association , 1902) . -  (Garden City Association. Tract ; no. 13) - オンライン
An outline of hints, for the political organization and moral training of the human race ... / by Robert Jackson
Stockton : Printed for the author , 1823 - オンライン
An outline of industrial history, with special reference to problems of the present day / by Edward Cressy
(London : Macmillan and Co., Limited , 1925) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
An outline of local government and local taxation in England and Wales (excluding the metropolis) : together with some considerations for amendment / by R.S. Wright and Henry Hobhouse
London : W. Maxwell & Son : P.S. King & Son , 1884 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Outline of measures proposed for the improvement of the character and condition of the English poor / Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor
[England? : s.n , 1805] - オンライン
An outline of political economy : designed for seminaries, and intended to explain the principles of this important science, by familiar examples, and to exhibit more particularly the great importance of agriculture, mining industry, manufactures, and internal improvements to national wealth and prosperity
Philadelphia : Printed for the author , 1828 - オンライン
outline of romanticism in the west
: Open Book Publishers , 2022 - オンライン
outline of romanticism in the west
: Open Book Publishers , 2022 - オンライン
outline of romanticism in the west
: Open Book Publishers , 2022 - オンライン
An Outline of Set Theory / by James M. Henle
1st ed. 1986.. - (New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer , 1986) . -  (Problem Books in Mathematics. ISSN:21978506) - オンライン
Outline of Strategies for Building an Innovation System for Knowledge City
: RAND Corporation, The , 2012 - オンライン
Outline of the expected operation of a tax or charge upon all property within the United Kingdom : at the rate of twenty per cent., estimating the property as follows ...
[London? : s.n , 1841] - オンライン
Outline of the general report upon the size of farms, and upon the persons who cultivate farms : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement / by Thomas Robertson
Edinburgh : Printed by T. Ruddiman , 1796 - オンライン
Outline of the plan for improving the condition of society
[S.l : s.n , 1818] - オンライン
Outline of the plan of construction of a panopticon penitentiary house / as designed by Jeremy Bentham
[S.l : s.n , 1790] - オンライン
Outline of the plan of the Norwich Union office, for insurance on lives : and granting or purchasing annuities, endowments, &c. &c
[S.l : s.n.] , [1816] - オンライン
Outline of the Poor Law Amendment Act
London : B. Fellowes , 1834 - オンライン
Outline of the proceedings at a meeting of the operatives in Leeds on the subject of the factory bill : held on the 10th December, 1831
[S.l : s.n , 1831] - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, based on demonstrable facts, developing the constitution and laws of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world / by Robert Owen
Authorised ed.. - [London?] : Committee of Social Propaganda for the World's Fair , [1851?] . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts : developing the constitution and laws of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evils by removing the causes which produce them / by Robert Owen
[London : Published by the "Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists," , 1839?] - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts : developing the constitution and laws of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evils, by removing the causes which produce them / by Robert Owen
6th ed., rev. and amended.. - Leeds : Printed and published for the Central Board of the "Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists," by J. Hobson , 1840 - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts : developing the constitution and laws of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the immediate adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evil, by removing the causes which produce them / by Robert Owen
Manchester, [Greater Manchester] : A. Heywood , [1840?] - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts, developing the first principles of the science of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the gradual adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evil by removing the causes which produce them / by Robert Owen
[S.l : s.n.] , 1839 - オンライン
An outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts, developing the first principles of the science of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the gradual adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evil by removing the causes which produce them / by Robert Owen
Manchester : A. Heywood , [1839?] - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts developing the first principles of the science of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the gradual adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evil by removing the causes which produce them
[S.l : s.n , 1831? - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts, developing the first principles of the science of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the immediate adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evil, by removing the causes which produce them / by Robert Owen
Birmingham : Printed for the Association of all classes of all nations , 1839 - オンライン
Outline of the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts, developing the first principles of the science of human nature : being the only effectual remedy for the evils experienced by the population of the world, the immediate adoption of which would tranquilize the present agitated state of society, and relieve it from moral and physical evil, by removing the causes which produce them / by Robert Owen
London : Published by the Home Colonization Society , 1841 - オンライン
outline of the recent history of Indonesian criminal law
: M. Nijhoff , 1961 - オンライン
Outline of the revolution in Spanish America, or, An account of the origin, progress, and actual state of the war carried on between Spain and Spanish America : containing the principal facts which have marked the struggle / by a South-American
New-York : James Eastburn and Co , 1817 - オンライン
An outline of the science of political economy / by Nassau W. Senior ...
[England : s.n.] , 1836 - オンライン
An outline of the system of education at New Lanark / by Robert Dale Owen
Glasgow : Printed for Wardlaw & Cunninghame , 1824 - オンライン
An outline of the Tithes act, in a popular form / by John Pickering
Kingston : B. Seeley , 1836 - オンライン
An outline of the various social systems & communities which have been founded on the principle of co-operation : with an introductory essay / by the author of "The philosophy of necessity."
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1844 - オンライン
Outlines of a course of lectures on the chemistry of agriculture : to be delivered before the Board of Agriculture, 1803
London : Printed by B. McMillan , 1803 - オンライン
Outlines of a cultural strategy
: International Institute of Islamic Thought , 1989 - オンライン
Outlines of a new budget, for raising eighty millions : by means of a justly graduated property tax, with suggestions on the representative system, the national debt, &c. &c. &c. : prepared for the consideration of the Reformed Parliament of England / by J.S. Buckingham
London : E. Wilson , 1831 - オンライン
Outlines of a new plan for tilling & fertilizing land / by Thomas Vaux
London : Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans , 1840 - オンライン
Outlines of a new theory of political economy / by Ackoute Smyth
[S.l : s.n.] , 1828 - オンライン
Outlines of a plan for a new and solid balance of power in Europe : with a map and statistical table shewing the extent, population, forces ... / by William Playfair
[London : J. Stockdale , 1813] - オンライン
Outlines of a plan for adapting the machinery of the public funds to the transfer of real property : respectfully inscribed to the president and council of the Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law / by Robert Wilson
London : T. Blenkarn , 1844 - オンライン
The outlines of a plan for establishing a United Company of British Manufacturers
London : Printed for the author by H.L. Galabin : Sold by Elgin and Pepys , 1798 - オンライン
Outlines of a plan for insuring the stability and reducing the expense of investigating titles to landed property : by means of their official investigation and certification / by Henry Tyrwhitt Frend
London : W. Benning , 1850 - オンライン
Outlines of a plan for the bank : intended to be established in Ireland, in some letters between R------ M-----, Esq; one of the thirty one gentlemen of the committee, appointed by the subscribers to the said intended bank; and A------ V-----, of London, merchant
Dublin ; London : [s.n , 1780] - オンライン
Outlines of a plan for the establishment of an agricultural model school in the province of Munster : recommended by the London Irish Relief Committee of 1822, who appropriated three thousand pounds of their remaning funds, to aid in carrying this object into effect ...
Cork : Edwards and Savage , 1829 - オンライン
Outlines of a plan of finance : proposed to be submitted to Parliament, 1813
Another ed.. - [England : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
Outlines of a plan of finance : proposed to be submitted to Parliament, 1813
Another ed.. - London : Printed for J. Hatchard , 1813 - オンライン
Outlines of a plan of finance : proposed to be submitted to Parliament, 1813
[England : s.n , 1813] - オンライン
Outlines of a plan of national education, to suit all parties, and eminently calculated to benefit the country / by John Frederick Stanford
London : Hayward and Moore , 1839 - オンライン
Outlines of a plan submitted to Her Majesty's government for the purpose of establishing an authorized committee to regulate and carry on the introduction of Indian laborers at Mauritiusust result to the colony, if that deficiency is not speedily supplied : together with reasons for having recourse to India for the laborers who are required / the observations by Charles Anderson
[S.l : s.n.] , 1840 - オンライン
Outlines of a proposed law of patents for mechanical inventions / by Richard Roberts
[England : s.n.] , 1830 - オンライン
The outlines of a scheme, for the general relief, instruction, emplyoment [i.e. employment] and maintenance of the poor, &c.
[England? : s.n.] , 1777 - オンライン
Outlines of a system of political economy : written with a view to prove to government and the country, that the cause of the present agricultural distress is entirely artificial, and to suggest a plan for the management of the currency, by which it may be remedied now, and any recurrence of similar evils be prevented in future ; together with the fourth edition of an Essay on the principles of banking / by T. Joplin
London : Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy , 1823 - オンライン
Outlines of agriculture : addressed to Sir John Sinclair, bart., President of the Board of Agriculture / by A. Hunter
York : Printed by Wilson, Spence & Mawman , 1795 - オンライン
Outlines of American political economy : in a series of letters addressed by Frederick List, Esq. late professor of political economy at the University of Tubingen in Germany, to Charles J. Ingersoll, Esq. Vice-president of the Pennsylvania Society for the promotion of manufactures and the mechanic arts : to which is added the celebrated letters of Mr. Jefferson to Benjamin Austin, and of Mr. Madison to the editors of the Lynchburg Virginian
[S.l : s.n.] , 1827 - オンライン
Outlines of an attempt to establish a plan for a just and regular equivalent for the labour and support of the poor : and to reconcile the weights of the kingdom to one standard, by connecting them with the copper coinage
London : Printed by T. Woodfall for I. Debrett , [1797?] - オンライン
Outlines of an historical view of the progress of the human mind / being a posthumous work of the late M. de Condorcet
London : Printed for J. Johnson , 1795 - オンライン
Outlines of banking law : with an appendix containing the Bills of Exchange Act, 1882, the Bills of Exchange (Crossed Cheques) Act, 1906, the Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1879 / by Richard Ringwood, Esq., M.A. (of the Middle Temple and N.E. Circuit, barrister-at-law, late scholar of Trinity College, Dublin, and first senior moderator, author of "The principles of bankruptcy", "Outlines of the law of torts", etc., and late lecturer on common law to the Law Society)
(London : Stevens and Haynes , 1906) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outlines of banks, banking, and currency / by Joseph Macardy
London : H. & A. Macardy & Co , 1842 - オンライン
Outlines of banks, banking, and currency / by Joseph Macardy
Manchester : Macardy and Son , 1840 - オンライン
Outlines of economic theory / by Herbert Joseph Davenport
(New York : The Macmillan Company , 1896) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outlines of economics / by Richard T. Ely (professor of political economy in the University of Wisconsin), Thomas S. Adams (professor of political economy in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University), Max O. Lorenz (associate statistician, Interstate Commerce Commission), Allyn A. Young (professor of economics and finance in Cornell University)
Third revised edition.. - (New York : The Macmillan Company , 1918) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outlines of English industrial history / by W. Cunningham, D.D. (fellow and lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Tooke professor of economic science in King's College, London) and Ellen A. McArthur (lecturer of Girton College, Cambridge, and lecturer to the Cambridge Local Lectures Syndicate)
(Cambridge : The University Press , 1895) . -  (Cambridge historical series) (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outlines of English industrial history / by W. Cunningham, D.D., F.B.A. and Ellen A. McArthur, Litt.D. (formerly head lecturer and director of studies in history, Girton College, Cambridge)
Revised and reprinted.. - (Cambridge : The University Press , 1920) . -  (Cambridge historical series) (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outlines of modern essayists
: 興文社 , 1922 - オンライン
Outlines of political economy : being a plain and short view of the laws relating to the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth : to which is added, a brief explanation of the nature and effects of taxation, suited to the capacity of every one
London : P. Richardson , 1832 - オンライン
Outlines of political economy : being a republication of the article upon that subject contained in the Edinburgh Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica
New York : Wilder & Campbell , 1825 - オンライン
Outlines of political economy : being a republication of the article upon that subject contained in the Edinburgh Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica, together with notes explanatory and critical, and a summary of the science / by Rev. John M'Vickar
New York : Wilder & Campbell , 1825 - オンライン
Outlines of political economy : on the plan of the Rev. David Blair / adapted to the use of schools in the United States of America
Boston : S.G. Goodrich , 1828 - オンライン
Outlines of popular economy / by Jelinger C. Symons
London : H. Hooper [etc., etc.] , 1840 - オンライン
Outlines of rational patriotism and a plea for loyalty : intended to promote the love of our country : with a concluding address to young volunteers / by J.F. Hatfield
London : Printed for the author, by T. Gillet , 1804 - オンライン
Outlines of social economy
London : Smith, Elder, and Co , 1846 - オンライン
Outlines of the fifteenth chapter of the proposed general report from the Board of Agriculture : on the subject of manures : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement / by Robert Somerville ...
London : Printed by W. Bulmer , 1795 - オンライン
Outlines of the proposed arrangements at Orbiston, in Lanarkshire : with observations
[Scotland : s.n , 1824] - オンライン
outlook for Arab Gulf cooperation
: Rand Corporation , 2016 - オンライン
Outlook for iron in the next ten years / by Edward Atkinson
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] , [1901?]) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Outlooks from the new standpoint / by E. Belfort Bax
(London : Swab Sonnenschein & Co , 1891) . -  (Making of the modern world, part III) - オンライン
Output Regulation of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems / by Christopher I. Byrnes, Francesco Delli Priscoli, Alberto Isidori
1st ed. 1997.. - (Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston : Imprint: Birkhäuser , 1997) . -  (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. ISSN:23249757) - オンライン
Outrage: Rise Religious Offence Contem. Vol
: UCL Press , 2019 - オンライン
outre-lecture : manipuler, (s')approprier, interpréter le Web
: Éditions de la Bibliothèque publique d'information , 2003 - オンライン
Outre-mer Histoire de l'expansion coloniale italienne
: UGA Éditions , 2014 - オンライン
Outside the Comfort Zone : Performances and Discourses of Privacy in Late Socialist Europe
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2020 - オンライン
Outsidering Liminalité des Noir-e-s : Amériques-Caraïbes
: Presses universitaires de Perpignan , 2007 - オンライン
Outsourcing African Labor : Kru Migratory Workers in Global Ports, Estates and Battlefields until the End of the 19th Century
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2021 - オンライン
Outsourcing African labor : Kru migratory workers in global ports, estates and battlefields until the end of the 19th century
: De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2021 - オンライン
Outsourcing and Offshoring
: IntechOpen , 2021 - オンライン
Outsourcing Legal Aid in the Nordic Welfare States
: Palgrave Macmillan , 2018 - オンライン
Outsourcing Legal Aid in the Nordic Welfare States
: Palgrave Macmillan , 2018 - オンライン
Outstanding issues in Manchuria and Mongolia
: ヘラルド社 , 1931 - オンライン
Outstanding Topics in Ocean Optics
: MDPI AG , 2019 - オンライン
ouverture de l'Europe vers l'Est
: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais , 2004 - オンライン
Ouverture des États-généraux, faites à Versailles le 5 mai 1789 : Discours du roi; discours de M. le Garde des Sceaux; rapport de M. le directeur général des finances, fait par ordre du roi
Paris : De l'Imprimerie Royale , 1789 - オンライン
Ouverture économique et croissance en Chine / Sylvie Démurger
Paris : : OECD Publishing, , 2000. - オンライン
Les Ouvertures de l'opéra Une nouvelle géographie culturelle ?
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1996 - オンライン
Ouvertures mélopoétiques
: Presses Universitaires de Provence , 2019 - オンライン
Ouvrages miscellanées et théories de la connaissance
: Publications de l'École nationale des chartes , 2003 - オンライン
Ouvrages politiques et philosophiques / d'un anonyme
Londres : Aux dépens de la Société typographique , 1776 - オンライン
L'ouvrier Américain : l'ouvrier au travail, l'ouvrier chez lui, les questions ouvrières / par E. Levasseur. Tome premier
Paris : Libr. de la Société du Recueil Général des Lois et des Arrêts et du Journal du Palais , 1898 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
L'ouvrier : considérations sur le travail / par L. Laboulais
Paris : P. Dupont , 1890 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
L'ouvrier de huit ans / Jules Simon
Paris : Libr. internationale , 1867 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
L'ouvrier : ses misères actuelles, leur cause et leur remède, son futur bonheur dans la communauté, moyens de l'établir / par M. Cabet
4e éd.. - Paris : Bureau du Populaire , 1848 - オンライン
L'ouvrier : ses misères actuelles, leur cause et leur remède, son futur bonheur dans la communauté, moyens de l'établir / par M. Cabet
Paris : Au Bureau du populaire , 1844 - オンライン
L'Ouvrière / par Jules Simon
Paris : Libr. de L. Hachette et Cie , 1861 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
L'ouvrière / par Jules Simon
4ème éd.. - Paris : Libr. de L. Hachette et Cie , 1862 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Les ouvriers d'à-présent et la nouvelle économie du travail / par A. Audiganne
Paris : Libr. scientifique, industrielle et agricole, E. Lacroix, éditeur , 1865 . -  (Publications scientifiques-industrielles de E. Lacroix) (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Les Ouvriers de la région lyonnaise (1848-1914)
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1977 - オンライン
Les Ouvriers de la région lyonnaise (1848-1914) - Volume 2 : Les intérêts de classe et la République
: Presses universitaires de Lyon , 1977 - オンライン
Les ouvriers de Paris : alimentation / Pierre Vinçard
Paris : Gosselin , 1863 . -  (Making of the modern world. Part 2) - オンライン
Les ouvriers en famille, ou, Entretiens sur les devoirs et les droits de l'ouvrier dans les diverse relations de sa vie laborieuse / par A. Audiganne
Paris : L. Mathias , 1850 - オンライン
ouvriers en grève. Tome 1, France 1871-1890
: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales , 2001 - オンライン
ouvriers en grève. Tome 2, France 1871-1890
: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, École pratique des hautes études , 2001 - オンライン
ouvriers en grève. Tome 3, France 1871-1890
: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, École pratique des hautes études , 2001 - オンライン
Les ouvriers en U.R.S.S. 1928-1941
: Éditions de la Sorbonne , 1998 - オンライン
Ouvriers et mouvement ouvrier dans le Doubs de la Première Guerre mondiale au début des années 1950
: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté , 2020 - オンライン
Les ouvriers européens / par F. Le Play
2. éd.. - Tours [France] : A. Mame et Fils, libraires-éditeurs , 1877 . -  (Œuvres complètes de F. Le Play touchant la science sociale : fondée sur l'expérience) - オンライン
Les ouvriers européens / par F. Le Play
2. éd.. - Tours [France] : A. Mame et Fils, libraires-éditeurs , 1878 . -  (Œuvres complètes de F. Le Play touchant la science sociale : fondée sur l'expérience) - オンライン
Les ouvriers européens : études sur les travaux, la vie domestique et la condition morale des populations ouvrières de l'Europe : d'après les faits observés de 1829 à 1855 : avec des épilogues indiquant les changements survenus depuis 1855. [Tome troisième, Les ouvriers du nord et leurs essaims de la baltique et de la manche / par F. Le Play]
2. éd.. - [Tours, France : A. Mame et Fils , 1877] . -  (Œuvres complètes de F. Le Play touchant la science sociale : fondée sur l'expérience) - オンライン
Les ouvriers lyonnais en 1834 : esquisses historiques / par Adolphe Sala
Paris : Hivert , 1834 - オンライン
Ouvrir, partager, réutiliser : Regards critiques sur les données numériques
: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme , 2017 - オンライン
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Overzigt van alle ter beurse van Amsterdam verhandeld wordende binnen- en buitenlandsche effecten : met opgaven, zooveel mogelijk, van derzelver : geschiedkundigen oorsprong de hoegrootheid en de voorwaarden der negotiatieën waaruit dezelven zijn gesproten, de termijnen van aflossing, rentebetaling, enz. enz. / door J. Dinger
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Owen's new book of fairs : published by the King's authority, being a complete and authentic account of all the fairs in England and Wales as they have been settled to be held since the alteration of the stile ...
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Owen's new book of fairs : published by the King's authority, being a complete and authentic account of all the fairs in England and Wales, as they have been settled to be held since the alteration of the stile ...
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Owen's new book of fairs : published by the King's authority : being a complete and authentic account of all the fairs in England and Wales, as they have been settled to be held since the alteration of the style ...
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